2 Statement Analysis

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Statement AnalysisStatement Analysis

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That¶s about all I can think of.That¶s about all I can think of.

I can¶t say I can ever remember doingI can¶t say I can ever remember doinganything like that.anything like that.

I would say the answer is no.I would say the answer is no.

I don¶t do things like that.I don¶t do things like that. Why would I do anything like that?Why would I do anything like that?

(Rudacille, 1994).(Rudacille, 1994).

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Polygraph VsPolygraph Vs

Independent Co



nIndependent Co



nN = 100N = 100

PolygraphPolygraph IndependentIndependentCorroborationCorroboration

FailFail 5252 94.2%94.2%

PassPass 4848 72.9%72.9%

((RudacilleRudacille, 1994), 1994)

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Ev asi v e AnswersEv asi v e Answers

NN EvasionsEvasions

PassPass 4848 4848


Fail 5252 322322

((RudacilleRudacille, 1994), 1994)

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asi v 


asi v 

eDeceptive PersonsDeceptive Persons

6 x6 x As many evasive answers As many evasive answers

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Ev asi v e Answers b y Type of  Ev asi v e Answers b y Type of  



nRelevantRelevant NotNot


%% %% DeceptiveDeceptive 9595 55

TruthTruth 2020 8080((RudacilleRudacille, 1994), 1994)

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Spontaneous DenialSpontaneous Denial





((RudacilleRudacille, 1994), 1994)

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R epetition of QuestionsR epetition of Questions

No. of timesNo. of times DeceptiveDeceptive NotNot

askedasked deceptivedeceptive

%% %%22 7171 1515

33 5454 00

44 66 00((RudacilleRudacille, 1994), 1994)

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 Types of  Ev asi v e Answers Types of  Ev asi v e Answers

1. Unfinished business1. Unfinished business

2. ³I can¶t´ or ³I won¶t´2. ³I can¶t´ or ³I won¶t´

3. ³I would say´3. ³I would say´

4. ³That¶s a hard question.´4. ³That¶s a hard question.´

5. Objecting to the question5. Objecting to the question6. Nonreflective denial6. Nonreflective denial

7. Maintenance of dignity7. Maintenance of dignity

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 Types of  Ev asi v e Answers Types of  Ev asi v e Answers

8. Asking a question8. Asking a question

9. Projection9. Projection

10. No proof 10. No proof 

11. Accusations11. Accusations

12. ³The answer is . . .´12. ³The answer is . . .´

13. ³Are you asking me?´13. ³Are you asking me?´

(Rudacille, 1994)(Rudacille, 1994)

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 ́The f irst one he was insinuating that I had ́The f irst one he was insinuating that I haddone it before. I just went, ¶this has nothingdone it before. I just went, ¶this has nothing

to do with it. Nothing at all. Y ou ha v e no to do with it. Nothing at all. Y ou ha v e no 

right saying that. Y o

u ha v 

e no


usinessright saying that. Y o

u ha v 

e no


usinessbringing it up. Y ou ha v e no businessbringing it up. Y ou ha v e no business

bringing it up in f ront of  these peo ple likebringing it up in f ront of  these peo ple like

that. It has nothing to do with this.·µthat. It has nothing to do with this.·µ

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Statement AnalysisStatement Analysis

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Statement of Da v id SmithStatement of Da v id Smith

³Everywhere I look, I see their play toys and³Everywhere I look, I see their play toys and

pictures,. . They are both wonderfulpictures,. . They are both wonderfulchildren. I don¶t know how else to put it.children. I don¶t know how else to put it.

 And I can¶t imagine life without them.´ And I can¶t imagine life without them.´

(Henderson 1994)(Henderson 1994)

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Statement of Susan SmithStatement of Susan Smith

³They were my life´³They were my life´


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Statement of Susan SmithStatement of Susan Smith

³You son of a b³You son of a b------! How can you think that!. I! How can you think that!. I

can¶t believe that you think I did it. . . .I didcan¶t believe that you think I did it. . . .I didnot have anything to do with the abductionnot have anything to do with the abduction

of my children,. . . Whoever did this is aof my children,. . . Whoever did this is a

sick and emotionally unstable person.´sick and emotionally unstable person.´

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´Someho w I belie v e that James bumped´Someho w I belie v e that James bumped

into my right arm and I lost control of  theinto my right arm and I lost control of  the

gun. I belie v e that the barrel was pointinggun. I belie v e that the barrel was pointing

in Nancy·s direction and I reacted b yin Nancy·s direction and I reacted b y

grabbing at the gun to get it back undergrabbing at the gun to get it back under

control. When I did this the guncontrol. When I did this the gundischarged. It went off  once and I lookeddischarged. It went off  once and I looked

o v er and saw blood on Nancy·s f ace. Io v er and saw blood on Nancy·s f ace. I

immediately got up andimmediately got up and ---- thinking that Ithinking that I

did not want James to seedid not want James to see ---- I think I putI think I put

something o v er my wif e·s upper body.µsomething o v er my wif e·s upper body.µ

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³My wife´³My wife´ 7 times7 times

