2014 Postgraduate Welcome Week Diary

Post on 02-Apr-2016

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Transcript of 2014 Postgraduate Welcome Week Diary


Visit the Welcome Week website for more information about Welcome Week activities, including details of the activities being arranged by your academic School throughout the week:


Also included in this welcome pack:• Student Healthcare Booklet & Forms• Money Advice Booklet

Contents Welcome to Bangor 2

Arriving at Bangor 8

Postgraduate Peer Guides 10

Student support and services 11

Health care information 15

Your academic School 16

Registration and fees 17

Communicating with you 21

Additional information 22

Campus Maps 25

Welcome Week activities 29

Your first meeting with your academic School 29

Semester dates 29

CHECK LIST1 Have you applied for University accommodation online?


2 Have you read the Healthcare Information and checked your MMR and meningitis C vaccination status?

3 Have you completed the ‘Family Doctor Services Registration’ form (if appropriate) and returned it to the surgery in the Stamped Addressed Envelope provided?

4 Have you read the enclosed ‘Money Advice’ leaflet? This gives further advice on the Awards, Student Loans, Banking and other financial considerations for new students.

5 Have you read the ‘Payment of Fees’ information in the ‘Registration and Fees’ section of this booklet and accordingly

made arrangements for payment of your tuition and hall fees?


Introduction by the Vice-Chancellor

Many congratulations on being accepted to Bangor University for your postgraduate

studies. Whether you are new to Bangor, or are returning to continue your studies here, a very warm welcome awaits you. You are about to join a vibrant and friendly academic community, and I’m sure that you will enjoy and make the most of the many opportunities available to you during your time at the university.

This booklet outlines some important information for you, including the procedures you will need to follow in order to register as a student. Following your arrival in Bangor, a wide range of events and activities have been planned for you as part of Welcome Week. I am sure you will all find this an enjoyable start to the academic year.

I hope you enjoy your time in Bangor and wish you every success in your studies here. Professor John G. Hughes Vice-Chancellor

Welcome by the Director of Taught Postgraduate studiesMy name is Mark Rayment, I am the Director of Taught Postgraduate studies at Bangor

University, and I would like to add my welcome to those of my colleagues.

The experiences you gain over the next year or two will remain with you for the rest of your lives. Our aim is to make these experiences academically challenging, socially enjoyable and personally transformational.

Whatever your background, current interests, and future goals, we hope that Bangor University will provide you with the opportunity to excel, and the support you need to achieve your fullest potential, both now and in the future.

Pob dymuniad da (Best wishes),

Mark Rayment Director of Taught Postgraduate Studies

Welcome to the Doctoral School

Welcome to Bangor University and to our research postgraduate community. In Bangor we have over 600 research postgraduates, mostly (but not exclusively) pursuing doctoral study. You are joining a community which has produced research graduates who, without any exaggeration, have taken up prominent positions in every corner of the globe. We are proud of our record in training research postgraduates and some of our programmes are at the leading edge of research training and experience innovation.

We have an active postgraduate community, organised by the Postgraduate Society. The Doctoral School has the overall responsibility for managing research postgraduate programmes and for postgraduate research training in the University, and I hope that you visit our website soon to find out more. It is my sincere wish that you make the most of this opportunity for studying at Bangor University and that you will also find time to enjoy yourself and make Bangor your home for the next few years.

Welcome Week is the start of new life as a Bangor student, and serves as an introduction to University life. It’s the ideal opportunity to make new friends and meet academic staff as well as a chance to finalise your modules, find your way around the campus and basically settle in before starting your studies.

The first step is of course arriving at Bangor – and you’ll find the necessary information about this on pages 8-9.

From the moment that new students arrive in Bangor at the start of Welcome Week there are a host of activities arranged on your behalf – varying from central events, activities within your academic School to events organised by the Students’ Union and the International Education Centre for International students. You’ll enrol as a student and automatically become a member of the Students’ Union, get a chance to join various clubs and societies as well as meet your lecturers.


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Most academic Schools organise their initial meetings with their new postgraduate students during a Welcome Week – see the relevant insert in the back of this book. You’ll also need to check the Welcome Week website to get the full details of the activities being arranged by your academic School.

The meetings listed on the insert in the back of this book are just the initial meetings; you need to check the website at www.bangor.ac.uk/welcomeweek to see the full programme of activities being arranged by your academic School. The International Student Support Service organises various events for postgraduate students – see pages 5 and 13 for further information. The Students’ Union (SU) is a key part of Bangor University and hosts activites which are all aimed at helping you to settle in and make friends. Details of the activities organised by the SU are included on the insert in the back of this book and in the Students’ Union Handbook (either sent to you with this pack, or available from the Students’ Union reception).

Look out for the ‘SU Heroes’, they’ll be there to let you know what’s going on. During the day the Students’ Union building is the one-stop shop for a range of information on the support and entertainment available to students. In the evening, the Students’ Union organises various Welcome Week events and nights out around the campus, including the University’s student venue, Academi night club.

For more information about the SU and its events, please see www.bangorstudents.com

Serendipity, the Students’ Union Freshers’ Fair is held on Wednesday and Thursday in Welcome Week giving you a chance to choose from a range of opportunities and activities to help you make the most of your time in Bangor.

There are over 150 different student sports clubs, societies and volunteering projects for you to choose from, and at Bangor, student membership of Students’ Union clubs and societies is free – you just have to decide which ones to join! Taking part in clubs and societies is a great way to meet people, to do something that you love or to try out something new, and it is also a fantastic way to develop your future employability. At Serendipity there will also be plenty of freebies and

information on various aspects of University life such as banking, insurance and student services. See the Students’ Union Handbook and www.bangorstudents.com for full details.

