10. Technological and natural hazards

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Technological accidents continue to occur inEurope, but those that involve large numbers offatalities have decreased during the past decade,with the exception of mining disasters in Ukraine.The apparent increase in the total number ofmajor accidents in the European Union since1985 may be due to improved reporting as well asincreases in industrial and other economicactivities.

Natural disasters continue to have a far greaterimpact than technological accidents. Both theprobability of occurrence and the consequences ofnatural disasters can be increased as a result oftechnological advances and human activities suchas agriculture and forestry.

A holistic approach to hazard management, basedon lessons learned from past accidents andnatural disasters, recognition of the need for betteremergency planning, and implementation of anumber of EU directives, should help to reduce thenumbers and consequences of technologicalaccidents and reduce the impacts of some naturaldisasters.

10.1. Introduction

Major technological accidents continue tooccur, even with advances in the safetymanagement of hazards. Technologicalaccidents claim only a fraction of the liveslost as a result of natural hazards(approximately 5 % of the total in the period1985–96 in Europe). For both technologicalaccidents and natural hazards, the riskdepends on where people live. Theexplosion in the outskirts of Toulouse inSeptember 2001 tragically illustrated thecapacity of technological accidents to claimmany lives.

The catastrophic earthquake in Turkey in1999 demonstrated that human life remainsvulnerable to the violent effects of nature.Natural catastrophes continue to have a fargreater effect, in terms of fatalities, injuriesand overall cost, than technological accidents.Flooding, landslides, avalanches and violentstorms are all capable of causing multiplefatalities in one event, although none canmatch earthquakes for sheer numbers offatalities. The costs of storms and floodingincidents can run into billions of euros.

10. Technological and natural hazards

The risk of fatality from natural hazardsdepends, to a large extent, on where peoplelive. The seismically active areas in Europeare well documented, the location ofvolcanoes is known and the areas susceptibleto flooding, landslides and avalanches cangenerally be predicted. However, there is stillan element of unpredictability about whenand exactly where such events will happen.All these can take people by surprise, as theironset may be very rapid.

Technological advances and human activitiesmay be exacerbating the impacts of naturalhazards, both at a chronic and an acute level.The apparent increase in flooding incidentsseen across Europe in the past decade maybe linked to chronic changes to theenvironment caused by human activities,such as global warming. Activities such asland clearing for agricultural purposes havebeen a cause of catastrophic landslidesfollowing periods of heavy rain.

For technological hazards and thoseactivities that may exacerbate the effects ofnatural hazards, design evolution andoperational experience have reduced therisk levels over the years. ‘Holistic’approaches, which take an integratedperspective, are becoming more prevalent,with increasing attention to the reduction ofrisk of long-term environmental impact aswell as acute health and property damagefrom accidents. However, there remains aresidual risk that must be well managed at alltimes. This is particularly the case for thosehazards that may have devastatingconsequences for a large number of people,such as serious nuclear accidents. Large-scalepreparations are being considered for thevarious natural hazards so that the responseis rapid and well coordinated to minimisethe harmful effects.

10.2. Technological hazards

10.2.1. Industrial accidentsBetween 1971 and 1992 there was, onaverage, one technological accident everyyear in Europe that resulted in 25 or morefatalities (Table 10.1). Thereafter, there wereno accidents resulting in 25 or more fatalitiesuntil 1998 (although no data were available

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for 1998 and 1999 on the UNEP database(UNEP, 2002a; 2002b) and the data werederived from isolated sources). It wouldappear that, in general, accidents involvinglarge numbers of fatalities have decreased inthe past decade, with the exception ofmethane explosions in Ukrainian mines.

There is generally an equal spread betweenthose events that occurred in the EuropeanUnion (EU) and those in eastern Europe,although before the fall of the ‘Iron Curtain’there may have been a number that were not

widely reported. In recent years, however,there have been disproportionate numbers ofmultiple-fatality accidents in Ukrainian mines(see Box 10.1). One of the major reasons forthis is a lack of investment, compounded bypoor safety and environmental management.This is a common theme that runs throughmany technological industries in easternEuropean countries, certainly whencompared to western Europe.

Many countries in Europe have used the EUSeveso II directive as a model and this should

Year Location Products involved Type of accident Fatalities

1971 Czechowice, Poland Oil Explosion 33

1971 English Channel Petrochemicals Ship collision 29

1973 Czechoslovakia Gas Explosion 47

1974 Flixborough, UK Cyclohexane Explosion 28

1976 Lapua, Finland Gunpowder Explosion 43

1978 San Carlos, Spain Propylene Fireball (road transport) 216

1979 Bantry Bay, Ireland Oil, gas Explosion (marine transport) 50

1979 Warsaw, Poland Gas Explosion 49

1979 Novosibirsk, USSR Chemicals Unknown 300

1980 Ortuella, Spain Propane Explosion 51

1980 Rome, Italy Oil Ship collision 25

1980 Danaciobasi, Turkey Butane Unknown 107

1982 Todi, Italy Gas Explosion 34

1983 Istanbul, Turkey Unknown Explosion 42

1984 Romania Chemicals Unknown 100

1985 Algeciras, Spain Oil Transhipment 33

1986 Chernobyl, USSR Nuclear Reactor explosion 31*

1988 Arzamas, USSR Explosives Explosion (rail transport) 73

1988 North Sea, UK Oil, gas Fire 167

1989 Acha Ufa, USSR Gas Explosion (pipeline) 575

1991 Livorno, Italy Naphtha Transport accident 141

1992 Corlu, Turkey Methane Explosion 32

1998 Donetsk, Ukraine Methane Explosion (mine) 63

1999 Zasyadko, Ukraine Methane Explosion (mine) 50

2000 Donetsk, Ukraine Methane Explosion (mine) 81

2001 Donetsk, Ukraine Coal dust/methane Explosion (mine) 36

2001 Toulouse, France Ammonium nitrate Explosion 31

2002 Donetsk, Ukraine Methane Explosion (mine) 35

Table 10.1. Industrial accidents resulting in more than 25 fatalities (since 1971)

Notes: Other events mayhave occurred that have not

been widely documented.* Number of fatalitiesrelated directly to the

explosion of the reactor; seeSection 10.3.3 on fatalities

from the effects of theaccident.

