6(0(67(5 &,9,/ (1*,1((5,1*

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MODULE TOPICS PERIODS 1 Renewable and Non-renewable Resources 12 2 Ecosystems 11 3 Environmental Pollution and its control 11

4 Hazards, Disasters and Mitigation measures 11


Sl. Sub Student will be able to



Understand the various types of natural resources and problems due to over exploitation.


The components of various types of ecosystem and interrelation between the components.

3 Understand various factors which cause environmental pollution and their control measures.

2 1 Understand various hazards & disasters, their affects and mitigation measures.

SPECIFIC COURSE OUTCOME: MODULE - 1: RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES 1.1.0 Understand the various types of natural resources and problems due to over exploitation. 1.1.1 List various resources supplied by forest. 1.1.2 Explain various uses of forest resources. 1.1.3 Identify the problems due to over exploitation of forests. 1.1.4 Explain the problems due to de-forestation. 1.1.5 Identify the social and ecological problems due to dams.

1.1.6 Identify various sources of fresh water. 1.1.7 State the importance of water as a resource. 1.1.8 Explain the problems due to over consumption of water. 1.1.9 Identify the causes of flood and drought. 1.1.10 Explain the reasons for the conflicts over water. 1.1.11 Describe the advantages and disadvantages due to large dams. 1.1.12 List various mineral resources. 1.1.13 State the problems due to mining. 1.1.14 Explain the environmental impacts due to mining. 1.1.15 State the reasons for global food crisis. 1.1.16 Explain impacts on food production due to adoption of modern agricultural practices. 1.1.17 Explain the problems due to the use of artificial pesticides and fertilizers. 1.1.18 Identify the causes for water logging, salinity and Eutrophication and the problems due to that. 1.1.19 Explain the world energy scenario and energy demands 1.1.20 List various conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. 1.1.21 Distinguish between renewable and non renewable sources of energy. 1.1.22 State the importance of renewable energy. 1.1.23 Explain the importance of energy conservation. 1.1.24 Define sustainable development and state its importance. 1.1.25 Explain why land is considered as a resource. 1.1.26 List the different types of resources from land. 1.1.27 Identify the causes for land degradation. 1.1.28 State the reasons for soil erosion, land slide and desertification. 1.1.29 Describe the control measures for land degradation. 1.1.30 Describe the role of an individual in conservation of resources and achieving sustainable

development MODULE – 2: ECOSYSTEMS 2.1.0 Understand the components of various types of ecosystem and interrelation between the

components. 2.1.1 Define an Ecosystem. 2.1.2 Explain the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem. 2.1.3 Identify the producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem. 2.1.4 Explain the role of producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem. 2.1.5 State the meaning of what is meant by Biomes. 2.1.6 Explain the phenomenon Ecological Succession. 2.1.7 Explain food chain and food web. 2.1.8 State the inter dependence of each link in a food chain. 2.1.9 Explain the ecological pyramid. 2.1.10 Explain Biomagnifications and its impacts. 2.1.11 Explain the types, structure and characteristic features of forest ecosystem 2.1.12 Explain the types, structure and characteristic features of grassland ecosystem 2.1.13 Explain the types, structure and characteristic features of desert ecosystem 2.1.13 Explain the types, structure and characteristic features of aquatic ecosystem 2.1.14 Describe the importance of biodiversity and the need to conserve it. 2.1.15 Illustrate the effects of urbanization – Heat islands, stress on land and water 2.1.16 Identify the causes of global warming and the effects due to that.

MODULE – 3: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND ITS CONTROL 3.1.0 Understand various factors which cause environmental pollution and their control measures. 3.1.1 Define environmental pollution. 3.1.2 Identify the factors contributing air pollution. 3.1.3 State the role of air pollution in global pollution. 3.1.4 Explain the effectsof air pollution. 5.1.5 State various methods to control air pollution. 5.1.6 Explain the functioning of air pollution control devices. 3.1.7 Identify the sources contributing to water pollution. 3.1.8 State the role of water pollution in global pollution. 3.1.9 Explain theeffectsof water pollution. 5.1.10 State various methods to control water pollution. 5.1.11 Explain the functioning of water pollution control devices. 3.1.12 Identify the sources contributing oil pollution. 3.1.13 State the role of oil pollution in marine pollution. 3.1.14 Explain the effectsof oil pollution. 5.1.15 State various methods to control oil pollution. 3.1.16 Identify the factors contributing marine pollution. 3.1.17 State the role of marine pollution in global pollution. 3.1.18 Explain the effectsof marine pollution. 5.1.19 State various measures to control marine pollution. 3.1.20 Identify the factors contributing noise pollution. 3.1.21 State the role of noise pollution in environmental stress. 3.1.22 Explain the effectsof noise pollution. 5.1.23 State various measures to control noise pollution. 3.1.24 Identify the factors contributing thermal pollution. 3.1.25 State the role of thermal pollution in global warming. 3.1.26 Explain the effectsof thermal pollution. 5.1.27 State various measures to control thermal pollution. 3.1.28 Identify the major nuclear hazards occurred in the world. 3.1.29 State the global affects of nuclear radiation. 3.1.30 Explain the local affects of nuclear pollution. 3.1.31 Identify various categories of solid wastes. 3.1.32 Explain various methods of solid waste management specific to each category of waste. 3.1.33 Explain the effectsdue to solid waste pollution. 3.1.34 Explain EIA and the need for EIA while implementing projects. 3.1.35 Identify the factors to be considered for conducting EIA of a mini-project. 3.1.36 Explain the role ofeach individual to control various aspects of environmental pollution. 3.1.37 Explain the case studies of cause and effect of each category of pollution. MODULE – 4:HAZARDS, DISASTERS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1.0 Understand various hazards & disasters, their affects and mitigation measures. 4.1.1 Define Hazard, Disaster, Vulnerability, Risk and Capacity. 4.1.2 Explain the relation between Hazard, Disaster, Vulnerability, Risk and Capacity. 4.1.3 State the factors influencing vulnerability and risk. 4.1.4 Explain assessment, evaluation and management of risk.

4.1.5 Identify the classifications of hazards based on various aspects. 4.1.6 Explain the causes for different types of disasters. 4.1.7 List the effectsof each type of disaster on human beings and ecosystem. 4.1.8 Illustrate major hazards under each category occurred in world as case study. 4.1.9 Explain the disaster management operation cycle. 4.1.10 Identify and explain various operations to be carried out during pre-disaster phase. 4.1.11 Identify and explain various operations to be carried out during emergency phase. 4.1.12 Identify and explain various operations to be carried out during post-disaster phase. 4.1.13 Explain the relationship between disaster and development. 4.1.14 Illustrate how health and disaster management are interrelated. 4.1.15 Explain the Institutional frame work of disaster management in India at National, state and district level and the role of each body. 4.1.16 Explain hazard zonation map. 4.1.17 Explain new & emerging approach in disaster management – Use of Early warning systems base on IT enabled services like GIS, GPS, MIS, DDS, Remote sensing etc. 4.1.18 Illustrate the community based disaster preparedness programmes as a mitigation measure. 4.1.19 Explain various preventive measures for disaster risk reduction. 4.1.20 Explain the need for safety audit - onsite and offsite safety audits to be done and formulation of emergency plans. 4.1.21 Explain the management plan for transportation accidents. 4.1.22 State the use of TREM card in accidents involving hazardous goods transport. 4.1.23 State the role of regulatory frame work and code of practice in disaster management. 4.1.24 Explain the role played by various acts related to disaster management.

