5 ways Storytelling Positively Impacts Your Content

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 5 ways Storytelling Positively Impacts Your Content

5 Ways Storytelling Positively Impacts Your Content

Who doesn’t love a good story?

A tale as old as timeStories date back over 39,000 years to some of the first cave drawings... In their evolution since, they are still told for 3 key incentives.

Why tell stories?




Plus, there’s science behind stories.

Bullet points do part of the job

Only 2 parts of the brain react to the sight of glyphs, like bullet points.

These areas are responsible for language processing.


But stories put your brain to work

When stories are told, the whole brain is stimulated.

Stories are shown to ________________________.change attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors

Source: Harvard Business Review

Stories are shown to ____________________________.transcend into personal ideas and experiences

Source: Harvard Business Review

Using stories in business training

Stories increase engagement

Stories help learners comprehend and retain organizational values.




Stories are greatly pragmatic

Employees are interested in how an organization helps others rather than the services or goods they sell.

Mimeo’s story is a pretty cool one. Read how Mimeo brought printing to the internet.

(Or keep clicking through this SlideShare.)

This tale dates back to 1999

How to apply storytelling into your content

1. Once upon a time…Start by following the classic structure.

1. Context 2. Action 3. Results

2. Tell it like it is

Avoid jargon! Listeners’ emotions appeal to original narratives.

Keep it simple!

3. Don’t take forever

Keep it short. Simple language triggers brain areas that stimulate relation and understanding.

4. Ignite with imagery

The brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

5. Keep it relatable

Only some lessons are suitable for narratives. Don’t try to force something destined for another context.