7 reasons to exercise

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of 7 reasons to exercise

7 Reasons to Exercise:

Healthier Skin

Prevention of Disease

Better Sleep

Reducing Depression and Anxiety

Improve Posture

Aid Digestion

Mental Focus

Healthy Skin

When you get a good workout, your skin gets a good cleansing!

Prevention against Parkinson and Alzheimer

Exercising significantly decreases the possibility of getting diseases.

Better Sleep

Exercise aids in the process of falling asleep.

Reduce depression and anxiety

Exercise can help change your mood for the better!

Not Convinced Yet?

Here are some more benefits:

Improves PostureCertain exercises are

proven to strengthen posture.

Improves Digestion

Yoga is extremely beneficial in aiding digestion.

Mental Focus

Exercising can enhance work, and performance.

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