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE - 1: RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES Natural resources and associated problems: (a) Forest resources: Use and overexploitation, deforestation, case studies, mining, dams and their

effects on Forests, Environment and tribal people. (b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts

over water, dams-benefits and problems. (c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of Mining and extraction of mineral

resources, case studies. (d) Food resources: World Food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of

modern agriculture, Genetically modified crops – boon or bane, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, Eutrophication, Case studies.

(e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Importance of energy conservation and sustainable development.

(f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, role of land use planning in sustainable development, human induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.

(g) Role of individuals in the conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable development.

(Students shall conduct a case study of any resource utilization as an assignment)

MODULE - 2: ECOSYSTEMS Concept of an ecosystem, structure and functions of biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem, producers, consumers and decomposers. Biomes, Ecological succession. Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, Biomagnifications. Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the following ecosystem:

(a) Forest ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems (Ponds, streams, lakes, ox-bow lakes, rivers, estuaries, oceans) (e) Concept of biodiversity - Importance of biodiversity conservation (f) Urbanization and impacts on environment (Heat island, stress on water and soil), global

warming, climate change, sea level rise. (Students shall study the characteristic features of any local ecosystem as an assignment) MODULE - 3: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND ITS CONTROL Definition of Environment and Environmental Pollution. Causes, effects and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution (c) Oil pollution (d) Marine pollution e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution g) Nuclear hazards. Case studies in each type of pollution. Environmental stress. Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Introduction to Environment Impact Analysis. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. (Students should conduct the case study of any local pollution issue and suggest remedial measure as an assignment) MODULE - 4: HAZARDS, DISASTERS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Define: Hazard, Disaster, Vulnerability (Physical, Economic and Social vulnerability), Risk, Capacity and inter-relationship between them. Factors influencing vulnerability and risk. Risk management, assessment and evaluation. Classification of disasters, causes and consequences – Natural disasters (cyclone, earth quake, tsunami, flood, drought, land slide, lightning, forest fire, volcanic eruption) and Human-induced disasters (Air, road & rail accidents, boat capsize, oil spill, building collapse, fire, industrial hazards, chemical hazards, explosion, war). Classification of disasters based on the origin (Water & climate based, geological origin, Chemical/industrial/nuclear disasters- Hazchem& MAH(Major Accident hazard) units, biologically related disasters, human induced disasters/accidents) - Case studies of each type of disaster. Disaster management cycle - Operations in each phase – Pre-disaster phase (Planning, Preparedness, Prevention & Mitigation), Structural and Non-structural mitigation measures (Structural eg. Dams, embankment, stone walls, Installing early warning systems, disaster resistant constructions and non-structural - eg. Insurance, IEC-information-education-communication, land use zoning, preparedness plan, mock drills, costal shelter plantation) – Emergency phase (communication, evacuation, rescue search & relief operation, medical assistance) – Post disaster phase (Reconstruction and rehabilitation, economic & environmental aspects, Administrative & political aspects) - Relationship between disaster and development – Health and disaster management plan, holistic approach. Disaster profile of India - Institutional frame work of disaster management in India (National, state and district level) – Hazard zonation map - New & emerging approaches in disaster management – Use of

information technology (GIS, GPS etc) in disaster management - Community based disaster preparedness - Disaster risk reduction - Safety audits, onsite and offsite emergency plans – Management of transportation accidents, use of TREM card. Regulatory frame work and code of practice (Petroleum act-1934, Factories act-1948, Insecticide act- 1968, Explosives act-1984, Environmental protection act-1986, Coastal regulation zone (CRZ) Act-1991, Disaster management Act-2005). REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Environmental studies–From Crisis to Cure,R. Rajagopalan,Oxford UniversityPress, 2005 2.Environmental Science & Engineering, P. Anandan, R. Kumaravelan, Scitech. 3.Environmental Studies for Undergraduate courses, ErachBharucha, UniversitiesPress. 4.R.B.Singh (Ed). Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2000 5.H.K.Gupta (Ed). Disaster Management, Universities Press India, 2003



Module Topics Period

1 Building materials 23

2 Ornamental materials for finishing 21 3 Construction technology 21 4 Building components 25


Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Understand different types of Building materials

2 Identify various components of buildings and their functions.

3 Know the procedure for execution of various construction activities.

2 1 Identify & suggest rectification of various defects in civil Engineering works

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Upon completion of the study, the student should be able to: MODULE – I 1.1.0 Know the materials generally used for construction. 1.1.1 Describe the classification of stones and characteristics of good building stone 1.1.2 Explain the varieties, methods of quarrying, and dressing of stones 1.1.3 Explain deferent surface finishes 1.2.0 Know the Clay Products: 1.2.1 Explain the Raw materials used and Composition, manufacturing methods and Characteristic of clay products and IS specifications of it. 1.2.2 Describe the different types of tiles – roofing, floor and wall tiles.

1.2.3 Describe good characteristics of tiles 1.2.4 Explain the uses and qualities of stoneware pipes and earthenware pipes 1.3.0 Know lime. 1.3.1 Describe the sources and their classification and manufacturing methods of lime 1.4.0 Understand characteristics of cement. 1.4.1 Describe the Composition and manufacturing methods of cement 1.4.2 Explain deferent types of cement and Tests on cement – Lab tests & Field tests 1.4.3 Explain the uses of puzzolonas as admixtures. 1.4.4 Explain surkhi, blast furnace slag, fly ash, silica fume and rice husk ash. 1.5.0 Understand the Sources of aggregates, classification & grading 1.5.1 Describe the Limitations of mining of sand from rivers and sea shore and alternatives of sand. 1.5.2 Differentiate the materials used as coarse aggregate and fine aggregate and their sizes for different applications. 1.5.3 Define Bulking of sand. Explain its significance in the field. 1.6.0 Understand the Preparation of lime and cement mortar. 1.6.1 Describe Proportions of Lime and Cement mortar for various items of work. 1.6.2 Explain the tests on cement mortar, Preparation of concrete cubes and their tests. 1.7.0 Know concrete. 1.7.1 Explain the methods of proportioning and ingredients of concrete 1.7.2 Describe the functions and requirements of ingredients of cement concrete 1.7.3 Differentiate between PCC and RCC 1.7.4 Define Water cement ratio – effects on strength and workability. 1.7.5 Describe the factors affecting the workability 1.7.6 Describe the preparation of cement concrete-procedure and methods. 1.7.7 Explain the Types and characteristics of reinforcement and concrete used 1.7.8 Explain the wet state properties of cement concrete – Slump test & Compaction factor test. 1.7.9 Describe the preparation of Concrete cube and perform the compression test. 1.7.10 Explain the chemical admixtures like plasticizers and super plasticizers. 1.8.0 Know the Timber and wood products 1.8.1 Describe the Structural classification of Timber 1.8.2 Describe the methods of seasoning of timber. 1.8.3 Explain the defects and preservation of timber 1.8.4 Explain the characteristics of good preservative 1.8.5 Describe the characteristics of good timber 1.8.6 Describe the wood products like ply wood, MDF and HDF

