2011-2012 Residence Guide

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A guide to residence at King's University College.

Transcript of 2011-2012 Residence Guide


DATEs TO REMEMbER June 1, 2012 DeaDline for guaranteeD resiDence sept. 3, 2012 resiDence Move-in Day


the best of both worlDs

King’s resiDence is coMMitteD to the values of Diversity, respect anD acaDeMic achieveMent. our goal is to create a safe, welcoMing anD accepting coMMunity where all persons, cultures anD Differences are acKnowleDgeD anD valueD.

the King’s residence first year experience program is designed to help you with the transition to university. a residence staff of trained students and professionals is on site to help you get to know the King’s community and the people in your residence. lots of great social and academic events are planned for you throughout the year.

Residence is guaranteed to all first-year students who have submitted a completed residence application package and deposit by June 1, 2012. You will receive information about the online residence application process with your academic offer.

we invite canadian students to further enrich their residence experience by sharing a room with a student from another country. Choosing this option is a great way to broaden your world view and learn about another culture –valuable experiences in today’s global community.

In accordance with our identity as a Roman Catholic, liberal arts university college, the student code of conduct and rules of residence are in place to ensure the safety, well-being and comfort of students in residence. It is very important that you be familiar with these documents before you sign your Residence Agreement (contract).

look for the residence thrive guide, which includes the code and the Rules of Residence, on the King’s website www.kings.uwo.ca/index.cfm/admissions/residence

All residence buildings are non-smoking. Male and female students are housed in separate residence units.

KING’s proviDes on-caMpus housing for approxiMately 350 stuDents in three builDing styles. living in resiDence puts you next Door to all the facilities at King’s incluDing the Dining hall, library, stuDent recreation areas anD your classes.

alumni court



Residence is a gReat way to meet people and feel connected. the Residence staff and student councils oRganize events to help you get to know otheR Residents, and they will be theRe to offeR suppoRt and guidance if needed.


rooM assignMents are baseD on the inforMation you proviDe in your resiDence application. We know you might be a little nervous about sharing a room with someone new to you. Rest at ease –the vast majority of students enjoy a positive relationship with their roommate. You will be placed with a roommate who matches your preferences regarding neatness, sleeping patterns, study habits, etc. as closely as possible. If you and a friend wish to share a room, please indicate this in your application. every attempt is made to accommodate location and roommate preferences, however, these cannot be guaranteed.

reznet (InteRnet ACCess) And phone service is available for each stuDent in each rooM. these services will be active in your room when you move in. wireless access is offered in residence lounges and study rooms. see the Reznet page on the King’s website www.kingscollege.net/reznet/ for more information. phone service includes local calls and voicemail. long distance calling cards can be purchased on campus.

acaDeMic support a variety of acaDeMic resources are available to resiDence stuDents. Daily quiet hours are in place to ensure an environment conducive to studying and sleeping. the write place, located in the wemple building, offers writing and researching assistance and esl support for students whose first language is not english. the residence brain bucks program rewards academic effort and achievement, with a little friendly competition thrown in.

resiDence fees* (subJeCt to ChAnge foR 2012/2013) single† $8,643

double $8,243

*includes Meal plan 1. if Meal plans 2 or 3 are chosen, an additional $200 or $400 will be added.

†those interested in a single room must submit a single Room Application form, with documentation, by June 1, 2012.

King’s resiDence offers you…

• guaranteed residence*• furnished rooms• Reznet• Local phone

service• Rogers cable line**• housekeeping• Laundry• Kitchenettes• Lounges• study rooms• Parking***• sports pad for

hockey and basketball

• security access buildings• free shuttle bus to western• A great

community in which to grow and learn

your rooM will have…• single bed and mattress• Mattress cover• dresser (or equivalent)• desk and chair• Closet• Mirror• bookshelves• study lamp• Wastebasket and recycling bin• Curtains• Carpeting

* until June 1, 2012

** to be activated with service provider after move in.

*** parking space is limited. permit cost is approximatelty $750.

PlAN POlICIEs• all students living in residence must have a meal plan• Meal plans are non-transferable• Refunds are subject to a $25 processing fee• students may request a refund of unused off-campus

funds at year end (April 30)• changes to meal plan choice are permitted until

september 30

MEAl PlAN REFUNDs ARE CAlCUlATED As FOllOWs Plan #1 maximum cash refund is $500 less the amount spent at off-campus partners. 50% of the year ending balance will be put on your meal card for the next academic year.

