6(0(67(5 0(&+$1,&$/ (1*,1((5,1*gptcmdi.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/S5-ME-full.pdf · 1. O P...


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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Principles of management

Human resources management Wages and incentives


2 Quality planning and Development Material and sales management


3 Project management techniques and quantitative techniques 13

4 Industrial safety , entrepreneurship 13




1 Understand the principles of management practices

2 Appreciate the significance of human resources management

3 Understand the principles of wage payment system and incentives

4 Appreciate the significance of quality planning and development

5 Understand the functions of material and sales management

6 Appreciate the role of project management techniques

7 Apply the principles of quantitative techniques in managenent

8 Understand the features of industrial safety

9 Appreciate the qualities of an entrepreneur

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SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1.0 Understand the principles of management practices.

1.1.1 Explain the meaning of Management. 1.1.2 Explain the development of management theory of F.W.Taylor and Henry Foyal. 1.1.3 State and explain the functions of management . 1.1.4 State the forms of business organization. 1.1.5 Explain different types of ownership . 1.1.6 Explain different types of organizational structure .

1.2.0 Appreciate the significance of human resources management 1.2.1 Outline the importance of HRM. 1.2.2 State and explain the functions of HRM . 1.2.3 Explain the process of man power planning. 1.2.4 Explain Job analysis, job evaluation, merit rating, performance appraisal . 1.2.5 Describe the steps in selection of workers. 1.2.6 Explain the objectives of training.

1.2.7 State and explain the methods of training. 1.2.8 Define labour turn over.

1.3.0 Understand the principles of wage payment system and incentives

1.3.1 Define different types of wages. 1.3.2 Define incentives. 1.3.2 Identify financial, non-financial and semi financial incentives. List different types of financial incentive plans.

MODULE II 2.1.0 Appreciate the significance of quality planning and development.

2.1.1 List the dimensions (characteristics) of quality. 2.1.2 List the objectives of quality planning. 2.1.3 Describe Three prong approach to quality planning. 2.1.4 List the developments in quality planning. 2.1.5 Explain the concept and role of ISO standards. 2.1.6 List the elements of ISO 9000 series. 2.1.7 List the steps for ISO 9000 installation. 2.1.8 List the objectives of quality audit. 2.1.9 Describe the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). 2.1.10 Discuss the link between ISO and TQM. 2.1.11 List the ten “manthras’’ of TQM. 2.1.12 Explain mission, vision and quality policy.

2.2.0 Understand the functions of material and sales management. 2.2.1 List the objectives of purchase department.

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2.2.2 State the buying techniques. 2.2.3 Describe purchase procedure. 2.2.4 Define inventory. 2.2.5 Classify the inventory. 2.2.6 Explain inventory models such as EOQ and ABC. 2.2.7 List the objectives of stores management. 2.2.8 Explain the functions of store keeping.

2.2.9 Describe the store keeping records. 2.2.10 Explain the concept of store layout. 2.2.11 Describe the centralised and de-centralised store. 2.2.12 Outline the importance of sales department. 2.2.13 List the functions of sales department. 2.2.14 Explain the process of sales forecasting.

MODULE III 3.1.0 Appreciate the role of project management techniques 3.1.1 Outline the network technique . 3.1.2 List different applications of CPM and PERT 3.1.3 Outline scope of PERT and CPM 3.1.4 Define the terms used in CPM . 3.1.5 Compute the project duration, slack and critical path by using AOA method only. 3.1.6 Distinguish between CPM and PERT. 3.1.7 Define the terms used in PERT .

3.1.8 Explain the terms pessimistic, optimistic and most likely time. 3.1.9 Calculate the expected time for each activity. 3.1.10 Compute the project duration ,slack and mark the critical path.

3.2.0 Apply the principles of quantitative techniques in management. 3.2.1 List different quantitative techniques. 3.2.2 Formulation of Linear Programming Problem (LPP). 3.2.3 Graphical solution of given LPP on maximisation and minimisation. 3.2.4 Explain the scope of transportation problem. 3.2.5 Compute the initial feasible solution of transportation problem by using Least cost method 3.2.6 Explain game theory. 3.2.7 Compute the saddle point, optimum strategy of the game, two - person - zero sum using max- min and min-max principle. MODULE IV 4.1.0 Understand the features of industrial safety

4.1.1 Explain the importance and need for safety measures in industries 4.1.2 Define the meaning of the terms - factory, accident, frequency rate, severity rate, incidence rate, performance index, accident proneness, unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, job safety analysis, plant safety inspections, industrial safety policy. 4.1.3 Identify the various accident factors, mechanical factors, environmental factors, and personal factors.

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4.1.4 Discuss the 4 E's of accident prevention technique. 4.1.5 Discuss the role of safety council and safety officer. 4.1.6 Discuss emergency preparedness and response. 4.1.7 Discuss the precautions to be observed in preventing accident while working in hazardous environment.

4.2.0 Appreciate the qualities of an entrepreneur 4.2.1 Describe the profile of an entrepreneur 4.2.2 List the functions of an entrepreneur 4.2.3 Identify the risk taking qualities of an entrepreneur 4.2.4 Explain the concept of student entrepreneur. 4.2.5 List the different factors contributing to the failure of entrepreneurial ventures 4.2.6 Identify industrial support needed programs existing in India, Kerala 4.2.7 State the concept of DSIR,TBI, MSME.etc. 4.2.8 State the steps involved in starting small-scale industry 4.2.9 Describe the procedure for the registration of SSI 4.2.10 Identify the net work of financial assistances given to an entrepreneur 4.2.11 Identify the different constituents of feasibility study 4.2.12 Prepare the feasibility report / project report

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE I 1. Principles of management Introduction - meaning of management - development of management theory: - Taylor's scientific management,- Modern approaches-compare F.W. Taylor and Henry Fayol's contributions Functions of management- Different types of ownership: - Sole proprietorship, partnership, private Ltd company, public Ltd company, co-operative society-transnational organizations (brief description only) Organizational structure: - Definition of organization-components of organizational structure- different types of organizational structure-line, functional, line & staff organization (brief description) 2. Human Resource Management (HRM) Concept of HR Management - functions of HRM - requirements of manpower planning - factors affecting the manpower planning - job evaluation - steps required for job evaluation - methods for job evaluation - merit rating - objectives and methods - performance appraisal - training - importance of training - methods of training - advantages of training (brief description only) , labour turn over. 3. The principles of a good wage payment system Importance of good wage plan-types of wages - nominal, real, living, fair, and minimum wages -requirement of a good wage payment system - Incentives - definitions, types of incentive plan for dire

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MODULE II 1. Quality Planning and its developments Definitions of quality- dimensions of quality- ISO 9000 & Installation -Concept and role of ISO 9000, elements of ISO 9000, steps for installation of ISO 9000 - preparatory step, implementation step, registration and certification step-Quality Audit - objectives list the objectives of quality planning -three prong approach to quality planning- Documentation-Quality management system. TQM -Concept, ten mantras of TQM, the link between ISO 9000 and TQM -mission, vision and quality policy. 2. Materials and sales management. objectives of purchase department.-State the buying techniques.-Describe purchase procedure. classification -spot quotation -floating the limited enquiry -tenders -single and open -earnest money -security deposit Inventory management -definition and -inventory models -EOQ and ABC. Stores management -introduction -store keeping functions -duties of store keeper -store layout -centralised and decentralised store -store records -indent forms -bincard -store ledger. Sales - importance -functions of sales department -sales forecasting MODULE III

