5 rocks LANDEN CURRAN. This presentation is about 5 different rocks like coal, Quartzite, Pumice,...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 5 rocks LANDEN CURRAN. This presentation is about 5 different rocks like coal, Quartzite, Pumice,...


This presentation is about 5 different rocks like coal ,Quartzite , Pumice , SCHIST , MARBLE


coal- is a sedimentary rock, formed from decayed plants, is mainly used to make power.


Quartzite- a metamorphic or sedimentary rock, generally white, same uses as sandstone.


Pumice- a igneous rock, brittle variety of rhyolite and is light enough to float.It is formed when magma of granite composition erupts at the earth’s surface or intrudes the crust at shallow depths.


SCHIST-A metamorphic rock, . Goes from silvery white to all shades of gray with yellow to brown tones depending on the mineral concentration, Some schists have graphite and some are used as building stones.


MARBLE-A metamorphic rock, The normal color is white but accessory minerals act as coloring agents and may produce a variety of colors, Dolomite rich marble may be a source for magnesium and is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of refracting materials.

How coal is formed



How Quartzite is formed


Quartzite is formed from a protolith of sandstone. The sandstone is exposed to a gradual increase in temperature and pressure from any of a number of sources, usually from depth of burial or plate movements. The small quartz grains in the sandstone recrystallize into larger interlocked crystals forming a much harder metamorphic rock.

How Pumice is formed

Pumice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xxDWNnvpfM

How is SCHIST formed


Schist is formed from the exposure of previously existing rock to high pressures and heat from tectonic forces. The pressures and heat experienced align the platy minerals in sheet-like layers, minerals can recrystallize, and new minerals may be formed from existing ones as the pressures squeeze out any remaining fluids.

How is MARBLE formed

Marble, formed from limestone with heat and pressure over years in the earth's crust. These pressure or forces cause the limestone to change in texture and makeup. The process is called recrystallization. Fossilized materials in the limestone, along with its original carbonate minerals, recrystallize and form large, coarse grains of calcite.


I learned how coal, Quartzite, SCHIST, Pumice, MARBLE are formed and I learned that SCHIST and Pumice were rocks.