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    3.0 Introduction

    The reviewed literature not only built a conceptual frame work for this study but also

    identified the practical value of information to organizations. As a result it has

    created an important pathway to the perception of the importance of information,

    justifying the significance of this research. The literature review is divided into six

    categories and each category deals with its theme in general and ultimately

    emphasizes on how each theme specifically relates to financial services sector and

    managerial functions. The six categories are indicated below:

    1. An identification of various aspects of information was relevant. Different

    scholars have perceived information differently to identify it as a

    fundamental component for managerial and organizational activities.

    2. Information needs and information seeking behaviour of the managers and

    organizations were appropriate. This established the core features

    necessary for this research.

    3. The role information sources and their use by organizations conveyed how

    managers are information dependant.

    4. The literature related to the information services to fulfill the information

    needs of managers and organizations was important as it steered the

    literature review to another stage that would be dealt in the study.

    5. It was needed to review, the studies exploring obstacles to meet

    information needs because it is an evident fact that the problems affecting

    beneficial access to information are common among managers.



    6. It was necessary to review the studies concerning the managers

    satisfaction in the fulfillment of their information needs.

    3.1 Information as a Fundamental Component Concerning Managerial and

    Organizational Activities

    The reviewed literature establishes a context for the affirmation that information is

    one of the principle aspects for the standards of managerial and organizational

    performance. Concepts for the term information are many.

    In the study related to the link between environmental scanning and organizational

    information behavior, an interesting description suggested a critical and an

    innovative view of information. Information in organizations is compared to images

    of machines, organisms, political systems and culture. The machine is compared to

    information as a resource that keeps the wheel ticking over (Kirk, 1999, cited in

    Karim, 2004 p.357) Organism is the information from internal and external

    information sources which keeps organizations equilibrium. Information is

    considered as a political system because different groups in organizations have

    divers interests, they use information diversely with regard to power, influence and

    when supporting and negotiating is necessary. Culture was considered as powerful

    with shared beliefs, values, norms and meanings and its weight upon ritual myth,

    language and symbol (Kirk, 1999, cited in Karim, 2004,).

    This description indicates a close liaison among the key feature of an organization

    which are organizational functions, environment, human resources, and how these

    features relate to information for their existence.

    This view could be supported by the description of Kirk as cited by Karim (2004)

    which shows how organizations are information dependant.



    The role played by information is multifaceted and complex. The managerial

    activities and organizational culture which are rich in information have to efficiently

    make use of information if they are to meet their goals. Achieving organizational

    goals can be a result of the use of information in a trend which upholds the

    organizational and managerial capabilities. A ground braking study was conducted

    recognizing six types of information behaviors and values that can detect an

    organizations ability to use information efficiently. These values and behaviors are

    fundamental for nurturing organizational and managerial capabilities. These are:

    Integrity (using information with reliance and principles); Transparency (frankness

    and giving details of errors); Control (obtainable information about performance);

    Sharing; Proactiveness (usage of updated information to react promptly to change);

    Formality (use and trust of informal sources and formality) (Marchand et al. 2001,

    cited in Choo , 2007).

    Information helps to gain knowledge. A study explored that organizations possess

    three kinds of knowledge: tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge and cultural

    knowledge. Tacit knowledge is the personal knowledge that is learned during lengthy

    periods of experiences of doing a task. During this phase the individual develops a

    feel for and ability to make instinctive views about the successful implementation of

    the activity. Explicit knowledge is put across formally using a system symbols and

    may be object based or rule-based e.g. document, software code, rules, routines or

    operating procedures. Cultural knowledge is the beliefs an organization considers

    true, based on attributes about itself and its environment. (Nonaka and Takeuchi,

    1995, cited in Choo 2001).

    According to the proposed model by Mintzberg, managers use external and internal

    information sources. Using information and managerial positions they perform four

    decisional roles. They are first, entrepreneurs, second, resource allocators, third,



    disturbance handlers, and finally negotiators (Mintzberge, 1973, cited in Auster and

    Choo, 1994).

    Opoola (2000) studied on scanning the environment for competitive advantage: A

    study of corporate banking managers in Nigeria. The researcher focused mainly on

    investment analysis, improved services, conflict resolution, market research, and

    business strategy and their relationship with information. Researcher identified the

    relationship patterns of information gained through environment scanning and how

    they effect the banking sector. An important feature in Opoolas study is that, it is

    based on environmental scanning by a particular user group, who are bank managers.