1. Project Management Techniques . Introduction to Network analysis - application of CPM and PERT -scope of CPM and PERT -commonly used terms in CPM: - Operation, pre-operation, post operation, concurrent operation, earliest finish time (EFT), latest finish time (LFT), critical activities, critical path, event, slack or float, dummy activity -procedure for CPM -simple problems on CPM (by AOA method only). PERT - comparison between CPM and PERT -procedure for PERT - calculation of expected time -commonly used terms in PERT, event, activity, successor event, predecessor event, Earliest expected time, Latest allowable time, slack - simple problems in PERT. 2. Quantitative techniques in management. Introduction -methods -Linear programming: - Formulation of LPP -solution of given LPP using graphical method -transportation problem -meaning -initial feasible solution of transportation MODULE I V

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1. Industrial safety. Importance of safety in work place -increasing trends in industrial accidents -terminology -factory -accident -incident -severity rate -- frequency rate -incidence rate -safety performance index -accident proneness -unsafe acts list the causes of accidents: - Mechanical, Environmental, personnel factors -accident prevention techniques - 4 E'S of accident prevention technique . organizing safety -role of management -safety officers -government norms -factories act of 1948 -factories rule 1960 -emergency preparedness and response -precautions to be observed in hazardous situations like toxic ,,flammable ,,electrical shock and material handling. 2. Concept of entrepreneurship- profile of an entrepreneur- functions-risk taking qualities-concept of student entrepreneur.- factors contributing to the failure of entrepreneurial ventures- industrial support needed programs existing in India, Kerala-concept of DSIR, TBI, MSME. etc.- steps involved in starting small-scale industry- registration of SSI-agencies for financial assistances - feasibility study -Preparation of feasibility report and project report. TEXT BOOKS 1. O P Khanna-Industrial Engineering and management- Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi 2. N D Vohra -Quantitative techniques in management- TMH, New Delhi REFERENCE BOOKS

1. LS Srinath -PERT and CPM principles and applications -Eeast West Press Pvt Ltd. New Delhi

2. Dr.Deepak Kumar Battachariya-Industrial Management- Vikas Publishing 3. S K Hajra Choudhury, Nir jhar Roy, A K Hajra Choudhury -Production Management-

Media Promoters and publishers pvt Ltd, Mumbai 4. L M Deshmukh -Industrial safety management - TMH New Delhi 5. Dr. A K Singh – Entrepreneurship Development and Management –Laxmi Publications

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COURSE TITLE : INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/ INDUSTRIAL VISIT / COLLABORATIVE WORK /SPOKEN TUTORIAL COURSE CODE : 5009 COURSE CATEGORY : P DAYS / SEMESTER : 14 CREDITS : 2 General Outcome: GO On completion of the study of this course the students will be able:

1 To provide an industrial exposure in tune with the curriculum.

2 To familiarize industrial standards, safety aspects, organizational structure.

3 To improve employability of students.

4 To provide training on industrial relevant topics.


The students need to undergo any of the four options mentioned in the course title for successful award of credit for the program, subject to the evaluation criteria mentioned below.

Industrial Training:

The students need to undergo 10 days full time industrial training on Government, Quasi Government or Public limited industries. Students of Diploma in Biomedical Engineering can opt for Super/multi specialty hospitals in addition to the above mentioned industries. On successful completion of the training students need to submit certificate of completion mentioning days of their attendance to the Head of the Department. It is required to submit bonafide report of the training at the end of the course and shall be evaluated internally. Evaluation criteria:

1. Attendance ( based on feedback from the industry) : 30% 2. Involvement ( based on feedback from the industry) : 30% 3. Viva (as part of internal evaluation at the institute) : 20% 4. Bonafide record : 20%

Industrial Visit:

The concept of industrial visit is to encourage students to interact with nearby industries. The students need to be assigned with specific task that need interaction with the industry. For example, students of Diploma in Chemical Engineering in batches of five can be sent to the nearby industry to collect details regarding effluent treatment. Industrial visit to Small, medium or large scale industries accompanied by faculty members can also be encouraged. In such case one faculty from each branch can be assigned as advisor for the visit. The advisor can identify appropriate industry and co-ordinate the visit. At least four

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industries should to be visited for successful completion of the course. The visit can be spanned conveniently within the semester. Evaluation is based on the report submitted by the accompanied faculty along with the evaluation criteria mentioned below. It is required to submit bonafide report of the visit at the end of the course and shall be evaluated internally.

Evaluation criteria: 1. Attendance ((evaluated by the advisor) : 30% 2. Involvement (evaluated by the advisor) : 30% 3. Viva (as part of internal evaluation at the institute) : 20% 4. Bonafide record : 20%

Collaborative Work:

Academic departments can collaborate with industries of repute by way of taking up consultancy, testing or assembling work. One faculty can be assigned as coordinator. The students need to consult or visit the collaborative industry as part of the course. It is required to submit bonafide report at the end of the collaborative work and shall be evaluated internally. It is to be ensured that the collaborating industry is selected based on their repute in the segment. Collaborative works are not allowed with academic or industrial training providers. Evaluation criteria:

1. Attendance (evaluated by the advisor) : 30% 2. Involvement (evaluated by the advisor) : 30% 3. Viva (as part of internal evaluation at the institute) : 20% 4. Bonafide record : 20%

Spoken Tutorial Students can optionally go for spoken tutorial provided Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India for successful completion of the course. Students can go for at least one course provided as part of spoken tutorial. The students need to submit completion certificate with mention of their grade. Evaluation criteria: Evaluation shall be made based on certification of the programme.

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Introduction to Design of machine elements. Design of bolt, nuts

and keys. Power screws. 20

2 Shaft and coupling 15 3 Bearing. Cam. Governor and fly wheel 20 4 Belt, rope and chain drive. Gear and gear train. 20

TOTAL 75 COURSE OUTCOME : sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the factors governing the design of machine elements.

2 Comprehend the design of Nut, Bolt, Keys using empirical and analytical method

3 Appreciate the working and efficiency of power screws.


4 Understand the design of shaft and power transmission

5 Comprehend the design of coupling by analytical and empirical method.

6 Understand the basic design procedure for bearings.


7 Comprehend the construction of Cam and Follower and purpose of governor and fly wheel.

8 Understand the application of belt, rope and chain drive.

9 Appreciate the design of gear proportion and gear train.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1.0 Understand the factors governing the Design of Machine elements 1.1.1 List the factors governing the design 1.1.2 Define the general procedure for design 1.1.3 Illustrate the methods of design – analytical and empirical 1.1.4 Explain design stress, working stress and factor of safety 1.2.0 Design of Bolts, Nuts and Keys using analytical and empirical methods 1.2.1 Define the important terms used in screw threads 1.2.2 List the standard dimensions of screw threads and empirical formulae 1.2.3 Explain the designation of screw threads

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1.2.4 Identify the stresses due to static loading, initial stresses and stresses due to external forces, stresses due to combined forces

