18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals

18 Sales Time Hacks

1. Call inbound leads in under one minute

Increases convers ion rates

by up to 391%

2. Implement a prioritization strategy

121% more revenue

97% convers ion rates

3. Automate sales emails

85% o f t op sa l e s t eams re spond t o p ro spec t s i n

unde r 5 minutes .

4. Minimize disruption

5. Accomplish BIG items first

Knock out the most daunt ing task f i rst so you don’ t waste

t ime procrast inat ing

6. Do some meetings standing up

7. Use guided prioritization

8. Keep prep time in check

Top per fo rming sa les o rgan i za t i ons p rep fo r

1-5 minutes

9. Group similar activities to gain momentum

Focus ing on one task a t a t ime

i nc reases p ro f i c iency by 40–60%

10. Group outreach by industry or title

11. Take more short breaks

12. Brainstorm Weekly

13. Redistribute neglected leads

70% of top sales organizat ions

redistr ibute neglected leads

14. Establish a lead policy

54% of top sales orgs have an automated,

enforced, or monitored sales process

15. Stop working your own deals - delegate

16. Spend at least 50% of your time coaching

17. Lead by example

18. Set a time for open office hours

See Description to Access the Full Presentation & On-Demand Webinar.

18 Time Hacks to Close More Deals bit.ly/18timehacks