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Transcript of 1.cdn.edl.io file · Web viewחידון יום העצמאות (ו'-ח') Question-...

חידון יום העצמאות )ו'-ח'(Question- Preparation for the Test on Israel:

1. When was the state of Israel created? Give the Hebrew and English dates.May 14, 1948 / ח"באייר תש' ה

2. Who was the first Prime Minister?דויד בן גוריון

3. Who was the first President?חיים ויצמן

4. Who predicted the establishment of the State of Israel?בנימין זאב הרצל

5. What famous sentences did בנימין זאב הרצל say that referred to the establishment of the state of Israel?“Where there is a will there is a way” "אם תרצו אין זו אגדה"

6. What is the capital city of the State of Israel?


7. What is the name of the Israeli parliament in Hebrew?

Knesset כנסת

8. How many members of the Knesset are there?


9. How often are there elections in Israel?

Every 4 years

10. Name four political parties in Israel?

יהדות התורה, ס"ש, הבית היהודי, ליכוד, הבית הציוני

11. Who is the Prime Minister of Israel today?

בנימין נתניהו

12. Who is the President today?

ראובן ריבלין

13. In whose name is Israel airport named after?

David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister.

14. Name five Prime Ministers:

יצחק , יצחק רבין, מנחם בגין, גולדה מאיר, לוי אשכול, דויד בן גוריוןאריאל שרון, בנימין נתניהו, שמעון פרס, שמיר .

15. Name five Presidents:

אפרים קציר יצחק נבון, חיים הרצוג, זלמן שזר, יצחק בן צבי, חיים ויצמן ,

שמעון פרס, עזר ויצמן .

16. Israeli Independence Day is called in Hebrew:

Yom HaAtzmaut יום העצמאות

17. Memorial Day is called in Hebrew:

Yom HaZikaron

18. Who is the (ראש מטה כללי)ל "רמטכ Ramatkal (chief of staff) today?

גדי איזנקוט

19. Who was the first women Prime Minister?

Golda Meir גולדה מאיר

20. Which institution deals with the documents and events of the Holocaust in order to never allow to happen again, and will never be forgotten?

Yad VaShem (יד ושם)- Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem.

21. Name 8 offices of ministers in the Israeli government:

Minister of Education, Foreign Minister, Treasure Minister, Defense Minister, Transporter Minister, Tourism Minister, Welfare Minister, Minister of Interior, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health.

22. What are the names of the four quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem?

הרובע הארמני, הרובע הנוצרי, הרובע המוסלמי, הרובע היהודי

23. Which is the correct statement from the statements below?

The כותל is:

A. The northern wall surrounds the בית המקדשB. The southern wall surrounds the בית המקדשC. The western wall surrounds the בית המקדש D. The eastern wall surrounds the בית המקדש

24. Name at least 5 of the 8 gates:

שער ציון, השער החדש, שער הפרחים, שער יפו, שער הרחמים , שער האשפות, שער האריות, שער שכם .

25. Name at least 3 mountains in and around Jerusalem:

הר המנוחות, הר הרצל, הר הצופים, הר הזיתים, הר המוריה .

26. The Jewish ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem is called:

מאה שערים

27. In what city you find the Knesset and government offices?


28. In which war did we liberate the Old City?

The six days war, June 1967.

29. The Western Wall (הכותל) was built with big stones on the bottom, small stones in the middle, and tiny stones at the top. Explain how the way the stones are built up, tell the history of the Kotel, or to which period in history are the stones telling a story?

The big stones are from the period of הורדוס. The small stones are from the period of the Crusaders. The smallest stones are from the period of the Aras and Turks.

30. What is עיר דויד digging?

is the name of a narrow promontory beyond the southern עיר דודedge of Temple Mountain (הר הבית) in the old city. The archaeological dig and the visitor center are one of the major tourism destinations in Israel.

31. What do you know about נקבת השילוח?

build between the years 701-705 before common era, a המלך חזקיהtunnel to draw the גיחון spring water into ירושלים in case the water supply to the city will be cut of.

32. One of rhe famous battles in Jerusalem was the battle on “Ammunition Hill” (גבעת התחמושת). When did it take place, who fought there and against whom?