    The environmental sectors they scan are customer, competition, technological,

    regulator, economic and socio-cultural sector. It was concluded that core of

    information handling job of the managers in the banking industry is to gather,

    process, assess, and interpret information acquired from the business environment by

    creating a path way to the profit maximization of the bank. Information, according to

    the researcher, could be used for banks future actions and for decision making. This

    would bring about interesting factor; which is, while information which being

    managed is not static indefinitely due to various reasons of the environment, but

    should not be altered unwisely as information could be used for future course of


    The study by Weerasinghe (2007) on knowledge management emphasizes the

    relationship among special Liberians, knowledge management and information users

    of the organization. The author comments that these librarians are an important

    knowledge base for the organization which calls for librarians as active participants

    where information management is concerned.



    Weerasinghe further more indicates that importance of knowledge management is

    increasing and her study related to the financial services sector in Sri lanka, shows

    that the importance of knowledge management although a new concept is needed to

    the financial services sector in Sri Lanka if it is to achieve competitive advantage.

    The study to determine the usage of information by financiers of micro enterprises of

    Sri Lanka by Weerasinghe ( 2002) reveals as to how the Sri Lankan financial

    services sector renders its services to the development of micro entrepreneurs and as

    to how the information is used for this purpose. It shows that the sample of

    development banks, commercial banks, NGOs, Samurdi Banking Societies and

    Coorporative societies as active participants in this area. They are portrayed as

    seekers of information and disseminators of information as well, apart from their

    financial services

    3.2 Information Needs and the Information Seeking Behavior of the Managers

    When reviewing literature on information needs and information seeking behavior of

    managers in organizations, it was necessary to identify the subject area of user

    studies which deals with information needs and information seeking behavior in

    general. This lays the basis for the reviewing literature on information needs of the

    managers in organizations.

    Exploring information needs of the users is an issue which is not easily dealt with.

    The development of theoretical concepts of information needs, after the survey of

    users information seeking behavior by Royal Society Scientific Information

    Conference (Royal Society 1948) has been slow. Anyway, the field of information

    needs of the users could be noted even before 1948. According to the conclusions of

    the authors this situation is due to the ineffective methodology and the lack of

    research which can be developed (Wilson 2006). According to Wilson (2000) the



    need for user studies is fundamental as it can boost the quality of information


    J. M. Brittain and Maurice Line are two of the initiators to define the terminology of

    information needs. According to Brittain, as cited by Elayan and Younis ( 2004), the

    difference between information demand and information needs could be identified as

    follows. An information demand is a vocal or written demand; for a example a

    request made to a an information system or library. While indicating that defining

    information need is difficult, in some situations, information need could be

    synonymous to information demand where the user understands the information

    which is appropriate to his work and makes a demand of an information source.

    A need can be identified asemptiness more specifically a gap which can occur at

    any time in an individuals life.Information needs occur due to recognition of a gap

    in ones knowledge and when that individual decides to fill that knowledge gap

    (Belkim, cited by Nicholas 1996).

    Information needs can be discussed with manifold definitions but identifying

    information needs serves only one purpose, that is to fill the knowledge gap. This is

    apparent in the definition of information needs given by Elayan and Younis (2004);

    Nicholas (1996)

    Accordingly, Wilson (2006) too supports the above idea. Furthermore, he adds that

    Information needs is a secondary need which occurs in order to fulfill one or more of

    the three basic needs namely physiological need (food, shelter etc) psychological need

    (need for domination, security etc) and cognitive need ( need to plan and learn a skill

    etc). Compared to the basic human needs, it could be indicated that information needs

    are also equally important. The reason for this is to fulfill the basic needs, it is

    necessary to fulfill the information needs although it is not considered as a primary



    need. Individuals are not always aware of their needs and information gaps. This is

    called dormant need. Moreover, they do not know that there is relevant information

    available to help them. When they identify the information they identify its worth.

    Dormant needs could be fulfilled with the help of the information professional due to

    the fact that information professional knows the information available.

    Nicholas (1996) claimed that the importance of identifying information needs of the

    users have good and pressing reasons to believe that the neglect of user needs cannot

    continue. To face the high cost of computerizations, assessing the system in keeping

    with the user needs is required. Due to the questions on the expenses of information

    and the strict inspections of information has given rise to the need to identify

    information needs of users. Identifying information needs of the user is considered

    important by information professionals due to another factor which is to safeguard

    their jobs. As a result it is a need that they pay attention to work and requirement of

    their users.

    Nicholas added that information demand being a request for information believed to

    be needed or wanted is the starting point of the information seeking behavior. The

    user is first encountered by the information professional, communicates with an

    information system, source or intermediary. Users could demand information they do

    not need; for example, a user may be disappointed by reading a book prescribed by

    another person as it did not fulfill the information needs of that particular individual.

