2012 Spring Appeal (All 4 Emails)

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Transcript of 2012 Spring Appeal (All 4 Emails)

6/27/12 Why I Chose Homelessness.


After 26 years in the corporate world I chose to support Horizon House with my career.

Why I Support Horizon HouseAfter 26 years at IBM, Teresa chose homelessness as

her mission.

For our Spring Campaign, we interviewed our Director of Development, Teresa Wessel,

who spent 26 years in the corporate world before bringing her talents to the not-for-profit

world. We think that her journey from corporate success to serving the homeless is one

that many of our supporters will find interesting.

1.) Tell us about your background in the Corporate world:

- I started my career at IBM in 1982 as a programmer. Over the years I held various

roles in Finance, Operations, Product Development and Internal Audit. I was in

management for over 20 years and was an executive for the last 13. My various

positions included worldwide responsibilities, which presented many challenges. My last

assignment was head of the IBM North America’s Internal Audit Division, responsible for

business and financial audits for every business line in IBM.

2.) How did you originally get involved in the not-for-profit industry?

- Every time I moved with IBM I would seek out the IU Alumni Association as a way

to get acclimated to the area and meet people with common interests. One of the main

activities of the alumni group was community service and I enjoyed being active in these

service projects. The more involved I got, the more I realized my business skills were

transferrable and many of these agencies could benefit from my skills.

3.) Why did you choose to support homelessness?

- While I was in Raleigh, North Carolina, I was a member of a Circle of Giving, and I

got involved with The Healing Place, a homeless service agency. I was impressed with

how the agency taught homeless individuals life sustaining skills and how to overcome

barriers. The impact that an agency like this has on an individual struck me as

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6/27/12 Why I Chose Homelessness.


barriers. The impact that an agency like this has on an individual struck me as

something so important that I could not help but want to be a part of it.

4.) How did you end up at Horizon House?

- When I moved to Indianapolis in 2009 I wanted to get involved in the community. I

attended the Lacy Leadership “Get of Board” event where I met John Joanette our

Executive Director. He invited me to a Community Outreach Breakfast, and I was so

impressed with the life changing work that was going on here at Horizon House

that I joined the Board of Directors. Later that year I was offered the Director of

Development and Communications position. I loved my career at IBM, but this job

has been the most rewarding job I’ve ever had because it deals with people

and making a difference in another human being’s life.

5.) How has your view of homelessness changed from when you were in the

corporate world to now?

- My view has changed because I see how homelessness can and does affect all

walks of life. I am amazed each day at the strength and courage our neighbors have. I

realize now how little I knew about the issue of homelessness before I came to Horizon

House. I now understand the many barriers folks have to overcome to end their

homelessness. When you hear a neighbor’s story it can be so moving and you

realize the barriers they have had to overcome to end their homelessness. It

touches your heart. Then to hear their success story drives you to want to do

as much as you can to help our homeless neighbors.

6.) Why do you think that people should support Horizon House?

- Through my work at Horizon House, I have learned how serious of an issue

homelessness is. How if affects a much larger part of society than people think.

Lowering crime rates, saving money on police, court and emergency medical

service, having a more employable work force, are all things that result from

Horizon House's programs and services. And Through meeting the neighbors who

utilize our service, I’ve seen just how critical Horizon House is to our homeless neighbors.

Also, as I have come to understand the issues surrounding homelessness I

have learned just how big of a difference a dollar can make. I am amazed by

how organizations like Horizon House can so effectively utilize each dollar

donated. That is why I continue to support Horizon House with my career, and hope that

others will consider supporting us with whatever means they have at their disposal.

Please support our mission of"Providing Resources. Empowering Lives. Ending


Pay it Forward! By donating to Horizon House today, you can feel confident knowing

6/27/12 Why I Chose Homelessness.


By donating to Horizon House today, you can feel confident knowing

that your money will go directly to ending homelessness for hundreds

of our neighbors here in Indianapolis this year.

If you donate today, our Board of Directors will match all giving up to


So your donation of $10 = $20, $25 = $50, $100 = $200, and so on.

To put that into perspective:

- $25 with match: pays for showers

and laundry for 20 homeless


- $50 with match: pays for 25 all-

day bus passes to attend job interviews and appointments!

- $100 with match: puts 10 neighbors through job readiness


For less than the cost of dinner for two, you can be a part of helping to

end homelessness for hundreds of our neighbors in Indianapolis every


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6/27/12 Why I Chose Homelessness.


6/27/12 Thank You for Your Support!


Thank you for your support! Our Spring Campaign was a succes!

Thank You for Your Support!Our Spring Campaign was a Success!

Thank you to all of our supporters out there. Whether you donated, shared our emails

or posts, told a friend, or any action that you took... thank you! Our Spring Campaign

was a success!

We started out with our Board of Directors offering a $2,000 matching gift campaign,

then a former board member matched the Board's gift. So our original goal of raising

$4,000 became $8,000. With it being our first year running a strictly online Spring

Campaign, we weren't sure if we would hit our goal, but we did! With commitments still

coming in, we have raised over $10,000!

If you like to support our mission of "Providing resources, empowering lives, and ending

homelessness" but missed our Spring Campaign, you can donate to our cause at any

time of year; you even have the option of making automatic monthly recurring donations.

Just $20 a month will provide employment readiness training for ten of our homeless

neighbors this year.

Also, be on the look out for our 8th Annual Tackling Homelessness event on Sunday,

August 26th, held in partnership with the Indianapolis Colts at their training facility. This

casual event is family friendly, and is sold out annually, so get your tickets early!

Be on the look out for more information about Tackling Homelessness. Since our Spring

Campaign is now over, you can expect us to go back to our regular email pattern with our

monthly e-newsletter. Thank you again for all of your support!

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6/27/12 Thank You for Your Support!


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