2015-16 Annual Operational Plan - randwick.nsw.gov.au

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Transcript of 2015-16 Annual Operational Plan - randwick.nsw.gov.au

01 Leadership in Sustainability RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

Plan 2015-16

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Report Status

Leadership in Sustainability01

Vision for Randwick City Council1a

Monitor Council's financial performance and positionS001


The financial position of Council as at 31 December 2015 is satisfactory. The financial performance of Council for the period 1 July 2015 to 31

December 2015 is satisfactory.


Council's planning and reportingP001


The September 2015 quarter Corporate Performance Review Report was approved at the November Ordinary Council meeting. Preparation has

commenced for the development of the 2016-17 Operational Plan including an invitation for submissions from the precincts.


Update the Long Term Financial PlanP002


The Long Term Financial Plan will be reviewed to incorporate the figures from the 2014-15 Financial Statements which were adopted by

Council at the September Ordinary Council Meeting



Media and public comment managementS002


Council responded to 59 requests from media outlets for information and/or public comment during the December quarter. Enquiries related

to issues such as: Council’s submission to IPART and amalgamations; capital works projects; roads and footpath upgrades; development

applications; Council events (DRLC Guinness World Record thong race) and environment programs (RID squad); and surfing etiquette signs.

Other issues included Transport for NSW light rail works and the impact on Randwick City; loss of significant trees due to light rail; Coastal

Walkway extension and campaign; parking fines, parking meters and rangers; and Council’s policy on trolleys, Airbnb and drones. The average

time to respond to media enquiries was 0.7 days, a significant improvement from the September quarter where the average time was 1.9

days. Randwick City Council and its activities were mentioned 300 times in the media over the quarter.


Highlights: Council's media enquiry response time was 0.7 days - Council aims to respond to enquiries within two days.

Promote Council's achievementsS003


Randwick City Council issued 24 media releases during the quarter. Topics included: water quality ratings for Randwick City beaches; 13th

Anniversary Commemoration of Bali Bombings; removal of dying Cook Pine (tree) and high rise developments on Anzac Parade. A number of

local and metropolitan media published positive stories about Council's activities such as saving High Cross Park; construction of synthetic

soccer fields at Heffron Park; surfers' code signage; Chifley Skate Park; and Council’s Christmas street party initiative.


Provision of Business PapersS004


All business papers for all Council and Committee Meetings have been available to the public on Council’s website on the Wednesday in the Comments

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week prior to meetings. All business papers for all Council and Committee Meetings have been made available to the Councillors (both in hard

copy and electronically via the Hub App) on Tuesdays (one week prior to meetings).

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 complianceS005


274 Access to Information requests (informal GIPA applications) were received during the quarter, of which 100% were completed within the

(5 working days) service standard. One formal GIPA application was received during the quarter and this application was completed in 8

working days (the GIPA Act allows 20 working days for determination of applications).


Compliance with purchasing proceduresS006


Six monthly audit indicates 99.6 per cent compliance with Council's internal purchasing procedures. The six monthly stocktake was over 99

per cent accurate and all tenders have been processed in accordance with legislative requirements.


Council's Property portfolioS007


During the December quarter all registers were updated monthly. There are currently 126 lease agreements in place.Comments

Council's insurance programS008


All 2015-16 annual insurance renewals were completed in June 2015. All insurance claims are processed by Echelon (under Contract) unless

they are Motor Vehicle claims which are managed by Zurich.


TRIM Document archive systemS009


The archiving of new records continues as per GA39 schedules. The flow of archives is well managed and the accessibility of physical holdings

is constantly controlled. The Archives Project Plan 2013-2017 is regularly reviewed.


Financial operations, systems and informationS010


All Financial Operations policy, procedures and legislative requirements were achieved in the December quarter. Key financial functions

include rates, debtors, accounts payable, GST, FBT, investments, payroll and cash management.


Rates and chargesS011


The 2015-16 Rate Levy was issued in accordance with legislative requirements. The second year of the current IPART approved 3.59 per cent

special variation was applied.


Maximise returns of Council's investment portfolio while minimising riskS012


Council's investments have been maintained in accordance with the adopted policy which was revised in December. Monthly investments

reports have been provided to Council and investments position referred to Internal Audit Committee for consideration. No capital loss or


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investment defaults occurred in the December quarter.

Provision of financial information, advice and reportsS013


All internal and external financial reporting requirements were met for the second quarter of the financial year ending 31st December 2015.Comments

Customer service charterS014


The Randwick City Council Customer Service Charter is accessible and on display in Council's Administration Building foyer. New employees

are formally inducted on the organisation's standards and expectations to ensure services are delivered in a consistent, efficient and

professional manner.


Customer service requestsS015


Council received 14,261 Service Requests during the December Quarter of which 97.6 per cent were completed within the service level

agreement timeframe. Council received 32,591 phone calls via the Call Centre during this period of which 1.5 per cent were abandoned.

Council's target is to have fewer than 3 per cent abandoned calls on average and complete at least 85 per cent of Service Requests within SLA.


Maintenance of the name and address registerS016


1,295 contact details were updated in the Corporate Name and Address Register, 1,931 Name and Address data integrity anomalies were

corrected and 4 staff members received training.


Highlights: Completed the Annual Review of the Name and Address Procedures in November 2015.

Business programs and systemsS017


The application for and processing of Work Zone Local Approvals was automated and is in use by the council to process work zone

applications. This has improved the service delivery and recording of information about work zones. Improvements were made to the

administration of Payroll in the area of pay rules and payroll processing. A new interface was implemented for the property and rating system

which improved the performance for business users and the quality of information available to staff. The new online ePlanning portal was

implemented for staff which will improve the consistency and quality of planning information provided to customers.


Information technology infrastructureS018


During the December quarter, focus was on retiring legacy systems that are no longer in use, consolidating the operations of the data centre,

remediating the infrastructure at remote sites and preparing for the core network upgrade and wide area network upgrade. In excess of 60

redundant virtual servers were decommissioned. A rigourous patching program in the server environment was undertaken. A project

commenced to migrate email from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013 to ensure that email is on supported hardware and software versions.

Procurement of a new firewall and a cleanup of firewall rules was undertaken for implementation of the new environment in early January

2016. Preparation for core switch and wide area network upgrades has commenced.


Highlights: Network and server reliability improved through the removal of redundant virtual servers, rigourous patching in the server environment and cleanup of

firewall rules.

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Information technology supportS019


Pilot testing has begun on a new cloud-based Service Desk tool to assist in the logging and monitoring of requests to the IT team. Other

existing processes and tools are being checked for their relevance in a modern Service Desk environment.


Highlights: Helpdesk functionality has been enhanced with increased resourcing.

Information technology business processesS020


The intranet replacement project has commenced with servers having been built and software installed. Sharepoint will be implemented over

the next quarter. Information architecture for the site has been completed. A new project site has been developed which will provide

collaboration functionality for staff.


Information technology development & integrationS021


During the December quarter, routine maintenance was performed by consolidating database servers to reduce resources being used and

keep aligned with latest versions.


Business Application SupportS022


Application support has been provided to staff and users. A review of the Certificate production process has been undertaken and

improvements are currently being tested. Process mapping and documentation was also updated and some templates redesigned. To support

the online digital images library, a review of Library digital asset management requirements including vendor demonstrations and information

has been conducted with a view to implementing a new improved system in 2016. Corporate Planning software requirements were reviewed

and vendor demonstrations/presentations were held.


Workers compensation programS023


Workers' compensation claims and workplace injuries continue to be managed. Although up slightly from the prior quarter, Randwick City

Council's claims cost ratio (ECCR) of 0.1709 is almost three times better than the industry claims cost ratio (ICCR) of 0.4482. As per last

quarter, this indicates that Randwick City Council is assisting their injured workers in their recovery encouraging them to resume work sooner

than most others in the industry. Compliance with WHS licences and competencies has been maintained. There have been no WorkCover

notifiable incidents for the quarter. All staff were trained in the incident reporting process in November 2015.