This booklet highlights some of the key elements of starting here as a postgraduate student – such as moving in to your accommodation, the registration process, and making the most of the academic and social activities that have been laid on for new students. It also refers to contact points for help and support, as well as providing you with information which you may find useful when you’ve started on your studies and want to know more about other activities and extra support that’s available.

A Postgraduate Induction Fair will be arranged – see the insert in the back of this booklet for details. This is a drop-in session which will give postgraduate students an excellent opportunity to find out about the services and support Bangor University has to offer.

International students (non-EU) are invited to an earlier, specifically targeted, orientation programme. This programme will run for three days prior to the general University Welcome Week and will provide specific information for international students on all aspects of studying and living in a different country. You will also be able to complete your University registration and all other practical details. Social events will be organised which will give you an opportunity to meet other students from all over the world and which will allow you to familiarise yourself with Bangor and the surrounding area. This orientation programme is specifically designed for international (non-EU and exchange) students and is in addition to the general University Welcome Week programme. www.bangor.ac.uk/international/support/welcome_week_programme

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“There are many great things about Bangor but the most important is that the staff and students of the University and the local people are very respectful, cooperative and friendly. Also, Bangor is located in incredible landscape surrounded by mountains, seas and historical places.” SANTOSH MUJALDE, from India, studying a PhD in Agriculture

“The best thing about Bangor is the amazing scenery, friends and the multitude of people from various nationalities you get to meet.” JOSHUA CHUA, from Singapore, studying an MSc in Applied Sports and Exercise Psychology

“Bangor’s student life is very active…From educational talks to sport activities to the summer ball – there is something for everyone here.” SHEEBA NAIR, from India, studying an MSc in Foundations of Clinical Neuropsychology

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Arrival details for those living in University Accommodation Students who have been allocated a room in a University Hall of Residence will receive a Residence Agreement in the weeks prior to the start of Welcome Week, together with instructions for their arrival in Halls. You will be allocated an arrival day as different Halls will be open on different days. It will not be possible to choose your arrival day. It is important that you arrive on the correct day, as your hall will not be open before the day specified on your Residence Agreement. Please visit the Welcome Week website at www.bangor.ac.uk/accommodation for more information about arrival. You should also check out the Welcome Week website and the Students’ Union website for tips on settling into halls and making the most of Welcome Week.

If you are arriving by car, please download and follow the instructions regarding routes into Bangor and parking. There is more information on the Welcome Week website for directions to your allocated Hall. It is essential that you arrive on the day specified and follow the route given to your residence. The routes have been agreed by the police to minimize traffic congestion. If you are arriving by train look out for the Students’ Union colourful branded minibuses to take you and your luggage directly to your Hall.

Students arriving after Welocme Weeek can contact halls@bangor.ac.uk to find out if there are any rooms available in halls.

Arrival details for those living in the private sector

Most new students arrive in Bangor for the start of Welcome Week.

If you choose to live in the private sector, or are local to Bangor and travelling on a daily basis, then you need to look at the central programme of Welcome Week activities (see the insert at the back of this book) to decide what you’re going to take part in over the first weekend.

You definitely need to arrive in Bangor in time for the start of the ‘official’ Welcome Week experience, when all new students attend (see the insert in the back of this book for details). Many academic Schools organise their initial meetings with new students during the first week – see the insert in the back of this book. You’ll also need to check the Welcome Week website at www.bangor.ac.uk/welcomeweek to get the full details of the activities being arranged by your academic School.

Activities arranged for arrival weekend

You need to look at the central programme of Welcome Week activities (see the insert in the back of this book) to see the type of activities that are held over the first weekend – also look at the Students’ Union Handbook for details of the activities and entertainment organised by the Students’ Union. Details are also availble on www.bangorstudents.com or you can like us on Facebook (Bangor Students’ Union) or follow us on Twitter @bangorstudents.

International students should look at the International Student Handbook. Details are on www.bangor.ac.uk/internationalsupport

Activities arranged for the rest of the week

Please see the programme of central activities listed on the insert in the back of this book for details of activities such as the Welcome Session for students from your academic School, the Postgraduate Induction Fair and events organised for international students by the International Education Centre.

The timetable on the insert in the back of this book gives details of your first meeting with your academic Schools. You’ll also need to check the Welcome Week website at www.bangor.ac.uk/welcomeweek to see the full programme of activities being arranged by your academic School.

Please see the Students’ Union Handbook for details of the activities and entertainment being organised by the Students’ Union throughout Welcome Week.

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What are Postgraduate Peer Guides?Postgraduate Peer Guides are current students who have volunteered and been trained to help new students settle in to University life. They can help answer questions you may have about starting at Bangor such as where the lecture rooms are, which shops are open late, where you can go for a swim, and advise you on what to do and where to go to make new friends. They’ll show you around and help out at induction sessions and help you get where you’re supposed to be.

They’re ready to help you settle in – for as long as you feel you’d like a little help. They’ll listen to your questions and help where they can; if they can’t help, their training makes sure they ‘know a man who can’ and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Postgraduate Peer Guides and the Academic School Some of the Postgraduate Peer Guides work through their Academic Schools and as each academic area organises induction slightly differently exactly what happens varies. However, you should at some time meet the Postgraduate Peer Guides about the Academic School during your induction period and have the chance to ask them any questions you might have and get some friendly advice to help you settle in.

Postgraduate Peer Guides and central events Some of the Postgraduate Peer Guides will be helping with more central events and you will find them offering orientation and social activities across schools and colleges to help you settle more widely within the institutions. These will be held in conjunction with the Student Union and the Graduate School so look out for adverts.