What happened in the end of the battle?

was a military post in Jordanian controlled east גבעת התחמושתJerusalem, and the site of one of the fiercest battles of מלחמת ששת

37. הימים Israeli soldiers were killed in this battle. Today there is a memorial site on the hill.

33. Who was Harav Avraham HaCohen Cook?

Harav Cook was the first chief rabbi and the spiritual leader of Religious Zionists.

34. What is the name of the Yeshiva in Yerushalayim that continues in Rav Cook’s derech?

Yeshivat Merkaz Harav ישיבת מרכז הרב.

35. What are the 4 holy cities?

טבריה; צפת; חברון; ירושלים

36. Which city where many תלמידי חכמים lived in the past has become today the Kabbalah center in Israel?


37. Which city in the past was the spiritual center where the Talmud Yerusalmi was written?

The city of טבריה Scholars from Babylonia would visit the yeshiva of Rabbi Yochanan in טבריה and they delivered הלכות and חידושים that they learned in טבריה.

38. What was the Dreyfus Affair (פרשת דרייפוס)?

How is this affair connected to הרצל?

Dreyfus was a Jewish officer in the French army and was falsely accused of spying. Hertzel who was a journalist that was sent to cover the trail, realized immediately two things: 1. Dreyfus only guilt was being Jewish 2. Anti-Semitism would never go away and therefore the Jews must have a country of their own.

39. Where did the First Zionist Congress take place, and who was the leader?

In Basel, Switzerland and the leader was בנימין זאב הרצל.

40. Who was the man who donated money- before the establishment of the state of Israel- to acquire agricultural lands. He was known as “The Well- Known Philanthropist” (הנדיב הידוע)?

Rothchild הברון רוטשילד.

41. Which settlement was named after the Baron De Rothchild?

זכרון יעקב

42. Who was אליעזר בן יהודה?

A great Zionist who revived the עברית. He lived between the years 1858-1922.

43. Who was Moshe Montifiore and what did he do?

A jewish from Britain who helped the Jews in ירושלים in 1857. He built a mew modern neighborhood and mill outside the Old City walls. This was the first Jewish neighborhood outside the walls. The name of that neighborhood today is ימין משה.

44. What was the first modern city that was built before the establishment of the state of Israel?

תל אביב

45. What is the “Uganda Plan” (תוכנית אוגנדה)? Brought the idea and why?

Aplan to give a portion of British East Africa to the Jewish people as a homeland. The idea was brought to the sixth Zionist Congress by .in order to save the Russian Jews from pogroms against them הרצל

46. Who ruled ארץ ישראל before the British and for how long?

Before ruing of the British ארץ ישראל was ruled by the Turks. They ruled from 1517 until 1917, for 400 years!

47. What is the Balfour Declaration and when was it given?

The Balfour Declaration (הצהרת בלפור) was given on November 1917, by the British Foreign Secretary Sir Arthur Balfour to Chaim Weizman as a promise that Britain supports the establishment of a state to the Jews.

48. Who was יוסף טרומפלדור?

He was a Zionist Pioneer that came to built his life in ארץ ישראל.

He lost one arm in a battle but still doing all his chores using one arm. He gave his life defending his Kibbutz (תל חי).

49. What was the spy network י"ניל and what does that abbreviation stand for?

י"ניל is the abbreviation of נצח ישראל לא ישקר= י"ניל was a Jewish spy network that worked on the behalf of the British government in The head of .מדינת ישראל before the establishment of ארץ ישראלthis organization was אהרון אהרונסון who lived in זכרון יעקוב. The purpose of this underground was to help the British to expel the Turkish from Israel in hope of establishing a state of Israel.

50. The “White Paper” issued by the British government limited two things. What are they?

(1) Immigration (עליה)

(2) Settlement (התיישבות)

51. Who started the ר"בית Youth Movement?

בוטינסקי'זאב ז

52.What happened on November 29, 1947?

The United Nations voted on behalf of the division of ארץ שראל one for the Jews and one for Palestinians.

53. What does the letters of ל"צה stand for?

צבא הגנה לישראל

54. Name at least four divisions of Tzahal:

Paratroopers, Golani, Thanks, Airforce and Navy.