1.9.0 Know the classes of metals. 1.9.1 Explain the Properties and uses of ferrous metals such as Wrought iron, Cast iron, Mild steel- -Special Steels-High carbon steel, High tensile Steel and stainless steel. 1.9.2 Explain the Properties and uses of nonferrous metals such as Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Titanium and alloys. MODULE – II 2.1.0 Understand Types, Constituents, Preparation, characteristics and application of Plastics, Rubber, Aluminium, Glass, Paints, Varnishes and miscellaneous materials. 2.1.1 Explain the uses and Limitations of plastics. 2.1.2 Describe different types, uses, characteristics and properties of P V C. 2.1.3 Explain the limitations of using plastics on environment. 2.1.4 Explain the Characteristics, properties and uses of Rubber. 2.1.5 Describe the uses of aluminum sections and its use in building construction. 2.1.6 Identify the different types & uses of glass. 2.1.7 Explain the Glass used in building constructions. 2.1.8 Describe the characteristics, constituents and types of paint 2.1.9 Explain the categories, types and requirements of varnishes. 2.1.10 List the properties of distemper. 2.1.11 Describe the uses and properties of Abrasives, Adhesives and Asbestos. 2.1.12 Explain the Uses and properties of Asphalt and Bitumen. 2.1.13 Explain the Uses and properties of insulating materials such as Plaster of Paris, Thermo Cole and Cork. 2.1.14 Explain wood products such as veneers, ply wood, fiber board, and hard board MODULE – III 3.1.0. Know the Masonry, DPC, Form work, Shoring, Underpinning, Plastering and Pointing 3.1.1 Explain the classification of masonry walls. 3.1.2 Explain some important terms like corbel, coping etc. in masonry walls 3.1.3 Describe general principles and specifications for stone masonry as per I S Code and NBC 3.1.4 Describe specification of brick masonry as per IS Code and N B C. 3.1.4 Explain hollow blocks masonry, solid block and inter locking block masonry. 3.1.5 List the advantages and disadvantages of hollow block masonry with reference to other types of masonry. 3.1.6 Explain the composite masonry-general description. 3.1.7 Explain the use and methods of construction of composite masonry. 3.1.8 Explain the types-use-requirements of a good partition wall 3.1.9 Describe the modern techniques of earth quake resistant masonry construction 3.2.0 Know Dampness and its effects. 3.2.1 Explain the causes and effects of dampness. 3.2.2 Describe methods of damp prevention and surface treatment. 3.2.3 Explain impregnated water proofing treatment 3.2.4 Explain modern methods of DPC construction.

3.2.5 Explain Water proofing of Cement Concrete using waterproofing admixtures. 3.3.0 Understand the concept of pre stressing in concrete 3.3.1 Explain the types and methods of pre stressing 3.4.0 Know the use of form work, materials & requirements of formwork 3.4.1 Explain the requirements of formwork 3.4.2 Explain modern types of form work 3.4.3 List the merits and demerits of steel form work over timber form work 3.5.0 Know the use of Scaffolding, shoring and under pinning 3.5.1 Describe the Types of scaffolding & materials used 3.5.2 Explain the methods of shoring and underpinning 3.6.0 Know Plastering, Pointing types and its Specification. 3.6.1 Explain Plastering and Pointing, types and its specification. 3.6.2 Explain the defects in plastering MODULE – IV 4.1.0 Know the functions of Components of a building 4.1.1 Explain the functions and types of foundation 4.1.2 Explain the parts of a building 4.1.3 Explain the Floors and Floorings. 4.1.4 Explain the requirements of a good floor 4.1.5 Describe the different types of floors and Floor finishes. 4.2.0 Understand Positioning of Doors and windows with respect to lighting and Ventilation. 4.2.1 Explain the Types and Size as per IS and NBC Specification. 4.2.2 Explain the positioning of doors and windows. 4.2.3 Describe Special types of doors such as Flush, Revolving, collapsible, Rolling and sliding. 4.2.4 Explain Different types of Windows and Ventilators. 4.2.5 Describe Fittings for doors and windows. 4.2.6 Explain component parts of doors and windows 4.3.0 Know types of lintels and arches. 4.3.1 Explain the functions and different types of lintels and Arches 4.4.0 Know sunshades, canopy and sun breakers. 4.4.1 Explain the sunshades canopy and sun breakers. 4.5.0 Know functions of staircase, lift and escalators and ramp 4.5.1 Describe the types and component parts of staircases 4.5.2 Illustrate the planning and location of lifts, staircase and ramp 4.6.0 Know Ceiling and its types. 4.6.1 Explain the different materials and types of ceiling

4.7.0 Know the Roof components 4.7.1 Describe the importance of roofing with respect to climatic conditions. 4.7.2 Explain the classification of roofs. 4.7.3 Explain different types of trusses for pitched roof 4.7.4 Describe roof covering for pitched roof. 4.7.5 Explain the method of arranging and fixing to the battens rafters and purlins. 4.7.6 Explain RCC roof 4.7.7 Describe the weather proof course to flat roof-


