604 38 364 Radionav Alfa Giulietta GB 1ED · Radio Mode activated: radio band selection (FM1, FM2,...

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Transcript of 604 38 364 Radionav Alfa Giulietta GB 1ED · Radio Mode activated: radio band selection (FM1, FM2,...


The information in this publication is provided by way of example. Fiat Group Automobiles can modify the specifications of the vehicle model

described in this publication at any time, for technical or marketing purposes. For further information, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.

The car is equipped with a Radionavigator designed according to the specific characteristics of the passenger compartment,with a customised design that matches the style of dashboard.

The system is installed in an ergonomic position for the driver and passenger, and controls can be quickly located fromthe graphical display on the front, making the device easy to use.

To increase protection against theft, the Radionavigator has a protection system that only allows it to be used on the ve-hicle in which it has originally been fitted.

The instructions for use are given below and we recommend you read them carefully and always keep them to hand(for example, in the glove compartment).

Enjoy reading this manual. And enjoy driving your car.


TIPS, CONTROLS AND GENERAL INFORMATIONTIPS ......................................................................... 5GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................... 8CONTROLS ................................................................ 10Steering wheel controls ................................................ 15MAIN FUNCTIONS ....................................................... 17Switching the system on/off ........................................ 17Main menu ................................................................ 18Audio ........................................................................ 18Navigation ................................................................. 18Personal destinations ................................................... 18Traffic Info (TMC/TMC Premium) .................................. 18Driving mode information (DNA) .................................... 19Configuration ............................................................. 19Audio ........................................................................ 19

AUDIOVolume adjustment ..................................................... 20Mute/Pause function .................................................. 20“Audio adjustments” menu .......................................... 21Audio source selection .................................................. 22RADIO FUNCTIONSRadio station tuning .................................................... 23Favourite radio stations................................................. 24TA function ................................................................. 25

PTY function ............................................................... 25AF function ................................................................ 26REG function .............................................................. 26Specific radio menu ..................................................... 26CD - MP3 CD/SD FUNCTIONSCD - MP3 CD/SD playback ........................................... 27Stop/pause CD - MP3 CD/SD playback .......................... 27Eject CD - MP3 CD/SD ................................................ 27Selecting a track from the list ...................................... 27Select previous/next track ........................................... 27Track fast forward/rewind ........................................... 27CD - MP3 CD/SD specific menu .................................... 28MEDIA PLAYER FUNCTIONS (only with Blue&MeTM)Launching Media Player mode ...................................... 29Available controls ........................................................ 29Specific Media Player menu ......................................... 30

AUX (only with Blue&MeTM system)(where provided) ........................................................ 31

NAVIGATIONNotices ...................................................................... 32Map display ............................................................... 32Information during navigation ...................................... 33

Main navigation menu ................................................ 34Entering destination .................................................... 34Stops management ..................................................... 38Insert diversion ........................................................... 38Map options .............................................................. 39Navigation options ..................................................... 41Start navigation .......................................................... 42Specific navigation menu ............................................ 43

TRAFFIC INFOTraffic information (TMC/TMC Premium) ......................... 44Choose TMC/TMC Premium station ............................... 46TMC/TMC Premium reception status ............................... 46

DNA DRIVING MODE AND DYNAMIC FUNCTIONActivating driving mode information (DNA) ...................... 47Handling .................................................................. 47Engine ....................................................................... 47Dynamic display screens................................................ 48

TRIP COMPUTERGeneral features ......................................................... 49Specific Trip Computer menu ........................................ 49

TELEPHONE (only with Blue&MeTM system)Telephone information display ....................................... 50Specific telephone menu .............................................. 51Spot messages menu .................................................. 52

CONFIGURATIONDisplay ...................................................................... 53Sounds ..................................................................... 54“My Car” options ....................................................... 55Date and time ............................................................ 57Language .................................................................. 57SD Card management ................................................. 57

OPERATING PROBLEMSOperating faults .......................................................... 59Problems due to overheating ....................................... 59





ROAD SAFETYLearn how to use the various system func-tions before setting off.Read the instructions for the Radionavigatorcarefully before setting off.

RECEPTION CONDITIONSReception conditions change constantlywhile driving. Reception may be interferedwith by the presence of mountains, build-ings or bridges or when you are far from thebroadcaster.

IMPORTANT The volume may be increasedwhen receiving traffic bulletins.


If the volume is too loud thiscan be dangerous. Adjust the

volume so that you can still hearbackground noises (e.g. horns, am-bulances, police vehicles, etc.).

CARE AND MAINTENANCEObserve the following precautions to ensurethe system is fully operational:❍ the monitor is sensitive to scratching, liq-

uid detergents and UV rays;❍ liquids that get inside could damage the

system irreparably.Only clean the front panel and the displaywith a soft, clean, dry, anti-static cloth.Cleaning and polishing products may dam-age the surface.

Avoid pointed or rigid objectscoming into contact with the

display and do not touch it. Whilstcleaning, do not exert pressure onthe display.

Do not use alcohol or similarproducts to clean the Radio-

navigator display or surround.




IMPORTANT NOTESIf there is a problem, the system should on-ly be checked and repaired at an Alfa RomeoAuthorised Service.If the temperature is particularly low, the dis-play may take a while to reach optimumbrightness.WARNING Never force the display move-ment manually. For closing or opening thedisplay, exclusively use the suitable keys(see page 14).If the car is stopped for a while and the out-side temperature is very high, the Radion-avigator may go into “thermal protection”mode, suspending operation until the tem-perature in the passenger compartment re-turns to acceptable levels.

CDDirt, scratches or any distortions on CDscould cause problems and poor sound qual-ity during playback. Follow these tips for op-timum playback conditions:❍ only use branded CDs:

❍ clean every CD thoroughly removing anyfingerprints or dust using a soft cloth.Hold CDs by the outside edge and cleanthem from the middle outwards;

❍ never use chemicals (e.g. anti-staticproducts or thinners or sprays) for clean-ing as they could damage the surface ofthe CDs;

❍ after listening, place CDs back in theircases to avoid damaging them;

❍ do not expose CDs to direct sunlight,high temperatures or damp for long pe-riods;

❍ do not stick labels on the surface of theCD and do not write on the recorded sur-face using pens or pencils.

❍ do not use CDs that are clearlyscratched, flawed, distorted, etc. Usingdiscs like this will result in malfunctionsor damage to the player.

To achieve the best quality audio reproduc-tion we recommend the use of original CDsupports. Correct operation is not guaran-teed when CD-R/RW media are used thatwere not correctly burned and/or with amaximum capacity above 650 Mb.

IMPORTANT Do not use the protectivesleeves sold for CDs or discs with stabilizers,etc. because they could get stuck in the in-ternal mechanism and damage the disc.




IMPORTANT If copy protected CDs are used,it may take a few seconds before the sys-tem starts playing them. The CD player isnot guaranteed to play all copy-protecteddiscs. The presence of copy protection is of-ten indicated in small letters or may be dif-ficult to read on the cover of the CD; it maysay something like, for example, “COPYCONTROL”, “COPY PROTECTED”, “THIS CDCANNOT BE PLAYED ON A PC/MAC” or maybe identified through the use of symbols,such as, for example:

IMPORTANT The CD player is able to readmost of the compression systems currentlyon the market (e.g.: LAME, BLADE, XING,FRAUNHOFER) but as these systems arecontinually evolving, playback of all com-pression formats is not guaranteed.IMPORTANT If a multi-session disk is loaded,only the first session will be played.





The Radionavigator consists of:❍ radio system;❍ Audio CD and MP3 CD player;❍ SD Card reader;❍ 6.9” fold-away TFT colour display lo-

cated in the centre of the dashboard (forfurther information see “Controls”);

❍ steering wheel controls (for versions/markets where provided).

WARNING Do not place heavy objects on thedisplay.


General specifications

❍ Power: 4x25W;❍ Preset 5-band graphic equalizer;❍ Audio source settings adjustment menu

and possible outside interfaces (MediaPlayer)/AUX (where provided);

❍ Steering wheel controls (for versions/markets where provided).

❍ Speed dependent volume adjustment(SVC function).

