2 Edition Aug2016 - Parkinson's Peterborough · 2017-07-04 · Muhammad Ali Presentation Members of...

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Transcript of 2 Edition Aug2016 - Parkinson's Peterborough · 2017-07-04 · Muhammad Ali Presentation Members of...

Members Enjoy Sailing Day at Rutland Water

(Read the full Double Page story on pages 6/7)

Successful month for Tin Collections

(Read the full Double Page story on page 2)


Hot Off The Press

The venue has been confirmed for our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday the 7th December 2016

The Baskervilles Hotel & Restaurant in Baston.

The lunch will comprise 3 course with coffee/tea at £15 head.

Transport will be provided for those who require it.

More detail will feature in the September issue of the Shaker

Any questions please contact Sue McNally Branch secretary on 01733 229190

Members Pat & Bob Foxford organise a Fundraising event

On 17th September Pat & Bob will be hosting an afternoon of Fundraising at Eaglesthorpe Communal Hall between 2-4pmThere will be Tea, Coffee & Cakes and various stalls selling cakes, perfume & plant holders as well as a Tombola & Raffle.

Why not go along & have a coffee & a cake & support Pat & Bob with their fundraising.

THE SHAKER Peterborough & District | August | Issue 2

Tin Collections in July Boosts Fundraising

During July our secretary Sue Mcnally secured some great locations for our tin collections

It was great to see some new members supporting the collections as well as regular collectors at Dobbies. Tesco (Werrington) & Morrisons’s at Brotherhood Park .

A great team effort secured an amazing £1,000 over the 4 days

Thank you to everyone who support these events.

If you would like to support future events please contact Sue McNally for more information.


£1.000 Raised

Tai Chi & Me by Nigel Everett My experience of China is limited to a few business trips in the dash for cheap manufactured goods so, although I managed to take in some sights, it cannot be said to be based upon any cultural exchange. One lasting memory is of Shanghai where no building was less than ten years old and the rocketing economy turned farmers into taxi drivers overnight. In all this boomtown morning chaos, any unused public space was filled with Shanghailanders

going through their hypnotic Tai Chi routines. With calm rhythmic movements they emitted a sense of control and harmony that was totally incongruous with the mayhem that surrounded them.

So, when asked at my first Tai Chi class back in June for my first impression of Tai Chi, I replied that my view was a rather romantic one. It would be cool, I thought, to give an impression of control and harmony over my body when in fact, underneath, mayhem and chaos are as common as crispy duck and plum sauce.

Lesley King, our guru, begins each class with a tap on the bowl gong followed by some basic breathing exercises. Tai Chi is as much about stress release as it is about movement and articulation. It is said that Tai Chi maintains the balance and harmony of body and mind and if you are into Yin and Yang you would know this already. However If, like me, the mysteries of the Far East is limited to the Great Zoltar machine on Cromer pier it is an entirely new experience.

Lesley is very kind to new recruits and initially it’s not easy to keep up but with a bit of support I can put a few moves together, after three or four classes I feel I am getting some results and, like the proverbial grasshopper, I am keen to learn the way of the master.

The bowl gong brings the session to a close and it’s time to put the kettle on. After all, Yin and Yang weren’t built in a day and nothing balances your energy centre better than a nice cup of tea.

Pilates & Tai Chi - Information about Classes Pilates - There will be no classes during August as announced at the last class. It is likely that classes will resume on the 5th September although this is yet to be confirmed.

Tai Chi - There will now be a summer break & Classes will resume on the 8th September.


The Bus Journey by Louisa Parr

These walls are closing in on me

The room’s getting smaller, I’m sure It’s claustrophobic sitting in this place Why am I hiding behind my own door

I can’t see a way forward, everything’s such a blur I know the fresh air would do me some good

The sun’s bright, It looks lovely out there

I hate self pity and loathing I could be in for a far darker fate

But I don’t think I’m up for a walk though I’ve a habit of falling of late

I sound like I've had gin on my cornflakes When I open my mouth to speak

Gone are the days of eloquence and grace My voice is far too week

So all I do is sit here in this small untidy space Thinking that just maybe

I’ll muster the will to leave this bloody place The last time I managed the bus though

Finding a seat was an absolute farce People are so rude and impatient

It took an age to find a perch for me arse

The cacophony of noise ,bus filled to the brim Someone’s rucksack got wrapped round me feet

And when the conductor asked for the fare The change I’d had fell out of me hand

And rolled away underneath all the seats

And when I’d finally reached my destination Disembarking the bus was a joke

Struggling to get past young mothers with prams The driver glares , he’s a miserable bloke

When I eventually got to the shops that day I’d forgotten the list I had wrote

Getting sweaty and muttering loudly Should never have worn that big coat By this point I’m slowly losing control

Going quietly out of my mind The next time I need bread and milk, I thought




We would like to thank our sponsor armadillo self storage for their support of the Peterborough Branch of

Parkinson’s UK.

The branch manager is offering members of Peterboroughs Branch of Parkinson’s UK a 10% discount of the book price (after the introduction offer of 50% off for 8 weeks has finished). Take your copy of The Shaker

with you to qualify for the discount.

