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We have a lot to celebrate this week. Arts Week

activities showcase the incredible talent of our

students as artists in both performing and visual

arts. Achievements, excursions and activities

enjoyed by students in Science highlight the

richness of our programs and are not confined to

Science Week. We are proud of the success of our

students in a number of competitions in the

region and across Australasia and the Pacific. The

results of our students who have completed the

compulsory component of the SACE, the Research

Project, are excellent with 99% achieving C or


I trust that you will enjoy reading the details of

these achievements and share the excitement and

pride we feel when the work we do with our

students results in high levels of achievement and

engagement in their learning. Thank you to the

teachers who provide these opportunities and

programs for our students, their passion for their

area of expertise and their tireless dedication to

making learning enjoyable and rewarding for


Helen CalvertHelen CalvertHelen CalvertHelen Calvert PrincipalPrincipalPrincipalPrincipal

Richard Watson (above)

was invited to attend the

Spirit of Science in

London in December –

all expenses paid.

The two students above –

(top) Samuel Wallis and

(bottom) Fergus Dall

gained High Distinctions

In the ICAS Science


20% As and 58% Bs in

Research Project.

(C [21%] or better

required for successful


Congratulations to Ben Geytenbeek, Storm

Klarich and Aiden Sakovits who won the Maths

Association Regional Student Maths Quiz.

Brunel Drive

Modbury Heights

South Australia, 5092

Ph: (08) 8263 6244

Fax: (08) 8263 6072

Email: contact@theheights.sa.edu.au

WWW: http://www.theheights.sa.edu.au


18 August 2011


We work hard to learn

We respect ourselves and

each other

We value acts of


IN THIS ISSUE Student Achievement

Pedal Prix

Book Week

Parent News


Book Week 22-26 Aug

24/8 Wakakirri

29/8 Volunteers Lunch






Junior School Assembly Dates:

Friday 26th August

Activity Room 9:00am

Wednesday 14th September

Activity Room 2:15pm

Friday 30th September

Activity Room 9:00am


Jason Lippitt, our Christian

Pastoral Support Worker has

decided to take a full time

position with his church. On

behalf of The Heights School, I

would like to thank him for his

efforts and care for students in

our school. We wish him all the


The position will be advertised

shortly and we hope to have a

new CPSW in place by the end of


Sheralyn Oakey

Senior Leader 4


YEARS 9-11 On August 29th there will be no

lessons for students in years 9-

11. Students/ parents will make

appointments for that day with

their teachers to select their

subjects for 2012.

Student/parent information

sessions will be held before that


For any queries, please contact

either Kris Nielsen or

Michail Darley at the school on

8263 6244.

Congratulations to the following students who entered the 2011 ICAS Science Competition and achieved excellent

results. Sixty one students entered and were awarded

Two High Distinctions,

Ten Distinctions

Fourteen Credits

Thirty five Participation

High distinction Distinction Credit Participation

Year 4

Samuel Wallis

Year 11

Fergus Dall

Year 4

Angelina Modra

Year 5

Scott Carnie-Bronca

Year 8

Simran Singh

Andy Park

Richard Harris

Reece Duthy

Jason Nikhomvan

Bhuvanesh Ravichandran

Boone Sterck

Kynan Herbert

Year 5

Dylan Grivell

Year 8

Isabelle Jackson

Kaitlin Withers

Shubhkarmen Sawhney

Liam Stephens

Eriq Van Der Veer

Taylor Wilson

Hannah Best

Vinh Hoa Ho

Amy Shirlock

Kunwar Talwar

Ryan Barraclough

Irenius Ling

Year 7

Erin Carnie-Bronca

Year 3

Jessica Johnson

Year 4

Alice Dall

Year 5

Cameron Fellows

Marc Maslov

Congratulations to the following students who achieved

Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Middle School

Year 8 - Anne Hatchard, Emily Green, Caitlin Kramer, Alex Tran, Hannah Best, Chelsea Shirlock,

Shannon Chamberlain, Andy Park, Amy Shirlock, Smitri Singh, Jasmin Tanton, Kaitlin Withers,

Hayley Willey.

Year 9 Beverly Kabaya

Dress up as one of your favourite BOOK characters and come along and join the great

Book Week Parade

Monday 22nd

August, 2011 Join us in the courtyard near the Resource Centre at 12.25pm

Resource Centre Staff

Teacher Professional Learning Program

Monday 2.45-3.30pm

Week 3: Communication to parents about student progress

Week 4: JS Book Week Celebrations, MS & SS Career Counselling

In response to feedback about the length of sessions enabled by the 2.30pm closure on Mondays, the ½ hour Professional

Learning session was extended to 45 minutes. Teachers continue after 3.30 until 4.15 to extend this professional learning

opportunity and from 3.30-4.30 on Wednesday in faculty and cluster learning teams


Round Two for Pedal Prix was on Sunday 31st of July. It was my first Pedal Prix event, and it was very

overwhelming. There were bright, colourful stations as far as the eye could see and our station was

a flurry of activity, with people everywhere repairing vehicles, setting up equipment and preparing to

race. Everyone was supporting each other, helping, cheering and the Pedal Prix Team is definitely

the result of team efforts. There was a lot of hard work put into the day by parents, volunteers and

racers, but it was also enjoyable to spend time with friends doing something you are passionate

about. The whole day was lots of fun and I hope that the Pedal Prix will continue to flourish with all

the enthusiasm and commitment the Pedal Prix Members show.