Sources: UNEP, 2002a,2002b; BBC, 2002a

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help to decrease the number of majoraccidents. It is anticipated that this will bringconsistent standards and an improvement insafety performance throughout Europe.

The total number of major accidentsreported each year in the EU from 1985 to1999 shows a steady increase, with themaximum number reported during 1998(Figure 10.1). This may be due to a numberof factors, including increased industrial andother economic activity and increasedpopulation densities around potentiallyhazardous sites, only partly compensated forby increased awareness and safety measures(see Box 10.2). The rapid rise in the numberof accidents in the first few years of theMARS (major accident reporting system)database may have been due to betterreporting. Many companies are now usingthe data from accidents to help understandtheir underlying causes, such asmanagement failure. This learning exerciseis one element of an improved approach tosafety and environmental management thatis being used by organisations in general,following the advent of the Seveso IIdirective.

When analysing the causes of majoraccidents, by far the biggest immediatecause is mechanical failure. Operator erroris also a significant contributor (Figure10.2). Both these are likely to be due tosome kind of management failure, which isthus the underlying cause. For example, afailure due to corrosion may have beencaused by a lack of monitoring. In fact, for67 % of the accidents reported in the MARSdatabase, the dominant underlying causeswere poor safety and environmentalmanagement (Drogaris, 1993; Rasmussen,1996). The Seveso II directive putsemphasis on mechanisms for the preventionof accidents, such as good safetymanagement; this is a major improvementfrom the earlier Seveso directive.

10.2.2. Pipeline accidentsThe impacts of pipeline accidents are usuallyonly environmental, i.e. release ofhydrocarbon liquid to surface waters andgroundwater and release of gas to theatmosphere. There have been no recordedfatal accidents following gas releases fromtransmission pipelines over the period 1970–2000 in those countries included in theEGIG (European Gas pipeline Incident dataGroup) database (all within western Europe,see Figure 10.3). However, fatal accidentscan certainly occur, as illustrated by an

Box 10.1. Ukraine’s troubled mines

Ukraine has the world’s highest coal industry death rate, with an average ofabout 300 deaths per year. In recent years, there have been several multiple-fatality accidents. Funding cuts since the break-up of the USSR in 1991 haveforced the industry to struggle for survival and have led to a neglect of safety.Even in Soviet times, working practices were shoddy and safety standards low.

Underground explosions are common and are the main cause of fatalities,usually caused by methane that builds up in poorly ventilated shafts. Otherdeaths have been caused by roof collapses or the breakdown of ventilationsystems. Equipment is outdated and often faulty; exposed wires can set offexplosions, gas sensors and oxygen tanks do not work, and pit props arebroken.

The majority of the mines are uneconomic, only 50 of more than 200 areviable. This, combined with very poor safety management, has led to themultitude of tragic accidents.

Source: BBC, 2000






















Figure 10.1.Number of major accidents reported onthe MARS database (EU)

Source: MARS database,2002

Sabotage/arson 1 %

Mechanical failure 44 %

Operator error 22 %

Unknown 12 %

Process upset 11 %

Design error

Natural hazards

5 %5 %

Figure 10.2.Causes of major accidents in the process industries

Source: J&H Marsh &McLennan, 1998

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Box 10.2. Ammonium nitrate explosion in Toulouse, France, 2001

On 21 September 2001, a huge explosion ripped through the AZF fertiliserfactory in an industrial zone on the outskirts of Toulouse, France, leaving a50 m diameter crater more than 10 m deep. Thirty-one people were reporteddead, including some outside the plant, and 2 442 were injured. More than500 homes were made uninhabitable and almost 11 000 pupils were kept athome after some 85 schools and colleges were damaged. Windows in the citycentre 3 km away were blown out.

The explosion occurred in a warehouse in which granular ammonium nitratewas stored. Ammonium nitrate can explode under certain conditions. Thesemust include added energy (heat, shock), especially under conditions ofconfinement or in the presence of contaminants. Although ammonium nitrateis generally used safely and is normally stable and unlikely to explodeaccidentally, accidental explosions of ammonium nitrate have resulted in lossof life and destruction of property.

The AZF plant was opened in 1924 in what was then countryside, but theurban sprawl from Toulouse (population 700 000) led to homes being builtcloser and closer to the plant. The AZF site is one of 1 250 factories in Franceclassified as high risk. The site falls under the rules of the Seveso II directive.

Source: UNEP, 2002c

accident near Ufa, Russia, on 4 June 1989,when two trains, each carrying more than500 passengers, passed each other within acloud of natural gas arising from a pipelineleak (see Table 10.1). The gas exploded andmost of the passengers in one train werekilled outright; hundreds of passengers inthe other (many of them children) sufferedsevere burns. This was not an isolatedincident. The Oil and Gas Journal in 1993reported that Russian oil and gas pipelinesare plagued by accidents, citing an example







Failure frequency (number of events/'000 km)

Average amount spilt per event (m3)
















Overall failure frequency average up to the year (liquids)

Overall failure frequency avewrage up to the year (gas)Moving 5-year average (liquids)

Moving 5-year average (gas)

Average amount spilt per event (m3)







Figure 10.3. Pipeline accidents and average amount spilt inwestern Europe

Sources: CONCAWE, 2002; EGIG, 2002

of a major pipeline break in western Siberiain 1993 when more than 2 000 m3 of crudewere lost. More and more new pipelines arebeing constructed to transport oil and gas tothe west from the new frontiers in the east,such as the Caspian region and Siberia.

