1.1 american values and assumptions for 1st semester for KU's BBA

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Transcript of 1.1 american values and assumptions for 1st semester for KU's BBA

American Values and Assumptions

Gary Althen



Introduction to the writer

Introduction to the text

Basic theme of the text


*Individualism and privacy



Contd..*The future, change and progress



*Achievement, action, and materialism

*Directness and assertiveness

Foreign student adviser at University of Lowa

Wrote 2 books on his experiences

The handbook of Foreign Student Advising


American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in

United States(1988)

This passage is extracted from the latter book

Gary Althen…

Unwritten rules of culture Difference in values and assumptions

Beliefs and customs Seems normal in one and strange in

another Problems resulting from cross-cultural


Basic theme of the text

Values? Ideas about -what’s wrong and right

-desirable and not desirable

-normal and abnormal

-proper and improper


We learn these values from?

-parents and other relatives


-books and newspapers

-television programs


Assumptions? The unquestioned standards about people and life

“The way things are”

What we suppose or think



Values Assumptions

Men and women

should inhabit

separate social world

Family belongingness

Respect towards God


Gaining education

Lighting candles in


Dress’ color of the


Crossing of the

way by a black cat

Consider themselves independent

View about people with contrasting culture

View of ideal person

Relationship: parents and children

Non-Americans’-regarding Americans’ culture


Individualism and Privacy

All men are created equal

One man one vote

Men and women are equal

Respect to people of higher status

Basic level of respect to everybody


Notion of equality lead Americans to be


Informality in speech, posture and dress

They find informality appealing

Their informal and egalitarian approach to

other people


History and traditions are passé

A foreseen future

Overcoming difficulties

Culture verses culture

Impatient bloodline

The Future, Change and Progress

Time is a resource

Time is money

Admire well organized people

Man or a machine

McDonalds-Symbol of American society

American concept of Efficient and Efficiency


Admiration for achievers

Work harder and harder

Be busy doing something

Job is the identity

Earning is must for evaluation of success

Achievement, Action, Work and Materialism

Directness=straightforwardness, sincerity, truthfulness

Assertive=bold, courageous, confident

Frank, bold and open

Settling conflicts through forthright discussion

Guarding emotional responses

Speak up the mind

Directness and Assertiveness

We need to learn from the Americans

-individual and interdependency

-no distinction, all are equal

“All are created equal”

-being informal makes you work easy


- respect for time- esp. future

- schedule time and bring positive changes

-be bold, frank and expressive. Don’t fear truth

Observe the nature of people and act

Don’t copy them but be inspired by them, positively

“Be yourself ” !!!



Tips: Read the question or essay title


Make it in simple words

Do not repeat yourself-say it another way

Look at the final version of essay -review

Format it and note down

How to write an essay?

Introducing the topic

Giving one point of view, in support of the argument,

with reasons and examples

Giving a contrasting or different view

Concluding (giving your own opinion or interpretation

of the facts

Format of the essay

Thank you !