“The best thing about the day was trying not to crash”. Kyle Watkins (5LON)

“It was great when I started racing and everyone cheered me on.” Liam Friganiotis (804)

A Thank you from Grounds Committee…..

Thanks to Ken Love for providing tools and helping to dismantle the

Junior School playground area.

Our thanks also go to Daniel Ebert for all his great help on the day, it was invaluable.

Paul Craig from PRC Earthworks volunteered his time and equipment for the removal of 80

tonnes of soil from the front of the school to make room for the Feed The Planet orchard. He

has no students at the school and we thank him sincerely for everything he has done.

Woolworths Earn & Learn Points

Thank you to everyone for saving their dockets and passing them on

to me. Please keep sending them in!

So far we have earned 3141 points. The competition goes until September 18th 2011.

Responding to Abuse & Neglect Education

& Care Training Session

Everyone wishing to work or volunteer with children and

young people at the school must first undertake training in

their child protection responsibilities.

We have a responsibility to support and protect volunteers and at the same time a very important duty of care to


4Our next training and induction for Volunteers will be:

Tuesday August 30th

6.00pm – 7.30pm

in the Resource Centre

Thursday 15th

September 9.15am – 10.30am

in the Lecture Theatre

Please RSVP to Lyn Albury lyn.albury@theheights.sa.edu.au or 8263 6244 so you can be informed of any changes

and receive any necessary paperwork before the session

Parents & Friends News Fathers’ Day Stall – 2nd September

Parents and Friends will be having a Fathers’ Day Stall on Friday 2nd of

September. Items will be priced from $2 - $6.

Junior School students will be taken to the Resource Centre during the

day to buy something.

Middle/Senior School students are welcome to shop during recess and

lunch times.

Junior Sports Day – 23rd September Parents & Friends will once again be supplying hot dogs to purchase

for Junior School Sports Day

Look out for order forms later this month.

If you are able to help us distribute the food and drinks to the classes

on the day please contact Lyn Albury lyn.albury@theheights.sa.edu.au

Next Meeting Our next meeting is Monday 12th September

We hope to see you there!

It is so great to see new members joining us all the time!

After School Sport Results Basketball – Under 14s – Heights Hot

Shots defeated The Rockets 30 – 11.

The new Under 14s are starting to

work well together and

congratulations to our newest

member Jake Marshall for doing a

great job at defending.

Summer Indoor Soccer Team

Nominations are now due.

If you would like to play After School

Soccer for The Heights next season,

please contact Lyn Albury on 8263

6244 or

lyn.albury@theheights.sa.edu.au as

soon as possible.

We currently have 11 & Under and 13

& Under Teams, however we could

also nominate an older team if there is

enough interest.



Students will continue to use science techniques in a workshop where they will

become forensic detectives working through a series of clues in a hands-on

workshop to determine the cause of food poisoning at a wedding. Using the latest technology, students will examine

and analyse food samples. Students will also use problem-solving skills to analyse clues and data they collect, then

as a dramatic climax deliver their verdict on the guilty party. What food, which bacteria, and who was responsible?


Early this week, the Year 9 Careers in Science class visited

the Adelaide Zoo. Students spent the first hour visiting the

Zoo Education School where they were fortunate enough to

have a Zoo Education Officer speak to them about career

and job related information.

The session also broadened students’ understanding of

work in conservation. Students then spent some time

observing various animals around the zoo and have plans to

submit a proposal to SRC to sponsor an animal at the zoo. A

few students will also be researching how the use of palm

oil in everyday grocery items has led to the destruction of

rainforest which costs the lives of 50 Orang-utans every

week and is a major cause of global warming.


One of our school priorities has been a literacy improvement in comprehension

(making meaning from text). In Science students have been looking at the meaning of

verbs used in Science subjects so they are familiar with the response required for a

question. Words like deduce, extrapolate, propose, specify, contrast and compare are

just some of the words that students have been looking at in detail. Posters have been

made and pinned up in the laboratories. Pictured is a sample of some of the posters

on display


All Stage 1 students recently travelled to the CSIRO Education Centre and participated in a Laboratory Techniques

session. This program offered a range of experiments covering analytical chemistry and its applications. Students

explored topics such as calorimetry, atomic absorption, gas liquid chromatography, flame emission spectroscopy,

equilibrium, electrochemical cells and clays and ion exchange.

Through hands-on experiments, students:

• neutralised red wine

• determined sulphur dioxide content in wine

• measured the rate of reactions

• determined sodium content in bottled water

• found ways to reduce acid pollutants.

Heart Dissection


Early this term Year 10 students participated in a Chemical Murder Mystery at Flinders University. Each year the

Executive Dean kindly volunteers to be murdered by his staff who are the main suspects in the crime. Students

collected samples from a 'crime scene', attended a short seminar and participated in hands-on laboratory sessions.

Analysis of the evidence provided all of the information needed to solve the puzzle.

Students worked in small teams to collect, summarize and debate scientific information and presented their findings

at a mock trial. A great day was had by all.


All Stage 1 students recently travelled to the CSIRO Education centre and participated in a Laboratory Techniques

session. This program offered a range of experiments covering analytical chemistry and its applications. Students

explored topics such as calorimetry, atomic absorption, gas liquid chromatography, flame emission spectroscopy,

equilibrium, electrochemical cells and clays and ion exchange.

Through hands-on experiments, students:

• neutralised red wine

• determined sulphur dioxide content in wine

• measured the rate of reactions

• determined sodium content in bottled water

• found ways to reduce acid pollutants.


Careers in Science