27+transition+management+ +the+people+part+of+change (1)

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Transcript of 27+transition+management+ +the+people+part+of+change (1)

The People Part of the Change Equation

Transition Management

The complete picture of change

People’s reaction









Managing the people side of changeDuring change people tend to focus on:

What they think they are losing

What they don’t know


Transition managementNegotiates looses and deals with the unknown

Strategies to overcome resistanceCreate a transition management plan

A transition management plan is not a change plan. It is a PEOPLE plan.

It moves people forward, step by step, through the process of:

1. Leaving the past behind2. Getting through and profiting from chaos3. Emerging with new attitudes and behaviors



Normal behavior when dealing with the losses associated with endings caused by change

Anxiety Anger Bargaining Sadness Disorientation Depression

Illness strikes us when we are exposed to change.




Risks if transitions are done badlyWhat have you seen?

A. Anxiety rises and motivation falls. B. Disoriented and self-doubt. C. Becoming resentful and self-protective. D. People can become polarizedE. Energy is drained away into coping

tactics. F. More work is missed than at other times. G. Systems and services can become less


Create a Transition Management Plan

A transition management plan differs from the change management plan.

A transition management plan is a PEOPLE plan.

It moves people forward, step by step, through the process of:

▪ Leaving the past behind▪ Getting through the wilderness and profiting

from it▪ Emerging with new attitudes, behaviors and



Honor Endings

Stabilization Communications Planning

Departure Announcement

Mark New Beginnings

Leadership Integration Communications Planning

Selection Announcement

Communicate Stabilization Messages

Manage New Leadership Transitions

Introduction and Relationship Building

New Leadership Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis of the Interim Stabilization Plan

Departure Communications Planning

Impact Analysis of the Departure

Transition Management Plan Example, Executive Change

Manage Stabilization Period Transitions

Departure of the Present Executive

Stabilization During the Interim

Introduction and Integration of the New Executive

Managing Endings

Step one in a transition management plan

1. Identify who is losing whatIt’s not the changes,

it’s the losses


Managing endings.

2. Accept the reality and importance of subjective losses “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves…”

Antoine FranceWriter


Managing endings.

3. Don’t be surprised at the depth of some reactions

Negotiating endings14

Managing endings.

4. Legitimize the losses

Negotiating endings15

Managing endings.

5. Expect and accept the signs of dealing with losses - What have you seen?

16Managing endings.

A. Anxiety

B. Anger

C. Bargaining

D. Sadness

E. Disorientation

F. Depression

6. Compensate for the losses

Negotiating endings17

Managing endings.

7. Share information again and again

Communications Plan

8. Define what’s over and what isn’t

Negotiating Endings19

Managing endings.

9. Mark the endings 10. Honor the past

Two steps that prepare the way to closure.


Managing endings.

11. Have people take a piece of the old way with them


Managing endings.

12. Show the continuity of what really matters


Managing endings.

Through the chaotic Zone

Step two in a transition management plan

Between endings and new beginnings

Risks in the chaotic Zone – What have you seen?


A. Motivation falls and anxiety rises.

B. People become resentful and self-protective.

C. Energy is drained away into coping tactics.

D. Absenteeism goes up.

E. People leave.

F. Quality falls, less work gets done .

G. People can become polarized.

H. It’s a great opportunity for the competition.

1. Understand the chaotic Zone

A. The “old” no longer works

B. The “new” doesn’t work yet

C. People are more likely to go away figuratively and literally

D. There a fewer times more open to creativity


2. Reorient and Redefine the chaotic Zone

Create appropriate metaphors for the chaotic zone.


3. Temporary Systems for the chaotic Zone

1. Create temporary “scaffolding” structures where necessary

Temporary procedures and agreements Temporary roles, reporting relationships, or


2. Have appropriate outlets and support available


4. Strengthen Teams

1. Talk, communicate, socialize

2. Quell rumors

3. Create a team-level charter

4. Strongly connect the team to the organization's mission

5. Clarify working agreements and milestones

6. Recognize and reward teamwork


5. Monitor the transition



Q1: Areas for Improvement

The IT leadership team has the skills to effectively lead us through the organizational consolidation

The IT organization has a successful track record helping people negotiate change

The new IT strategy is clear to me


Q2: Areas of Strength

I have a positive and exciting career ahead within this IT organization

The IT organization has the wherewithal to successfully execute a change of this magnitude and scope

I plan on continuing my employment here into the foreseeable future

6. Use the chaotic Zone Creatively

A. Take stock, organizationally and individually

B. Training in creativity and innovation

C. Experiment

D. Reframe setbacks/disadvantages as entry points into new solutions

E. Brainstorm new answers to old problems

F. Don’t push prematurely for certainty and closure


7. Don’t promise high output during the transition


Launching New Beginnings

Step three in a transition management plan

“The secret is to have more beginnings than endings.”

Dave Weinbaum

The Secret: Symbolize the New BeginningWhat would you do?


A. Event or ceremony

B. Frame it in the cubical

C. Print it on a coffee mug

D. Wear it on a shirt

E. Washable tattoos

F. Brass plaque in the elevator bay

G. A logo, icon or slogan on documents

Timing on New Beginnings

Not too soon - Endings and the chaotic zone have an organic, natural duration

Not too late – Delay misses the emotional peak

Manage expectations


The Role and Power of a Symbolic New Beginning

“The only joy in the world is to begin.”

Cesare PaveseItalian Writer


The Secret: Dramatize and Symbolize the New Beginning


A. An event or ceremony

B. Frame it in the cubical

C. Print it on a coffee mug

D. Wear it on a shirt

E. Washable tattoos

F. Brass plaque in the elevator bay

G. A logo, icon or slogan on documents

Timing on new beginnings

Not too soon Endings and the chaotic zone have an organic, natural duration

Not too late Delay misses the emotional peak


Symbolic new beginnings

You don’t have to have had a drastic change to tap into the power of “new beginnings”

Particularly important when people are entering new territory


“The only joy in the world is to begin.”Cesare PaveseItalian Writer

Some people may resist a new beginnings

A new beginning “ seals” an ending

Something new represents a gamble

Some people just like the chaotic zone



Good luck, and may all your change plans succeed!