First Contact with the Postgraduate Peer GuidesAlthough for many of you your first meeting with Postgraduate Peer Guides is likely to be in the Academic School, if you are living in University Halls of Residence you might get a knock on your door from one of the Postgraduate Peer Guides to meet and greet you. If you arrive over the main arrival weekend in September there will be a base room open near the Halls of Residence between 10:00am-5:00pm (look for the signs) for the use of all Peer Guides. If you haven’t met a Postgraduate Peer Guide and/or want more information, you will be able to get help there.

Some of them will be available on Facebook and will be able to start answering questions before you even get here: www.facebook.com/groups/alreadyapplied/

Opting OutMost new students find Postgraduate Peer Guides helpful; however, if you really feel you don’t want one, please let us know by contacting the Peer Support Co-ordinator, Student Services, 1st floor, Neuadd Rathbone, College Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DF or emailing peerguidng@bangor.ac.uk


Student Services & AdviceIf you need help or advice staff in Student Services and in the Students’ Union can both provide professional, impartial and confidential advice as follows:

Student Services (Neuadd Rathbone, College Road): for general welfare enquiries and specific enquiries on money matters counselling, student health, disability matters, accommodation, private sector accommodation, careers, part-time employment and information on the University’s Chaplaincy Team. For more information contact us on 01248 382024 or visit the Student Services website: www.bangor.ac.uk/studentservices

Students’ Union The Students’ Union represents all students at Bangor University and is committed to enhancing the postgraduate community. The Students’ Union’s primary focus is academic representation, making sure that all students are treated fairly, have access to resources, are supported in the event of problems and issues arising, and are able to play a full part in shaping their eduction. There is a dedicated Academic Representation Unit located in the SU to help you if any problems arise, during the course of your studies, or if you have any ideas that you think would benefit students at Bangor. We have staff and officers available to support you.

The Unit is led by the Vice President Education and Welfare: one of five elected sabbatical officers who represent the whole student body.

We also run the Course Representative system, which empowers you to make changes in your School to improve your experience. Look out for Course Representative elections in the first weeks of term!

For more information on all Students’ Union services and activities, please visit: www.bangorstudents.com

Accommodation EnquiriesIf you’re living in University accommodation, then the Halls Office, situated on the Ffriddoedd Site, can help you with all Halls-related enquiries. You may visit the office in person, call the Halls Office on 01248 382667 or email halls@bangor.ac.uk

If you’re looking for accommodation in the private sector, then you can contact the Student Housing Office within Student Services on 01248 382034 / 382883 or email studenthousing@bangor.ac.uk. House hunting days for students looking for accommodation in the private sector will be held over the arrival weekend (see the insert in the back of this book for details).

Welfare Support in the Halls of ResidenceThe University has a welfare support system of Senior Wardens and Wardens within the Halls of Residence. Students can seek advice and support from the Warden Team, and can contact the Duty Senior Warden or Warden through the Halls Office during office hours: 9.00am–5.00pm, Monday–Friday. Outside office hours students should make contact through the University Security on 01248 382795 or extension 2795.

Nightline Nightline is a confidential listening, emotional support, and information service run by students, for students. Nightline has been around since 1974, and has grown and evolved ever since, developing their vital role as the only out of hours listening and support service dedicated to students. Their telephone number is 01248 383880. Lines are open every night during term-time from 8.00pm to 8.00am and offer a friendly student voice to talk to, or information about anything involving the University, the town, and general student life. All volunteers are fully trained, and ensure all callers an anonymous, strictly confidential, non-advisory listening and unbiased information service.

To find out more about the service, including how to get involved, you can contact us: nightline@undeb.bangor.ac.uk, www.bangorstudents.com/nightline, Bangor University Nightline or Dafydd Nightline on Facebook or call on 01248 383880. Feel free to get in touch any time.

Your Personal TutorAs a postgraduate student, you will be allocated a member of academic staff who will be your tutor/supervisor. Your tutor/supervisor will be a member of the academic staff in the School in which you are studying.

Your tutor/supervisor is normally your first point of contact to discuss welfare and academic issues relating to your progress. You will be expected to make regular contact with your tutor/supervisor. The more you keep in touch with your tutor/supervisor, the more they will be able to advise and assist you.

Each School also has a Director of Postgraduate Studies (Taught) and a Director of Postgraduate Studies (Research). This person will also be able to advise you on any academic matter and direct you to any necessary support services.


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Study Skills SupportPlease see page 22 for information on how the Study Skills Centre can help you to make the most out of your studies. The support available includes: individual appointments with our team of Study Advisers and trained Peer Writing Mentors; a drop-in advisory service to help answer maths and statistics questions; study skills workshops, and online study guides.

Early Researcher Development Programme The Early Researcher Development Programme (ERDP) has been running at Bangor for several years. The aim of the programme is firstly to support students’ development and knowledge as a researcher. Secondly, the ERDP aims to broaden their skills base, allowing them to access tools and skills which can improve their employability, whether in academia or industry.

The opportunities for training are developing each year and this year the University is working closely with many other Universities to provide opportunities for training alongside and working with researchers from our neighbouring Institutes.

Provided by the Research and Enterprise Office (Red) the ERDP offers workshops and courses for career management and development, including personal skills training. The workshops and courses will ensure that research staff and students develop the research, vocational and entrepreneurial skills that are matched to the demands of their future career paths. The focus is to become a more distinctive two-fold approach – Employability and Research skills.

Employability workshops will range from Effective Decision -Making, Project Planning through to CV workshops and interview practice. The understanding and knowledge of entrepreneurship and commercialisation of research will also be further developed. Research Skills acquisition and maintenance will further not only the institution’s development, but run in-line with the embedding of a Research Culture in Wales and the UK.

Employability Services for Masters StudentsThe Careers and Employability Service (CES) provides careers guidance.