Radio tuner specifications

❍ RDS;❍ RDS - TMC/TMC Premium (Traffic Mes-

sage Channel);❍ EON (Enhanced Other Network);❍ TA (Traffic Announcements)❍ Tuning on bands: AM, FM; ❍ Possibility of programming:

– 18 FM stations (6 of which can bememorized through Autostore);

– 12 AM stations (6 of which can bememorized through Autostore);

❍ Possibility of selecting programmes viaPTY (on FM bands only);

❍ “List” function (display of list of all ra-dio stations available).





General specifications❍ Bass/Treble;❍ Balance;❍ Loudness correction;❍ Automatic volume correction;❍ Musical ambiance: preset 5 band graph-

ic equalizer:

CD/MP3 CD PLAYERThe Radionavigator has a CD player capableof reading Audio CDs and MP3 CDs.

CD specifications❍ Track sequence programming❍ Random play❍ Track repeat❍ Skip track❍ “List” function (display of available


MP3 CD specifications❍ Introscan❍ Random play❍ Track repeat❍ Skip track❍ “List” function: display of list of avail-

able folders and tracks.

NOTE Maximum number of MP3 tracks in afolder is 255, if there are more, only thefirst 255 will be considered.

SD CARD READERThe Radionavigator is equipped with an SDand SD-HC reader able to read/managecards with SPI technology.

SD specifications for navigationUse only original SD cards provided or pur-chased from authorized retailers.

MP3 SD specificationsSee description in the “MP3 CD specifica-tions” paragraph.

NOTE Only use SD cards dedicated to a sin-gle function (e.g. SD cards for navigationexclusively separate from SD cards for MP3use exclusively). Avoid transferring contentfrom one SD card to another.





fig. 1 A0K0030m




fig. 2 A0K0029m




Some controls have various functions that depend on the system application activated at the time.Activation of the selected function is controlled, in some cases, by how long the button is pressed (short or long press) as described in thetable below:


1 – g/DARK



4 – h

5 – TEL


Long button press(more than 2 seconds)

Button press:switch system on/off

Radio Mode:AutoSTore function activation

Radio Mode: update station list (press for over 5 seconds)

Short button press (less than 2 seconds)

Button press: system activation/DARK function activation

Knob rotation: volume level setting

Radio Mode activated: radio band selection (FM1, FM2, FMAST, AM)

Radio Mode not activated: specific menu display and radio band selection (FM1, FM2, FMAST, AM)

Source selection: Media Player (only in presence of Blue&MeTM)/CD/MP3 SD/AUX (only in presence of Blue&MeTM) (where provided)

Radio Mode: display of radio station names in the selected band

CD Mode: display of tracks available on the CD

MP3 CD/SD mode: display of folder and track list

Telephone data display (only with Blue&MeTM)

Access to the menu for selecting and storing favourite radio stations





7 – NAV

8 – TRIP


9 � �


10 – MUSIC

11 – O12 – ESC

Short button press (less than 2 seconds)

Navigation Map displaying or, in Navigation Map mode, repetition of the last voicemessage

Display TRIP data and Dynamic display screens

Radio mode: increase frequency (FM or AM mode)

MP3 CD/SD mode: select next folder

Map Mode: map scroll upwards

Media Player mode: select next genre/author/album/folder/playlist depending on the selection mode currently activated

Radio Mode: scanning function to search for the first audible radio station with frequency lower/higher than the present one (FM or AM mode)

CD - MP3 CD/SD, Media Player Mode:select next/previous track

Map Mode: scroll map to the left/right

Radio mode: frequency decease (FM or AM mode)

MP3 CD/SD mode: select previous folder

Map Mode: scroll map downwards

Media Player mode: select previous genre/author/album/folder/playlist depending on the selection mode currently activated

Music information display

Audio Adjustment Menu Display

Exit selection

Long button press(more than 2 seconds)

System reset(if pressed for more than 8 seconds)





13 – MENU

14 – OK


16 – &


18 – ˚



19 – QZ

20 q


Short button press (less than 2 seconds)

Main Menu Display

Button press: open specific menu

Confirm selection

Knob rotation: select menu items

Audio CD or MP3 CD housing

Activation/deactivation of Audio function (Mute)

SD Card housing

Eject audio CD or MP3 CD

Short button press (less than 2 seconds)

Adjust display panel inclination

Open/close display panel


Long button press(more than 2 seconds)

Access to navigation simulation function

Navigation message activation/deactivation

Long button press(more than 2 seconds)




STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS (for versions/markets where provided) fig. 3, fig. 4

fig. 3 A0K0118m

fig. 4 A0K0195m

The controls for the main Radionavigator functions are replicated on the steering wheel to make things easier. The activation of the function selected is controlled, in some cases, by how long the button is pressed (short or long press), as described in the table below.

If Blue&MeTM is present






If Blue&MeTM is present




If Blue&MeTM is present




If Blue&MeTM is present‘

If Blue&MeTM is present


Short button press (less than 2 seconds)

Activates/deactivates Audio functions

Activates/deactivates Audio functions (see dedicated supplement)

Increase volume

Decrease volume

Change active audio source

Change active audio source and confirm selection (see dedicated supplement)

Active audio source:Radio Mode: select previous radio stationCD - MP3 CD/SD, Media Player Mode: select next track

Active audio source: Radio mode: select previous radio stationCD - MP3 CD/SD, Media Player Mode: select previous track

Activate “Voice commands”

Activate Telephone and Menu functions

Long button press(more than 2 seconds)

Continuous increase in volume

Continuous decrease in volume




Display angle adjustmentPress the Q/Z buttons to adjust the dis-play angle. This adjustment is maintainedat the next engine start-up.

Closing the displayWith the system on, the display can beclosed by pressing button 20-fig. 2 the dis-play will go out, but the system remainson and operational.NOTE The display can be adjusted for 15minutes after rotating the ignition key toSTOP or whenever the doors are opened. Af-ter 15 minutes, the display can be adjust-ed again by rotating the ignition key to MAR.


The Radionavigator features four applications(Audio, Telephone, Trip Computer and Nav-igation) and provides a general Menu. Thefour applications are activated by pressingthe MUSIC, TEL, TRIP, NAV buttons. Pressthe MENU button to activate the Menu.NOTE: The Telephone application is only pre-sent with the Blue&MeTM system.All applications have a specific Menu thatcan be activated by pressing the OK but-ton/knob.The system also signals the following bymeans of messages in the display:❍ the presence of any problems/

faults;❍ information on the active application/

information on the status of the car.To interact with the messages displayed, usethe OK button/knob or press the ESC but-ton to remove the message from the dis-play.

SWITCHING THE SYSTEMON/OFFThe system is switched on by turning the ig-nition key to the MAR position and switch-es off when the ignition key is turned to theSTOP position.The system can always be turned on/off bypressing the (ON/OFF) button 1 - fig. 1.If the system is turned on with the engineswitched off, it will automatically switch offafter about 20 minutes.

Dark mode (dark display)With the system on, if the (ON/OFF) but-ton 1 - fig. 1 is pressed briefly, DARK modeis activated: the display will go out, but thesystem remains on and operational.




TRAFFIC INFO (TMC/TMC Premium) This displays traffic information received inreal time via the TMC/TMC Premium ser-vice provided by several radio stations.This Menu makes it possible to en-able/disable the service and to set filters.The filters are designed to define the areaof interest which the system will take intoconsideration for traffic messages, filteringthose not considered important.

NoteThe TMC Premium Service is available inItaly, France, Germany and the UK. Onlymap Navigators sold in these countries areenabled to receive the service.TMC Premium is provided by:

MAIN MENUPress the MENU button to display the Mainmenu fig. 5.Turn the OK button/knob to select the de-sired function. Then, press the knob to ac-cess the selected Menu.

NOTE: For more details on each of the func-tions described below, refer to the relevantchapter.

AUDIOThis Menu makes it possible to change theaudio source options (the only audio sourcesthat can be selected are those available forthe system):❍ CD can only be selected if a music CD

is inserted (audio or MP3);❍ USB is only available if the Blue&MeTM

system is present and a USB memorystick with music tracks has been inserted;

❍ MP3 SD is only available if an MP3 SDcontaining music tracks has been in-serted instead of the SD card containingthe maps;

❍ AUX (where fitted) is only available ifthe Blue&MeTM system is present.

