2010 CGIS Annual Report

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2010 Annual Report for the Center for Global & International Studies at the University of Kansas.

Transcript of 2010 CGIS Annual Report

2010 has been a great first full year for CGIS. At least once a week, amidst the flurries of activity that make up any given day here in Blake Hall, I remind myself of the mission of CGIS, which is to be an incubator and catalyst for global and international studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the University of Kansas. As you can read on our website, this mission entails many pieces.

So, what have we been doing, and how have we been doing? The most important success was undoubtedly the award of a 4-year FLAS (Foreign Language Area Studies) scholarship grant from the Title VI competition. For a center that had only existed for eight months when this very competitive grant was due, that’s good work and good news. The FLAS grant will allow us to fully fund three graduate and six undergraduate students each year for purposes of studying one of the eight (8) so-called “Less Commonly Taught Languages” (LCTLs) that CGIS sponsors. These languages are: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Farsi/Tajik, Hebrew, Hindi, Mongolian, Turkish, and Uyghur. In all, the five KU area centers (all received full or partial Title VI funding, including FLAS!) sponsor 33 LCTLs for FLAS awards.

Fall 2010 marked the establishment of the new Global & International Studies full major. The curriculum was previously offered only as a co-major; students were enthusiastic to declare (and in the case of previously enrolled students, switch over to) the new, stand-alone major. It has a required capstone course for all graduating seniors and a language requirement above and beyond the four-semester requirement of the BA in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Interest has been very high, and we are most pleased to have Ms. Heidi Hulse, a professional student advisor, working closely with Center staff to ensure the success of the major. Indeed, Heidi has become a valuable member of the office staff, even though she does not officially report to the CGIS Director. We have also developed a second “track” in the MA program, which is designed for a select group of students associated with Ft. Leavenworth. We are pleased in this way to do our part to fulfill a KU goal to establish solid, ongoing relations with Ft. Leavenworth, which many refer to as the intellectual center of the U.S. Army.

Alongside the FLAS grant, we were also pleased to obtain a small Kansas Humanities Council grant, which enabled us to put on a Middle East book discussion series in collaboration with the Lawrence Public Library. It will also fund a Middle East Film Series at Liberty Hall in spring. Even though it is in the news more days than not, the Middle East can seem very far from daily life in Kansas. It is a diverse region with multiple histories, cultures and peoples of varied backgrounds, but the information we receive about the region is often transmitted through media images that become misleading stereotypes. The four fiction and non-fiction books that we read with members of the Lawrence community moved beyond such misrepresentations to delve into the complexities of the region’s people and cultures. They explored Iran, Egypt, Israel, and their neighbors, telling us broadly about the contemporary history of the region, the role of women, and the role of religion in their societies. The discussions at the library, each well-attended and led by a KU faculty member, were lively and informative.

essage from the Director

CGIS-affiliated Faculty Member Beverly Mack led one of the Mid-dle East Book Dicsussion Groups in Fall 2010 at the Lawrence Public Library. The event was part of a “TALK” series funded by a Grant from the Kansas Humanities Council.


2 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report

Speaking of the Middle East, the Center was given a mandate to establish or rejuvenate three area programs: European Studies; Middle Eastern Studies; and South Asian Studies. We have done so by hosting receptions, talking to faculty, gathering data, developing initial programming, and —in the case of European Studies— by adopting its existing undergraduate major into the Center. We are excited about the prospects for all three programs this coming year. This spring, CGIS is hosting Manfred Stinnes, a retired German diplomat, to teach two courses and give campus-wide presentations on Trans-Atlantic relations, current arms control regimes that affect Europe and the United States, and a variety of related topics. In South Asian studies, we have held several sponsored events, including a concert-workshop from Indian vocal Master Uday Bhawalkar and a live demonstration of Indian dance at Wescoe Beach for CGIS participation in International Education week. In its inaugural year, Hindi has been wildly successful under the direction of Geetanjali Tiwari while it enjoyed the active hospitality of the Department of Religious Studies. It will now be adopted into the Center. The class averages 15-20 in first year and

about 5 for second year study. Tiwari also led a Summer, 2010 study abroad class to India in collaboration with the Environmental Studies Department in which 11 undergraduate students participated. Students spent six weeks traveling in south-west India to protected areas in the mountains from the Eastern to Western Ghats. The group was guided and educated by local experts who ranged from members of the Soliga tribe to senior scientists in well-known NGOs. The students interacted with the wildlife and rich flora of each region, and they learned from dedicated conservationists. Their accommodations included a beautiful campground, comfortable hotels, a forest lodge deep inside a tiger reserve, and a home-stay in a village. The reaction to the program among students was overwhelmingly positive and has sparked an initiative to develop further KU Study Abroad opportunities in India. Summer 2011 will see KU’s first study abroad program to study the cultural heritage of India through the Department of Music and Dance. In response to an influx of demand among Hindi students and others, we are currently exploring a study abroad program for Hindi language immersion.