Access to work placements and work tasters, an employment bureau and enterprise skills activities and support.We suggest that you start making full use of our careers services at an early stage of your postgraduate study, especially if you wish to enter a job straight after your course finishes, or if you intend to apply to proceed further in higher education.

BEA MastersThe Bangor Employability Award (BEA) will be available as a pilot scheme for all taught masters students. The scheme consists of a core programme of personal and professional development (including access to all of the careers education activities listed above), and recognition of any extra- and co-curricular activities in which you might get involved whilst at Bangor University.

If you are interested in taking part in the BEA Masters scheme, please look out for the introductory information from your academic school or college, or contact the BEA Team: employability@bangor.ac.uk to register interest, or for further details.

Employability Services for PhD StudentsOne-to-one confidential interviews with a Careers Adviser can be booked at any stage of your PhD, whether you are just starting to plan your career and wish to discuss the opportunities available or whether you are at a later stage and wish to talk through a CV you have completed or a job interview you are due to attend.

A wide range of careers workshops are offered to Bangor students on a weekly basis including a number designed specifically for PhD students covering subjects such as ‘Career Planning for PhD Students’, ‘Writing an Academic and a Non Academic CV’, ‘Academic Interviews’ and ‘Interviews and Assessment Centres for Non Academic Jobs’.

You can find us on the 2nd floor of Neuadd Rathbone on College Road. Visit www.bangor.ac.uk/careers or Email careers@bangor.ac.uk or phone 01248 382071

Postgraduate SocietyThe Postgraduate Society is a student-led society which provides vibrant extra and co-curricular activities for all postgraduate students here in Bangor. The society is brand new and works to create a lively and engaging University-wide postgraduate community alongside the Students’ Union and academic schools. The society will be running a range of social events as well as interesting interdisciplinary opportunities throughout the course of the year.

All postgraduate students are automatically members of the society, and welcome to get involved in creating and suggesting events. The society also organises the biennial Bangor University Postgraduate Conference which invites PG students from across the UK to experience Bangor as an active research community, to present their work in a conference environment, and to explore new ideas in an interdisciplinary setting.

Look out for Postgraduate Society information in induction talks, events in Welcome Week, and our stall at Serendipity – the Students’ Union Freshers’ Fair.

Email: postgrads@bangorstudents.com www.bangorstudents.com/postgrads

International Student SupportThe International Student Support Office is here to help you make the most of your time at Bangor. We provide advice and guidance on a range of welfare related matters to all international students and their families – prior to and during their studies at Bangor. Support is therefore available from acceptance to graduation and beyond.

Please contact us if you have any concerns or need information on any aspect of your stay here in Bangor and we can try to assist, or refer you on to someone who can.The International Student Support Team provides advice and guidance on a range of issues, including:

• Employment Regulations • General Welfare Issues• Travelling Abroad • Living & Studying in Bangor• Immigration • Visa Applications• Health Care • Financial Matters

We have a specific orinetation programme for international students, which can be viewed at: www.bangor.ac.uk/international/support/welcome_week_programme.php

We also arrange trips and events for international students throughout the year. This enables students to meet others from all over the world and gives them an opportunity to get to know the area. Events we organise include Diwali and Chinese New Year celebrations, traditional Welsh cultural evenings and an annual international gala. We also organise regular visits to local attractions, as well as major cities such as Liverpool, Manchester and Cardiff.

If you have any enquiries before you arrive, please contact us on the following numbers:

Student Services (general enquiries) 01248 382024

Students’ Union Reception 01248 388000

Money Advice 01248 383637

Disability Service 01248 382032

Student Housing Office 01248 382034

Centre for Careers & Employability 01248 382071

International Students 01248 382882

Halls Office 01248 382667

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The Support Office also recruits a number of International Student Ambassadors, whose remit is to help students settle in to life at Bangor. More information on the Ambassadors is available at: www.bangor.ac.uk/studentlife/features/ambassadors.php

The International Student Support Office is situated at the International Education Centre, Rathbone Building, College Road.

Email: internationalsupport@bangor.ac.uk Telephone: +44 (0) 1248 382882 / 8430 / 8238www.bangor.ac.uk/international/support

ELCOS (English Language Courses for Overseas Students)ELCOS offers four Postgraduate Modules, which can be taken by any student registered on a postgraduate degree course at Bangor University.

Available modules include: Academic Writing and Grammar, Speaking & Listening, Advanced Vocabulary Use and Reading. These may be taken as credit bearing, or non-credit bearing, depending on your academic School 2.

ELCOS also runs discipline-specific postgraduate English language support programmes for: Electronic Engineering (postgraduate research proposal writing), Bangor Business School (writing a research proposal), Law (English for Law PhD students), Molecular Biology (scientific writing workshops). ELCOS also provides scientific writing and English language support within a suite of credit bearing modules for PhD students run by College of Natural Sciences. For more information on all these contact David Keeble on 01248 383535.

In addition, ELCOS runs a Writing Advice Service that provides individual appointments for students with an Academic English Tutor. The tutor will go through a piece of writing with the student to help to improve it. To find out more about this service and how to make an appointment please go to the ELCOS webpages. Tel: 01248 382252 Email: elcos@bangor.ac.uk

Visit us: ELCOS, ground floor, Rathbone or see: http://elcos.bangor.ac.uk

Library and Archives ServiceThe Library and Archives Service has a comprehensive collection of resources, both printed and electronic, to assist you in your academic work and research at Bangor. Your School should arrange for you to meet the Academic Support Librarian for your College during Welcome Week or very shortly thereafter. Your Academic Support Librarian will help you find your way around the resources, advise you about search strategies, referencing and research skills generally. You are welcome to make contact with them for additional individual help throughout your time studying at Bangor.