³Nancy´³Nancy´ 00

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´ At appr

oximately 7:30 I g

ot up,

´ At appr

oximately 7:30 I g

ot up,

 washed and went upstairs. I made washed and went upstairs. I made

coff ee for myself and turned on TV incoff ee for myself and turned on TV in

the li v 

ing roo

m to

watch the mo

rningthe li v 

ing roo

m to

watch the mo

rningnews. At approximately 8:15 Shannonnews. At approximately 8:15 Shannon

and Jason lef t. Shannon ga v e Jason aand Jason lef t. Shannon ga v e Jason a

ride to


l and then went to

w o

rk.µride to


l and then went to

w o


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³turned on TV in the living room to³turned on TV in the living room to

watch the morning news´watch the morning news´

³watched the news´³watched the news´

³watched TV for a while´³watched TV for a while´

³watched the sports page´³watched the sports page´

³watched the early news´³watched the early news´

³watched TV until about 2 am´³watched TV until about 2 am´

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´R ead the statement literally.´R ead the statement literally.

Ev ery w ord is important.µEv ery w ord is important.µ

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³Whenever I watch TV and see those³Whenever I watch TV and see those

poor starving kids all over the world, Ipoor starving kids all over the world, I

can¶t help but cry. I mean, I¶d love tocan¶t help but cry. I mean, I¶d love tobe skinny like that, but not with allbe skinny like that, but not with all

those flies and death, and stuff´.those flies and death, and stuff´.

Mariah CareyMariah Carey

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 A Judge R ecusing Himself  A Judge R ecusing Himself 

³Comes now the Judge, and feeling that the³Comes now the Judge, and feeling that the

ravishing pits of Hell are too good for thisravishing pits of Hell are too good for this

sonson--of of--aa--bitch, disqualifies himself frombitch, disqualifies himself from

further proceedings in this case.´further proceedings in this case.´

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 ́Woke up 6 or so am. Took a bath, ate ́Woke up 6 or so am. Took a bath, ate

break f ast. I threw a Hawaiian punch canbreak f ast. I threw a Hawaiian punch can inin

our recycle bin, then I got dressed. Went inour recycle bin, then I got dressed. Went in

and said ¶b ye· to Betsy. That was aboutand said ¶b ye· to Betsy. That was about

6:45 or so. I started to lea v e but6:45 or so. I started to lea v e but

remembered my satchel. Got it and took remembered my satchel. Got it and took Cody our dog to  v et care. Went f rom thereCody our dog to  v et care. Went f rom there

to Sutter Presb yterian Church, made ato Sutter Presb yterian Church, made a

 phone call and wrote tw o letters. Lef t there phone call and wrote tw o letters. Lef t there

about 8:45 to pick up Betsy for herabout 8:45 to pick up Betsy for her

inter v iew. I found her on the bed. Iinter v iew. I found her on the bed. I

screamed then went back and put her pantsscreamed then went back and put her pants

on her. Then the police arri v edon her. Then the police arri v ed.µ.µ

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´Most peo ple don·t lie.´Most peo ple don·t lie.

 They just omit information.µ They just omit information.µ

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´I am 67 years of age and I li v e at 2´I am 67 years of age and I li v e at 2 LakerLaker

Dri v e, Seattle, WA. M y wif e, Sue BartonDri v e, Seattle, WA. M y wif e, Sue Barton

 Jones and I ha v e missed cash and my wif e Jones and I ha v e missed cash and my wif ehas missed other items during the pasthas missed other items during the past

approximately three (3) years but . . .µapproximately three (3) years but . . .µ

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´M y wif e got out of  the car and as she did so she´M y wif e got out of  the car and as she did so she


n her right sideb

reaking her hip. A f 



n her right sideb

reaking her hip. A f 

terimmediately calling 911, I returned to where myimmediately calling 911, I returned to where my

 wif e lay in the garage and remo v ed f rom her wif e lay in the garage and remo v ed f rom her

f ingers tw o (2) diamond engagement rings andf ingers tw o (2) diamond engagement rings and


m her right wrist I remo v 

ed a yello

 w go



m her right wrist I remo v 

ed a yello

 w go

ldbracelet with one (1) diamond (.75bracelet with one (1) diamond (.75 ctscts), six (6)), six (6)

small diamonds, one (1) o pal, and one (1) rub ysmall diamonds, one (1) o pal, and one (1) rub y

diamond mount in platinum. I immediately took diamond mount in platinum. I immediately took 

all these pieces to

a clo

set in my wif e·s


oomall these pieces t

oa cl

oset in my wi

f e·s


oom which has a double lock and is alarmed, unlocked which has a double lock and is alarmed, unlocked

the closet door, placed the aforementioned items .the closet door, placed the aforementioned items .

. .µ. .µ

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Statement AnalysisStatement Analysis

 Avinoam Sapir  Avinoam Sapir 

Laboratory for Scientific InvestigationLaboratory for Scientific InvestigationPhone 602Phone 602--279279--31133113