25 Facebook Tips

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 25 Facebook Tips

The Anglum Group

25 Facebook Tips Every

Social Media Manager Needs

For a small team that doesn't have a great deal of time to

devote to social media, staying on top of Facebook's constant

changes can be tricky.

To help these social media teams, we compiled 25 important

tips for the people who run their brand's Facebook page!

The Anglum Group

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1. How To Schedule Posts In Advance

Often, small businesses don't have time to send regular Facebook updates during the work

day. Luckily, Facebook has launched a tool that enables page administrators to schedule


When you post a photo, video, offer, or status update, you will see a little clock symbol

below the update that lets you choose the exact time that your post will go live.

This is the perfect tool to schedule all your posts in advance for the day or week. The one

word of caution is that interaction is also important, so it would be wise to jump back in to

answer queries from your fans and customers in your spare time. What this tool will do is

allow you to get back to work and possibly even enjoy a day off, or the whole weekend.

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2. How To Understand Competitions

This is the question that gets asked the most often: “What are the rules about

competitions on Facebook?”

The thing is, most businesses see competitions as a way of gathering new “likes” and

fans quickly by offering prizes and asking people to either “like” the page or share

photos or other content.

However, the rules state that you are “not allowed to use any native functionality within

Facebook for competitions.” That means that you can’t ask people to “like,” comment,

share, or do anything else on Facebook to enter a competition. It is aimed at cutting

down spam, and while it is annoying as a business page owner, it does prevent the

platform from mutating into a giant competition hub.

You are allowed to run competitions on Facebook tabs, but to do that you will have to

either build your own app or get an app from a third-party site.

Although competitions can be a great way of getting interaction on the page, for big

brands or businesses with a large budget it might not always be the best way of getting

new “likes.”

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3. How To Run Competitions

Once you’re aware of the rules of running a competition on Facebook, you can start

creating them. You need to make sure that you run competitions within "Apps For

Facebook," but there are many third-party apps that will help you run one on your

Facebook page. Among the most popular is Wildfire, which offers a lot of functionality,

but apps such as Snap App, Votigo, Woobox, and Strutta are also useful. What

functionality they provide will help you determine and shape the type of competition

you’re going to run.

Once you decided upon the competition format, you need to look at promotion. You will

promote it through your own channels, but you need to decide whether you will run an

ad campaign to help promote it.

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4. How To Invite Friends To Your Page

This strategy is possibly the oldest way of getting “likes” to your page when you set it up

(although Facebook did remove this functionality at one stage before bringing it back).

Once you create your business page and have some content, head to the top of the page

where it says “Build Audience” and click on “Invite Friends.” This brings up a list of your

friends. If you think the page is relevant to some of them, ask them to “like” it and they will

be sent an invite.

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5. How To Add Multiple Admins To The Page

Your company may have a few people who manage the Facebook page. Rather than

sharing the one Facebook account, you can add multiple administrators.

When clicking into your Facebook page, click "Edit Page" and then on "Manage

Admins." Once you’re there, you can add the new person either by selecting his or her

personal Facebook account or by sending that person an email invite. This works great

for small businesses with a few admins.

However, be careful that when people leave the company they don't retain their admin

rights. Also, make sure you don’t have too many admins, because they have full control

of your Facebook page.

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6. How To Manage Roles

Facebook changed how brand pages work so that you can assign different roles to

different people. Previously, there were just admin roles. Now there are five different roles

to fill: insights analyst, advertiser, moderator, content creator, and manager. Each role has

different responsibilities, so depending on the size of your company, you may not use all

of them. However, if you have the luxury of letting employees take up different roles, you

can assign them and break up the workload.

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7. How To Promote Your Updates

Most people think that when they post an

update, photo, or offer, the amount of people

who “like” their page automatically see that

content. The truth is much different.

Facebook uses something that it calls

EdgeRank to decide who sees your content.

Because of EdgeRank, it would be normal

for only 10 to 15 percent of people who “like”

your page to actually see your content.

To remedy this situation, you can use

Facebook’s advertising tool to get people to

see your content. Under each status update,

you will see a little button saying "Promote

This Post." Clicking on this, and paying

Facebook some money, will help your post

get seen by more people who “like” your

page. You wouldn’t do this with every post,

but it is a good way to push out important

content and updates that you want

everybody to see.

