4-The Cell

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of 4-The Cell

  • 8/14/2019 4-The Cell


    The Cell

    Basic unit of plant & animal life.

  • 8/14/2019 4-The Cell


    Life begins with one cell

    Zygote fertilized eggEmbryo zygote divides and cells multiply

    Cells begin to differentiate change their functionBrain cells, muscle cells, hair, etc.

    Fetus Foal AdultNew cells still being produced throughout lifeRBC, bone, skin, gametes

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    Differentiated Cells

    100s of cell types in the bodyAll cells have the same genetic informationFunction determined by the genes inheritedCertain genetic signals are translated andexpressed

    Fulfill their role in the body

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    The branch of biology that deals with heredityand the cellular components, particularly

    chromosomes associated with inheritanceGenotype the exact genetic makeup - full hereditaryinformation of an organism represented by theparticular set of genes it possesses.

    Phenotype represents its actual physical properties,such as appearance (height, weight, hair color) and or performance

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    2 Main Cellular Compartments

    CytoplasmBordered externally by the plasma membrane (cell

    membrane) and internally by the nuclear envelopeArea where organelles found

    Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, etc

    NucleusControl center of the cell contains all the geneticinformation in the form of DNA

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    Mitochondria en ergygen erator

    EndoplasmicReticulum-ContainsRibosomesPr otein synthesis


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    Genetic InheritanceChromosome

    Threadlike part of a cell that carries hereditaryinformation DNA in the form of gene

    GeneHereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA thatoccupies a specific location on a chromosomeDetermines a particular characteristic in an organism

    Locus (loci pl)Specific location of a gene on a chromosome

    AlleleAny of a number of alternative forms of a gene

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    Homologous Chromosomes

    Paired horse = 32 pair (64 individual)1 paternal and 1 maternalSimilar in length (number of DNA units)Similar genetic information - genes

    Allele variations of specific gene found at

    particular locusHomozygous identical allelesHeterozygous different alleles

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    How to tell chromosomes apart.Centromere

    Constriction in a chromosome that divides it into twoarmsResponsible for proper segregation of eachchromosome pair during cell division

    Length of DNA strandMade up of units of a base, a sugar and phosphoricacid

    Four bases (A) adenine, (G) guanine, (T) thymine or (C) cytosineOrder of bases contains code for formation of proteins

    64 different combinations 20 amino acids

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    Acrocentric near one end36 (18 pair) of the autosomes (non sex chromosomes)

    Metacentric near middle26 (13 pair) of the autosomes

    Telocentric very close to end

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    Male sex chromosome (Y) is acrocentricFemale sex chromosome (X) is submetacentric

    Ex. Human chromosomes (23 pair)




    Sister Chromatidstwo identical copies