07.06 The Budget Process

Post on 14-Oct-2014

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Transcript of 07.06 The Budget Process

1. What programs did you choose to cut and why?

I chose to cut: national defense +20%, international affairs -5%, general science, space, & technology -20%, energy -7.5%, natural resources & environment -10%, agriculture -5%, commerce 7 housing credit – no change, transportation -15%, community & regional development -7.5%, education/training, employment, socials -7.5%, health -2.5%, Medicare – no change, income security -7.5%, social security – no change, veterans benefits & service -15%, general gov. -15%, net interest – no change, allowances – no change, undistributed setting receipt – no change.

2. What groups (students, Elderly, poor, veterans, etc.) Will be impacted by these cuts?

Students, the greatest cut was in technology, something that student rely more than anything.

3.     If you had the chance to raise taxes to restore the programs you cut, would you take that action? Why or why not? No, if I decide to restore or change something, something else is going to be affected.

4.     What is one spending category that you absolutely feel should not be touched? What is your justification? Medicare and education, because those two factor are what are going to help the economy

5.     Overall, do you feel it is important to limit the federal deficit? Why or why not? Yes, because there could be an excess of money use that would take USA to a recession.