    An individual may need or want information which they do not demand. This brings

    out that information needs of the users are not easily always fulfilled. The social

    impacts, the knowledge of the user on information retrieval, such as the capacity to

    browse an information system, also depend on the fulfillment of information needs.

    Wilson (2000) describes certain features related to human information behavior



    1) Information behavior is all the facets of human behavior concerned with

    information sources, information channels, active and passive information

    seeking. Face to face communication is considered to be an active information

    seeking and use, while watching T.V. without taking a step on the information is

    the passive side of information seeking and use.

    2) Information seeking behavior means seeking for information deliberately resulting

    from a need to satisfy an objective. When information seeking is taking place the

    user would interact with manual information systems such as news papers or

    computer based information systems (such as the World Wide Web).

    3) Information searching behavior is the micro-level of behavior used by the

    searcher using information systems. This act involves situations such as the levels

    of humans using computer; for example the use of the mouse and click on links or

    intellectual level such as Boolean search strategy .

    4) Information use behavior is identified by using physical and mental capabilities to

    include the gathered information to persons knowledge; for example physical acts

    like highlighting a part of a text to identify its significance or mental acts like

    comparing new information with the existing information.

    These descriptions lead us to figure out that human information behavior is a result of

    the main motivational factor the information need. Human information behavior is

    diverse and it has a close relationship with an individuals interest, chance,

    knowledge, social impact, and also his choice.

    Wilson (2006) argued that numerous decisions are made using incomplete

    information or on the basis of belief. Due to this factor, information seeking may not

    take place or there could be a time gap between the information need identification

    and the information seeking act. According to the argument by Wilson, information

    needs do not always bring about human information behavior. The motivational



    factors, persuasive factors come into the scene again for the fulfillment of the

    information needs through information seeking behavior.

    Job satisfaction plays a significant role in the fulfillment of the information needs by

    the user because if an individual is satisfied about his job he is prone to improve it

    and keep up to date. More specifically he would take a keen interest in meeting his

    information needs (Nicholas, 1996). Thus, job satisfaction is a motivational factor

    leading to human information behavior.

    Executives are not homogeneous concerning their information needs. Some always

    communicated with the same nature in information content and form and need

    significantly customized needs, at the same time other executives need highly

    multipurpose systems to communicate with different information (Adam and Murphy


    In the study carried out by Karim and Husssein (2007) with regard to mangers

    perception of information management and the role of the information and knowledge

    managers: the Malaysian perspective, the researchers has taken various variables into

    consideration. For example managers, information, knowledge, etc. The managers are

    chosen from several industries such as banking industry, IT, telecommunication

    services, oil and gas company As. to the conclusion of the study which is of

    descriptive and of exploratory nature the Malaysian managers information needs are

    not highly divers. Their information needs are mostly fulfilled through informal

    information sources. In order to fulfill information needs of the managers user

    profiling is necessary. The findings of this study have paved the way for the user

    profiling which helps to develop information and knowledge management strategies.

    Managers greatly depend on informal social communication patterns to fulfill their

    information needs. Therefore, it could be indicated that knowledge and information



    management should have strong relations with good social information environment.

    Quality of information is an important element of Information management.

    Malaysian managers are mostly in agreement with the fact that effective information

    management is needed for good performances and productive decision making. The

    findings of this study can be considered to be a frame work for implementing KM and

    IM specifically in the Malaysian organization. It could be indicated that the

    conclusions are mainly drawn from the findings as it should be. But it could be stated

    that conclusion are not a critical evaluation of the findings but only self evident.

    The study by Weerasinghe (2007) of a number of domestic banks in Sri Lanka further

    adds to the body of literature concerning information management and financial

    services sector of Sri Lanka. It reveals how Sri Lankan banks are using libraries for

    their work. It could be argued that if a library is constantly disseminating information

    to banks to achieve their goals, the banks are usage of libraries will be high in order to

    seek information is through their organizational library. This feature is justified in the

    study by Weerasinghe (2007) in the limelight of the Sri Lankan banking context. The

    author further pinpoints in the discussion related banking context of Sri Lanka

    specially in the banking industry, competition, customer, financial regulations, trade

    and globalization as foremost important aspects. This view functions as a

    generalization applicable to banking context as well. If above aspects are of

    importance to banks it is beyond debate that Sri Lankan banks give prominence to the

    information on above aspects.

