5 top tips for saving your company money

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 5 top tips for saving your company money

because with Banner you can 5 Top tips for saving your

company money

because with Banner you can

1. Switch that light off!

Utility bills can add up. Perhaps install a

light sensor so that when there is no

movement for over a set amount of time,

that the lights go off. Or have a stricter

policy on the last one to leave the building

and ensuring they turn off all the lights.


A lot of people leave their PC’s on standby

overnight instead of shutting them down

and switching them off completely. If you

add up the number of staff that don’t turn off

their PC’s, multiply it by 5 days a week,

over a series of weeks; do the math; the

money soon adds up. Create a policy

encouraging staff to shut down their PC’s

completely at the end of the day.

because with Banner you can

2. Get together via webinar

Communication is key in companies, however it’s not always practical to meet face to face,

especially if colleagues are based miles apart. Therefore webinars are a great way of

having a meeting with multiple staff without the cost of staff having to travel to a certain

place, and potentially having to stay in a hotel. Staff can simply join the webinar from

wherever they’re based.

Webinars are a very handy tool, for business updates or special announcements and even

for quarterly team meetings. They can be arranged quickly and once the initial payment

has been made to the webinar supplier, there are no more costs involved to hold the



“Remove travel and

accommodation costs

with a webinar.”

because with Banner you can

3. Review your rates

Perhaps it’s time to review your

business rates and ensure you’re still

getting the best value for money. If you

rent the building from a landlord, try and

cut a deal to lower the rent you’re

paying. If you’re company has an

agreement with a taxi firm or a hotel

chain, it might be worth checking what

you’re paying and comparing it with

some other companies.


Are you paying too

much on your taxi and

hotel agreements?

because with Banner you can

4. Send it second class

If the mail that you’re posting

is non-urgent, send it second

class rather than first class.

Over time this would create

huge savings for the



because with Banner you can

5. Are the business processes efficient enough?

It can be very worthwhile reviewing

processes and procedures within a

business. Over the months and years

technology can change and previous ways

of doing things can quickly become out-of-

date and time consuming. This can result in

costing the business money.

Specialised companies can come into a

business, review it, and suggest more

efficient ways of running the business. It

might be worth investing the money as it’s

often necessary to speculate before you



Are you running your

business efficiently?

because with Banner you can


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