Highlights: As a result of consistent early intervention following incident notification, Randwick City Council continues to perform at a much better rate than the

industry average.

GIS ServicesS024


During the December quarter, seven new map layers were created for internal use including those displaying: street weed spraying zones and

information sign such as schools, churches and surf clubs. 32 map layers were updated including those displaying: drainage pits, open space

assets and the resident parking areas. 15 cartographic maps were produced including maps of: major DA locations, 2015 Kingsford Noodle

Markets stall layout, and trees along light rail corridor. One Property System data integrity update was made.


Online mapsS025

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In the December quarter, three interactive public maps were updated with latest information including: food premises' safety rating map,

council facilities map and waste collection dates. Interactive maps received 16,510 web requests.


Highlights: Uploaded 2016 waste collection dates into Waste Zone and Pickup Dates public interactive map.

2D & 3D mappingS026


In the December quarter, seven map layers were available on the internal mapping viewer for council staff to use including map layers

displaying pot-holes repaired in current financial year, sewer pipes, and retaining walls. In the December quarter enhancements were added

to the 0.2 square kilometres of existing LGA modelled in 3D. The modelling covers more details such as traffic lights, bins, and street lights. A

modelling procedure was created to model buildings, roofs and streets. The evaluation of alternate 3D software and existing data is



ICARE corporate valuesP003


The ICARE values were integral to the annual All Stops to Randwick corporate training event for all staff.Comments

Workforce ManagementP004


All recruitment and probation activities are undertaken consistent with established policies, procedures and best practice. The staff turnover

rate for October, November and December 2015 was 2.2 per cent. Activities to improve engagement were undertaken during the All Stops to

Randwick event in November where change management and resilience topics were covered.


Highlights: Council continues to have strong staff retention.

NSW Government Fit For Future ProgramP005


Information from the NSW State Government reviewed and responded to as required.Comments

Learning and Development StrategyP006


Learning and Development priorities this quarter have been: project management and delivery of the all staff annual training event in

November; continued course programing for ICARE about Learning 2015/2016; enhancing participation in the lifestyle lunches and Be-Fit

classes and providing greater flexibility for program scheduling; and reviewing data entry protocols and procedures and the reporting features

of our learning management system. ICARE about Learning programs received an overall high satisfaction rate of 99 per cent for the

December quarter (98 per cent year to date). 48 of the 77 programs in the 2015-2016 ICARE about Learning program have been sourced and

are being scheduled (62 per cent year to date).


Highlights: The successful delivery of the all staff annual All Stops to Randwick training event in November to 471 staff with an overall high satisfaction of 96 per cent

to the workshops and presentations; and the introduction of several new technology initiatives to the event.

TRIM document managementP007


All TRIM requirements were met. Following the software upgrade, the HPRM8 Training Manual has been updated to reflect the changes in this Comments

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version of TRIM. Overdue reports were presented to MANEX every week and training was provided as required.

WHS management systemsP008


Regular WHS training continues to take place; with a particular focus more recently on Incident Reporting, Emergency Management and

Response. The Contractor Management procedure has been updated by external consultants; and is currently under review. Once approved,

relevant staff will be trained in the Contractor Management procedure. Additional procedures have been reviewed / updated, with a total of

26 procedures now ready for approval by Council. Support of WHS Committees continues, with members of the WHS team attending and

facilitating meetings every month.


Highlights: Positive improvement of Emergency Management processes and procedures, across key Council sites. This includes the development and implementation

of new, site-specific Emergency Procedures manuals. Significant progress in the review and update of WHS Management System procedures.

Workforce Health, Safety, Risk and Welfare StrategyP009


"Be-Fit" fitness sessions and lifestyle lunches continue to be held and were regularly attended in the December quarter. These sessions will

continue to be made available for all Randwick City Council staff. Organisational-wide training took place in November, with the focus on

incident and injury prevention and prompt incident reporting. At-risk roles at Randwick City Council have been identified, and programs are

being developed to ensure effective controls are in place, and that relevant staff are trained and competent in those key roles.


Highlights: Increasing employee awareness on incident and injury prevention, prompt incident reporting and the development of programs aimed at reducing key

risks for high-risk roles at Randwick City Council.

Continuous Improvement1c

Business Excellence FrameworkP010


The Business Excellence Framework underpinned the delivery of several leadership workshops and the development of a leadership

competency framework.


Internal Audit PlanP011


Audit plan implemented according to schedule.Comments

Crisis Management (disaster recovery) Plan and Business Continuity PlanP012


The majority of Randwick City Council's departmental Business Continuity sub-plans have been reviewed and updated where required; the

remainder will be finalised early in 2016.


Highlights: The ongoing work to mitigate key risks and increased planning and preparation to ensure business continuity.

Workforce adaptabilityP013


A number of policies have been reviewed in line with changing organisational requirements. Council continues to communicate and meet

regularly with the relevant Unions and its employees to provide relevant updates and to provide opportunities for employees to raise and

discuss issues. We continue to regularly publish staff newsletters which update staff on important organisational updates and also employees'


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contributions. Staff have many opportunities to meet and share ideas at regular learning sessions and at our annual learning event.

Highlights: The overall employees' high satisfaction of the learning sessions and the annual learning event.

City Plan IndicatorsP014


Ongoing review of the City Plan Indicators continued.Comments

Quality management systemsP015


Research has been undertaken to inform the development of a plan to facilitate the achievement of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 - Quality

Management Systems for Randwick City Council.


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02 A Vibrant and Diverse Community RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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A Vibrant and Diverse Community02

Understanding Community Needs2a

Interagency meetingsS027


Council continued to convene and participate in a number of interagency and services network meetings covering a wide range of issues and

programs, including service coordination. During the December quarter, the State Government extended the funding period for agencies with

contracts to targeted early intervention programs to 30 June 2017. However there will be potential impacts of the community services sector

reforms on service delivery, which will be reported to the Council's Community Services Committee as information comes to light. During the

December quarter two reports, relating to the outcomes of the Volunteer's Expo, and the 2015 Local Government Aboriginal Network

Conference Award, were submitted to Council.


Implement the subsidised rental policyS028


All community agreements are entered into in accordance with Community Facilities Management Policy. Meetings are held with leasees up

front to go through the requirements of this policy. All renewed agreements during the period were entered into in accordance with this



Multi-purpose centres plans of managementS029


Budget forecasts have been achieved for both multi-purpose centres - Randwick Community Centre and Prince Henry Centre (PHC). 55 events

were held at PHC (35 commercial/20 non-commercial) and 133 bookings took place at the Randwick Community Centre (10 commercial/123

non-commercial) during the December quarter.


Highlights: Community events held included a Holdsworth House Disability Ball, Greek Welfare community celebration, Salvation Army Community lunch, Bushcare

volunteers lunch, Principals Forum with local police and SES emergency management training. The Mayor attended a photo shoot with local media to promote the

sustainable initiatives at PHC.

Moverly Children's CentreS030


A number of vacancies in the Centre that had become available in December 2015 were quickly filled. The Centre closed for two weeks over

the Christmas - New Year holiday period, re- opening on 11 January 2016.


Planned programs and activities for target groupsS031


In the December 2015 quarter, the following activities were held for the various target groups: an ICE Forum was organised by Randwick

CDAT and held at Souths Juniors; seven workshops on mental health for the aged and residents with a disability and their carers; an Eastern

Suburbs Aging Well Expo; an Employment Skills and Migrants Expo; the annual Lexington Place Busking Competition; and an Open Day for the

Randwick Literacy Institute. The January to June 2016 Parenting Calendar was produced.


Highlights: The Lexington Place Busking Competition; the Eastern Suburbs Aging Well Expo; and the Open Day at the Randwick Literacy Institute.

Translated content on Council’s websiteS032


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Randwick City Council provides information in five languages on its website (Chinese – traditional, Spanish, Russian, Indonesian and Greek).