NAVIGATIONThis Menu allows a destination to be enteredand navigation and map display options tobe set.

PERSONAL DESTINATIONS Personal destinations allows you to managea list of preferred personal destinationswhich can be added to, modified or delet-ed from the system.

fig. 5 A0K5006g




AUDIOPress the MENU button to display the Audiomenu (fig. 6).The Audio menu makes it possible to man-age:– the RDS radio with FM/AM reception;– the Compact Disc player;– the MP3 Media Player;– the portable player (AUX) (where pro-

vided);– the SD card reader;– the audio adjustments.

DRIVING MODE INFORMATION (DNA) Allows the display of the selected drivingmode (“Dynamic”, “Normal” or “All Weath-er”) using the “Alfa DNA” lever.

CONFIGURATION After having activated this Menu, select thedesired item by turning the OK button/knoband then press the knob to confirm.If the button is pressed or if no selection ismade after about 30 seconds, the screenwill disappear from the display.

fig. 6 A0K5008g




MUTE/PAUSE FUNCTIONPress the & button briefly to activate theMute/Pause function.The Mute/Pause function is deactivated inthe following cases:❍by pressing the MEDIA button;❍ by pressing the RADIO button;❍ by pressing the MEM button (in radio

mode only);❍ by pressing the O button;❍ by pressing the N/O/�/� buttons;❍ by pressing the SRC or N/O button on

the steering wheel;❍ by opening the Audio adjustments Menu

in the main menu;❍ by searching manually for a radio sta-

tion frequency;❍ by activating the PTY function;❍ by selecting a radio station or music

track from a list;❍ by selecting the SCM, RDM or RPT func-

tion (the latter is only available in MP3CD/SD mode);

❍ by selecting the PRG function (in CDmode only).

This Menu makes it possible to adjust theaudio settings for the radio, the CD, the Media Player (if connected) and the audioadjustments for the speakers.Pressing the MUSIC button activates the dis-play of information for the audio source be-ing listened to. Pressing the OK button/knobgives access to the specific audio sourcemenu being listened to. Pressing the &but-ton briefly activates the “Mute” function.

VOLUME ADJUSTMENTTo adjust the volume, turn knob 1 - fig.1.The volume can be adjusted to a maximumlevel of 40. When the system is switchedoff and then switched back on, the volumewill be set at the level set before switchingoff or at a level of 20 if the volume wasset to above 20 before switching off.Volume adjustment is specific to eachsource.With the MUTE function, when knob 1 - fig. 1 is turned, the MUTE function isdeactivated.





“AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS” MENUThis Menu is displayed in the following cases:❍ by pressing the O button;❍ by pressing the MENU button and se-

lecting “Audio”;❍ by selecting specific MENU for an au-

dio source.

If there is no HI-FI system in the car, the possible adjustments are (fig. 7):❍ Treble/Bass ❍ Balance❍ Loudness correction ❍ Automatic volume correction❍ Graphic equalizer If there is a HI-FI system in the car, the au-dio arrives at the speakers via the externalamplifier. In this configuration the only pos-sible adjustments are Treble/Bass and Balance.

Treble/Bass (bass/treble adjustment)Turn the OK button/knob to adjust thebass/treble.The adjustment is specific to each source.

Balance(sound distribution)Turn the OK button/knob to vary the distri-bution of the sound in the passenger com-partment between the front/rear speakersand the left/right speakers.The adjustment applies to all sources.

LoudnessThe Loudness function improves the level ofthe sound whilst listening at low volumes,increasing the bass and treble. Turn the OKbutton/knob to activate/deactivate thefunction.The adjustment is specific to each source.

fig. 7 A0K5013g




Volume-speed correction(speed dependent volumeadjustment)This function allows the volume level tobe adjusted depending on the speed ofthe vehicle, to maintain the correct bal-ance with the noise level inside the pas-senger compartment.Turn the OK button/knob to activate/deactivate the function.The adjustment applies to all sources.

Graphic equalizationThis function makes it possible to select oneof the following equalizer curves:❍ None (predefined car curve)❍ Pop/Rock❍ Classical❍ Techno ❍ Jazz❍ Vocal Turn the OK button/knob to select the de-sired adjustment.The adjustment is specific to each source.

AUDIO SOURCE SELECTIONAlternatively, by pressing the MEDIA buttonit is possible to select the CD source (onlyif a CD is inserted) or Media Player (only ifthe Blue&MeTM system is present and aUSB device with music files is inserted) orAUX (where provided) (only if theBlue&MeTM is present). Pressing the RA-DIO button selects the radio mode and sub-sequent presses give the possibility of se-lecting the preferred radio band. Pressingthe SRC button on the steering wheel selectsone of the available audio sources.





With the radio source activated, pressing theRADIO button repeatedly selects one of thefollowing frequency bands: FM1, FM2,FMAST, AM.After having selected the desired frequency,the display will show the following infor-mation fig. 8:❍ radio symbol❍ radio station name❍ frequency of the station tuned into❍ number corresponding to the stored po-

sition;❍ frequency band activated (e.g.: FM1);❍ programme name and type

RADIO STATION TUNINGPress the N/O/�/� buttons on thefront panel of the Radionavigator or theN/O buttons on the steering wheel tosearch for a radio station. It is also possi-ble to select a radio station from a list orby entering the frequency in the specificMenu.

Manual tuningThis allows the manual search for stationson the desired band. Press the N/O but-ton briefly and repeatedly to start the searchin the desired direction. If the N/O buttonis pressed longer, the fast search will startand then stop when the button is released.

Automatic tuningPress the � or � button briefly to auto-matically tune into the next station in theselected direction. If the � or � button ispressed for longer, the rapid search islaunched. When the button is released, thetuning will stop at the next station that canbe received.

Selecting the radio station listTwo different lists of radio stations can beselected: one for the FM band and one forthe AM band. The system continuously up-dates the list; it is possible to request a listupdate by holding down button h.If reception is not ideal, the automatic up-date is less frequent, therefore the list mayappear different after a manual update.To access the list of radio stations, brieflypress button h.The list of stations displays the name of thestation (if available) or the frequency. TheTMC indication is also displayed if the FMstation provides this service.

fig. 8 A0K5040g




FAVOURITE RADIO STATIONSUp to 6 different radio stations can bestored for each frequency band (FM1,FM2, FMAST, AM). They can be recalled bypressing the PRESET button.

Radio station selectionAfter having pressed the PRESET button, thedisplay will show a list of the 6 radio sta-tions stored (fig. 9). Select the desired sta-tion using the OK button/knob.

Radio station manual programmingAfter having selected the desired frequency,press the PRESET button. The display willshow the list of 6 positions available for pro-gramming (fig. 9). Select “Store” and thenselect the desired position using the OK but-ton/knob.

AutoSTore function (automaticradio station programming) The AutoSTore function is only available onthe FM frequency band. To activate the func-tion, hold down the RADIO button or accessthe specific menu or the radio main menu.The system will search for and programmethe 6 radio stations with the strongest sig-nal.When the programming is over, the radiowill tune into the first station stored on theFMAST frequency band.Each station is only stored once, except inthe case of regional programmes which, insome cases, may be stored twice.

fig. 9 A0K5038g




IMPORTANT NOTES – The AutoSTore function cannot be acti-vated with the PTY function active.

– The AF, TA and REG functions are not avail-able with the AutoSTore function active.

– To interrupt the AutoSTore function, selectanother source (CD or Media Player).

– The AutoSTore function may sometimesnot be able to find 6 stations with a strongsignal; in this case only the stations foundwill be programmed.

– When the AutoSTore function is activat-ed, the stations that were previously storedon the FMAST band are deleted.

TA FUNCTION (traffic information)Some stations on the FM band can transmitinformation about traffic conditions. To ac-tivate/deactivate the function, see the “Spe-cific radio menu” paragraph. With the TA function activated the volumecan be adjusted by turning the OK but-ton/knob. When the volume is changed dur-ing a traffic bulletin, the new value will on-ly be maintained whilst the bulletin is inprogress.

IMPORTANT In some countries there are ra-dio stations that do not broadcast traffic in-formation even with the TA function acti-vated.

PTY FUNCTION (programme type selection)This function allows you to give priority toradio stations that broadcast programmesclassified according to the type of PTY. ThePTY programmes may involve emergencymessages or various subjects (e.g. music,news). To activate/deactivate the function,see the Specific radio menu paragraph.