Plan #2 maximum cash refund is $700 less the amount spent at off-campus partners. 50% of the year ending balance will be put on your meal card for the next academic year.

Plan #3 maximum cash refund is $900 less the amount spent at off-campus partners. 50% of the year ending balance will be put on your meal card for the next academic year.

students with special dietary needs must contact the residence Manager prior to their acceptance of residency to ensure these needs can be met. Check the King’s website for more information on meal plan policies, sample menus and thames Market offerings.

MEAl PlAN #1$3,315 food credit*

designed to meet your basic meal requirements. allows up to $500 in purchases at our off-campus partners.

MEAl PlAN #2$3,515 food credit*

Allows for occasional snacking between meals and purchases of $700 at our off-campus partners.

MEAl PlAN #3

$3,715 food credit*a meal plan designed for those with heartier appetites. allows for up to $900 in purchases at our off-campus partners.

*prices subject to change

King’s is pleaseD to offer you a choice of Declining balance Meal plans at the thaMes MarKet, operateD by araMarK caMpus services.


london, Ontario CANADA1.800.265.4406 or 519.433.3491www.kings.uwo.ca | kingsres@uwo.ca

use your King’s Meal plan at the thaMes MarKet, our Dining hall in the weMple builDing, the tiM horton’s in labatt hall anD a nuMber of off-caMpus partners incluDing pizza pizza, Mongolian grill anD swiss chalet. the thames Market is a “marché” concept dining facility which offers a wide variety of nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day.

Daily offerings include:

Extreme Pita: for the student who wants a change from a regular sandwich. Vegetarian and flat-top grilled selections –all fresh and made to order.

Express: A quick and convenient grab and go option with a large selection consisting of entrée salads, subs, wraps, sandwiches, sushi, fresh fruit cups, vegetable cups, yogurt and specialty items.

Quick Stop Bakery: A selection of fresh baked muffins, pastries and cookies along with various sweet treats.

Grille Works: A traditional grill menu with burgers and fries –but we don’t stop there. We also offer a full line of breakfast items, grilled sandwiches and much, much more.

Home Zone: offers a variety of international and domestic entrées that are sure to please every palate. A flexible menu features healthy favourites and vegetarian options, along with asian, latin, and Mediterranean-inspired recipes.

CoffeECOmpany: if you are looking for a great cup of freshly brewed coffee with a large variety of blends and flavours and want to be socially responsible at the same time, then our coffeecompany program has what you are looking for.

Montague’s Deli: with a large assortment of freshly made sandwiches, wraps and hot paninis you can never go hungry. we also feature our healthy choice menu that offers four signature sandwiches under 6 grams of fat!

Pan Geos Stage: stir fry and pasta station with a twist. everyday we offer a variety of fresh vegetables, your choice of protein and selection of sauces over a bed of rice or pasta.

Pizza Pizza/Chicken Chicken: ontario’s number one pizza franchise, offering the standard favourites to the exotic. with the addition of chicken chicken you can also enjoy pizza pizza’s take on chicken. always expect the highest quality from pizza pizza.

Salad Garden: self-serve salad bar with assorted salads and greens, vegetables and fruits.

Variety Corner: gum, chocolate bars, potato chips, ice cream bars, bulk candy and other treats.

Bagels by the Thames: Assorted bagels with a selection of jams and cream cheeses.

Beverages: a full selection of juices, milk, water and soft drinks.

QUEsTIONs? Contact the Residence Office: 1.800.265.4406, x4700 or 519.433.3491 x4700 | kingsres@uwo.ca | www.kings.uwo.ca