The failure rate of liquid and gas pipelinesin the EU since 1971 shows a significantdownward trend, which is a reflection notjust of better design and construction, butalso of the improved safety management ofexisting pipelines, for example withimproved corrosion protection andmonitoring systems. In particular, there hasbeen a marked improvement in the five-yearmoving average failure rate in both types ofpipeline, with a four to fivefold decrease inthe rate since records began. However, therehas been no general decrease in the averageamount spilt per event.

10.2.3. Oil spillsAnother major hazard where the impact ispredominantly environmental is marine oilspills. Worldwide, the annual number of oilspills and the total oil spilt from tankersshows a downward trend despite increasingmaritime transport of oil, although the rateof improvement has decreased since about1980 (Figure 10.4). European figuresgenerally reflect the world situation; for theEU, for instance, tanker oil spills continue,although both the frequency and theamounts involved have fallen over the pastdecade. The erratic occurrence of suchaccidents, however, is illustrated by therecent Prestige disaster off the west coast ofSpain.

Tanker safety is a major issue on theInternational Maritime Organisation’s(IMO) protection agenda. In 1992, the IMOmandated the phasing out of conventional,single-hulled tankers. By 2010, all tankersand super tankers carrying crude oil musthave double hulls; this will reduce thelikelihood of spills. For spills greater than700 tonnes, about 77 % are due to collisions,groundings and hull failures (Figure 10.5).Double hulls should reduce the frequency ofsuch spills, so a further decrease in largespills worldwide, including in Europeanwaters, is expected.

However, the Prestige accident on 13November 2002 has highlighted thepotential environmental impact that oiltransportation still poses. The Prestigesuffered hull damage in heavy seas offnorthern Spain and developed a severe list.

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Quantity spilt ('000 tonnes)Moving 5-year average (number of spills)

Number of spills > 700 tonnes

Number of spills Quantity spilt ('000 tonnes)









Figure 10.5.Causes of oil spills 1974-2000 (spills greater than700 tonnes)

Source: ITOPF, 2002a

Groundings35 %

Collisions28 %

Loading/discharging6 %

Other/unknown11 %

Fires and explosions 6 %

Hull failures14 %

She was taken in tow and moved away fromthe coast, but eventually broke in two andsank in just over 3 km of water. She wascarrying a cargo of some 77 000 tonnes ofheavy fuel oil, some of which was lost at thetime of the initial damage and moresubsequently (ITOPF, 2002b).

Oil released before the vessel broke in twocame ashore intermittently along thepredominantly rocky coastline between Cabode la Nave and Punta Langosteira innorthwest Spain, a distance of 100–150 kmand reached French coasts later on. Theaffected area supports a rich and diversefishing and aquaculture industry, includingthe cultivation of mussels, oysters, turbot andseveral other species, and the harvesting ofvarious ‘wild’ species of fish and shellfish.The adverse social and economic effects maybe felt for many years.

Since this disaster, the EuropeanCommission has accelerated tanker safetymeasures. It has published a blacklist of 66ships deemed too dangerous for Europeanwaters, 16 of which are oil and chemicaltankers. France and Spain agreed to checkall ageing single-hulled vessels in their watersand force them out if necessary. They haveadopted the emergency measuresintroduced by the EC without waiting for therest of the EU to endorse them (BBC,2002b).

10.2.4. Tailings dam failuresA number of tailings dam failures that haveled to pollution of surface waters andwidespread fish kills have occurred inrecent years (Table 10.2.). As with industrialaccidents, these have occurred with almostequal frequency in EU and easternEuropean countries. The incident at Stava,Italy, in 1985 claimed the lives of 268people. The most devastating incidentenvironmentally was that in Baia Mare,Romania, in 2000, where the release ofhighly toxic cyanide resulted in the killingof tonnes of fish and the poisoning ofpotable water for more than 2 millionpeople in Hungary. Such an incident couldoccur in many areas across the whole ofEurope, since the use of cyanide is still thepreferred method for processing gold ores.

Another major cause of surface waterpollution is firewater runoff following majorincidents involving toxic substances. This isbest illustrated by the warehouse fire at theSandoz plant near Basel, when many toxicsubstances in the firewater flowed into the

Rhine and caused the death of almost allaquatic life as far as 100 km downstream.Similar incidents could occur across thewhole of Europe unless precautions aretaken to contain and treat firewater onsite.

Directive 2000/60/EU of the EuropeanParliament and the Council, establishing aframework for Community action in the fieldof water policy, entered into force on 22December 2000. Among its central aspectswas an obligation to progressively reducedischarges, emissions and losses of hazardoussubstances, including those due to accidents.

Figure 10.4.Number of oil spills worldwide and total oil spilt,1970–2000

Source: ITOPF, 2002a

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10.3. Nuclear hazards

10.3.1. Nuclear power stationsApart from the 1986 Chernobyl accident(see Section 10.3.3) other accidents haveoccurred in Europe over the past 40 years.Some of these have had environmentalconsequences and a handful have resulted inloss of life, although all have been minorcompared with the effects of Chernobyl. Areview of nuclear accidents up to 1996 hasshown a highly disproportionate number ofaccidents in the former Soviet countries.

Figure 10.6 shows the number of nuclearpower reactors currently operating (researchreactors are not included). France, whichhas the most reactors of any one nation, hashad only a small number of minor incidents.The Russian Federation, which has half thenumber of reactors, has had a multitude ofincidents. This distinction between easternand western Europe is mirrored by the othernations, suggesting a lower level of safetystandards in the east.

