33d Infantry Brigade Crosswire Issue 5

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Transcript of 33d Infantry Brigade Crosswire Issue 5


Official Newsletter of the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat TeamIssue 5 | July 20, 2012

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Fire coming from the skypage 2-3

2-122 sling guns, hitch ridepage 4

In this issue

By Lt. Col. Alexander D. Lawson, Commander, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery

The 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment is maximiz-ing its training potential during the course of the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team’s XCTC program here at Camp Ripley,

634th making sure training doesn’t break downby: Sgt. Jesse Houk, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

Soldiers from Company E, 634th Brigade Support Battalion have been supporting the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team in the Army National Guard’s eX-portable Combat Training Capa-bility (XCTC) program to ensure that the vehicles, weapons sys-tems, communications systems, air conditioning units, and other

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IBCT utilizing the high capacity line of sight antennas (HCLOS) and blue force tracker TOC Net kits to track vehicle movement and communicate real-time.

All of this could not be ac-complished without the sup-port from Company G, 634th Brigade Support Battalion. Co. The 634th gained valuable training at XCTC by planning and delivering the logistical ne-cessities required to sustain our operations. CW3 Konopacki worked tirelessly coordinat-ing the repair of three broken howitzers. The 2nd Bn., 122nd FA’s energy is fueled by do-ing what we do best; sending rounds down range to support our mission to destroy, neutral-ize, or suppress the enemy by our timely and accurate cannon fire. Redlegs out.

Minn. XCTC provides 2nd Bn., 122nd FA the opportunity to ag-gressively train Soldiers which will ultimately culminate into a spectacular three-day exercise.

2nd Bn., 122nd FA started training by completing various combat battle drills including mounted combat patrols, bat-tery defense and Improved Ex-

plosive Devices (IED) Defeat. In preparation for the FTX, 2nd Bn., 122nd FA conducted emer-gency fire missions, (known as “Hip Shoots”) and sling-loaded Howitzers utilizing CH-47 Chi-nooks and UH-60 Blackhawks for gun raids. Once at the gun emplacement, we shot different ammunition rounds to include high explosives, smoke, white phosphorous, illumination and infrared illumination - which can only be seen by night vision goggles with infrared.

Both Alpha and Bravo Battery were organized as ‘split pla-toons,’ an important event for our battalion. 2nd Bn., 122nd FA continues to build upon their mission command utiliz-ing all Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) and the Warf-ighter Information Network (WIN-T). Most notably, 2nd Bn., 122nd FA established se-cure communications with 33rd

mission-critical machines con-tinue to work properly.

“Without maintenance the Army can’t do much,” said Sgt. 1st Class Joe A. Seiders of Farm-er City, platoon sergeant, Co. E., 634th BSB. “They can’t drive to the fight without their vehicles and weapons being maintained. So without maintenance the Army is really at a standstill.”

Along with standard inspec-tions and minor fixes Company

Redlegs maximizing XCTC experience

Soldiers from Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regi-ment based in Sycamore secure a Howitzer M119A2 gun to a UH-60 Blackhawk from Company A, 1st Battalion, 106th Aviation Regiment out of Sycamore July 17 at Camp Ripley, Minn. The air lift was part of an artillery air assault. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Allison Lampe/released)

E has been a part of some major projects, namely a cracked en-gine block that needed replaced on a HMVEE

The Soldiers of Company E are passionate about their work and it makes a difference. “We have a lot of great Soldiers so it makes everyone’s job easier,” said Sgt. Charles R. Anderson of Shorewood, generator repair-man,” Co. E., 634th BSB. “Ev-eryone is putting in a hand so

continued on page 4

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Staff Sgt. Benjamin T. Allen of Paletine and Staff Sgt. Jorge A. Solis carry their M119A2 Howitzer gun equipment off of a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter following an air assault training mission for the XCTC program July 17. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christopher A. Garibay/ released)

A UH-60 Blackhawk from Company A, 1st Battalion, 106th Avia-tion Regiment based in Decatur prepares to take off with a gun crew from Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regi-ment based in Sycamore July 16. The UH-60 Blackhawk then picked up their Howitzer M119A2 and made its way to the land-ing zone for an artillery air assault exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Allison Lampe/released)

Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment sets up a gun emplacement in preparation for a night fire mission during XCTC on July 18. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Nathan Westby/ released)

Soldiers with Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regi-ment load an artillery round into their M119 A2 Howitzer during a night fire mission. The mission brought the battery closer to meeting the commander’s intent of achieving tactical excellence. Additionally, the training ensures Soldiers are well equipped to respond to similar scenarios in overseas operations. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk/ released)

Soldiers with Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment based in Sycamore begin preparing a M119 A2 How-itzer for an air assualt July 17. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk/ released)

“..doing what we do best; sending rounds down range to support our mis-sion to destroy, neutralize, or suppress the enemy by our timely and accurate cannon fire.”

Lt. Col. Alexander D. Lawson, Commander, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery

“The Guns. Thank God. The Guns...”

