2016 April 1 Newsletter - Mahoning › sites › mahoning › files › imce... ·...

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Transcript of 2016 April 1 Newsletter - Mahoning › sites › mahoning › files › imce... ·...

2016  Enrollment  is  Complete-­‐ Thank   You!We  want  to  thank  all  of  our   members,   family  members,   and  advisors  for   their   assistance   in  meeting   our   April   1  deadline  for   all  new  and  re-­‐enrollments   for   members   and  advisors.  We  know   that  it  was  a  lot   of  work  to  get  every  member   and  their   family  to  review   the  enrollment   paperwork,   and  choose   and  register   for  projects,   and  getting   your  clubs   to  complete  all  of  the  other   paperwork   (constitutions,   charters,   etc.).  This  will   help  us  immensely   here  in  the   office   as  we  move  forward   into   our  4-­‐H  year!

Through   the   next  few  weeks  we  will  be  auditing   all  club   files  to  ensure   that   they  are  up  to  date,   accurate,   and  complete.  Please  keep  an  eye  out  for   possible   emails   or  mailings   regarding   your  club’s   status.  If  we  need  additional   or  updated  documentation   for   anything   related   to  your  club,   we  will   let   you  know  as  soon  as  possible.

A  few  things  that  we  can  tell  you  now:

• All  advisors   should   sign  a  new  “Standards   of  Behavior”   each   time  the  state   office   updates   this  document.   This  is  typically   part   of  the   re-­‐enrollment   process,   but   we  do  have  some  “seasoned”   volunteers   who   need  a  new  copy.

• Some  of  our  more   seasoned   volunteers   were   around   when   applications   still   required   Social  Security   or   Driver’s   License  information,   and  their   files  still   hold   this   information.   We  will  be  shredding   any  such   documents   and  will   ask  those  folks  to  complete   update   profiles   for  our   records.

• We  have  a  large  number   of  “inactive”   members   and  advisors   in  our   system.  Many  of  you  took  the  time   to  note   for  us  which   of  your  former   volunteers   or  members   are  no  longer   active  with   your  club,   but  we  have  some  that  date  from  prior   to  2015.  Thus  we  will  be  reaching   out  to  the   last  club   these  members   or  volunteers   were   tied  to   for  confirmation  that   they  are  no   longer   active  so  that  we  can  archive   their   records.

Thank  you  in   advance  for  your  participation   in  this   process   as  we  get  all  of  our   files  in  order!

The  Youth  HeraldMahoning  County  4-­H   Newsletter April|   2016


Enrollment  Age  ClarificationAs  we  have  been  reviewing  enrollment  paperwork  we  have  found  a  few  potential  members   who  were  not  eligible  due  to  either  their  age  or  grade  in  school.  We  wanted  to  make  sure  that  these  eligibility  rules  are  clear,  so  here  is  a  quick  reminder:

• Cloverbud eligibility:  begins  when  a  child  is  enrolled  in  kindergarten  AND  is  5  years  old  by  January  1  of  the  year  they  wish  to  enroll

• 4-­‐‑H  Membership  eligibility:  begins  when  a  child  is  enrolled  in  third  grade  AND  is  8  years  old  by  January  1  of  the  year  they  wish  to  enroll

If  a  child  becomes   interested  in  joining  your  club  and  does  not  meet  these  guidelines,  or  missed  the  April  1  enrollment  deadline,  they  are  still  welcome  to  participate  in  meetings,  activities,  and  events.  But  they  are  not  allowed  to  hold  office,  vote,  complete  projects,  or  win  awards  until  they  meet  the  eligibility  requirements  and  enrollment  deadline.

In  This  Issue

• Endowment   Grant  Due  Date• Important  Dates   for  Volunteers• Still  Project  Judging  Dates• Discount   Programs   for   4-­‐Hers• New  Cloverbud Activity  Book• 2016  Health  and   Safety   Theme• Junior  and   Cloverbud Camps• Meet  the  New  4-­‐H  Educator• Boardman   Park   Community  

Day• Updated  Mahoning   4-­‐H  


Endowment  Grant  Applications  Due  May  16

OSU   Extension-­ Mahoning   County490   South   Broad   St.  Canfield,   OH  44406

The  Mahoning   County   4-­‐H  Endowment   Committee   is  accepting   grant  applications   for  Endowment   funds.   Grant  requests   should   support   4-­‐H  membership   or  activities   that  will   occur   during   the  current   4-­‐H  year,  ending   no  later  than  December   31,  2016.