We have been pleased to collaborate in a number of on-campus and off-campus events and activities with all four of the other Area Centers (Latin America; Africa; East Asia; and Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia) and with the Office of International Programs. All have been very supportive of the Center’s mission. We hosted several dozen on- and off-campus speakers at panels or single-speaker events this this year, and we formally sponsored or co-sponsored more than twenty events between January 1 and December 31, 2010. Highlights included a lecture by Internationally known author, professor, and scholar of religions, Reza Aslan at the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, an intimate discussion among students and faculty with United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe; “Geography Awareness Week”; ““Farsi/Tajik: a Friendly Discussion with Faculty”; “Dance: A Celebration of South Asian Culture at KU”; and a lecture by journalist Sam Quinones, “So Far From Mexico City, So Close to God: Tales of Mexican Migration.”

In summary: we have been busy, and it has been fun! We look forward to much more this year as the three area programs come on line fully, as we continue to look for new granting opportunities, as we increase our outreach activities, and as we look for a greater number of faculty research collaborations.

-Thomas Heilke,CGIS Center Director

Geeta Tiwari’s Environmental Studies Study Abroad students in the forests of South India.

Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010 3

In 2010, the Global and International Studies (GIST) co-major became a full Global and International Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. The excitement surrounding this degree is still palpable in the halls of Blake. The Bachelor of Arts degree requirements differ from the old co-major requirements. The GIST BA requirements include a fifth semester of a second language and a Capstone Seminar. The GIST BA still requires students to choose a Regional Expertise and a Specialization area, but the options have expanded.

Most of the GIST co-majors switched over to the full major. GIST now boasts approximately 100 undergraduates who have officially indicated an interest in or who have declared GIST as their major. This spring 2011 semester, CGIS will offer the first Capstone Seminar, GIST 698. Seventeen seniors are currently enrolled in the course. The course will be taught by Sharon O’Brien. CGIS is ecstatic about “The Senior Seventeen” as they will be members of the first GIST graduating class!

A GIST minor is also available for students who would like to take part in GIST but do not have enough credits to spare for the full GIST major. Prospective students play a large part in the popularity of the GIST office. The Center of Global and International Studies office averages ten prospective visitors or email inquiries per month.

Robert Halloran is one of the new GIST majors at KU. Raised in Lawrence, he studied French in high school. But when he arrived at KU in fall 2009, he wanted to take a “really unique” language with an African focus. KiSwahili was full, so he picked Arabic.

Robert did not want the typical college scene. He wanted something different, so he could “could get a job anywhere,

Student Profile: GIST Undergrad, FLAS Fellowship Recipient Robert Halloran

Much-Anticipated New GIST Undergraduate Major is Here!

cademic ReportA

Robert Halloran talks about FLAS Fellowships with Lawrence Channel 6 News.

4 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010

and travel the world.” Home to more than 40 languages, KU offered him opportunities he could not get anywhere else in Kansas.

Summer 2010, Robert participated in a KU summer study abroad program in Ifrane, Morocco. During the course of that program, he completed second-year Arabic and traveled extensively within Morocco.

Upon his return, he declared a double major in Arabic and Islamic Studies and Global and International Studies with a focus on Middle Eastern Conflict. Two weeks before the fall semester of his sophomore year, he received the news that he was selected to receive a FLAS fellowship for third year Arabic, completely paying his tuition and providing a stipend that enabled him to stay in his scholarship hall.

Robert is applying for funding to travel to Jordan to further his Arabic studies this summer and next year. He would also like to study the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He dreams of using his new Arabic skills in his career. After completing his BA, he plans to attend graduate school to study diplomacy and conflict. His international studies and language skills have shaped his goals for the future, as he explains, “It is my dream to become an ambassador or United States diplomat working to bring a peaceful resolution to war between Israel and Palestine.”

