2660 Niagara Falls Boulevard Tonawanda, New York 14150 ... · Rite of Christian Initiation is the...

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Transcript of 2660 Niagara Falls Boulevard Tonawanda, New York 14150 ... · Rite of Christian Initiation is the...

ST. CHRISTOPHER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 2660 Niagara Falls Boulevard Tonawanda, New York 14150

July 21, 2019

MASS TIMES Saturday 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:45 AM

Tuesday & Thursday 8 AM

CONFESSION Every First & Third

Wednesday 7 – 8 PM Saturday 3:45 - 4:15 PM

ADORATION Tuesday 8:45 AM - 7 PM

Novena at 7 PM


Monday - Friday 9 AM - 4 PM

(Closed 12:30 - 1 PM)

Tuesday Evening 7 - 8:30 PM

Saturday 9 AM - 4:30 PM

Sunday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


(716) 692-2660

Sacrament of Baptism: Upon request, every Sunday at 12:30 PM, and at Mass. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptismal Class held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Call the parish office for reservations two months in advance.

Rite of Christian Initiation is the way the Church prepares an unbaptized person for their sacraments. Persons already baptized in other denominations are also welcomed through this process. Contact the parish office for more information.

Prayer Network/Prayer Tree: To be added to the list, call the parish office or MaryAnn Kern at (716) 692-2033 or Laurie Wysocki at (716) 691-4378.

Sacrament of Confirmation: High School students having completed tenth grade in either a Catholic school or our Religious Education program should contact the Religious Education office at (716) 694-4310.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45 PM, first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 PM, or by appointment.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements are to be made at least six months before the desired wedding date. Attendance at a marriage preparation program is required.

Letters of Recommendation to act as sponsors at Baptism or Confirmation are available to registered members of our parish who have been Confirmed, attend Mass and receive Communion regularly, have their children in Catholic School or Religious Education (Gr. 1–10) and, if married, are in a marriage blessed by the Church. Call (716) 692-2660.

“We, the people of St. Christopher Parish, journey to the heavenly kingdom of God our Father by following the

example and service of Jesus Christ his Son, inspired daily by the Holy Spirit to lead faith-filled Christian lives.”

Owen Golonka

Jane McDermott (Deacon Dave’s sister)

Jeanette Urbaniak (Joe Urbaniak’s mother)


The St. Joseph Candle will burn this week for David by Family.


Sunday, July 21: 7:30 AM Judith Balmas by Jim & Kathy 9:00 AM Ronnie, Lisa & Leon by John & Linda 11:00 AM Ernest J. Christopher by wife, Angela

Monday, July 22: 6:45 AM For the People of St. Christopher Parish

Tuesday, July 23: 8:00 AM Charles Kostek by wife, Marilyn

Wednesday, July 24: 6:45 AM Brittany Cesar by Byrnes family

Thursday, July 25: 8:00 AM Pat Rynda by cousin, Pat Poette

Friday, July 26: 6:45 AM Russell Healey by Family

Saturday, July 27: 4:30 PM Edmund Tyszka by wife, Joan

Sunday, July 28: 7:30 AM Ed Drabczyk by St. Christopher Ushers 9:00 AM Joan Robinson by Catherine Bastian 11:00 AM Fred Fuller by Ron & Betty Helms


July13/14, 2019 July 14/15, 2018 Difference

Offertory $11,796.36 $14,012.40 $2,216.04

Monthly 677.00 164.00 513.00

$12,473.36 $14,176.40 $1,703.04


We are like Martha. There’s plenty to be anxious about but only one thing is required of us. For five minutes today, be like Mary; rest with Jesus and ask Him what He asks of you. If God is calling you to a church vocation, call our pastor, Fr. Steve, or Fr. Andrew Lauricella at (716) 847-5535. You can also check out the “Priest of the Month” stories at www.buffalovocations.org.


The Diocese of Buffalo rejoices in honoring couples who will observe their 50th, 60th and 70th anniversaries and in celebrating the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice, challenges and comforts in daily married life.