1.2.5 Estimate the size of the screw from above stresses 1.2.6 Design cylinder covers 1.2.7 Simple problems related to design of cylinder covers 1.2.8 Explain the bolts of uniform strength 1.2.9 Classify the various types of keys 1.2.10 Determine the proportions of sunk key 1.2.11 Calculate the strength of rectangular sunk key and square sunk key 1.2.12 Select the key size using empirical proportions, simple problems 1.3.0 Analyze the working efficiency of screw jack 1.3.1 Determine the effort, torque required and efficiency of a square threaded screw jack with collar

and without collar fiction 1.3.2 Calculate the maximum efficiency of a square threaded screw 1.3.3 Describe overhauling and self locking 1.3.4 Calculate the efficiency of self locking screw jack MODULE II 2.1.0 Design Shafts and Power Transmitted by Shafts 2.1.1 State torsion equation and explain each term 2.1.2 Design the diameter of solid and hollow shafts from strength and rigidity considerations 2.1.3 Determine the power transmitted by the shafts subjected to torque 2.1.4 Calculate the diameter of shaft considering strength and stiffness 2.1.5 Compare solid and hollow shafts in terms of their weight, strength and stiffness 2.2.0 Design coupling using analytical and empirical methods and check for safety 2.2.1 State the purpose of couplings 2.2.2 Design the dimensions of muff coupling 2.2.3 Design the dimensions of rigid flange coupling and check for safety 4 2.2.4 Draw the above coupling after calculating the dimensions MODULE III 3.1.0 Justify the basic design procedure of bearings 3.1.1 State the functions of bearings 3.1.2 Classify the bearings 3.1.3 Explain generally as to what is meant by sliding contact and rolling contact bearings 3.1.4 Estimate the proportions of solid journal bearing empirically based on journal diameter and

sketch 3.1.5 Explain the bearing characteristic number and the significance of bearing modulus 3.1.6 Determine the proportions of a foot step bearing empirically based on shaft diameter and

sketch 3.1.7 Design of journal bearing given the load allowable bearing pressure and l/d ratio 3.1.8 Solve simple problems involving the design of solid journal bearings and foot step bearings 3.1.9 Calculate the Heat generated in journal bearings 3.2.0 Recognize different types of Cams and Followers 3.2.1 Define various terms of cam terminology

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3.2.2 Explain the various displacement diagrams 3.2.3 Draw the cam profiles of a disc cam with offset and without off set for knife edge and roller

follower 3.3.0 Appreciate the purpose and uses of Governors and Flywheels 3.3.1 Explain the function of governors 3.3.2 list the types of governors 3.3.3 Illustrate the principle of working of simple watt governor and porter governor 3.3.4 Identify the terms used in governors – height of governors, equilibrium speed, mean equilibrium

speed, maximum and minimum equilibrium speed, sleeve lift, sensitiveness, stability and hunting of governors

3.3.5 Explain the functions of fly wheel 3.3.6 Compare the functions of flywheel with governor 3.3.7 Explain fluctuation of speed, fluctuation of energy, coefficient of fluctuation speed, coefficient

of fluctuation of energy, energy stored in fly wheels, turning moment diagrams MODULE IV 4.1.0 Appreciate the application of Belt, Rope and Chain Drive 4.1.1 State the application of belt drives 4.1.2 Explain the terms open belt, crossed belt, angle of lap belt, slack and tight sides, velocity ratio,

slip, creep, centrifugal tension and power transmitted 4.1.3 Solve simple problems related to V.R. and slip 4.1.4 Calculate the Length of belt of an open belt and crossed belt ( No derivation.) 4.1.5 State the Ratio of belt tensions (no proof) 4.1.6 Determine the power transmitted by a belt 4.1.7 Calculate the width of flat belt without considering centrifugal tension 4.1.8 Illustrate V belt, rope or circular belt drive 4.1.9 State the advantages and disadvantages of chain drive over belt drive 4.2.0 Design Gear proportions and gear trains 4.2.1 State the function of gear and friction wheel 4.2.2 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of gear drive 4.2.3 Illustrate the spur gear nomenclature including addendum, deddendum, module, pitch circle,

circular pitch, pitch point, diametric pitch, clearance 4.2.4 Explain simple gear train, compound gear train, reverted gear train and epicyclic gear train 4.2.5 Solve simple problems on simple and compound gear trains



Introduction - General considerations – General procedure - Design stress and working stress - factor of safety – introduction to design data book.

Bolts, Nuts and Key Designation and nomenclature of screw thread - stresses in screwed fastenings due to static loading -

initial stresses -stresses due to external forces – Estimation of screw size - stresses due to combined forces -simple problems - design of cylinder covers - simple problems - bolts of uniform strength –

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Types of keys - forces acting on a sunk key - strength of a sunk key – Square and rectangular - calculation of key size using empirical proportions - simple problems.

Screw jack - Torque required to raise and lower the load – square threaded screw jack with collar (without collar friction)- Self-locking screw jack – efficiency and overhauling - simple problems. MODULE II

Tensional stresses and strains (Review) - strength of solid and hollow shaft - comparisons - problems – power transmitted by shaft – simple problems - working stresses for shafts - design of shaft based on strength and rigidity - shafts subjected to twisting moment and bending moment – simple problems - design of shafts on the basis of torsional rigidity- simple problems -Compare solid and hollow shaft in terms of their weight, strength and stiffness –simple problems.

Couplings Shaft couplings - requirement - types -design of sleeve or muff coupling - design and sketch flange

coupling using calculated values-unprotected type –simple problems.


BEARINGS Functions - classification of bearings - Radial bearings - thrust bearings - sliding contact bearings - rolling contact bearings - design and sketch solid journal bearing based on journal diameter, bearing pressure and L/D ratio- friction in journal bearing -design of thrust bearing considering uniform pressure - flat pivot or foot step bearing-coefficient of friction and bearing characteristic number - heat generated in journal bearings –Problems from each of the above Cams

Classification of followers and cams - cam terminology -motion of the followers - uniform velocity, simple harmonic motion - uniform acceleration and retardation - displacement diagrams -construction of cam profile with reciprocating followers - knife edge follower, follower axis passes through the cam axis and offset - roller follower, follower axis passes through the cam axis and offset Governors and Flywheels Functions of the governors - types of governors - simple watt governor - porter governor –terms in governors –height of governor ,equilibrium speed, mean equilibrium speed, maximum & minimum equilibrium speed, sleeve fit, sensitiveness, stability and hunting of governors Flywheels Functions-comparison with governors – fluctuation of speed, fluctuation of energy, coefficient of fluctuation of speed, coefficient of fluctuation energy-Energy stored in flywheels- Turning moment diagrams. MODULE IV BELT, ROPE AND CHAIN DRIVE

Types of belts - flat belt, circular belt or rope, V-belt - types of flat belt drives - open and crossed belt drive - compound belt drive - stepped or cone pulley drive - velocity ratio - slip - creep -problems - length of an open belt - length of crossed belt - problems - power transmitted by a belt -ratio driving tensions for flat belt drive (no proof) - angle of contact - problems - centrifugal tension - calculation of

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width of the belt (without considering centrifugal tension) – problems V-belt drive - rope or circular belt drive - chain drive – advantages and disadvantages over belt drive.

Gears and Gear Trains Functions of gears - friction wheels - advantages and disadvantages of a gear drive - spur gear

nomenclature – addendum, dedendum, module, pitch circle, circular pitch, pitch point, diametric pitch, and clearance.

Simple gear drive - Velocity ratio - gear trains - simple gear train - compound gear train - reverted gear train - epicyclic gear train –simple problems on simple and compound gear trains-number of teeth and gears. TEXT BOOKS 1. A text book of Machine Design - R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta

2. A text book of Theory of Machines - R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta

3. A text book of Strength of Materials - Dr. R.K. Bansal


1. A Text book of Automobile Engineering - T.R. Banger and Nathu Singh

2. Machine Design - Dr. Sadhu Singh.

3. Design of Machine elements M.R.Thomas.

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Production planning and control, Plant Engineering. 20 2 Work study -Method Study and Work measurement. 20 3 Quality Control & Inspection, Fundamentals of statistical concept.