Since 1970, the number of nuclearinstallations in Europe has increased and

Date Location Release Impacts

20 Jan 1981 Lebedinsky, USSR 3.5 million m3 Tailings travelled distance of 1.3 km

15 Sep 1983 Stebnik, Ukraine 1.2 million m3 of brine Dnestr river polluted for hundreds ofkm, damaging the fish resources andbiodiversity of the river

19 Jul 1985 Stava, Trento, Italy 200 000 m3 268 people killed

1 Mar 1992 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria 500 000 m3 Not known

1 May 1996 Sgurigrad, Bulgaria 220 000 m3 The tailings wave travelled 6 km anddestroyed half of a village 1 kmdownstream, with 107 victims

25 Apr 1998 Aznalcóllar, Spain 4-5 million m3 of Thousands of hectares of farmlandtoxic water and slurry covered with slurry and water

contamination in national park ofDoñana

31 Dec 1998 Huelva, Spain 50 000 m3 of acidic The liquid spilled into Ría de Huelva, aand toxic water tributary of Río Tinto

30 Jan 2000 Baia Mare, Romania 100 000 m3 of cyanide- Contamination of the Somes/Szamoscontaminated liquid stream, tributary of the Tisza River(105-110 tonnes equivalentof cyanide)

10 Mar 2000 Borsa, Romania 22 000 tonnes equivalent Contamination of the Vaser stream,of heavy-metal tributary of the Tisza rivercontaminated tailings(70-100 tonnes equivalentof copper)

8 Sep 2000 Gällivare, Sweden 1.5 million m3 of water The bed of the Vassara river wascarrying some residual covered over a length of at least 7–8 kmslurry with a white slurry

Table 10.2. Tailings dam failures since 1980

Source: UNEP, 2001

many European countries now have nuclearreactors at or towards the end of theirworking lives, as shown in Figure 10.7. It canbe seen that there will be an increasingnumber of old reactors operating in Europe.At present, the United Kingdom is the onlynation with a number of operational reactorsabove 36 years old and thus the UnitedKingdom has a significantly disproportionatenumber of old reactors at the end of theirworking lives.

It should be noted that in recent years, thesafety of Soviet-designed reactors hasimproved. This is due largely to thedevelopment of a culture of safetyencouraged by increased collaboration withwestern Europe countries, and substantialinvestment in improving the reactors. Since1989, more than 1 000 nuclear engineersfrom the former USSR have visited westernnuclear power plants and there have beenmany reciprocal visits, with more than 50twinning arrangements put in place (UIC,2001).

However, accidents at a number of nuclearplants have led to low public confidence in

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the nuclear industry, and even minorincidents now accentuate the problem ofdiminishing public trust. Reports ofincreased numbers of leukaemia cases inareas surrounding some nuclear installationsprovoke great concern amongst the generalpublic, in spite of independent investigationswhich conclude that there is no proof of alink between reports of higher doses ofradiation in these areas and the incidence ofleukaemia (European Commission, 1999).

By means of comparison, atmosphericnuclear testing of nuclear weapons resultedin the largest release of radionuclides intothe environment and by far the largest

collective dose from man-made sources, asshown in Table 10.3. By contrast, nuclearpower production, nuclear weaponsfabrication and radioisotope productionresult in comparatively small collective dosesto the population. Accidents may havesignificant local impact, but only Chernobylgave rise to a substantial population dose.

10.3.2. Radioactive waste managementAccidents and incidents involving themanagement of radioactive waste materialsare not common occurrences. Between 1993and February 1997, no incident or accidentof radiological significance was observed inradioactive waste management operations. It

Recent evidence suggests that military activities areamong the world’s most environmentallydestructive activities. The environmental impacts ofwar begin with disturbance and destruction ofnatural habitats, and progress to contamination ofland, air and water with the wastes of people andmachines. In most war zones, the impacts on theenvironment are long term or permanent.

PreparationMilitary bases require large areas of land and oftenlead to the permanent destruction of flora andfauna. Large sectors of most countries are reservedfor military exercises, which may include somerelated to chemical and biological warfare. Incountries that manufacture weapons, areas may beused for testing missiles, chemical and biologicalwarfare products, and nuclear weapons. All of theseactivities severely degrade natural ecosystems andtend to be treated as exceptions to anyenvironmental regulations.

ConflictAs seen in the recent conflicts in the Balkans, humandeaths and the destruction of ‘military targets’ arenot the only immediate consequences of war.Modern weapons rely on toxic chemicals for much oftheir explosive force and propulsion. Hence theycreate negative environmental impacts through theirown composition as well as their destructive power.When a heavy bomb goes off, it createstemperatures of approximately 3 000 ºC; this notonly annihilates all flora and fauna but also destroysthe lower layers of soil, which can take anywherebetween 1 000 and 10 000 years to regenerate.

Although the weapons constitute the most obviousthreat to the environment, the targets that theydestroy are also a highly significant contributor tothe environmental devastation of war. Hazardousmaterials such as fuels, chemicals and radioactivesubstances may be targeted and thereby leak intosurface waters and groundwater. During the recentwar in the Balkans, NATO bombed petrochemicalplants in the suburbs of Belgrade. Toxins such aschlorine and vinyl chloride monomer were releasedinto the atmosphere.

Associated fuel combustion contributes to ozonedepletion. The energy demands of military activities

Box 10.3. Hazards linked to armed conflicts

have been estimated at 6 % of the global total,which is more than that of many countries.

Combatants may plunder natural resources tofinance military operations. Furthermore,combatants may deliberately or indiscriminatelytarget the environment, seeking to depriveopposing troops of shelter, food, water and fuel.The oil slicks and burning oil wells of Kuwaitdemonstrated that natural fuel resources can alsobe caught up in armed conflict, with catastrophicimpacts on the environment.

The aftermathDiscarded weapons, including chemical andbiological, are potential sources of contaminationand injury to plant and animal species, includinghumans. Military wastes have created majorremediation challenges throughout the world.When Soviet troops withdrew from the former EastGermany in 1992, 1.5 million tonnes of ammunitionwere destroyed, with the release of nitrogenoxides, highly toxic chemical dioxides and heavymetals to the atmosphere. Abandoned garrisontowns around Berlin have hidden waste tips withmillions of gallons of spent tank and truck oil, andchemical wastes, as well as ammunition. Officialshave estimated that the 4 % of East Germanterritory that was occupied by former Soviet basesand facilities is severely polluted.