The MA program in Global and International Studies admitted the following 12 students during the 2010 academic year, bringing the total number of students in the program to 65:

Ranya Ahmed(B.A. Political Science, University of Northern Iowa)Nadia Azam (M.A. International Relations, National University of Modern Languages, Pakistan)Banaz Caspers (B.A. International Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha)Rachel Crist (B.G.S. Political Science, University of Kansas)Kelly Freeland (B.E. Education, University of Central Missouri)Paola Ghezzo (M.A. Economics, University of Venice, Italy)Andrew Goggans (B.A. Public Administration, University of Kansas)Luke Herrington (B.A. Government and History, Missouri Western State University)Michael Horrell (M.A. European Studies, Indiana University)Robert Kurz (B.A. International Relations, Wichita State University)Liz Wegman (B.A. French and Mass Communications, Benedictine College)Crystal Wiebe (B.A. Journalism, University of Nebraska)

In addition, the following students received their M.A. degrees during the 2010 academic year:Dylan Bassett West African Drumming: Geography, History, Language, Multiculturalism and At-Risk Students. Chair: Garth Myers, GeographyWesley Fine Winning Hearts and Minds in Counter-Insurgency. Chair: Rose Greaves, HistoryAdam Marcy Incapacitated by Education: Educational Policy in Shah Reza Pahlavi’s Iran. Chair: Rose Greaves, HistoryZakaria Mohti The Lebanese Civil War, 1975-1990: Causes and Costs of Conflict. Chair: Eric Hanley, Sociology and Global and International StudiesJuliann Morland Nonviolent Organizations in the Midst of Modern Conflict: An Unexpected Source of Power in Colombia’s Civil War. Chair: Robert Shelton, Religious StudiesJeffrey Stocker Rent-Seeking in the Japanese System. Chair: Eric Hanley, Sociology and Global and International StudiesSarina Ziv Cooperating for the Future: A Case of the Ashkelon Desalination Plant. Chair: Margaret Schomaker, Business.

Jeff received his Master of Arts degree in Global and International Studies in 2010. Prior to entering the M.A. program, he was an undergraduate at the University of Kansas where he earned a B.A. in history, with an emphasis on East Asian history, in 2008. He was a member of Pi Alpha Theta Honor Society as an undergraduate and was elected to the Student Senate as a graduate student. His academic interests include Japanese society, economics, and politics, as well as conflict and development in Sub-Saharan Africa. In his Master’s thesis, which is titled “Rent-Seeking in the Japanese System,” Jeff argues that economic and political progress in Japan has been stymied due to the pervasiveness of rent-seeking behavior on the part of government officials. Jeff found the Master’s program in Global and International Studies valuable because of its multidisciplinary nature and the fact that it allowed him sufficient flexibility to design his own curriculum. Jeff’s future plans have him relocating to Dallas, Texas, where he will seek employment in firms involved in international business. He feels that his MA in Global and International Studies equipped him with a more complete understanding of global economics, which he believes is vital for professionals working in the international arena.During his final semester at KU, Jeff was selected awarded a CGIS FMSO Global Securities Fellowship, which allowed him to further pursue his research and complete his degree.

KU Edwards Campus in Overland Park is the location of most of the GIST Master’s Program courses.

Global & International Studies Master’s Program Updates

Student Profile: 2010 M.A. GIST Graduate and FMSO Fellowship Recipient Jeff Stocker

Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010 5

First-semester Hindi debuted Fall 2009 to a full capacity class. Following on this success, Intermediate Hindi (HNDI 210, 220) was offered for the first time in Fall 2010. Students become fully fluent in reading and writing Hindi in the Devanagari script with some basic grammar during the very first semester. Using these tools, they write their first essay/story in Hindi as a final take home assignment. In the following semesters, they learn more grammar, read stories, gain additional comprehension, and study conversational Hindi within a cultural context. CGIS will continue to offer Beginning and Intermediate Hindi every year.

In Fall 2010, Hindi became a Foreign Language and Area Studies-eligible language at KU. CGIS offers both undergraduate and graduate FLAS scholarships in Hindi.

In addition to teaching Hindi, Geetanjali Tiwari has been expanding India study abroad options.