    As for information seeking Weerasinghe (2002) in the study related to the information

    usage by financiers of micro entrepreneurs states that personal contacts, media, other

    libraries and own library as the means by which micro entrepreneurs accessed

    information. The financiers mostly used personal contacts in order to seek information



    Weerasinghe further found through the study the information types ranked as high in

    importance with regard to the whole sample. They were financial schemes, economic

    information, investments and savings, and market opportunities. Information types

    that ranked medium importance were legal, raw material and supply, market location,

    and training. Lastly, the information types of the lowest importance were weather and

    standards. Mostly disseminated information types were financial schemes (74%)

    market information (44%), economic information (43%) and investment and savings

    information (43%)

    3.3Role of Information Sources in Managerial and Organizational Activities

    Information sources in its simplest sense can be defined as the persons, groups, and

    documents from which data are obtained. Apart from that Kaye (1995) have included

    certain information systems also as internal organizational information for example:

    office automation systems, Management information systems, expert systems and

    executive information systems etc. Reviewed literature revealed that the information

    sources which are of diverse types play a fundamental role in managerial and

    organizational activities.

    Choo (2001) in a study related to environmental scanning as information seeking and

    organizational learning, identified information seeking as source usage and

    preference. He added that according to the organizations level of ability to analyze

    and intrude into the environment four modes of scanning can be identified. They are

    undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, enacting and searching. The researcher has

    studied the types of information sources used by organizations relative to these four

    modes. The term undirected viewing was first used by Aguilar (1967). Undirected

    viewing takes place when the organization is unable to analyze the environment and

    therefore when it does not intrude the environment. When this takes place the



    organization is contented with informal information sources such as irregular

    contacts. Conditioned viewing once again a term first used by Aguilar (1967) takes

    place when organization is able to analyze the environment but is passive about

    intruding the environment. During this situation information sources used are routine

    sources such as standard procedures, internal non-personal sources and also external

    reports, databases, sources highly accepted in the industry. Enacting takes place when

    the organization is unable to analyze the environment, but when it intrudes the

    environment actively. The information sources used are external sources that

    organization has built up through its influence for example a feedback about its

    actions that the organization is responsible. Searching (considered as Discovery in the

    original Daft and Weick paper) takes place when the organization is able to analyze

    the environment and when it can intrude the environment actively. The sources used

    are formal, often quantitative data specifically from surveys and market research

    activities. A feature that can be drawn by Choos study is that four modes of

    environmental scanning depends on organizational choice according to its needs and

    the variation of information sources used depends on these four modes.

    Information sources of multinational corporations are identified as external and

    internal. External sources include customer, supplier, bankers, competitors,

    newspapers, conferences and seminars and publications. Internal sources are

    executives based abroad, products, international division executives and computer

    data banks within the company (Preble et al ,1988 and Ginter and Duncan, 1990, cited

    in Karim, 2004).

    Berry and Robertson (2004) studied the overseas bankers in the UK and their use of

    information for making lending decision: Changes from 1985. It could be stated that

    this study focused on the information usage by bankers and how this usage pattern

    changes overtime Information sources at hand to the borrower were ranked as very



    important ,fairly important and not very important and also according to year (2001 to

    1985) and frequency of use. The sources of information considered in this study were

    audit accounts, banks internal records from previous experience of loans to the

    company, interim reports, company memorandums and articles and published

    government statistics. The results based on the order in which they are included in the

    questionnaire are discussed. They are the sources of information available to the bank

    use without assistance to the borrower, the sources information which the banker may

    have access to, the Ratios and financial indicators used by bankers, desired

    improvements in the information provision. As for the sources of information

    available to the bankers without use of assistance to the borrower, the audit accounts

    continued to be the most important sources of information for lending decision and

    the ranking of the first three items of importance has not changed with time. With

    regard to annual reports, the increase of the importance of cash flow statement was

    very high in 2001and not very important in1985. Another change which is not

    statistically important is the increased importance of ratings of directors report which

    now includes operating and financial review. The results also indicted a decreasing

    value of the extent of reading with regard to auditors report and statement of

    accounting policies, that is, their extent with regard to these 2 situations were high

    in1985 than in 2001.When observing the results of the sources of information to

    which bankers may have access, there is a very little change in the importance of

    personal interviews between the years 2001 and 1985 and there is an important

    change with regard to the importance and frequency of use of valuation reports. The

    importance of management accounts and project financial statement were more or less

    the same but the frequency of use has increased. As for the ratios and financial

    indicators used by bankers the results indicated that liquidity is ranked 1st in 2001 and

    3rd in 1985. As for the researchers conclusions of the study, the major conclusion is

    the most important source of information is published accounts. Clear understanding



    that one can reach with regard to this research is the theme of the research deals with

    a specific area more than a general area in comparison to the study by Opoola (2000)

    which is dealt below. The study by Berry and Robertson (2004) has dealt with the

    lending decision making in the banking sector.

    Opoola (2000) has dealt with the study on scanning the environment for competitive

    advantage: A study of corporate banking managers in Nigeria.