In addition to the machinery of war, the movement,accommodation and wastes of millions of humanscreates major impacts on natural systems. By farthe majority are refugees displaced from theirhomes by military activities. As recent events havedemonstrated, the tens of thousands of ethnicAlbanian refugees pouring out of Kosovo intoneighbouring countries quickly exceeded thecapacity of those countries to support them. Food,water, sanitation and even land space were simplyunavailable in some locations.

According to the International Committee of theRed Cross, landmines kill or maim between 1 000and 2 000 people every month. A hundred millionlandmines now lie in wait around the world. Mostvictims are civilians in peacetime, with childrenbeing especially vulnerable.

Sources: Bruch, 2002; Heathcote, 2002; Eco-compass, 2002; The History Guy, 2001

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is particularly noteworthy that in the area oftransport of radioactive waste, which comesunder close scrutiny by non-governmentalorganisations and the public, not a singleentry is to be found in the INES(international nuclear event scale) databasemaintained by the International AtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) (Figure 10.8). TheChernobyl accident is so far the only nuclearaccident to be assigned a 7 on the INESscale.

Fleets of nuclear power vessels also pose theproblem of managing decommissionedmaterial. Of the countries covered by thisreport which have fleets of nuclear poweredvessels (France, the Russian Federation andthe United Kingdom), the Russian Federationhas built a massive 248 submarines, of whichonly 77 were in service in 1998 (NATO,1998). Approximately 110 submarines havebeen taken out of operation in the NorthernFleet. It is anticipated that 18–20 submarinescan be dismantled per year. As of beginningof 2002, 94 decommissioned nuclearsubmarines were stored afloat and have spentfuel in their nuclear reactors (Shishkin et al.,2002).

10.3.3. Environmental and health effects of the Chernobyl accident

The explosion at the Chernobyl plant,Ukraine, exposed the reactor core andreleased radioactive fission and neutronactivation products, including transuranics,from the reactor to the atmosphere. Most ofrefractory radionuclides in the form of hotfuel particles were deposited in the vicinityof the destroyed reactor. For some volatileradionuclides the release rate andtransportation distance were exacerbated byheat from the fire that lasted 10 days.Estimated releases of the most radiologicallyimportant volatile radionuclides I-131,Cs-137 and Cs-134 were about 1 500, 85 and46 PBq. The altitude which radioactive cloudreached (up to 3 km) and the prevailingwinds meant that most of Europe wasaffected by the fallout. More than140 000 km2 of the territory of the threemost affected countries, Ukraine, Belarusand the Russian Federation, and more than45 000 km2 of other European countrieswere contaminated with Cs-137 over40 kBq/m2 (see Map 10.1).

Several organisations have reported on theimpacts of the Chernobyl accident, but allhave had problems assessing the significanceof their observations because of the lack ofreliable public health information before

Source: IAEA, 2002a

Figure 10.6. Number of operational nuclear power reactors inEurope (research reactors not included)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60Fran






n Fe




























Number of reactors








70 Other countriesCzech Republic


SwedenUkraineGermanyRussian FederationUnited KingdomFrance















Age in years

Number of reactorsSource: IAEA, 2002a

Figure 10.7. Age profile of operational nuclear reactors inEurope

Deviation 0










Major accident

Serious accident

Accident with off-site risk

Accident without significant off-site risk

Serious incident



No safety significance

Figure 10.8. The international nuclear event scale

Source: IAEA, 2002b

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G r e e n l a n dS e a

Source Collective effective dose(man Sievert)

Atmospheric nuclear testing 30 000 000

Chernobyl accident 600 000

Nuclear power production 400 000

Radioisotope production and use 80 000

Nuclear weapons fabrication 60 000

Kyshtym accident 2 500

Satellite re-entries 2 100

Windscale accident 2 000

Other accidents 300

Underground nuclear testing 200

Source: Bennett, 1995

Table 10.3.Doses from man-made sources1986. In 1989 the World HealthOrganization (WHO) first raised concernsthat local medical scientists had incorrectlyattributed various biological and healtheffects to radiation exposure (UIC, 2001).

An IAEA study involving more than 200experts from 22 countries published in 1991was more substantial. In the absence of pre-1986 data it compared a control populationwith those exposed to radiation. Significanthealth disorders were evident in bothcontrol and exposed groups but, at thatstage, none was radiation related.

Subsequent studies in the Ukraine, theRussian Federation and Belarus were basedon national registers of over 1 million peoplepossibly affected by radiation. Theseconfirmed a rising incidence of thyroidcancer among exposed children. Late in1995, WHO linked nearly 700 cases ofthyroid cancer among children andadolescents to the Chernobyl accident, andamong these some 10 deaths are attributedto radiation (see Chapter 12, Section 12.2.4).

Map 10.1.Deposition from Chernobyl in Europe

Source: European Commission, 1998

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Despite the decay of most depositedradionuclides and applied countermeasures,a few tens of thousands of square kilometresin Belarus, the Russian Federation and theUkraine will remain substantiallycontaminated with long-lived radionuclides,i.e. Cs-137, Sr-90, plutonium and Am-241 fordecades. The levels of human externalexposure and enhanced radionuclideconcentrations in agricultural animal andnatural food products (e.g. mushrooms,berries, lake fish and game) will also remainelevated over a long period (see also UN,2002). These abnormal human exposurelevels still require regular monitoring and, insome areas, remediation actions. Up to nowapproximately 100 000 inhabitants ofcontaminated areas receive additionalannual doses above 1 mSv caused by theChernobyl fallout (around 50 % less thanthe yearly dose from natural sources).

