CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE - GeoSmart Asia Hafifi Yusof.pdf · 2018. 1. 4. · TNB’s Corporate...


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    Asia Geospatial Forum, 24-26 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Data Update Device (DUDe) as a Mobile GIS for

    TNB’s Corporate Geospatial Information System (CGIS)

    Ahmad Hafifi Yusof

    Geomatics Unit (CGIS Project), IT & Business Solutions Department, ICT Division,

    Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia


    Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the largest electricity utility in Malaysia and a leading utility

    company in Asia. Listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia with almost RM87 billion in

    assets, the Company’s more than 33,500 employees serve an estimated 8.3 million customers in

    Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan. TNB has been “Keeping the Lights On” in Malaysia

    ever since it was set up as the Central Electricity Board in 1949, powering national development

    via the provision of reliable and efficient electricity.

    TNB’s core businesses are in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. In

    Peninsular Malaysia, the Company supplies households and industry with electricity generated

    from six thermal stations and three major hydroelectric schemes. It also manages and operates

    the National Grid which links TNB power stations and IPPs to the distribution network. The grid

    is connected to Thailand’s transmission system in the north and Singapore’s transmission system

    in the south. In East Malaysia, TNB has 80% equity in Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB),

    which manages the Sabah Grid.

    As part of its drive to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs, one of TNB’s initiatives

    is implementing a Corporate Geospatial Information System (CGIS) Project. Other than serving

    the core businesses, CGIS is also required to manage internal TNB fiber optic network, property

    management, security and logistics.

    One of the factors that contribute towards the successful implementation of CGIS in TNB is

    ensuring that all of the required data for CGIS functionalities are always available, accurate and

    reliable. High integrity data can only be realized by making sure that any changes to data

    attributes are immediately updated into the CGIS databases onsite. This can be achieved by

    providing proper field data capture or update tool to the users. To ensure process standardization

    and compliance, the use of this tool shall be made compulsory as part of their daily works.


    Data is one of the key elements in the implementation of any GIS project. Among the many

    challenges of field data collection are dealing with complex data models, high volume of data

    and ensuring data integrity and accuracy. Involving three (3) core divisions, namely Generation,

    Transmission, Distribution and three (3) non-core divisions in TNB; ICT, Planning & Corporate

    Services, this project aims to collect and digitize the following assets:

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    27 Power Stations (Thermal & Hydro)

    38 Mini Hydro

    ~7.3 million customer points/meter

    ~60,000 substations & associated equipment

    ~250,000 km of underground (UG) cables

    380 Main Intake Substations (132kv and above)

    14,000 km of overhead (OH) lines

    3,000 km of UG cables

    15200 land parcels (Generation, substations, TNB offices)

    ~60,000 PE land parcels

    ~7,600 buildings

    ~10,000 km of fiber optics cables

    480 communication rooms

    1000 km of Last Mile Fiber

    Such massive data volume requires proper and efficient data management, from work package

    preparation, field data collection, data digitization, and QA/QC and data maintenance. DUDe has

    been introduced to assist TNB in ensuring a more effective and productive data maintenance for

    the implementation of the TNB GIS project.

    Figure 1: 4 Keys Elements in Data Maintenance

    Data Maintenance

    Work Package

    Data Collection

    Data Digitization


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    TNB has embarked on the implementation of DUDe Project (Phase I) in November 2012 and

    expected to complete by September 2013. DUDe has been introduced as a GIS mobile solution

    for the CGIS Project. Distribution Division with the highest volume of assets to be operated and

    maintained has been identified as a consumer of DUDe.

    DUDe is a mobile solution introduced in TNB with an aim to improve efficiency and process in

    maintaining and updating asset information on-the-go via mobile device.

    Outdated data is always a major issue in any GIS Project implementation. Lessons learned from

    other organizations indicated that in order to ensure data are updated on a timely basis; it requires

    more than just having processes but also good discipline amongst the users as well as proper

    monitoring and utilization of the update devices. Furthermore, data updating processes from the

    fields to CGIS database shall be simple and seamless to the users.

    In order to ensure high data integrity, accuracy and enable well informed decision-making and

    Distribution planning, TNB decided to invest and equip selected CGIS users with Data Update



    In TNB Distribution Division, there are 3 major functions/units namely Planning &

    Construction, Customer Services, and Operation & Maintenance which are involved in managing

    and maintaining TNB’s electrical networks and assets. On top of using CGIS as a desktop GIS

    application to plan, construct, operate and maintain, an efficient mobile solution namely DUDe is

    needed to ensure high data integrity and seamless data updating.

    Figure 2 below shows an overview of DUDe solution involving Intergraph Workflow Manager

    and Geomedia Smart Client on top of existing CGIS database integrated with DUDe database

    through Smallworld InSync™ On Oracle®, from GE Energy.

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    Figure 2: Solution Overview

    a. Smallworld InSync™ On Oracle®

    Smallworld InSync™ On Oracle® is part of the Smallworld on Oracle family of products

    and is a key tool for integration with Oracle databases. The Smallworld InSync product

    can significantly reduce the time and cost of integration with other enterprise systems –

    Work Flow Management, Asset Management, Customer Relationship Management.