In May 2010, she led KU’s new Environmental Studies Study Abroad trip with graduate teaching assistant Lisa Rausch and 11 undergraduate students to Southwest India for a six-week journey. The group visited several protected areas in the mountains from the Eastern to the Western Ghats in the states of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. In each area, the group was guided and educated by a wide range of local experts ranging from people of the Soliga tribe to senior scientists in renowned non-governmental organizations (such as ATREE, NCF, SACONH, IISc, and FRLHT). The students had the opportunity to interact with native wildlife and the rich flora of those areas, and to learn from dedicated conservationists from various disciplines. The accommodations the group stayed in

ranged from a beautiful campground and comfortable hotels to a forest lodge deep inside a Tiger Reserve and even a village home-stay. The students had life-enriching experiences: “This was the first time for ten of the 11 students to visit India; the only student who had been to India multiple times said that this was his favorite trip.”

Summer 2011, another Study Abroad to India will be offered, “Cultural Heritage of India via Classical Music and Dance.” It is cross-listed with CGIS, Religious Studies, Anthropology, Dance, and Music. During the three-week trip, students will be immersed in diverse Classical Arts of India. The first week students will visit the ancient temple city of Bhubaneshwara. For the next two weeks, the students will learn Indian classical music and dance from India’s top artists in Dharamsala - the Tibetan center of India in the high Himalayas.The Program will be lead by Tiwari and KU Dance Professor Patrick Suzeau.

South Asia Programs Expand

Photos Courtesy of Geetanjali Tiwari.

6 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010

Persian is a language with an ancient history that is spoken by more than 60 million people in the Middle East and Central Asia. There are three major dialects of Persian: Farsi (spoken primarily in Iran), Dari (spoken primarily in Afghanistan) and Tajik (spoken primarily in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). The first two dialects are written in Arabic script, but Tajik is written in the Cyrillic alphabet, a twentieth century modification conditioned by close ties to Russia during the Soviet period. Persian is notable for its rich literary heritage, with contributions from

poets such as Rumi, Hafez and Omar Khayyam.In Fall 2010, students had their first opportunity to study Persian languages at KU in a Farsi/Tajik course with Razi Ahmad, who joined the Center for Global and International Studies as a lecturer in Fall of 2010. He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona and he holds a Master of Philosophy in Persian literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. His areas of interest and teaching include Persian language and literature, Indo-Persian culture, and the history and politics of Islam in the Middle East and South Asia.

Prof. Ahmad tells us about his experiences teaching Persian Languages at KU this semester: “There are eight students enrolled in the class. The strength of the class is quite remarkable, especially if one takes into account that the course was added to the fall schedule of classes very late. The students come from a variety of different backgrounds. There are military cadets, Iranian-Americans, linguistic adventurers who just

want to learn a completely different language, undergraduate students, a graduate student, and a lecturer. They all share one common thing: their excitement for learning a new language.”

One of the students said she had been waiting her whole life to learn Persian and she is so happy and excited to finally get that opportunity at KU. Another student, pursuing his post-graduate studies in Sociology, has a well-defined goal: He is learning Persian with the intent of utilizing the new linguistic skill in his research dealing with the health issues of the Iranian diaspora. When the instructor suggested the idea of organizing a weekly Persian table, the class enthusiastically supported it and set up the time and venue. Now, they get together for an hour every Tuesday in the Kansas Union and practice Persian, discuss course material, and talk about Iranian culture and politics.

Members of the class have also formed a new student organization, the Persian Club at KU. The group plans to organize Perian culture-related events such as film evenings on campus.


13th Centruy Persian Poet and Mystic Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī , also known as Rumi .

Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010 7

ersian anguage & ulture L CC omes to K U

Year 2010 was challenging and exciting for a young KU unit, the Center for Global and International Studies (CGIS). The Center’s 2010 outreach season kicked off with a fun and educational event, the “International Trivia Challenge” that took place at Liberty Hall, Lawrence, KS, in February. KU Area Studies Educators and Staff gathered to challenge the community during this international knowledge contest. In March, Tatyana Wilds, Outreach Coordinator, CGIS, attended the 2010 Central State Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The conference took place in Minneapolis, MN. More than 900 educators participated at this vivid and fun event.

In April, the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (CREES), the Center for Economic Education (CEE), the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS), and CGIS hosted a K-16 Workshop for Educators, “Teaching The Silk Road: The Past, Present and Future of the Global Market.” KU specialists and visiting scholars gave presentations on this fascinating ancient-but-modern topic. The presenters discussed Central Asia and how the global market is affecting the economies, educational systems, cultures, religions, and governments of the countries in this region. 58 educators and students participated in the event.

