2nd Form Final Topics 2015

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2nd Form Final Topics 2015

Transcript of 2nd Form Final Topics 2015

Mathematics Final Exam Topics 2015

2nd Form, Ms. Miguelina Coronado

Study the vocabulary related with the topics listed and always study with your notebook too.Practice exercises and word problems related with the topics.

Chapter 2Inequalities an their graphs 102Solving one-step inequalities by adding and subtracting (+ word problems) 106Solving one-step inequalities by multiplying and dividing (+ word problems) 110

Chapter 4:Exponents 178Operations with exponents-multiplication 201Operations with exponents-division 205Scientific Notation 210 + notebook

Chapter 5:Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers 226Fractions and Decimals 231Equations with fractions-adding and subtraction 258Equations with fractions-multiplying and dividing 262Powers of Product and Quotients 270

Chapter 6:Ratios, proportions and percent 284Proportions 290Fractions, Decimals, and Percent 301Percent and Equations 311Percent of Change 316

Chapter 7

Two-Step Equations with fractions and decimals (+ word problems) 344Two-step inequalities 363

Chapter 10Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders 527Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres 535Volume of Prisms and Cylinders 539Volume of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres 548

Chapter 11Square Roots and Irrational Numbers 566The Pythagorean Theorem 570The Distance Formula 579

Chapter 12Mean, Median, Mode 606Frequency Tables, Line Plots, and Histograms 612Box-and-Whisker Plots 617Stem and Leaf Plots 622Scatter Plots 628

Life Science Final Exam Topics 2015

1st Form, Mr. Carlos SanlleyTópicos Notebook

Química Folleto Química

Definir Química Distinguir entre procesos químicos y procesos físicos Cuáles son las fases de la materia? Cuáles son las propiedades generales de la materia? Cuáles son las propiedades específicas de la materia?

Elementos y La Tabla Periódica

Que son átomos? Que son elementos? Qué es la tabla periódica? Cuál es su importancia? Que son isótopos? Que son iones? Como están organizados los elementos en la tabla periódica?

o Determinar la cantidad de neutrones, protones, electrones y el peso

atómico de los elementoso Que es una familia?

o Que son los periodos?

Como están agrupados los elementoso Los metales

o Metaloides

o No metales

o Metales, alcalinos, alcalino-térreos, metales de transición, Lántanidos y

Actánidos, Halógenos, Gases Nobles, Grupos de Bromo, Oxígeno, nitrógeno y Carbono

Configuración Electrónica

Los orbitales, cuáles son? Que cantidad de electrones caben en cada uno?

Escriba la configuración electrónica de elemento o un número atómico dadoo Nomenclatura desarrollada

o Nomenclaturas abreviadas

Electrones de valencia y números de oxidación

Enlace Químico

Regla de octeto Regla de dueto Electronegatividad Tipos de enlace

o Iónico

o Covalente

Covalente Polar Covalente No-polar Enlaces metálicos

Estructura de Lewis Estructura de enlaces químicos y físicos

Nomenclatura Química

Nombrar cationes comunes Nombrar iones comunes Nombrar compuestos inorgánicos y orgánicos comunes

Reacciones Químicas

Definir Reacción Químicao Como sabemos si ha ocurrido una reacción química?

Estructura de una reacción química Clasificación de reacciones químicas Velocidad de reacciónes

o Catalizadores

Balanceo de Ecuaciones

Social Studies: World History Final Exam Topics 2015

1st Form, Mrs. Anna Groesser

Use your notebook (which should include all class notes and homework assignments) as your main study source. Use your textbook as a secondary source of information. Your final exam will cover the following:


- communal farming

- philosophy - efficiency - societal (or, “of society”)

- filial piety - confucianism

- dynasty - harmony

- daoism - advocacy - legalism - merit-based- instability - arab - ethical - muslim- sheikh - bedouin - islam - domestication (of camel)- quran - hajj - shari’ah - polytheism- allah - mosque - monotheis

m- arabesque art

- prohibition - caliph - shrine - muezzin- camel caravan - bazaar - jihad - feudalism- astrolabe - sacrilegious - purdah - pillage (i.e. vikings)- medieval - monarchy - minaret - manorialism- royalty - peasantry - nobility - feudal contract- fief - knight - cavalry - mandate (of heaven)- lord - serf - vassal - revelations (i.e. angel gabriel

to muhammad)- chivalry - manor - mentor

Textbook & Lectures: 1. How did Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism develop so easily at the end of Zhou dynasty China?

