A Cake of Real Gold — Un gâteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande

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Transcript of A Cake of Real Gold — Un gâteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande

  • 7/31/2019 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande


    27/12 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai | La Tartine Gourmande




    N A V I G A T I O NN A V I G A T I O N

    A R C H I V E SA R C H I V E S

    A B O U T B AA B O U T B A

    M Y B O O K M Y B O O K

    T W I T T E RT W I T T E R

    S U B S C R I B E ( R S S / E M A I L )S U B S C R I B E ( R S S / E M A I L )

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    Ju ne 2 1, 2 0 0 6 by Ba


    Blaze : Monseignor, il est lor, lor de se rveiller.

    Don Salluste : Il en manque une !

    B. : Vous tes sor ?

    D.S. : Tout fait sor !

    Blaze: Sir, it is time, time to w ake up.

    Don Salluste: One is missing!

    B.: Are you sure?

    D.S.: Totally sure!(dialogue between Blaze (Y ves Montand) and Don Salluste de Bazan (Louis de

    Funs) as Blaze tries to wake Don Salluste up by moving gold coins in his hands)

    There are those language puns that I just wish I could translate but non,cela ne

    marche pas! (It just does not work). Unless you speak French or have seen the

    French classical hilarious comedyLa folie des grandeurs featuring Louis de Funs and

    Yves Montand, you have no clue what I am talking about! Lets say thatand to

    make it short because I am quite bad at telling movie stories without adding more

    confusion, I am talking about de lor(gold) becauseDon Salluste was obsessed with

    gold. So as Blaze moves the gold coins in his hands to produce noise in order to wake

    Don Salluste up, his words are punctuated with the word or, which replace syllabes in

    his words. He says:Il est lor instead ofIl est lheure (It is time). The language pun

    lies just right there!Monsignorinstead ofMonseigneur, sorinstead ofsr. I think

    you better see the movie before I ruin it all, even if you have nev er heard about it

    before. It is truly a French cult movie I watched over and over again while growing


    As to us,Il est lordu th, and I bet you had no idea that Tea Time could make y ou

    rich today.

    Financiers:Mes lingots dor Bars of Gold

    Every time it is the same old story. I am convinced that I am safe and have a favorite

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    cake that I can bake when ideas are failing me. These days, the truth is that I cannot

    think straight because of the heat wave we live in. It is almost as if my neurones had

    escaped from my head to go on a vacation who-knows-where . Did God or whoever

    created this world really believe that humans and animals would enjoy living in hot

    humid weather? So here I am again, talking about the weather more than is healthy.

    In countries where people wake up with the same looking sky every day, they dont

    even notice the weather anymore. Cest vrai! It is true. My cousins husband from

    Nigeria onced told me so. After living in England for y ears, ev ery time he would go

    back to Nigeria and talk about the weather with his friends, they would look at himwith a weird puzzled look on their face, a Whats up with him?kind of look. But I

    discovered a new baby cake.

    Financiers have always intrigued me. It has to do with their shape, the almond and

    nutty taste, and the fact that they are small individual cakes, mini-versions of bigger

    cakes. You can find big financiers but small is what attracts me to them. Not that I do

    not want to get richer! But why call themfinanciers?and I think you will

    understand finance, the root of this word easily. What is the point of that? When I

    asked P. what his thought was, he simply replied: Ah mais cest la forme. Cest

    comme un lingot dor! Really? They are likebars of gold? Why did I not think

    about that? Of course, as my neurones are gone with the heat, this thought could just

    not have crossed my mind! Or I just think differently, and what should be obvious to

    me just flies above my head. The heat, I tell you.

    Financiers are traditional French cakes which base ingredients are a combination of

    white eggs , nutty butter (beurre noisette) and almond powder (called also

    almond flour, in French,poudre damandes). The shape of the cake is usually

    rectangular although it is possible to find ovalfinanciers as well. Enough to convince

    you that they are just lovely little cakes?