The University has four library sites: • Main Library, College Road: Arts and Humanities, Music,

Law, Social Sciences, and the Welsh Library and Special Collections;

• Adeilad Deiniol, Deiniol Road: Physical and Applied Sciences, Natural Sciences, Psychology, Medicine and Healthcare Sciences;

• Normal Site Library, Holyhead Road: Education and Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences;

• Health Studies Library, Wrexham: Healthcare Sciences.

The Archives are located next to the Main Library and houses early college records, a general collection of Bangor manuscripts, estates and family papers.

For further information on opening hours, location and contact details, visit: www.bangor.ac.uk/library/

IT ServicesAll IT facilities are accessed using the same username and password issued to you prior to your arrival in Bangor. To manage your Bangor network account go to www.bangor.ac.uk/itservices/user. You can use this site to help you perform tasks such as changing your passwords and purchasing printer credits.

All new users are given a comprehensive guide on all IT Services available at Bangor (electronic and printed versions available from the IT Support Centre), the guide can also be found at: www.bangor.ac.uk/itservices/new_users/newstudent

If you need help with any IT problem contact the IT Support Centre:

Telephone: 01248 388111 or extension 8111 from a University telephone (during office hours 9.30am-5.30pm, Monday-Friday). Email: helpdesk@bangor.ac.ukVisit us: 9.00am-5.00pm, Monday-Friday in Adeilad Deiniol, or the Resource Centre, Nantlle Building on the Normal Site.

Student Health ServicesThe Bodnant Medical Centre provides a wide range of medical facilities. Please see the Healthcare Information Booklet enclosed in this pack about the centre or visit bodnantmedicalcentre.co.uk for further information. If you wish to register with this practice, you will also need to complete and return the family doctor services registration form (also enclosed) to the Bodnant Medical Centre in the SAE provided.

Are you taking prescribed medication or suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma or diabetes?

If you take prescribed medication or have specific health care needs, then it is important that you bring a one month supply of medication with you to University. It is also advisable to book an initial appointment with the nurse or doctor at Bodnant to discuss how to optimally manage your health needs from the outset.

Immunisation Advice

All new students should be fully immunised against:



• And if you suffer with a chronic disease - FLU / INLFLUENZA / PNEUMOCOCCAL

Mumps and measlesThese can be serious infections and the University continues to see cases and clusters of both these diseases. Many people now in their teens and twenties have either not been immunised or have had only one dose of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccination. People born in the UK after 1980 are likely to be susceptible to measles and mumps if they have not had 2 doses of MMR. National policy highly recommends that children and young adults should be protected with two doses of MMR.

Bangor University strongly recommends that you have TWO doses of MMR BEFORE coming to the University.

For more information and guidance on measles go to:http://www.bangor.ac.uk/studentservices/wellbeing/measles.php.en

Meningitis CMeningococcal infection is a serious illness caused by a bacterium known as meningococcus. There are several different groups of meningococci. Before vaccination against group C meningococcal infection was introduced in 1999, there were a number of outbreaks of meningitis in Universities in the UK. Since then, group C meningococcal infection has become rare. There is, as yet, no vaccine against the meningitis B strain, but active research is underway to develop this. Students are strongly advised to be immunised against MENINGITIS C BEFORE arriving in Bangor. If this is not possible then immunisation can be offered at the Bodnant Medical Centre.

InfluenzaInfluenza is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is highly infectious. If you suffer from chronic lung, heart, liver or kidney disease, have diabetes or are otherwise immunosuppressed, then it is recommended that you receive an annual influenza vaccination and a single pneumococcal immunisation to protect yourself.

For further information see the HPA website:http://www.hpa.org.uk/Topics/InfectiousDiseases/InfectionsAZ/Influenza/

In addition to the health provision at the Bodnant Medical Centre a Student Health Nurse is located in Student Services (1st floor Neuadd Rathbone ) to help with any health queries and offers a range nursing and sexual health services.


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College of Arts & Humanities:• School of Creative Studies and Media

• School of Lifelong Learning

• School of English

• School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology

• School of Lifelong Learning

• School of Linguistics and English Language

• School of Modern Languages

• School of Music

• School of Philosophy and Religion

• School of Welsh

College of Business, Law, Education, and Social Sciences:• Bangor Business School

• School of Education

• School of Law

• School of Social Sciences

College of Natural Sciences:• School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography

• School of Biological Sciences

• School of Ocean Sciences

College of Health & Behavioural Sciences:• School of Healthcare Sciences

• School of Medical Sciences

• School of Psychology

• School of Sport, Health & Exercise Sciences

College of Physical & Applied Sciences:• School of Chemistry

• School of Electronic Engineering

• School of Computer Science


You will be registered for a degree course in a School (or possibly two if it is a Joint Honours degree), even though you may

pursue modules or courses in more than one School. The University’s acadmic Schools are grouped into five Colleges:

1 Registration ProcedureAll new students must formally register centrally with the Academic Registry of the University. You will be able to do this on-line before the start of your course. Please see www.bangor.ac.uk/registration for full details. You will be notified when the system is open for you by email or by letter depending on the course that you are taking.

Please note that you will also need to bring proof of your identity to the University (original documents are required, although some part time students will be able to send scanned documents instead and will be advised accordingly). Your documents will be checked during Welcome Week, so please ensure that you have these with you; failure to provide this documentation may result in delaying your university registration and access to university resources being suspended. Acceptable forms of ‘proof of identity’ can be found at www.bangor.ac.uk/registration

Once you have completed the on-line process, you will receive a ‘Confirmation of Registration’ email within 24 hours.

