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The role of HOX genes in normal hematopoiesis and acute leukemia 1 

Raed A Alharbi1,2, Ruth Pettengell3, Hardev S Pandha1 and Richard Morgan1* 3 

1. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 5 

2. Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, Albaha, KSA 6 

3. St. George’s, University of London, UK 7 

*author for correspondence, e-mail: r.morgan@surrey.ac.uk 8 


All authors declare no conflict of interest. 11 










Abstract 20 

The HOX genes are a highly conserved family of homeodomain-containing 21 

transcription factors that specify cell identity in early development and, subsequently, 22 

in a number of adult processes including hematopoiesis. The dysregulation of HOX 23 

genes is associated with a number of malignancies including acute myeloid leukemia 24 

(AML) and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL), where they have been shown to support 25 

the immortalization of leukemic cells both as chimeric partners in fusion genes and 26 

when overexpressed in their wild type form. This review covers our current 27 

understanding of the role of HOX genes in normal hematopoiesis, AML and ALL, 28 

with particular emphasis on the similarities and differences of HOX function in these 29 

contexts, their hematopoietic downstream genes targets and implications for therapy. 30 

Keywords: hematopoiesis, human HOX, murine Hox, AML, ALL. 31 











1 Introduction 41 

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous group of genetically and 42 

phenotypically aggressive disorders where the differentiation of hematopoietic 43 

progenitor cells is blocked, increasing their self-renewal ability and disturbing the 44 

normal regulation of proliferation1. In the UK, AML is the most frequent acute 45 

leukemia in adults, accounting for 77% of cases. The median age at presentation is 69 46 

years and the male: female ratio is about 5: 4 The disease is commonly classified by 47 

either the French-American-British (FAB) system, or that described by the world 48 

health organization (WHO). The former is based on morphology and maturation stage 49 

and classifies AML into eight groups (M0-M7). The latter is also based on 50 

morphology, but also includes immunophenotyping, genetics and clinical 51 

manifestations and classifies AML into four main groups: AML with recurrent 52 

genetic abnormalities, AML with myelodysplasia-related changes, therapy-related 53 

AML and MDS, or AML that does not fit into any of these groups. Non-random 54 

chromosomal alterations, such as balanced translocations, monosomies, trisomies, 55 

inversion and deletions have been found in the leukemic cells of almost 55% of AML 56 

patients, and until recently they were considered to be the most crucial prognostic 57 

factors for complete remission (CR), likelihood of relapse, and overall survival3,4. 58 

Recent advances in molecular diagnosis have resulted in both gene alterations 59 

and the dysregulation of specific genes becoming increasingly important as prognostic 60 

elements in AML. This has helped to clarify the numerous heterogeneities of AML 61 

subsets, particularly AML subsets showing normal karyotype (NK-AML)5 and 62 

furthered understanding of the molecular mechanisms of leukemogenesis. 63 



1.1 Genetic changes in AML 65 

The origin of AML is associated with two distinct genetic changes, referred to 66 

as Class I and Class II. Class I consists of mutations that enhance proliferation signal 67 

transduction pathways and induce the proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells or 68 

precursors and usually affect kinase signaling pathways, such as FLT3, KIT, 69 

NRAS/KRAS and JAK/STAT mutations. Class I mutations take place late and cause 70 

disease progression. Class II mutations target hematopoietic transcription factor genes 71 

leading to a block in myeloid differentiation and conferring the self-renewal ability of 72 

hematopoietic precursors. These mutations take place early and initiate the AML 73 

disease5-7. One of the most affected and mutated transcription factors are homeobox 74 

(HOX) genes. 75 

1.2 HOX Genes 76 

The HOX genes are a family of homeodomain-containing transcription 77 

factors8, initially characterized in Drosophila as master regulators of trunk and tail 78 

development during embryogenesis9. Duplication of the original HOX gene cluster 79 

has given rise to 39 genes in mammals, separated into four clusters known as A, B, C, 80 

and D9-11. These clusters are located on four different chromosomes, HOXA (7p15), 81 