In June, Tatyana Wilds participated at the Engineers without Borders General Chapter Meeting. The meeting took place at Black and Veatch, Kansas City, MO. The meeting included a panel and discussion about the UN Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development. The CGIS also helped the chapter find two panelists – KU Professor Elizabeth Aseidu and KU Graduate student Anne Kraemer Diaz. More than 30 of the chapter’s members and guests attended the meeting.

Tatyana Wilds also serves as a board member for the Kansas Council for the Social Studies (KCSS) where she represents KU International Outreach. During the KCSS meeting in July she gave a report on KU area studies activities. The meeting took place at the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, Topeka, KS.

In August, the CGIS outreach coordinator attended the 2010 Ethnic Enrichment Festival in Kansas City, MO, and distributed area studies promotional materials among the participants. Despite 105 degree heat, tens of thousands of people attended the event. Through music, food, dance and crafts, the festival represented over 60 cultures to the Midwest.

In October, Tatyana Wilds presented at the 2011 KAEA Conference. She designed and presented a workshop on “International Concepts: Artist Book, From Cave Art and Scroll to Animation.” During the workshop, 20 teachers learned how to incorporate foreign letter symbols into art-work and to employ

a wide range of forms, including rock, scrolls, fold-outs, fans, drums, loose items contained in a box, bound

printed sheet along with movie sequences and animated images.

In November, during the the Office of International Programs International Education Week, the CGIS and Watson Library presented “Farsi/Tajik at KU: A Friendly Discussion with the Faculty” in Watson Library. Razi Ahmad, Farsi instructor,

and Geoff Husic, Slavic Librarian, gave guidance and friendly answers to questions,

and shared their experiences in Persian studies with the audience. The event set a model for

future CGIS events.

In December, KU area studies outreach staff, Office of International Programs outreach representatives, and School of Education faculty members met with Don Gifford, new Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Social Studies Consultant, and Phyllis Farrer, KSDE World Language Consultant. The outreach meeting took place in Bailey 318 at KU. Participants gave a brief report on past, present and future activities of the area they represented. The outcome of the meeting was a continuing collaboration between KU international area studies and the Kansas State Department of Education for the mutual benefit of all.

Spring 2011 will be a very busy time for all area studies centers. All centers will cooperate in programming under the theme of “Migration and the World.” CGIS is co-sponsoring two K-14 workshops for educators, “Kansas Business in the World” and “Music, the Arts, and Migration.” Stay tuned for more information about the spring 2011 workshops!


8 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010

On February 17th 2010, the KU and Lawrence Communities enthusiastically came out to welcome popular author and scholar of the Middle East, Dr. Reza Aslan. Familiar to many from his numerous television appearances on programs such as the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and as a consultant on CNN, Aslan spoke about topics discussed in his recent book: How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the end to the War on Terror. Over 200 people attended the lecture. Audience members were able to engage him in a half hour Q & A and meet the speaker as he signed books following the talk.

On October 18, 2010, CGIS was honored to present B. Lynn Pascoe, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, in an rare chance for an informal public dialogue. Pascoe, who was attending the 2010 United Nations Day Dinner later that evening in Kansas City, was eager to interact with KU students and faculty. Having received his bachelor’s degree from KU in East Asian Studies, Pascoe made sure to fit this special visit into his tight schedule.

Fresh from a visit to the United Nations Mission in Nepal, the Under-Secretary-General briefed the audience on that, as well as other recent missions abroad and was available to answer questions about these topics, and listen to the voices of KU students and faculty.


Scholar & Author Reza Aslan

Comes to the Dole Institute

2010 CGIS Sponsored &Co-sponsored Events2/17 Reza Aslan: How to Win A Cosmic war: God, Globalization and the end to the war on terror

2/18 Intl Women Connect:Academic Success Clinic

2/23 Conference: “East Asia Leading the World Recovery”

2/23 “Gender and HIV/AIDS: Global and Local Perspectives”

2/24 African NGO’s: Challenges and Opportunities

3/1-3/2 Conference: Why do we migrate? Interdisciplinary Exploration of Human Migration

3/3 Corporate Responsibilty for Human Rights Abuses as a Legacy of Nuremberg

4/13 Panel Discussion: “international Health Care Systems”

4/15 The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women and the Security of States

4/17 K-16 Workshop for Educators: “Teaching the Silk Road: The Past, Present & Future of the Global Market”

10/18 A Conversation with United Nations Under-Secretary-General B. Lynn Pascoe

10/20 Developing Future Leaders in Afghanistan: A Case Study of University British Parliamentary Debate

10/22 Concert-Lecture-Demonstration: Indian Vocal Master Uday Bhawalkar

11/3 Lecture: Journalist Sam Quinones :Tales of Mexican Migration

Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010 9

year Arabic. From Fairway, Kansas.