Psychosocial effects among those affected bythe accident are emerging as a majorproblem, and are similar to those arisingfrom other major disasters such asearthquakes, floods and fires.

10.4. Natural disasters

Natural disasters, such as earthquakes andlandslides, are often more devastating, interms of loss of life and environmentaldamage, than technological accidents, whichthey can also precipitate. The cost of naturaldisasters may run into billions of euros,rather than the millions associated with most

technological accidents (with the exceptionof some worst cases such the Chernobylaccident). As with technological accidents,the consequences depend both on themagnitude of the event and factors such aspopulation density, disaster-preventionmeasures and emergency planning.

10.4.1. Events associated with natural disastersFigure 10.9 illustrates, for the whole ofEurope, the number of events associatedwith natural disasters and the associatednumber of fatalities between 1980 and 2000.Several types of natural hazards are includedand it is clear that they have the potential tocause large numbers of fatalities. The hazardthat causes by far the largest numbers offatalities in one event during this 20-yearperiod is an earthquake. On 17 August 1999,a major earthquake in northwest Turkey,measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale, causedthe deaths of more than 17 000 people, mostof whom were crushed in the rubble of theircollapsed homes. The earthquake alsoprecipitated technological accidents, whenfires broke out in oil refineries andexplosions rocked the rubble as leaking gasignited. On 7 December 1988, a massiveearthquake rocked northwest Armenia,killing some 25 000 people (EQEEngineering, 1989). The recent earthquakeat the southern Italian village of SanGiuliano di Puglia on 31 October 2002highlighted the traumatic effects caused byall fatal earthquakes. Of the 29 people killed,26 were young children, buried after theirschool building collapsed (BBC, 2002c).

In Europe, as worldwide, storms and floodsare the most common natural disaster and,in terms of economic and insured losses, themost costly, as illustrated in Table 10.4 (SwissRe, 2002a).

Winter storms in Europe represent a majorhazard to people and a major economic loss.Two of the worst storms hit Europe at theend of December 1999. On 26 December,Lothar crossed northern France, southernGermany and Switzerland within a few hours,leaving a path of destruction. The next day,Martin passed through further to the south,also causing heavy losses in central andsouthern France, northern Spain, Corsicaand northern Italy (Swiss Re, 2002b).

The high speeds of both storms wereattributable to unusually heavy westerlywinds. Lothar attained its maximum intensityon the French Atlantic coast, maintaining itsforce far inland. Peak gust velocities reached






15Number of events Total number of fatalities






















Wind hazardsTemperature hazards

Water hazardsSnow hazardsGeohazardsFire hazardsTotal number of fatalities


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

25 000

30 000

Figure 10.9. Events involving natural hazards and the associatednumber of fatalities in Europe, 1980–2000

Source: Munich Re, 2001

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Date Countries Event Victims Insured loss(US$ billion,2001 levels)

25 Jan 1990 Western Europe Winter storm Daria 95 6.2

26 Dec 1999 Western Europe Winter storm Lothar 80 6.2

15 Oct 1987 Western Europe Storms and floods in Europe 22 4.7

25 Feb 1990 Western/ Winter storm Vivian 64 4.3central Europe

27 Dec 1999 France, Spain, Winter storm Martin 45 2.6Switzerland

3 Dec 1999 Western/ Winter storm Anatol 20 1.6northern Europe

Table 10.4. Most costly natural hazard insurance losses in Europe

Source: Swiss Re, 2002a

170 km/hour in the heart of Paris and morethan 180 km/hour at Orly airport, or 20 %above the maximum wind speed previouslyon record. Even before Lothar died out overeastern Europe, another powerful storm,Martin, reached the west coast of France atthe latitude of La Rochelle. While Martincrossed the country about 200 km south ofLothar’s track and registered weaker peakgusts, wind speeds of some 160 km/hour and140 km/hour were registered in Vichy andCarcassonne, respectively.

Particularly in France, but also in southernGermany and Switzerland, losses triggered byLothar and Martin were paralleled only bythe storms of 1990. Casualties exceeded 80,not counting the lives claimed in the courseof clean-up work. Some 44 of these fatalitiesoccurred in France alone, while 17 werereported in Germany and 13 in Switzerland.The storms ravaged some 60 % of the roofsin the Paris region and damaged more than80 % of the buildings in surrounding towns,some of them substantially.

Forests also sustained tremendous damage:in France, Germany and Switzerland, forexample, the storms toppled several timesthe average annual timber yield. Powersupply was also affected more seriously thanever before: in France alone, Lothar blewover more than 120 large power supplypylons (the combined total with Martinexceeded 200), leaving more than 3 millionhouseholds without power for days.

Lothar and Martin generated economiclosses of some USD 12 billion and USD 6billion, respectively. Of these amounts, USD6.2 billion (Lothar) and USD 2.6 billion

(Martin) were insured. Overall, more than 3million claims were filed with insurancecompanies in France, leading to claimssettlements which exceeded the capacity ofsome insurers. These sums are in the toprange of losses caused by winter storms inEurope to date and can be compared onlywith those triggered by the series of winterstorms in 1990 (Swiss Re, 2002b).

Flood damage depends on the duration andheight of water levels, topography and use ofthe flood plain, flood defence measures, andthe awareness of the population likely to beaffected by flooding. The frequency of majorflooding events in Europe has increased inrecent years. As an example, at Kehl on theGerman-French border, between 1900 and1977 the Rhine’s floodwaters rose more than7 m above flood level only four times. From1977 to 1996, that level was reached 10times, an average of once every other year(UWIN, 1996)

During the period 1978–2000, includingnatural variations, the level of the CaspianSea rose by about 2.3 m. Flooding in coastalzones inundated residential areas, transport,telecommunications and energyinfrastructure, chemical and petrochemicalindustries, croplands and hatcheries, forcingthousands of residents to be evacuated fromflooded homes. In Turkmenistan, the townof Dervish, which is detached from thewestern part of the mainland, is turning intoan island due to the rise in sea level (EIA,2000).