    Whether it is hot or cold, we drink a lot of tea at home. P.s family background taught

    me that with tea should always come biscuits, cake or cookies. Does every Irish family

    do this? A cup of tea? A biscuit anyone?Luckily, we do not eat something with

    every cup of tea we gulp down, otherwise we would just., well we simply dont sothere is no sinon.

    I decided to make a batch with two different flavors of financiers and test the tex ture

    a bit. One with Matcha green tea, the other one with a red fruit. But the flavors

    are endless! The results obtained were a moist nutty texture. As to which one I

    preferred, well lets see, which one was the heaviest in gold? In any case, they make

    you both repus, that is food happy! Enough to make many people happy.

    La joie du ventre, cest toute la richesse du monde ! (The joy of the stomach is all the

    richness of the world).

  • 7/31/2019 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande


    27/12 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai | La Tartine Gourmande


    Red Fruit Financiers

    (for 8 financiers)

    (I used strawberries)

    You need:

    4 white eggs (at room temperature)

    1 cup almond powder not packed (or 3.6 oz)

    3 Tbsp hazelnut powder

    1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp all-purpose flour

    9 Tbsp butter

    1 +1/2 cup + 4 Tbsp (or 6.5 oz) confectioners sugar8 fresh strawberries (or 16 raspberries)


    Use a sieve to sift the flour and sugar before mixing them together.

    Add the almond and hazelnut powders to the dry preparation.

    Melt the butter in a pot and cook for 2 mns after boiling point, so that it has a

    nice nutty flavor(called then a beurre noisette), and let it cool down to room


    Filter the butter

    Add it to the preparation and mix well.

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    Beat the egg whites until foamy but not firm.

    Add and mix well to get a st icky batter.

    Let the batter rest for a few hours before dividing it between 8 small greased

    and floured individual financier molds*.

    Wash the strawberries and slice them in halves. Place 2 halves in each cake,

    pressing the fruit down a bit.

    Preheat your oven at 350 F and bake the financiers for about 15 to 20 mns.

    Check whether they are cooked through. Remove from the oven and let them

    cool down for a few mns before unmoulding.

    *Note: there are special molds for financiers (4.5 x 2.5 x 1 .25). Mine

    are metallic ones. I bought them at Sur la table.

    Matcha Tea Financiers

    (for 8 financiers)

    You need:

    4 white eggs (at room temperature)

    1 cup + 3 Tbsp almond powder

    9 oz butter

    1 +1/2 cup + 4 Tbsp (or 6.5 oz) confectioners sugar

    2 tsp Matcha green tea

    1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp all-purpose flour


    Follow the same steps with the variations that follow.

    Add the Matcha tea to the dry preparation, that is theflour/sugar/almond

    powdermixed together. Then proceed in the same way.

    The step with the red fruit is omitted of course.

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    Le coin franais

    Les financiers aux fruits rouges

    (Pour 8 financiers)

    (Jai utilis des fraises)

    Ingrdients :

    4 blancs doeuf ( temprature ambiante)

    100 g poudre damandes

    20 g poudre de noisette

    80 g farine

    125 g beurre

    180 g sucre glace

    8 fraises (ou 16 framboises)

    tapes :

    Tamisez la farine et le sucre avant de les mlanger ensemble.

    Ajoutez la poudre damande et de noisette cet te prparation sche.

    Faites fondre le beurre dans une casserole et amenez bullition, pour faire

    cuire pendant environ 2 mns. Vous obtenez un beurre noisette. Laissez-le

    refroidir pour quil soit temprature ambiante.

    Filtrez-le et ajoutez-le la prparation. Mlangez bien.

    Battez vos blancs doeuf pour quils soient mousseux mais pas fermes.

    Ajoutez-les votre prparation et mlangez bien.

    Laissez la pte reposer pendant quelques heures avant de la diviser entre 8

    moules financier* graisss et farins.

    Lavez vos fraises et coupez-les en 2. Enfoncez deux moitis dans chaque petit


    Prchauffez votre four 180 C et cuisez les financiers pendant 15 20 mns.

    Sortez-les du four et laissez-les reposer pendant quelques minutes avant de

    les dmouler.

    *Remarque : il existe bien sr des moules financiers (11 x 7 x 3 cm).