55. What was ארגון ההגנה?

It was an ארגון to liberate Israel from the British.

56. Name two leaders that stood at the head of the Hagana?

דויד בן גוריון ויצחק שדה

57. What was the Palmach ( ח"פלמ ) and who stood at it’s head?

What does the letters stand for?

The ח"פלמ was an elite unit of the הגנה and it’s full name was: .יצחק שדה It was led by .פלוגות מחץ

58. What was the ל"אצ and what did the letters stand for?

It was an ארגון to liberate Israel from the British and the letters stand for ארגון צבאי לאומי.

59. Name at least two people that led ל"אצ ?

ומנחם בגין, דויד רזיאל

60. What was the " י"לח " and what do the letters " י"לח " stand for?

י"לח worked to liberate Israel from the British and it,s full name was. לוחמי חירות ישראל

61. Name two leaders that stood at the head of the י"לח ?

ויצחק שמיר, אברהם יאיר שטרן

62. In which year did מלחמת השחרור take place (independence war)?


63. Why עופרת יצוקה operation was given that name?

2008 חנוכה operation took place during עופרת יצוקה . That holiday symbol- סביבון- originally was made out of cast lead (עופרת יצוקה).

64. In which war did Israel capture רמת הגולן, and from whom did Israel capture it?

was captured from the Syrians during Six Day War in רמת הגולן1967.

65. Name the Israeli wars is order according to their dates:

מלחמת העצמאות/מלחמת השיחרור -1948

(מבצע קדש)מלחמת סיני -1956

מלחמת ששת הימים -1967

מלחמת יום הכיפורים -1973

(מבצע שלום הגליל)מלחמת לבנון הראשונה -1982

מלחמת לבנון השניה -2006

מבצע עופרת יצוקה -2008

מבצע צוק איתן -2014

66. Which type of settlement shares communal property and communal life amongst its members?


67. Who built his palace on מצדה?

המלך הורדוס

68. Who was the leader of the zealots at Masada?

אלעזר בן יאיר

69. Who did the zealots fight at מצדה?

They fought the Roman.

70. How did the siege on מצדה ended?

After the capture of ירושלים and the destruction of the second בית by the Roman, a group of courageous Jews under the המקדשleadership of אלעזר בן יאיר fought until the year 73 ACE, and after a harsh war, when the Jewish people saw that they could not defeat the Romans, they decided that it was better to kill one another rather than be slaves in the hands of the Romans.

71. What are the two path that lead up to מצדה?

If you come from ירושלים you go up with the “Snake Path” שביל and if you come from the direction of Arad, you go up with ,הנחשthe “Solelah Path”.

72. Who is the person responsible for letting us know what happened at מצדה?

.(his Roman name: Josephus Plavius) יוסף בן מתיתיהו

73. In which city is the Cave of Patriarchs? (מערת המכפלה)


74. In which city is the Tomb of Rachel?

בית לחם

75. Which country borders Israel in the east? Jordan

76. Which country borders Israel in the south? Egypt

77. Which country borders Israel in the north? Syria and Lebanon

78. Which seas are found in Israel?

וים כינרת, ים המלח, ים סוף, הים התיכון .

79. Why is the Dead Sea ים המוות is called as such? What is its other name?

There is a lot of salt in the sea and therefore nothing can live,

The other name is ים המלח - The Salty Sea.

80. What is the lowest place in the world? How deep is it?

The lowest point on earth is ים המלח at 1300 feet (400 meter) below sea level.

81. What is the name of the river that separates Israel from Jordan?


82. What is the longest border between Israel and its neighbors?


83. What is the most northern town and what is the most southern town in מדינת ישראל?

The most northern town in ישראל is מטולה

The most southern town in ישראל is אילת.

84. From which city in Israel can you look out upon the borders of three other countries?

From אילת you can see the border with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

85. Name Israel’s southern region:


86. Name Israel’s northern region:


87. Name Israel highest mountain and only ski restore:

הר חרמון

88. This sea is famous for its coral natural reserve:

ים סוף

89. Which city is located next to ים כינרת?


90. Which city is located next to ים סוף?


91. From which sea does Israel get its water supply?

ים כינרת

92. Name place (cities or settlements) that their names contain numbers:

קריית ארבע,קריית שמונה, באר שבע

93. Name place (cities or settlements) that begin with “kfar” (כפר):

כפר טוביה, כפר בלום, כפר גלעדי, כפר רופין, כפר תבור, כפר סבא .