During the December quarter Randwick City Council made various updates to translated pages in Indonesian, Greek, Chinese and Spanish.


Highlights: During the September quarter, there were 863 page views (614 unique page views). Content translated into Chinese continues to be the most visited page,

with 371 page views (accounting for 42.9 per cent of traffic to the translated content section of Council's website).

Project coordination to support our CALD communityS033


The partnership with Instituto Cervantes continued in this quarter, providing monthly Spanish Language Storytime sessions at Bowen Library.

This arrangement will continue in 2016.


Highlights: A new volunteer was recruited to develop and deliver a series of basic computing workshops in the Spanish language at Bowen Library. The class proved

popular with 10 attendees on average each session.

Provision of programs and activities for CALD communityS034


The library ran 49 activities for the CALD community during the October - December quarter, with an overall attendance of 570 people. A new

series of basic computing classes in Spanish was developed and delivered.


Highlights: Our Migrant Story: Mementos project was announced the winner of the Programs category of the Marketing Awards for Public Libraries in NSW.

Monitor and maintain infrastructure within the City at risk of vandalismS035


Investigations into graffiti and inspections are conducted throughout the City on a daily basis.Comments

Partner NSW Police and other Agencies in crime preventionS036


In the year to date, eleven applications for CCTV footage have been received and all processed within service level standards. Council officers

and Police have conducted two joint operations with NSW Police in the period in relation to activities in a public place and licensed premises.


Interagency partneringS037


The Council continues to work with key agencies to address a wide ranging community issues that impacts the residents of Randwick City.

Council officers have recently joined the Services Systems Group convened by NSW Department of Families and Communities (FAC), and the

Community Partnership Board Committee convened by the NSW Department of Health. These two partnership committees will be consulted in

joint projects aimed at addressing the needs of very disadvantaged public housing communities, and involvement in health related activities

for Randwick City residents, respectively.


A Cultural Randwick City and A Safer Randwick CityP016


Consultation with key stakeholders for a review of the A Safer Randwick City report is continuing. A review of action plan outcomes in the A

Cultural Randwick City is 70 per cent complete.


Library non-English language collectionsP017


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An analysis of community demographics has shown that our current collection development policy reflects the size and make-up of our CALD

communities. Further examination of borrowing patterns will inform our resource purchasing decisions.


Assist in project coordination to support our ATSI communityP018


Council helped the local Aboriginal community to coordinate the Breast Cancer Morning Tea event held at Yarra Bay House, and Christmas

activities for Elders in December. Planning has commenced for 2016 NAIDOC Week activities that will take place in the month of July.


Community Funding ProgramsP019


Preparation for and advertising of round 2 of the Cultural Community Grants Program now completed. Council continues to provide assistance

to general enquiries from prospective Cultural and Community Grant applications, due by 8 February 2016.


Strong Partnerships2b

Support local precincts and Chambers of CommerceS038


During the December quarter, Randwick City Council received 18 precinct meeting minutes, with 67 enquiries requiring action by Council.

Council received 8 requests from precincts for printing flyers during the quarter and produced 11,570 flyers for distribution. There was no

formal Combined Chambers Meeting held in the December quarter. However, during this period Council was in regular contact with the heads

of the local Chambers of Commerce, attended local meetings on request and addressed all enquiries.


On-site assistance to local service providersS039


Council continues to provide support to Kooloora Playgroup program at Malabar and to assist with various centre based activities on a one day

per week basis. Assistance to the Youth off the Streets program at South Maroubra continues on a regular basis.


Service Providers expoP020


'Volunteering Opportunities' brochure was produced and distributed in November 2015 following the Local Volunteer Expo held in the Town

Hall in September 2015. The brochure listed local agencies and service providers that could assist residents and visitors identify volunteering

opportunities. Planning has commenced for a future Volunteering Expo.


Community facilities2c

La Perouse Museum business planP021


Amendments to the Kamay Botany Bay Plan of Management are currently being reviewed by the National Parks and Wildlife Regional Advisory

Committee prior to approval by the Minister for the Environment. The amendments essentially provide for future uses in the La Perouse

Precinct that will allow the precinct to be managed and revitalised by third parties under a lease agreement. In preparation for Randwick

City’s future lease agreement, development of a business plan for the La Perouse Museum is continuing. To date a Preservation Needs

Assessment process by Council’s consultant conservator Sydney Artefacts Conservation, and preparation of contract documents for engaging

an appropriate building analysis consultant for the Museum have been completed.


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Highlights: Completion of a Preservation Needs Assessment (PNA) in October and submission of the PNA to National Library of Australia in November for completion

and acquittal of the Community Heritage Grant for the PNA project.

Cultural diversity2d

Implement the annual events calendarS040


Ten community events were held during October, November and December.Comments

Highlights: The Kingsford Noodle Markets were popular amongst families and had an increase in local restaurant participation. The Coogee NYE fireworks display

received positive feedback from the community.

Implement cultural events programP022


Delivery of 2015 Twilight Concert now fully completed. Planning for the 2016 Twilight Concert Program commenced in October and scheduled

for distribution to local residents by mid-February 2016. Cultural Advisory Panel brochure, inviting nominations to the Panel, being drafted for

distribution in February 2016.


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03 An Informed and Engaged Community RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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An Informed and Engaged Community03

Communicating Effectively3a

Apply corporate communication and visual design standardsS041


Approximately 79 publications were reviewed and proofed during the quarter. Publications included: posters, flyers, banners, signage,

brochures, newsletters and advertisements. These publications were edited to ensure brand consistency and were of high quality, averaging a

two day turnaround time which is well within the KPI of five days.


Communication plansS042


Council developed and implemented nine communications plans to inform and engage the community on various Council activities including

the Bali Commemoration Ceremony; Sydney’s White Ribbon Walk; Kingsford Noodle Markets; Coogee Carols, Coogee Sparkles; Chifley Skate

Park; Australia Day.


Community newslettersS043


The summer edition of Scene was produced and distributed in late November. The 16 page edition featured a special ‘Your rates at work’

article which highlighted Councils $34.8M Buildings for our Community program detailing completed works, works under construction and

future works. Other highlights included a complete event list of Christmas carols in Randwick City, a piece on Chifley Sports Reserve and a

feature on Mahon Pool. Over 63,000 copies were printed and distributed to every residential household in Randwick City. In addition, Council

published 12 editions of the weekly Randwick eNews. The average open rate was 32.1 per cent, and the average click through rate was 24.4

per cent which is considered a good rate. Subscribers to eNews fell from 15,621 in the last quarter to 15,412.


Highlights: Published the summer edition of Scene Community Magazine in November and distributed copies to some 63,000 households in Randwick City.

Graphic DesignS044


Council graphically designed 176 items which included a signage campaign about the Alison Road trees and event material for Christmas

Carols, Coogee Sparkles NYE and Kingsford Noodle Markets.


Banner pole advertisingS045


Four new street banner campaigns were developed, designed, printed and flown throughout Randwick City from October - December 2015.

Designs included Sydney’s White Ribbon Walk, Kingsford Noodle Markets, Christmas and Australia Day. In addition, Council flew four existing

banners in the greater city, including Generic Council banners; NRL Roosters and Rabbitohs banners; Matraville banners and Matraville

Christmas banners. Council recycled its old banners into more than 400 bags which are used as giveaways at Council events.


Highlights: Council recycled its old banners into more than 400 bags which are used as giveaways at Council events.

Council's websiteS046


To improve accessibility of content on the Council website, an accessibility report was run to identify all non-accessible documents. These Comments

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documents will be addressed and accessible versions will be provided to ensure compliance with government accessibility guidelines.

Online servicesS047


The new ePlanning portal has been released to staff for use with customers. This provides an online service which provides information about

planning and development rules for each address in the Randwick City local government area. Staff will use this portal when providing

planning information to customers. The portal will be released for general use once further testing is completed. Other online services are

being testing in preparation for release.