The Student Records team of the Academic Registry will be available to help if you have any problems, they can be contacted via email (enrolement@bangor.ac.uk) or by telephone (+44 (0)1248 388484 Monday to Friday 09.00 to 17.00). 2 Police Registration for International StudentsIf registering with the police is one of the conditions of your stay in the UK (this should be written on your visa), you must do so within 7 days of first arriving in the UK. You must also notify the police within 7 days if your visa, address or circumstances change. If you are unsure, please come and see the International Student Support Team in Rathbone Hall. During Welcome Week, there will be police drop-in sessions, at which you will be able to register with the police – see the insert in the back of this book for dates and times.


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How to make a payment:

Pay to StudyAn online payment management system (Pay to Study) is available at Bangor University to facilitate payment of various fees including deposits, tuition fees, English language course fees and accommodation fees in your local currency at your local bank. Group payment by our official providers or agents is also possible.

Tuition fees can be paid at www.bangor.ac.uk/international/isps_fees.php and accommodation fees at www.bangor.ac.uk/international/isps_accommodation.php.

Bank TransferStudents are also able to pay fees through a bank transfer using the details below:

Account Name: Bangor University

Account Address: Barclays Bank PLC, 273 High Street, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1UE, UK

Account sort code: 20-35-47

Account number: 80975907

UWB IBAN NO: GB09 BARC 2035 4780 9759 07


Please quote your full name and student number when making the transfer and please email remittance@bangor.ac.uk (to advise the transfer amount, date and student number).

Further information can be found at:www.bangor.ac.uk/international/future/payment.php

Please note that failure to pay your fees may result in the termination of your registration.

If you anticipate any difficulty paying your fees you should contact the Finance Office as soon as possible. The University will levy a penalty charge for a late payment but we are keen to ensure that you avoid such charges and in order to help you the University has a specialist adviser in the Money Support Unit (01248 383637).

For further information visit the Finance Office between 10.00-12.30 and 1.30-4.00 Monday to Friday or by telephone on 01248 383801 or 01248 382049 between the same hours. You can also contact the Finance Office by emailing feepayment@bangor.ac.uk or visit www.bangor.ac.uk/finance

International Students (non EU) onlyMost International Students who have been accepted to study at Bangor University and who require a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Letter will be required to pay a deposit of £2,000. The deposit will be non-refundable except in certain cases (e.g. certified illness). This deposit will be offset against the students’ first year tuition fee. Tuition fees can be paid in full before or during the Registration process, (please see www.bangor.ac.uk/Registration for details of the enrolment and registration arrangements for your course) or can be paid via the instalment option. Government sponsored students, US and Canadian loan students and Bangor University graduates do not have to make a deposit payment.

Payment options:

1. Payment in full at registrationFull payment can be made prior to or at registration. A discount of £350 is available to students who pay the full year tuition fee before a date specified by the Finance Office. Please see www.bangor.ac.uk/finance/ic/ic105.php.en for details.

In the event that a cheque or bankers draft is not drawn on a UK Clearing Bank this could create very significant delays before the University is able to either confirm receipt of payment or process any refunds that may subsequently become due.

2. Payment by instalment Students have the option to pay by two instalments. A £200 administration fee will be charged for this option. Important – the Finance Office have set deadlines for payments by instalments. Please see www.bangor.ac.uk/finance/ic/ic105.php.en for details.

Payment of English Language Course FeesA £2,000 deposit must be paid before a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Letter can be issued. Fee balance is paid in full at ELCOS programme registration. Payment by two instalments is available for 30 and 42 weeks courses only (Administration charge applicable).

Late paymentsThe University reserves the right to charge a 1% monthly interest on any late payment after the last registration date. The late payment interest charge may also apply to instalments.

University Accommodation FeesAccommodation fees can also be paid in full (see www.bangor.ac.uk/international/future/payment.php) or by instalments using recurring credit/debit card (see https://epay.bangor.ac.uk)

3. Payment of Fees – Tuition and Halls

Home/EU students onlyAll tuition fees and hall fees are payable in full prior to completing the registration process, unless you elect to pay your fees by our payment plan relevant to your student status to spread the cost evenly throughout the year.

If you have applied for a tuition fee loan to cover your tuition fee costs this will be paid directly to the University. However, you will need to make arrangements with the University directly to pay any accommodation costs (Hall fees). You may pay by either of the following methods:

Payment PlanYour payment plan will take payment by recurring debit/credit card. To set up your payment plan you must complete the instructions on the website: https://epay.bangor.ac.uk

We will ask you to provide an email address when setting up the plan and notification of the payment will be sent to this email 5 days prior to each payment date.

Lump Sum PaymentsIf you prefer to pay your tuition and hall fees in one lump sum you may also do so when you arrive in Bangor. Please see: www.bangor.ac.uk/Registration for details of the enrolment and registration arrangements for your course. Payment can be made by cash, credit/debit card or a sterling cheque/draft drawn on a UK Clearing Bank and made payable to Bangor University.

In the event that a cheque or bankers draft is not drawn on a UK Clearing Bank this could create very significant delays before the University is able to either confirm receipt of payment or process any refunds that may subsequently become due.


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4 Financial hardshipPlease note that failure to pay your fees may result in the termination of your registration.

If you anticipate any difficulty paying your fees you should contact the Finance Office as soon as possible. The University will levy a penalty charge of £30.00 for a late payment but we are keen to ensure that you avoid such charges and in order to help you the University has specialist staff in the Money Sup-port Unit (01248 383637) or moneysupport@bangor.ac.uk

For further information visit the Finance Office between 10.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Telephone either 01248 383801 or 01248 382049 between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday or email feepayment@ bangor.ac.uk or visit the Finance Office web site www.bangor.ac.uk/finance

5 Bursaries for this academic yearBursaries for relocating familiesThe cost of relocating to Bangor to study with a family may be more expensive with students experiencing higher rental costs, childcare costs etc. To assist these students Bangor University has agreed to award students a bursary of up to £1,000 to lower income families. This bursary is payable in the first academic year only.