94. Which sea is called The Red Sea הים האדום?

ים סוף

95. In whose memory is קיבוץ יד מורדכי?

was the leader of the uprising in the Warsaw 'מורדכי אנילביץGhetto.

96. Find 4 cities with an harbor:

תל אביב יפו, אילת, אשדוד, חיפה .

97. Where is קיבוץ שדה בוקר, and which former Prime Minister is buried there?

,and his with, Paula דויד בן גוריון and נגב is in the קיבוץ שדה בוקרare buried there.

98. Which כפר was named to honor an American president during his tenure?

.כפר טרומן

99. What is "קרן קיימת לישראל" (JNF)? What roll does it play in Israel’s agriculture and Vegetation?

JNF was founded over 100 years ago with a goal to buy and develop land or Jewish settlements.

The JNF has planted over 240 million trees in Israel and few years ago started to build water Reservoirs, especially in the נגב.

100. The National Water carrier of Israel "המוביל הארצי" transfers water in Israel from where to where?

.is the largest water project in Israel המוביל הארציIts main task is to transfer water from ים כינרת in the north to the dry south (נגב).

101. What is the symbol of the state of Israel?The Menorah and the Olive Branches.

102.What does the Menorah symbolized and what do the olive leaves symbolized?

The Menorah symbolized light, re-establishment and unity. The olive branches symbolized peace.

103.What is the color of the flag?Blue and white.

104.Why are the colors of the flag blue and white?

They are the colors of the טלית.

105.Who composed "התקווה"- the national anthem of the State of Israel?

הרץ אימבר-נפתלי

106. Whose idea was to have the flag blue and white, with a mogen dovid in the middle?David Wolfson.

107. The שקל (Shekel) Is:

Israeli currency.

108. When was the peace treaty signed with Egypt, and who were the leader of Israel and Egypt at that time?

In 1978 it was signed by Israel’s Prime Minister מנחם בגין and Egypt’s president Anwar Sadat.

109. When was the peace treaty sign with Jordan and who were the leaders of Israel and Jordan’s king Hussein signed it.

110. What law guarantees that any Jew can immigrate to Israel?

The law of Return חוק השבות

111. Is Israel a democratic, communist, socialist or republican state?


112. What are the names of the four quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem?

הרובע הארמני, הרובע הנוצרי, הרובע המוסלמי, הרובע היהודי

.מרכז הרב

113. What are the 4 holy cities?

טבריה; צפת; חברון; ירושלים

114. Which city where many תלמידי חכמים lived in the past has become today the Kabbalah center in Israel?


115. Which city in the past was the spiritual center where the Talmud Yerusalmi was written?

The city of טבריה Scholars from Babylonia would visit the yeshiva of Rabbi Yochanan in טבריה and they delivered הלכות and חידושים that they learned in טבריה.

116. When was the first Aliya (עליה ראשונה)?

In 1892.

117. What was the first settlement that was built by the first pioneers and what was its nickname?

.פתח תקווה- אם המושבות

118. Who was the first mayor of תל אביב and which street ia named after him?

.מאיר דיזינגוף / רחוב דיזינגוף

119. First kibbutz in Israel:


120. First Moshav in Israel:


121. The “White Paper” issued by the British government limited two things. What are they?

(1) Immigration (עליה)

(2) Settlement (התיישבות)

122. The British Mandate on Palestine was between the years:


123.What happened on November 29, 1947?

The United Nations voted on behalf of the division of ארץ שראל one for the Jews and one for Palestinians.

124. Name two leaders that stood at the helm of the Hagana?

.דויד בן גוריון ויצחק שדה

125. What was the ל"אצ and what did the letters stand for?

It was an argon to liberate Israel from the British and the letters stand for ארגון צבאי לאומי.