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A UH-60 Blackhawk with Company A, 1st Battalion, 106th Aviation Regiment based in Decatur takes off with a Howit-zer M119A2 gun and its crew from Bat-tery A, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment July 17. The UH-60 Blackhawks, along with two CH-47 Chinooks from the 1st Batt., 106th Avn. Regt., carried the bat-tery’s Howitzer guns and their crews dur-ing the artillery air assault exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Allison Lampe/released)

Staff Sgt. Andy A. Berg, section chief, Spc. Kyle R. Batker of Crystal Lake, gunner, and Spc. Cameron J. Delve of Antioch, number one man, all from Battery A, 2nd Battal-ion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment fires a round down range July 16. Battery A and other field artillery units were support-ing other Army components to achieve their objectives during the Army National Guard's XCTC program. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk/ released)

Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment begin preparing a M119 A2 Howitzer gun for an air assault mis-sion during the XCTC program on July 17. The event will lead up to a field training exercise (FTX). This training also prepares Soldiers for live-combat scenerios where “emergency fire missions” may be required to neutralize or suppress enemy forces. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk/ released)

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by: Spc. Christopher Garibay, 33rd IBCT Public Affairs.

One could hear the sound of the UH-60 Blackhawks’ rotors break-ing apart the wind as they maneu-vered through the air to drop off their cargo: Soldiers and M119A2 Howitzers during an air assault training mission as part of a dry-fire exercise.

Soldiers with Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment based in Sycamore took part in the training missio. Following their flight, they imme-diately secured the area by estab-lishing 360 degree security, then conducted dry-fire operations during an exercise for the XCTC program July 17.

This was the first time since 2003 that the unit had conducted an air assault training exercise. For most of the Soldiers in the battery, it was their first time ever.

1st. Sgt David B. Binning, first sergeant of Btry. A, 1st. Bn., 122nd FA said there was plenty of training that took place before this particular exercise took place.

“The training really began last year as we had Soldiers go through a one week school where

2-122 FA get a lift, secure area, begin fire mission

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Spc. Zach D. Erzinger of Elwood, Spc. Brandon T. Morse of Geneseo, and Sgt. William S. Richards of Morris drop in a new engine to re-place the engine of an inoperable High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle July 17 at Camp Ripley, Minn. The Soldiers do what it takes to keep everything else operational so missions can be achieved. (Photo courtesy of Sgt. 1st Class Joe A. Seiders)

they learned standard rigging pro-cedures,” said Binning. “More importantly, we had several re-hearsals that took place prior to the exercise.”

Binning said that while it was a cool experience to train his Sol-diers, the most important thing was safety.

Staff Sgt. Michael A. Sch-neider of Huntley, section chief of Gun 3 with Btry A, 1st. Bn., 122nd FA said everyone stayed safe. “The entire crew, including myself, have never done this kind of mission before and I’ve been in the Guard for six years,” said Schneider.

“We mirrored more experi-enced subject matter experts, kept abreast of the standard operations procedures and it all ended up working out very well,” said Sch-neider.

He said his crew did very well in meeting the expectations set before them despite their short time being in the Army National Guard.

“Some guys have only been in the Guard for a year and they got to do this air assault sling mis-sion, which I think is pretty cool,”

Spc Kyle R. Batker of Crystal Lake prepares to set his sights on a target as Pfc. Joseph A. Sikorski of Lombard, Spc. Cameron J. Delve of Antioch, Staff Sgt. Andre A. berg of Kenosha, Wisc., and Pfc. Luis A. Frausto of Aurora prepare the Howitzer for a suppres-sive fire mission following an air assault. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Chris-topher A. Garibay/ released)

work is flowing nice and easy. It’s always great to start some-thing and then see it through; it’s the finished product.”

Soldiers in Company E go above and beyond to repair ve-hicles in the field that can’t make it back.

“The team is very resourceful,” said Seiders. “They don’t just do stuff right here in our mainte-nance area, they go out on contact teams constantly. We are flexible and can go anywhere.”

When it comes down to it, pre-ventative maintenance is vital to getting the most out of the equip-ment that is used.

“Maintenance is key,” said Spc. Zach D. Erzinger of Elwood, util-ities equipment repair specialist, Co. E., 634th BSB.

634th making sure training doesn’t break down“We are just trying to make

things work so that everybody can do their missions,” said Seiders.“I’ve got my mission, they’ve got theirs. If my stuff doesn’t go right then their stuff doesn’t go right.”

continued from page 1

he said. “It was a great experience and we met the standard of our mission.”

Sgt. Nick D. Thompson of Maple Park with Btry A, 1st. Bn., 122nd FA agreed with Schneider.

“It was great training for every-one, especially the lower enlisted who had never done this kind of training before - some who have never even been on a helicopter,” Thompson said. “Overall this was

a mission accomplished.”The training they are receiv-

ing is extremely important, said Binning. He said there may be operations where other Soldiers may need artillery fire to hold off an attack and that would require Howitzers to be quickly air lifted, dropped and have the weapons fire off suppressive rounds.

“This kind of training could save lives,” said Binning.