10 things to teach end users

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 10 things to teach end users

10 Things to Teach End-Users

Brought to you by

Progressive Integrations,



• Who is Progressive Integrations, Inc.,?

• What is the reason for this seminar?• Where can I get more information?• When can I get help after this

seminar?• How are your going to help?


• To be effective in our everyday computing and contribute value to business, users need at least a minimal grasp of information technology.

• Exactly what you need to know varies from environment to environment. What I am about to share with you is what is called computing best practices, including how to effectively report problems and how to safeguard your data.

#1 Rebooting before calling for help

• Simple things like checking cable connections, cords, and power can quickly get you back up and running.

• Although telling users to reboot when they experience a problem may seem like a cop out or a delaying tactic, it is an uncomfortable fact that rebooting apparently fixes a multitude of both real and perceived pc/mac errors.

• Even if a reboot does not solve the problem, the mere fact that the problem recurs after a reboot can give a support tech significant diagnostic information.

• Rebooting is not a panacea for all computer aliments, and it is even not helpful in some cases.

#2 Reporting a computer problem

• In addition to knowing the correct procedure for reporting computer problems – e.g. emailing the help desk– users need to know what will help expedite the resolution process.

• Users can easily be trained to effectively report problems if they are provided with a form that gathers appropriate information, such as any error messages, open applications, what they were doing when the problem occurred, and whether the problem can be reproduced.

Example of Support Ticket

#3 Keeping passwords safe

• There is little point in having a password if it is written down in an unsecured location or shared among users, family members and friends. I have seen passwords written on post-it notes attached to monitors, pinned to notice boards, under the keyboard, and even displayed as the text of the marquee screen saver.

#4 Constructing Safe Passwords

• A strong password is a password that meets the following guidelines:

– Be seven or fourteen characters long, due to the way in which encryption works. For obvious reasons, fourteen characters are preferable.

– Contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. – Contain numbers. – Contain symbols, such as ` ! " ? $ ? % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] : ; @ ' ~ # | \

< , > . ? / – Contain a symbol in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth position (due to

the way in which encryption works). – Not resemble any of your previous passwords. – Not be your name, your friend's or family member's name, or your login. – Not be a dictionary word or common name.

• Good software for password generation, archiving, and automatic fill, are: roboform, lastpass, keepass

• See http://www.microsoft.com/protect/fraud/passwords/create.aspx for more online information.

Password humor…

#5 Practice safe computing while traveling

• Remote access tokens should not be carried in the same case as the computer.

• Access codes, names, and passwords should not be written down and included in the same case.

• Sensitive data should be encrypted and/or stored on removable data storage devices, carried separately from the computer.

• Never leave devices unattended, use open networks without security software and protection.

#6 Preventing loss of data

• Users need to know that backups do not happen by magic, and if they delete a file before it has been backed up, it may not be recoverable.

• Users must know what is backed up and when and not simply assume that every file they create or modify, regardless of location will be backed up.

• What is the difference between a local backups, external backups, online backups, images, and time machines/capsules?

• Differential? Full? Incremental?

#7 Usage policies

• Home users need usage policies too.• Difference between roles (admin,

standard, guest).• Regardless of strength or content of the

policy, generally speaking, such policies are put in place to protect the consumer, company and entities from lawsuits and most importantly to protect the integrity of the IT infrastructure. (i.e., EULA, web filters).

#8 Exercise care in sending e-mails

• Think before pressing “reply to all”• Double check addresses before clicking

send.• What does CC and BCC mean? When do

you use them?• If you would not put a ‘stamp’ on it then

maybe you shouldn’t send it?• Typing in ALL CAPS is yelling to your

recipient and will probably be deleted.• http://www.netmanners.com/

#9 Protecting against viruses, phising, malware, and other nasties

• Don’t open e-mails from unknown sources.

• Just because it looks real doesn’t mean it is.

• Invest in a good security suite.• Free is not always better.• Be careful where you enter your

personal information on websites.

Phishing example

More Phishing examples

#10 Superstitions that will frustrate you and your tech

• Refusing to reboot – if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality.

• Excessive fear of upgrades – exercising caution with upgrades is a good idea, however, one bad experience should not be the gauge of all upgrades. Upgrades bring features, security, stability, and reliability.

• Kneejerk repetition of commands – if it did not respond the last 6 times it probably will not this time.

#10 cont.

• Insisting on particular hardware or software when other equally good hardware or software is available. Uncle Ferd does not always know best

• “I broke it” – software does not break, hardware does. Most issues are software issues, and assuming ‘you broke it’ only feeds the fear to try again.

• Magical thinking – the temptation to forget that the computer is a tool to work with instead of the incomprehensible entity that must be negotiated with.

#10 cont

• Attributing personality to the machine – it is not out to get you, it does not have a mind of its own, and just because it failed one time does not mean it is going to do it again.

• It’s the tech’s fault, he/she was the last one to touch it. Ever since _____ did, it has not worked right…


• Please fill out evaluation – your feedback will bring the next course and help serve you better.

• Thank you from Progressive Integrations, Inc., bringing tomorrows technology to the home today.