2273 Brochure A4

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Transcript of 2273 Brochure A4

  • 8/3/2019 2273 Brochure A4


    Superior quality and exceptional perormance - the ultimate electrochemical

    tool to satisy your research needs

    High compliance voltage - up to 100V

    Built-in requency response analyzer providing ully integrated DC and EIS

    analysis - 10Hz to 1MHz

    PowerSuite sotware or versatility and ease o use

    Booster interace - 3 current booster options

    PARSTAT 2273potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA

  • 8/3/2019 2273 Brochure A4


    General Specications

    The 2273 is an advanced potentiostat/galvanostat/

    FRA that consists o hardware capable o

    10 V scan ranges, 2 A current capability, and EIS

    measurements rom 10 Hz to 1 MHz. The interace

    to the PC or laptop is Universal Serial Bus (USB),

    so there is no need or an additional card or your

    system. Electrochemistry PowerSuite sotware is

    required or the 2273.

    Current and Voltage

    Unlike any other potentiostat on the market today,

    the 2273 oers a unique combination o compliance

    voltage up to 100 V (power available at the counterelectrode) and a maximum current o up to 2 A.

    EIS Capability

    The 2273 hardware combined with PowerSINE

    sotware can perorm EIS experiments rom

    1 MHz to 10 Hz. These measurements can control

    either potentiostatic (Single Sine, Fast MultiSine, or

    Mott-Schottky), or galvanostatic (Galvanostatic EIS)


    Booster InteraceThe 2273 has three current booster options to

    choose rom:

    8A/2273 option or 8 A, 50 V Complance

    10A/2273 option or 10 A, 20 V Compliance

    20A/2273 option or 20 A, 20 V Compliance

    Research Electrochemistry

    PARSTAT 2273

    The PARSTAT 2273 is the ultimate

    potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA, boasting

    superior quality and high reliability.

    Its exceptional impedance capability,

    resolution, speed, high current, and high

    compliance voltage continues to be the

    standard against which all other systems are


    The 2273 is designed to be the most

    comprehensive potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA

    in your laboratory. We have incorporated

    customer eedback to provide not only more

    internal maximum current but the ability toboost up to 20 A and the ability to interace

    all the ancillary equipment customers need

    today or their unique research.

    The PARSTAT 2273 provides all the

    capabilities you need in your laboratory:

    2 A current max. (20 A boosted)

    100 V compliance

    1.2 A current resolution

    >1013 W input impedance

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    The physical nature o electrochemistry has

    resulted in a broad range o research areas. From

    determining the kinetics o an electron-transer

    process, to developing new and improved materials

    via unique electrodeposition or electrosynthesis

    techniques, the 2273 was designed with the fexibility

    and capability required by todays electrochemical

    researcher. Whether it is a microelectrode, rotating

    disk electrode, mercury electrode, or quartz crystal

    resonator being measured, the 2273 supports

    the wide array o electrodes used in a modern

    electrochemical research lab.


    The 2273 is ideal or corrosion research. Formeasurements o rebar in concrete or titanium in

    Ringers solution, the 2273 was designed to address

    a wide range o corrosion applications. PowerCORR

    corrosion sotware and PowerSINE EIS sotware

    complement the 2273s impressive specications

    to create the ultimate tool or any corrosion lab. Are

    you working with large electrodes or resistive media?

    The 2273s 100 V compliance voltage takes care o

    that. Studying a new corrosion inhibitor or coating

    technology? Femtoamp current resolution and >1013

    W input impedance make even the toughest EIS

    measurements seem routine.


    For potentiometric sensors (such as ion-selective

    electrodes and coated wire electrodes) and

    amperometric sensors (gas sensors, thin lm

    microelectrodes, and chemically modied

    electrodes), the 2273 provides current sensitivities

    that can surpass the requirements o the most

    demanding measurement parameters, with a pA

    current range and A resolution, high compliance

    voltage allows or the growth o thin lm electrodes

    and nanodeposition. Biosensor development and

    analysis relies on techniques that are contained

    within the PowerCV , PowerSTEP and PowerPULSE

    electroanalytical sotware packages.