    As for the information sources used by managers colleagues were most frequently

    used source. This showed that respondents used more heavily the informal sources.

    Least accessible source was company directories. To identify the perceived quality of

    information the perceived relevance and reliability of sources were found out.

    Customer was the most reliable and relevant source. One of the most unhealthy factor

    which discovered through the results was that government official, and

    radio/television provided information of low quality. Their information was less

    reliable and less relevant. Coefficient was used to find the relationship between

    frequency of use, perceived source accessibility and perceived source quality. Main

    purpose of environmental scanning was for investment analysis and for improved

    services. Least importance of environment scanning was for recreation.

    A study has been carried out by Karim and Husssein (2007) with regard to mangers

    perception of information management and the role of the information and knowledge

    managers: the Malaysian perspective. With regard to data analysis related to

    information sources, the most important sources were books, journal, newspapers

    magazines, reports, bulletins and newsletters. The mean score was 3.92. Second

    important information source was internet. Lastly were the board members.

    As for the sources of information used Weerasinghe (2002) has divided the

    information sources in to two categories namely Non institutional information sources



    and institutional information sources. Non institutional information sources that were

    used by financiers were seminars and workshops, government publications, feasibility

    studies, newspaper articles, periodicals, newsletters and books. Mostly used non

    institutional information sources by the financiers as a whole were seminars and

    workshops. The institutional information sources used by the financiers according to

    the study were IDB, Divisional Secretariat, Government Ministries and Provincial

    Councils. Mostly used institutional source according to the findings was IDB.

    3.4Library and Information Services as a Fundamental Component for Access to


    With the evidence of reviewed literature it could be accepted that library and

    information service rendered to any target audience functions as a core factor which

    facilitate access to specific type of information when concerning that particular user


    The paper by Koh (2000) suggests that providing a new understanding and a new

    definition to the term library technical services is fundamental due to the speedy

    changes taking place in the world. He, in comparison with the present global situation

    adds that, 3 forces impacts on these services namely economic pressures, user

    expectations and technology. He elaborates certain plus points of the knowledge

    access manager who is fundamental to provide a better information services to a

    particular user group. Not only facilitating effective intellectual access to collections

    but also organizes information according to the need of the user and delivers them by

    individualized and customized packaging. The author, furthermore, categorizes

    information resources as internal and external and once again brings out another

    division in internal and external information resources internal tangible (books, video

    cassettes, etc) and internal intangible (data bases, electronic resources on CD-ROM



    etc.). External tangible sources are available through interlibrary lending or other

    resource sharing. Thus, by evaluating the details brought out by the Koch it is evident

    that, in order to provide a better information service the interrelation of two

    fundamental components which are the collections and the knowledge access

    managers is a necessity. In addition the knowledge access manager should carry out

    his service in accordance with the situation of the economic situation, user

    expectations and also technology.

    Another factor with regard to library and information services which could be

    compared to the details highlighted above by Koch is brought out by Hsieh et al

    (2000). According to Hseih the demanding expectations are increasing and due to this

    it is necessary to improve the quality of services. But financial constraints are an

    important feature which pressurizes the library managers. Thus, the library managers

    are facing a dilemma when attempting to exploit resources. Consequently, the

    initiatives such as ISO 9000 (Johannsen, 1996 cited in Hsieh) standards and 5s

    movement (Taipei Municipal library) have been implemented to improve the services


    In comparison with the view and facts pointed out by the scholars Koch (2000) and

    Hsieh et al (2000), it could be perceived that while Koch claims that knowledge

    access managers and collections provide a service to fulfill the needs of the customer,

    Hsieh et al (2000) reinforce and extends the Kochs findings with the what has taken

    place in order to provide a better service. The ISO 9000 standards implementation and

    5s movement have been initiated in order improve the library image and service


    The paper by Deventer and Snymann (2004) suggests the vitality of library and

    information services as below.



    Knowledge economy literature indicates that proof of an organizations sustainable future and

    growth lies in multi-dimensional evaluation rather in traditional one-dimensional monetary or

    financial capital perspective. This article attempts to provide a multi-dimensional framework

    within which a library and information service (L &IS) could measure its performance. As a

    pre requisite, for implementation of the stated framework , the L&IS management (and Staff)

    needed to understand that: (

    Measuring should be done for local development and progress using the L& IS mission and a strategy

    for a sustainable future as a focal area;

    Sustainability requires more than providing proof of spending the stakeholders money wisely; and

    Adding value for the customer in isolation also does not ensure sustainability. (p.1)

