20th Sept. 2015 - Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall Part 3 –

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Transcript of 20th Sept. 2015 - Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall Part 3 –

20th Sept. 2015 - Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall

Part 3 –

Part 1 – The Beauty and The Beasts – Chs. 2 & 7Part 2 – The Battle of the Beasts – Ch. 8

A RecapitulationThe Beauty, Ch. 2 lThe Beasts, Ch. 7

Part 3 – Messiah, the Prince and The Coming Prince, Dan. Ch. 9


1. The Setting: [cf. 1:3-6]

a. Judah's Setting:

First year of Darius => 538 B.C., cp. Ch. 6 67 years after Daniel taken from Palestine.*

b. Daniel's Study and understanding of Jer. 25:11-12 – it was about time for the desolations of Jerusalem to be finished.

c. Jeremiah's Scrolls: Jer. 25:11, 12; 29:10-14

* Daniel and others exiled to Babylon. Dan. 1:3-7

Daniel 9:2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years,

whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy

years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

1. The Setting.2. The Setting Free. a. The Decrees of God:

God’s Programme on a Cycle of 490 years re: Israel’s History:i. Entrance to Canaan

(1586B.C.)Establishment of Kingdom under Saul (1096B.C.) 

490 years

ii. Kingdom under Saul (1096B.C.)  

*Captivity in Babylon (B.C.606)II Chr. 36:21-23; cp. Lev. 25:4;


490 years


Dedication of Solomon’s Temple (B.C.1005) 

Dedication of Second Temple (515B.C.)

490 years

iv. Decree to rebuild Jerusalem (445B.C.)

Messiah cut off (32AD). 69 weeks (or 483 years) + 70th Week (1 week or 7 years) of Great Tribulation (exc. Church Parenthesis) 

490 years

1. The Setting.2. The Setting Free. a. The Decrees of God

b. The Decree of Cyrus• His Call - Isa. 44:28; 45:1-4, 13;

cp. Josiah (I Kgs. 13:2)• His Commandment - Ezra 1:1-4 (B.C.539)


B. THE PRAYER Dan. 9:3-19

1. Daniel's Perception. 9: 1, 2

2. Daniel's Preparation. 9: 3

3. Daniel's Petition (Confession). 9: 4-19

a. His Identification with his People. vv. 4, 5a, 9, 10, etc. [I, We; My God, Our God]

b. His Confession for His People. vv. 5-15

a. His Identification with his People b. His Confession for His People. vv. 5-15

i. They had Departed from the true Path. vv. 4-6God's Person v. 4 cf. v. 10 “Lord”

(7x)God's Precepts v. 5 cf. v. 10God's Prophets v. 6 cf. v. 10

b. His Confession for His People. vv. 5-15i. They had Departed from the true Path. vv. 4-6

ii. They Deserved their Punishment v. 7 They had sinned against His Person.

vv. 5, 8, 11, 15; [Sin, Iniquity, Wickedness, Rebellion leading to Departure, v. 5]

They had disobeyed His Voice. vv. 10, 14 They had transgressed His Law. vv. 7, 11 They had rebelled against His Person. vv. 5, 9

b. His Confession for His People. vv. 5-15 c. His Supplication:vv. 16-19

i. For God's Possessions: God's Place, Jerusalem vv. 16, 19 God's People, Israel vv. 16, 19 God's Precinct – Temple and sanctuary. v.


ii. For God's Person: For the Lord's sake. v. 17 For Thine own sake. v. 19


1. The Voice of Answer to Supplication. 9:20-23

a. The Appearance of the Angel. vv. 20, 21

b. The Answer to his Appeal. vv. 22, 23

2. The Vision and Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. 9:24-27

c. The People Involved. v. 24 “thy people"; "thy holy city"

d. The Prospects Involved: v. 24

The Properties of The End times

i.  To finish the transgression; 

End apostasy of the Jews.

Cp. Rom. 11:26, 27

ii.  To make an end of sins;

Seal up sin, judging it finally

Cp. Jer. 31:31-34

iii.  To make reconciliation for iniquity.Lit. “to cover” i.e., “to make atonement for” 

Christ’s death the basis for Israel’s forgiveness.

Cp. Zech. 12:10; Mt. 18:22, 70 x 7 = 490 (?)

iv.  To bring in everlasting righteousness; 

In the millennial kingdom of Messiah

Cp. Jer. 23:5-6; Mal. 4:2

v.  To seal up the vision and prophecy;

To set God’s seal of fulfilment for the People and the Land. 

Cp. Dan. 12:4 ct. Rev. 22:10


To anoint The Most Holy.

Anointing of the Holy of Holies in the millennial Temple. 