Bursaries for Homeless studentsIf, prior to starting your studies at Bangor University, you had no fixed abode you could receive a £500 bursary from the University to help you with your initial university costs.

To apply for either of these bursaries and for further infor-mation, please contact the Money Support Unit on 01248 383566/383637 or go to: www.bangor.ac.uk/studentservices/moneyadvice

6 Certificates of AttendanceAll requests for Certificates of Attendance must be made online. You will need to ensure that your address details (home and term-time) are up to date before requesting the documentation. You can do this by logging onto the student system via myBangor, where you can update your details if necessary.

7 Car Parking Permits for StudentsA parking permit is required by anyone wishing to park inthe University car parks. Registered students who areeither resident in University owned halls or who liveoutside the boundary of the City of Bangor are eligible toapply for these parking permits. The permit, however,does not guarantee that a parking space will be availablefor the permit holder.

Details on how to apply for a permit and parking regulations, can be found at www.bangor.ac.uk/eo/VehicleParking

If you are a blue badge holder you will be able to park at any of the University car parks free of charge. If you are not a blue badge holder, but have severe mobility difficulties, arrangements can be made for you to park in any of the University car parks. You will need to supply medical evidence to the Disability Service. Information on how to obtain car parking permits is available from the Disability Advisers:

Tel: 01248 382032 Email: disabilityservice@bangor.ac.uk


myBangor is the place to check for everything you’ll need to know during your time here. We use this website to communicate important news and events, and it’s where you can access your timetable, your marks and our virtual learning environment.

We have designed this site with your first year at university in mind. Relevant information will appear at the appropriate time of the year, so if you’re wondering what you should be doing this week, myBangor is the place to check. The site will let you know about a range of things, including: reminding you when you should see your personal tutor; letting you know of events happening this week; giving you advice about what to expect throughout the term; and updating you on the latest university news.

It’s important that you check myBangor regularly, as there will be information on the site that we need you to know. There will also be things we need you to tell us, such as how your modules are going, and myBangor is the place to do that.

You need to log in to access myBangor, so once you’ve got your university computer account, go to: my.bangor.ac.uk and have a look around!

How we will contact you

The Academic Registry is committed to reducing the administrative burden on students as far as practical, thereby allowing more time for you to focus on your studies. With this in mind, on-line services, email and web-based information will be used as widely as possible.

All important communications will be initially sent to your university email account which should be checked regularly. The Academic Registry will seek to limit communications to only those necessary for the administration of your studies.

You are strongly advised to use your university email account as your primary email account, however if for other reasons (e.g. professional work reasons for part-time students) you need to maintain more than one email account, then you must either check your university account regularly or arrange for all University emails to be forwarded as appropriate. When forwarding email, please ensure that University email is accepted by the new account. Failure to read University emails cannot be used in mitigation for non-compliance with University regulations and procedures.

If we are unable to contact you by email, then we will ‘escalate’ our communication strategy in the following order:• By calling your mobile or home phone;• By writing to your permanent home address;• By asking your academic School to contact you.

It is important that you keep your contact details up to date online.



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Supporting your studiesThe Study Skills Centre provides a range of services designed to ease the transition to university and to help you make the most out of your undergraduate studies. Individual writing and study skills appointments Individual appointments with our friendly team of Study Advisers and trained Peer Writing Mentors enable you to discuss assignments that you are working on or have received feedback on, and to explore ways of developing your approach to reading, note-taking, exams, and oral presentations. Appointments are confidential, and can be scheduled for up to one hour. Maths and Statistics drop-in For help with mathematics and statistics, call in to the Deniol Library on Tuesdays between 11:30 – 2:30 and Wednesdays between 10:30 – 4:30 during term-time to talk through any questions that you may have. There is no need to book an appointment. Study skills workshopsThroughout the year, we offer a range of Wednesday afternoon workshops focusing on core aspects of essay writing (from planning and drafting, through to the use of source material and referencing), and workshops on presentation skills and research-writing for dissertations. Online study guidesVisit our website for a range of guides designed to help you to get the most out of your studies.

To book an appointment or to find out more: visit our website at: bangor.ac.uk/studyskills; phone us on 01492 382689; call in at the Rathbone Building.

Broaden Your HorizonsThe Schools of Modern Languages and Lifelong Learning present ‘Learn a language, open doors’, a selection of beginners and intermediate language 11 week courses to help you make the most of your career prospects, free time or curiosity! These modules can be taken as part of your degree programme. With new language skills, you can enhance your employability, improve your communication skills and broaden your horizons.

Language Evening Classes are free of charge for all students. See www.bangor.ac.uk/ml/EveningClasses.php.en or email: languagesforall@bangor.ac.uk for more information.

Welsh Improvement CoursesWelsh Language Improvement Module for Fluent Speakers (first language and Welsh learners) Canolfan Bedwyr offers a Welsh medium module for postgraduate students who wish to improve their Welsh language skills in order to be able to discuss their academic field of expertise confidently through the medium of Welsh.

Module title : Ymdrin â’ch pwnc Drwy’r Gymraeg Code: ZXC4202

It is possible to study the module Ymdrin â’ch Pwnc Drwy’r Gymraeg (10 credits) in Semester 2.

Aim and ContentTo raise awareness of Welsh language structure and usage by concentrating on the following:• using English medium sources effectively• avoiding the influence of English language patterns and

syntax• using verbs effectively• principles of academic writing• Cymraeg Clir (Plain Welsh) • effective oral and presentation skills• general grammatical points e.g. spelling; mutations• using computer language tools (CYSGLIAD)• discussing technical terms

Contact: Eleri Hughes, Canolfan Bedwyr, Adeilad Dyfrdwy, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG eleri.hughes@bangor.ac.uk

Choirs, Orchestras and ConcertsThe University has a wealth of musical activities taking place every week. These activities are open to everyone, not just Music students, and a warm welcome is guaranteed.