HOXB (17q21), HOXC (12q13), and HOXD (2q31)12. Ancestors of the original gene 82 

in each of the clusters are known as paralogs, and generally they show a high degree 83 

of sequence similarity as well as functional redundancy (Figure 1)13. 84 

The arrangement of HOX genes into clusters allows for enhancer sharing 85 

which enables a precise spatial and temporal coordination of expression during 86 

development. The relative regulatory dominance also varies between HOX genes, 87 

giving rise to what is often referred to as a 'HOX code'14, and resulting in the 88 


following distinctive criteria: (1) Temporal distribution. The expression of HOX genes 89 

starts from the 3' end of the cluster and proceeds stepwise towards the 5' end. (2) 90 

Spatial distribution. The 3’ most member of the cluster is expressed with a more 91 

anterior limit than the next member and each subsequent member has a more posterior 92 

limit of expression resulting in an overlapping series of expression domains. (3) 93 

Posterior prevalence. In each individual cluster, the function of the posterior gene 94 

products is dominant over the more anterior genes13. 95 

1.3 HOX Cofactors 96 

DNA binding site studies suggest that HOX proteins have relatively limited 97 

selectivity and specificity, and they need cofactor interactions in order to increase 98 

both15-17. The most important HOX-cofactors are the three amino acid loop extension 99 

(TALE) proteins, which comprise the pre B cell leukemia (PBX) and myeloid 100 

ectropic insertion site (MEIS) families16,17. These cofactors play crucial roles in 101 

development and hematopoiesis18. For example, Pbx1 null mice die during the 102 

embryonic stage as a result of severe hematopoietic defects19, and Meis1 deficient 103 

mice fail to generate megakaryocytes, exhibit severe hemorrhaging and likewise die 104 

during the embryonic stage20. In zebrafish, Meis1 and Pbx contribute to the 105 

production of erythropoietic cells and the inhibition of myelopoiesis21. Generally, Hox 106 

proteins 1-10 bind to Pbx122, whereas Hox proteins 9-13 bind to Meis123. 107 

2 HOX genes in hematopoiesis 108 

HOX genes are expressed in hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors in a manner 109 

reminiscent of their expression in early development, with lineage and differentiation 110 

stage- restricted patterns. Thus, for example, HOXB3, HOXB4, and HOXA9 are highly 111 

expressed in uncommitted hematopoietic cells, whilst HOXB8 and HOXA10 are 112 


expressed in myeloid committed cells. The different HOX clusters also have specific 113 

patterns of lineage restricted expression, whereby HOXA genes are expressed in 114 

myeloid cells, HOXB genes in erythroid cells, and HOXC genes in lymphoid cells. 115 

Intriguingly, the HOXD genes are not expressed in hematopoiesis despite having 116 

similar regulatory regions to the other clusters24-26. Different mammalian CD34+ cell 117 

subpopulations express at least 22 of the 39 HOX genes27. Anterior ''3' end'' HOX 118 

genes (HOX1-6) are highly expressed in the most primitive HSCs. Subsequently, the 119 

anterior HOX genes are down regulated, and posterior "5' end'' HOX genes are 120 

expressed during commitment28. HOX genes are highly expressed in the most 121 

primitive hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors, while their expression is almost 122 

absent in CD34- cells, which are considered differentiated bone marrow cells26,28. The 123 

analysis of HOX gene expression in human multipotent stem cells and T-cell 124 

precursors showed that HOXA genes are prominently expressed during T-cell 125 

development, in particular the Abd-HOXA genes including HOXA7-HOXA11, with 126 

only HOXB3 and HOXC3 expressed from the other HOX clusters29. 127 

2.1 Gain of function studies 128 

The function of HOX genes in normal hematopoiesis has been widely studied 129 

using gene expression analysis and knock in or knock out studies in hematopoietic 130 

stem cells and early hematopoietic progenitors (Table 1). Generally the 131 

overexpression of a HOX gene leads to an expansion of stem and progenitor cell 132 

populations together with a block on differentiation. Notable examples of this include 133 

the overexpression of murine Hoxb6, which resulted in the expansion of murine HSCs 134 

and myeloid precursors, together with the inhibition of erythropoiesis and 135 

lymphopoiesis30, and overexpression of murine Hoxb3 that resulted in several 136 

hematological abnormalities, such as a block of B and T cell differentiation as well as 137 


a delay in myeloid precursor proliferation31. Overexpression of human HOXC4 138 

resulted in expansion of early and committed myeloid and erythroid progenitors32, and 139 

knock in of human HOXA5 caused an increase in the number of myeloid progenitors 140 

and blocked erythroid differentiation33,34. Likewise, overexpression of HOXA10 in 141 

human cord blood or fetal liver CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors resulted in a 142 

significant production of blast cells and myelopoiesis concomitant with a complete 143 

block of erythroid differentiation and a severe reduction in B-cell development35. 144 

