Adonai Oct 2011 News Letter

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Transcript of Adonai Oct 2011 News Letter

  • 8/3/2019 Adonai Oct 2011 News Letter


    setting homes for homeless,we also consider and encour-age foster parenting and

    adoption.There-fore, allour effortsaregearedtowardsthat, areasonwhy allour focusand pro-

    jects aretargeting

    the entirefamily. i.e.; Adonai ParentsFinancial Scheme istargeting the active poorparents/ guardians in thecommunities. These are thepeople who are strugglingbut when supported can dobetter. The aim of this is tosupport these families in or-der to support themselvesand perhaps be able to sup-port others in the long run.

    Livestock Projects, like Pig-gery which is also part ofempowering families to havea source of income ratherthan depending on support.We encourage hard work andteaching people how to fish

    as opposed to giving them afish. We aim at causing asignificant impact to familiesand communities at large.

    Cont. to......2

    1.ADONAI FAMILY-UGANDA (AFU) , P. O. Box 28340 Kampala (Uganda) East Africa, Tel +256 702 379962.

    Email: [email protected]. Website.

    As per Adonai FamilyUganda our Mission is set-ting the fatherless intofamilies. We are proud toreport that we are steadilyrealising it.

    The on going challenge isproducing responsible, valueoriented and purpose drivenparents out of orphans,abandoned, rejected andvulnerable children for Godsglory.During our years of workingwith orphans and other vul-nerable communities, wehave come to realise thatthere are many children whoare inneed ofproperfamilynurtur-ing de-spite ofstayingin a fam-ily. Afamilyis theplacewhere

    oneturns to in all situations; itis the secure base whereones behaviour, beliefs,priorities, values, andworldview are developed.This is where responsible,

    value ori-ented andpurposedriven par-ents aremanufactu-red. Each

    child to re-alise his/herpotentialneeds ahome withparentswho canprovidequality carefor children,no matterwhether isor not the

    biological parent. That iswhy we respect foster par-enting and adoption. Whenwe talk about setting chil-dren in families, apart from

    The Primary Seven candidates of Adonai Junior School poses with theDirector and their teachers after completing their PLE this early

    November. Our new car helped in transporting them.

    We are going to work onour compound to give it anew green look.

    This term, our primaryseven pupils sat for their

    Primary Leaving Examina-tions (PLE) that will seethem join secondary schoolnext year. We had a total of19 candidates. We pray forthem to excel in their ex-ams.

    We are proud of a dedi-cated staff. Our teachershave a strong passion towork with OVCs. (OrphansCont. to......2

    I send greetings from AdonaiJunior School. We are grate-ful for the continuous sup-port from our sponsors. Asa school, we have had a lotof success stories to tell

    from our children. The previ-ous terms have been a suc-cess. No major sicknesswas registered in school.

    Despite the ever escalatingfood prices on the market,we have managed tomaintain a reasonablediet for our children.Goats milk from ourdairy goats and eggsfrom our poultry projectgive a diet boost. ThankGod, plans are underwayto acquire new farm land.This will enable us getenough fresh food tofeed our children on. Wethank everybody whoseefforts have made usachieve this.

    Diary goats kept at thecentre enrich the chil-drens diet that todaythey take porridge

    with milkThe newly constructedRon Eyre block

    The APFS beneficiaries, Mr. Kibombo andfamily in front of their built house they

    secured after getting a loan


    It has steadily developed

    into a savings & credit co-

    operative society.

    Adonai Family, Uganda. (AFU)


    Unfortunate found sleeping onbare ground in Karamoja by

    Adonai team. Adonai Family ca-ters for children with such similar


    God does

    not call thequalifiedbut qualifiesthose Hecalls!!!

  • 8/3/2019 Adonai Oct 2011 News Letter


    very rewarding yet on a

    small plot! This prompted

    the children to do the same

    this season. The yields are

    just very promising.

    Cabbages have been grown

    both in bags and on a small

    plot next to the home. Dur-

    ing the dry season the chil-

    dren water them every evin-

    ing. They have enriched the

    children diet.


    have also

    been grown

    in both sacks

    and in the gardens also sup-

    plimating on the childrens


    In addition also sweet pota-

    toes have been always

    grown on a borrowed land

    near the school, but thank

    God soon we are getting a

    bigger land for the Adonai


    ADONAI FAMILY UGANDA October - November 2011 Volume 6


    USA Contact

    Bruce Karmazin+217 234 5915

    [email protected]


    Cont. from.....1 and Vulnerable Children)

    They have created a condu-

    cive atmosphere for all chil-

    dren irrespective of their

    needy status. Our strategic

    plan is to maintain a stronghuman resource base that

    will lead us to better results

    nurturing these toddlers into

    responsible mature adults

    Many of our day childrencommute long distances onfoot from home to schooland back. This makes themreach school late or even fail

    to turn up especially in rainyseasons.

    Headmistress Abby T

    1.) Pray with us weare still lackingStaff and chil-drens accommo-dation.

    2.) Pray for the chil-

    dren especiallythose who com-mute long dis-tances to schooland back home.

    3.) We need a hydropower for the solarenergy is notenough.

    4.) Pray for unspon-sored children sothat God opensdoors for theirsponsorships.

    5.) Pray for Gods pro-vision for the foodcosts are too high.

    ADONAI FAMILY-UGANDA (AFU) , P. O. Box 28340 Kampala (Uganda) East Africa, Tel +256 702 379962.Email: [email protected]. Website.

    A garden of cabbages grown beside the home has enreached the diet of the children yet the children also

    get the skills .Mother of Adonai home demonstrates to the childrenhow to look after the birds at Adonai Poultry project

    The pig of one of the beneficiaries

    guardians of our beneficiaryfamilies on the issues ofparenting in a bid to promote

    quality care for children.

    We thank the Lord for all ourpartners in this noble cause,with your entire monthly,annual, periodical or onetime financial commitmentand prayers that havehelped us to realise our vi-sion. It is encouraging find-ing a child smiling, who usedto look like a soldier on thefrontline before! May thegood Lord always bless youDirectorRev. Pr. Aloysious Luswata

    Cont. from ......1

    It is our obligation to reachthe entire family not a singlechild in a family. In this, weare now strategically sup-porting and organising seri-ous awareness to the com-munities more so to the

    Required in area ofEDUCATION,HEALTH &



    Christine Alwright,Richard & Hazel

    [email protected]

    Cabbages and tomatoes grown insacks beside the verander of

    Adonai home

    In addition our children enjoy

    milk from our diary goats we

    formally had three but now

    have increased to nine.

    The children also enjoy eggs

    once a week from the our

    poultry farm.

    We hope to expand these

    projects as funds all

    The fact that Uganda is an

    agriculturalist country, inorder to ensure sustainable-bility we train our childrenfarming methods with thelittle land we have so that bythe time they leave us eachhas at least a know how onthe modern farming tech-niques.

    Adonai childrens home hasgardens around the homelooked after by our children.

    The previous harvest was