IMPORTANT To activate the PTY function youmust be on the FM band.If you do not wish to set any programme,select “None”.The PTY function cannot be activated if aPTY search has already been launched or ifthe AutoSTore function is active.The PTY search is interrupted in the follow-ing cases:– when recalling a programmed radio sta-tion or programming a radio station;– by pressing the RADIO, MEDIA, or N/Obuttons.




AF FUNCTION (alternative frequency search)Alternative frequencies are used for auto-matically changing frequency when the sig-nal for the active radio station is not strongenough. To activate/deactivate the function,see the “Specific radio menu” paragraph.

REG FUNCTIONThis function enables or disables a regionalRDS service. To activate/deactivate the func-tion, see the Specific radio menu paragraph.The function cannot be selected if the AutoSTore function is active.

SPECIFIC RADIO MENUWith the radio function active it is possibleto access the Specific radio menu by press-ing the OK button/knob. The display willshow the following screen (fig. 10).

Radio station listSee the description in the “Radio station se-lection” paragraph.

Insert frequency By selecting this item it is possible to enterthe radio station frequency. The display willshow the field and the frequency value plusthe dimension (KHz for AM band, MHz forFM band).

Radio optionsBy selecting this item it is possible to acti-vate/deactivate the following functions: AF,TA, REG, RADIOTEXT. It is also possible to se-lect the PTY function and AutoSTore.

Audio settingsSee the description in the Audio adjustmentsmenu paragraph available in the Audiomenu.

fig. 10 A0K5023g





CD-MP3 CD/SD PLAYBACKTo start playback, insert an Audio CD in theslot 8-fig. 1 or, if there is already a CD in-serted, press the MEDIA button. Playbackwill start immediately and the display willshow the following screen (fig. 11).

NOTE MPEG LAYER-3 audio decoding tech-nology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS andThomson multimedia.

WARNING Do not use Audio CD or MP3CD 8cm format supports, even with adedicated adaptor; the use of this formatwill damage the system.

STOP/PAUSE CD-MP3 CD/SDPLAYBACKPress button & to activate the function.

EJECT CD-MP3 CD/SDPress button ˚.

SD PLAYBACKTo start playback insert an SD card into slot17- fig. 1, or if there is already a card in-serted, press the MEDIA button: playbackwill start immediately.NOTE Only use SD-HC cards that are com-patible with SPI technology.

REMOVING AN MP3 SD before manually removing the MP3 SD, fol-lowing the instructions provided in the para-graph “SD card safe removal”.

SELECTING A TRACK FROMTHE LISTFirst of all press the h button to displaythe list of tracks (Audio CD) or the list offolders (MP3 CD) and then press the OK but-ton/knob to make the desired selection.

SELECT NEXT/PREVIOUSTRACKWhilst playing a CD it is possible to selectthe previous/next track by pressing the�/� buttons briefly.

TRACK FAST FORWARD/REWINDWhilst playing an Audio CD or CD MP3 it ispossible to fast forward/rewind the track byholding down the �/� buttons. When the� button is pressed after selecting the trackbeing listened to, the next track will be se-lected. If the track was the last one on theCD, the first track will be selected when the� button is pressed.

fig. 11 A0K5041g




CD - MP3 CD/SD SPECIFIC MENUWith the Audio CD function activated it ispossible to access the CD or MP3 CD/SDoptions menu by pressing the OK but-ton/knob. The display will show the fol-lowing screen (fig. 12).

Put introscan - SCN on/off When this function is activated all the mu-sic tracks on the CD or MP3 CD/SD will beplayed for the first 7 seconds. When thefunction is deactivated, the system will stopon the track currently being played. The SCNfunction deactivates the RDM (Random) and“Track programme” functions if they havebeen activated previously.

Put shuffle on/off (random track playback)When this function is activated the musictracks on the CD are played in random or-der. When the function is deactivated, thesystem will stop on the track currently be-ing played. The random function deactivatesthe SCN (Introscan) and “Track pro-gramme” functions if they have been acti-vated previously.

Put repeat on/off (only for MP3 CD/SD) Activating this function plays the tracks in“Track repeat” mode: when the selectedtrack ends, it will be played again from thebeginning. When the function is deactivat-ed, the system will stop on the track cur-rently being played.

Hide CD details When this function is activated the infor-mation relating to the track being listenedto is not displayed.

Title/artist (ID3 tag information)This information is read from the ID3 tagfile. In some cases this information may beincorrect or missing (e.g. the ID3 tag filemay contain the correct name of the artistbut not the title of the song).

fig. 12 A0K5024g

Programme tracks (with Audio CD only)By selecting this item it is possible to pro-gramme (fig. 13) a playlist of tracks.❍ “Reset”: deletion of all the numbers en-

tered;❍ “Delete”: deletion of the last number

entered;❍ “OK”: confirms the number sequence

entered.After having confirmed the number se-quence, playback of the selected musictracks will begin.

fig. 13 A0K5042g





This mode is only available with Blue&MeTM.

MEDIA PLAYER MODE LAUNCHMedia Player mode is automatically broughtup (with the AutoPlay function activated) byconnecting a USB memory stick containingmusic files to the USB port of the car or byselecting the “Media Player” source bypressing the MEDIA button.In Media Player mode the main screen willdisplay the following information (fig. 14).

CONTROLS AVAILABLEBy pressing the �/� buttons you can se-lect the next/previous track. By pressing theN/O buttons you can select the next orprevious folder/artist/music genre de-pending on the selection mode activated.

fig. 14 A0K5043g




MEDIA PLAYER SPECIFIC MENUWith the Media Player source activated itis possible to access the specific Menu bypressing the OK button/knob. The display will show the following screen(fig. 15).

Switch autoplay on/off When this setting is activated, playbackstarts automatically when a new USB de-vice is inserted in the USB port on the car.

Put shuffle on/off See description in the “CD-MP3 CD/SDFunctions” paragraph.

Switch track loop on/offActivating this function plays the tracks in“Track repeat” mode: when the selectedtrack ends, it will be played again from thebeginning. When the function is deactivat-ed, the system will stop on the track cur-rently being played.

Select mode Selecting this item allows you to choose theplayback mode for the tracks on the USBdevice.One of the following options can be chosen:❍ “Play all”: all the tracks are played;❍ “Folders”: all the tracks in a folder are

played;❍ “Artists”: all tracks by an artist are

played;❍ “Genres”: all tracks of a musical genre

are played;❍ “Album”: all the tracks in an album are

played;❍ “Playlist”: all the tracks in a playlist are


Audio settingsSee the description in the Audio adjustmentsmenu paragraph available in the Audiomenu.

fig. 15 A0K5044g




fig. 15a A0K5058g

SPECIFIC AUX MENUWith the AUX source activated it is possi-ble to access the specific Menu by pressingthe OK button/knob. The display will showthe following screen (fig. 15a).By selecting "Audio settings" you canchange the audio settings of the AUX source.

IMPORTANT NOTESThe functions of the device connected withthe AUX socket are directly managed by thedevice itself; it is not possible to changetrack/folder/ playlist with radio or steeringwheel controls.Do not leave the cable of your portable play-er connected with the AUX socket after thedisconnection, to avoid possible hisses fromthe speaker

AAUUXX ((oonnllyy wwiitthh BBlluuee&&MMeeTTMM ssyysstteemm))((wwhheerree pprroovviiddeedd))




The Navigator makes it possible to reach adesired destination through visual andacoustic directions. The Navigation systemis quick to use, easy and above all very flex-ible because you can recall preferred desti-nations and reference points such as hotels,monuments, public buildings (e.g. hospitals,airports, etc.) and filling stations.

IMPORTANT NOTESThe Navigation system provides assistancewhilst driving and is designed to give advice,via voice and graphic information, on thebest route for reaching a desired destination.The instructions given by the Radionaviga-tor do not mean that the driver should ab-dicate responsibility for the manoeuvres theymake whilst driving the car in traffic andthey must still follow the highway code andother traffic laws. The driver is always re-sponsible for road safety.GPS reception may be poor under trees, be-tween tall buildings, in multi-storey carparks, tunnels and anywhere where thesatellite aerial may have difficulty pickingup a signal.

