2010 CSIA Promotion Conference Class2: Swiss

Post on 20-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 2010 CSIA Promotion Conference Class2: Swiss

MS30205 Chaelin ShinMS30234 Junwoo ParkMS30239 Min JoMS30242 Dongeui Hong


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Geographical Feature

3. Business in Korea and Vision

4. Advantage of Investment

5. Business and corporate structure

6. Advice for Investment





Founded in June, 1998


3 differ-ent sec-


Global asset Manage-


Wealth Manage-


Invest-ment bank


Art Banking System

•The combination of finance and cultural items

Geographical Feature

Stable Finance System

Geopolitical & Political Advan-tages

Korea-ETFA Free Trade Agreement

Economy returns to prosperity

Business in Korea and Vision

2.6 bil-lion CHF

3 bil-lion CHF

&Increase market power in


No.1 Bank in World!

- High career for a long time and a great fundamental

- Strategic Actions for Undertaking & Merger

- Risk management

- High credit rating

Advantage of Investment

Business and Corporate Structure

<Businesses>Ⅰ. Investment Bank

Ⅱ. Wealth Manage-ment

Ⅲ. Global Asset Man-agement


Advice for Investment

-Wealth Management

-Precision Instrument


Investing Method

Stock & Bond

Fund Man-agement


We guarantee your success!

당신의 성공을 보장합니다 !


피티라인 파워포인트 템플릿

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템플릿의 확장자명이 POT 로 되어 있는 파일은 디자인서식 파일로써 자신의 파워포인트 디자인서식에 추가하여 문서를 작성할 때마다 별도의 다운로드 없이 파워포인트 실행만으로 원하는 디자인서식을 언제든지 사용할 수 있습니다 .

다음의 경로 안에 POT 파일을 삽입하시면 디자인 서식이 저장이 됩니다 .(2007 버전 예외 )

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< 버전 2007 인 경우 >pot 파일을 바로 열어서 사용합니다 .