Control charts. 15

4 Acceptance Sampling & Fundamentals of Estimating and costing 20 TOTAL 75


sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the scope of Industrial engineering.

2 Comprehend the procedure to implement, purchase, production, planning and control programme in industry.

3 Appreciate the method study, work study, time study and work sampling

4 Comprehend the importance of Quality control and inspection.

5 Understand the fundamentals of statistical concept.

6 Comprehend the Control Charts for variables and attributes.

7 Understand the acceptance Sampling.

2 8 Understand the calculation of the selling price of a product.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1.0 Identify the scope of the subject Industrial Engineering 1.1.1 Explain the concept of industry, industrial Engg., Production and Productivity 1.1.2 Differentiate production and productivity with examples 1.1.3 Justify the importance of productivity 1.1.4 Mention the various methods of increasing productivity 1.1.5 Describe the procedure to implement production planning and control programme in industries 1.1.6 Categorize the types of production 1.1.7 List the characteristics of various types of production 1.2.0 State the concepts of P.P.C 1.2.1 Explain the benefits of P.P.C 1.2.2 Identify the various functions of P.P.C

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1.2.3 Explain Pre -planning 1.2.4 List various activities of pre-planning 1.2.5 Describe Routing and Routing procedure 1.2.6 Illustrate scheduling 1.2.7 Identify the three types of schedule charts 1.2.8 Prepare master schedule, parts schedule and machine loading schedule in the form of Gantt chart 1.2.9 Define Dispatching 1.2.10 List various documents in dispatching 1.2.11 Explain value engineering 1.2.12 Explain Plant layout 1.2.13 Explain briefly the various factors to be considered in locating industrial plants 1.2.14 Illustrate the different types of plant layout adopted in modern industries 1.2.15 Explain briefly the various factors influencing the plant layout 1.2.16 Explain the types of maintenance 1.2.17 Describe Break down ,Scheduled , preventive and predictive maintenance 1.2.18 State the function and principle of material handling 1.2.19 List the types of material handling equipments 1.2.20 Explain the Factors affecting material handling MODULE II 2.1.0 Explain work study 2.1.1 Illustrate the application of work study to increase productivity 2.1.2 Identify the objectives of method study 2.1.3 Describe the procedure for the conduct of method study 2.1.4 Draw the various process charts and diagrams 2.1.5 State the concepts of THERBLIGS 2.1.6 List the various THERBLIGS and its symbols 2.1.7 Draw SIMO chart 2.1.8 State the Principles of motion economy

2.1.9 Describe the procedures for calculating standard time 2.2.0 Explain the procedure for the conduct of stop watch time study 2.2.1 Determine the standard time (simple problem) 2.2.2 State the concept of production study 2.2.3 List the various steps to develop standard data 2.2.4 Define the concepts of analytical estimating 2.3.0 Define the term work sampling 2.3.1 State the Principles of work sampling

2.3.2 List the various steps required in making a work sampling study 2.3.3 State the application of work sampling MODULE III 3.1.0 State the importance of quality control and inspection methods 3.1.1 Explain the concepts of 'Quality' and 'Quality Control' 3.1.2 List the objectives of Quality control

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3.1.3 Mention the areas of application of Quality control programmes 3.1.4 Find the three components of Quality costs 3.1.5 Identify the benefits of Q.C. programme 3.2.0 Explain the concepts on Inspection 3.2.1 Describe the inspection of incoming materials 3.2.2 Compare floor inspection and centralized inspection 3.2.3 Explain the fundamentals of Statistical concepts 3.2.4 State the concept of variability in measurement 3.2.5 Explain the terms variable and attribute with example 3.2.6 Define the terms frequency, frequency distribution and frequency plot 3.2.7 i. Draw frequency plot and tally sheet. ii Draw histogram and frequency polygon 3.2.8 Explain the terms mean, median ,mode and standard deviation.(Simple problems) 3.2.9 Illustrate and explain the significance of normal distribution curve. 3.3.0 Describe the Procedure of Constructing X and R Charts 3.3.1 Select the method of calculating mean and range 3.3.2 Find the points to be considered for making X -R chart 3.3.3 Illustrate X & R control charts data calculation sheet 3.3.4 List the steps in the calculation of control limits Plot the X & R chart 3.4.0 Define the defects and defectives 3.4.1 Identify the control chart for defective 3.4.2 Define fraction defective and percent defective 3.4.1 Estimate the average fraction defective 3.4.2 Find the control limits

3.4.5 Draw the P chart and’100P’ chart 3.5.0 Explain the construction of 'C' Chart 3.5.1 Identify the characteristic of a 'C'; Chart 3.5.2 Estimate the average of defects 3.5.3 Find control limit for 'C' chart 3.5.4 Draw 'C' chart 3.5.5 State the advantages of 'C' chart MODULE IV 4.1.0 Acceptance sampling. 4.1.1 Describe the concept of acceptance sampling 4.1.2 Describe the terms used in acceptance sampling 4.1.3 Explain single , double and multiple sampling plans. 4.1.4 Illustrate OC curve for an Ideal plan 4.1.5 Illustrate and explain OC curve for a general plan. 4.2.0 Estimating and costing . 4.2.1 Distinguish between estimating and costing 4.2.2 State the objectives of costing 4.2.3 Identify the elements of costing 4.2.4 Explain the classification of costs 4.2.5 Find the selling price of a product, give examples 4.2.6 Illustrate the various methods of allocation of over heads

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4.2.7 Explain the term 'Depreciation' 4.2.8 List the various causes for depreciation 4.2.9 Describe the various methods of calculating depreciation

4.2.10 Estimate the depreciation in the given examples 4.2.11. Distinguish the need, scope and functions of estimating department in industry 4.2.12 State the objectives of estimate 4.2.13 Identify the principal constituents of estimating 4.2.14 Describe estimating procedures

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE I Industrial Engineering – Introduction- concepts of industry - production and productivity - difference - importance - methods for increasing productivity - expectations from productivity. Production planning and control Types of production system - job production ,batch production, mass production, flow production- one time large production - explanation of production planning control - benefits of PPC -functions of PPC Pre-planning activities –forecasting, types of forecasting- plant location, product planning, design and development, material selection, process planning, determination of men, machines, material and tool requirements. Process planning -break even analysis - process sheet -process planning procedure-–choice of machine in process planning Routing - explain routing - routing procedure - route sheet - comparison of route sheet and process sheet Scheduling - factors affecting scheduling - types - master schedule , parts schedule, m/c loading schedule -preparation of schedule chart in Gantt chart form. Dispatching - functions - work in dispatching - list various documents prepared in dispatching - Follow up and control Value Engineering- Explain value engineering - applications of value engineering - advantages – Plant location and layout- Factors to be considered in locating industrial plants - plant layout - types of layouts - compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type - factors influencing the plant layout . plant maintenance - types of maintenance –their advantages and disadvantages-cost of maintenance - Material handling -functions and principles of material handling - factors effecting material handling-types of material handling equipments. MODULE II Method study Introduction to work study - advantages - application of work study to increase productivity- Introduction to method study - objectives of method study - method study procedure - process chart symbols - preparation of charts -Operation process chart, flow process chart (men material and equipment), - man-machine chart, right hand left hand chart-flow diagram - string diagram-compare macromotion study and micromotion study. state the work of Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth- Therbligs and their symbols -SIMO chart