It is my privilege to invite couples who will be celebrating their Golden and Diamond Anniversaries of marriage in 2019 to join us for a special Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral on Sunday, September 22 at 10:30 AM. On this day, the entire Diocese of Buffalo will join those celebrating their anniversaries in their joy and gratitude to God, who has set them among us as a sign of His constant and faithful love. During the Mass, couples will renew their marriage vows. Following Mass, the opportunity to take photographs with the anniversary couples will take place in the Lady Chapel. This Chapel is located to the left of the main altar. The office of Sacramental and Family Life of the Diocese of Buffalo will be sending more specific instructions in the near future. As last year, there will not be a reception following the Mass. It is my hope that parish communities throughout the Diocese will also honor married couples celebrating their 50th, 60th and 70th wedding anniversaries, along with other significant anniversaries within their own parish families, some time during this year. In this way, we will be joined in prayer asking God to keep married couples faithful in their love for each other, so that they may be more and more of one mind and heart.

Scripture for the week of July 21, 2019

21 SUN Gn 18:1-10a/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:38-42 22 Mon Sg 3:1-4b or Cor 5:14-17/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 23 Tue Ex 14:21—15:1/Mt 12:46-50 24 Wed Ex 16:1-5, 9-15/Mt 13:1-9 25 Thu 2 Cor 4:7-15/Mt 20:20-28 26 Fri Ex 20:1-17/Mt 13:18-23 27 Sat Ex 24:3-8/Mt 13:24-30 28 SUN Gn 18:20-32/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13


Yes, back again this year is the delicious tradition of the Riester Family and Friends’ Chowder! We will gather to cut and chop the vegetables on Friday, August 2 at 9 AM in the school kitchen, so sharpen your paring knives, dust off the food

processor and pull out the cutting boards! Working together, we can whip those veggies into shape by noon, at the latest! Leave a phone message or text Ann at (716) 628-0773 to let her know you’re coming. See you there and we’ll be done in a flash!!

Dear Family,

In our First Reading this weekend, Abraham is visited by the Lord. The interesting thing that is overlooked is that when Abraham looks up, there are three men standing there. Hmmmmm…..could this be a glimpse in the Old Testament of the Trinity? Something to ponder…This story is actually a fun one to read if you continue on to the verses immediately following what we heard today. A great promise was made by the Lord to Abraham that the Lord would visit yet again in one year and at that time Sarah will have borne a son! Remember that Abraham and Sarah are very old at this time. What happens in the following verses is that we find out that Sarah had been eavesdropping on the conversation from the tent and when she hears that she will bear a son, she laughs! The Lord then turns to her and asks why she was laughing and Sarah denies that she laughed! She is caught! But God fulfilled His promise and Sarah did indeed bear a son named Isaac.

Are we ever surprised by God’s goodness to us? Do we see in our lives His promises fulfilled? Or are we too busy to notice God’s hand in our daily lives or maybe we take the credit ourselves for all the good things that are happening to us? Or maybe we don’t think that God can be concerned with our lives when there are so many issues in the world? How unfortunate that many of us feel that way! God is not like us! We can only concentrate on one thing at a time. God can focus on and be concerned about an infinite number of things all at once! So yes, God is concerned that you cut your finger! God is concerned that you need a new job! God is concerned that you have an exam today! If you are concerned, God is concerned…..

Praised Be Jesus Christ…Now and Forever!!!

Fr. Steve



Explore God’s Creation from seashore, to plains, to valleys, to cities and the mountain tops.

Our tour guide will be the Gospel Writer, Luke

FEE: $25.00 per child/$40 per family

***Register by Aug 1*** See parish website for form

August 12 - 16

9 AM — 1 PM

Open to Pre-K (age 4 by

12/1/19 – 6th Grade, Sept.


