10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12 July 2020 7-12-2.pdf · SATURDAY 18 JULY / Mi 2:1-5/Mt...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12 July 2020 7-12-2.pdf · SATURDAY 18 JULY / Mi 2:1-5/Mt...


LISTENING, JUST LISTENING, is more difficult than it seems. I discovered that in college when, in need of three more credits in some obscure category, I took a class simply titled “Listening.” The chal-lenge we learned early on was that

“listening” is different than just hearing, and it’s not a matter of simply sitting qui-etly while someone else is speaking or something is happening. It’s not passive, but rather quite intentional. Real listen-ing takes considerable effort. Listening these past few weeks has tested all the ideals I remember from that college class. It’s hard to listen when there are so many voices. It’s hard to listen when what I’m hearing can appear to indict me simply because of who I am and the color of my skin. It’s hard to listen when there are competing forces desperately striving to distract me. It’s hard to keep listening when I want to interject “but, what about ...” or “but, that’s ancient history” or, well, you can probably identify what you’ve wanted to say. When our country began this somewhat communal exercise in examin-ing our national conscience, moving ever so slowly on a path toward conversion – yes, this does sound like the sacrament

See RACISM on Page 5


Lenten Rice Bowls are being collected. There is a basket in the main entranceway, or you

can mail cash/check contribu-tions to the parish.

ORDINARY TIME 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

12 July 2020

A PARISH CONVERSATION on “LISTENING & LEARN-ING” about racism will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, on Zoom. A link to the gathering has been in-cluded in recent Quick Things and Lord’s Day Mass emails. Guided by Fr. Tom, the conversation’s start-ing point will be an article by Fr. Bryan Massingale. You can find a link to that essay and a follow-up interview, as well as other videos, articles and Church documents on race and racism, at stan-neswausau.org/racism-listening-learning.

WEEKDAY MASS RESUMES: The celebration of weekday Mass resumes this week, upon the approval of Bishop Callahan. Mass will be at 7 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-day. All Lord’s Day precautions will be honored: masks, distancing, and entering and exiting through the main entrance. In addition people who are ill, of a certain age or in an at-risk group are discouraged from attending. The Monday communion service will not resume at this time. 



Gospel Acclamation: Mass of the Angels and Saints Steven Janco

Glory to God Mass of the Angels and Saints, Steven Janco

“Christ, Be Our Light” Bernadette Farrell

Fr. Tom Lindner, Pastor frtom@stanneswausau.org | Ext. 309

Deacon Erv Burkhardt ervb@stanneswausau.org | Ext. 303

Kristine Lato, Liturgy Coordinator & Administrative Assistant

kristinek@stanneswausau.org |Ext. 307

John Schmitt, Lee Ann Lella Disciple Formation Co-Directors

johns@stanneswausau.org | Ext. 306 leeannl@stanneswausau.org | Ext. 308

Bobbi Gadke, Finance Director & Office Manager

bobbig@stanneswausau.org | Ext. 310

Newman Catholic Schools Jeff Gulan, President

www.NewmanCatholicSchools.com 715.845.5735

JOINING OUR PARISH: Fr. Tom would be glad to talk with you about parish membership. Send him an email at frtom@stanneswausau.org or call 849.3930. MASS IN CHURCH: We have resumed celebrating public Masses each Lord’s Day, as well as weekday mornings. However, Mass also continues to be offered on-line and will be for the foreseeable future. Mass is celebrated at 4 p.m. Saturday and 9:30 a.m. Sunday. If you plan to join us for Mass, please register by going to stanneswausau.org, or call the parish office. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Also go to the web site to find information on the necessary precautions associated with coming to Mass, including the wearing of masks, physical distancing, and seating procedures. Thank you! MASS ON-LINE: The on-line Mass is available at stanneswausau.org, at St. Anne Parish on Facebook, and through an email sent to all parishioners late Saturday afternoon. If you’re not getting that email, then we don’t have your email address. Send an email to mail@stanneswausau.org and we’ll add you to our address book. Email is the most timely and efficient means of communication.

ST. ANNE PARISH Living the Gospel with love and courage.

715.849.3930 | stanneswausau.org 700 W. Bridge St., Wausau WI 54401

Parish Office: 9A-4P Mon-Thurs

Psalm 65, “The Seed That Falls on Good Ground” Michael Guimont

Profession of Faith (The Apostles’ Creed) I believe in God, the Father al-mighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Vir-gin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heav-en, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resur-rection of the body, and life ever-lasting. Amen. General Intercessions: We will con-clude the prayers of intercession with this dialogue: Priest: May the Divine Assistance be with us always. ALL: And with our absent sisters and brothers. Amen. A Prayer for Comm-union We give thanks to you God for your divine life within us. Fill our hearts with gratitude for the sacramental presence of your son, Jesus Christ. Increase in us faith, hope and love so that we can be His presence in the world. We make this prayer through Christ, with whom we are united whether together or apart, He who is Lord, forever and ever. Amen.


Lamb of God

Eucharistic Prayer: Mass of the Angels and Saints Steven Janco Holy, Holy

Mystery of Faith

Initiation: “Christ Will Be Your Strength”



ETERNAL LIFE: We pray for the eternal rest of Christine Gibbard, who died re-cently. May she rest in the Lord’s peace.