MODULE – I Structural building materials: Stone – classification – geological, Physical and chemical classification – characteristics of good building stone – varieties of stones – granite – trap - basalt – sand stone – Laterite. Values of, load bearing capacity of stones. Quarrying of stones – methods – wedging and blasting –explosives used. Dressing of stones. Clay Products: Bricks: Raw materials used – Composition of brick earth, manufacturing methods (Description only), kiln and clamp burning – IS specifications of bricks – characteristics of good brick used for building purpose. Tiles: Type of tiles-characteristics-uses-Floor, wal and roofing tiles ,Porcelain, vitrified and glazed tiles. Earthenware and stoneware pipes -uses-qualities. Lime: Sources of lime-Classification-methods of manufacturing (Description only). Cement: Composition, Compounds present, Manufacturing methods-characteristics of cement, Types of cement-Properties -Tests on cement-Consistency test, fineness test, Sp.gravity test, Setting time test, Soundness test, and field tests, uses of cement. Puzzolona: definition, Common puzzolonas used as admixtures in cement. Surkhi, blast furnace Slag, Fly ash, Silica Fume, Rice- husk Ash. Aggregates: Sand- Sources of sand-River sand, Sea sand and pit sand-Limitations of mining of sand from rivers and sea shore, M-sand, alternatives of sand. Coarse aggregates: Materials generally used, requirements of good coarse aggregates, commonly used sizes for different applications, grading of coarse and fine aggregate. . Mortar: Preparation of lime and cement mortar-Proportions of mortar for various items of work,tests on cement mortar. Cement Concrete: Proportioning, ingredients, PCC and RCC, Water cement ratio- effects on strength and workability, characteristics of Concrete and reinforcements-preparation-workability-Tests on Cement concrete-Laboratory tests and field Tests- Slump test, compaction factor test, qualities of water used for

mixing. Reinforced cement concrete- Qualities of materials-Types of reinforcement used-characteristics of reinforcing material-preparation of concrete cubes and test on cubes. Chemical admixtures- Plasticizers and super plasticizers. Timber and wood products: Structural classification- Soft wood and hard wood-defects in timber- seasoning of timber-preservation of timber-wood products ply wood, MDF,HDF, Veneer. Metals: Ferrous metals-Wrought iron, Cast iron, Mild steel- -Special steels-High carbon steel, High tensile steel and stainless steel (Properties and uses only)-Nonferrous metals: Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Zinc and Titanium-important alloys- properties and uses. MODULE – II Ornamental materials for finishing: Paints and Varnishes: Types-Constituents-Preparation-characteristics and application. Plastics: Types-characteristics and properties of P V C, uses- Advantages and Limitations of using plastics on environment. Rubber: Characteristics and properties, uses. Aluminum : Aluminum sections used for building construction- Hand rail and baluster, Doors and windows, Paneling and false ceiling, building façade. Glass:-Types- floating , laminated, UV resistant, reinforced and reflective glasses-Uses and properties. Glass used for Structural applications. Miscellaneous: Abrasives-Adhesives-asbestos-asphalt-bitumen-cork-Plaster of Paris. Acoustic and insulating materials- fibre glass- thermo Cole, wood products-veneers, ply wood, particle board-fiberboard, hard board, etc. MODULE – III Construction Technology: Masonry: Classification of masonry walls- load bearing, non-load bearing and retaining walls. Stone masonry-Brick masonry-Laterite masonry – composite masonry. Different types of stone masonry-General principles and specifications for stone masonry as per relevant codes. Brick masonry: Different types of bonds for walls, piers and junctions of walls for equal and unequal thickness - English, Flemish (Single and Double Flemish)-Specification for brick masonry as per relevant codes. Hollow block masonry: Types of hollow blocks used in construction and methods of construction- Advantages and Disadvantages with reference to other types of masonry. Solid block masonry and inter locking block masonry. Partition walls-Types- materials- requirements. Modern methods of constructions:- Framed – Prefabricated -Earthquake resistant.

Damp proof courses: Definition of dampness – causes and effects – methods of prevention –surface treatment – internal water proofing courses. Pre stressed concrete: Principle of pre stressing- Types- Internal & External and different methods-pre-tensioning & post tensioning. Prestressed slabs and beams. Form work: Functions- materials used – Requirements of good form work – modern trends in material & technology- slip forms, pvc forms. Scaffolding, Shoring and Under pinning: Definition – purpose and function – Requirements of materials used. Plastering and Pointing: Materials and proportion – Functions – general specifications – types. MODULE – IV Building Components: Different components of building from foundation to roof and their functions Foundations: Functions, Classification, Shallow-Deep ,Types- Spread footing- raft-mat-column footing-pile foundation- well foundation. Flooring: Requirements of a good floor – materials used for flooring, Floor finishes –Types Mosaic, Marble, Granite, Ceramic tiles, Vitrified tiles, Glass, Wooden, and other types of modern floor finishes. Doors and Windows: Positioning of Doors and windows with respect to lighting and ventilation. Types and Size as per relevant codes -Special types of doors-Flush, Revolving, and collapsible, Rolling and sliding Windows-Different types-Ventilator Different types-Fittings for doors and windows. Lintels and sunshades: Types of lintels- Wooden, Stone, brick, RCC and RSJ lintels-Sunshades Canopy and sun breakers. Arches- Types, terms used. Vertical Transportation: Stairs and staircases: Location – Types – Standards for stair case as per KBR – Tread, Rise, Going, Riser, Nosing – Width of stair –– Head room – Flight– Landing – Hand rails. Lift and escalators- Component parts and requirements as per NBC, ramp, Lifts and Escalators - Planning and location – Component parts of staircase and lift – Types of staircase. Ceiling: Materials used for Ceiling – False ceiling. Roof: Definition – importance of roofing with respect to climatic conditions – classification – pitched and flat – Couple, couple closed and collar roof. Different types of trusses for pitched roof – wood and steel trusses – roof covering for pitched roof – AC sheets, GI corrugated sheets, Aluminum sheets- PVC sheets – method of arranging and fixing to the battens rafters and purlins – RCC roof – slab with beams – flat and sloped slabs –Flat slab construction- weather proof course to flat roof. Requirements of good floor finish, Selection of materials. Ceiling: Types, Requirements of good ceiling, Selection of materials.

REFERENCE : 1. National Building Code Bureau of Indian Standards 2. NITTTR, Chennai : Students support material on Materials of Construction 3. S V Deodhar : Building Science & Planning ; Khanna publications 4. Parbin Singh : Civil Engineering Materials ; S.K Kataria & Sons 5. Rangawala : Engineering Materials ; Charotar Publications 6. NITTTR, Chennai : Building technology and Valuation 7. B C Punmia : Building construction ; Laxmi Publishers. 8. Rangawala : Building construction ; Charotar Publications 9. Jha : Building Technology and foundations ; Khanna publications 10. RajaRao Y N : Planning and design of Residential Buildings ; Standard Publishers Distributers 11. Gurcharan Singh : Building Planning Designing and Scheduling ; Standard Publications. 12. S S Bhavikatti : Building Materials and Construction ; Vikas Publishing House 13. S.K. Duggal : Building Materials ; New Age International publishers




Module Topics Period

1 Study of theodolite Angle measurement Area calculation and plotting


2 Preperation of Gale’s traverse table Tangential tacheometry


3 Height & Distance Tacheometry



Curves, Types, Setting of curves Modern survey instruments Detailed study of Total station GIS and GPS



Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Use theodolite and enter data in the field book and plot

2 Use tacheometer for finding the horizontal and vertical distances

3 Set out simple curves


1 Understand the modern survey instruments

2 Use total station for surveying and setting out of buildings

3 Understand GIS and GPS

SPECIFIC OUTCOME Upon completion of the study, the student should be able to: MODULE- I 1.1.0 Understand the Theodolite. 1.1.1 Identify the different types of theodolites, their parts and functions 1.1.2 State the important axis of theodolite and their inter relations 1.1.3 Define the terms used in the theodolite survey