Other HOX genes are required for the maintenance of progenitor or stem cell status 145 

and promote their proliferation, especially HOXA9 and HOXB4. The former is the 146 

most preferentially expressed HOX gene in human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells 147 

and early hematopoietic progenitors and is subsequently down regulated during 148 

differentiation. Murine Hoxa9 overexpression enhances HSC expansion and myeloid 149 

progenitor proliferation and, with a long latency, leads to leukemia36,37. In contrast to 150 

myeloid progenitors, Hoxa9 overexpression resulted in a partial inhibition of pre-B 151 

cell differentiation, but did not affect T-cell development37. Hoxb4 is also highly 152 

expressed in hematopoietic stem cells and down regulated during differentiation26,28. 153 

Its overexpression in murine and human cell lines results in a remarkable expansion 154 

of HSCs in vivo and in vitro without resulting in leukemia or lineage disturbances38,39. 155 

Indeed, the self-renewal ability of Hoxb4-transduced HSCs is 20-50 fold greater than 156 

untreated cells, and can be increased still further by knocking down Pbx140,41. 157 

2.2 Loss of function studies 158 

In addition to the knock-in and overexpression approaches described above, 159 

knock down and deletion studies in murine models and cell lines have also been used 160 

to evaluate the role of HOX genes in hematopoiesis. However, due to the functional 161 

redundancy of HOX genes, the results of knock down assays are sometimes difficult 162 


to interpret and do not always reflect the findings of studies where the gene has been 163 

overexpressed. For example, it has been found that Hoxb4 null mice exhibit a 164 

significant reduction in size and cellularity of hematopoietic organs, such as spleen 165 

and liver, and a slight decrease in HSCs and hematopoietic progenitor number without 166 

a significant disturbance of lineage commitment42,43. Likewise, Hoxb3 null mice 167 

display a notable reduction in B cell progenitors, and a reduction in bone marrow 168 

cellularity, but no significant reduction in B cell numbers in the spleen44. Hoxb3/b4 -169 

/- mice have a greater reduction in HSCs and hematopoietic progenitors, yet no 170 

difference in hematopoietic cell commitment45. Using quantitative PCR, it has been 171 

demonstrated that fetal liver cells (c-Kit+) of Hoxb4 null mice expressed other Hoxb 172 

genes to a significantly higher level than control cells43. 173 

Bijl and colleagues (2006) found that an individual loss of Hoxb4 or even the 174 

complete loss of the Hoxb cluster (b1-b9) did not affect the ability of murine fetal 175 

liver HSCs to self-renew. The repopulation and differentiation potential were retained, 176 

compared to wild-type control cells. Thus, the Hoxb cluster may not be necessary for 177 

hematopoiesis, with members of the other Hox clusters presumably having largely 178 

duplicate roles. Analysis of Hox gene expression in fetal liver cells (c-Kit+ Hoxb1-179 

Hoxb9-/-), revealed genetic interactions between members of the Hoxa, b and c 180 

clusters, whereby these cells exhibited down regulation of all Hoxa genes, except 181 

Hoxa13, and up regulation of Hoxc4, Hoxc9 and Hoxc11, also suggesting functional 182 

redundancy and complex genetic interactions between Hox genes. 183 

An exception to the general prevalence of functional redundancy amongst the 184 

HOX gene family is HOXA9, the most highly expressed HOX family member in 185 

HSCs. Hoxa9-/- mice showed significant deficiencies in myeloid and lymphoid cells 186 

concomitant with a significant defect in repopulating ability. These deficiencies 187 


include common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), granulocyte/monocyte precursors 188 

(GMPs), common lymphoid precursors (CLPs) and lymphoid precursors (pro- and 189 

pre-B cells, pro-T cells)47. There is also a corresponding reduction in spleen 190 

cellularity and size. Notably, compared to the entire cluster b deficient fetal liver 191 

HSCs, Hoxa9-/- fetal liver HSCs exhibited a more dramatic defect in repopulating 192 

ability43,47, and HSCs from Hoxa9/b3/b4 null mice had the same repopulating ability 193 

as those from Hoxa9 null mice47. Gene knock-down studies have revealed that some 194 

additional HOX genes are also essential in normal hematopoiesis. Knock down of 195 