2. Name the sacred text of Daoism, and that of Confucianism. Who were the creators?3. How do Daoism and Confucianism laws & ethics relate to tabla rasa, universal balance and harmony?4. How do Legalism laws & ethics represent the belief that “humans are born evil”? 5. How did camel domestication allow the Arabian Peninsula to develop spiritually and economically?6. Describe the society, religion, and lifestyle of an early Arabic tribe (the culture Muhammad was born into).7. Understand Muhammad’s path from discontented Arab to revelations-receiver to being the founder of Islam.8. What did the Kabaa Shrine represent to early Arabs? What does it represent to modern Muslims?9. Know the Five Pillars and examples mentioned of Shari’ah Law and Muslim ethics. (textbook, p. 177)10. Which two civilizations were a threat to medieval Europe? 11. Understand how nobles took partial power from monarchs, and why the monarch accepted it.12. Explain the feudal contract (the people involved, what is given/received, the ceremony itself).13. Explain a manorial fief (lord/peasants/serfs/vassals, types of activities, lifestyles, responsibilities).14. Why did a knight need to have money, skill, and strength of body? What was the purpose of chivalry?

Homework & Lab Visits: 1. During which time period was the Quran finalized and completed? 2. Why was having a “complete and definitive Quran” (a single, agreed-upon version) beneficial to Islam? 3. What was it like being a non-Muslim, living under Caliph Umar’s (634-644 C.E.) rule? (HINT: Jizya)4. Recognize the unique sound and sight of a muezzin calling from a minaret. Explain his hand gestures.5. Describe the way a Muslim prays (body stance, hand movements, and facial gestures).6. During the Middle Ages, how can a man be both a lord and a vassal?7. What three benefits did medieval peasants enjoy from their fief’s lord?

Language Arts Final Exam Topics 2015

2nd Form, Ms. Judith Batista

I. A Midsummer Night’s Dream study guide questions for multiple choice section:

Act I

1. What are Theseus and Hippolyta discussing at the play's start?

2. How does Hippolyta come to be betrothed to Theseus?

3. Why is Egeus disturbed?

4. What will be Hermia's fate if she refuses to marry Demetrius?

5. To what do Lysander and Hermia agree?

6. What hope does Helena have by telling Demetrius of Lysander and Hermia's flight?

7. Who are the characters in scene two, and what do they plan?

Act II

1. Why is Oberon angry with his queen?

2. On what mission does Oberon send Puck?

3. Upon overhearing Demetrius and Helena, what does Oberon command Puck to do?

4. Upon whose eyes does Puck apply the potion?

5. When he wakes up, who does Lysander see and love?

6. What is Helena's reaction to Lysander's words of love?

7. To where has Lysander disappeared when Hermia awakes?


1. Why does Bottom want a prologue written for the play?

2. What has Puck done to Bottom?

3. Identify the speaker: "Tie up my love's tongue, bring him silently."

4. What news does Puck bring Oberon?

5. Why does Oberon send Puck to fetch Helena?

6. What is Helena's situation at this point in the play?

7. What does Helena suppose of Hermia?

8. What does Hermia think Helena has done?

9. Why does Oberon send Puck to confuse the two young men?

10. What remedy corrects the crossed-loved couples?

Act IV

1. Why does Titania give Oberon the child?

2. How does Oberon find Titania and Bottom?

3. Why does Oberon remove the spell he has cast over his queen?

4. Finding the two couples asleep in the wood and learning of their more balanced love, what

order does Theseus give?

5. What news does Bottom bring his companions?

Act V

1.What is the purpose of this last speech?

II. Vocabulary section: Know the definitions for these words and how to use them in a sentence.

- abjure - spurn - recount - persuasion- brake - discourse - revenue - kindred- mirth - perjured - consecrated - audacious- lamentable - rebuke - valor - discretion- purge - amiable - beguile - shroud- amorous - perforce - fret - sprite- clamorous - loath - dotage - flout- enmity - conjunction

III. Practice paraphrasing these poems (these will not be the same ones on the test):

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking – Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching,

Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin

Unto his nest again,

I shall not live in vain.

A Poison Tree by William Blake -

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,

Night and morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.

And my foe beheld it shine.

