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Transcript of 05-16-1958


1 ^ — 2 5 Hope College — Holland, Michigan May 16, 1958

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Chapel Choir To End Year with Two Programs

With the arrival of another Tulip Time, come also the final activities of the Chapel Choir fo r this year. As a finale to" the Tulip Time weekend, the choir under the direc-tion of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh will present its last home concert in Hope Memorial Chapel on Sunday afternoon May 18. The three o'clock concert will include the en-tire choir program which was sung on the spring tour through New York and New Jersey in April.

On the evening of Monday, May 19 the choir will travel to Grand Rapids to present this same pio-gram in the Central Reformed Church. Before leaving for Grand Rapids the choir is holding its annual dinner. At 4:00 p.m. the members will meet in the Music Building Auditorium for a pro-gram preceeding the dinner. Slides taken by choir members on the spring tour will be shown.

At this time Post Jewelry Awards will be presented to the senior members of the choir who have been active three ore more years. Those receiving the awards this year are Robert Bast, Janice Blunt, David Dethmers, Jocelyn Fryling, Marianne Hageman, Mar-lene Hartger ink, Stanley Harr ing-ton, Milton Ortquist , F r a n c e s Roundhouse, Eugene Te Hennepe, Virginia Vanderborgh, Rogert Van-der Kolk, Lynn Van't Hof, and Ruth Wright.

(Cont'd on Page 5, Col. 5)

Hood and Klaasen to Head New S. C. A.

The 1958-59 officers for Y were elected April 29 at a joint meeting of both the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.

Elected were: John Hood and Jane Klaasen, presidents; Stuar t Wilson and Diane Sluyter, vice-presidents; Donald Gallo, t reasurer and Marlene Gouwens, secretary.

The new officers will head a new joint program called S.C.A. (Stu-dent Christian Association). The program calls for two presidents and vice-presidents — one f rom each Y although each Y will re-tain its separate cabinets and in-stitutions (such as senior brunch and Y breakfas ts ) .

The April 29 meeting was pre-sided over by Rosemarie Kish and Eugene TeHennepe, ,57-'58 presi-dents. Devotions were led by Rob-ert Vander Aarde.

Anchor and Milestone Staffs Feted

Both Anchor and Milestone staffs were given recognition for their fine work, a t their respective banquets held Wednesday May 7, 1958, at Van Raalte 's res taurant in Zeeland. Gardner Kissack, ed-itor of Milestone, and John Fragale , editor of the Anchor, each express-ed personal thanks to his crew. Dr. Edward Brand, faculty advisor to the Anchor, and Professor Hen-ry Ten Hoor, advisor of the Mile-stone, commended the s taffs on their successful l i terary accom-plishments during the recent school year. Both staffs enjoyed a full course steak dinner with all the tr immings. Co-Chairmen of the banquets were Mary Jane Adams and Greg Bryson, f o r the Anchor, and Gardner Kissack, for the Mile-stone.

New Student Council Members Attend Meeting

The newly elected Student Coun-cil members attended their first meeting May 6 with President Dick Brockmeier presiding. The new members are as follows: Edna Hol-lander, Delphi; Joan Schroeder, Sibylline; Judy Tysse, Sorosis; Ma-ry Ann Klaaren, Alpha-phi; Ron Chandler and Winfield Burggraaff , Knick; Doug Japinga and Paul Lydens, F ra te r ; Hal Whipple and Tim Evers, Cosmo; Gordon Mouw and Mel Ver Steeg, Arkie; and Vern Kortering and Walt Johnson, Independent. The Dorians have not yet selected their representative. Newly elected officers are : Jim Evers, t reasurer ; Edna Hollander, recording secretary; and Joan Schroeder, corresponding secretary.

The sororities will choose their second member in the fall from their new pledges. Plans are being made by Dick Brockmeier and Isla Van Eenenaam to have a Student Council table in registrat ion line next fall . Students will be able to obtain Civil Service Application forms a t this time to apply as stu-dent-at-large. It is hoped tha t by doing this more students will be reached and become more aware of Student Council and also tha t the full membership of Council will be reached. sooner.

Officers to Be Installed at W.A.A. Awards Banquet

On May 21 a t 8:00 the Women's Athletic Association will hold its annual awards banquet for all col-lege women.

This year 's theme "Sports on Revue" will be developed by co-chairmen Carol olson and Janet Owen. Miss Mary Breid, advisor, will present all WAA sports awards and will announce the win-ners of individual and team sports.

Joyce Leighly, president, will in-troduce the new officers for next year. They are Sandy Dressel, president; Carolyn Scholten vice-president; Jane t Owen, secretary; Sharon Neste, point recorder; and Lynne Feltham, publicity chair-man.

Banquet publicity chairman is J a n Blunt, while Artel Newhouse and Carolyn Scholten are in charge of tickets. .A turkey dinner will be served. For non-boarding stu-dents the meal is $1.25, f o r dormi-tory students 50 cents.

This banquet climaxes the WAA's year.

Noted Educator Analyzes Society In Chape Talk

Dr. Benjamin Mays

French Club Culminates Activities With Picnic

The annual picnic was the final meeting of the French Club, held a t Kollen Park on May 5th.

A game session, led by Barbara Monroe was followed by a picnic lunch. Eventually the tempera ture got the best of the members and it was decided to have the business meeting and program in the Kletz lounge.