HOXA5 led to an increase in erythroid progenitors and a reduction in the number of 196 

myelomonocytic cells33,34, and Hoxa7 null mice showed a reduction in 197 

megakaryocytic/erythroid progenitors (MEP) as well as reticulocytosis and 198 

thrombocytopenia46. Knock out of Hoxb6 resulted in an increase in early erythroid 199 

progenitors in murine bone marrow and fetal liver cells48. Likewise, Hoxc3-/- mice 200 

showed a reduction in late erythroid progenitors without affecting the 201 

hemoglobinization size49, and Hoxc8 deficient mice showed a significant reduction in 202 

erythroid, granulocyte and macrophage colony formation potential50. 203 


2.3 Upstream regulators of HOX genes 205 

Knock out models of HOX gene upstream regulators have helped to define 206 

their role in normal hematopoiesis. Regulators include transcriptional activators such 207 

as mixed lineage, myeloid lymphoid, leukemia (MLL), and a family of caudal-type 208 

homeobox transcription factors (CDX1, CDX2, and CDX4). The existence of HOX 209 

genes in clusters makes them particularly sensitive to changes in chromosomal 210 

organization, and repressors of HOX transcription include genes that mediate this 211 


process, most notably members of the polycomb group (PcG)51. These regulators play 212 

crucial roles in normal development and hematopoiesis through the regulation of 213 

HOX genes. A number of studies demonstrated that Mll deficient embryonic bodies 214 

(EB) and Mll conditional knockout mice showed a dramatic reduction in HSCs and 215 

hematopoietic progenitors. Additionally, these EB and the mice exhibited greatly 216 

reduced expression of a number of Hox genes including Hoxa7, Hoxa9, Hoxa10 and 217 

other Hoxb and Hoxc genes52,53. Likewise, Cdx compound deficient zebrafish and 218 

murine ESCs showed dysregulation of the embryonic hematopoietic progenitors as 219 

well as impaired expression of Hox genes54,55. However, it has been shown that Cdxs 220 

are not essential for normal hematopoiesis in adult mice. For example, Cdx4 deficient 221 

mice showed minimal hematopoietic defects though it is highly expressed in wild type 222 

myeloid progenitor cells56. In addition, human CDX2 is not expressed in normal 223 

HSCs, or in myeloid, B-cell, or T-cell progenitors57-59. 224 

2.4 HOX downstream target genes in hematopoietic cells 225 

The mechanism by which HOX genes regulate hematopoiesis is not yet fully 226 

understood. However, genome wide analyses after experimentally induced changes in 227 

HOX gene expression have identified some potential downstream targets. Amongst 228 

these are the HOX genes themselves, some of which have been shown to auto-activate 229 

their own expression or to cross regulate their neighbours, or their co-factors. HOXA9, 230 

HOXA10 and HOXB4 are the most comprehensively studied genes in this respect 231 

because of their key roles in normal hematopoiesis and leukemia. It is particularly 232 

noteworthy that HOXA9 positively regulates the transcription of other HOX genes 233 

including HOXA7 and HOXA10 and its cofactors PBX3 and MEIS160. A summary of 234 

HOX downstream target genes is presented in table 2. 235 


As described above, HOXA9 is a key regulator of hematopoiesis and behaves 236 

as an oncogene in leukemia. It is therefore unsurprising that it activates the 237 

transcription of genes known to regulate cell proliferation and survival. For example, 238 

Hoxa9 directly activates the Pim1 gene, the product of which enhances proliferation 239 

by activating c-Myb, and also exerts an anti-apoptotic effect by phosphorylating and 240 

inactivating the BAD protein61,62. C-Myb has also been identified as an indirect 241 

transcriptional target of Hoxa9-Meis1 that mediates transformation in Mll-Enl 242 

leukemia63. Other HOXA9 targets include the oncogene ID2 which is up regulated, 243 

and BIM, which encodes an apoptotic factor and is down regulated64. HOXA9 also 244 

activates the CYBB gene, which encodes Gp91phox (a phagocyte respiratory burst 245 

oxidase protein) and is expressed in differentiated myeloid cells65. In mice, Hoxa9 has 246 

been shown to directly activate the transcription of the Flt3 gene, which is associated 247 

with an unfavourable prognosis of AML66, and it also regulates its own cofactor, 248 