Armadillo Storage specialise in providing storage any use and are located at: Westfield Road, Peterborough, PE3 9TB

01733 334 222 www.bigyellow.co.uk/armadillo

We would like to thank our printer Total Solutions for printing The Shaker, free of charge, without whom we would not be able to afford to provide print copies to our members. Total Solutions are a Peterborough based company

established in 1989 with a reputation of being one of the longest established and most successful IT support businesses in the area.

Total Solutions offer: IT Solutions and Support Services, Software Development, Website Solutions and

Packages, Creative Graphic Design and Print, Marketing, SEO and Telecommunication Solutions.

03456 255 255 www.totalsolutions.co.uk

Unit 4, Swan Court, Cygnet Business Park, Hampton, Peterborough, PE7 8GX

Peterborough Parkinson Members Set Sail

Richard Johnson from Rutland Saleability gave a presentation to members.

We learnt about how volunteers regularly give up their time to give the disabled the opportunity to sail and how the boats can be adapted to suit many disabilities.Richard also shared some of the successes that Rutland have had over the years including a silver medalist who sailed at the club


A beautiful sunny morning kicked off the day with Coffee & Croissants on the veranda

A Great Day Out at Rutland water


Carers Corner No 4.. Mick Wicks

Some time ago I wrote about finding out about entitlements and equipment availability. So imagine my surprise to discover that I was missing out on a number of aids for the care of Shirley.

It all came about when the NH authorities discovered that I cared for Shirley alone despite having a serious heart condition. They ordered a re-examination of how I conducted day to day living as carer for Shirley. The outcome was the installation of further equipment and aids. Among these came, aids which we named The Dupp Family. (All Shirley’s machines and equipment have been given generic names) The Dupp family are father and son – That’s ‘old Dupp and son, Stan Dupp. Stan is a help to get from sitting to standing and then turning 90 degrees. His dad “old Dupp” is a belt with looped handles. Together they make for safe transportation from chair to wheelchair.

There will no doubt be members who already apply these tools and perhaps think I’m slow on getting my act together. However my point is that although equipment exists you may not even think there is something to help your particular difficulty. The answer may lie at The Town Hall –Social Services Occupational Therapy Department. They will advise on how best to cope with your mobility problems.

Now, for almost every Parkinson’s patient there is a wife/husband carer. Each having a specific set of symptoms to live with. Please consider bringing your experiences to Carers Corner. Our new editor will welcome a fresh input I’m sure

Muhammad Ali Presentation

Members o f Peterborough Parkinson's were invited to join the Afro Caribbean Committee where we were presented with a £500 Cheque raised from Fundraising from their tribute to Muhammad Ali.



Dates for your DiaryEvent Date Time Venue Contact Telephone Email

Cheese, Wine and Quiz Night

Wednesday 31st August

7-9pm PJ Care Englewood

Sue McNally 01733 229190


Coffee and Computers

Wednesday 28th September

2-4 pm PJ Care Englewood

Sue McNally 01733 229190


Presentation from Optometrist

Wednesday 26th October

2-4 pm PJ Care Englewood

Sue McNally 01733 229190


PresentationHistory of John Lewis. Christmas Bake `off

Wednesday 30th November

2-4 pm PJ Care Englewood

Ruth Brinkler-Long

01733 229190


Contact Details

Role Name Phone Email / Address

Chairman Mark Ashley 07563 735712 mail@markashley.co.uk

Vice Chair Ruth Brinkler-Long 07752 014998 ruthbrinkler@hotmail.com

Branch Secretary Susan McNally 01733 229190 mcnallys59@yahoo.co.uk

Branch Treasurer Nigel Evenett 01733 352685 nigel.evenett@rocketmail.com

Parkinson’s Local Advisor

Rhonda Waters 0344 225 3618 rwaters@parkinsons.org.uk

Volunteer Coordinator

Ian McKee 0344 2253614 imckee@parkinsons.org.uk

Parkinson’s Nurses Carolyn, Danielle and Karen

01733 776145 City Care Centre, Thorpe Road, Peterborough, PE3 6DB

Membership Secretary

Mick Wicks 01733 573601 mans81@talktalk.net

President Gordon Ryall - -

The Shaker is the newsletter of the Peterborough Branch of Parkinson’s UK. Registered charity 258197 We welcome new readers and members so If you would like to receive a regular copy please contact the Branch Secretary.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of Parkinson’s UK


Colin Taylor

Sadly the branch has lost another long standing Member , Colin Taylor, who passed away suddenly on 8th July.

Colin was a quiet, unassuming and a kind man, never complaining and always with a smile. Before retiring he worked as a driver for the Royal Mail. He was until recently a regular member of the Tai Chi group but had to give up driving and also look after his wife Nita. He was one of the organisers of the auction of donated items at the Plough Inn, Farcet Fen a few years ago. Like Tony Borgognoni, Colin was tireless in visiting shops, friends and anyone he could think of who might donate something. It was truly memorable day for us all and we celebrated the success of the event by going out for an enjoyable meal at the Farmers in Yaxley together with our Partners. He will be greatly missed by his wife Nita, family and many friends including Branch members,

Jill Normington



November 30th A History of John Lewis

An invitation to all our Bakers.

