13 Killer Moving House Tips

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 13 Killer Moving House Tips

13 Killer Moving House Tips

1. Avoid Moving House on Fridays and Saturdays

These are the two busiest moving days. Moving and packing companies usually have their hands full and might charge you extra. By moving house in the middle of the week, you not only avoid bad traffic, but also won’t pay extra fees.

2. Research Your Moving Company in Advance

Go online and read reviews and forum posts. People rarely shy away if they’re tried a service they didn’t like. Ask friends and relatives for a recommendation if you don’t trust the internet that much.

3. Pack and Label Boxes

Pack all your household items properly and label all your boxes afterwards.This might sound like common sense, but most damages during moving house usually occur due to poor packing.

4. Get Rid Of Unneeded Items

By doing this you would have less items to pack and more free time for yourself.

5. Arrange Parking Space Close to Your Home

This will make the loading process much easier and faster.

6. Clean Your House Before Moving Out

You can surely use the money from your deposit, so get your vacuum cleaner and start cleaning. Do not forget those hard to reach areas.

7. Defrost Your Fridge

Do it at least a day prior to your move. Your freezer should be completely dry before being placed inside the moving van.

8. Arrange a Sitter for Your Kids and Pets

It will be better for both you and them.

9. Notify Your Relatives and Friends of Your Move

Either send some e-mails or just update your social media profiles.

10. Fill in a Change of Address Form

Call your local borough for more details.

11. Inform Important Institutions

● Bank● School● Employer● Doctor● Utility Company● Credit Card Company

12. Prepare Extra Money

You can never know when you’re going to need extra money. For example: you’d have to find a new internet provider once you settle foot in your new home. Or you might have to order food for the first night at your new house.

13. Make a Backup Plan

Unexpected circumstances can always occur. For example: the sitter for your kids might not be available or you might run out of fuel in the middle of the way. Think of different situations and try to prepare for each as much as you can.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your move!