Graduate: Annie Kroshus, History of Art. Awarded for first-year Chinese (Mandarin). From St. Paul, Minnesota.

Pooya Naderi, Sociology. Awarded for first year Farsi. From Portland, Oregon.

Ashley Thompson, East Asian Languages & Cultures and An-thropology. Awarded for second year Uyghur. From Overland Park, Kansas.

Laura Welch is a senior at the University of Kansas. She is studying Speech Pathology as her major and attaining a minor in African and African American Studies with a second minor in Arab-Islamic Studies. She received her FLAS fellowship for the 2010-2011 year to study Arabic.

Laura describes what being awarded the FLAS Fellowship has meant to her in her studies: “Receiving the FLAS has allowed me to study Arabic in greater depth as well as focus on the culture behind the language through the cultural classes offered for the fulfillment of the FLAS requirements. This also helps in my major classes, because my interest in speech pathology centers on the way in which people process language, and how this changes when people can speak more than one language.

I plan on helping people who have had strokes or traumatic brain injuries and have lost aspects of their language. My goal is to help my clients regain their language skills in Arabic as well as in English. I will use my knowledge of Arabic, as well as understanding the cultural expectations and differences between native Arabic speakers and bilingual Arabic-English speakers, to facilitate the patient’s progress. The FLAS has helped me both in the breadth of my knowledge in the language and in the depth of my knowledge of the culture. Both of these features are extremely important in Speech Pathology, because without the language I could not communicate with my clients, but knowing the cultural basis behind the language gives me a better framework within which the language can be used.”

The first major project for CGIS was to apply for funding to the United States Department of Education under Title VI. In its first application, just months after its birth, CGIS received $846,500 in FLAS Fellowships for students at KU to study specific priority languages.

As a Title VI FLAS Center, CGIS will award fellowships from 2010-2014 for both academic year study and summer language study. Awards are for students to study Arabic, Chinese, Farsi (Persian), Hebrew, Hindi, Mongolian, Turkish or Uyghur.FLAS awards are quite generous, intended to cover full tuition and provide a stipend to cover reasonable living expenses. Undergraduate academic year FLAS provide up to $10,000 toward tuition and a $5,000 stipend. During the course of their fellowship, undergraduate students must plan to take second year language or above. Graduate FLAS provide up to $18,000 toward tuition and a $15,000 stipend. Summer FLAS for all students provides up to $5,000 toward tuition and a $2500 stipend. Summer students studying abroad may also be eligible for travel funds.

CGIS academic year FLAS awards include six undergraduate FLAS and three graduate FLAS. CGIS will also award a number of summer FLAS each year.

The inaugural CGIS FLAS awardees are:

Undergraduate: Joshua Anderson, English. Awarded for third-year Arabic. From Perry, Kansas.

Zachary Borth, African and African-American Studies, History of Art, Global and International Studies. Awarded for second-year Arabic. From Arlington, Kansas.

Alexander Golubski, East Asian Languages and Cultures. Awarded to study Chinese (Mandarin ) abroad at Chongqing University. From Lenexa, Kansas.

Jordan Hadjian, Global and International Studies. Awarded for third-year Arabic. From Overland Park, Kansas.

Robert Halloran, African and African-American Studies. Award-ed for third-year Arabic. From Lawrence, Kansas.

Laura Welch, Speech-Language-Hearing. Awarded for second-

rant ActivityGStudent Profile: Undergrad FLAS Recipient Laura Welch

10 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010

Pooya Naderi is an assistant instructor and current doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Kansas. His teaching and research interests include gender and masculinities, medical sociology, health disparities and social policy. Pooya received his undergraduate degree in social science from Western Oregon University and a Masters in sociology from Portland State University.