SUMMERFEST THEME TRAY BOOTH WEEKLY THEME: It’s a Man’s World We need your help! Your donations can help us fill the booth with beautiful baskets! Assemble the basket yourself or donate items and we will put a basket together for you. Below are ideas for the men in your life. Ideas: Car wash, oil change, car care supplies, sports related items, beer, liquor, personal care items (ie. electric razors, shaving supplies, toiletries), household tools, electronics, and game tickets. Donations can be left in the Theme Tray basket in the Narthex. Gift cards and lottery tickets

are always welcome, and can be left at the Parish Office during business hours. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please call Gennie Rounds at (716) 694-1029. Thank you!

SUMMERFEST VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Looking to have some fun during Summerfest weekend? Please consider volunteering for a three-hour shift in the Games of Chance Booths - Bell Jar, Big Nine, Black Jack, Money Wheel, Gift Card Wheel, Over and Under. You’ll have fun meeting new people, volunteering with fellow parishioners and helping out for a good cause. If interested, please contact Diane Ventresca at (716) 636-0099 or email diane.ventresca@verizon.net.

Jesus is four months old on July 25! Me again! Jesus! It’s hard to believe, but I am almost half way to my birth! But don’t forget that I am already alive and my own unique self, as I have been from the moment I was conceived! I’m not an extension of my mother, but an individual human being! I just depend on her now, just like I will for the rest of my life! Many things are changing about me, but aren’t I already beautiful?!?!

Please use the following sign-up genius to volunteer at our Summerfest games and attractions. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4BA8AB2FABFE3-help1


Hello All,

Summer Sunshine and School Preparation! I do hope

you are enjoying the wonderful weather! School office

hours for the summer are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and

Thursdays from 8 AM until Noon. We have openings

in our Pre-Kdg 4year old program to 8th grade. Please

consider our parish school for the education of your

child/children. You may contact the school to register

at (716) 693-5604.

God’s Blessings,

Principal Bryk

As we travel through Luke’s gospel, we hear the messages of care for neighbor, the Good Samaritan and attentiveness to hearing the Word of God. The story of Martha and Mary

and how sometimes we get distracted by other demands and things that we think are important. These are two good messages as we think about helping others come closer to their faith and encounter Jesus. We will begin the next year of Faith Formation in two months. Please think about volunteering to help out with classes on Monday and Tuesday either as a catechist (grades 2, 3, 5 on Monday and kindergarten and 9 on Tuesday and Friday night classes) or as a helper or hall monitor. It is a great experience, and we will help you along the way.


Marie Sajsa, PCL

We want you!! Several ministries are looking for a few good men to become volunteers to assist them with their work for the Parish! We are extremely grateful to all those who do volunteer for our many Parish ministries – men and

women!! Our Parish ministries are successful due to the talent, commitment, and compassion our volunteers provide! Please consider volunteering to assist any of these Parish ministries. A few hours a month would assist any of these ministries greatly! We are specifically in need of volunteers in our music ministry (716) 692-2660 and Parish Outreach (716) 564-9023.

Wine Tasting Time!

Wine tasting will again take place on Summerfest Sunday from 1:30 - 3:30 PM. This year we will be sampling some new wine blends and pairing them with tasty summertime treats. Tickets will stay at last year’s price of $15 each or two for $25 (so you can bring a friend).

Six different wines will be served, along with homemade food pairings. Ask anyone who has attended in past years -- it’s a great time, a good bargain and a way to learn about new wines and fun foods that go with them. Plan to join us!


donations can be made at St. Christopher’s Parish Center (Gym): Monday & Wednesday morning : 9 – 11 AM and Tuesday & Thursday evening:


To join us, call Mira (716) 693-8666 or Mary Ann (716) 691-6352.


We are excited to welcome the Most Rev. Michael Msonganzila, bishop of Musoma, Tanzania in East Africa to St. Christopher this weekend, July 20 - 21. Bishop Msonganzila will be speaking at all of the Masses that weekend about the mission Church in Africa. There will be a second collection that weekend in support of the Diocese of Musoma. The proceeds of the collection will be used in support of the education of girls, orphans and vulnerable children, the building of health facilities, support of their Junior Seminary, evangelization, and Catechetical/Faith Formation. Please warmly welcome Bishop Msonganzila!