Innovative hardware, software and web solutions for library customersS048


New technological solutions are being evaluated and implemented on an ongoing basis. Public internet was upgraded in all three library

locations in December 2015. Preparations for the new Library Management System upgrade to the new version is underway. This will be

followed by the Enterprise discovery layer and BlueCloud Analytics tool upgrade. Extensive testing has also been conducted for the Mobile

Circulation module in preparation for the Bowen Library refurbishment where two staff desks will be merged into one service point.


Access to local e-government servicesS049


During the reporting period infrastructure packages for a new extranet service for collaboration with external partners was delivered.Comments

Highlights: Extranet infrastructure delivered

Library Management SystemP023


LMS functionalities are being evaluated on a daily basis based on the library requirements, best industry practices, suggestions and

recommendations from the SirsiDynix professionals, feedback from library staff and patrons. Monthly consultations with the vendor are

continuing to ensure optimal use of the system. The Library has signed up for a new product, BlueCloud Visibility, which will allow library

holdings to be discovered by users through a Goodle search.


Promoting Services3b

Lifelong learning opportunitiesS050


Randwick City Library provides lifelong learning opportunities via talks, educational workshops and information in various formats including

audio-visual, print and electronic. The majority of electronic resources are accessible remotely 24/7. There were 440,100 searches of the

online databases during the December quarter which is reflective of seasonal trends, resulting in a financial year-to-date figure of 1,249,963

searches. In the December quarter, Randwick City Library facilitated 105 one-on-one TECHConnect sessions, 20 TECHConnect workshops (in

both English and Chinese), four Tech Savvy Seniors sessions (delivered in Mandarin), three Spanish computer classes, two Talking Tech

sessions, one HSC study seminar and two parenting talks.


Highlights: TECHConnect workshops in both English and Mandarin covering topics of “Skype”, “Social Media”, “Introduction to the Internet”, “Computer Basics” “iPad”

and “Android devices” attracted 97 attendees. 39 attendees participated in “Tech Savvy Seniors” delivered in Mandarin in a program funded by Telstra. Talking Tech

sessions covering the topics of “Internet Safety Basics” and “Twitter” attracted 50 attendees. An HSC talk for students focusing on study skills attracted 42 attendees.

A parenting talk presented by lifestyle coach Ischa Ropert attracted 42 attendees.

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Community Involvement3c

Effective consultation plansS051


Council commenced the first of a number of parking recovery consultations to seek feedback from residents about plans to increase parking

by introducing angle parking. Council also continued with a number of ongoing consultations commenced in the previous quarter such as the

Newmarket Inglis DCP, Cycleway Construction Review and Alcohol Free Zones. A meeting of the Community Light Rail Support Plan

Committee was held and the Council informed the community about the Government's exhibition of modifications to the CBD and South-East

Light Rail Project.


Highlights: Council commenced the first of a number of parking recovery consultations to seek feedback from residents about plans to increase parking by introducing

angle parking.

Social MediaS052


Council uses a variety of social media platforms to listen to, inform and engage with the community. Council posted 69 posts on Council's

Facebook page and the number of followers grew from 9,752 to 10,308. Council's YouTube channel had 65,416 views, up from 65,111 at the

end of the September quarter. A total of 113 tweets were posted from the Randwick City Council twitter account (@randwickcouncil) which

now has 1,465 followers (up from 1,344 in the September quarter). The Mayor's twitter account (@RandwickMayor) posted 89 tweets and the

account has 1,522 followers. Council's Instagram account (@randwickcouncil) has 999 followers (up from 721 in the September quarter) and

was updated with 14 new posts this quarter.


Highlights: Council's Facebook page reached a significant milestone of 10,000 followers - one of the highest followings for a metropolitan council.

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04 Excellence in Urban Design and Develo... RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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Excellence in Urban Design and Development04

Improved Design4a

Light Rail strategic developmentP024


Detailed design of the light rail project has progressed during this quarter, with Council providing comment on design packages for public

domain, landscape, trackworks, civil and utilities works. Council's work to improve outcomes on the Alison Road alignment has been

presented to Transport for NSW. At the Kingsford interchange Council has engaged consultants to investigate alternative arrangements that

improve accessibility, safety and visual impacts around the stop. In relation to relevant design and development standards, work has

commenced on strategic reviews of the three town centres on the light rail route. The scope of these projects will include investigating

appropriate design responses for future development on the light rail corridor.


Plan and Design controls for Kingsford Commercial CentreP025


Dwelling capacity analysis for the Kingsford Centre has been completed and will be incorporated into the background issues paper. The UNSW

City Futures Centre has agreed to provide research, analysis and modelling for the Centre. This work will input into comprehensive strategic

planning for the town centre.


Highlights: The UNSW City Futures Centre provided preliminary analysis of the existing Kingsford Centre built environment and expected demand on the proposed

light rail. Work on the background issues paper for the Centre has progressed and a land use survey was completed during the quarter.

Architecture Talks and Urban Design AwardsP026


The Architecture on Show Series is a community engagement initiative aimed at creating a better understanding of the value of good

architecture and design. Curated by the Australian Institute of Architects, the talks provide the opportunity for the community to interact with

design practitioners responsible for key architecture and urban design projects in Randwick City. During the December quarter, the final two

talks of the Architecture on Show series were held.


Highlights: The Architecture on Show Series has been completed with 3 talks this year on the winning designs in the Randwick City Architecture and Urban Design

Awards and the integration of light rail infrastructure elements with Randwick City's public domain from an urban design perspective.

Robust Development Framework4b

Processing DAsS053


Council continues to perform in processing DAs within target timeframes. In the December quarter, Council determined 90.67 per cent of DAs

under delegated authority within 60 days (net time). 63.7 per cent of DAs under delegated authority were determined within 40 days (net

time). The mean (gross) processing time for DAs was 76.83 days while the median (gross) processing time for DAs was 54.98 days.


Design Excellence PanelS054


Work on the joint tender documentation between Randwick and Waverly Councils is ongoing.Comments

DA applicant satisfactionP027

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The results of the independent survey of customers' satisfaction with Council's DA processing service indicated a consistently high level of

service provided to applicants. Workshops have been organised with staff in March to discuss recommendations and capitalise on the

opportunity for new efficiencies and an enhanced customer experience.


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05 Excellence in Recreation and Lifestyl... RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

Plan 2015-16

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Report Status

Excellence in Recreation and Lifestyle Opportunities05

Maximise Open Space Use5a

Kensington Park plan of managementP028


The drafting of the Background Paper is underway. In-house consultation with various Council departments has been completed and

comments received are summarised in the Background Paper. This Background Paper will inform the preparation of a landscape concept plan

and a consultant brief has been drafted.


Highlights: Briefed the Mayor and Ward Councillors, seeking early feedback on the proposed community consultation strategy and issues that need to be addressed in

the Plan of Management.

Consultation for Coastal Walkway continuationP029


Development Application for the Coastal Walkway link through the NSW Golf Course is 90 per cent complete. Further environmental

investigation is required. Discussions with The Coast Golf Course regarding further extension of the Coastal Walkway are ongoing.


Design Coastal Walkway continuationP030


Documentation of the Western Walking Track that links South Maroubra Beach to Pioneers Park is 95 per cent complete. Final negotiations in

regards to future asset management of the Walkway is underway between NSW National Parks and Randwick City Council.


Highlights: Final handover of north western lot from Commonwealth Government to the NSW National Parks will allow the unimpeded construction of the walkway.

Range of Activities5b

Community programs at Des Renford Leisure CentreS055


Des Renford Leisure Centre (DRLC) achieved a 17 per cent increase in attendances for the July to December period compared to the same

period last year. The facility averaged over eighteen thousand visits per week with Learn to Swim participation maintaining excellent numbers

and Gym membership achieving their highest ever membership numbers since the new facilities opened in October 2013. The

Council-supported Victor Chang Charity Day was again held at DRLC, with the charity achieving their largest ever fundraising amount and over

6,000 people attending the day's activities. The day featured the Largest Thong Race World Record attempt which attracted over 500

participants, slightly short of the record, but proved to be a worthwhile family friendly event which will be replicated at next year's Charity



Highlights: The Council-supported Victor Chang Charity Day achieved their largest ever fundraising amount.