1.1.4 Explain the temporary adjustments of theodolite 1.1.5 Explain the deferent methods of horizontal angle measurement (general, repetition and reiteration ) and their relative advantages and disadvantages. 1.1.6 List the uses of theodolite. 1.1.7 List the steps involved in setting out angles using a theodolite 1.1.8 Measure deflection angle 1.1.9 Explain the methods of prolonging a straight line 1.1.10 Measure the magnetic bearing of a line 1.1.11 Perform the permanent adjustments of theodolite. MODULE -II 2.1.0 Apply the principles of Theodolite traversing. 2.1.1 List the types of traverse 2.1.2 List the different methods of traversing using theodolite 2.1.3 Explain the methods of traversing by the observation of bearing, loose needle method and fast needle method 2.1.4 State the deferent types of fast needle method 2.1.5 Explain the method of traversing by included angle. 2.1.6 Calculate the whole circle bearing using measured included angle. 2.1.7 Describe the types of co-ordinates- consecutive and independent co-ordinates. 2.1.8 Calculate the consecutive co-ordinates – from the length and bearing 2.1.9 Calculation of closing errors 2.1.10 Explain the methods of balancing the traverse- Bowditch’s rule and transit rule. 2.1.11 Calculate the corrections to consecutive co-ordinates 2.1.12 Calculate the independent co-ordinates 2.1.13 Explain Gales traverse table 2.2.0 Understand the computation of area of closed traverse 2.2.1 Describe the methods of computation of area 2.2.2 Calculate the area of closed traverse by co-ordinate method 2.3.0 Find out the omitted measurements when 2.3.1 Length of one leg is missing 2.3.2 Bearing of one leg is missing 2.3.3 Length and bearing of one leg are missing 2.3.4 Length/bearing of two adjacent legs are missing 2.3.5 Length/bearing of two legs (not adjacent) are missing MODULE- III 3.1.0 Apply the principle of trigonometry for determining the elevation of stations 3.1.1 Study vertical angle measurements. 3.1.2 Explain the principle of trigonometric levelling. 3.1.3 Find the elevation of a tall object whose base is accessible.

3.1.4 Find the elevation of a tall object whose base is inaccessible, instrument at same level and at different level.

3.1.5 Find the elevation of tall object (base inaccessible)- instruments in the same plane and different plane. 3.2.0 Apply the principle of tacheometric survey to find elevations of stations. 3.2.1 State the classification of tacheometry 3.2.2 Explain the principle of stadia tacheometry. 3.2.3 Derive the fundamental distance formula of stadia tacheometry 3.2.4 State the constants of stadia tacheometry 3.2.5 Explain the determination of stadia constants 3.2.6 Describe analytic lens, advantages and disadvantages 3.2.7 Derive expression for horizontal distance and reduced level- line of sight horizontal- Line of sight horizontal and staff held vertical 3.2.8 Find the horizontal distance, reduced level and level difference from the given data by Stadia tacheometry (line of sight horizontal, inclined and staff held vertical) 3.2.9 Explain the principle of tangential tacheometry 3.2.10 Describe the cases of tangential tacheometry 3.2.11 Compute the horizontal distance and elevation using tangential tachometry MODULE - IV 4.1.0 Comprehend on curves 4.1.1 Explain the different types of curves- simple curve, compound curve, transition curve and vertical curves 4.1.2 Explain transition curve 4.1.3 Calculate the elements of simple circular curve. 4.1.4 Explain the different methods of setting out circular curves-offsets from long chord, offsets from long tangent, offsets from chord produced, rankines method. 4.1.5 Calculate the data required to set out circular curve 4.2.0 Understand the modern surveying equipments 4.2.1 Identify the different parts of equipments like electronic theodolite, total station and GPS. 4.2.2 Enumerate the uses and advantages of Electronic Theodolite, Total station and GPS 4.2.3 Explain the prism mode and non-prism mode of Total station 4.2.2 Explain remote sensing and its application in civil engineering field. 4.2.3 Explain the fundamentals of GPS, receiving, observation and the transformation of GPS results. 4.2.4 Explain GIS and its application in Civil Engineering. 4.2.5 Describe the photogrammetry- aerial and terrestrial. 4.2.6 Enumerate the applications of photogrammetry.


MODULE – I THEODOLITE Types of theodolites – Transit and non transit, vernier and micrometer, different parts of a transit theodolite. Temporary adjustments of a theodolite, technical terms used in theodolite surveying –

fundamental lines and relationship between them. Measurement of horizontal angles – repetition and reiteration methods – other uses of theodolite such as measurement of magnetic bearing of a line, deflection angle and prolongation of straight lines. Permanent adjustment of a theodolite – object of permanent adjustment – order of permanent adjustment. MODULE – II THEODOLITE TRAVERSING Types of traverses – open and closed traverses – method of theodolite traversing – method of included angles – methods of deflection angles – measurement of bearing of a traverse leg by direct method and back bearing method. Calculation of consecutive co-ordinates, independent co-ordinates – problems related – permissible error in angular and linear measurements – calculation of closing error, balancing of consecutive co-ordinates by Bowditch and transit rules. Gales travers table preparation, computation of areas of a closed traverse from independent co-ordinates. Omitted measurements – different cases such as when the length of one leg is missing, bearing of one leg is missing, length and bearing of one leg are missing, length of one leg and bearing of other leg are missing, length of two adjacent sides are missing – problems related. MODULE – III HEIGHT AND DISTANCE; TACHEOMETRY Height and distance – Reading vertical angle – finding elevation of objects – base of the object accessible and inaccessible – instrument in same plane and different plane – problems related Principles of tacheometry – constants of tacheometer – determination of the constants – systems of tacheometric measurements. Stadia systems and tangential system – theory of stadia tacheometry. Relations on staff held vertical and normal to the line of sight. Determination ofdistance and elevation – problems related.anallactic lens – advantages – disadvantages – problems with anallactic lens. Tangential tacheometry – principle – method – tacheometric traversing- tacheometric contouring. MODULE – IV CURVES Curves– different types – elements of a simple curve – designation of a curve – setting out simple curves by offset method – from long chord, long tangents , chord produced. Rankines method of deflection angles – problems related- description of transition curves. Requirement of transition curves – length of transition curves for roads – introduction to vertical curves – geometrics of a vertical curve. TOTAL STATIONS, GPS AND GIS Electronic Theodolites – Total stations – component parts –set up– working principles – maintenance of EDM instruments –temporary adjustments –measurement with total station, traverse with total station, Survey station description-data gathering components-data processing components- error sources and controlling errors-field coding-field controlling-Modem for data transfer- readings with prism mode and non prism mode. Remote sensing – Introduction and applications in Civil Engineering. Global positioning system (GPS) – fundamentals, GPS receivers, GPS observations, transformation of GPS results.