    Consequently, due to the view point of Deventer and Snyman (2004) it is justifiable

    to say that the library and information services has a role that has a decisive impact

    upon an organization. Not only the impact, but also its responsibility is formidable

    and the known factor which is the mission and the vision of the mother organization

    should be reflected by it information centre or the library is a evident and a salient


    Deventer and Snyman (2004) adds that

    In order to be sustainable in the knowledge economy it is necessary to understand that

    the relationship between the human, structure, customer, and stakeholder capitals are

    vital. The L&IS sector would therefore , in the first instance, be required to ensure that

    customer could trust that they are receiving the services and products that maximize

    their own productivity and asset utilization. Secondly L&IS stakeholders would need to

    be assured that they are receiving the best value for their investment. Lastly, but

    perhaps most importantly, L & IS staff would have to be assured that they have the

    necessary skills and resources to provide for a motivating environment and that the

    infrastructure created will ensure continuous improvement for all. (p.1)



    Thus, for the overall stability of an organization which achieves competitive

    advantage, a productive library and information services is a necessity. The quality

    service, disseminating mission critical information in an organization is an absolute

    need for present organizations.

    The study conducted by industrialists information needs and interests in Jordan: A

    case study of Zarca Governate by Elayan and Younis ( 2005) deals specifically with

    the types of information services needed by a selected sample of industrialists. It

    focuses on bank managers as well. The particular information services dealt in this

    research are the loan of library materials, internet, photocopying, in-library reading,

    references and guidance and other various informatory services. Majority of

    respondents considered internet and photocopying as the main information services


    As highlighted by Koh (2000), Hsieh (2000), Deventer and Snyman (2004), the

    importance of a knowledge manager for the fulfillment of information needs of a

    customer is once again reinforced by Karim and Hussein (2008) in their case study.

    This way these studies bridge the two components the information manger and the

    collection in order show the requirements for quality information service to bring

    about optimum customer satisfaction and also achieve competitive advantage. Hence

    the reason for importance of effective and an efficient information manger is

    identified in the study by Karim and Hussein and the importance of the information

    manager is focused according to view points by the managers in their study. An

    information manager is considered as a source of information who helps to collect and

    high quality information. Information managers timeliness is also appreciated. He is

    also considered as someone who can help achieve organization performance through

    decision making because they are able professionals. They can manage information



    systems and databases. They assist in public relation and develop information policy.

    They also assist in research.

    Weerasinghe (2007) in the study related to knowledge management states that special

    librarians have a responsibility to cater its services in accordance with the mission of

    their mother organization. The author also is of the view that extending these services

    indicates that the librarian should avoid a passive role and actively perform in the

    fulfillment of the organizational information needs.

    The special libraries duties could be fulfilled productively and efficiently if their

    potentiality is reinforced with ICT. This view is brought out by Weerasinghe

    (2007) as the study refers to the services of internet, intranet, email, and library

    software and their contribution to the important positive information needed by an


    Another factor brought out by Weerasinghe is the selective dissemination of

    information which plays a fundamental role in the identification of information needs

    and facilitating access to information through user profiling and selecting appropriate

    information needed by a specific user. This too is a contributing factor to knowledge

    management in organizations.

    3.5 Problems related to the Fulfillment of Information Needs of the Managers and

    Organizational Activities

    Obstacles to meet the information needs of the managerial and organizational

    activities are common and strategies to combat these obstacles are daily improving.

    But at the same time the complexity of the problems too develop due to the

    information explosion and various other reasons. Review of literature provides insight

    to this situation.



    Nicholas (1995) in his work which deals on tools and techniques for assessing

    information needs discusses numerous obstacles which hinder the fulfillment of

    information needs of the users. In keeping with the information needs of the

    managers, it could be said that, these obstacles hinder the managers fulfillment of

    information needs in organizational activities. Nicholas put forward that, problems

    such as reluctance of some information professionals to consult the users concerning

    their duties which they consider as their own professional matters. Information

    professionals pay more attention to the information systems, although some

    information systems are not suitable to the users information needs. Poor

    communication skills of the information professional are also an obstacle to the

    information needs fulfillment. The high cost of resources needed to acquire the

    information needs data is a problem in comparison with the budget allocations by

    the mother organization of the information centre. There is no commonly accepted

    basis assessing information needs and it is a difficult task to obtain data related to the

    information needs. With the explanation of Nicholas (1996), it is evident that an

    information centre is an important information system to the user for the retrieval of

    information. The inefficient information centres including inefficient staff are vital

    reasons where the information needs of the users are unmet.