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8. How To Understand Edgerank

EdgeRank judges whether

brand posts show up in

people’s news feeds on the

basis of weight, affinity, and

time decay. So posts that are

made at peak hours and that

are popular will be more likely

to spread across your

Facebook network. It also

helps if your Facebook fans

regularly use and view your


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9. How To Change Users

Maybe you want to comment on other pages as your company page. Or maybe you feel it’s

better to respond to someone through your personal profile. Either way, you have the option of

changing users at the top of your page. When you go into your brand page, you are normally

alerted that you are acting as the page and not yourself. To change it, go to "Voice" and it will

give you the option to change.

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10. How To Set Up A Recommendations Box

You have a comment box for fans and users, but a Recommendations box is one great

place to help build a rapport with followers. Recommendations are only made available

when a page provides a location, so you must give an exact address in the "About" section

before you gain access to it.

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11. How To Target Posts

When you’re sending an update, you can also target a specific demographic either through

language or location. To do this, click on the "Public" icon next to the "Post" button; you will

be prompted to enter which countries or languages you wish to target. If you want to target

multiple countries/languages, separate them with a comma. This is handy if you have a

local and international audience and want to post content locally.

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12. How To Integrate WordPress Blogs With Facebook

If you have a dedicated blog for your company and you use WordPress, you can easily tag

and post onto your own page and the brand pages you manage. You can also mention the

names of pages and friends when you make your blog live to alert them to your latest post.

This is useful if you want to help get your posts shared across the site.

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13. How To Know When To Post

Knowing when to post a status update is vital – you want them to reach as many people

as possible. Make sure you know your audience by looking at analytics and be sure to

experiment with different posting times to find out when you get the most reach.

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14. How To Optimize Your Page For SEO Optimization

Although it’s not your main site, you should still optimize your Facebook page because they

appear in search engines.

There are numerous ways to optimize your page. Make sure you are using keywords in

your updates, on your "About" page, photos, links, and updates to help improve your

chances. There’s quite a lot that you can do to improve your page’s chances of appearing

on search engines.

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15. How To Find Your Past Facebook Activity

If you want to find a specific post, you can activate the "Activity" log by going into "Edit

page" at the top. Here you can see all actions relating to your page, including status

updates, images, tagged posts, and comments. You can also filter the log by clicking on

"All" at the right-hand side and selecting the content you want to see. All activity is

highlighted in chronological order.

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16. How To Pin And Adjust Photos

You can place an older post at the

top of your page by pinning it. To do

so, go into "Edit" and select "Pin to

Top." This will prioritize the post so it

will be the first thing people see

when they scroll down the page. You

also have the option of repositioning

photos. Select this option and you

can move the image around within

the frame.

If you have a particularly interesting

topic or image, it’s well worth pinning

it to get more traction. Remember

that pinned posts will stay on top of

your Timeline for seven days, so be

sure to switch it around regularly.

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17. How To Manage Your Page On The Go

While there is a Facebook app

for iPhone and Android, the app

you want to download is

Facebook Pages. Practically a

condensed version of your page,

the app lets pages admins

manage their account away from

their computer. Here you can

respond to updates, check out a

brief overview of Insights, adjust

settings, and generally keep up

to date with any changes made

to the page.

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18. How To Create Milestones

If you want to add more content to your page and create a more engrossing experience,

Milestones are the way to go. Usually, Milestones are reserved for important moments in

your company’s lifetime. It’s good to highlight these with images of moments (such as when

the company was founded) to tell its story.

This way, you add a human touch to the company, and those who go through your page will

become more invested in it. Remember that milestones can be presented in one- and two-

column formats.

This example from Coca-Cola shows a testimonial from 1892, demonstrating that the

company has a rich heritage. Your business probably won’t go back as far, but it’s good to

flesh out your page and reward those who explore it.

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19. How To Add Interests Lists And Page Owners

Alongside the numerous other features you have on your page, there is the option to create

a featured “likes” list as well as link to the Facebook pages of page owners – a move that

can help improve subscriptions for that page. To add “likes” or page owners, simply go to

"Admin Panel," select "Update Info," and go to the "Featured" section. You can add more

featured “likes” and featured page owners that will appear on your page.