Meis1, through binding to Meis1 upstream regulator genes cerb1 and pknox167. More 249 

proliferative genes have been recently identified as downstream targets for Hoxa9 250 

including Camk2d, Cdk6, Erg, Etv6, Flt3, Foxp1, Gfi1, Kit, Lck, Lmo2, Myb and 251 

Sox468. In the same study, it was shown that Hoxa9 down regulates differentiation and 252 

inflammation genes including Ifit1, Tlr4, Ccl3, Ccl4, Csf2rb, Ifngr1, Runx1, Cd28 and 253 

Cd33. The fusion protein NUP98-HOXA9 has been found to stimulate the 254 

proliferation of HSCs by activating the expression of other homeobox genes including 255 

HOXA9, HOXA7, MEIS1 and PBX3. It also up regulates a number of leukemogenic 256 

transcription factors including EVI1 and MEF2C, and receptor tyrosine kinases 257 

including FLT3 and KIT69. 258 

It is also of note that there are both overlapping opposing functions between 259 

the closely related HOXA9 and HOXA10 transcription factors. For example, in a 260 


similar manner to Hoxa9, Hoxa10 activates the expression of proliferative genes that 261 

result in myeloid progenitor expansion such as Itgb3, Hif, Tgfβ2 and Fgf2 by direct 262 

binding to their promoters70-73. HOXA10 also activates the transcription of anti-263 

apoptotic genes such as DUSP4, which encodes mitogen-activated protein kinase 2 264 

(MPK2). MPK2 in turn prevents cell death by down regulating JNK and p36 Map-265 

kinase74. Hoxa10 decreases erythroid differentiation and megakaryopoiesis by 266 

activating Hoxa5 and inactivating Gata-1, respectively70, and it also induces Cdx4 267 

expression in myeloid cells75. 268 

Unlike HOXA9, HOXA10 can also exert anti-proliferative effects. For 269 

example, in cooperation with its trimeric cofactors, HOXA10 induces P21 270 

transcription leading to cell cycle arrest and differentiation76. It also represses CYBB 271 

transcription77, thereby acting in an opposing manner to HOXA9. In a fusion form 272 

with Nup98, Hoxa10 activates more than 400 genes including the self-renewal genes 273 

Flt3, Prnp, Hlf, Jag278. 274 

Many HOXB4 target genes have also been identified in three recent studies79-275 

81. Overexpression of Hoxb4 resulted in transcriptional up regulation of Meis1, Dntt, 276 

Hlf, Sox4 and Runx2, whilst it down regulated the transcription of lymphoid specific 277 

genes, such as B220, and myeloid specific genes, such as Hmbs79. Some HOXB4 278 

targets seem to vary in a context dependent manner, for example it has been found to 279 

down regulate the transcription of C-MYC in the HL-60 cell line leading to cell 280 

differentiation82, whilst it activates c-Myc transcription in murine BM cells83. As with 281 

HOXA9, Hoxb4 activates the transcription of its neighbouring genes, Hoxb2, Hoxb3 282 

and Hoxb542. Hoxb4 also activates the AP-1 complex members Fra-1 and Jun-B 283 

which leads in turn to an increase in the level of cyclin-D1 and a decrease in the level 284 

of c-Fos transcription, thereby increasing the proliferation capacity of HSCs84. 285 


3 The role of HOX genes in acute leukemia 286 

Numerous studies have now shown that HOX genes can promote the 287 

development of AML by forming chimeric fusions with other genes, but more recent 288 

work has also shown that their miss-expression, in particular their overexpression, is 289 

also important in the formation of malignancy. 290 

3.1 HOX fusion proteins 291 

One of the most frequent fusion partners for HOX genes is nucleoporin 98 292 

(NUP98), a member of the nuclear pore family (Figure 2). It is localized in the 293 

nuclear membrane and functions as a selective transporter for RNA and proteins 294 

between the nucleus and cytoplasm. NUP98-HOX fusion proteins have been reported 295 

in AML and other leukemias. In AML, NUP98-HOXA9 is associated with a 296 

t(7;11)(p15;p15) translocation85,86. There are eight other HOX genes that can be fused 297 