If the battery is replaced or disconnectedor if the car is moved with the engine andthe Radionavigator off (e.g. whilst travellingon a ferry), the GPS system needs a fewminutes to determine the new position ofthe car.The GPS satellite aerial should not be cov-ered by metal or damp objects.In conditions where wheel grip is continu-ously bad (e.g. when sliding on ice), theNavigation system may temporarily showan inaccurate position for the car.When the system is turned on, when thefirst navigation function selection is made,the display will show a message with warn-ings for using the system. This message willnot be displayed until the next time it is start-ed up.





MAP DISPLAY With the Navigation system activated it ispossible to choose to display the map of thearea with the following features:❍ zoom with resolution up to 50 metres

(adjustable using OK button/knob);❍ possibility of North up or direction of

travel up (for zoom below 20 km);❍ BIRD VIEW function (bird’s eye view of

maps in 3D);❍ Points of Interest (POI) symbol for the

following categories: restaurants, hotels,service stations and car parks.

INFORMATION DURING NAVIGATIONThe following information always appearson the left side of the display during navi-gation:

Car location information: name of roadand area.A map can be displayed on the right sideof the display (by pressing the NAV button)showing:“Pictograms and intersection zoom”: a pic-togram explaining the next manoeuvre is dis-played and then an enlargement of the junc-tion with directions for the route to be fol-lowed;

Navigation information: the followingtraffic information is provided during navi-gation:❍ Icons on the map: the Radionavigator

can be configured to display symbols onthe map corresponding to traffic condi-tions. These are only displayed undercertain conditions.

❍ Explanatory text: an explanatory text isassociated with each event. Types ofevent can be chosen from a list in themenu; once the type is chosen, a listof all corresponding events is displayed.

❍ Voice messages: voice messages givinginstructions about the manoeuvre to becarried out are given during navigation.

❍ “Explore map” function: this makes itpossible to use digital maps like a reg-ular road map (in this case the pic-tograms are not displayed).




MAIN MENU NAVIGATIONThe following information is displayed (fig.16):❍ “Insert destination”; ❍ “Stops management”; ❍ “Insert diversion”; ❍ “Map options”; ❍ “Navigation options”; ❍ “Resume (or stop) navigation”.

ENTERING DESTINATIONThe destination can be entered in differentways:❍ Destination address: consists of en-

tering the following details: Country,Town (post code), Road, House numberor Intersection.

❍ Points of interest (POI): the nav-igation system makes it possible to seta point of interest as a destination al-lowing it to then search for it:– In the vicinity of your present location– In the vicinity of the destination– Near a normal address

The list of points found can be viewed bydistance or in alphabetical order.After the destination has been entered, theNavigator calculates the best route for reach-ing it. There are three possible selection criteria: “shortest time”, “shortest distance” or “bestdistance/time ratio”.

A further choice can also be set from the fol-lowing options:❍ Toll roads❍ Ferries❍ RDS TMC/TMC Premium (Traffic Info)The location can be memorized in an orga-nizer in order to be easily recalled later on.Radionav also allows you to link a namewith a destination.It is also possible to set a Point of Interestas a destination, allowing the user to findit again later.

fig. 16 A0K5000g




Insert address By selecting this item it is possible to enterthe name of the Country, the town, the roadand the house number (fig. 17).The system will then ask you to set the nav-igation criteria. Choose one of the followingthree possibilities:❍ “Shortest route”❍ “Quickest route” ❍ Best “distance/time” ratio To exit the screen, press ESC or insert theSD card into the dedicated slot.If the SD card has not been inserted or is notrecognised, the display will show a warningmessage.

Destination address

“Country” selectionAfter having selected the “Country” item,the display will show a list of countries, inEnglish. Turn the OK button/knob to scrollthrough the list and then press the but-ton/knob to confirm the selection.

“Town” selection After having selected the "City" item, thedisplay will show a keypad with numbersand letters (fig. 18) for entering the nameof the city (or the corresponding postcode). The following items are also present in thelower section:❍ Delete: this allows you to delete the last

character entered;❍ Small: this allows you to change be-

tween Upper-case and Lower-case andselect special symbols;

❍ List XX: the list of towns in a country isdisplayed (XX = number of the town).If the complete postcode is entered, thecorresponding city will be displayed. Ifan incomplete postcode is entered, a listof the cities with the same numbers en-tered will be displayed.

❍ OK: this allows you to confirm the se-lection and return to the screen activat-ed previously.

NOTE If the postcode of a specific area is en-tered, this is considered as a generic citypostcode.

fig. 17 A0K5007g fig. 18 A0K5033g




“Road” selection After having selected the “Road” item, thedisplay will show a keypad with numbersand letters for entering the name of theroad. The procedure for entering the roadis the same as described for the town.After having entered the name of the roadthe display will show a screen for enteringthe house number or the crossroad (fig.19). Select the desired choice using the OKbutton/knob. When the “Civic No” is se-lected, the Radionavigator will display theavailable house numbers in that road (fig.19a). If, on the other hand, you select theitem “Junction”, the Radionavigator will dis-play a list of roads that intersect the desti-nation selected

“Centre” selectionIf you want to get to a town centre, selectthe item Centre. If there is more than oneCentre present, the display will show a listof available centres.

After entering all the information for the ad-dress, select “Save” to save the address un-der “Personal destinations”. The Radionav-igator will display the position in the “Per-sonal destinations” memory for a few seconds.

POI (Points of Interest)This function makes it possible to access alist with information and the location ofplaces of general interest, such as, for ex-ample, restaurants, museums, stations, etc.,divided by category. Select “POI”: the dis-play will show the following screen (fig. 20).The first 3 items are alternatives and are de-signed to specify whether the point of in-terest being searched for is located:❍ “Near”: a destination entered or place

selected on the map ❍ “Along the route”: along the navigation

route❍ “Near by”: in the vicinity of the current

position❍ “Search by name”: since the list of POI

is normally displayed in order of in-creasing distance. By selecting this item,the POI are displayed in alphabetical or-der.

fig. 19 A0K5059g fig. 19a A0K5060g fig. 20 A0K5034g




When the choice has been made, the Ra-dionavigator will display the list of main cat-egories (fig. 21).Turn the OK button/knob to select the de-sired item and then press the button/knobto confirm the selection. There is a corre-sponding submenu for each item.Select the desired item until the list of POIcorresponding to the selection criteria ap-pears on the display.

GPS coordinates This allows you to enter the coordinates(Longitude and Latitude) (fig. 22).It is also possible to show the coordinateson the display by selecting “Current loca-tion”.

Personal destinations This allows you to display the list of “Per-sonal destinations” saved previously and, ifnecessary, choose the desired destinationand select it.

Last destinations This allows you to display a list of the last20 destinations set and, if necessary, choosethe desired destination and select it.

fig. 21 A0K5025g fig. 22 A0K5045g




STOPS MANAGEMENTThis makes it possible to change the routeduring navigation by inserting stop-overs.The following items can be selected:❍ “Add stop”❍ “Organize stops” ❍ “Show destination”

Add stopThis makes it possible to add a stopover byselecting one of the following items:❍ “Insert address” ❍ “Personal destinations” ❍ “Last destinations”

Organize stops This allows you to organize the stopoversfor the route: the order of stopovers can bechanged and/or removed.

Show destination This allows you to display details of the des-tination set. By selecting “Modify” you re-turn to the “Enter destination” menu. By selecting “Map” the display will showthe map surrounding the current destination,full screen, which can be moved by press-ing the N/O/ �/� buttons.

INSERT DIVERSION This allows a detour to be inserted into theroute set (fig. 23). In this case the systemwill select an alternative route. The Radion-avigator will search for the closest alterna-tive route and will calculate a new route sothat you rejoin the previous route after X km(X is the value that you can set on thescreen).A message will be displayed if no alterna-tive roads are available.If, on the other hand, alternative roads areavailable, the display will show the new dis-tance from the destination. Select “Yes” or“No” to confirm or cancel the new route.

fig. 23 A0K5046g




MAP OPTIONS This allows you to display the map using thefollowing items fig. 24:❍ “Map orientation” ❍ “Show POI”❍ “Map size” ❍ “Explore map”

Map orientation This allows the map to be orientated ac-cording to the following parameters:❍ “Heading up”: the cursor (car) is dis-

played in the centre and the map is ori-entated according to the direction of thecar.