    Area of interest being one requirement to assess the information needs can cause

    several problems when it comes to its specification; for example too much of

    simplification or generalization of the area of interest. The difficulty faced by both

    user and the intermediary in translating users key words into key words employed in

    the information system. The other obstacles indicated by Nicholas are lack of time,

    poor access to information sources and systems, lack of resources and information

    overload. The personality of the important professionals is also important. In this

    context it refers to the lack of determination to continue looking for information over



    a reasonable period of time and attempting a new strategy when first f attempts are

    unsuccessful. Another aspect of the personality is lack of thoroughness or lack of in

    depth search which is appropriate to the information need. Being disorganized in both

    retrieval and storage of information and Lack of motivation leading to poor

    commitment to the job, the task or the customer are also problems related to the

    personality of some information professionals. The last feature related to the

    personality is the interest to accept information from others. Lack of time is brought

    about by increased number of information queries and the increased amount of work

    expected of the information professional in the same amount of time. .

    Due to the hindrances to the rapid accessibility to information sources or systems, it is

    doubtful that a users carryout information seeking. And the author has added that

    information overload; mainly due to vast technological developments is also a

    hindrance to the meeting of information needs.

    Other barriers to meeting information needs are age, lack of experience in the work,

    educational qualification and training, gender, working situation such as working

    alone or with a team. When providing an overall comment on the obstacles to meet

    information needs brought out by Nicholas, he has described these problems in the

    limelight of social economical, cultural, and also personal factors.

    Karim( 2004) in his study on the link between environment scanning (ES) and

    organizational information behavior : implication for research and the role of

    information professional., claimed that unlike the past, present information

    overload seriously calls for evaluation of quality of information, as inaccuracies such

    as incorrect information or lack of validity in information can result in crucially

    negative results. Karim also commented on the time constrain as on of the main

    reasons that CEOs are unable to be good environmental scanners though they are



    considered as key users of information. The studies dealing with environmental

    scanning, which is a fundamental component of information seeking reveals that

    environmental scanning could even be considered as a basis for fulfillment of

    information needs. If environmental scanning is hindered it would necessarily be an

    obstacle to the fulfillment of information needs.

    Wilson, as cited by Wilson (2000) suggested that his information seeking model

    which he developed was a result of physiological, cognitive and affective needs of a

    person. He further indicated that these primary needs of an individual can occur in his

    personal life or working environment and the obstacles to information search could be

    a result of the same situation. This assertion further supports how social, economical,

    cultural, personal, issues impact the fulfillment of information needs which were

    discussed hither to.

    The paper on information flows amongst executives their implications for systems

    development by Adam and Murphy (1995) discussed the lack of communication and

    an increased number of mechanistic reporting, justifying the assertions of past

    research that senior executives face the problem of information overload because of

    receiving regular reports due to upward organizational communication and the

    executives inability asses these reports for relevancy and further improvement. One

    could arrive at the conclusion that information overload can be a result of

    disorganized working patterns and disorganized communication patterns leading to

    the difficulty of information filtering .

    Owens et al (1996) in their study on information, business and performance

    discusses the information systems and services in high performing companies. The

    problem that was nearly commonly accepted is not assessing the information systems

    after it is developed. This is considered to be a result of lack of financial support and

    time. The researchers further found that in the companies where library staff was



    surveyed there was a low interest to get use to new technology. Usage of computer

    based catalogues was mainly limited to the library staff as majority of were stand-

    alone machines. Library staff took part in information systems provision only when

    these systems were being developed for the library operations. Lack of finance and

    lack of trained library staff was the foremost reason that the libraries were slow in

    getting use to technologies. The issues highlighted by Owens et al. (1996) are

    connected to the situation where information professionals are in a transition between

    obsolete and modern situations.

    Organizational impact of information technology (IT) on banking and insurance

    sector in Nigeria was examined by Ugwu et al (2000). The results showed that

    sending messages around the globe electronically will have negative aspects as their

    can be unlawful access to the information virtually for malicious reasons.

    A case study on knowledge management implementation in the banking sector was

    carried out by Kidan and Gouling (2006). This case study is justified and it fills the

    research gap by focusing on bringing out a framework made to fulfill the banking and

    financial needs through knowledge management services. It was found through this

    study that some respondents were not clear about the idea of knowledge management

    and they had a difficulty in differentiating clearly the fields knowledge management,

    information technology, intellectual capital, processing of organizational knowledge,

    HR management and organizational learning. According to some respondents certain

    banks were not prepared to change to KM based institutions. One also indicated that

    KM should be developed at the beginning of a bank. As for the lack of KMS

    (knowledge management systems), the respondents indicated that most banks were

    not aware of KMS. The insufficient organizational process and lack of skills, the

    problems with regard to the field of KM, knowledge lost, the lack of knowledge, error

    duplication were some of the salient problems the respondents faced. Some even said



    information is not interpreted well and also there were problems with competitors,

    customers, alliances, and internal and external environment. In the conclusion the

    researchers indicated an important factor that is KMS is to a greater extent new to

    Libyan banking sector so to gain the full benefit of KMS, Libyan banks are not ready.

