7 eco-friendly-bedroom-ideas

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 7 eco-friendly-bedroom-ideas

7 eco-friendly bedroom ideas

Presentation By:

Green Mattress

Environmentally friendly paint

From the smallest bedsit to the largest mansion; every home needs paint. But if you think it's hard choosing a colour, once you start thinking about eco

Sheets and blankets

Buy sheets and blankets made from organic cotton, bamboo or hemp. You could even buy second -hand sheets from a thrift store or charity shop. Some are like new

Environmentally friendly paint

Use environmentally friendly paint that is low in toxic dyes and volatile organic compounds

Low-energy light bulbs

Install low-energy light bulbs, for example CFL or LED lighting. A modern low-energy bulb-compatible dimmer switch also lets you control the amount of energy your using for lighting.

Insulating curtains

Hang insulating curtains to keep the heat in during the winter and out during the summer

Used wooden furniture

Get used wooden furniture (I almost wrote “pre-owned”, but I can’t go down that route), including bed frames. Forget the flat-pack! You can find quality, durable second hand stuff for less and restore it if necessary.