Applications   can  be  dropped   off  or  mailed   to  Mahoning  County   Extension   Office  at  the  address   below.   All  applications   are  due  by  May  16,  2016   at  close   of  business  (4:30pm).

Still  Project  Judging   Dates• Friday,  June  24:  Health  and  Safety  Posters  and  Creative  Writing  Projects  are  due  to  the  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office  by  close  of  business  (4:30pm)

• Saturday,  June  25:  Health  and  Safety  Poster  judging  and  Demonstration  judging  will  be  held  in  the  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office

• Wednesday,  July  13:  Project  judging  for  all  still    (small)  projects  and  all  nutrition  projects  will  be  held  at  the  Canfield  Fairgrounds

• Monday,  July  18:  Clothing  judging  will  be  held  at  a  location  TBD

More  information  about  all  dates  will  be  forthcoming!

Important  Dates  for  New  and  Returning  VolunteersChild  Abuse  Recognition  (1.50)  Training  is  required  for  all  volunteers  each  year.  No  need  to  pre-­‐register.• Saturday,  April  2,  2:20-­‐3:00pm  at  the  Horse  Symposium  event  at  West  Branch  High  School• Tuesday,  April  12,  6:30-­‐7:10pm  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office• Tuesday,  April  26,  5:00-­‐5:40pm  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office• Thursday,  May  5,  5:20-­‐6:00pm  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office

Interviews  are  required  for  all  new  volunteer  applicants.  You  will  be  contacted  by  Kelly  Beers  once  your  application  is  complete  (including  the  receipt  of  your  references)  to  schedule  an  interview.

New  volunteers  must  complete  a  4-­‐H  orientation  training.  We  will  begin  incorporating  the  Child  Abuse  Recognition  Training  into  these  sessions  so  that  you  only  have  to  attend  one  training.  Please  contact  the  Mahoning  County  Extension  office  at  330-­‐533-­‐5538  to  sign-­‐up  for  one  date.  Training  dates  include:• Wednesday,  April  27,  9:00-­‐11:00am  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office• Wednesday,  May  11,  5:30-­‐7:30pm  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office• Monday,  May  16,  5:30-­‐7:30pm  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office• Tuesday,  May  24,  10:00am-­‐12:00noon  at  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office

All  new  volunteer  applicants,  and  all  returning  volunteers  who  were  notified  that  they  must  receive  a  background  check  this  year  must  be  fingerprinted  by  May  15.  Please  submit  your  receipt  to  the  Mahoning  County  Extension  Office  for  reimbursement.

Did  you  know  that   as  a  4-­‐Her,   you  may  be  eligible   for  discounts   at  local  businesses?   It’s  true!   Some  of  these   programs   do  request   a  identification   that  proves  that   you  are  enrolled   in  or  volunteering   with  4-­‐H   in  order   to  access   these  discounts.   Therefore,   the   state  has  developed   4-­‐H  ID  cards,   which   we  can  personalize   and  print   for   you  here  in  the  Mahoning  County   Extension   Office.

Now   open  in  Austintown,   Alliance,   and  Warren,   Family  Farm  and  Home  offers   special   discounts   ranging   from   5-­‐15%  off  for  a  variety  of  items.  Other   business   offering   discounts   include   AgLand,  and  Tractor   Supply  Company.  And   be  sure   to  talk  to  your  advisors   and  club   leaders   to  see  what  other   local   companies   may  also   offer  discounts!

Discount  Programs  for  4-­Hers

2016  Health  and  Safety  ThemeThis  year’s  Health   and   Safety  Poster  theme   is  “Smart   and   Safe  Use  of   Technology”.   We   look  forward  to  seeing   the   great  posters  that  our  4-­‐‑Hers  develop  on  this  topic!

We’re   going  to  camp…are  you?Junior  Camp  for  Mahoning  and  Portage  county  youth  8-­‐14  years  old  is  Sunday,  July  3  through  Saturday,  July  9  at  Camp  Whitewood  in  Ashtabula.  Cost  is  $300  per  youth,  and  there  will  be  the  opportunity  to  apply  for  scholarships  through  the  Mahoning  County  4-­‐H  Endowment.