Heffron Park Plan of ManagementP031


The construction of the Synthetic Playing Fields is now complete. Council has entered into the 12 month defects liability period.Comments

Highlights: Construction of the Synthetic Playing Fields has been completed. Fields are now operational.

Chifley Sports Reserve playgroundP032

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Council have selected a preferred Contractor for the construction of the Chifley Sports Reserve All Abilities Playground. The project is

scheduled to commence construction in early 2016.


New Open Space Creation5c

Advocate for Malabar Headland AccessP033


Detailed design documentation and estimated costing for the western walkway on Malabar Headland National Park is being finalised for NPWS

endorsement. Work commenced on a draft Memorandum of Understanding between NPWS and Council covering the construction process and

ongoing maintenance of the track once finished.


Highlights: Final negotiations are underway to facilitate the transfer of the eastern lot from Commonwealth Government ownership to the NSW Government as

National Park in early 2016.

Open space opportunities in line with light railP034


Concept designs being finalised for the proposed Plazas at Waratah Ave, Randwick and Meeks St, Kingsford in preparation for consultation

and exhibition. Council continues to work with TfNSW reviewing the design and providing ongoing feedback and requests for design

improvements for the public domain for the light rail project. Design review throughout different design stages prior to construction to be

consistent with Council’s Light Rail Urban Design Guidelines. An Urban Design Study is currently in progress to identify opportunities for

public domain improvements for the Kingsford Terminus and surrounding area. Concept designs have been developed and consultation

commenced for streetscape improvement opportunities for side streets along the light rail alignment. Concept designs are currently being

developed for formalising east west bicycle links that connect to the light rail stops. These links will connect Coogee Beach to Day Avenue,

Kensington via Randwick Terminus and UNSW Lower Campus Stop and the second link will be along Sturt Street and Bundock Street

connecting to the west via Kingsford Terminus.


Innovative Library Programs5d

Library resource acquisitionsS056


Library loans for the December quarter, including electronic resources totalled 197,728. Usage of online library resources has been steadily

growing - circulation of eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines has gone up 14.3 per cent in comparison to the same quarter last year. Circulation in the

other areas remain stable.


Implement Library calendar of eventsS057


In the December quarter, Randwick City Library ran 449 individual events, attended by 10,673 people. Regular preschool and children's

activities and technology focused classes (such as the Talking Tech and TECHconnect series) continue to be strongly patronised. Year to date,

Randwick City Library has run 979 individual events attended by 19,916 people.


Highlights: Authors who delivered talks in the December quarter included: Andres Fowler, Beth Yahp, Annette Marfording, Peter FitzSimons, Cecile Yazbek, Marc

Fennell and Professor Louis G Herman, to a total number of 396 attendees. Post-event feedback showed 94 per cent of respondents rated that the event met their

expectations and 96 per cent rated the overall impression of the event as “very good” or “outstanding”. Feedback from the Talking Tech series showed 89 per cent of

respondents rated that the event met their expectations and 81 per cent rated the overall impression of the event as “very good” or “outstanding”.

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Implement Library Outreach ProgramS058


A new partnership with the Royal Hospital for Women commenced during this quarter, with Council taking part in the 'Mumsense' program for

new parents run by midwives at the hospital. Library staff read stories, sang nursery rhymes and provided information about reading and

library programs to the 40 mothers and babies present. Seven families joined the Library as a result of this promotion.


Community feedback on Library servicesP035


Satisfaction surveys continue to be collected at all adult events, including the Author Talks and Talking Tech series. During the December

quarter, a new post-event satisfaction survey was developed and implemented for all seniors’ technology classes (including TECHconnect

Classes, TECHconnect Workshops and TECHconnect One-on-One.


Bowen Library refurbishmentP036


The contractor has been appointed and work will begin on the refurbishment on 18 January and be complete by 12 February. All work will be

done after hours so as not to interrupt the library service.


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A Liveable City06

Public Asset Management6a

Maintain drainage infrastructureS059


During the December quarter 51 requests for clearing blocked drains were responded to. In addition Council undertook proactive clearing of

numerous pipelines using high pressure jetblasting and undertook ongoing pit inspections and cleaning. Council also attended to several

emergency flooding requests triggered by heavy rains in December and successfully cleared drains to alleviate flooding.


Highlights: Completing a high percentage of Service Requests within the service level agreements.

Maintain open space areasS060


During the December quarter, scheduled maintenance was completed on or near time in accordance with the maintenance schedules for Open

Space. Various maintenance requests from the community were completed on or near service level agreement standards and including Coastal

Walkway maintenance at a 100 per cent completion rate, naturestrip maintenance at 90.3 per cent, parks lighting maintenance 100 per cent

completed, parks water service maintenance 90.9 per cent completed, parks tree maintenance 70 per cent completed and weed removal and

spraying 100 per cent completed.


Highlights: In addition to scheduled maintenance work, Council responded to a total of 52 requests from the community following the storm event that occurred in

mid December across the Eastern Suburbs. Council repaired storm damage including fallen trees and tree branches, scouring and erosion from storm water, and

flooding of drainage systems.

Maintain Council owned buildings and structuresS061


During the December quarter all scheduled maintenance for Council owned buildings and structures was completed as per schedule. These

services included general building maintenance and cleaning, and maintenance to air conditioning, lifts and fire services. Council also

responded to other reactive maintenance requests from internal and external customers which were also completed on time.


Maintain road pavement infrastructureS062


During the December quarter, Council completed 234 pothole and road pavement repairs.Comments

Maintain footpathsS063


During the December quarter, Council completed 65 footpath and 27 kerb and gutter requests.Comments

Asset Management SystemP037


Investigation of a suitable asset management system is ongoing.Comments

Footpath Construction and Renewal ProgramP038


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A total of 75 per cent of the 2015-16 footpath program has been completed. Work will recommence after the summer holiday period.Comments

Highlights: Council has completed 75 per cent of the 2015-16 footpath program.

Road rehabilitation programP039


The 2015-16 roads program is underway and is on schedule for completion as planned.Comments

Building Capital Maintenance ProgramP040


The capital works maintenance program is progressing well and on track. A minor upgrade of Council property in Waratah Ave, Randwick

leased to ROCK Childcare is now complete. The DA for the Maroubra Pavilion has been approved and is now awaiting a construction certificate.

Work at the Randwick Literary Institute is ongoing and will be staged around the use of the building.


Highlights: The completion of the upgrade to premises leased to ROCK childcare centre.

Drainage ProgramP041


The drainage program has commenced with numerous projects being completed. Several large projects are scheduled to commence in the

March quarter including works at Malabar Beach and a drainage upgrade at 250 Beauchamp Road, Matraville.


Coogee commercial centre upgradeP042


The documentation of the Coogee Bay Road commercial centre upgrade is 80 per cent complete. Negotiations are being finalised for the under

grounding of the electricity wires and installation of new smart poles. The scope of the project has been broadened to include improvements

to the Outdoor Cafe Structure to further enhance the streetscape.


Buildings for our Community Program (Year 6)P043


Building for our Community program Year 6 project update: Randwick Town Hall - planning stage continuing including preparation of concept

design and approvals submission. Coogee Fishermen's Club - consultant reporting complete and planning ongoing. Gordon Bay Fishermen's

Club - consultant reporting complete and planning ongoing. Heffron Park Indoor Sports Centre - master planning stage ongoing. Heffron Park

(southern) Clubhouse - concept planning stage continuing. Kensington Community Centre - construction to start in early 2016. Coogee (lower

promenade) Amenities - detailed documentation complete integrating Coogee Storage Shed. Mahon Pool Amenities - analysis of public

consultation underway.