Geographical information systems (GIS) – map definitions, map projections data entry importance, use and application of GIS in Civil Engineering.Introduction to Photogrametry, aerial ,terrestrial, applications of photogrametry REFERENCE BOOKS 1. T.P.Kanetkar & Kulkarni : Surveying and Levelling (VolI&Vol II) ; Jain book depot 2. B.C.Punmia : Surveying – II ; Laxmipublications 3. K.R Arora : Surveying - ; Standard Book House 4. P.B.Shahai : A textbook of surveying [Vol.I and Vol. II ; Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. 5. Patel .A.N : Remote Sensing Principles & Applications ; Scientific Publishers 6. Lillesand : Remote sensing and image interpretation ; Wiley 7. SathishGopi : Advanced Surveying ; Pearson 8. CL Kocher : Text book of Surveying ; Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co (p) 9. N N Basak : Surveying ; TataMcgraw Hill 10. S.S.Bhavikatti : Surveying and leveling (Vol. I &II) ; I.K.International publishing house 11. NITTTR, Chennai : AICTE Continuing Education module on Geographical information systems



Module Topics Period


Moment of forces Support reactions Centre of gravity Moment of inertia



Simple stresses and strains Mechanical properties Temperature stresses Strain energy


3 Beams and bending Torsion of circular shaft


4 Thin cylinders Simple bending Columns and struts



Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Understand different types of loading

2 Calculate moment of Inertia of standard plane section & their composites

3 Calculate stresses in simple and composite sections.


1 Calculate strain energy for different applications of loading

2 Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams

3 Calculate the power transmitted by circular shaft


1 Find the internal stresses in thin cylinders

2 Calculate the crippling load for short and long columns

3 Calculate shear stress. & bending stress in a beam cross section

SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE – I 1.1.0 Understand Moment of a force 1.1.1 Identify the various types of forces 1.1.2 State the principle of moments 1.1.3 Calculate the Moment of forces like point load, U.D load, U.V load 1.1.4 Calculate the support reactions in a simply supported beam and over hanging Beam 1.2.0 Understand the Geometrical properties of sections 1.2.1 Define Centroid, and centre of gravity 1.2.2 Locate the centroid of rectangle , triangle, circle and semi-circle 1.2.2 Locate the center of gravity of cylinder, sphere, prism, pyramid, cone and Hemisphere 1.2.3 Locate the centroid of regular and compound plane figures 1.2.4. Define moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia, and radius of gyration 1.2.5 State the parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem 1.2.6 Determine the moment of inertia of simple and built-up sections using parallel axis theorem 1.2.7 Determine the radius of gyration of plane sections. 1.2.8 Deduce the Polar moment of inertia of solid and hollow circular shaft using Perpendicular axis theorem. . MODULE – II 2.1.0 Apply the mechanical properties of section 2.1.1 Define the mechanical properties of materials like elasticity, stiffness, plasticity, Toughness, hardness, brittleness, ductility, malleability 2.1.2 Define stresses and strain 2.1.3 Differentiate between various types of stresses and strains 2.1.4 State Hooke’s law 2.1.5 Calculate stresses and strains due to static loads 2.1.6 Draw the stress strain curve for mild steel 2.1.7 Determine the stresses in materials due to change in temperature 2.1.8 Define lateral strain, poisson’s ratio, volumetric strain, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity 2.1.9 State the relationship between elastic constants 2.2.0 Understand the concept of strain energy 2.2.1 Define resilience, proof resilience and modulus of resilience 2.2.2 Calculate the stress, strain and strain energy of materials due to gradually Applied load, suddenly applied load and impact load.

MODULE – III 3.1.0 Analyze the effects of loading (SF and BM) on beams. 3.1.1 Define the terms ‘Shear force’ and ‘Bending moment’. 3.1.2 Draw the SFD and BMD for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams With Concentrated, U.D and uniformly varying loads by analytical method 3.1.3. State the relationship between load, SF and BM in solving problems 3.2.0 Analyse the effects of pure torsion on solid and hollow circular shaft 3.2.1 .State the assumptions in pure torsion 3.2.2. Derive torsion equation 3.2.3 Compute the maximum shear stress due to torsion. 3.2.4 Calculate the diameter of the shaft to transmit a particular power for a given permissible Shear Stress and angle of twist 3.3.0 Understand the stresses in thin cylindrical shells. 3.3.1 Define the circumferential and longitudinal stresses. 3.3.2. calculate the circumferential and longitudinal stresses. 3.3.3 Calculate the change in volume of thin cylinders due to internal pressure. MODULE – IV 4.1.0. Apply the theory of simple bending. 4.1.1 List the assumptions in the theory of simple bending. 4.1.2 Derive the simple bending equation 4.1.3 Explain the terms Neutral Axis, moment of resistance and section modulus . 4.1.4 Locate the neutral axis and calculate moment of resistance of symmetrical simple And compound sections 4.1.5 Derive the formula for shear stress at the section of a loaded beam 4.1.6 Draw the shear stress distribution diagram along the section of a rectangular, symmetrical I section.. .

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE – I Forces and Moments Definition of force –types of forces, Moment of force – types of moments – principle of moments (proof not required) – Determination of Reactions of simply supported beams and overhanging beams with point loads, uniformly Distributed loads, uniformly Varying loads. Centre of Gravity Centroid of plane figures –Determination of centroid of rectangle , triangle, circle, semi-circle and compound areas and reminders – Definition of center of gravity (C.G) . C.G. of combination of simple solids.– C.G. of plane in the same straight line and those distributed Over a plane, C.G. of solids.

Moment of inertia Definition of rectangular moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia – radius of gyration. Determination of radius of gyration of plane sections, parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem. M.I of simple sections, rectangle, triangle, circle(without proof) . M.I. of composite areas and remainders . Polar moment of inertia of solid and hollow circular shaft MODULE – II Mechanical properties of materials Elasticity, stiffness, plasticity, toughness, brittleness, ductility, Malleability and hardness. Simple stresses and strains – types of stresses – Elasticity – Hook’s law – Young’s modulus – stresses and strains in uniform sections of same and composite materials like steel, aluminum and copper. Tensile test on ductile material (mild steel bar) and stress strain curve – limit of Proportionality, elastic limit, yield point – ultimate stress – breaking stress – working stress and factor of safety. Temperature stresses – elongation and contraction due to temperature change –when deformation is fully or partially prevented – temperature stress in composite sections. Linear strain and lateral strain – Poisson’s ratio- volumetric strain –– Bulk modulus – modulus of rigidity – relationship between Elastic constants (No proof) – simple problems. Strain energy Resilience- proof resilience – modulus of resilience – stress and strain when load is applied gradually, Suddenly and with impact. MODULE – III Beams and bending Classification of beams – cantilever, simply supported, fixed, overhanging and continuous. Types of loading – concentrated, uniformly distributed and uniformly varying load. Shear force and bending moment – definition and sign conventions. Calculation of SF and BM for Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams and sketching of SF and BM diagrams (for point load, uniformly distributed load, uniformly varying load and combinations of u.d. and point loads) Relation between SF and BM. Maximum BM – point of contra flexure Torsion of circular shafts Theory of pure torsion –assumptions in pure torsion- derivation of formula – problems. Power transmitted by circular shafts – problems Thin cylinders Failure of thin cylindrical shell due to internal pressure – circumferential and longitudinal stresses – Changes in dimension and volume of thin cylinders due to internal pressure.