    A common feature that is brought out by Weerasinghe (2007) is the difficulty of

    convincing the management of an organization to increase the budgetary allocations

    for the requirements of the library. This is owing to reasons such as investments of

    funds in projects by the financial services institutions. One could comment that this

    problem, although has fair grounds for its existence, can have an impact on the

    organization itself as it will not have a well equipped and appropriately resourced

    information centre to fulfill the organizational information needs. But as a remedial

    measure to this Weerasinghe ( 2007) proposes maintaining a membership with an

    information network. Hence the importance of information sharing.

    Weerasinghe (2002) has found in her study, as problems encountered by financiers

    with regard to their information needs fulfillment , lack of sources , accuracy,

    timeliness and transparency. Mostly experienced problems were lack of sources and


    3.6 Satisfaction of Managers in Their Fulfillment of Information Needs for

    Organizational Activities

    Identification of the extent of satisfaction of the information needs fulfillment is an

    integral part of a study if remedies to the information related problems are to be

    recommended for a particular user group. Reviewed literature in the section concerns

    mainly the satisfaction of the fulfillment of information in managerial and

    organizational activities.



    Smith et al ( 1998) in their study which determined the impact of information on

    corporate decision making within the context of the insurance sector selected 410

    middle and senior staff from managerial positions or above from 3 organizations as

    his sample. According to the general comments of the 241 respondents who returned

    the questionnaires, it was identified that several were satisfied with the information

    services and some admired services that they received. These respondent described

    that the library environment had a friendly atmosphere, the responses for the queries

    were of high standard, information delivery was prompt and the staff were very

    helpful. Other comments were library took quick actions to the information requests

    and the library staff delivered an excellent customer service. In all 3 organizations

    the satisfaction of the fulfillment of their information needs far outweighed the

    complaints. This research also indicated a few critical comments by the managers

    and one or two respondent indicated negative experiences with their library services;

    for example the reluctance and unwillingness of the information centre staff to

    provide material which were not client specific nature.

    The respondents also commented on information officers lack of knowledge. One

    respondent commented contradictorily to one of the positive comment of a user

    saying that the requests were not answered quickly. Some of the constructively

    critical comments were the need of assistance to find ideas and answers in addition to

    data, need for developed enthusiasm to be helpful by the librarian, need for

    adequately equipped library staff. The description of Smith et al. (1998) paves the

    path way for the common understanding that any information or a library cannot

    fulfill all the information needs of the customers as several constraints limits them

    from being perfect without any flaws. But libraries and information centres can

    improve the quality of their services by so many means. Customer satisfaction not



    only depends on the quality of information service but also due to the factors such as

    customers personality and their expectations as well.

    The study by Ugwu et al (2000) revealed that there was a positive impact of IT with

    regard efficiency and productivity of the organizations when considering direct and

    induced local measures and direct and induced global measures. According to the

    above finding it could be indicated that the respondent expressed their satisfaction

    with regard to the impact of IT as it helps to fulfill their information requirement. The

    researchers have considered reduced paper work, savings in labour, speedy access to

    data, and inability to use machines skillfully as induced local measures. The induced

    global measures were new business positions, increased market share, and network

    insecurity. These findings and the conclusions gives an opportunity to put forward the

    views that although IT has negative impacts the positive side of the usage of IT is

    increasingly felt by organizations. Organizations are ready to accept IT even it effects

    the normal patterns of handling information followed earlier. Hence IT makes certain

    patterns of information handling obsolete but organizations are satisfied with the

    contributions of IT to the fulfillment of information needs.

    Vlahos et al ( 2003) in their study to identify the use of computer based information

    systems (CBIS) by German managers to support decision making. The German

    managers were selected from the functional areas marketing and sales, information

    systems, accounting and finance, human resources and other areas such as

    manufacturing. Findings revealed that 62% of respondents were very confident that

    the CBIS they used were not compromised due to lack of sufficient security. When

    reviewing this study in terms of the satisfaction of fulfillment of the information

    needs of the managers, the computer based information systems boost the information

    retrieval process. The managers who identify the usefulness of CBIS tend to alter



    these systems according to their managerial needs which would further improve the

    information retrieval process bringing about more satisfaction.

    Contribution of the case study related to the DFCC bank would be mainly the

    identification of several specific issues concerning the information need of the DFCC

    Bank managers and make recommendations on improved usage of information which

    would be appropriate for managerial information needs in the banking industry of Sri

    Lanka in common.




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