City Places and Image6b

Business centre and beach cleaningS064


Scheduled cleaning for town centres and beaches across the City have been met in line with service level agreements.Comments

Community Safety6c

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Implementation of Safety by Design ProvisionsS065


The protocol has been reviewed in consultation with the key stakeholders.Comments

Eastern Suburbs Liquor AccordS066


In the year to date, twenty two (22) submissions have been made to the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority in respect to applications

for a liquor licence. One meeting of the Eastern Beaches Liquor Accord was held in the period.


UNSW Crime Prevention PartnershipS067


One UNSW Crime Prevention Partnership meeting was held in the period.Comments

Building regulation and complianceS068


In the 2015/16 year to date, Council has investigated and acted upon 419 building regulation and compliance related customer action

requests and issued 121 notices and orders in relation to building regulation and compliance matters. 458 Local Approval applications were



Building Certification and Fire Safety programsS069


In the year to date, Council issued 42 Construction Certificates and 13 Complying Development Certificates, and carried out 381 building

inspections. 51 fire safety upgrade assessments and 186 fire safety inspections were carried out. 50 notices/orders and 7 penalty notices

were issued and 1,006 fire safety certificates/statements were processed.


Food safety programsS070


In the December quarter, Randwick City Council undertook a range of regulatory activities including responding to 121 customer service

requests; 214 primary inspections of food businesses; 78 re-inspections of food premises and approval of 138 temporary food vendors/stalls.


Water quality at DRLCS071


The Des Renford Leisure Centre achieved 100 per cent compliance with the NSW Health Guidelines for Public Swimming Pools at all times

during the December quarter. Independent laboratory water tests and NSW Health Department checks were regularly conducted with the

facility achieving outstanding results for all bodies of water.


Road safety educationS072


To date over 250 child car seat installation vouchers have been redeemed and over 750 issued (each have a 3 month expiry date). Council has

implemented a new on-line application process and evaluation survey which has received a very positive response from voucher applicants.


Highlights: Effective advertisements led to a marked increase in applications - with over 80 child car seat installation vouchers issued in week following advertisement

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Drug and alcohol intervention projectsP044


A major community ICE Forum was held on 18 November 2015 at South Sydney Juniors. The Forum included an expert discussion panel of

local members of all 3 levels of government; medical; law and order; rehabilitation / treatment professionals; and an ex-abuser of ICE. Around

120 residents attended the Forum which was organised by the Randwick Community Drug Action Team. A submission from the Forum is being

prepared for the National Ice Taskforce.


Highlights: The ICE Forum gave Randwick City residents the opportunity to discuss issues associated with the use of the drug ICE with experts in the medical, law and

order and rehabilitation / treatment fields.

Initiatives to reduce domestic violenceP045


Council staff, in partnership with members of the Eastern Suburbs Domestic Violence service agencies, successfully completed two awareness

raising activities during Domestic Violence Awareness month. An awareness session was delivered to staff at the All Stops to Randwick annual

corporate training event. A session was also delivered at Randwick Girls High School.


Surf and water safety education programP046


Council Lifeguards delivered the Surf Educational program to 20 local primary schools. The revamped program was very well received by all

students and teachers with the new video game styled educational movie proving to maintain the children's attention whilst teaching them

important beach life skills.


Strategic land Use Framework6d

Sub-Regional Planning StrategyP047


As part of the district planning process, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) held a technical working group session where the

findings of key barriers to economic growth for the Randwick Education and Health strategic centre were presented. The findings will help

formulate specific directives and/or actions for the Randwick Education and Health strategic centre in the district plan which is yet to be

finalised. While new dwelling and employment targets have not yet been released by the DPE, preliminary work has been undertaken into

historical dwelling completions by location. This work will feed into a wider strategic review of housing capacity and growth in Randwick City.


ePlanning opportunitiesP048


Implementation of the ICON Plan Browse/Enquiry system culminated in a rollout of the ePlanning tool to internal users in Development

Assessment, Strategic Planning and Customer Service following intensive nexusing and testing of the database. Significant progress was

achieved in creating a computerised 3D model of the Randwick Junction Town Centre for the town centre study using Sketch-up and

Earth-mine software. Analysis of existing Section 149 Certificates has included: reviewing the template extracts, wording and grammar for

the s149 Certificates; and liaising with adjoining Council's to ensure consistency as part of the overall business analysis of the S.149 process.


Highlights: Presentation of the ICON Plan Browse/Enquiry system to senior management in November 2015 and presentation to internal users in DA, Strategic

Planning and Customer Service on 23 December 2015 to announce rollout of the plan browse and plan enquiry system. Completion of a working 3-D block model for

the existing Randwick Junction Town Centre in November 2015.

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Development Control PlanP049


The Randwick Comprehensive DCP in ICON has completed internal testing and final refinements, in readiness for a planned launch early in

2016. A draft revision to the DCP chapter of the Inglis Newmarket site was exhibited during this quarter, and when reported and finalised for

adoption in 2016 it will be incorporated into an updated online version in ICON.


s.94A Development Contribution PlanP050


Work has continued on streamlining the monitoring of s94A monies received. The current s94A monitoring process is being amended so that

s94A levies received will be split into 2 categories - Development Applications and Complying Development Certificates.


Highlights: Preliminary discussions were held on developing an internal monitoring system for s94A funds received.

Housing Diversity6e

Home maintenance and modification programS073


In November 2015, Council entered into a new service agreement under the Commonwealth Housing Support Program with the Federal

Department for Social Security (now the Department for Health) to deliver the Home Maintenance and Modification Program (HMMP) for a

further 3 years, to June 2018, to eligible residents of Randwick and Waverley LGAs. During the December quarter, Council worked to update

its program policies, procedures and practices to meet newly established Commonwealth program standards. The funding agency will conduct

a Quality Review on the Randwick HMMP in January 2016. During the December quarter, Council completed 529 home modifications jobs (YTD

- 984) and 95 home maintenance jobs (YTD - 186). Reporting requirements for both State and Federal government agencies are up to date

and all referrals through the My Aged Care portal were responded to within 5 working days.


Council's affordable rental housing portfolioS074


During the December quarter, no issues were raised and all dwelling units continued to be fully occupied in accordance with the Council's

Affordable Rental Housing Procedures and Guidelines.


Affordable housing opportunitiesP051


During the December quarter, submissions in response to the exhibition of the draft amendments to Randwick City Council Development

Control Plan 2013 Chapter E5 - which seeks to incorporate 5 per cent to total residential accommodation be provided as affordable housing

were reviewed. It is expected that the outcomes of the exhibition period will be reported in the March quarter.


Distinctive neighbourhoods6f

Randwick Junction commercial centre urban design review in line with light railP052


A working draft on the Randwick Junction town centre Issues Paper has been completed for review and coordination with concurrent town

centre reviews of Kensington and Kingsford. Project planning for the Strategy Development stage of the town centre review has commenced,

in coordination with milestones for Kensington and Kingsford town centre reviews.


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07 Heritage that is Protected and Celebr... RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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Heritage that is Protected and Celebrated07


Promote heritage services and collectionsS075


There have been four heritage events co-hosted in the October-December period at the Bowen Library, with over 130 people in attendance.

Speakers included local resident Annette Butterfield who spoke about her ancestor, local impressionist artist, Sophie Stephanoni. The

attendance and feedback from attendees was all positive.


Highlights: Attendance at the Cape Banks Family History Society lecture series has increased with the new venue at Bowen Library and the Library's promotion of

their talks. More joint events are planned for 2016, including educational workshops utilising Ancestry.com and Beginner's Workshops for family historians.

Library Heritage materialS076


Software for hosting of digital heritage resources has been reviewed and Cumulus and Portfolio products have been compared. A

recommendation for purchase has been made.