with NUP98, including HOXA11 and HOXA1387,88, HOXD11 and HOXD1389,90, and 298 

HOXC1391. Thus only the 5’ most members of each HOX complex have been 299 

documented to be fused with NUP98 in AML. However, Hoxb3 has been shown to be 300 

a potential leukemogenic partner with Nup9892, suggesting that the ability to be a 301 

fusion NUP98 partner is not limited to the 5’ most HOX genes. 302 

Nup98-Hox fusion proteins result in AML with a long latency, around 11-12 303 

months. However, this latency can be reduced to two months by co-overexpression of 304 

the Hox cofactor Meis1 and the receptor tyrosine kinase Flt393-95. FLT3 has an 305 

essential role in the regulation of early hematopoietic progenitors growth, and causes 306 

increased and uncontrolled self-renewal of these cells through a FLT3 ligand-307 

independent pathway96. 308 


3.2 HOX overexpression in AML 309 

HOX genes may also be indirectly involved in AML through chromosomal 310 

rearrangements that involve their upstream regulators, such as MLL. MLL fusion 311 

proteins constitute about 10% of therapy related AML (t-AML) and 3% of de novo 312 

AML97. There are more than 64 translocation partner genes (TPG) that fuse with the 313 

MLL N-terminus98. Normally, Mll positively regulates the transcription of Hox genes 314 

by maintaining their expression through direct binding to a proximal promoter 315 

region99. MLL fusion proteins activate HOX gene transcription more efficiently than 316 

MLL alone97, especially the 5’ most members of the HOXA cluster, together with 317 

their co-activator MEIS1. As a consequence myeloid differentiation is blocked and 318 

proliferation is enhanced. Consistent with this proposed mechanism, it has been 319 

reported that MLL-AF9, like NUP98-HOXA9, leads to a block in erythroid/myeloid 320 

maturation and to erythroid hyperplasia100, and the Mll-Enl fusion protein requires 321 

Hoxa7 and Hoxa9 for efficient immortalization of myeloid precursor cells101. 322 

Conversely, a number of studies demonstrated that the expression of HOXA genes is 323 

not crucial for MLL leukemogenesis, yet their expression affects disease phenotype. 324 

For instance, Hoxa7 and Hoxa9 influence AML latency and phenotype; yet they are 325 

not essential to initiate Mll-Gas7 mediated leukemogenesis46. Furthermore, 326 

suppression of HOXA9 expression in cells with a chimeric MLL-AF9 gene reduces 327 

the survival of leukemic cells and changes the disease phenotype, but it does not 328 

affect AML initiation60. 329 

The dysregulation of another regulator of HOX genes, the CDX gene family, 330 

has also been shown to drive the development of AML. CDX2 is expressed in the 331 

majority of AML cases (90%), but not in normal adult hematopoiesis, and Cdx2 332 

elevated expression leads to AML with only a short latency period57. In contrast, the 333 


closely related CDX4 gene is expressed in 25% of AML cases, and in normal adult 334 

hematopoiesis, and Cdx4 overexpression in murine whole bone marrow results in 335 

AML but only with a long latency period102. This latency can be accelerated in mice 336 

through cooperation of Meis1 which results in the overexpression of a number of Hox 337 

genes including Hoxa6, Hoxa7, Hoxa9, Hoxb4, Hoxb8 and Hoxc6103. Cdx2 expression 338 

alone is sufficient to drive the up regulation of a related set of HOX genes58, 339 

demonstrating the importance of the Cdx family in the dysregulation of Hox genes 340 

during AML. 341 

The dysregulation of HOX gene expression is also associated with the 342 

nucleophosmin 1 (NPM1) mutation. NPM1 is a chaperone protein that shuttles 343 

between the nucleus and cytoplasm, although its predominant localization is in the 344 

nucleus104. NPM1 has a crucial role in several biological processes, such as ribosome 345 

biogenesis, genomic stability and cell cycle progression. In adult AML, NPM1 346 

mutation is the most common genetic aberration, reported in about 35% of all adult 347 

AML and approximately in 45% to 55% of normal karyotype AML (NK-AML)105-107. 348 

In pediatric AML, NPM1 mutations are significantly less common, occurring in 8-349 

10% of cases, and in about a quarter of normal karyotype cases108,109. The relocation 350 

of NPM1 into the cytoplasm (NPMc+) occurs only in AML110. This relocation causes 351 

up regulation of a number of HOX genes, some of which are similar to those seen in 352 

