A Book About Our Class By the Boys of Team 2

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of A Book About Our Class By the Boys of Team 2

A Book About Our

ClassBy the Boys of Team Two

School is cool for boys because……

A is

for art

B is for bounce. We

bounce the ball at lunch.

C is for calculator.

They are a good way to cheat during maths!

D is for do. We do lots

of awesome stuff!

E is for entertain,

Teachers entertain us with ‘cool as’ games.

F is for fish. We have fish

in cool our class.

G is for girls. Girls

wear funny clothes and they like to play with dolls.

H is for hide and seek. We love this game because it’s so much fun!

I is for instructions.

J is for juggling. Juggling is fun to do in class!

K is for kind. Boys

are never kind!

L is for learning. We learn

heaps in our class!

M is for Maths

Ladder. The Maths Ladder is ‘cool as’ and help us learn LOTS!

N is for naughty. Boys

are always naughty!

Ois for outside. This

is where we have fun and play!

PIS for PE. We love

PE because we get to do a lot of cool stuff.

Q is for quit. Boys

always quit!

R is for Rocket Writing. Rocket Writing is so much fun because where else can you wear rocket shoes in Poo Land?

S is for spelling. Our

teacher must be a bad speller because he calls it ‘smelling’!

T is for teachers. Our

teachers are awesome!

U is for Unreal. That is

the name of one of the Paul Jennings books.

V is for visual diary. We have

to do work in them.

W is for work. Work

is the boring stuff we have to do when we’re not at recess

or lunch.

X is like cross the

teacher gives us when we get something wrong.

Yis for yelling. Our

teachers are always yelling!

Z is for zzzzz.

Sometimes school is boring.