“Sow the Word” Isaiah 55, Janco, Zavella

Music reprinted under ONE LICENSE #A-729229.  ST. ANNE PARISH GIVING Total collected (JUNE 27) $7,081

Amount needed $15,865 per week

Total collected since July 1, 2019 $779,367 Amount needed $825,000 Shortfall -$45,633

PARTICIPATION AT MASS 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - JUNE 28

122 in person 354 views | Source: YouTube

MONDAY 13 JULY / Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34-11:1  

TUESDAY 14 JULY / Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24

7 AM - Mass +Danny Grendzinski 6:30 PM - Listening & Learning Conver-sation on Racism on Zoom


WEDNESDAY 15 JULY / Is 10:5-7,13-16/Mt 11:25-27 7 AM - Mass +Joan Moss  

THURSDAY 16 JULY / Is 26:7-9,12,16-19/Mt 11:28-30 7 AM - Mass +Winnie Kaas  

FRIDAY 17 JULY / Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8/Mt 12:1-8

7 AM - Mass +Sharon Majernik  

SATURDAY 18 JULY / Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21

9 AM - Reconciliation   

16th SUNDAY IN ORDINAY TIME 18/19 JULY Wis 12:13,16-19/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 4 PM Saturday - Shawn Igers 9:30 AM Sunday - People of St. Anne Parish

The Mass schedule has been adjusted due to need and numbers. The 6 p.m. Mass will resume in the fall.

Links to the readings listed above can be found on the main page of the St. Anne web site: stanneswausau.org.

This Week A few parishioners, family and friends gathered on June 17 to celebrate Mass on the occasion of Fr. Tom’s 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. He was ordained, below, by Bishop (now Cardinal) Raymond Burke. St. Anne was the first assignment of one of Fr. Tom’s classmates, Fr. Woody Pace. This note was printed in the worship aid for the Mass.

Friends, Twenty-five years ago today, three of us were ordained by Bishop Raymond Burke at the cathedral in La Crosse. Gratefully, both classmates, Father Woody Pace and Monsignor Steve Kachel, continue to serve as priests in our diocese. Gratefully,

I come to this day after a series of pastoral as-signments that have been encouraging and, im-portantly, challenging. I was blessed to share many years with young people beginning to es-tablish themselves as adult Catholic Christians. I was blessed to be the founding pastor of a new parish that grew out of a grassroots conversa-tion and discernment among people from two parishes who saw the potential of celebrating faith, being disciples and honoring the Spirit in a

new way. I remain blessed, and humbled, to be a pastor among people committed to the grace and challenge of following Jesus — of recognizing his presence in our cele-bration of the Eucharist each Lord’s Day - at least in times when that is safe - and in striving to embrace the challenge of discipleship in the day-to-day experience of our lives. I am blessed, and humbled, to share this journey as a disciple with you. Ulti-mately, as I said 25 years ago in concluding a written introduction such as this for my day-after-ordination Mass of Thanksgiving, “I pray that God who has been faithful to us all these years will bring us together again in the eternal banquet in heaven.” As we gather tonight we necessarily must be more cognizant of the realities of 2020 than the nostalgia of 1995, and so our prayer in word, song and silence will be a calling for justice, for the dignity of life, and the correction of whatever in our attitudes and behaviors, as well as that of our society, excludes, demeans and con-demns. May our prayer enhance our determination and ability to recognize the holi-ness and goodness of all who are created in God’s image. — Fr. Tom

RACISM / from Page 1

of Reconciliation – Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles had one specific suggestion as to what Christians could do, need to do, in this moment: Listen!, he said. Well, it’s been more than a month, and certainly that’s enough listening! Not quite. But, we will take a slight detour in our listen-ing this week to respond, if you’d like, and also to listen to one another as we reflect upon our experiences of listening. It will be an opportunity to talk about what we’ve heard, about the struggles that’s caused with-in us. It will probably be a time to simply share observations, ideas, rather than declarations. We are, after all, still engaged in listening. The essay by Fr. Bry-an Massingale, which was the focus of this column last week, will be a starting point for our conversation; you can find a

link to the entire article, as well as a follow-up interview with Fr. Massingale, at stanneswausau.org/racism-listening-learning. Our parish conversa-tion will be at 6:30 p.m. Tues-day, July 14, on Zoom. A link to the conversation has been included in recent Quick Things and Lord’s Day Mass emails, along with a link to a YouTube video explaining how to partici-pate in Zoom meetings. As we read in scripture all the time, “Be not afraid” – that applies to Zoom too. We will be guided in our conversation by Jesus’ gos-pel admonitions to love our neighbor, acknowledging that the definition of “neighbor” is necessarily expansive, and the urging of St. Augustine who taught “that in all things chari-ty.” And, then, we’ll go back to listening. TL

Reflecting on Today’s Readings

Through the prophet Isaiah, God announces, “My word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” How do you make room for God’s word to form your life? In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul uses the image of “labor pains” to describe the suffering of hardship that disciples must undergo leading to redemption. When have you suffered or undergone hardship for a goal or relation-ship? Looking back on your life through the lens of today’s par-able, have you experienced environments that have been like rocky ground, thorny ground or rich soil? How can you cultivate rich soil within your life now so as to grow in faith?

- from Living Liturgy 2020, Brian Schmisek, Katy Beedle Rice, Diana Macalintal, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minn., www.litpress.org.