    Smallworld InSync enables live data in operational and other systems that manage their

    data on Oracle, to be available in the managed design environment, and vice versa.

    b. Intergraph Geomedia Smart Client

    Traditional desktop GIS provides the ultimate in geospatial capabilities and flexibility,

    but its complexity and cost (both in terms of licensing and support) makes it unsuitable

    for wide deployment across the enterprise. On the other hand, common web mapping

    applications provide a better fit for general users based on their simpler operation and

    lower cost, but they do not support functions required by many enterprise business

    workflows, such as accurate and reliable vector data editing. Intergraph developed

    Geomedia Smart Client. To address enterprise space, Smart Client supports a number of

    core functions that enable organizations to:

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    Use workflow configuration and rules definition tools to implement highly focused and efficient workflows without the need of developing and maintaining extensive and

    expensive custom code.

    Reduce training overhead while increasing productivity and data quality with Smart Client’s task-driven user interface, workflows, and built-in data validation.

    Increase information sharing and re-use with Smart Client’s controlled and coordinated user access, data models, and workflows while avoiding the inefficiencies, errors, and

    risks that arise when departments work in data silos.

    Remove the cost of installing and administering desktop (even browser-based) software by offering self-configuring web deployment


    Figure 3: Detailed Work Flow

    With the use of DUDe system, TNB will be able to:

    Allow the construction supervisor to update network design on site during construction phase and after construction is completed. The status of assets can be updated


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    Provide functions that allow users to view on-going project status on-demand basis in CGIS during construction phase including “% of overall completion”, "Construction

    Complete Date", "Full Commissioning Date" and “Take Over Certificate (TOC) Date”.

    Capability for users to amend planned networks on site based on construction progress or as-built drawings at different phases of construction.

    Upon project closure, Engineering Information Unit (EIU) will consolidate all asset status report from construction unit and update asset data attributes in SAP’s Plant Maintenance

    module (e.g. functional location of asset, type, manufacturer, etc.)


    a. Time savings and cost reduction

    By integrating data via GIS mobile device, time spent for on-site field surveying as well as manpower cost can be reduced significantly

    Reduction of paper consumption; achieved by eliminating pen and paper approach to collect, edit and load data

    b. Improve work productivity and efficiency

    More productive GIS data management process through rapid data collection and seamless data integration

    Improve operational efficiency of field crew

    c. Increase data reliability and quality

    Precise, up-to-date information and reduction of human error due to immediate on-site data acquisition

    Assist TNB in making more accurate, real-time business decisions and collaboration across the organization



    a. Stakeholder’s Buy In

    Change management is a critical part of any project that introduces new processes,

    technologies and systems. To ensure successful implementation of the mobile GIS

    initiative in TNB, active participation and take-up from all stakeholders is crucial during

    this transformation phase. Level of detailed assets to be updated and collected must be

    collectively agreed. Without a common understanding between functional/business

    owners and implementers, the DUDe system cannot be realized to its full potential. To

    mitigate this, working level stakeholders must be identified correctly and data

    requirements are to be addressed and analyzed holistically. In addition, data ownership

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    has to be identified and informed at the beginning of project implementation to ensure

    continuous data maintenance by each owner.

    b. Complexity Data Model

    With regards to the extensiveness of data attributes captured, it is important to note that

    striking the right balance between business needs and required efforts is the key to a

    successful mobile GIS implementation. Without accurate and reliable data, all CGIS

    functionalities cannot be used and will lead to incorrect decision making and low system

    utilization. Focusing on finalizing data model, dataset for Oracle InSync and

    synchronization flow between CGIS and DUDe servers must be made to ensure

    smoothness of DUDe system. Besides that, data model and process flow should also be

    agreed upon and finalized during project implementation stage to reduce risk of delay in

    project delivery.

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    Asia Geospatial Forum, 24-26 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Paper Reference No : PN-51

    Title of Paper : Data Update Devices (DUDe) as a Mobile GIS for

    TNB’s Corporate Geospatial Information System


    Name of Presenter : Ahmad Hafifi Yusof

    Author’s Affiliation : Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM)

    Mailing Address : Geomatics Unit (CGIS Project)

    IT & Business Solutions Department

    ICT Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad

    Level 28, Dua Sentral


    Email Address : [email protected]

    Telephone Number : 603-2180 2288 ext. 5845

    Fax Number : 603-2203 4972

    Author’s Brief Biography

    Ahmad Hafifi Yusof is a Manager, Implementation & Maintenance

    Services (Geomatics) in ICT Division of Tenaga Nasional Berhad

    (TNB) Malaysia. He’s been serving TNB since December 2005.

    Graduated with Bachelor Degree (BA.Hons) in Computer

    Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor.

    Currently he’s involved in implementing Corporate Geospatial

    Information System for TNB, in-charge of GIS Data Management

    for the project. He has more than 6 years’ experience in GIS

    implementation in TNB.

    mailto:[email protected]