30 Oct Final News Letter - Citadel Class of 1977citadel1977.com/images/30_Oct_PAGE_1_PDF.pdf30 Oct...

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Transcript of 30 Oct Final News Letter - Citadel Class of 1977citadel1977.com/images/30_Oct_PAGE_1_PDF.pdf30 Oct...

CLASS OFF 1977z Oh Citadel z

Oh Citadel we sing thy fame for all the word to hear, and in the paths our fathers showed us follow without fear. Peace and honor, God and Country, we will fight for thee, Oh, Citadel we praise thee now and in Eternity.


“ D U T Y I S T H E S U B L I M E S T W O R D I N T H E E N G L I S H D I C T I O N A R Y ”

The Citadel, The Military Col-lege of South Carolina, Charles-ton South Carolina, August 20, 1973, 530-Plus Recruits, Lesesne Gate, Good-bye Mom, Report, Guidon Corporal, Cadet Recruit, Cadre, Squad, Marching, Ware House, Sky Hook, The Boo, Oxfords and Black Sox, White Gloves, TO&E, “The Guidon”, Squad Sergeant, Ca-det Store, Mrs Jett, The Parade

Ground, Running, Jody Calls, First Sergeant, Company, Mark

Clark Hall, Ms. Agee Tea’s, OAO’s, Air Conditioning, Hair Cut, Ram-pey, Knob, Plebe, Canteen, Shoe Polish, Brasso, Battal-

ion, Locked Gates, Taps, Brian McMillian, Regimental Com-mander, The 4th Class System, Drop, Running In Place, Haz-ing, Brace, Company Showers,

The Old CorpsThe purpose of the cadet system at the Citadel is to develop and graduate the “whole person.” The Citadel system is the completeness with which it matures, refines, trains, and schools the totality of one’s character.

What is discipline? Sir, discipline is the state of order or obedience, derived from training that makes punishment unnecessary.

What do Knobs Outrank?Sir, the President’s cat, the Commandant’s dog, and all the captains at VMI, Sir!