Pooya is the co-founder of the Children of Africa Fund for Social Mobility, a non-profit organization focused on providing basic resources: food, clean water, health care services and education for children of the Royal Seed Orphanage in Ghana.

With the resources and support of the FLAS, Pooya continues his research on the sociological dimensions of Iranian Diaspora in the U.S. context. This research will consist of in-depth interviews and textual analysis of primary sources in Farsi. In particular, Pooya will be examining gender attitudes among women and men in Iranian Diaspora communities in the U.S; the qualitative experiences of first-generation Iranian immigrants in building social networks; the culturally-rooted narratives about gender relations and social capital; the embeddedness of gender and political ideology both among first-generation Iranian immigrants in the U.S. and across generations of Iranian-Americans; and the pathways through which differences in social location contribute to gender attitudes, degrees of social capital, and identity and citizenship issues among Iranian expatriates.

Pooya plans on using his Farsi proficiency to conduct in-depth interviews in Persian, and to analyze and code interviews, texts, new media and other qualitative data sources. Pooya hopes that this research will contribute to general knowledge of the sociology of diasporas in the U.S. context and cross-cultural knowledge building.

Student Profile: Graduate FLAS Recipient Pooya Naderi EVERY DOLLAR


The Center for Global & Inernational Studiesis in need of support from donations, of any amount to promote and support:

• Development of new academic courses; faculty and student research travel; student scholarships,

• Promotion of knowledge of Global & International Studies, inlcuding South Asia, Europe and the Middle East, through academic conferences, lecture series and special lectures, film festivals, exhibits, recitals, and festival celebrations.

• Outreach programs that serve K-12 schools, postsecondary schools, and community enrichment.

You may donate to an unrestricted fund and allow the Center to decide where your contribution can be used most effectively, or you can direct your donation to a particular area or activity, such as those listed below.

How to Give by check:You may make out a check for your tax deductible donation to “KUEA” (KU Endowment Association) and mail it directly to the address below. Please specify that you want the money to go to the Center for Global & International Studies. KU Endowment Association West Campus, University of Kansas 1891 Constant Avenue Box 928 Lawrence, KS 66044-0928

Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010 11

Kansas Humanities Council Awards Grant for Middle East-Themed Outreach Programs

In Summer, 2011, CGIS was awarded a grant of $5,517 from the Kansas Humanities Council to implement Middle East programming for the community. This outreach included both a book series and a film series.The book series will become a TALK series to be repeated across the State of Kansas. It premiered this fall at the Lawrence Public Library. In Spring 2011, CGIS will present films at Liberty Hall in Lawrence.The Middle East Book Series included four books from across the geographical boundaries and writing styles of the region. These were discussed by four faculty members from KU who included the two newest Middle East experts on campus.

The books and discussion leaders were: Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, by Marjane Satrapi, discussed by Beverly Mack, Professor of African StudiesThe Yacoubian Building: A Novel, by Alaa Al Aswany, discussed by Jacqueline Brinton, a new assistant professor of Religious StudiesThe Israelis: Ordinary People in an Extraordinary Land, by Donna Rosenthal, discussed by Tamara Falicov, Associate Professor and Chair, Film and Media StudiesMy Prison, My Home: One Woman’s Story of Captivity in Iran, by Haleh Esfandiari, discussed by Afshin Marashi, a new Associate Professor in the Department of HistoryThe book discussions were both lively and well-attended. Maria Butler, Community Relations Coordinator for the Lawrence Public Library, described them as “a fantastic experience for everyone involved.”

Following on this success, CGIS will present two films February 10 and March 3 at Liberty Hall, funded by the KHC. The first will be Women Without Men, a film by Iranian visual artist Shirin Neshat. The second, which will also be a part of the spring international migration series, will be A Hebrew Lesson, an Israeli film about immigrants studying Hebrew in an Ulpan.

In FY 2011 approximately $400,000 was spent on library materials (books, audio visual and journals) in global and international studies disciplines. Buying trips were taken to Japan, China and Russia by International Area Studies (IAS) area specialists. A new fund was created for Global Studies that supplements the area studies and political science funds. This new fund is used to purchase materials on globalization such as international terrorism, national identity, immigration, human rights, arms control, etc.

IAS librarians and staff met with over 1000 students and faculty for reference consultations during 2010. The average length of each consultation was 45 minutes. Over 3000 reference queries were received and answered via email.

