1 Session 3 Tables in Stata. 2 Importance of tables The analysis of many surveys is primarily...

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Transcript of 1 Session 3 Tables in Stata. 2 Importance of tables The analysis of many surveys is primarily...


Session 3

Tables in Stata


Importance of tables

The analysis of many surveys is primarily Through giving tables And then interpreting the information

Simple tables are one-way frequencies Or of percentages

Or Multi-way frequencies (or percentages) Tables can also contain summary statistics

Like means



Particiants should be able to Produce tables of each defined type using Stata Interpret data from these tables

Produce tables of interest for the data set created for the district in the previous session.


Menus for Stata tables

From Statistics Summaries, tables and tests Some commands


To explore table facilities, we will open the data file K_combined_labelled.dta


Menus for Stata tables


Different menu options

Match these options to the different types of table that are needed to process survey data


One-way table

Open the data file K_combined_labelled.dta

Statistics => Summaries, tables & tests => Tables => One-way tables


Results for a one-way table

Check you can interpret these results


Multiple one-way tables

Statistics => Summaries, tables & tests => Tables => Multiple one-way tables


Tables using commands

The commands are simple. For one-way tables try

tab q31

For several one-way tables, use tab1, e.g. tab1 region rurban q11 a31

For two-way tables, try tab q11 q16


Try the optionsUse the dialogue – with the options for Missing and/or sorting

Type tab1 q126 q127 q128 q129 q31, missing sortWhat effects do the options sort and missing have?


Your turn One-way and two-way tables

Work through sections 7.1.4 and 7.2 in the Guide. Include 7.2.1 where you check for coding Include 7.2.2 for lists of two-way tables

Type tab q31 q126, Then repeat with tab replaced by tab1. Explain the difference between tab1 and tab to your



Percentages – interpret results

Interpet the results from this table

Repeat, but getting column percentages. Interpret those results

Hence explain which set of percentages is more appropriate in this table


Multi-way tables

Can use tabulate command with by prefix. For example: bysort rurban: tab q128 q11, row Or the “two-way tables” dialogue

Or use the more powerful table command table q128 q11, contents(freq) by(rurban) row col Or the “Tables of summary statistics (tables) dialogue See result in next slide


A three-way table

Interpret these results

Then use the Two-way tables

(with By)

To give row or column percentages


Second exampleUse the dialogue or the command

table q11 rurban q126, by(q16)Where the row var = Sex (q11)

Column variable = RurbanSupercolumn variable = Employed (q126)Superrow variable =Literacy (q16)

Employed and Rurban Employed Unemployed

Rural Urban Rural urban Male 102 6 51 1 Can read Female 44 10 20 0 Male 14 0 19 0

Literacy and sex

Cannot read Female 29 0 25 0

Interpret the table

Try the variables in different orders, to see if your interpretation is simplified


Your turn

If you need more time on multi-way tables Then go through Section 7.3 in the guide

Then go through Sections 7.4 and 7.5


Tables of summary statistics

Section 7.4 and 7.5 consider summary statistics

For simple tables they use the tabstat dialogue (or command)

Or the table dialogue (or command) is used


Dialogue for tabstat command

Menu sequence:

Statistics => Summaries, tables & tests=> Tables => Table of summary statistics (tabstat)

(with Option: Use as columns Statistics)


Summary statistics in a table


a) qd41, qd42, qd43 are expenditures in the previous month for purchase of maize, bean and other seed respectively

b) Omitting the option col(stat) would give the statistics as rows rather than as columns as shown above


Dialogue for table command

Menu sequence:

Statistics => Summaries, tables & tests=> Tables => Table of summary statistics


Summary statistics in a table

Discuss with your neighbour the difference between use of tabstat and table .


Further practical work

Load your own data into Stata, and produce tables that address an objective of interest that you wish to explore with your data.