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Principles of motion economy - Rules concerning Human body, work place layout and Design of tools and equipments. Work measurement Objectives of work measurement –types of work measurement techniques-Stop watch time study- procedure of stop watch time study -Standard time calculation - production study-analytical estimating-synthesis from standard data-PMTS &MTM. Work Sampling -Explain work sampling - applications - steps in work sampling-advantages and limitations over stop watch time study. MODULE III 1.Quality control and Inspection

Concept of Quality and Quality control –Statistical quality control-objectives of quality control – applications- incoming material control-in process control –product control in manufacturing. - benefits of a quality control programme. State the components of qualities cost

Concepts of inspection - objectives - inspection of incoming materials - manufacturing inspection.Types of inspection - first piece inspection, operation inspection.-functional inspection. Floor and rowing or patrolling inspection - centralized inspection - advantages and limitations 2.Fundamentals of statistical concepts Explain the term variability in measurements - explain the terms variable, attribute, frequency, tally sheet and frequency distribution -frequency plot –histogram-frequency polygon-Ogives - explanation of the terms mean, median, mode , standard deviation and variance - calculation of mean, median, mode , standard deviation and variance - normal distribution curve-its salient features. 3.Control Charts – for Variables Construction of X & R Chart Explain mean (X) and Range (R)- preliminary consideration of making X and R charts -components of X & R charts - procedure for constructing X & R charts - plot X & R chart –conclusion of results-simple examples. 4.Control Chart for defectives Defect and Defectives -Purpose of selection of P chart - determination of size and frequency of samples - construction of P chart and 100 P chart - analysis and interpret. 5.'C' Chart C chart - characteristic - control limits – construction of C chart - advantages of C chart-analysis and interpret. MODULE IV Acceptance sampling.

concept of acceptance sampling - Terms used in acceptance sampling-lot-lot size –sample-sample size-acceptance No.-rejection No –LQ-LTPD-consumers risk and producers risk- Explain single, double and multiple sampling plans. Illustrate OC curve for an Ideal plan

Illustrate and explain OC curve for a general plan showing four parameters. Estimating and Costing -comparison between estimating and costing - objectives of costing-- element of cost - material - labour - expenses - classification of costs- explanation of the terms prime costs –factory cost-office cost- total costs –overhead expenses- method of allocation of overhead expenses – simple problems--depreciation - list the various causes for depreciation – different methods of calculating depreciation - simple problems. Estimating department in industry – need – scope-

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functions -objectives of job estimate- principal constituents of estimate-material labour and expenses -estimating procedures TEXT BOOK

Industrial Engineering and Management - Dr. O.P. Khanna

Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics - T.R. Banga & S.C. Sharma.


Industrial Engineering and Production management - Martand Telsang

Industrial Engineering & Management - Dr. Balasundaram

Quality control - NITTTR

Mechanical Estimating and Costing - NITTTR

Mechanical Estimating and Costing - T.R. Banga & S.C. Sharma

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Fuels and combustion, Steam boilers, steam engine and steam

turbine 15

2 Condensers, Cooling Towers and Thermal power plant 15 3 Hydro electric power plant, Diesel power plant and Gas Turbines &

Jet propulsion 15

4 Renewable energy power plants and nuclear power plant 15 TOTAL 60

COURSE OUTCOME : sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the fuels and combustion.


Review the steam boiler, steam engine , steam turbine and condenser Boilers for process heating, Power generation & Co-generation; & Modern high pressure boilers including FBC (Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler), understand the steam piping & accessories and insulation

3 Comprehend the Steam boilers compounding of steam turbine and steam engine


4 Appreciate the condensors, vaccum efficiency of condensors and cooling towers

5 Understand the working of thermal power plants

6 Comprehend the working of hydro electric power plant and diesel power plant

3 7 Understand the working of gas turbine and jet propulsion

8 Appreciate the working of nuclear power plant and non conventional power plant


1.1.0 Fuels & Combustion 1.1.1 List the various types of Fuels. 1.1.2 State the Merits & Demerits of various types of fuels 1.1.3 Describe the requirements of a good fuel. 1.1.4 Explain the properties of fuel– flashpoint, fire point & pour point, 1.1.5 Define Octane number & Cetane number 1.1.6 Deduce combustion equation & combustion volume 1.1.7 Explain calorific values- LCV & HCV

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1.1.8 Explain the Bomb Calorimeter & Junker’s Gas Calorimeter to determine the calorific value of fuel

1.1.9 Explain the factors affecting combustion- 3T (Turbulence, Temperature & time) 1.1.10 Analyse the products of combustion

Review the steam boiler, steam engine, steam turbine and condensor, Boilers for process heating, Power generation & Co-generation; & Modern high pressure boilers including FBC (Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler) 1.2.0 Comprehend the Steam boilers compounding of steam turbine and steam engine 1.2.1 Review the steam boilers 1.2.2 Explain the steam piping and insulation 1.2.3 Explain the boiler draught (natural, forced. Induced, balanced) 1.2.4 Appreciate the working of Steam Turbine 1.2.5 List the advantages of steam turbines over steam engines 1.2.6 Classify steam turbines 1.2.7 Explain the impulse turbines and reaction turbines 1.2.8 Explain the working of a simple De-Laval turbine and Parson's reaction turbine with sketches 1.2.9 State the purpose of compounding of steam turbines 1.2.10 Explain the pressure compounding, velocity compounding and pressure-velocity

compounding 1.2.11 Describe the working of compounding of steam engine. 1.2.12 Explain the modern steam turbines(reheating ,bleeding ,regenerating etc )

MODULE II 2.1.0 Appreciate the condensers, vacuum efficiency of condensers and cooling towers 2.1.1. List the different types of Steam Condensers 2.1.2 State the functions of steam condensers 2.1.3 Classify steam condensers 2.1.4 Illustrate the working of jet condensers and surface condensers 2.1.5 Define vacuum efficiency 2.1.6 Compute the vacuum efficiency 2.1.7 Define condenser efficiency 2.1.8 Compute the condenser efficiency 2.1.9 List the factors affecting vacuum efficiency 2.1.10. State the function of cooling towers 2.1.11. Explain the different types of cooling towers 2.2.0 Understand the working of the thermal power plant 2.2.1 Illustrate line diagram of condensing steam power plant. 2.2.2 Explain the working of air pumps 2.2.3 Explain the thermodynamic vapour power cycles, Carnot - Rankine cycles(Simple Problems) MODULE III 3.1.0 Comprehend the working of hydro electric power plant and diesel power plant 3.1.1 Explain the working of a Hydro electric power plant