    Fuel Cells and Batteries

    For many years, Princeton Applied Research

    potentiostats/galvanostats have been utilized to

    urther the development o new energy sources.

    From the early stages o battery development to the

    charge/discharge experiments on the nal product,

    the 2273 has the current measurement range to

    address the challenges that lie ahead or the next

    generation o batteries. Fuel Cells oer a cleaner

    energy source or the uture and the 2273 helps

    bring that technology to market. Use EIS to examine

    the impedance o the PEM at dierent humidity

    levels, perorm I/V curves on SOFCs, or run CVs

    on DMFC assemblies. The 2273 and the entire

    PowerSuite package have the potential to take your

    research to the next level.

    Biomedical applications

    The 2273 exceeds the requirements o a

    potentiostat/galvanostat as described in ASTM

    F2129, Standard Test Method or Conducting

    Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements

    to Determine the Corrosion Susceptibility o Small

    Implant Devices. For implant biocompatibility

    studies, the most common methods involve DC

    corrosion techniques such as cyclic potentiodynamic

    polarization or the determination o the break down

    or critical pitting potential (Eb), the corrosion oropen circuit potential (Ecorr), the repassivation or

    protection potential (Ep), corrosion current (Icorr)

    and corrosion rates based on Tael analysis. All o

    these techniques are possible with the 2273 using

    the PowerCORR corrosion measurement sotware

    package. The outstanding perormance o the 2273

    ensures that the results obtained are accurate and

    allows the user to be condent o their data.


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    Linear Scan Voltammetry

    Ramp Cyclic Voltammetry

    One Vertex

    Two Vertex

    One Vertex/Multi Cycle

    Two Vertex Multi Cycle

    Stair Case Cyclic Voltammetry

    One Vertex

    Two Vertex

    One Vertex/Multi Cycle

    Two Vertex Multi Cycle


    Potentiostatic EIS

    Multi-Sine EIS

    Galvanostatic EIS

    Potentiostatic Impedance versus Time

    Galvanostatic Impedance versus Time



    Tael Plot

    Anodic Polarization

    Linear PolarizationPotentiostatic


    Ecorr versus Time

    Galvanic Corrosion

    Cyclic Polarization

    Cyclic Polarization (no reverse)

    Zero Resistance Ammeter


    Galvanodynamic (no reverse)


    Recurrent Potential Pulsing

    Recurrent Galvanic Pulsing

    Square Wave Voltammetry

    Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry

    Dierential Pulse Voltammetry

    Cyclic Dierential Pulse Voltammetry

    Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry


    One Step Chronoamperometry

    Two Step Chronoamperometry


  • 8/3/2019 2273 Brochure A4


    Take advantage o powerul wizards, graphical data preseantation ormats and

    easy-to-use import/export tools or both graphs and data.

    Data Storage Format

    PowerSuites unique data storage ormat utilizing Microsot ACCESS database provides

    other powerul eatures available to PowerSuite. These include making changes to some

    experimental parameters on the y, perorming fts on data as it is being collected, searching

    data fles based on comments added by the user, and exporting data and plots to other

    programs such as Microsot Excel and Powerpoint.

    Powerul GraphicsPowerSuites dominant eatures are its graphical capabilities. Tremendous exibility is

    provided with data presentation. Up to our plots can be viewed simultaneously, on the

    screen without opening a separate viewing program. Several deault plots are available, and

    the user has the ability to modiy each graph or create and save their own custom graphs

    according to specifed criteria. A wide variety o parameters are available or plotting, as

    well as the ability to add a second Y-axis or view the plot in 3D. The user can select the

    data symbols/lines desired, as well as change the color o any plot. Additional graphical

    eatures allow the data o any axis to be mathematically changed (by choosing to either add,

    subtract, divide, or multiply the axis values) using the Data Factors eature. This eature can

    be used to change data in amps to microamps or comparison purposes. It can also be used

    to convert a potential reading acquired rom an ancillary component (such as a temperature

    probe) through the A/D Input into its proper value (such as degrees C).