Cp. Eze. 43:4, 5; Mal. 3:1

2. The Vision and Prophecy of the 70 Weeks. c. The Periods Involved: vv. 24-27

i. The SEVENTY WEEKS: "seventy weeks are determined" v. 24 lit. “seventy units of

seven” (NIV)• Week = heptad = group of seven units or sevens;• 70 weeks = 70 groups of seven = 490 units

"In the midst of the week" v. 27

= 3 1/2 units. As 3 1/2 years = 42 months = 1260 days, see Rev. 11:2; 13:5; 11:3; 12:6

• Hence, 3 1/2 units = 3 1/2 years, and 70 weeks or 70 x 7 units = 490 years

a time, times, and an half. Cf. "the little horn" 7:25, cp.12:6, 7

i. The SEVENTY WEEKS: ii. The 7 + 62 WEEKS (= 49 + 434 = 483 years)

Restoration of Jerusalem in troublous times: cp. Ezra 4:3-6

Event Reference Year Ruler

Temple begun Ezra 3:8 536 B.C. Cyrus

Temple discontinued Ezra 4:21, 23, 24 534 B.C. Cyrus

Temple resumed Ezra 4:24; 5:1, 2520 B.C. Darius

Temple finished Ezra 6:15 516 B.C. Darius

Walls destroyed again Neh. 1:2-3 446 B.C. {Artax-

Walls rebuilt Neh. 2:1 444/5 B.C. {erxes

i. The SEVENTY WEEKS: ii. The 7 + 62 WEEKS, 9:25(= 49 + 434 = 483 years)

iii. AFTER 69 WEEKS, 9:26 Messiah shall be cut off - Rejection and

crucifixion Messiah the Prince, cf. 9:25The people of the prince that shall come.

Destruction of Jerusalem under the Coming Prince, Titus (70 AD)

Desolations are determined.Desolation of Jews and sanctuary.

iii. AFTER 69 WEEKS 9:26

(1) The Calculation of the SIXTY-NINE WEEKS

(2) The Commencement of the SIXTY-NINE WEEKS

"From...the Commandment to Restore and to build Jerusalem":

(3) The Conclusion of the SIXTY-NINE WEEKS

"until Messiah the Prince" v. 24

"the Messiah shall be cut off" v. 26

(2) The Commencement of the SIXTY-NINE WEEKS "From...the Commandment to Restore and to build Jerusalem": 3 possible decrees: -

Decrees Reference When Purpose Fulfilment

a. Cyrus Ezra 1:2-4 536 B.C. To rebuild Temple not likely

b. Artaxerxes 7:12-26; 9:9 457 B.C. To reinforce Temple 483 - 457= AD26

and repair walls 26 + 1= AD27

c. Artaxerxes Neh. 2:5-8 445 B.C. To rebuild Walls and City 483 - 445= AD 38

OR (by Sir Robert Anderson)

Working on the principle that 1 prophetic year = 360 days,

3 1/2 years = 42 months = 1260 days Rev. 11:2,

or as Gen. 8:4 - 17th day 7th month

Gen. 7:11 - 17th day 2nd month

Gen. 8:3 - Total: 5 months = (5x30) 150 days

Thus, 1 month = 30 days.

THEN From 20th year of Artaxerxes: 14th March 445B.C.

To Christ's Triumphant Entry: 6th April 32 AD Total 173880 days*

*445B.C. + 32AD = 477yrs - 1 = 476 x 365 = 173740 days

14th Mar. - 6th April (inc) = 24 days

No. of leap years (after differences) = 116 days

173880 days

divided by 360 = 483 years exactly

(The CHURCH Parenthesis)

iv. THE SEVENTIETH WEEK (27)"He shall confirm the covenant with many

for one week."


Event Other Comparisons

Future Fulfilment

The prince that shall come

The types: (?) The little horn (7:8, 24-26) King of fierce countenance (8:23-25)The wilful king (11:36-45)

The 1st beast. Rev. 13:1-10The 2nd beast – Rev. 13:11-17 (?)The man of sin, the son of perdition. II Thes. 2:3-12 The Antichrist. I John 2:18, 22; II John 7 

Sacrifices ceased.Sacrilege in sanctuary.

"The abomination of desolation“Matt. 24:15-22

Rev. 13:14, 15

1. The Voice of Answer to Supplication. 9:20-23

2. The Vision and Prophecy of the 70 Weeks.

3. The Validity of the Consummation of the SEVENTIETH WEEK

The Character and Consummation of The End. The king of fierce countenance. Dan 8:17, 19The Willful King. Dan. 11:35, 40Daniel’s prophecy. Dan. 12:4, 8,13For Signs of the end of the age see Mt. 24…

But Before the End!

3 And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

For Events Before “The End” readMatthew 24:3-51

Conclusion:• "Think not that I am come to destroy the

law, or the prophets;• I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and

earth pass,

one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the law, TILL ALL BE FULFULLED"

Matt. v.17. 18

"Seeing, then, that all these things shall be dissolved,

what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness...?

II Pet. 3:11

We need to be Aware,

Be Ready

and be Compliant.

Acknowledgement:Many images in this Presentation are sourced from the Internet with the sole intention of illustrating my biblical teaching and not used for any profitable

purposeNote also that I do not endorse all images as scripturally authoritative. They are

treated as illustrations.