❍ “North up”: the map is orientated to-wards the north, the cursor (car) moveson it;

❍ “Visualization 3D”: the map is displayedin 3D mode and orientated according tothe direction of the car.

Show POI (Points of Interest)This allows you to choose the categories ofPOI you want to be displayed on the map (fig. 25).Turn the OK button/knob to select one ofthe “Points of Interest” categories from thelist:

Community services – Towns, city centres – Universities, specialised schools – Hospitals

fig. 24 A0K5047g fig. 25 A0K5029g




Hotels, restaurants, businesses – Hotels– Restaurants– Wine producers, wineries – Big companies– Shopping, supermarkets

Culture, tourism, shows – Tourism, historical monuments – Culture, museums– Casinos, night life– Cinemas, theatres – Shows, exhibitions

Sports centres, attractions – Sports centres – Golf courses – Skating, bowling– Winter sport resorts – Parks, gardens – Theme parks

Transport & vehicles – Airports, ports – Train stations, bus stations – Car hire – Car parking, parking areas – Mechanics, assistance

Map sizeThis allows you to change the map displaymode. It is possible to choose between “Fullscreen map” (full screen map display) and“Navigation with info”.

Explore mapBy selecting “Explore map” the full screenmap is displayed. When this screen is acti-vated, press the N/O/�/� buttons toscroll through the map.

NOTE Pressing the OK button/knob in thismode displays the specific menu for the map(fig. 26).

fig. 26 A0K5020g




NAVIGATION OPTIONS This allows you to change the following navigation parameters (fig. 27):❍ “Set up calculation criteria” ❍ “Voice message volume” ❍ “Map information” ❍ “Delete last destinations”

Set up calculation criteria This allows you to select the following navigation parameters:❍ “Quickest route”: the quickest route for

reaching the destination is displayed.❍ “Shortest route”: the shortest route for

reaching the destination is displayed.❍ “Distance/time”: this is the “average”

of the two previous items.❍ “With tools”: it is possible to define

whether or not the route should includemotorways.

❍ “With ferries”: it is possible to definewhether or not the route should includeferry crossings.

❍ “Traffic Info (TMC)”: it is possible to de-fine whether the route should take intoaccount traffic information received fromthe radio via the RDS-TMC/TMC Premi-um service.

Voice message volume The voice instructions given by the systemguide you to your destination recommend-ing all the manoeuvres to be carried out: themanoeuvre is announced first and then de-tailed instructions are given.By selecting the “Voice messages volume”item it is possible to adjust the volume ofthese instructions.

Map information This allows you to view the version of themap on the display.

Delete last destinationsThis allows you to delete the last destina-tions entered. Select “Yes” or “No”.

fig. 27 A0K5057g




LAUNCH NAVIGATIONAfter having selected and confirmed a des-tination, the display will show all the infor-mation needed for navigation.

Map display with navigationinformationThe display fig. 28 is divided into 3 zones:❍ left zone (A): if no destination is se-

lected, a compass will be displayed. Ifnot, the navigation symbol will be dis-played which can, for example, be aroad with an arrow or a junction detail.The lower part of the left zone will dis-play the altimeter and navigation infor-mation;

❍ central zone(B): displays the navi-gation map and the scale;

❍ upper zone (C): displays informationrelating to the Time, Audio and Tempera-ture.

Full screen map displayThe display fig. 29 is divided into 3 zones:❍ upper zone: displays the destination;❍ central zone: displays the map and

navigation information;❍ lower zone: displays the altimeter,

the current location and the scale.

fig. 28 A0K5021g fig. 29 A0K5022g




SPECIFIC NAVIGATION MENUYou can access the specific menu from theNavigation application (by pressing the NAVbutton). The Menu displays the following in-formation fig. 30:❍ “Insert destination”;❍ “Full screen map/map with pictograms”❍ “Resume/stop navigation” ❍ “Traffic info (TMC)” ❍ “Navigation options” ❍ “Explore map”.

Insert destinationSee the description in the “Insert destina-tion” paragraph.

Full screen map/map withnavigation informationThis allows you to change from the fullscreen display of the map to a partial dis-play with navigation information and viceversa.

Resume/stop navigationThis allows the navigation to be stopped/resumed.

Traffic info (TMC/TMC Premium)See the description in the “Traffic info” chap-ter.

IMPORTANT Traffic information can only bedisplayed if the radio station set broadcastsmessages near the point indicated or alongthe route calculated, if a destination hasbeen entered.

Navigation optionsSee the description on the previous pages.

Explore mapSee the description on the previous pages.

fig. 30 A0K5001g




TRAFFIC INFORMATION(TMC/TMC Premium)Some stations on the FM band (FM1, FM2FM3 and FMAST) can transmit informationabout traffic conditions. The information willbe shown on the display.During navigation, information will be shownthrough specific icons (see fig. 31).Selecting “Explore Map” from the Naviga-tion menu will bring up an overview of alltraffic events in the area of interest. Formore details on an individual event, movethe cursor over the desired icon, and pressOK.

If the station selected does not broadcasttraffic information, the display will show awarning message and suggest the option ofmoving to the automatic TMC/TMC Premi-um station selection mode.

IMPORTANT In some countries there are ra-dio stations that do not broadcast traffic in-formation even with the TMC/TMC Premi-um function activated.


The TMC Premium Service is available inItaly, France, Germany and the UK. Onlymap Navigators sold in these countries areenabled to receive the service.

TMC Premium is provided by:

TMC/TMC Premium settingsPress the MENU button and select the cor-responding icon.The display will show the following items:❍ “Read messages”❍ “Set up filters” ❍ “Select TMC station” ❍ “Message display on/off”


fig. 31 A0K5056g




Read messages By selecting this item the display will showthe following categories:❍ “Last messages received”❍ “Nearest messages” ❍ “Traffic information” ❍ “Roads closed” ❍ “Size limits” ❍ “Road conditions” ❍ “Weather & visibility” ❍ “Parking”❍ “Public transport” ❍ “Events”The number of messages available is dis-played for each category.After having selected the desired category,the display will show a list containing thefollowing items:❍ a title (indicating the category selected)❍ the number of messages available (in

the top right corner)❍ the list of TMC/TMC Premium mes-


Set up filters This allows you to filter traffic messages byarea and type of interest. One of the fol-lowing items can be selected: Geographi-cal filter, Road information, Town informa-tion (fig. 32).The “Geographic filter” makes it possible todefine the area of interest for TMC/TMC Pre-mium messages to be displayed: by acti-vating this filter the traffic messages outsideof the area defined will not be considered. The “Road information” and “Urban infor-mation” filters on the other hand, make it pos-sible to select which type of information toconsider.

Geographic filterThe filters may be:❍ “Around vehicle”: the system displays

the TMC messages for the area sur-rounding the current position of the carfor the radius selected (this range canvary between 3 and 200 km);

❍ “Around…”: the system displays theTMC/TMC Premium messages for thearea surrounding the location selected.It is possible to select the name of a Cityand a Road

❍ “Along the route”: the system displaysthe TMC/TMC Premium messages forthe route.

Turn the OK button/knob and press it toselect the desired filter and then click “OK”.

fig. 32 A0K5014g




Road informationOne or more of the following categories canbe selected:❍ “Traffic info”❍ “Roads closed”❍ “Size limits” ❍ “Road conditions” ❍ “Weather & visibility”

Urban informationOne or more of the following categories canbe selected:❍ “Parking”❍ “Public transport”❍ “Demonstrations”

CHOOSE TMC/TMC PremiumSTATIONThis allows you to select the TMC/TMC Pre-mium radio station manually or automati-cally. The display will show the name of theTMC/TMC Premium radio station or a mes-sage indicating that the radio station se-lected does not broadcast TMC/TMC Pre-mium messages.

By selecting the “Manual TMC manage-ment” item and then “TMC station list”, thedisplay will show the list of radio stationsbroadcasting TMC/TMC Premium messages.Then select the desired radio station.

NOTE By selecting “Automatic TMC man-agement”, the system will tune into radiostations providing the TMC Premium serviceby preference. We recommend keeping thissetting enabled.