AML initiated by a MLL chimeric gene fusion, whilst some are distinct. Thus for 353 

example HOXA4, HOXA6, HOXA7, HOXA9, HOXB9 and MEIS1 are overexpressed 354 

in both contexts, whilst HOXB2, HOXB3, HOXB5, HOXB6 and HOXD4 are up 355 

regulated in NPMc+ AML only111. It has been reported that activation of a humanized 356 

Npm1 allele led to overexpression of Hoxa5, Hoxa7, Hoxa9 and Hoxa10, induction of 357 

HSC self-renewal and the expansion of myelopoiesis112. The exact mechanism of the 358 


association between the NPM1 mutation and the up regulation of HOX genes is still 359 

unclear. A possible explanation is that NPM1 directly disturbs the expression of HOX 360 

genes, or alternatively, that NPM1 mutations arrest the differentiation of early 361 

hematopoietic progenitors in which HOX expression is up regulated104. 362 


3.3 HOX gene dysregulation in Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL) 364 

The dysregulation of HOX genes has also been reported in ALL including both 365 

B- and T-precursor ALL (B- ALL and T-ALL), especially when MLL translocations 366 

(MLL-t ALL) are involved. For example, human HOXA9, HOXA10 and HOXC6, and 367 

their cofactor MEIS1 were up regulated in both MLL-ENL T-ALL and MLL B-368 

ALL113. Human HOXA9 and MEIS1, and murine Hoxa5, Hoxa9 and Meis1 were 369 

likewise up regulated in MLL-AF4 B-ALL114,115. A common signature of MLL 370 

rearrangements in AML and ALL is the overexpression of HOXA genes including 371 

HOXA3, HOXA5, HOXA7, HOXA9 and HOXA10116. Additionally, HOX genes can be 372 

involved in T-ALL through other translocations such as CALM-AF10 T-ALL where 373 

human HOXA5, HOXA9, HOXA10 and MEIS1 are overexpressed117. HOXA proteins 374 

can also form chimeric fusion proteins with T cell receptor (HOXA-TCR) in T-ALL 375 

which results in the global overexpression of HOXA genes118,119. Surprisingly, the 376 

aberrant expression of CDX2 in ALL, an upstream regulator of HOX genes, is not 377 

correlated with HOX gene dysregulation120. 378 

3.4 HOX genes as prognostic markers 379 

HOX gene expression has become an important prognostic factor in AML. 380 

Overexpression of HOX genes is associated with an intermediate/ unfavorable 381 


cytogenetic subset of AML. For example, among 6817 genes that have been 382 

investigated in AML patients, the single gene correlated with the worst outcome and 383 

relapse of disease as well as short survival was HOXA9121. Correspondingly, low 384 

HOXA9 expression was found to correlate with the best outcome and response to 385 

therapy122. It is also noteworthy that low expression of HOXA4 and MEIS1 are also 386 

favorable predictors for AML patient outcome123. The global levels of HOX 387 

expression also seem to reflect the outcome of disease, possibly reflecting the 388 

functional redundancy exhibited by many of the HOX genes. Thus the highest levels 389 

of HOX genes are seen in FLT3 mutation cases, which have unfavorable outcomes, 390 

and generally the HOX genes are expressed only at a very low level in favorable 391 

subsets of AML. 392 

Future directions 393 

Although recent work has established the importance of HOX genes in the 394 

development of AML, it is still not clear exactly what the functions of these genes are 395 

beyond a general inhibition of differentiation and an increase in cell proliferation. 396 

This lack of precise mechanistic knowledge for individual HOX genes may be due to 397 

the functional redundancy showed by many members of this family, making the 398 

knock-down of single HOX genes generally difficult to interpret, and it may also help 399 

to explain the contrast in gene knock-in and knock-out results. In myeloma and some 400 

solid malignancies this has been addressed by targeting the HOX genes as a group by 401 

antagonizing their interactions with the PBX co-factor using the peptide inhibitor 402 