MODULE – IV Theory of simple Bending Theory of simple bending, Explain the terms ‘Neutral axis’, ‘moment of resistance’ and ‘section modules’. Assumptions in simple bending, derivation of the equation of simple bending. Apply the theory of simple bending to simple and compound sections. Calculate stress, section modulus and moment of resistance. Calculate the shear stress and draw the shear stress distribution diagram for rectangular and I Sections. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. R.S.Khurmi : Applied Mechanics & Strength of Materials; S. Chand Publishing 2. M.Chakrabroti : Strength of materials ; S.K Kataria &sons. 3. R.K.Rajput : Strength of Materials ; S. Chand Publishing 4. S.S.Bhavikatti : Strength of Materials ; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd,



Module Topics Period 1 Building components 17 2 Building planning & drawing 20 3 Building drawing 21 4 Service plan and culverts 17


Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Know the different types of tiled roof and their components.

2 Draw the elevation of different types of tiled roof

3 Prepare detailed drawings of fully panelled doors and fully glazed windows.


1 Understand and Perform planning of residential and public buildings as per standards

2 Draw line plan of residential & public buildings for the given plinth area requirements.

3 Develop detailed drawings of residential & public buildings from the given line plan with different types of roofs.


1 Prepare service plan of buildings

2 Understand the different types of culverts and their components

3 Prepare detailed drawings of slab culvert.

SPECIFIC OUTCOMES Upon completion of the study, the student should be able to: MODULE - I 1.1.0 Understand main components of a building

1.1.1 Identify the conventional signs of building materials

1.1.2 Draw plan and section strip footing, isolated footing, combined footing 1.1.3 Draw elevation, section plan a fully paneled door, three panel glassed window by

showing Important members 1.1.4 Draw plan, sectional elevation dog legged RCC stair, quarter turn RCC stair 1.1.5 Draw elevation of coupled roof, close couple roof, single collar roof, and double collar

roof by showing all the members. 1.5.6 Draw plan of room showing important members in the tiled roofing for gabled and

pitched ends MODULE -II 2 .1.0 Understand planning requirements

2.1.1 Define plinth area, floor area, carpet area, floor area ratio, coverage of building, height of building, building line, set back line, head room, mezzanine floor, basement floor, detached building, and RC houses.

2.1.2 Explain classification of buildings and requirements of part of residential, institution and hospital building as per NBC and KMBR

2.1.3 Prepare single line sketch plans for single storey and double storey residential buildings, primary school building, public health centre building in a plot for specific plinth area as per NBC and KMBR

2.2.0 Produce details of residential building from line sketches and specifications

2.2.1 Draw plan, elevation, section for a single storey and double storey flat roof residential buildings 2.2.2 Draw site plan showing proposed building-septic tank and sock pit -underground sump-

compound wall-gate –boundary measurement-exterior open space- orientation-road etc. based on KMBR

2.2.3 Draw plan, elevation, section and site plan for a single storey tiled roof residential buildings

2.2.4 Draw plan, elevation, and section and site plan for RCC combination roof residential building

MODULE -III 3.2.0 Produce details of public buildings from line sketches and specifications 3.2.1 Draw to detail plan elevation section and site plan of office buildings 3.2.2 Draw detailed plan elevation section and site plan of health centre 3.2.3 Draw detailed plan elevation section and site plan of hospital buildings 3.2.4 Draw service plan for residential building showing boundaries of site, proposed building, position of septic tank, sock pit, sullaege pit, manholes, garbage disposal system, storm water drain, layout of service line(electrical, water supply and sanitary) MODULE -IV 4.1.0 Produce details of service plan-plumbing and electrical 4.1.1 Draw the plumbing layout plan showing proposed water supply and sanitary lines and position fixtures for a single storey residential building

4.1.2 Draw the electrical layout plan showing proposed electrical fixture points and control points required for a single story residential building 4.2.0 Understand details culverts 4.2.1 Draw detailed sectional plan, sectional elevation, and side elevation of a slab culvert with return wing wall. 4.2.2 Draw detailed sectional plan, sectional elevation and side elevation of a slab culvert with splayed wing wall.

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE - I Conventional signs for construction materials- strip footing-RCC column footing-RCC combined footing-paneled door-three panel glazed window-doglegged RCC stair-quarter turn RCC stair-couple roof-close couple roof-single collar roof- double collar roof-plan of tile roof showing all members of gable and hipped end MODULE -II Define plinth area-floor area- carpet area-floor area ratio-coverage of building-height of building- building line-set back line-head room-mezzanine floor- basement floor- detached building-- row houses Planning requirements of building as per NBC & KMBR: – plan line sketch of residential and public building for the given plinth area in a site and requirements and rules for single ,two, three bed residence, an office building, primary school building and public health centre Prepare Detailed Plan-elevation-section from the line sketch of one bed , two bed ,three bed room RCC building in flat roof , sloped roof combination roof, single storey & double storey residential building in a site-single storey tile roof residential building MODULE- III Prepare detailed Plan, elevation, section from the line sketch of office building-school building-hospital building -prepare service plan of single storey residential building MODULE -IV Plumbing layout showing water supply and sanitary fixtures of a residential building-electrical layout showing electrical fixtures and control points-detailed plan and section of slab culvert with return wing wall and splayed wing wall REFERANCE BOOKS 1. Dr. A Achuthan, Dr.Balagopal & T S Prabhu: Building Planning and Drawing ; Spades publishers 2. S P Deodar : Building Planning and Science ; Khanna publisher 3. Kerala Municipal Building Rule 4. Kerala Panchayath Building Rule 5. National Building Code



Module Topics Period

I Longitudinal leveling, cross sectioning, contouring 15

II Theodolite practice 12 III Traversing with theodolite 6 IV Height and distances 12

TOTAL 45 COURSE OUTCOME Student will be able to

Set out alignments for roads , railways, canals etc.