    Les miens sont mtalliques.

    Les financiers au th vert

    (Pour 8 financiers)

    Ingrdients :

    4 blancs doeuf ( temprature ambiante)

    120 g poudre damande

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    at 3:50 pm

    Jun. 21, '06

    Ah Ah, je vois que tu es passe lacte pour les moules financiers

    Sage rsolution ! Th vert+fraises, a a lair divin. De lor, cest sor !


    at 3:50 pm

    Jun. 21, '06

    mmmmh tout a toujours lair si bon ici et quelle bonne ide denfoncer

    les fruits !


    at 5:14 pm

    Jun. 21, '06

    oh! another matcha addicted like me! well done, it looks delicious!

    mmm, Im coming over with some coffee

    125 g beurre

    180 g sucre glace

    2 cc de th vert Matcha

    80 g farine

    tapes :

    Suivez les mmes tapes avec les variantes qui suivent.

    Ajoutez le th vert Matcha la prparation sche, cest dire la

    farine/sucre/poudre damandes mlange. Puis procdez de la mme faon.

    Omettez bien sr ltape avec les fraises.

    Posted in Cak e s, Dessert, French Inspired | 44 Comments



  • 7/31/2019 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande


    27/12 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai | La Tartine Gourmande



    at 6:14 pm

    Jun. 21, '06


    at 7:27 pm

    Jun. 21, '06

    Yum, these look so moist and delicious!


    at 8:24 pm

    Jun. 21, '06

    L tu me prends par les sentiments les financiers,yummyyyyyyyyyyy !

    laura @ cucina

    testa rossa

    at 1:38 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    bravo! these are beautiful, as is your entire site! formidable!


    at 3:02 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Oh c est trs trs joli!


    at 3:04 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    ummm ca a lair trop bien!!


    at 3:08 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Dans le mme ordre dide, jai fait un jour des financiers loseille,

    juste pour le jeu de mots. Et bien ctait trs bon !!! Bravo pour ce joli

    moment de culture et de gourmandise


    at 3:14 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    JadORe ce film, que jai vu et revu pendant toute mon enfance!

    En attendant , je tai dja dit que tes photos taient chouettes? Cest

    superbe, comme dhabitude!


    at 3:48 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Mais que cest beau. Je ne connaissais pas ton site, mais quelle merveille

    que ces recettes (et en plus elles semblent tre ma porte pour la nulle

    en cuisine que je suis!).

    Men vais de ce pas imprimer de ci de l quelques recettes qui mont lair

    fort allchantes. Je ne manquerai pas de mettre des photos de mes

    tentatives pour que tu constates (si oui ou zut), jy suis parvenue.


    at 5:08 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Oh la la, ce quils sont beaux tes financiers. Cest peut tre la recette qui

    va me faire acheter les moules. Ben oui, je les ai pas encore !

    100g de sucre..

    at 5:12 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    OHHHHHHHH les 2 versions sont MAGNIFIQUES !! waooooooooo et les

    photos donnent envie de lcher lcran ! NAN NAN du calmeeeeeeeeee!

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    at 5:51 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    superbe!! comme toujours, je prends les 2


    at 8:23 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    SO pretty! i love how you take an everyday thing and make it into

    something so new and lovely. the strawberry financiers seem wonderful!

    and that hot weather? helps us appreciate the refreshment of a cool

    breeze all the more. perhaps a providential lesson?


    at 8:24 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Another theory is that financiers got their name because people who work

    in the financial world, when they have their goter, they need to eat

    something that isnt messy. To keep their suits neat!


    at 8:34 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    Je te trouve bien courageuse dessayer de traduire des jeux de mots, jai

    renonce depuis longtemps, cest l exercice le plus difficile qui soit.

    Par contre tes financiers parlent un langage universel aux gourmands du

    monde qui te lisent.


    at 8:49 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    I bet theyd be good with a nice cup of hot cocoa too. Yum.


    at 10:23 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    excellente ide que de comparer les financiers au th vert avec des lingots


    Claire emmaat 11:31 am

    Jun. 22, '06

    wonderful! I want my weight in gold


    at 1:46 pm

    Jun. 22, '06

    Tout est bon, c est comme dans le cochon !


    at 4:26 pm

    Jun. 22, '06

    Tentants, trs tentants! Jai essay la soupe la roquette un dlice!


    at 7:06 pm

    Jun. 22, '06

    Hello Bea!

