1 b andreu arnau josé l

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of 1 b andreu arnau josé l

My super school

Andreu Moreno Albadalejo

Jose Luís Santiago García

Arnau Talavera Corominas

My super school

Classes start at ten

o’clock and they finish at

eleven o’clock.

My super school

Today we have got P.E and I.C.T.

The I.C.T teacher is Rajoy and we like him.

My super school

The Maths teacher is Einstein and we like him.

My super school

The P.E teacher is Messi and we like him.

My super school

The Art teacher is Salvador Dalí and we like his surrealism. We like him.

My super school

The Catalan teacher is Jose Montilla. We like his catalan pronunciation and we love him.

My super school

The Spanish teacher is Aznar. We like him.

My super school

The English teacher is Agatha Christie, we like her literature. We love her.