Bake something with a Christmas theme, It can be a cake, biscuits. sweets. cookies. The entries will be judged by the John Lewis speaker and then auctioned off to members to raise money for the branch.

The talk will be on the history of John Lewis and is very interesting.

Ring Ruth Brinkler-Long for more details.

Wednesday 28th Sept

Bring your laptop's and learn a few basic computer skills while enjoying a coffee

Guest & IT expert Samuel will be giving a short presentation & then offering 1-2-1 short sessions with you to offer help & guidance and answer any questions you may have.

PJ Care has kindly offered members free wi-fi connection for the afternoon

For more detail please ring Ruth Brinkler-Long

Quiz Night

Don’t miss out on our popular Quiz night.

Wednesday 28 August

7 - 9 PM

at P J Care, Englewood Bretton

Sue Ryder Coffee Mornings

On Wednesday 10 August Branch members, friends & family got together for a coffee morning and the chance to have an informal chat and to get to know other members.

We introduced the coffee mornings so members had another time of day to have a get together, several members had fedback on the questionnaire that the afternoon meetings were difficult to attend.

We were delighted that so many people turned up and was enjoyed by everybody

The next coffee morning will be at the Sue Ryder Cafe

again on 14th September at 10.30It would be lovely to see you there


Taster Session with a Singing Tutor

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system,

A study suggests group singing appears to relieve some of the symptoms not currently targeted by existing treatments

Impairments in breathing and voice are also substantial hurdles that cause a significant drop in the quality of life.

Voice impairments impact 60-80% of Parkinson's patients. Their voice can become monotone and display

less variety in volume; there may also be a reduced vocal intensity and pitch, and a harsh, breathy voice.

Standard Parkinson's treatments do not target these aspects with the same level of success as the motor symptoms

Research & trials have taken place & although some of the results have been mixed some research has found that after a few months of singing classes there were significant improvements in pitch duration, vocal loudness and swallow control.

Julie Wilson, Area Development Manager for our region has been working hard, with the support of Louisa Parr from our branch, to organise, with a singing Tutor for a free taster session with the March Branch. This is likely to take place at Eastrea Community Centre on a Tuesday morning 10.30-12.30 sometime in October .. ( Transport can be arranged)

If this taster day is successful then we have the option to continue the weekly sessions. There will however be a small weekly charge for attendees.

If you are interested or want further details please contact

Louisa Parr

Telephone No 07954439685


Burghley Walk for Parkinson’s 2 October. 10.30 AM

Thank you so much to those who have shown an interest & those who have already registered to walk on the 2nd October

If your free on Sunday 2nd October & would like to join me. our members, friends & family at Burghley to either walk or to just come along to support that would be lovely

My Just Giving Page is now live if you would like to donate to help with my fundraising. All monies collected will go to the Peterborough Branch.


Please contact me if would like to know more details or have any questions

Ruth Brinkler-Long


Invitation Join Me & Walk for Parkinson’s

& The Peterborough Shakers

Burghley House

Earlier this year I was delighted to take up the role of Vice Chair for Peterborough Parkinson's so for this Charity walk I will be fundraising

for my branch. I am hoping to raise £1,500 which will be used to support Parkinson’s members in our local area.

With both a 3 and 10 mile route to choose from in the grounds of Burghley House,

There is a £10 registration fee and you'll receive a fundraising pack which includes sponsorship forms and T-shirt.

When completing the registration form please type in your group name as Peterborough Shakers

Details at :http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/walk-parkinsons-burghley-

I have set up a fundraising page for donations https://www.justgiving.com/RuthBrinklerLongTeamPeterboroughShakers


Peterborough Shakers Will be having a meeting area with refreshments and the chance for our walkers & supporters to get together. If your not able to walk and would just like to come along to support me and the walkers it would be so lovely

to see you and would mean so much.


Mick Wicks is looking for Bridge players to add to the players in his Wednesday afternoon games at his home in Werrington If you or anybody you know would be interested please contact Mick directly on 01733 573601 or by email - mans81@talktalk.net

Wanted Wheelchair To Buy

If anyone has a wheelchair for sale or knows of anyone who has.

Please contact Maize Biddle Telephone 01733 771713

A message from Nita, Colin Taylor’s wife.

Nita contacted the Branch wanting to thank everyone involved at the Peterborough Branch who gave Colin such great support over

the years. She says Colin made & lost many friends and thoroughly enjoyed being part of the branch.

Nita passed on donations taken at Colin’s funeral totalling £455. We would like to thank Nita for this donation which will go

towards supporting branch members at the Peterborough Branch

July Crossword Answers


Mini Crossword - 02

Puzzle Choice

| Main Crossword MenuHome | Mini Crossword Menu

Down1. Diminish2. Wordy3. Tanned animal skin4. Computer instructions

Across1. Evolve5. Windstorm6. One more7. Proposition