University ChorusMake the most of studying in the ‘Land of Song’ by joining the University Chorus – a large mixed choir which performs at least twice a year in major concerts. There are no auditions, and all are welcome! Rehearsals are held every Wednesday at 7.30pm in Prichard-Jones Hall. The first rehearsal is in Welcome Week, and is followed by a free cheese-and-wine party.

University Symphony OrchestraNorth-west Wales’s leading full-size orchestra performs several times a year, both on its own, and accompanying the University Chorus and University Opera. Membership is by audition, but there are always vacancies for new members. Come along to the open rehearsal on Friday evening of Welcome Week (7.30pm, PJ Hall), when audition times will be allocated for the following day. The usual rehearsal night is Monday.

University Chamber Choir, Early Music Bangor and Bangor University OperaStudents from throughout the University are welcome to audition for places in these specialist ensembles, which rehearse and perform throughout the year.

For more information about the above activities, please go to www.bangor.ac.uk/music and click on ‘Choirs and Orchestras’, or contact: c.collins@bangor.ac.uk

Bangor Employability Award XPs are awarded for participation in all of these activities.

Other performance opportunitiesWith the support of the School of Music, the Students’ Union runs several music societies which are open to all students, including the Music Society (choir and orchestra), SODA (musical theatre), Brass Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and String Ensemble. Visit their stands at Serendipity for more details.

University Concert Series

In collaboration with the School of Music, Pontio runs a vibrant series of weekly concerts of chamber, folk, instrumental, vocal, orchestral and electroacoustic music, often with a Welsh flavour, and usually on Thursday and Saturday evenings. Performers include the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, the Benyounes String Quartet and Ensemble Cymru. Special ticket offers are available for students. For more information, pick up a Pontio brochure from Main Arts reception desk, or go to www.pontio.co.uk

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Canolfan Celfyddydau ac Arloesi PontioPontio Arts and Innovation Centre




University Parking (Entry card required)

Public Pay and Display Parking



The maps below and the main map and key on the following pages show locations that you may need to find during Welcome Week and beyond. These include academic buildings, administration and service departments, libraries, catering and social facilities, residences and other services and facilities.

Buildings 1-16 are shown on the Normal Site map below, right. Buildings A and B (School of Ocean Sciences) are shown on the Menai Bridge map below, left. All other locations are shown on the main map on the following pages.

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College of Arts and Humanities 51

School of Creative Studies and Media 63

School of English 51

School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology 51

School of Linguistics and English Language 51

School of Lifelong Learning 12, 73

School of Modern Languages 51

School of Music 51, 65

School of Philosophy and Religion 51

School of Welsh 51

College of Business, Law, Education and Social Sciences Administrative Centre 56

Bangor Business School 55, 59

Bangor Business School Management Centre 59, 60, 61, 62, 64

School of Education 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16

School of Law 57, 58

School of Social Sciences 54, 59

College of Natural Sciences

School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography 39, 46

School of Biological Sciences 38, 39, 42

School of Ocean Sciences A, B

College of Health & Behavioural Sciences

School of Healthcare Sciences 37

School of Medical Sciences 50

School of Psychology 44, 49, 50, 68, 73

School of Sport, Health & Exercise Sciences 1, 5

College of Physical & Applied Sciences

School of Chemistry 40

School of Electronic Engineering 74

School of Computer Science 74


Academic Registry (Admissions, Student Records & Timetabling) 51Careers and Employability Service 70Dyslexia: The Miles Dyslexia Centre 70ELCOS (English Language Centre for Overseas Students) 70Estates and Facilities 33Finance Office 67Health and Safety Service 52International Education Centre 70IT and Computing Services 47Library Services 11, 37, 47, 51Registrar’s Office 51Student Services 70 Students’ Union 43, 79Vice-Chancellor’s Office 51


Archive Service 51Deiniol Library 47Fron Heulog Library 37Main Library 51Music Library 51Normal Site Library 51Wolfson Library A

University Main Reception

University Parking (Entry card re-quired)

Public Pay and Display Parking

Buildings 1-16 are shown on the Normal Site map and build-ings A and B (School of Ocean Sciences) are shown on the Menai Bridge map – both on page 25. All other locations are shown on the main map on the left.


College RoadNeuadd Garth 72

Ffriddoedd SiteAdda 34Alaw 22Braint (Lower floor – Shop) 32Cefn-y-Coed 24Crafnant 29Elidir 19Enlli 20Ffraw 28Glaslyn 27 Gwynant 36Idwal (Ground floor – Halls Office, Conference and Catering Office) 35

John Morris-Jones Halls: Bryn Dinas 25 Tegfan 26Llanddwyn 31Neuadd Reichel 17Peris 21Y Borth 23Y Glyder / Security Lodge 30

Normal SiteNeuadd Arfon 3Neuadd Seiriol 2


Academi (Bar/Club) 43 Bar Uno 33Caffi Glas 39Caffi Teras 51Caffi Teras Coffee Pod 51Management Centre Lounge 60Pontio - Arts and Innovation Centre 48Y Bistro 4


Anglican Chaplaincy 77Catholic Chaplaincy 78Canolfan Brailsford (Sports Centre) 18John Phillips Hall 63Powis Hall 51Prichard-Jones Hall (PJ Hall) 51

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Inside back cover pocket

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Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DGTel: 01248 351 151 (Main switchboard)www.bangor.ac.uk/welcomeweek



The University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing (July 2014).