HXR9124-128. A similar approach may be useful in AML for addressing redundant 403 

functions of HOX genes. HXR9 is cytotoxic to cells, predominantly through the 404 

induction of apoptosis, which in turn depends upon a rapid increase in expression of 405 

cFos124-129. It seems likely that AML would also be sensitive to killing by HXR9, and 406 


indeed it may be that the HOX genes could represent a useful therapeutic target, 407 

especially in AMLs that show high levels of HOX expression and a correspondingly 408 

poor prognosis. 409 


Acknowledgement 411 

Raed Alharbi gratefully acknowledges the support of Albaha University. 412 















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Figure Legends 854 

Figure 1: A schematic structure of clustered HOX genes. The 39 HOX genes are 855 

located on four different chromosomes. Homology of human HOX genes HOX-C 856 

to Drosophila HOM-C genes is shown by colours. Blank squares show missing 857 

genes. 858 

Figure 2: Structures of AbdB HOX, NUP98 and the predictive fusion protein 859 

NUP98-HOX. A) A general structure of AbdB HOX (9-13) proteins that have been 860 

reported to fuse with NUP98. B) Structure of normal NUP98 protein. C) Structure 861 

of predictive NUP98-HOX fusion protein. This fusion eliminates MD and RBD 862 

from AbdB and NUP98, respectively. The arrows represent the breakpoints. MD: 863 

MEIS domain, PM: Pbx motif, H: hexapeptide, HD: homeodomain, FG: 864 

phenylalanine-glycine, GLEBS: gle2p-binding-like motif, RBD: RNA binding 865 

domain. 866 

Table 1: HOX gene studies 867 

Table 2: A summary of mammalian HOX target genes. 868 



























Figure 1





Figure 2


Table 1: HOX gene studies

HOX gene Gain of function Loss of function Species References HOXA5 ↑myeloid progenitors and

block erythroid differentiation.

↑erythroid progenitors and ↓myelomonocytic cells.

Human 33,34

Hoxa7 ↓ MEP, reticulocytosis and thrombocytopenia.

Mouse 46

Hoxa9 ↑HSCs expansion and myeloid progenitor proliferation. Block erythroid differentiation and ↓ pre B-cell differentiation.

↓↓CMP, GMP, CLP, lymphoid precursors, repopulating ability and ↓ spleen cellularity and size.

Mouse 36,37,46,47

HOXA10 ↑↑ blast cells and myelopoiesis, ↓ B cell differentiation and block erythroid differentiation.

Human 35

Hoxb3 Block B and T cell differentiation and a delay in myeloid precursor proliferation.

↓↓ B cell progenitors and bone marrow cellularity.

Mouse 31,44

HOXB4/ Hoxb4

↑↑ HSCs expansion. ↓↓ Hematopoietic organs cellularity and size, ↓ HSCs and HPs and ↑ Hoxb genes.

Human / Mouse 38,39,42,43

Hoxb3/b4 ↓↓ HSCs and HPs. Mouse 45

Hoxb6 ↑HSCs expansion and myeloid precursor proliferation. ↓ erythropoiesis and lymphopoiesis.

↑ Early erythroid progenitors. Mouse 30,48

Hoxc3 ↓ erythroid progenitors. Mouse 49

HOXC4 ↑ early and committed myeloid and erythroid progenitors.

Human 32

Hoxc8 ↓↓ erythroid, granulocyte and macrophage colony formation potential.

Mouse 50






Table 2: A summary of mammalian HOX target genes.

HOX protein Targets of transcriptional activation Targets of transcriptional


Species References

HOXA9/ Hoxa9 Pim1, ID2, CYBB, HOXA7, HOXA10,

PBX3 and MEIS1/ Flt3, Cerb1, Pknox1,

Camk2d, Cdk6, Erg, Etv6, Foxp1, Gfi1,

Kit, Lck, Lmo2, Myb and Sox4.

BIM/ Itfi1, Tlr4, Ccl3, Ccl4,

Csf2rb, Ifngr1, Runx1,

Cd28, and Cd33.

Human/ Mouse 60,61,64-68

Hoxa9-Meis1 c-Myb. Mouse 63


MEF2C, FLT3 and KIT.

Human 69



P21 and DUSP4/ Itgb3, Hlf, Tgfβ2, Fgf2,

Hoxa5, and Cdx4.

CYBB/ Gata1. Human / Mouse 70,73-77

Nup98-Hoxa10 Flt3, Prnp, Hlf and Jag2. Mouse 78

HOXB4/ Hoxb4 Meis1, Dntt, Hlf, Sox4, Runx2, and C-myc/

Hoxb2, Hoxb3, Hoxb5, Fra-1 and JunB.

B220 and HMBS/ C-MYC. Human / Mouse 42,79,82-84