    I have always wanted to make financiers but never have. I loved the story

    of the movie that you told! While my French is not so good Im sure it

    must be very funny.

    We are experiencing our own heat wave here in Toronto so I understand

    how you feel. Although I admire you in turning on the oven!


    at 8:40 pm

    Liza, oui ca y est, je me suis lancee! Cest en or!

    Beate, merci!

  • 7/31/2019 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai _ La Tartine Gourmande


    27/12 A Cake of Real Gold Un gteau en or, du vrai | La Tartine Gourmande


    Jun. 22, '06

    Francesca indeed, and your Matcha tea ideas abund!

    Kat, not a problem, hurry!

    Geneve, thanks!

    Framboise, ah ben avec une gourmande comme toi, cest facile dis!

    Laura, thanks for your nice note!

    Ellie et Audrey, merci a toutes les deux!

    Ester, wouah, quelle superbe idee. Et alors, ils etaient donc sales?

    Flo, ah oui ce film, je viens dailleurs de le commander sur Netflix (si tu

    connais, un systeme de films qui remplacent les videos!) Merci a toi!

    Vroumette, merci de tetre arretee. Curieuse de voir tes realisations, je

    suis sure que tu es bien modeste!

    Marie, tout a fait, une des meilleures excuses pour te lancer! vas-y!

    100g de sucre, ahaha;-)

    Alhya, gourmande, va!

    imachanelle, thanks my dear. Yes this weather indeed.it s lows thingsdown, so not that bad for me in many ways!

    David, ah interesting. I like this one! It makes sense!

    Gracianne, oui courageuse ou optimis te! Ah oui le langage des

    gourmands est universel, thank god!

    Natalie, sweet idea!

    Lilo, cest vrai que ca ressemble, pas vrai ?

    Claire, alors ca fait combien ?

    Cocopassions, ah ah, merci!

    Caterine, je suis ravie que cela tait plu! Yeah!

    Ivonne, get the movie and watch it. It is hilarious!


    at 3:01 am

    Jun. 23, '06

    oh, l l i miss a lot of gorgeous things


    at 5:53 am

    Jun. 23, '06

    The joy of the stomach is all the richness of the world.

    Oh, Ba I am so glad I read your blog. I simply love the way you write. I

    certainly am going to try to find the movie! The tea cakes look lovely and I

    need another use for my almond flour!!!

    Heat is never kind. Fun about the Nigeria part of the story but yes some

    places are about always the same for weather.


    at 6:43 am

    Jun. 23, '06

    cest amusant je viens voir ton site tous les jours et l je ntais pas venu

    depuis quelques jours je regarde aujourdhui et je vois que nous avons eu

    la mme envie de financiers, pas aux mmes parfums, comme quoi les

    envies gourmandes dpassent les frontires.


    that peeping berry is absolutely beautiful. and the colour of the green just

    seeping through the cake is fantastic. i love teeny cakes and yours are no


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    at 4:20 pm

    Jun. 23, '06


    at 2:37 am

    Jun. 24, '06

    Je suis fan de ton blog que je suis trs rgulirement mais je navais

    jamais post Je viens dessayer la recette avec des framboises

    surgeles et ces financiers sont vraiment dlicieux ! Le petit got noisette

    est divin ! Jen ai fait la moiti seulement avec des framboises parce que la

    dernire fois que javais essay a avait dtremp la pte mais avec cette

    recette ctait parfait, ils ont gard une bonne tenue et ils sont encore

    meilleurs que les natures. Un grand merci pour tes recettes originales et

    dlicieuses et surtout pour ces photos magnifiques qui me font rver !


    at 8:04 am

    Jun. 24, '06

    Fabienne, il vaut mieux tard que jamais

    Tanna, thanks for your kind words! Very appreciated!

    Astrid, je vais de ce pas les voir!