Cloverbuds have  two  options  for  camps  this  year.  On  Monday,  June  27  from  10:00am-­‐2:00pm  Mahoning  County  will  host  a  Cloverbudday  camp  at  the  Southern  Park  Stables  in  Boardman.  On  Thursday,  July  7  from  10:00am-­‐2:00pm  Portage  County  will  host  a  Cloverbudday  camp  at  Camp  Whitewood.  Portage  and  Mahoning  County  Cloverbuds are  welcome  to  attend  either  camp.  Cost  will  be  $10.

New  Cloverbud BookOhio   4-­‐‑H  has   published   an   updated   version  of  The  Big  Book  of  Cloverbud Activities.   If  you’re  looking   for  new  project  ideas   you  can  order  a  book  through   the  Extension   Office.  Cost  is  $16.50   and   the  new  version   is  spiral  bound,   which  will  make   it  easier   to  copy  pages   for  meetings!

Boardman   Community  Day  on  June  4th

On  Saturday,   June  4  from  11am-­‐2pm  at  Southern  Park   Stables,  Mahoning  County  4-­‐H  will  be  sponsoring   a  variety  of  kid  and  family-­‐friendly   events   as  part  of  Boardman   Community  Day.  We  are   looking  for  clubs  that  are  interested   in  sponsoring   events,  including:

• A  dog  agility  demonstration,  or  dog  costume   show  (or  combination)

• A  llama  agility  demonstration,  llama  costume   show  (or  combination)

• Pony  rides• A  4-­‐H   promotion  table,  where  we  

will  help  promote  upcoming  4-­‐H  activities  and  events,   as  well  as  general   4-­‐H  participation

• Crafts,   face-­‐painting,   or  other  build-­‐n-­‐take   activities  for  various  age  groups

If  your  club  is  interested   in  sponsoring  one  of   these   activities,  please   contact  Kelly  at  beers.67@osu.edu or  330-­‐533-­‐5538.  If  you’re  interested   in  helping,  but  want  some   help  choosing  a  project  or  activity,  we   have  a   range  of   supplies  available   here   in  the  Extension  Office  which  you  may   be  able  to  use.

Additional  activities  and  events  will  be  held  at  the  Boardman   Township  Building,  including  a  touch-­‐a-­‐truck  event,   free   food  and  drinks,  various  exhibits,  and  wagon   rides  from  the  Township   Building  and  the  Stables.  Mark   your  calendars   and  come  out  to  join  us  at  this  great   event!

Your  New  4-­‐‑H  EducatorI  thought  as  part  of  this  (my  first)  newsletter  I  would  introduce  myself  to  those  of  you  who  I  have  not  yet  met.  My  name  is  Kelly  Beers  and  I’m  the  new  4-­‐‑H  Youth  Development  Extension  Educator  for  Mahoning  County.  You  can  just  refer  to  me  as  ”the  4-­‐‑H  person”.  

I  grew  up  on  a  dairy  farm  in  Warren  County,  where  I  participated  in  4-­‐‑H  showing  dairy,  rabbits,  and  general  projects.  I  was  also  a  camp  counselor,  and  ran  for  Fair  Queen  (and  lost-­‐‑my  speech  was  terrible).  I  later  completed  both  of  my  degrees  at  Ohio  State.  After  23  years  in  Ohio  I  decided  to  move  to  Maine  for  an  adventure.  I  worked  at  The  University  of  Maine  for  8  years,  eventually  overseeing  the  First  Year  Experience  program  for  college  student  transition  and  retention.I  met  my  husband  in  Maine,  though  he  is  a  native  of  Erie,  PA.  He  is  the  Agricultural  and  Natural  Resources  Educator  in  Trumbull  County.  We  have  a  three-­‐‑year  old  daughter,  Elsa,  a  German  Shepherd,  and  a  fat  yellow  tabby  cat.  In  my  spare  time  I  enjoy  the  outdoors-­‐‑ hiking,  snowshoeing,  gardening,  and  I’ve  recently  started  learning  archery.  

I’m  really  excited  to  be  working  with  4-­‐‑H  here  in  Mahoning  County.  I  loved  being  a  part  of  the  program  as  a  kid,  and  look  forward  to  creating  great  programs  and  experiences  for  our  youth!