TMC/TMC Premium RECEPTION STATUSPress the MUSIC button to select the Mu-sic Information screen. The status of theTMC/TMC Premium service is shown witha specific icon on the lower bar (see fig.33). This icon will change to indicate the fol-lowing 3 possibilities:– TMC icon missing: Traffic Info service cur-rently unavailable;– TMC icon grey: you are listening to a dif-ferent radio station from that supplying theTMC/TMC Premium service;– TMC white: you are listening to the ra-dio station supplying the TMC/TMC Premi-um service.

fig. 33 A0K5055g





To activate the “Driving Mode Information(DNA)” function, press the MENU buttonand then turn the OK button/ knob to se-lect the “Driving Mode Information (DNA)”item (fig. 34).The display will highlight the (selectable)item corresponding to the driving mode se-lected via the “Alfa DNA” lever (fig. 35).

Automatic display of DNAsetting

When the DNA driving mode is changed, thenew DNA information appears briefly on thedisplay.

DNA driving modeinformation

Information referring to the DNA drivingmode is divided into a first area (“Han-dling”) dedicated to handling and suspen-sion, and a second area (“Engine”) for en-gine power (fig. 35).


❍ “VDC mode”: display of active mode(SPORT, SOFT or CONTROL)

❍ “Electronic Q2”: system ON/OFF display

❍ “Steering”: display of power steeringmode (SPORT or SOFT)


❍ “Overboost”: overboost ON/OFF dis-play

❍ “Power”: display of active mode (SPORTor SOFT)


fig. 34 A0K5100g fig. 35 A0K5101g




“Dynamic” SCREENS (only with “Dynamic” mode activated)These provide instantaneous information onvehicle status and are available in two dif-ferent display screens. To access these display screens press theTRIP button, turn the OK button/knob andselect items “D1” or “D2”.

fig. 36 A0K5102g fig. 37 A0K5103g

When “Dynamic” mode is activated screenD1 is displayed by default.

❍ Display screen “D1”: display of tur-bocharger pressure and power (as a per-centage) (fig. 36).

❍ Display screen “D2”: display of accel-eration value (frontal and lateral) ex-perienced by the car, with gravity ac-celeration (G) as the unit of measure-ment (fig. 37).




INFORMATIONThe trip computer provides a series of in-formation relating to the route (e.g. time,distance, speed, fuel consumption). Someof this information is only available with thenavigation function activated and dependson the navigation route set.

IMPORTANT Some information/operationsdescribed below are only possible/availablewith the ignition key in the MAR position.To access the main trip computer screen,press the TRIP button.

All the parameters are shown in the displayby symbols (see fig. 38).If “Dynamic” mode is activated, two furtheroptions are displayed (see “Dynamic displayscreens” in the previous chapter).By turning the OK button/knob you can se-lect information relating to:

❍ Trip A (by selecting the letter “A”) or forTrip B (by selecting the letter “B”). Thedisplay will show the following infor-mation:– Distance travelled (km or miles)– Fuel consumption (km/l, mpg or

l/100km)– Average speed (km/h or mph)– Journey time (hh:mm)

❍ Instant information (car symbol). Thedisplay will show the following infor-mation:– Range– Instant fuel consumption– Distance to the destination

TRIP COMPUTER SPECIFIC MENUWith the trip computer function activated itis possible to access the specific Menu bypressing the OK button/knob. The displaywill show the following screen (fig. 39).

fig. 39 A0K5015gfig. 38 A0K5028g





TELEPHONE INFORMATIONDISPLAYTo access the Telephone information, pressthe TEL button. Depending on the mobilephone Bluetooth® system, the display willshow a series of information depending onthe status of the telephone connected:– no phone call in progress;– phone call in progress;– conference mode activated;– outgoing phone call.Depending on the mobile phone Bluetooth®

system, a series of information will be shownon the top part of the display.

No phone call in progressThe display will only show the mobile phonelogo, the name of the service provider andthe privacy activation/deactivation (seeBlue&MeTM supplement).

Phone call in progress andconference modeWith the privacy function deactivated, thedisplay will show the name/number of theperson calling or who is being called.If there are two phone calls taking place si-multaneously (conference) or alternately,the display will show the corresponding sym-bol.

Outgoing phone call The display will show the name/number ofthe person being called. To remove the dis-play of information from the display pressthe ESC button. To interrupt the call, see thedescription in the “Specific telephone menu”paragraph.

TTEELLEEPPHHOONNEE ((oonnllyy wwiitthh BBlluuee&&MMeeTTMM ssyysstteemm))




SPECIFIC TELEPHONE MENUTo access the specific Menu, press the TELbutton and then press the OK button/knob.The display will show the following options(only available with the call activated);❍ “Switch call”❍ “Switch to mobile/Switch to hands-

free”❍ “Put on hold/cancel hold” ❍ “Close call”

Switch callIf there are two phone calls, one activatedand one on hold, it is possible to switch be-tween the two phone calls by selecting thisitem: the activated call will be put on holdand vice versa.If there is only one phone call, selecting the“Another call” item will have no effect.

Switch to mobile/switch to hands-freeBy activating this item the phone call inprogress will be redirected from the car’s au-dio system to the mobile phone. On somemobile phones the Bluetooth® connectionbetween the mobile phone and the car ismaintained and it is possible to return to thecar’s audio system by selecting “Switch tohands-free”.On some mobile phones the activation ofthe “Switch to mobile phone” function endsthe Bluetooth® connection and the phonecall can only continue on the mobile device.The item “Switch to mobile phone” is notactivated for every new incoming call.

Put on hold/cancel holdThis item is only activated if there is a phonecall in progress and makes it possible to de-activate the Blue&MeTM microphone. Theactivation/deactivation is only possible atthe end of the phone call.

Close callSelecting this item depends on the numberof phone calls present:– if there is only one phone call: the current

phone call ends;– if there are two phone calls: the active

phone call is ended and the one on holdis activated;

– if a conference call is active: all phonecalls are ended.




SPOT MESSAGES MENU (only with privacy functiondeactivated)There are four different types of spot mes-sages that appear on the display when a sit-uation occurs:❍ Incoming calls;❍ Outgoing calls;❍ Signalling of new incoming messages;❍ Option of reading new incoming mes-


Incoming callsThe display will show the following infor-mation:❍ name/number of the caller;❍ name of the person called (if stored in

the directory);❍ option of accepting/refusing the call.To accept/refuse the call, select the corre-sponding item and confirm by pressing theOK button/knob.

Outgoing callsRefer to the description in the “Outgoingphone call” paragraph.

Signalling of new incomingmessagesThe display will show the following infor-mation:❍ signalling of new incoming SMS text

message;❍ name and phone number of the person

who has sent the message.Press the ESC button to remove thedisplay.

Option of reading newincoming messagesThe display will show the following infor-mation:❍ signalling of new incoming SMS text

message;❍ name and phone number of the person

who has sent the message;❍ option of reading the new SMS text

message.Select “Read messages” if you want to readthe message or “Ignore” not to read it.Press the ESC button to remove thedisplay.




To access the Configurations menu (fig. 40) select the “Configurations” itemfrom the main Menu.After having activated the ConfigurationMenu, select the desired item by turning theOK button/knob and then press the knobto confirm.If the ESC button is pressed or if no selec-tion is made after about 30 seconds, thescreen will disappear from the display.

DISPLAYThis allows you to make the following se-lections (fig. 41):❍ “Display brightness” (brightness mode

setting - day/night/automatic);❍ “Adjust brightness” (brightness adjust-

ment);❍ “Measures” (selection of unit of mea-

surement - temperature/distance/con-sumption).

Display brightnessOne of the following modes can be selected:❍ “Day”: adapts the brightness of the dis-

play to the daytime setting;❍ “Night”: adapts the brightness of the

display to the nighttime setting;❍ “Automatic”: depending on the switch-

ing on/off of the exterior lights, the sys-tem automatically configures to “Day”mode (lights off) or “Night” (lights on).