    Experiment Wizard

    For new users, the New Experiment Wizard guides you through a step-by-step process

    to confgure all aspects o the experiment. I you have a setup that is to be repeated

    over several experiments, it can be Saved as a Template..., recalled, and executed

    without having to re-enter inormation with each use.

    Complete Plotting Control

    Overlay data can be placed on the plots prior to acquiring the data, which allows the user to

    compare the two data sets as the experiment progresses! Overlaid data graphical properties

    can also be modifed in terms o color or plot style, and any overlaid data can be selected to

    become the active data fle, at which point the current fle becomes an overlay! A number

    o graphical and analytical eatures are available by simply right-clicking on any graph and

    selecting rom a ull complement o options.


  • 8/3/2019 2273 Brochure A4


    Power Booster

    The model 2273 High CurrentPower Booster can provide 10 or

    20 Amps at 20 Volts compliance

    or 8 Amps at 50 Volts

    compliance (Reerence Voltage

    remains at 10 V). These higher

    currently handling capabilities

    are needed or electrochemical

    applications in battery

    research, electrodeposition,

    electrosynthesis, and corrosionon large electrodes.

    The booster system operates

    in potentiostat as well as

    galvanostat modes. Going

    between standard mode (2273

    stand-alone) and boosted mode

    is easy requiring only a toggle

    switch and cell cable change.

    Requiring actory installation, the

    booster option can be added with

    installation scheduled around

    your research needs.

    The overall system requency

    response has been modifed

    to provide stability or

    electrochemical cells in a

    closed loop that have very

    high capacitance and very low

    resistance. ElectrochemicalImpedance Spectroscopy is

    still permissible when using a

    booster, but limited to maximum

    requency o 1-10KHz range.

    8 A, 10 A, and 20 A options

    Operates in boosted or normalmode - simple cable connectionconverts potentiostat rom normal toboosted operation

    Operates in potentiostat orgalvanostat mode

    Supplied as a complete system or asan add-on to an existing 2273

    Compatible with ElectrochemistryPowerSuite sotware

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    PARSTAT 2273 Specication

    Power Amplifer

    Compliance Voltage 100 V

    Maximum Current 2 A

    Rise Time 15 V/s (No Load)

    System Perormance

    Minimum Time Base 20 s

    Minimum Potential Step 2.5 V

    Noise and Ripple 60 dB at 100 kHz

    Input Impedance >1013W in parallel with 1 MHz, 1k source impedance

    20 A Range 3 dB at >100 kHz, 100k source impedance

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    PARSTAT 2273ordering inormation


    Power Boosters compatible with the 2273

    8A/2273 8A / @ 50 V

    10A/2273 10A / @ 20 V

    20A/2273 20A / @ 20 V*Bandwidth reduced with addition o current boosters

    **Requires actory installation

    Cell Accessories

    K0047 Corrosion Cell Kit

    K0235 Corrosion Flat Cell

    K0264 Micro-Cell Kit

    RDE0018 Analytical Cell Kit

    Ancillary Equipment

    303A Static Mercury Drop Electrode

    507 Interace or model 303A

    QCM922 Quartz Crystal Microbalance

    616 Rotating Disk Electrode

    636 Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode




    801 South Illinois Avenue

    Oak Ridge

    TN 37831-0895 USA

    Tel: (865) 425-1289or (865) 482-4411

    Fax: (865) 481-2410


    Unit B1 Armstrong Mall

    Southwood Business Park


    Hampshire GU14 ONR UK

    Tel: +44 (0)1252 556800

    Fax: +44 (0)1252 556899


    PowerSINE Electrochemical Impedance


    PowerCORR Corrosion Measurement

    PowerCV Cyclic Voltammetry

    PowerPULSE Electroanalytical Sotware

    PowerSTEP Chronoamperometry /


    (sotware sold separately unless purchased as a system 2273-SYS)

    Computer Interace

    Universal Serial Bus (USB)

    Operating System

    Microsot Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP/VISTA

    pecications subject to change