And he knew that it was mine,

And into my garden stole

When the night had veiled the pole;

In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

Lengua Española Examen Final Tópicos 2015

2nd Form, Prof. Elizabeth Polanco

I. GRAMATICA- Funciones y grados del adjetivo- Modos verbales- Formas personales y no personales del verbo- Verbos de uso frecuente que se prestan a confusión- Clasificación del adverbio- Funciones. Morfológico y sintáctico del adverbio- Adverbios con el sufijo mente- Funciones y clasificación de las preposiciones- Funciones y clasificación de las conjunciones- Oraciones simples y compuestas- Oraciones unimembres y bimembres- Oraciones coordinadas y subordinadas- Complementos del verbo- Modificador directo. Modificados circunstancial

II. REDACCIŌON- Características, estructura y clasificación del ensayo- Artículos. La Noticia. La Entrevista.- Anuncios publicitarios- La carta persuasiva- La anécdota

- Tipos de párrafos. Expositivo, narrativo, descriptivo, argumentativo.

III. LITERATURA- Vida y obra de Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra.- Temáticas principales de la obra El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De la

Mancha: Soledad, Locura Vs. Realidad. Lar armas las letras. El Fracaso Sanchificación del Quijote. Quijotización de Sancho.

- Perfiles de los personajes principales. Contrastes. Descripciones.- Las salidas de El Quijote- Los refranes en El Quijote- El epitafio de Don Quijote.- Figuras literarias. Equivoco y paradoja- Aspectos histórico y geográfico.- Características de La Épica.- Elementos del cine épico.- Géneros Literarios. La Novela y El ensayo.- Corrientes literarias, Renacimiento y Barroco.

IV. ORTOGRAFÍA- Reglas de la G y J- Reglas de la r y rr- Reglas de la ll y Y- Casos especiales de acentuación.- Enclíticos y arcaísmos.

Ciencias Sociales Examen Final Tópicos 2015

2nd Form, Prof. Xiomara Espinosa

I. La dictadura de Rafael Leónidas Trujillo: Características económicas de la dictadura. Ideología trujillista. Política financiera de la dictadura.

II. Oposición y caída de la dictadura de Trujillo: La dictadura y el contexto internacional. Luchas por la democracia. Expediciones armadas contra la dictadura: Expedición de Cayo Confite,

Maimón y Estero Hondo. Consecuencias de la expedición del 1J4. Fin de la dictadura trujillista.

III. El Caribe entre 1900-1970: Haití: Invasión norteamericana de 1915. Desocupación y dictadura.

IV. El país entre 1961-1965: El país tras la muerte de Trujillo. Proceso de destrujillización. Los Consejos de Estado: Primer y Segundo Consejo de Estado.

Gobierno de Juan Bosch1963: Constitución liberal de 1963, causas y consecuencias del Golpe de Estado contra Juan Bosch.

La Guerra de abril 1965: Causas, combatientes: Francisco Alberto Caamaño Deñó y Elías Wessin y Wessin, bandos que surgieron. Gobierno provisional de Héctor García Godoy. Gobierno del Triunvirato.

V. Los gobiernos de Balaguer. 1966-1978: Fin de la Segunda intervención Militar Norteamericana. Política económica de los Doce Años Represión política y oposición. Declive autoritario. Consecuencias internacionales.

VI. Los Gobiernos desde 1978-2008. Gobierno de Antonio Guzmán. 1978- 1982. Gobierno de Salvador Jorge Blanco 1982-1986. Los Diez Años de Balaguer 1986-1996. Gobierno de Leonel Fernández 1996-2000. Gobierno de Hipólito Mejía 2000-2004 Gobierno del PLD 2004-2008 Población Marginada.

Français Examen Final Topiques 2015

2nd Form, Madame Carmen Khoury

I. Compréhension écrite.

II. Production écrite III. Grammaire et conjugaison:

- Le présent des verbes du premier groupe / Savoir/devoir/connaitre - Le passé composé avec l’aux. Avoir - Les verbes pronominaux - Les adjectifs possessifs et les adjectifs démonstratifs - Les pronoms COD- Le féminin et le masculin - L’interrogation

IV. Vocabulaire:- Les couleurs - Les vêtements- Les numéraux- Les mobiliers- Les pièces de la maison - Les adjectifs

Tous les exercices dans le livre et dans le cahier d’exercices.