Library instruction is an integral component of courses taught within the international area studies disciplines for undergraduate and graduate students. The past four years have seen a dramatic increase (over 500%) in the number of students who receive workshop-style library instruction specific to IAS. In 2010 KU library librarians and staff provided direct classroom instruction and workshops to more than 10,000 undergraduate student and 3,000 graduate students in over 1,000 sessions. International area studies staff provided over 250 of these sessions reaching over 4,000 students and faculty members. An article by one of the IAS Slavic librarians, Jon Giullian, was named as one of the top 20 on library instruction, information and learning by the American Library Association.

KU Libraries have put together an impressive collection of research guides (LibGuides), both general and IAS-related, to help faculty, students, and teachers, both locally and from other institutions, access KU’s collections. These LibGuides online guides are accessible to the general public and serve as mini-portals to the thousands of online database and WWW resources available at KU and at other institutions. While some of these LibGuides cover general subjects, others are customized to individual courses, helping students, teachers, and faculty from KU and elsewhere access KU collections.IAS-specific LibGuides are consistently among the most popular and most utilized LibGuides within KU Libraries.

IAS staff and librarians also provided over 50 workshops and outreach to K-12 teachers in the state of Kansas, the business

KU Libraries Activities Related to International Studies in 2010

12 Center for Global & International Studies Annual Report 2010

and Latin communities in Kansas City, and to over 1,000 junior high school students in Lawrence. In 2008 IAS initiated an ongoing series of class presentations to 7th geography students which also include online multi-media materials that allow teachers and students to explore languages, history, culture, geography, art, etc. of the global region the students are studying. The series covers global regions such as Latin America, East Asia, Africa, and Slavic areas, as well as individual countries within Europe, such as Spain, Germany and Poland.

Exhibits of international and global materials are also an important component of promoting our collection. In the past year, IAS staff has curated several exhibits in support of international and area studies programs. Eleven exhibits were mounted in the three exhibit areas on the fifth floor of Watson Library including: A Vampire by Any Other Name – Vampires Around the World, Sci-Fi from Central Europe, Japanese handmade paper art, and day of the Dead. Many of the exhibits are integrated into KU courses. Online versions of these exhibits are posted and available to the public. KU Libraries hosted the Africana Librarians Council meeting in April 2010. Approximately fifty African studies librarians attended this national conference. KU Libraries also hosted a Slavic Librarian Summit in May 2010. Ten Slavic librarians attended this regional consortia meeting. Both conference enabled librarians to discuss cooperative projects and share strategies for addressing major challenges in managing Slavic and African research collections and work to find collective solutions.

On February 11, 2010, the KU Faculty Senate passed an Open Access policy granting the University permission to deposit a copy of their scholarly work in an open access repository called ScholarWorks. The digital repository makes important research available to a wider audience nationally and internationally, and helps assure its long-term preservation.

As a result of the policy, digital communities have been created in the following areas pertaining to international studies: African and African-American studies, Center for East Asian Studies, Center for Russian, History, East European and Eurasian Studies, Global Indigenous Studies, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, Slavic Languages and Literature, and Spanish and Portuguese. A new Latin American studies community was established in November. Thousands of articles on area studies, global and international subjects by KU scholars have been deposited as well as dozens of journal titles such as Slovene Linguistics Studies, Latin American Theatre Review and Journal of Asian Legal Studies. International and area studies titles are consistently within the top five most accessed titles in ScholarWorks.

The Casement collection, consisting of consists of approximately 12 letters and documents and 100 photographs created during the construction of the Costa Rican Pacific Railroad between 1897 and 1903, was digitalized and will form part of the new Latin American Digital Community. This historic collection represents a link to our sister institution, the University of Costa Rica, which has expressed interest in these images. It will now to available to scholars throughout the world.

The IAS reading room was redorated with new or restored historical furniture and international wall hangings, and updated with new public computers. The IAS reading room provides dedicated space for faculty, students, and the general public who are interested in global and international area studies. The division includes a public service desk, reference and study spaces, a conference room, and offices for all area studies librarians and staff. With nearly 3000 square feet of designated space, the IAS division serves as a hub for graduate, professional, and undergraduate students studying international and area studies. The collaborative working environment and public space creates a synergy among IAS staff to the benefit of patrons.

CGIS hosted an event at Watson Library in November 2010 to highlight KU libraries rich resources for Farsi and

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