The St. Christopher School Home School Association is hosting a night out at Deep South Taco, 1707 Hertel Avenue in Buffalo on Thursday, July 25 at 7 PM. Please join us for delicious food, the

opportunity to meet this year’s officers and a great chance to share ideas for the 2019-2020 school year. Please RSVP to Marilyn Keller, this year’s HSA president, at (716) 481-9174.


MONDAY, JULY 22 6:30 PM SWAT Softball Ball Diam. 7:00 PM Summerfest Meeting Cafe

TUESDAY, JULY 23 9AM/7PM Adoration/Novena Chapel 9:30 AM Music with Mar Rm. 103 7:00 PM Pastoral Council Rm. 102

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 6:00 PM SWAT Softball Ball Diam. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus SPC

THURSDAY, JULY 25 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Rm.102



SUNDAY, JULY 28 12:30 PM Baptism Church 12:30 PM Lectors Training Hosp. Rm.

PARISH OFFICES Phone (716) 692-2660 FAX (716) 693-5639 rectory@saintchris.org www.saintchris.org

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Steven Jekielek sjekielek@saintchris.org Weekend Associate: Rev. Adelmo Dunghe, SJ

Deacons: Francis A. Zwack Thomas Healey David McDermott

Director of Music: Sean Polen spolen@saintchris.org

Business Manager: Marie Schwab mschwab@saintchris.org

Bulletin Editor: Anne Yeskoot ayeskoot@saintchris.org

Parish Trustees: Maria Falbo & Anton Wopperer

PARISH SCHOOL Phone: (716) 693-5604 Fax: (716) 693-5127 school@saintchris.org

Principal: Cynthia Bryk cbryk@saintchris.org

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION reled@saintchris.org Telephone: (716) 694-4310 Director: Marie Sajsa msajsa@saintchris.org

OUTREACH & St. Vincent de Paul (716) 564-9023

Mission Coordinator: Cindy Vanderbrook cvanderbrook@saintchris.org (716) 564-9023

Pastoral Council Joanna Robertson, President pastoralcouncil@saintchris.org


Bishop Richard Malone, in conjunction with the Presbyteral Council, Vicars Forane, and the Movement to Restore Trust, will host a series of Listening Sessions across the Diocese of Buffalo. The Listening Sessions are designed for the Bishop to hear the concerns of the engaged parishioners, and for them to offer recommendations for future initiatives regarding pastoral care, spiritual care and ministry. Recognizing the importance of the input and empowerment of the laity working in collaboration with pastors, these listening sessions are an opportunity to create constructive partnerships, receive feedback, and formulate next steps to address the effects of the clergy sexual abuse crisis and other matters of concern.

Saturday, August 3 9:30 - 11:30 AM Ascension Parish (Batavia) Saturday, August 10 9:30 - 11:30 AM Nativity Parish (Orchard Park)

Media guidelines: To respect people’s privacy and allow them to speak freely, the Listening Sessions are closed to the media. Rather, there will be a place reserved for the media, should anyone like to speak to them after the Listening Session concludes at 11:30 AM. An announcement will be made at the onset of the Listening Session advising those gathered of this opportunity. Contact Kathy Spangler, Director of Communications, at (716) 847-8717 or kspangler@buffalodiocese.org with any questions.


The St. Christopher School Sports Committee is hosting its Golf Outing on Monday, July 29 at Tan Tara Golf Club at 1 PM. The cost is $125 per golfer and includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, lunch, dinner and open bar for one hour. If you

would like to join us for dinner only, the cost is $50. All proceeds will benefit the St. Christopher School sports committee. Please RSVP to Ed Mielcarek at edmundmielcarek@yahoo.com or Derek Hoover at dhoover@saintchris.org.


Walking with Grief is a monthly lecture series and support group provided to assist people 18 years of age or older in their journey of grief. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00 PM at St. Edmund campus, and will be our annual supper. Deacon Dave McDermott will be our guest speaker, and will lead us in a discussion entitled “Appreciate your Transformation.” The journey of grief

is life changing. The changes are not something you would seek out, but something that occurs as you do your grief “work.” All parishioners, friends and neighbors are welcome.

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