6. brown orcid launch jisc presentation

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Transcript of 6. brown orcid launch jisc presentation

17/10/2012 slide 1

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability Josh Brown Programme Manager for Research Information Management and Scholarly Communications.

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

The problem:

§  Is not new:

» Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593 CE) Playwright, Poet, Translator. Also known as Marlow, Marloe, Marley, Marly, Morley, Marlin…

§ Has not gone away:

» Josh Brown, Joshua Brown, Josh A Brown, Joshua A Brown, J.A. Brown, J. Brown…

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Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

The problem: §  Is bigger than ever:

» “Traditional scientific publishing, that is publication in peer-reviewed journals, is still increasing although there are big differences between fields. There are no indications that the growth rate has decreased in the last 50 years. At the same time, publication using new channels, for example conference proceedings, open archives and home pages, is growing fast.”

Larsen and Von Ins, (2010) The rate of growth in scientific publication and the decline in coverage provided by Science Citation Index. Scientometrics. 84(3): 575–603. doi: 10.1007/s11192-010-0202-z

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Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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§ There are many national approaches

» Trove, DAI, Researcher Name Resolver…

§ These systems have great strengths in disambiguating researchers in a national community or context, BUT

» People collaborate, move, migrate » Research, disciplines, publishing are international

§ A ‘merely’ national system will always be partial, run into problems and will need to talk to many other national systems

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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Our approach:

§ JISC gathered our national community together

» The Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA)

» The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) » The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) » Research Councils UK » Researcher representatives » UKOLN, University of Bath » The Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association

(UCISA) » The Wellcome Trust

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Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

Our approach:

§ Spent time articulating the potential benefits

» Funders wanted improved career tracking » Researchers wanted a reduced administrative burden » Administrators wanted clearer institutional affiliations

§ Explored many aspects of the identifier problem for the UK

» Commissioned eight reports to inform discussions » Held a series of meetings over 15 months » Invited a range of experts to contribute

Our approach:

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§ Producing another national ID solution does not make sense without an international ID infrastructure in place

§ ORCID seemed like the best fit to our stakeholders’ needs

§ There were still questions to be resolved

» Where are the gaps that need to be filled? » How will ORCID coordinate with other ID initiatives? » What are the high-value propositions that are within reach?

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In order to answer some of these questions, we undertook a consultation

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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Key findings:

§ Most are strongly in favour of ORCID

§ There is a lot of careful communication to be done

§ Some issues are myths, but some are real

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Key findings:

§ Our consultation uncovered a number of issues that are likely to be relevant internationally

» Existing national systems need to coordinate

» Researcher versus organisational engagement

» Maximum benefits flow if everyone plays the game.

» Manage expectations now to avoid problems in the future

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Key findings:

§  It is essential to quantify the benefits to make the case for investing in ORCID membership and integration.

» There are multiple people who spend an awful lot of their time just

trying to track down publications generated out of the organisation. And those people could be much better deployed doing other things. And as soon as you're talking about multiple people, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, that potentially... can be significantly reduced. And that's one UK organisation. So if you can save half a person say at an organisation like [a research council], I think that's pretty conservative. And you can do something similar at each university in the UK, then you only need about ten institutions to cover the entire running costs of ORCID for a year.

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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§ We need to be clear and careful in articulating benefits

» Potential members must understand that this is an investment

» The level of reward depends on the level of GLOBAL commitment, we are all interdependent

» Researchers need to understand that ORCID is not just for funders and employers

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§ We must not try to whitewash – let’s not fall into the trap of ‘selling’ ORCID

§ Do not underestimate the costs, acknowledge the risks:

» How will ORCID work with the systems and standards that institutions depend upon?

» What are the costs of implementing ORCID? » We can quantify membership costs easily, but are there other


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§  In order to explore privacy issues further, JISC commissioned a legal expert to assess the risks and mitigations. The key findings of that analysis are:

» Breach of data protection is unlikely for much of the data ORCID

will hold » Universities and funders will usually have expertise on hand to

assess risks, and this should be costs effective » Creating an ORCID and asking a researcher to claim it will be fair

in most cases » ORCID is a transparent and accountable organisation, and passed

their ‘adequacy assessment’

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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A new consensus:

§ The scope and aims of our stakeholder group have evolved alongside ORCID

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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A new consensus:

§ The original group has grown and has endorsed a new, more practical set of principles to drive ORCID adoption forward in the UK:

» The group members will join ORCID where appropriate or implement ORCIDs in their systems

» We publicly advocate the use of ORCID » The group will create a national coordination committee to ensure

that ORCID implementations across systems operate seamlessly » The group encourages ORCID to work with other domain specific

ID schemes

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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A new consensus:

§ We are building a coordinated, common plan to accelerate the uptake of ORCID in the UK:

» Continue to work with ORCID to ensure data protection worries are dealt with

» Develop a really strong and thorough communications strategy » Create and consult UK ORCID user groups » Ensure that our national coordination group looks around the world

§ We would like to work with you to make all this happen

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Final thoughts:

§ A great deal has already been achieved

» Unprecedented level of consensus

§ We have been lucky

» ORCID is highly visible and arrived at just the right time

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Final thoughts:

§ Challenges remain: the technology works, but the cultural and political challenges are real

» Without trust and cooperation, none of the potential benefits will be realised.

» Organisational commitment is the key

» We can only attain the benefits together – internationally

Individual Identifiers, International Interoperability

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Thanks for listening Any questions? Get in touch j.brown@jisc.ac.uk 17/10/2012

© HEFCE 2012 The Higher Education Funding Council for England, on behalf of JISC, permits reuse of this presentation and its contents under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK England & Wales Licence.


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