In July 1997, floodwaters killed at least 52people in Poland and 39 in the CzechRepublic (ESA, 2001). A year later, again in

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July, at least 46 died during flooding in theSlovak Republic, during a ‘supercell storm’.

However, the catastrophic flooding in centralEurope and the Black Sea region of theRussian Federation in August 2002 hassurpassed these in terms of impact. At least111 people died, with hundreds ofthousands evacuated (BBC, 2002d). Manyhomes were completely destroyed. InHungary, the River Danube broke high-watermarks along 170 km of its length (Figure10.10). The water reached a record of8.49 m, breaking the previous record of8.45 m set in 1965. In Dresden, Germany, theRiver Elbe reached 9.39 m, the highest sincerecords began in the 16th century. Floods inPrague were the worst for 175 years.Economic losses have been estimated atmore than EUR 15 billion (Swiss Re, 2002c).

Potentially dangerous acute and chronicimpacts on industry were also apparent. Acloud of chlorine gas (several hundreds ofkilograms) escaped from a flood-damagedchemical plant in Neratovice, about 20 kmnorth of Prague. Considerably largeramounts (some 80 tonnes equivalent) werereleased into the water. Releases of somepersistent organic substances could not beexcluded. The impact of these releases isbeing evaluated. A dam burst near the townof Bitterfeld in southeast Germany, resultingin the evacuation of 16 000 people, and theemergency was heightened by the flooding

Source: NASA, 2002a

Figure 10.10. Flooding along the Danube River, Hungary, Croatia,and Serbia and Montenegro in April 2002

of the adjacent chemical complex, where amilitary operation was launched to stopchemicals flowing into the River Mulde(BBC, 2002e). Most sewage plants along theRivers Elbe and Vltava in the Czech Republicwere put out of action, raising the prospectof environmental damage. The overall costto industry and the general population islikely to run into many billions of euros.

Heavy rain and flooding can also precipitatelandslides, which may be more catastrophicin terms of fatalities. In October 2000,Gondo, a Swiss alpine village, was ‘sliced intwo’ by a fatal 40 m wide landslide, followingthree days of incessant rain (SAEFL, 2002).

Fatal avalanches have also hit alpine regionsin recent years. In Europe, the winter of1998/99 was one of the ‘snowiest’ in 50 years.Major snow storms created a number ofavalanches in populated mountain areasacross the Alps. Three separate incidents inFebruary 1999 at Galtür (Austria), Evolene(Switzerland) and Chamonix (France)claimed the lives of 51 people (OFEFP, 2002).

10.4.2. Natural disasters exacerbated by human activities

From the available data (Figure 10.1 andFigure 10.6) it appears that the trend for theannual number of natural disasters is moreobviously upward than that for majortechnological accidents. This is particularlyapparent for those precipitated by humanactivities. For example, drainage of wetlandsand straightening of rivers can influenceboth the probability and the magnitude offlooding, by increasing peak water flows.There is also an increased probability ofoccurrence of certain natural disasters, suchas flooding and droughts, due to climatechange, in many temperate regions (seeChapter 3). Climate change may be acontributor to the recent increase inflooding incidents.

Landslides are likely to increase unless thereis better management of land to reduce soilerosion. Land clearing for agriculturalreasons combined with the increasedfrequency of heavy storms and flooding willincrease the risk. The landslide at Campania,Italy tragically illustrated this in May 1998when, after two days of incessant rain, atorrent of mud engulfed hundreds of homesin the towns of Sarno and Quindici andsurrounding villages. Almost 300 peoplewere killed and about 2 000 made homeless.The clearing of trees and burning ofscrubland to create pastures had led to

March 17, 2002 April 2, 2002

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massive erosion and in some areas chestnuttrees had been replaced by hazelnut trees,which are much weaker and produce asmaller root system (EEA, 1999).

Land clearing by deliberately starting forestfires has led to direct hazard from the fireitself. Arson is a major cause of forest fires,although such fires have also occurredthrough natural processes. Forest fires,which occur every year across Europe, cancause fatalities and create vast clouds ofsmog over the surrounding area, in additionto the environmental disaster of the loss ofextensive areas of forest. However, plannedfires (if managed properly) clear away deadand dying vegetation to help rejuvenateforests and reduce the risk of larger,uncontrolled wildfires. Fire is also used tohelp clear forests for human developments.Around the world, every year, from 750 000to 8.2 million square km of forest andgrassland is burnt (NASA, 2002b).

10.5. Risk management

Disasters will continue to occur throughoutEurope — some due to technology, some tothe forces of nature, some to the combinedeffects of the two. Inevitably, there will beloss of life and environmental damage.

However, better management of hazards canreduce the risks. Although it is not possibleto predict when disasters will occur it may bepossible to identify the general areas wherethey are more likely, so that responses can bepre-planned and loss of life andenvironmental impacts minimised.

10.5.1.Technological hazardsFor many technological hazards, holisticapproaches are becoming more prevalent,with increasing attention to reducing therisks of long-term environmental impacts aswell as acute health and property damage.For the process industries, the Seveso IIdirective in the EU requires industrialoperators to demonstrate that they havetaken all necessary measures to preventmajor accidents and limit theirconsequences for humans and theenvironment.

There is an improved culture with regard toreporting accidents and sharing the lessonslearnt. Experience of accidents to cross-country pipelines and oil tankers has guideddesign, construction and operation, with asubstantial reduction in incidents.