    Vanessa, thanks so much! Small is nice, isnt it?

    Marie-Luce, ah super! Jen suis tres heureuse! Merci de me le faire savoir,

    ca fait plaisir!


    at 5:12 am

    Jun. 28, '06

    Non, non, des financiers sucrs !!! Je tenvoie la recette !!! Top avec de la

    faisselle !


    at 5:14 am

    Jul. 4, '06

    Looks delicious. I will try the matcha flavour. i really would like to see

    matcha flavoured baked goods on your blog.

    christine choc

    at 3:42 pm

    Nov. 4, '06

    Je pense que les financiers sont effectivement meilleurs dans des moules

    spciaux et moins pais que ceux que vous avez utiliss car de ce fait, ils

    sont plus croustillants sur les bords, cest un dtail mais qui, mon avis,

    fait la diffrence.


    at 1:02 pm

    May. 9, '07

    Salut Ba! I made those amazing financiers today, but they turned out

    way too dry inside Any idea what could have gone wrong? I think my

    oven is really bad (I live in a student house), and that I should have baked

    the for only 12 minutes instead of 18 Any t ips?


    at 1:27 am

    May. 11, '07


    I wish I could help. So sorry first that they turned out too dry. Did you

    make the fruit or green tea ones? It is true that oven temp can matter.

    Also, one key step in making financier is about how you add the melted

    butter (need to mix well until well incorporated).

    Do you think that your oven is higher than usual?

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    at 2:08 am

    Jul. 23, '07

    WOW! What a great Blog you got here Bea! I will place you s traight on my

    Blogroll and keep reading your Blog!

    Kind Regards from Dubai.


    John Hough

    at 8:16 pm

    Nov. 4, '07

    Hi Bea,

    Enjoy your sit e, we are a genuine French cafe/

    bakery in New Zealand, and thought you might be interested to know that

    the name financier is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mold,

    which resembles a bar of gold. Another theory says that the cake became

    popular in the financial district of Paris surrounding La Bourse du

    Commerce (the former name of the Paris stock exchange).

    We serve them topped with whipped cream, berries, or other fruit, and

    served accompanied by ice cream or other frozen confections.



    at 9:53 pm

    Aug. 27, '11

    I made the red fruit financiers with raspberries yesterday, and they turned

    out great! The proportions in this recipe are perfect, and the cakes are very

    easy to make. The taste is heavenly, very almond-y, and the texture is

    awesome: soft and nicely moist in the middle, and crunchy, a bit chewy

    on the edges. The berries are a nice touch, they make the financiers look

    so cute and sophisticated, and are a nice contrast to the sweet sugary

    cake. The only problem was that my new silicone financier molds were

    very shallow (I couldnt find deeper metallic ones), so my financiers are a

    bit flatter than yours! My husband (who is French!) loved them too! Will

    definitely make the green tea ones in the near future! Thanks!


    at 1:19 pm

    Nov. 22, '11

    the recipes look delicious!! and i defetenly try them

    but how do i use the matcha tea?? is it a powder??

    Pingback: Friand / Financier : E. Quinny Quin

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    Batrice Peltre i s a food wr i ter , sty l i s t and photographer

    wo rk ing ou t o f he r home s t ud i o i n Bo s t on . She i s a r egu l a r

    cont r ibuto r to the Boston G lobe Food Sect ion, and her work

    has ap pear ed i n ma ny pub l i ca ti o ns such as Saveur , Fo od

    and W ine , Who le L i v i ng , F ine Cook ing , t he Wa l l S t ree t

    J ourna l , NPR , t he Hu f f i ng t on Po s t , t he Wa sh ing t on Po s t , t he

    Chicago Tr ibune, Ed ib le Boston, L iv ing France, the New York

    T imes D ine r s J o urna l , and i n m any o t he r i n t e rna t i o na l

    m a g a z i n e s .

    Copyr ight Bat r ice Pe l t re 20052012. A l l r ights reserved. Pho t o l i c ens i ng i n f o . H i re me a s a f o od pho t og r aphe r. And r emember

    t o ea t someth ing n i ce t o day .