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3.1.2 Explain the working of diesel power plant with a block diagram. 3.2.0 Understand the working of gas turbine and jet propulsion 3.2.1 State the working principle of Gas Turbines 3.2.2 State the application of gas turbine 3.2.3 List the types of gas turbines 3.2.4 Explain with flow diagram and T-S diagram, the working of constant pressure gas turbine (both

open type and closed type) 3.2.5 Explain the work done by constant pressure closed gas turbine(no derivation) 3.2.6 Explain the work done by constant pressure open type gas turbine(no derivation) 3.2.7 Compute the work done by above turbines (simple problems only) 3.2.8 List the fuels used in gas turbines 3.2.9 List the advantages and limitations of gas turbines 3.2.10 Compare gas turbines with steam turbines. 3.2.11 Explain the principle of Jet propulsion 3.2.12 Illustrate the working of turbo jet engine, turbo- prop engine and prop-jet engine 3.2.13 Explain the principles of Rocket propulsion 3.2.14 Explain the ram jet engine. 3.2.15 Explain the pulse jet engine. MODULE IV 4.1.0 Appreciate the working of nuclear power plant and non conventional power plant 4.1.1 Explain the theory of Nuclear Power Engineering 4.1.2 Explain Nuclear reaction, fission, fusion and chain reaction. 4.1.3 Explain the principal parts of a reactor 4.1.4 Describe the reaction controlled by control rods 4.1.5 List the various types of Nuclear reactors and the main products of a reactors 4.1.6 List the Nuclear fuel materials - uranium, thorium, plutonium. 4.1.7 Describe the moderator - graphite, beryllium, beryllium oxide, light and heavy oxide 4.1.8 Describe the of coolants - water, liquid metal, gas and organic liquids 4.1.9 Explain the working of a Nuclear power plant with the help of a schematic diagram. 4.1.10 Explain the renewable sources of energy 4.1.11 Illustrate the working of solar grain drier and solar cooker 4.1.12 Explain the principle of solar cells, flat plate collectors and parabolic concentrators 4.1.13 Identify the types of wind mills and their uses 4.1.14 Describe the working of wind mills 4.1.15 Describe the working of Bio gas Plant 4.1.16 Describe the working of Tidal power Plant 4.1.17 Describe the working of Geothermal Plant


Use of Steam Tables and Mollier Charts may be permitted for Examination

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CONTENT DETAILS MODULE I Fuels & Combustion Fuels - types - Merits - Demerits - requirements of a good fuel- properties – flash- fire - pour point- Octane number- Cetane number- combustion equation –Combustion volume- calorific values- HCV - LCV - Bomb Calorimeter - Junker's Gas Calorimeter - calorific values- products of combustion -analysis. Steam generators Steam generator – Application - Modern high pressure boiler - La-Mont boiler, Benson boiler – Boiler piping and insulation. Draught-natural - forced - induced - balanced. Steam turbines Principle - operation – impulse – reaction - Types - De-Lavel turbine- Parson’s turbine- modern steam turbine – reheating- bleeding - regeneration.-Compounding –pressure- Velocity- Pressure-velocity compounding- Compound steam engine. MODULE II Steam Condensers

Introduction - functions -Types - Jet condensers - counter flow and parallel flow type- Surface condensers –Condenser efficiency-Vacuum efficiency – definition- Factors affecting the vacuum efficiency-Mass of cooling water requirement -Cooling tower - function - types-Mass flow rate of water – Simple Problems.

Steam power plant Working - Condensing steam power plant - Air pumps - Edward air pump - cooling towers - Forced draft

- induced draft. Thermodynamic vapour power cycles - Carnot - Rankine cycles – Simple Problems MODULE – III Hydro Electric Power plant- Diesel Power Plant- working. Gas turbines-Working-Types - constant pressure - open - closed type - work done (simple problems only) - fuels - application - advantages - limitations Jet Propulsion-Principle- working-Turbo - jet engine - Turbo - prop engine, Prop-jet engine- Rocket propulsion- Principles - Advantages -disadvantages- Applications.

MODULE – IV Nuclear Power Engineering-Introduction-Nuclear reaction- Fission and fusion - chain reaction- Principal parts of a Reactor- Main parts of a reactor- Brief description of reaction control by Control rods- Brief description of the fuel material- Uranium- Thorium- Plutonium- moderators – Graphite, Beryllium - Beryllium oxide- light - heavy oxide- coolants – water- liquid metal- gas -organic liquids - Nuclear reactors-name different types – working of Boiling water reactor (BWR) - Pressurized water reactor (PWR) - Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) power plants -Working of a nuclear power plant - schematic diagram. Renewable sources of energy -

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Solar Energy - solar grain drier - solar cooker - solar photovoltaic cells - flat plate collectors for power generators - parabolic concentrators for power generation - wind energy- working of wind mills – wind turbines - biogas energy- working of biogas plant – tidal energy - working of tidal power plant -geothermal energy- working principle - TEXT BOOKS 1. Text Book of Thermal Engg., -R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta

2. Non-Conventional Energy sources - G.D. Rai


1. Heat Power Engineering - N. Rangassamy & E. Sundara moorthy

2. Elements & Heat Engines, Vol. I, II & III - R.C. Patel and C. J Karan chandani

3. Introduction to Non conventional Energy resources - Rajaetal.

4. Power plant Engineering - Ramalingam

5. Power plant Engineering -P.K.Nag.

6. Thermal Engg - SK Kulshrestha

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Introduction to energy source. Energy conservation techniques.

Concept of energy management 15

2 Solar energy 15 3 Wind energy. Energy from biomass 15 4 Geothermal energy. Fuel cells 15

TOTAL 60 COURSE OUTCOME : sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the different energy sources and energy conservation methods, energy management techniques.

2 Understand the solar energy and its uses.

3 Understand the wind energy and biomass energy.

4 Understand the renewable energy sources and working of Nuclear power plants.

5 Understand the geothermal energy and its sources.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1.0 Introduction to Energy Sources 1.1.1 Understand the Major sources of energy: Renewable and Non-renewable 1.1.2 Define Primary and Secondary energy sources. 1.1.3 Explain the Energy scenario: 1.1.4 Understand the Prospects of alternate energy sources. 1.1.5 Understand the Need of alternate energy sources. 1.2.0 List the Energy Conservation Techniques 1.2.1 Understand the Distribution of energy consumption 1.2.2 List the Principles of energy conservation. 1.2.3 Define Energy audit and give its classifications 1.2.4 Define Cogeneration and its application 1.2.5 Define Combined cycle system

1.3.0 Understand the Concept of energy management 1.3.1 Explain the different energy management techniques like

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- Analysis of input - Reuse and recycling of waste - Energy education - Conservative technique and energy audit. MODULE II

2.1.0 Understand the Solar Energy 2.1.1 Define Solar Radiation: Solar radiations at earth's surface, Solar Radiation Geometry:

Declination, Hour angle, altitude angle, incident angle, zenith angle, solar azimuth angle 2.1.2 Understand the Principle of conversion of solar energy into heat and electricity 2.1.3 Explain the Construction and working of typical flat plate collector and solar concentrating

collectors and their applications 2.1.4 Explain the Applications of solar energy

-Space heating and cooling. -Photovoltaic electric conversion. -solar distillation, Solar cooking and furnace. -solar pumping and Green house. -Agriculture and Industrial process heat.(No derivations and numerical)

2.1.5 Illustrate the solar Power Stations and solar desalination plants 2.1.6 List their limitations MODULE III 3.1.0 Understand the Wind Energy and its uses 3.1.1 Define power in wind, available wind power formulation, Power coefficient, Maximum Power 3.1.2 Understand the basic principle of wind energy conversion. 3.1.3 List the main considerations in selecting a site for wind mills. 3.1.4 List the advantages and limitations of wind energy conversion. 3.1.5 Classify the wind mills. 3.1.6 Explain the Construction and working of horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, their comparison 3.1.7 List the main applications of wind energy like power generation, WEG, pumping and wind farm. 3.2.0 Understand the Energy from Biomass 3.2.1 List the Common species recommended for biomass. 3.2.2 Understand the methods for obtaining energy from biomass 3.2.3 Define Pyrolysis, Gasification, Hydrogenation. 3.2.4 List the applications of gasifier 3.2.5 Explain the bio diesel production and its applications 3.2.6 Illustrate agriculture waste as a biomass 3.2.7 Explain the biomass digester 3.2.8 Compare biomass with conventional fuels MODULE IV 4.1.0 Understand the use of Geothermal Energy 4.1.1 Explain the Geothermal Energy- Dry rock system, Wet rock system, 4.1.2 Explain the Geo thermal Power plant and its function 4.1.3 List the principal parts and limitations 4.1.4 Understand the Applications of MHD System - Magneto Hydro Dynamic – 4.1.5 State its Principle