However, catastrophic events that aredifficult to predict because of lack of specificexperience are likely to remain a difficultproblem. Although technological disastersaccount for only a fraction of the number offatalities of natural disasters, there remains aperception that technological hazards pose aconsiderable risk, particularly to peopleliving nearby. This is particularly true fornuclear hazards. There are many reasons forthis, including lack of knowledge and dread,but also acceptability. An additional factor isa common aversion to technologies thatcould cause multiple fatalities. This is takeninto account in the Dutch societal riskcriteria where (for fatalities of 10 or more), adecrease in frequency of two orders ofmagnitude is required for an order ofmagnitude increase in fatalities (Figure10.11).

Planners and policy-makers take such issuesinto account. Following the Toulouseaccident, one of the points of the EuropeanParliament Resolution of 3 October 2001 wasthat the current approach to ‘riskmanagement’ had been overtaken by eventsand that it was now necessary and urgent toadopt an approach based on ‘risk removal’.

Pre-planning for technological disasters isnow common, through emergency responseplans. In particular, since 1986, manycountries and organisations in the EU havedeveloped sophisticated computerisedsystems for gathering, managing, assessingand disseminating information aboutpossible future nuclear accidents. For the

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000Number of fatalities (n)

Calculation of frequency of n or more fatalities (per year)

Unacceptable risk

Risk must be As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

1,0 E-11

1,0 E-10

1,0 E-09

1,0 E-08

1,0 E-07

1,0 E-06

1,0 E-05

1,0 E-04

Figure 10.11.Dutch societal risk criteria

Source: VROM (theNetherlands Ministry ofHousing, Spatial Planningand the Environment)

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process industries, the Seveso II directive hasprescribed that onsite and offsite emergencyplans must be in place and practised atregular intervals. EU countries are generallybetter prepared for technological disastersthan those in eastern Europe.

Major transportation accidents pose aparticular problem because it is difficult topredict their location. Many railways crossdensely populated cities, and although thecapacity of a standard tank car is limited toabout 50 tonnes, this may be sufficient tocause a major catastrophe if a hazardousmaterial is released in or close to an inner-city area. The consequences of a pipelinerupture could be severe, as a large amount ofmaterial could be released before isolation.With an ever-increasing pipeline networkthroughout eastern Europe and the Caspianregion, there is an increasing likelihood ofsuch events unless the risks are bettermanaged.

For the non-EU states, the use of the SevesoII directive and other relevant directives,such as the water framework directive(Directive 2000/60/EU), appearsappropriate and some are already usingthese, including some non-accessioncountries. The comprehensive nature ofsuch directives, with their power to prohibitunacceptable activities, provides a valuablemodel for the more effective management ofsafety.

Increasingly, the management oftechnological risks must include the threatof international terrorism. The recent attackon the French oil tanker Limburg off thecoast of Yemen on 6 October 2002 hashighlighted this. There has been speculationthat the Toulouse incident of 21 September2002 was an act of sabotage. Whilst securityof such sites has been increased over the lastfew decades, particularly those sites withnuclear installations, there are many softertargets at risk. Transportation routes areparticularly vulnerable, and the example ofoil pipelines attacks in Africa hasdemonstrated the potential for majoraccidents, disruption and environmentaldamage.

10.5.2. Natural hazardsFor natural hazards, particularlyearthquakes, the problem of predictingexactly when and where they may occur is amajor difficulty for risk management. This iscompounded by the fact that there are nomeans of preventing some natural events,

such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,although for some events, mitigationmeasures that could be used are notadequately applied in land-use planning.The management of these hazards couldbenefit from the application of some of thecontrol, mitigation and response approachesdeveloped for technological hazards.

Adequate land management is essential.‘Inherent safety’ is a term often used in theprocess industries to avoid the hazard in thefirst place. The corresponding approachwould be to discourage settlement growthand reduce urban sprawl in areas that aresusceptible to natural hazards. Wheresusceptible areas are populated, societal riskcriteria, such as those shown in Figure 10.11could be a useful tool in land-usemanagement to limit settlement growth.

For regions under development, a holisticapproach should ensure that all hazards areidentified and that the risks from these arebalanced against each other. Theinteractions between humans and thenatural environment should be taken intoaccount, as recent accidents have shown thatthis is an increasing causal mechanism. Forexample, while shrub clearing for agriculturemay increase the likelihood andconsequences of flooding, soil erosion andlandslides in areas susceptible to heavyrainfall, it may help to prevent fires insusceptible areas.

For some natural hazards, some controlmeasures may prevent the full potential ofthe hazard from being realised, even if theycannot prevent it. For example, thecatastrophic effects of an avalanche can bereduced by initiating controlled avalanchesto avoid a large build-up of unstable snow.Flood warning systems may provide sufficienttime to remove people from the source ofdanger. For a number of years, the ThamesBarrier has protected London from floodingdue to a high tide. The huge cost of anaccident, including that associated with lossof life and injury, generally far outweighs thecost of such risk reduction measures.Increasingly, in seismically active regions,new buildings, chemical plants and pipelinesare designed to withstand the stresses ofearth movement. Shoddily built housing wasthe main factor cited for the high death tollin the 1999 Turkey earthquake.

Some EU Member States have procedures inplace for taking account of the risks offlooding, avalanches, landslides and

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earthquakes in their planning anddevelopment processes. However, theseprocedures have resulted in haphazardresponses to natural disasters and, in manycases, the impacts on humans, theenvironment and the local economy have notbeen mitigated. According to experts, poorplanning, fragmented warning and defencesystems, and deforestation may have allworsened the consequences of the flooding incentral Europe during 2002 (BBC, 2002f).The 1999 Turkey earthquake is a tragicreminder of how a lack of comprehensivedisaster management can increase theconsequences. In the weeks after theearthquake, health workers battled to preventthe spread of typhoid fever, cholera anddysentery. According to the International RedCross, even one year after the disaster, thesurvivors were the victims of psychologicaltrauma and physical deprivation (CNN,2000). Even 10 years after the 1988 Armeniaearthquake, some 350 families were stillwaiting for homes to be constructed for themand were living in containers, wagons orshacks (Naegele, 1998).

10.6. References

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