5 Best ab Workouts for Men

Post on 07-May-2015

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t is extremely desirable to have a good looking physique. So Here are the top 5 Best Ab Workouts for Men. Take a Look at these Best Ab Workouts for Men. Read more: http://urbanwired.com/health/5-best-ab-workouts-for-men/

Transcript of 5 Best ab Workouts for Men

5 Best Ab Workouts for Men on the Road to build Six Pack

1. Plank – Normal Plank and Side Plank

Normal Plank Side Plank

Require Diet : Intake only good carbs while completely avoiding white carbs.

Kneeling Plank

Require Diet : Good carbs are found in foods like brown rice, oats and whole-wheat products.

Spider Man Plank

Require Diet : Eat fresh vegetables because they carry lots of nutrients and vitamins.

Star Plank

Require Diet : Lean meats are a rich source of proteins, which is critical for muscle development.

2. Crunches – Normal, Bicycle and Reverse Crunches

Normal Crunches

Require Diet : Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.

Bicycle CrunchesRequire Diet : Choose your fats wisely. For example fats from avocado, fish oils and olive oil are healthy fats you can eat.

Reverse CrunchesRequire Diet : Last but not the least – pace your eating schedule so that there is intake every few hours.

3. Ab Wheel Roll Out

4. Leg raises and V-Ups

5. Mountain Climbers

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