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4.1.6 List the Common Gases – 4.1.7 Explain the MHD power plant and its components 4.1.8 List their limitations and applications 4.2.0 Explain the working of Fuel Cells - H2- O2 fuel cell 4.2.1 List the advantages, limitations and applications



Energy Sources Major sources of energy - Renewable and Non-renewable - Primary and Secondary energy sources - Energy scenario - Need of alternate energy sources. Energy Conservation Techniques Distribution of energy consumption - Principles of energy conservation. - Energy audit – classifications- Cogeneration – application - Combined cycle system Concept of energy management Energy management techniques - Analysis of input - Reuse of waste - recycling of waste - Energy education - Conservative technique - energy audit. MODULE II Solar Energy Solar radiations at earth's surface - solar radiation geometry – declination - hour angle - altitude angle - incident angle - zenith angle - solar azimuth angle - principle of conversion of solar energy into heat and electricity - construction and working of typical flat plate collector and solar concentrating collectors – applications - solar energy - applications - space heating – cooling - photovoltaic electric conversion -solar distillation solar cooking - furnace - solar pumping - green house - agriculture industrial process heat.(No derivations and numerical) - solar power stations - solar desalination plants - limitations MODULE III Wind Energy - uses Wind power - wind power formulation - power coefficient - maximum power - principle of wind energy conversion - considerations in selecting a site for wind mills - advantages - limitations – classification horizontal wind mills - vertical axis wind mills - construction – working – comparison - applications - power generation WEG - wind farm. Energy from Biomass Common species recommended for biomass - methods – pyrolysis - gasification - hydrogenation. Applications of gasifier - Bio diesel production – applications - agriculture waste as a biomass - biomass digester - compare MODULE IV Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy - dry rock - wet rock - geo thermal power plant –function - principal parts - limitations

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Understand the applications of MHD system - magneto hydro dynamic –principle - common gases –MHD power plant - components - limitations - applications Fuel Cells - H2- O2 fuel cell Advantages - limitations - applications TEXT BOOKS

1. Non conventional Energy resources - Dr.B.H.Khan(Tata McGraw Hill)

2. Energy Resource Management - KrupalSing Jogi( Sarup & sons)


1. Non conventional Energy sources - G.D.Rai (Khanna Publication)

2. Solar Energy - S.P.Sukhatme (Tata McGraw Hill)

3. Solar Energy - H.P,Garg (Tata McGraw Hill)

4. Power Plant Engineering - Arrora, Domkundwar (Dhanpat Rai & Co.)

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Material Handling Systems 15 2 Components of material Handling systems 15 3 Hoisting Machinery and Equipments 15 4 Conveying Machineries 15


sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the principles of different material handling systems

2 Comprehend the various components of material handling system

3 Appreciate the different hoisting machinery and equipments

4 Understand the working of different conveying machineries SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1.0 Understand the principles of different material handling systems 1.1.1 List the Types of load to be handled- Types of movements-methods of stacking, loading and

unloading systems- 1.1.2 State the principles of material handling systems-hoisting mechanism- lifting mechanism-

traveling, slewing mechanism- cross and traverse mechanism 1.1.3 Identify the Factors effecting choice of material handling equipments such as type of loads,

hourly capacity, direction and length of travel, 1.1.4 Describe the method of stacking at initial intermediate and final points- 1.1.5 Determine specific load conditions and economics of material handling systems. MODULE II 2.1.0 Comprehend the various components of material handling system 2.1.1 Illustrate the Flexible hoisting appliances such as welded chains, roller chains, hemp ropes, steel

wire ropes, 2.1.2 Describe the fastening methods of wire and chains, eye bolts, lifting tackles, lifting and rigging

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2.1.3 List the Load handling attachments 2.1.4 Classify the hooks- forged and eye hook. 2.1.5 Explain the Appliances for suspending hooks- crane grab for unit and piece loads- electric lifting

magnet, vacuum lifter, 2.1.6 Explain the Grabbing attachment for loose materials, crane attachment for handling liquids /

molten metal’s. 2.1.7 Illustrate the Arresting gear and brakes. 2.1.8 Describe the construction and working of arresting gear, construction and use of

electromagnetic shoe brakes, thruster operated shoe brakes, control brakes. MODULE III 3.1.0 Appreciate the different hoisting machinery and equipments. 3.1.1 Illustrate the Working of different type of hoists such as lever operated hoist, portable hand

chain hoist, differential hoist, worm geared and spur geared hoist, electric and pneumatic hoists 3.1.2 Describe the Working of different type of cranes such as rotary cranes, trackless cranes, mobile

cranes, bridge cranes, cable cranes, floating cranes and cranes traveling on guide rails. 3.1.3 Explain the Working of elevating equipments such as stackers, industrials lifts, freight elevators,

passenger lifts, mast type elevators, vertical skip hoist elevators. MODULE IV 4.1.0 Understand the working of different conveying machineries. 4.1.1 Illustrate the Working of traction type conveyors such as belt conveyors, chain conveyors,

bucket elevators, escalators. 4.1.2 Describe the Working of traction less type conveyors such as gravity type conveyors, vibrating

and oscillating conveyors, screw conveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic conveyors, hoppers, gates and feeders.

4.1.3 List the functions of Surface transport equipment 4.1.4 Describe the working of trackless equipment such as hand operated trucks, powered trucks,

tractors, AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) 4.1.5 Describe the working of industrial trailers 4.1.6 Explain the functions and working of cross handling equipment such as winches, capstans,

turntables, transfer tables, monorail conveyors.


Introduction to material handling Types - Types of movements - methods of stacking - loading - unloading - principles - hoisting

mechanism- lifting mechanism- traveling - slewing mechanism- cross - traverse mechanism - Factors effecting choice of material handling equipments - method of stacking at initial intermediate - final points- specific load conditions - economics of material handling systems.

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MODULE II Components of material handling Flexible hoisting appliances - fastening methods - Load handling attachments – Classification of hooks-

forged - eye hook - Appliances for suspending hooks- crane grab for unit and piece loads- electric lifting magnet - vacuum lifter - Grabbing attachment for loose materials - crane attachment for handling liquids - Arresting gear – brakes - construction - working - electromagnetic shoe brakes - construction - use - thruster operated shoe brakes - control brakes. MODULE III

Hoisting machinery and equipments Working of different type of hoists - Working of different types of cranes - Working of elevating

equipments MODULE IV

Conveying machinery. Traction type conveyors - Working - belt conveyors- chain conveyors-bucket elevators- escalators- Working of traction less type conveyors -gravity type conveyors, vibrating and oscillating conveyors, screw conveyors - pneumatic - hydraulic conveyors – hoppers - gates and feeders - Surface transport equipment - functions - working of trackless equipment - hand operated trucks - powered trucks - tractors, AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) - industrial trailers - functions - working - cross handling equipment – winches – capstans – turntables - transfer tables - monorail conveyors. TEXT BOOKS