Prepare contour map

Conduct theodolite traversing

Use theodolite for computation of height and distance

SPECIFIC OUTCOME Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

1.1.0 Perform profile leveling

1.1.1 Explain the principles and procedures of profile levelling

1.1.2 Carry out longitudinal section and cross section of the site

1.1.3 Prepare the longitudinal section and cross section

1.1.4 Select the appropriate formation level on the longitudinal section

1.2.0 Perform contouring

1.2.1 Explain the principles and methods of contouring

1.2.2 Take spot levels for preparing contour map

1.2.3 Select suitable contour interval

1.2.4 Locate the contour points on the drawing sheet and draw the contour lines

2.1.0 Conduct theodolite survey

2.1.1 Identify the parts of theodolite and carryout temporary adjustments

2.1.2 Measure horizontal angles by general methods, repetition method and reiteration method

2.1.3 Record the observation in the field book

3.1.0 Determine the height and distances using theodolite

3.1.1 Measure vertical angles

3.1.2 Determine the elevations and distance between objects

3.1.3 Find the horizontal distance between two objects by taking theodolite observations from

one station and also from stations at the ends of a known base line.

3.1.4 Find the horizontal distance, level difference and gradient of the line joining two objects

by taking observations from the ends of a base line.

3.1.5 Find the height and elevation of a tall object whose base is accessible, and inaccessible

4.1.0 Perform theodolite traversing

4.1.1 Conduct the traversing by the method of included angle.

4.1.2 Compute the included angle and bearing of the lines.

4.1.3 Measure the length of sides of a traverse.

4.1.4 Calculate latitude and departure of the sides

4.1.5 Apply the corrections to the traverse by appropriate method and find independent

Co -ordinates

4.1.6 Prepare the Gale’s traverse table

4.1.7 Plot the traverse using independent co-ordinates.



Profile leveling

1. Longitudinal sectioning and cross sectioning

2. Take spot levels for preparing contour map

3. Prepare contour map


1. Perform temporary adjustments of theodolite

2. Measurement of horizontal angles- different methods-


1. Measurement of vertical angles.

2. Find the difference in elevation and distances between two objects (single station)

3. Determine difference in level and horizontal distance between two points by observation from

the ends of the base line.

4. Find the height of tall object (base accessible) by using theodolite

5. Find the height of a tall object (base inaccessible) by using theodolite (single plane and



1. Perform theodolite traverse, compute included angles, latitude and departure, prepare

Gale’s traverse table, and plot the traverse after adjusting the closing error and find the area



Module Topics Period


Fineness Test on Cement Sp. Gravity of cement Consistency test on cement Setting time of cement Soundness test on cement



Workability test of Concrete Slump test. Compaction Factor Test . Compression Test on Cement Concrete Cubes. Design of concrete mix by IS code method



Bulking of sand. Void ratio of fine and coarse aggregates. Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregate. Flakiness test on aggregates



Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Conduct tests on cement

2 Conduct tests on concrete

3 Conduct tests on fine & coarse aggregate

SPECIFIC OUTCOME Upon completion of the study, the student should be able to: 1.1.0 Conduct and interpret the test results of cement with IS codes Specific outcomes 1.1.1 Find the fineness of given sample of cement by 90 micron sieve 1.1.2 Find the Specific gravity of given sample of cement by specific gravity bottle 1.1.3 Find the consistency of cement by Vicat apparatus 1.1.4 Find the setting time of cement by Vicat apparatus 1.1.5 Find the soundness of cement by Vicat apparatus

1.2.0 Conduct and interpret the test results of concrete with IS codes 1.2.1 Measure consistency of concrete by slump test by slump cone 1.2.2 Find the workability of concrete by compaction factor test 1.2.3 Find the compressive strength of concrete cubes

1.3.0 Design of concrete mix by IS code method and Produce concrete mix 1.3.1 Design the concrete mix by IS code method

1.3.2 Prepare the concrete mix 1.3.3 Compare the test results

1.4.0. Conduct and Interpret the test results of Course and fine aggregates with IS codes 1.4.1 Find the bulking of sand 1.4.2 Find the Void ratio, Bulk density (loose & compacted), Porosity, Specific gravity of fine and Course aggregates 1.4.3 Measure the grading of aggregate by conducting sieve analyse test and draw the Gradation curve 1.4.4 Measure the Flakiness Index of aggregates 1.4.5 Measure the Elongation index of aggregate

CONTENT DETAILS Test on Cements –Fineness-Specific gravity-Consistency-Setting time-Soundness Test on Concrete-Slump test-Compaction factor test-Test on cube strength-design the mix-Prepare the mix-test and compare Test on Aggregate-Bulking of sand-void ratio-bulk density-porosity-Specific gravity (course & Fine).



Module Topics Period

1 Construct brick wall corners ,junctions, and piers in English bond and Flemish bond Setting out a building


2 Plumbing practice 12 3 Painting practice 9 4 Electrical wiring practice 9


Sl. Sub Student will be able to


1 Construct masonry works

2 Set out a building

3 Do the plumbing works

2 1 Do the painting works on different surfaces

2 Do the electrical wiring

SPECIFIC OUTCOME Upon completion of the study, the student should be able to: 1.1.0 Setting out a small building in the field by three- four- five rule (Compulsory) 1.1.1 Construct a right angle by using three – four –five rules 1.1.2 Compute the Centre line of the building 2.1.0 Perform brick masonry 2.1.1 Construct one, one and a half, & two brick wall in English Bond and Flemish bond. 2.1.3 Construct one brick thick wall in Rat trap bond. 2.1.4 Construct a cross wall of one brick thick in English Bond and Flemish bond. 2.1.5 Construct a cross wall of one brick thick with one an a half main wall in English Bond and Flemish bond.

2.1.6 Construct one brick pier in English bond and one and a half brick pier in English Bond and Flemish bond.

2.1.7 Construct two brick pier in English Bond and Flemish bond. 3.1.0. Perform plumbing practice 3.1.1 Identify and sketching of tools and fittings in plumbing and sanitary wares. 3. 1.2 Do thread cutting on G I pipe and PVC pipes 20mm &25mm 3.1.3 Do fitting of pipes, specials, taps, shower, etc. 3.1.4 Do service connection from water supply mains 3.1.5 Connect closets, wash basins, flushing cisterns, flushing valves 3.1.6 Connect different types of water traps. 3.1.7 Connect drainage to public drainage system 3.1.8 Do water connections to plumbing and sanitary appliances 4.1.0. Painting practice 4.1.1 Perform painting on wood work 4.1.2 Perform painting on Metals surfaces 4.1.3 Perform white washing and Colour washing 4.1.4 Perform painting with distempers and emulsion paints. 5.1.0. Perform electrical wiring practice (not for examination) 5.1.1 Do Single phase wiring- one lamp controlled by one switch and one lamp controlled by Two switches. 5.1.2 Familiarize connections to Plug & Socket, DP & TP main switch, MCB & ELCB, Earthing, lightning arrester etc.

CONTENT DETAILS 1. Setting out of a Residential building 2. Brick Masonry - English bond- Flemish bond- Rat trap bond 3. Plumbing practice and sanitary practice 4. Painting Practice 5. Electrical wiring.