Heritage advice on developmentsS077


During the quarter specialist heritage advice was provided on 39 development applications referrals, as well as a design modification for the

Eastern Suburbs light rail.


Heritage item maintenanceP053


Planning has commenced for the installation of a lift and replacement roofing for the Randwick Town Hall. Development approval has been

obtained for the Caretaker’s cottage at Wylies Baths remedial works due to commence by mid 2016. Consultants have been working on the

construction drawings for the Memorial for Fallen Lifesavers – Stage 2 Memorial Wall Package, due for completion early 2016.


Heritage documentation and informationP054


Heritage review and investigations have been incorporated into the Town Centre Studies currently underway for Randwick Junction and

Kingsford. Design and text for the updated Sculptures, Monuments and Outdoor Cultural Material brochure being reviewed.


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08 A strong Local Economy RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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A strong Local Economy08

Vibrant commercial centres8a

Local Business studyP055


The Randwick Junction, Kingsford and Kensington town centre business audits will be expanded to include Australian Business Register data

and floorspace usage ratios. Planning for the business audits for the rest of the Randwick City town centres will commence in March 2016.


Partner Chambers of Commerce & business associationsP056


Representatives from the local Chambers are invited to all Council economic development events and functions. Council is in regular contact

with the respective heads of the local Chambers of Commerce and Randwick City Tourism Inc. Current economic and statistical information is

provided to these groups on a regular basis and local meetings are attended on request. During the December quarter: Council met with the

Malabar Business Association to discuss their plans to promote Malabar village as an area ready for investment and increased commercial

development; through an onsite meeting in the Matraville Town centre encouraging increased membership in the Matraville Chamber was

discussed with local businesses; Council partnered with Randwick City Tourism Inc to organise the Randwick City Business and Economic

Leadership Forum "The New Visitor Economy"; how to better meet changing local business needs was discussed at a meeting with the NSW

Business Chamber; Council partnered with the Kingsford Chamber of Commerce to hold the very successful and well attended Kingsford

Noodle Markets; and Council supported the Matraville Chamber of Commerce with the organisation of the annual Matraville Carols.


Highlights: Council partnered with the Kingsford Chamber of Commerce to hold the very successful and well attended Kingsford Noodle Markets in December.

Economic Development StrategyP057


This project is scheduled to commence in a future reporting period.

Hospital and University Precincts8b

Health & Education precinct master planningP058


A second meeting of the University Hospital Precinct Reference Group was held in October 2015. A key focus was on the public domain

strategy for the Precinct in relation to the proposed light rail works, including the revised location of the Randwick Light Rail terminus in High

Street, and amendments to the UNSW High Street stop. These two changes were the subject of a planning Modification, which was on public

exhibition in December 2015. The Reference Group also discussed the scope and implementation of works identified in the S94A plan in and

around the Precinct. Employment growth in the Precinct is tracked using a combination of Census Journey to Work data in relevant years, and

in intervening years employment estimates are provided via Economy ID (available on council's website). Development activity in the precinct

is also used as a qualitative indicator of employment growth.


Effective partnerships8c

Business & Economic networksS078


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The second 2015-16 Randwick Business and Economic Leadership Forum - The New Visitor Economy - was held at the Prince Henry Centre on

5 November. Guest speakers included Professor the Honourable Bob Carr, MP and NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism Jonathan O'Dea

and Simonne Shepherd, General Manager, Industry Partnerships and Government Policy. The event was very well received and was attended

by more than 100 people.


Promote local business online and social media presenceP059


A Business Enterprise Centre 'Content Marketing Workshop' was hosted by Council in December 2015. Workshops that focus on strategies to

assist businesses along the Light Rail corridor have been scheduled for January and February 2016. Business workshops focussing on

database skills are currently under development with the Eastern Suburbs Business Enterprise Centre in conjunction with the Small Business

Friendly Councils Program being run by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner. The workshops will be free for Randwick businesses

and residents and are scheduled to be held March/April 2016.



Randwick City tourismP060


Council hosted all three Randwick City Tourism Inc Executive Committee and the AGM during the December quarter. Council provided

administrative support to Randwick City Tourism Inc as well as updated local and international tourism statistics, current tourism information

and information of general interest.


Highlights: Council partnered with Randwick City Tourism Inc to organise The New Visitor Economy forum in November 2015.

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09 Integrated and Accessible Transport RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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Integrated and Accessible Transport09

Active Transport Network9a

Randwick City Bike PlanP061


A new bike route construction priority list was formulated after a consultation was conducted in September and October 2015. This updated

list was approved by Council in November 2015. In accordance with this list, we are now working towards completing the detail design of a

bi-directional cycleway along Doncaster Avenue, Houston Road, General Bridges Crescent and Sturt Street in Kingsford and Bundock Street,

Randwick as well as a route analysis and concept design for a cycleway that will connect Coogee Beach to the newly built Day Avenue



Highlights: A new bicycle route construction priority list was passed by Council on 10 November 2015. This construction priority list will be a guide for the

implementation of bike routes in Randwick LGA.

Pedestrian accessibilityP062


On-going roll out of pedestrian projects has been occurring - especially in the Kensington and Coogee Pedestrian and Mobility Plan (PAMP)

areas. Applications have been made to RMS / TfNSW for additional funding for pedestrian works.


Sustainable Transport9b

Promote private vehicle alternative transportS079


Randwick City Council continues to make car share parking spaces available as more residents decide to use care share vehicles. From

September to December, an additional 239 residents and businesses joined the car share scheme, resulting in 3,660 members at the end of

December 2015. Given the current membership levels, and based on the August 2014 survey of the opinion of Randwick car share members, it

is likely that an additional 787 vehicles would be parked on the streets if car sharing was not available.


Council's fleet emissionsS080


Cumulative fleet vehicle emissions for the 2015-2016 period to date, excluding biodiesel, is estimated around 674 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.Comments

Integrated Transport9c

Work with key stakeholders during light rail implementationP063


During the December quarter regular meetings have been held with internal stakeholders, external agencies and with the public in order to

get the best outcome for light rail project. The design of angle parking project is continuing. The early works and initial construction sites for

the light rail project will be established from January / February 2016.


Traffic Management9d

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Implement operational parking patrol programsS081


In the 2015-16 year to date, Council received and actioned a total of 2,187 parking related Customer Service Requests. Of these 99.9 per cent

were actioned within service level agreed time frames. Council undertakes regular patrols of school zones, business centres, resident parking

areas and beachside locations to monitor and regulate relevant parking controls.


Road safety initiativesP064


The Council has an on-going program of investigating crash locations with a view to seeking appropriate remedial treatments in order to

reduce the frequency and / or severity of collisions. Detailed design is being finalised regarding two projects where succesful applications for

remedial treatments were made to RMS. Construction to commence in March - for completion by June 2016.


Parking Management9e

Area based parking schemeP065


Work is continuing on developing the Strategy.Comments

Commercial Centre Parking Management StrategyP066


On-site parking surveys at a number of the smaller commercial centres has commenced.Comments

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10 A Healthy Environment RCC Quarterly Report - December 2015 - 2015-16 Operational Plan Operational

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A Healthy Environment10

Leader in Environmental Sustainability10a

Sustainability calendar of events and workshopsS082


7 workshops / courses were conducted at the Randwick Community Centre, of which 3 ran over 7 consecutive weeks. These included seed

saving; balcony gardening; bike maintenance; permaculture orchard; sustainable living; and organic gardening. Around 9 activity sessions

were organised for the Spring Marine and Coastal Discovery Program with most activities around South Maroubra and Little Bay. In addition

approximately 6 school visits were conducted at Randwick Community Centre covering energy and water saving subjects. The Best Gift in the

World Christmas campaign was held at the outdoor classroom at Randwick Community Centre.


