1 gr, Trait D--Kr tr ritrwrtt.rdd.bih.nic.in/Circulars/202.pdf · of His Lordship Hon'ble Mr....

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Transcript of 1 gr, Trait D--Kr tr ritrwrtt.rdd.bih.nic.in/Circulars/202.pdf · of His Lordship Hon'ble Mr....


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7311-4 itRiW- 07.08.2013

I t- (

/ PHONE: 2230943 (0)

t s•n-in-Chief lio,q't?le the Chief Justice

1144High Court, Patna

201 a Krishna





TNA - 800

tF : 0612-2201390

Hon'ble Executive Chairman Hon'ble Mr. Justice Navin Sinha

Patna High Court, Patna

'7*LETT.No .


s .g L.f6ye-rtr /a23.

ember Secretary

To, 1) All t District & Sessions Judges-cum-Chairmen

D . rict Legal Services Authorities of the State of Bihar.

Secretary, Rural Development Department, Govt. of Bihar

3) District Magistrate, Patna

Holding Lok Adalat on MENREGA on 315t Aug, 2013 in the light of Minutes of Meeting

held on 19.07.2013 atTSTSA7

I am enclosing herewith copy of the Minutes of Meeting held under Chairmanship of

Judge , —cum-Executive Chairman, BSLSA on

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Navin Sinha,

Patna High Court

19.07.2013 and in the of reso lution passed I , as directed, request y

our goodself to kindly

take necessary steps an

lightd issue directions to Your District unit/ concerned officials and to liaise

with District Legal Services Authority in all the Districts with regard to receiving of application ,

ement of PLVS , setting of Benches etc ,so that, Lok Adalat on MENREGA to be held on

engag 31.08.2013 in all the DLSAs may be made successful.

Further, I request your goodself to kindly follow the directions of NALSA as contained with


MENREGA and other schemes which have already

been sent to all the DLSAs along

resolutions passed of which copy is enclosed herewith.

With regards.

Encl:- As above


Yours faithfully

9..Ck (Radha Krishna) Member Secretary




Minute of the Meeting of 19.07 2013

Minute of the Meeting held on 19.07.2013 at BSLSA to chalk out strategy for holding

Lok Adalat and Legal Awareness on MENREGA in all the Districts.

The meeting for discussion to chalk out a strategy for holding Lok Adalat and Legal

Awareness on MENREGA was held on 19.07.2013 at BSLSA premises under the Chairmanship

of His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice Navin Sinha, Judge, Patna High Court and Hon'ble

Executive Chairman, BSLSA. The participants invited, attended the meeting and discussed in

length of which gists are given hereunder

In the meeting for the benefit of the people concerned requesting the concerned to implement the direction and to liaise with each other Stake Holders for the better performance resolutions passed are hereunder:-

S N. Participants Area of Function of Participants

Resolution passed

1 a)



Rural Development Department , Govt. of Bihar headed by Secretary, Sri Amrit Lal Meena Sri Arun Kumar, District & Sessions Judge-cum- Chairman,DLSA, Patna Sri S.Sarwan, District Magistrate, Patna

On discussion in length it has been resolved that application would be

received in between 16 th to 25 th Aug,2013 in all the Districts and separate counter

would be opened one in DLSA and another at Block and in this connection concerned officials of the department of Govt. will liaise with officials of DLSA

in all the DLSAs and attend meeting whenever convened jointly


C"1 PLVS would be engaged by the DLSA

for the purpose subject to payment of

honorarium as admissible 3 Applications in prescribed format would be

distributed among persons entitled under

MENREGA and application would be filled

by the PLVS deputed by the DLSA

04 Direction by the Rural Development

Department would be issued to the concerned

officials and liaise with the DLSA fixing

venue without disturbing the working hours .

Officials of the DLSA and MENREGA

would liaise with each other.


S N. Participants Area of Function of


Resolution passed



Lok Adalat on MENREGA Shall

be organized on 31 st Aug,2013 in

all the Districts of the State of


It has also been resolved that

sustained publicity would be

made at District Level , Block

Level , Panchayat Level, Further ,

Publicity would be made through

local papers , Public Distribution

System and slights in Theatre

It has also been resolved that

Legal Awareness at Block Level

would be organized in the entire

district and DLSA shall ensure its


07 Further resolution has been passed

regarding hearing of grievances at

Gram Panchayat level jointly by

the officials of the MENREGA

and the DLSA ..

08 The Rural Development

Department, Govt of Bihar

represented by Secretary, Sri

Amrit Lal Meena has ensured

issuance of direction to the

concerned officials of the

Department for implementation of

the resolution and extention of co-

operation to the DLSA and the

people concerned.


S N. Participants Area of Function of Participants

Resolution passed

District Administration with the consent of District Judge shall identify the area/ place

before 31.08.2013 where Lok Adalat is to be organized

The Complaints shall be categorized according to their nature and area wise.

Complainant should be noticed to be present at the Lok Adalat. Implementing Agency /

Programme officer/ Project Co-ordinator should be informed to remain present with all relevant

registers/ documents so that in appropriate cases relief should be given immediately. Competent officials should also be noticed to be present at the Lok Adalat to answer the quarries and act as a respondent party in cases of complaints about

matters fall within their jurisdiction 1) Serving /retired Judicial Officer 2) Social Worker /retired revenue officer/

engineer having adequate experience in welfare schemes revenue officers / engineer should be nominated by DLSA with the help of District Administration for the benches.

All relevant staffs including members of the benches should be thoroughly briefed/ sensitized about MNREGS one or two days before the date of Lok AdalaVfiey should know what type of disputes can be settled in Lok Adalat and if the dispute cannot be settled , the beneficiaries must be told about the provisions of the MNREGS , provided by District Administration , with the help of DLSA There should be help desk manned with PLV/ Panel Advocates to facilitates the complaints. Arrangement for Legal Aid through PLV s/ Legal Aid counsels to the applicants to make them able to defend their rights in Lok Adalat. I )Registration 2) Custody of Job Card 3) Allocation of Work 4) Wages 5) Unemployment allowance 6) Work Site facilities 7) Measurement of work 8) Muster rolls all these be performed/done pi cimi ct 1

11 (Radha Kri a

Member Secretary BSLSA


Rural Development Department of Bihar is expected to issue directions to the concerned

officials of the Department for implementation of resolutions.

All the DLSA are directed by the Hon'ble Executive Chairman, BSLSA to extend full

co-operation for implementation of the resolution and liaise with each other without disturbing

working hour of the Court. The meeting ended after vote of thanks by the BSLSA for participation in the meeting

and extending full co-operation to the DLSA for the cause of the people.