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20. How To Remove Recent Posts By Others

If your page is getting spammed by numerous users and it’s distracting people from your

main posts, you can get rid of the box entirely by going into "Admin Panel" and selecting

"Update Info." When that’s done, click "Manage Permissions" and unclick the box beside

"Post Visibility."

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21. How To Merge A Facebook Fan Page & Personal Profile

The line between business and pleasure on Facebook has been blurred for some time, but

users who want to change their personal pages into fan pages have been running into brick

walls. However, since March Facebook has offered users the opportunity to make such a

transition. All users have to do is go to "Create a Page."

You can select which type of page you want to "migrate" to—business, brand, etc.—before

you make the final switch. And it will be final. You will no longer be able to use this page as

you usually would – your friends will become “likes” and you will lose all the personal details

including pages you had “liked.” You’ll have to start another personal page if you want to

use Facebook as you did, but you will have a strong foundation for your business on

Facebook if you make the switch.

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22. How To Design Your Cover Photo

A number of cover photo design apps have popped up online since the transition to Timeline.

Ideally, your cover image will be 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall, but it has to be at least

399 pixels wide. There are many apps that allow you to crop pictures to size and filter them

to your specifications from a range of devices.

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23. How To Create A Facebook Offer

Facebook Offers can get small businesses involved with Facebook and help them to spread

the word through easy offers and targeted advertising. Brands can create an offer by

heading to the "Offers" page and deciding on the type (online, in-store, combo) as well as

other specifications, such as a budget/limit and whether it’s a discount or a buy-one get-one

free offer, etc. Brands can then decide when to post the offer for the biggest impact and

target users who would be especially interested in their business. It’s a simple way for small

businesses to harness the social power of Facebook.

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24. How To Use Facebook Advertising

There are a number of ways to

advertise on Facebook. The

traditional ads focus on desktop

computer users and can be

found on the right-hand side of

the screen. However, with the

transition to mobile, sponsored

ads have now become the main

advertising feature. What

sponsored stories do is appear

directly within a news feed and

come in the form of stories and

accounts. If you’re thinking of

promoting your page this way

but you’re unsure how these

ads will appear, the company

has a demo tool to show you

how your ad will look.

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25. How To Create Custom Tabs

Custom tabs are a fun way for brands to personalize and fortify their Facebook pages. Log

in as a developer and click on the "Create a New App" button. You will have to create stand-

alone content that can be framed within the Facebook site. So if you have a pre-existing

page or site you would like to integrate with Facebook, you can do so. Just make sure it fits

Facebook’s dimensions and specifications.

From there, the new tab will appear next to the tabs for photos, info, etc. as another

tributary of your Facebook page. It requires some skill at Web development, but custom

tabs will help you stand out.

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Stat Sources

The Social Skinny

Media Bistro

Social Media Examiner


Straight North, LLC

The Anglum Group 28

The Anglum Group is a management consulting company that focuses on

delivering innovative cost-effective retail customer marketing solutions to

our clients. Specifically, we provide insight and expertise based upon our

many years of retail experience – allowing our clients to realize their

marketing objectives. We are not content just identifying the proper

course of action, we stay with the project until the benefit is realized.

The companies that we work with are leading retailers that are either

extending their existing customer capability or companies looking to

improve the return on their initial marketing technology investment. Our

emphasis is on customer understanding, customer strategy development

and marketing execution based upon industry best practices.

All of our staff are former retail professionals that have a blend of

Marketing and Technology skills who are adept at identifying and applying

proven practical approaches to achieve desired return on investment.

The Anglum Group

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The Anglum Group

The Anglum Group 30

Scope of Practice

Loyalty Programs

Business Analytics

Database Assessment

Privacy - US / International

Mobile Application and Program Development

Business Case Development

CRM Roadmap Development

CRM Best Practices Customer Identification – Multi-Channel

Program Strategy

Credit Card Partnership Marketing

Sports/Event Marketing

RFP Management

The Anglum Group

Social Media


Anglum Group Clients

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3835 Susan Lane

Minnetonka, MN 55345 952.223.2000


The Anglum Group LLC