126. In which year did מלחמת השחרור take place (independence war)?


127. Another name for the מלחמת סיני?

.מבצע קדש

128. In which year was the Six Day war (מלחמת ששת הימים)?


129. In which year did the מלחמת יום כיפור take place?


130. In which year was the first Lebanon war?


131. What other name was given to the first Lebanon war?

.מבצע שלום הגליל

132. In which year was the second Lebanon war?


133. Why עופרת יצוקה operation was given that name?

2008 חנוכה operation took place during עופרת יצוקה . That holiday symbol- סביבון- originally was made out of cast lead (עופרת יצוקה).

134. “On the wings of eagles” (על כנפי נשרים) refers to:

Yemenite immigrant.

135. What was the Maabarot Peroid תקופת המעברות?

Temporary camps built from mobiles homes and tents that were established in the first year of מדינת ישראל . Their purpose was to give temporary residence to the thousands of Jews that immigrated to Israel.

136. What is the name of the operation that brought Jews from Ethiopia to Israel?

.מבצע משה

137. What is the name of ים כינרת in the Talmud?

.ימת גינוסר

138. How are the following seas called in the Torah?

הים התיכון - הים הגדול

ים המלח - הים הקדמוני

139. Where is the Hula Valley (עמק החולה) located and what is so special about this place?

Located between חצור הגלילית and קרית שמונה. Each year, hundreds of millions of birds of all sizes, species, and colors fly over the Hula Valley (עמק החולה), the lake and the nature reserve. Many of these, such as the cranes, make the Hula their resting place, flying, diving and enjoyed the good weather for a period.

140. In whose memory is קיבוץ יד מורדכי?

was the leader of the uprising in the Warsaw 'מורדכי אנילביץGhetto.

141. Name the desert neighboring Jerusalem:

.מדבר יהודה

142. Where is גמלא and what do you know about this place?

It was a city that was built .רמת הגולן is in the Golan Hights גמלאon a mountain and a wall surrounded the city protecting the Jews. It was possible to enter the city only through one corner because the mountain was very high and rocky. As in Mesada, the Jews in גמלא fought the Romans.

143.What was the song that Jews have sung to express their longing and love to Israel before התקוה was written?


144.What does the word Diaspora mean ?

People that scatter from their homeland to places across the globe, spreading their culture as they go. The Bible refers to the Diaspora of Jews exiled from Israel by the Babylonians.

145. What was the tragic of the Munich Olympics in 1972?

The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, on eleven Israeli Olympic team members, who were taken hostage and eventually killed, by the Palestinian group Black September. Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded 234 prisoners jailed in Israel and the German-held founders of the Red Army Faction (Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof) be released.

146.What is the code of purity of arms ? טוהר הנשק

The code of purity of arms Hebrew: טוהר הנשק is one of the values stated in the Israel Defense Forces' official doctrine of ethics, The Spirit of the IDF not to harm civilians or anyone that not involved in the war.

147.What is Operation Entebbe and who died in this operation?

Operation Entebbe, also known as Operation Jonathan, was a hostage rescue mission. It took place in July 1976 in Entebbe, Uganda. An Air France airplane was hijacked on 27 June 1976. The terrorists wanted the release of prisoner held in Israel and four other countries. Israeli forces planned and held a rescue of the remaining 106 passengers on 4 July 1976. 102 of the passengers were rescued. Lt Col Yonatan Netanyahu, who led the mission, was the only rescuer to be killed.

148. Explain the name IDF and why does the symbol has sword and olive branch.

Israel Defense Forces Emblem is the primary symbol representing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The symbol contains the symbol of the Haganah, Sword integrated olive branch. The Sword in the symbol represents the war, while the olive branch symbolizes the yearning for peace.

149.What is Davidka ? When and how it was used in the war?

The Davidka was a homemade Israeli mortar used in Safed and Jerusalem during the early stages of the 1948 Israeli War of Independence. Its bombs were reported to be extremely loud, but very inaccurate and had a little value beyond terrifying opponents; they proved particularly useful in scaring away both Arab soldiers and civilians.

150.Who was Roi Klien and what heroic action did he do?

Roi Klein רועי קליין was an Israeli major in the Golani Brigade of the Israeli Defense Forces (and one of its most highly decorated soldiers) who died during the 2006 Lebanon War.[1] Klein was killed in the Battle of Bint Jbeil after jumping on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers.[1