Adjust brightnessThis makes it possible to adjust the bright-ness by turning the OK button/knob (in day-time conditions, for good visibility of thescreen, the minimum brightness setting is11).If the “Automatic” brightness mode is acti-vated, the adjustment of the brightness de-pends on the status of the exterior lights.

fig. 40 A0K5002g fig. 41 A0K5003g





Measures(temperature/distance/consumption)Select the item “Measures” by turning theOK button/knob and then press the knobto confirm. The display will show the following screen(fig. 42). Select the desired unit of measurement. Turnthe OK button/knob, select OK and thenpress the knob to confirm.

NOTE The selection of the unit of measure-ment for the temperature is only availableif the outside temperature sensor is present.

SOUNDSThis allows you to adjust the volume of thevoice messages, the instrument panelbuzzer and the buttons buzzer in the car(fig. 43).

“Voice message volume”(Voice message volumeadjustment)Select the item and adjust the volume byturning the OK button/knob and then pressthe knob to confirm.There are 40 levels for the volume adjust-ment.

“Warnings volume”(Adjustment of instrumentpanel buzzer volume)Adjustment of the volume for signals for anywarnings supplied by the instrument panel.This adjustment can only be made with theignition key in the MAR position.There are 7 levels for the volume adjust-ment.

“Buttons volume”(Adjustment of buttonsbuzzer volume)This adjustment can only be made with theignition key in the MAR position.There are 7 levels for the volume adjust-ment.

fig. 42 A0E5005g fig. 43 A0K5016g




MY CAR OPTIONSThis allows a series of parameters and op-erating modes to be set for the car (fig. 44).Select the desired item by turning the OKbutton/knob and then press the knob toconfirm. These adjustments can only be made withthe ignition key in the MAR position.

Maintenance infoThis provides information relating to the nextService expressed as mileage remaining(kilometres or miles).The display will show the message “Servicedue in: XXX km (or mi)”.NOTE If the remaining kilometres (or cor-responding value in miles) before the nextService are between 35,000 and 32,767dashes will appear on the display.

Speed warningBy selecting this item it is possible to setthe car’s speed limit (fig. 45). Turn the OK button/knob to alter the speedlimit value set in steps of 5 km/h (or mphdepending on the unit of measurement forthe distance set).If the ESC button is pressed or if no selec-tion is made after about 30 seconds, thescreen will disappear from the display.The “Signalling active” function acti-vates/deactivates the signalling when theset speed limit is exceeded.

fig. 44 A0K5017g fig. 45 A0K5048g




Show info on dashboard fig. 46By selecting this item it is possible to set therepetition of the information relating to theaudio (Radio) or Trip B.By selecting the “Radio” item the followinginformation will appear on the display:– Active audio source – Frequency (only in Radio mode)– Radio station search (only in Radio

mode);– Track number (only Audio CD, MP3 or

Media Player);– Disc number (only Audio CD, MP3 or

Media Player);Selecting the item “Trip B” on the displayor pressing the TRIP 0.00 button on the rightsteering wheel lever, will bring up the Trip Binformation.

Daytime running lights (DRL)(for versions/markets where provided)By selecting this item it is possible to acti-vate/deactivate the DRL (daytime runninglights) function.This adjustment is only possible if the “Dayrunning lights” function has been activatedin the car Setup Menu (see description inOwner Handbook).

Courtesy lights (for versions/markets where provided)Select this item to switch the “Courtesylights” function on/off (see description inOwner Handbook).

Headlamp sensor sensitivity(for versions/markets where provided)By selecting this item you can adjust thedusk sensor setting.This adjustment is only possible if the vehi-cle is fitted with a dusk sensor (see de-scription in Owner Handbook).

fig. 46 A0K5035g

KeySelect this item to independently open thedriver’s door and/or the boot:

– OPEN DOORS: if this is activated, whendoor release is activated all doors are un-locked with the exception of the luggagecompartment;

– OPEN DRIVER: if this is activated, whendoor release is activated, only the driver-sidedoor is unlocked;

– OPEN ALL: if this is activated, when doorrelease is activated all doors are unlockedincluding the luggage compartment.Select the desired item by turning the OKbutton/knob and then press the knob toconfirm.

AutocloseBy selecting this item it is possible to acti-vate/deactivate the central locking of thedoors.The doors are automatically locked whenthe function is active and the car reaches aspeed of 20 km/h.




DATE & TIMEThis allows the date and the time to bechanged (fig. 47).Adjust the Day/Month/Year/Time by turn-ing the OK button/knob and then press theknob to confirm.There are two modes for the display of thetime: 12 or 24 hour mode.By selecting the item “GPS time” it is alsopossible to activate/deactivate the auto-matic synchronisation of the GPS signal min-utes. This adjustment is only possible if theGPS signal is available.

LANGUAGEThis allows you to change the language ofthe messages shown on the display and thevoice messages. Choose from the following languages:French, English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Ger-man, Dutch and Portuguese.After having selected the language the fol-lowing message will be displayed: ❍ by selecting “YES” the language will be

changed: in this case the display willshow the message “Reboot...” and thenwhen it is turned back on the mes-sages/voice commands will be in thenew language;

❍ by selecting “NO” the language will notbe changed.

If, on the other hand, no selection is made,the system will automatically return to theconfiguration menu.

MEDIA AND MAPS - SD CARDThe system uses the SD Card support con-taining the navigation maps.IMPORTANT Only original SD cards or onescompatible with SPI technology can be used.

Inserting the SD CardInsert the SD Card into the slot 9-fig. 1: thedisplay will show a warning message.

IMPORTANT If the SD Card is damaged orcannot be read, the display will show a ded-icated warning message. If the ESC buttonis pressed or about 30 seconds elapse, themessage will disappear from the display.

fig. 47 A0K5004g




Safe removal of the SD Cardfig. 48To remove the SD Card, proceed as follows:❍ press the MENU button and select “Con-

figurations”;❍ select the “SD Card management” item;❍ select the “SD Card safe removal” item;❍ turn the OK button/knob and select

“Yes” to confirm the choice;❍ remove the SC Card by pressing it and

then pulling it out.

Code to enable mapsSelect the “Code to enable maps” item: thedisplay will show a screen with the Radion-avigator serial number.

Map licence activationTo activate a map, select the item “Map li-cence activation”: the display will show ascreen for entering the security code. Afterhaving entered the code, turn the OK but-ton/knob and select OK to confirm.

NOTE For further information, refer to theinstructions enclosed with the SD Card.The display will show the message “Licenceactivated”. If the code entered is not cor-rect, the display will show the message “In-correct activation code - enter again”. If theESC button is pressed or about 15 secondselapse, the message will disappear from thedisplay.

Map licence statusThe Radionavigator manages a map pro-tection system: when the system recognis-es a new map SD, it enables it for a limit-ed time. To activate it for an unlimited pe-riod an unlocking code must be entered.It is possible to check the status of the li-cences via the SD Card management menuaccessible from the “configurations” menu.Proceed as follows:❍ press the MENU button and select “Con-

figurations”;❍ select the item “Map licence manage-

ment”: the display will show the valid-ity of the map which could be:– “Limited”: in this case the number of

kilometres remaining will be dis-played;

– “Unlimited”.

fig. 48 A0K5018g





The Radionavigator is capable of detectingand solving both operating faults within thesystem and overheating problems.

OPERATING FAULTSIf an internal fault is detected, the system“freezes” the last screen available andlaunches a diagnostic search.The system checks the module concernedfor a few moments to detect the type offault; if the preset time is exceeded and thefault persists, the best solution is adopted(for example, resetting the hardware for themodule involved).If the Radionavigator no longer respondsto the commands, it is possible to restart itmanually by pressing the ESC button formore than 8 seconds.

PROBLEMS DUE TO OVERHEATINGIf the temperature of a Radionavigator hard-ware module (audio, CD player, etc.) ex-ceeds the maximum set limit, the modulesignals that the temperature is too high; thedisplay will show a dedicated message.The module involved is automatically limit-ed or disabled. In extreme cases the systemis automatically turned off until normal op-erating temperature is resumed; the displayshows a dedicated message.The system will only return to normal oper-ation when the temperature operating con-ditions are normal once again.

CUSTOMER SERVICESTECHNICAL SERVICES - SERVICE ENGINEERINGLargo Senatore G. Agnelli, 5 -10040 Volvera - Torino (Italia)Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A.Print no. 604.38.364 – 1 Edition – 09/2010Copyright. Reproduction, even partial, without written authorisationfrom Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. is prohibited.



Alfa Services