1. Material Handling Equipment -R.B. Chowdary & G.N.R.Tagore (Khanna Publishers,Delhi)

2. Material Handling (Principles &Practice)-Allegri T.H( CBS Publisher, Delhi)


1. Material Handling - Immer J.R (McGraw Hill, Newyork

2. Materials Management: Text and Cases, 3rd ed. • - Chitale & Gupta

3. Materials Management: Procedures, Text and Cases, 2nd ed. • - Datta

4. Handbook of Materials Management, 2nd ed.�• - Gopalakrishnan & Haleem

5. Materials Management : An Integrated Approach • - Gopalakrishnan & Sundaresan

6. Material Handling Equipment – N.Rundenko ( Peace Publisher, Moscow)

7. Material Handling Equipment -M.P. Alexandrow(MIR Publishers, Moscow)

8. Material Handling Equipment - Parameswaran M.A (CDC in Mech. Engg., I.I.T. Chennai).

9. Plant layout & Material Handling- Apple J.M (John Wiley Publishers)

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 Introduction to CAD. Advantages of CAD. Draw and modifying

commands. 9

2 Working on CAD 9 3 Two dimensional drawing of simple objects with sectional views 15 4 Isometric drawing of machine parts. Understand shop floor

drawing 12

TOTAL 45 COURSE OUTCOME : sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Understand the computer aided drafting

2 Understand the various commands used in CAD.

3 Draw two dimensional drawing with CAD

4 Understand the two dimensional drawing with section using CAD

5 Draw Isometric drawing of simple objects 6 Understand the shop floor drawing

SPECIFIC OUTCOME MODULE I 1.1 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting: History – application – Advantages over manual

drafting –Hard ware requirements – Soft ware requirements – Different software - Auto CAD – Pro E – IDEAS and Open Source drafting software etc.

1.2 CAD basics – main menu, starting a new drawing, open, save, save as, exit, drawing editor, entering commands using mouse, pull down menu, getting help, data entry, entity selection.

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MODULE II 2.1 Draw and modifying commands: setting commands - limits of drawing, units, grid, snap, osnap,

co-ordinates, ortho mode locating a point – absolute coordinate system-relative coordinate system-polar coordinate system-direct distance entry system.

2.2 Draw commands- line, circle, arc, ellipse, rectangle, polygon, spline, polyline, etc. 2.3 Editing commands-erase, copy, array, rotate, mirror, offset, scale move, trim, fillet, chamfer,

extend, stretch, p-line edit, explode etc. MODULE III 3.1 Working with CAD: Properties of lines – colour, line weight, line type, layer properties - Hatch

and gradients, dimensions and text on drawings - Developing simple orthographic views and dimensions it with text - Developing detailed orthographic views with all features-, simple blocks - Knuckle joint, Foot step bearing, cylinder, connecting rod, eccentric etc.

MODULE IV 4.1 Isometric drawing: Isometric snap and grid , Pictorial drawing- Isometric views of simple objects

such as cube, step block, cylinder - Shop floor drawing of various machine parts such as slip bush, swivel bracket, gear shaft, overhung crank etc


1. AutoCAD 2014 for Engineers Vol.I - Sankarprasad Dey

2. Engineering Drawing - M.B.Shah, B.C.Rana

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS 1 General purpose tools and equipments 15 2 Automobile system (Petrol and Diesel engine) 15 3 Machine tools and Air conditioners 15 4 Refrigerator Pumps 15

TOTAL 60 COURSE OUTCOME : sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Select the general purpose tools and equipments.

2 Perform the dismantling, assembling and overhauling of I C engines.

3 Perform the servicing and maintenance of machine tools and air conditioners.

2 4 Carryout the servicing of car air conditioners.

3 5 Carryout the servicing of refrigerators and pumps.

CONTENT DETAILS MODULE I Use of tools and equipment in general purpose servicing Perform the Maintenance of Bench Vice, Screw Jack. Perform the Maintenance of Hydraulic jacks, Trolly jacks, Perform the Maintenance of Bucket grease guns, pressure control valves Servicing and maintenance of water pumps MODULE II Dismantling, assembling and overhauling of different IC Engines parts Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of automobile systems such as fuel feed pumps, Distributor & Carburettor Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of oil pumps and fuel pumps Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of fuel injectors Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of rocker shafts, cylinder heads, cylinder blocks, crank shafts Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of clutch assembly,

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Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of Gear box Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of Differential assembly, Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of slider joints, Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of Master Cylinder, Dismantling, assembling and over hauling of Brake & wheel cylinders. MODULE III Familiarization of air-conditioners maintenance tools Servicing and maintenance of air-conditioners. Practice operations such as tube bending, cutting, flaring, jointing, leak testing, leak prevention Practice operations such as vacuum testing, charging. MODULE IV Familiarization of refrigeration maintenance tools Servicing and maintenance of refrigerators. Practice operations such as tube bending, cutting, flaring, jointing, leak testing, leak prevention Practice operations such as vacuum testing, charging. TEXT BOOKS

1. Mechanical Workshop & Laboratory Manual By K. C. John

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MODULE TOPIC PERIODS1 Lathe work 15 2 Shaper, Planning Machine. 15 3 Milling machine. 15 4 Slotting machine 15


sl.no. sub student will be able to


1 Do work on lathe

2 Do work on shaping machine.

3 Carryout work on milling machine.

4 Execute work on slotting machine.

5 Perform work on planning machine.


MODULE I Lathe Work Lathe operations such as drilling, boring, threading, knurling etc. MODULE II Shaping Practice Cube - V -Blocks, Key - way cuttings. Planning Practice Practice on planning machine. MODULE III Milling Practice

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Simple milling operations - plain milling – side milling – vertical milling etc. MODULE IV Slotting practice Splines on slotting machine


1. Mechanical Workshop Practice By K. C. John (PHI Learning Private Limited)

2. Mechanical Workshop & Laboratory Manual By K. C. John REFERENCE BOOKS

1. Workshop Technology Vol. I by S K Hajra Choudhary

2. Workshop Technology Vol. II by S K Hajra Choudhary

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The student should be able: 1. To have an exposure to an innovative area of Technology/Information. 2. To develop presentation skills. 3. To develop creative interaction among listeners. 4. To learn to appreciate your peers and give positive feedback. Topic Selection: 1. Select topics related to Industry/Technology/allied area, but not part of the curriculum. 2. Repetition of topics not permitted. Presentation: Presentation shall be for at least 15 minutes. Presentation is to be made with audio visual aids. Report: A rough report of the seminar shall be submitted at least 3 working days before presentation. The fair report shall be submitted within one week after the presentation. The report shall include: 1. Abstract 2. Actual content 3. Reference

PART II – PROJECT WORK 1. To develop design of a multi storeyed building. 2. To implement structural planning. And site planning 3. To enhance team spirit and creative talents for achieving a goal. Selection of Project: 1. Select programme related project which has relevance to today’s industry, preferably with a social relevance. 2. Suggested type of Projects :

a. Providing technical service to industry b. Entrepreneurship development

3. Project should be feasible at Diploma level and economically viable 4. Only projects which can be developed by the Diploma students need be selected. Support of external agencies not permitted

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Guidelines for Project Work: 1. Suitable batches may be formed with 3 – 5 students per batch 2. The programme of the project work should be monitored at least once a week and progress may be documented 3. Involvement of each student should be ensured Format for the preparation of Project work : 1. Cover Page as per format 2. Acknowledgement 3. Certificate of the Project Guide 4. Synopsys of the Project 5. Main Report

- Objective & Scope of the Project - Theoretical Background - Definition of Problem - Methodology adopted, System Implementation & Details -Hardware/Software/Machinery/Equipment/used