Sustainability projects with external partnersS083


Three different areas of UNSW participated in separate projects with Council. One involving post graduate research into developing a

"Resilient Randwick" project; the second involved 14 students undertaking a comprehensive tour of Randwick Community Centre and

Environment Park for study purposes; and the other a briefing and presentation with the industry projects area of the Michael Crouch

Innovation Centre on new approaches to recovering waste materials. SSROC is involving member Councils with a number of new combined

project developments around energy from waste, energy services and a sustainability atlas. Through the Origin Energy partnership, residents,

businesses and schools will be able to access discounts on a number of renewable and energy saving measures for their buildings.


School sustainability projectsS084


During the December quarter, six classes of students (of around 120 students) attended the energy and water saving workshops for schools

at the Randwick Community Centre.


3-Council collaborationP067


The final version of the Low Carbon Future Plan for the 3 Councils was presented to the Steering Committee for consideration with a report to

Councils due early in 2016. Analysis of results of the completed Bin Trim project with local cafes and restaurants has resulted in a staff

briefing and project plan being developed on offering commercial food waste collection and processing to local businesses. A workshop was

held for staff from the 3 Councils on the preparation of a Sustainable Water Plan covering the eastern suburban Councils. Sustainable

Business Water project has ended for local business with final results being collated. 10% Challenge results also being collated following

projects completion.


Community gardensP068


By the end of 2015 Council had approved funding for 11 school's food and native gardens. Council is providing assistance to two enquiries for

community gardens by interested residents, to test their eligibility against Council's Community Garden policy.


Native / permaculture gardensP069


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Following completion of the bush tucker and habitat trails at Randwick Community Centre (comprising stage 3 works), DA approval has been

exhibited for the final stage 4 works involving completion of the entrance signage and re-landscaping of the area linking the Community

Centre to the green space. Works anticipated to occur over next quarter.


Management of Environmental Risks10b

Tree work applicationsS085


Tree permit applications and DAs for Tree Works applications continued to be processed throughout the quarter.Comments

Sustainability frameworkP070


The development of the internal framework is well underway for presentation to MANEX.Comments

Heffron Park RemediationP071


All major works have been completed for Stage A of the Heffron Park upgrade. The installation of bollards and carpark line marking will

commence after the Christmas holiday period.


Highlights: Facilities are handed over to Council and now operational.

Floodplain risk managementP072


The current floodplain risk management projects are all progressing well with Committee Meetings, and the exhibition of draft Floodplain Risk

Management Studies and Plans is scheduled for the March quarter.


Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation PlanP073


The Environment Committee approved Randwick City's updated Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap at its December meeting.Comments

Highlights: Randwick City's updated Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap has been approved.

Biodiversity and Natural Heritage10c

Bush regeneration and revegetation programS086


Council's bush regeneration contractors have overall completed 50 per cent of their planned works in bushland reserves for the current

financial year. Bushcare volunteers working in bushland reserves have collectively increased the hours worked this December quarter by 249

hours. The number of volunteers has increased during this December quarter.


Highlights: An ecological burn was undertaken in the north east section of bushland within Randwick Environmental Park by NSW Fire and Rescue for Council. The

burn was successful and the burnt area is being monitored for natural regeneration of indigenous species.

Noxious and environmental weeds, and pest animal controlS087


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All requests for the eradication of noxious weeds were attended to within agreed service level standards during the December quarter.Comments

Street tree planting programP074


There were 127 street trees planted throughout the City during the December Quarter.Comments

Sustainable Waste Technologies10d

Waste Collection ServicesS088


During the October to December period, Council collected 12,852 tonnes of waste and recycling material through its waste collection services.

Of the domestic garbage collection this quarter, 4,518 tonnes were processed through Alternative Treatment facilities.


Waste education programsS089


Waste Management Calendars with waste, recycling and clean-up collection dates and service information were developed and distributed to

56,000 households. As part of Council’s targeted waste education program four streets were identified by collection drivers as recycling

contamination hotspots. Officers undertook more than 400 bin inspections, provided feedback and spoke to residents directly through door

knocks to educate directly regarding recycling contamination. This program resulted in 75% reduction in recycling contamination. Four major

community workshops were conducted providing information on waste management services, recycling and illegal dumping. There were

approximately 23 education sessions conducted to around 620 students at 8 local schools (the remaining 45 were attendees at our

community workshops.


Highlights: Targeted waste education program achieved 75% recycling contamination reduction.

Waste StrategyP075


The Council’s Waste Management Strategy is being reviewed, and a community survey and workshops have been carried out to identify

community views on waste management services and resource recovery. Through kerbside and recycling centre drop-off collection of dry

recyclables and garden organics, and the processing of 4,500 tonnes of garbage in Alternative Waste Treatment facilities, Council achieved 55

per cent landfill diversion rate of municipal solid waste during this quarter.


Highlights: Waste Management Strategy review underway. 55 per cent landfill diversion of municipal solid waste achieved.

Illegal dumping managementP076


Council participated in the annual nationwide Garage Sale Trail in October 2015. In Randwick 180 sales were held and all hosts of the sales

pledged not to illegally dump items not sold on the day. The targeted promotion of Councils clean up service was undertaken in identified

illegal dumping hotspot areas. Officers spoke directly with residents in hotspot areas and distributed flyers informing the environmental and

cost implications of illegal dumping. Regional Illegal Dumping squad is now in operation in Randwick. RID officers are targeting the hotspots.

Nil incidents of illegal dumping have been observed via the placement of CCTV at 6 locations. A number of operational improvements are

continuing to be made of deployed cameras.


Highlights: The Regional Illegal Dumping Squad (RID) is now operational in Randwick local government area.

Water conservation10e

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Beach and Coastal water qualityS090


Beachwatch results show water quality at all Randwick City beaches are good or very good.Comments

Water conservation projectsP077


Data on the alternate sources of water consumed for Oct - Dec 2015 show During the December quarter, stormwater harvesting provided

approximately 17,374 kilolitres of Council's water requirements across 12 Council sites while borewater provided approximately 64,151

kilolitres of water across 8 Council parks. This is equivalent to a water saving from alternate water sources of approximately 886 kilolitres per

day with the quarterly financial savings to Council in the order of $181,800 or approximately $2,000 per day for the quarter. Council

consumed a greater quantity of water during the quarter reflecting the hotter temperatures experienced. Planning and costing of the

Maroubra beach stormwater harvesting project should be completed by around June 2016.


Highlights: Chifley Reserve stormwater harvesting is currently on-line and saving approximately 2,267 kilolitres of potable water and financial savings of

approximately $5,000 for the quarter.

Stormwater, rainwater and wastewater harvesting projectsP078


The commissioning of Clovelly GPT pump well is now complete. The land survey required for the Maroubra Beach Stormwater Harvesting

project has now commenced.


Highlights: The Clovelly GPT pump well has been commissioned.

Irrigation Management SystemP079


This work is now completeComments

Energy conservation10f

Energy saving projectsP080


Energy and Greenhouse Management Plan was approved by Council following endorsement at the December meeting of the Environment

Committee. Installation of sub-metering equipment has been completed at Des Renford Leisure Centre and Council Works Depot with

installation planned for Council Administration building and Bowen Library early in 2016. Sub-metering will enable almost real-time

monitoring of our top energy consuming sites. Energy consumption for the December quarter is reported as 11,377 GJ of energy up from the

same quarter last financial year which was reported as 10,178 GJ energy. Cumulative greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and Council

operations for the quarter are 5,722 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.


Highlights: Approval of Energy and Greenhouse Management Plan by Council.

Renewable energy projectsP081


Renewable Energy Master Plan approved by Council at December Environment Committee meeting. DA application prepared for new 30

kilowatts of solar panels at Prince Henry Centre for consideration by Council. The electricity generated by Council's solar panels during the

December quarter is reported as 55,499 kWh slightly lower than the previous quarter indicating in part the influence of the wetter and


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cloudier months experienced for the quarter. Approximate savings achieved in CO2 for the quarter from Council's renewable energy

generation from its sites is in the order of 48 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Highlights: Approval by Council of the Renewable Energy Master Plan.

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