Evalyn Cater, out-going presi-dent presided over the meeting. For enter ta inment skits were given in French and elections for Presi-dent and Vice President were held. Adina Yonan was elected President and Barbara Monroe Vice-Presi-dent.

The two remaining officers will be elected in September by next year 's full French Club.

Honors Assembly Set For May 21

The date f o r the Honors Assem-bly is set fo r Wednesday, May 21. This annual event of the school year will be held during an ex-tended chapel and will fea ture a special service.

As the ti t le Honors Assembly indicates, the occasion is a time for recognizing those people on campus who have been outstanding in various aspects of college life. At this time, several of the prizes listed in the catalogue plus other recognitions will be given.

General chairman of this years Honor Assembly is Dr. Hollenbach.

Perfect at tendance is being urged for this service by all those con-nected with it. "Af t e r all", as one faculty member said, "you might receive a prize."

Pine Rest Selected As Y Project On April 25 members of this

year 's "Y" Mission Drive Project

visited Pine Rest Children's Re-

treat in Grand Rapids. Struck by

the need which this nearby in-

stitution displayed the "Y" has

chosen to offer their prayers and

thoughts f o r this cause.

Backed by the Reformed Church,

Pine Rest is an institution fo r

mentally retarded and physically

handicapped or deformed persons.

Some of these people have a bad

case of hydorcephaly or water on

the brain, where the head is so

filled with liquid tha t it is out of

proportion to the rest of the body.

Others have only the intelligence

of a three or four year old child.

FRIDAY, MAY 23 7:45 — 1 M W F

10:15 — 2 TT 2:00 — 7 TT and all sections in

Pol. Sc. 11 4:00 — Mathematics 51 B

MONDAY, MAY 26 7:45 — 5 M W F

10:15 — 5 TT 2:00 — Language (Elementary

and Intermediate) Class-es in French, Spanish, German, NOT Greek and Latin

Exam Schedule May 23-29

TUESDAY, MAY 27 7:45 — 2 M W F

10:15 — 7 M W F 2:00 — 1 TT 4:00 — Physics 32 e

WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 7:45 — 3 MWF

10:15 — 4 TT 2:00 — 3 TT

THURSDAY, MAY 29 7:45 — 4 MWF

10:45 — 6 TT 2:00 — 6 M W F

Staffed by Christian teachers, doctors, and psychologists. Pine Rest has a threefold objective for

its 225 patients. F i rs t it a t tempts

to teach these people to accept

themselves as they really are and

to help them to realize their limita-

tions. Secondly, it t rys to teach

them how to care fo r themselves.

Approximately 10% are retarded

enough to need special education

and care fo r their own bodily

needs. Thirdly, it a t tempts to teach

them how to get along with others.

The "Y" is seeking to raise

money for this project, but has

set no part icular goal, as they feel

that any contributions made should

come f rom the hear t and not out

a sense of obligation.

Co-chairmen for this drive are

Virginia Vanderborgh and James

Evenhuis. The campaign will take

place the last week of school and

will be simple but informative. It

will consist of displays and an

Anchor page of pictures. Tuesday

morning the chapel speaker will be

Reverend Hiemstra, chaplain of

the Children's Retreat . On Tues-

day evening a film about institution

will be shown by Dr. James Split.

Dr. Split, who is a psychologist

and director, will answer any ques-


"The peoples of history are divided into three distinct classes," said Dr. Benjamin Mays, president of Morehouse College, as he was addressing the students at the 9:30 chapel service on May 13.

The first group is composed of persons who walk the high road and rise above the s ta tus quo; Jesus obviously represents the class tha t "walks the high road". Dr. Mays also included in this group such saints as Mahatma Ghandi and Joan of Arc, Galileo, Bacon, Darwin and the judges in the United States Supreme Court who upheld the decision regarding in-tegration.

Those who walk the low road and sink beneath the s ta tus quo make up the second group. The Hitlers, Mussolinis, members of the Klu Klux Klan, A1 Capones, Jesse James, Leopolds and Loebs as well as the robbers who were crucified with Jesus belong to this class.

The people who walk the middle road and defend the s ta tus quo comprise the third class. These are the traditionally good, re-spected persons who made Galileo recant, put Bacon in prison, and oppossed evolution and the U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Dr. Mays effectively concluded his speech by making three ob-servations: the " fu tu re is with those who walk the high road" of t ruth , justice, democracy and God: ". . . only those who walk the high road are f r ee ; " and "No man is ahead of his t ime!" I t is ap-parent , then, tha t each man must decide which road he shall walk.

Rosemarie Kish and Gene Te-Hennepe assisted in the service.

Two Performances of Herbert's "Mill" Given

"The Red Mill," an operet ta by Victor Herbert , was presented by the college's music and drama de-par tments a t the Civic Center on May 14 and 15. Curtain time was 8 o'clock. The operet ta was at -tended largely by Tulip Time visit-ors, townspeople, and students. The cast provided an enjoyable, relax-ing evening of sparkl ing musical enter tainment . The operetta was sponsored by the Holland Chamber of Commerce.

The following people had prin-cipal roles in the operet ta: Jay Nyhuis, Bob Fisher, Marilyn Scud-der, Anne eD Pree, Bill Brookstra, Del Farnsworth, Gerry Giordano, Gordon Steegink, George Stegger-da, Wal ter Johnson, Ruth Voss, and Harley Brown. Various small-er roles in the fo rms of flower girls, servants, English girls, French boys, aides and ar t i s t s were filled by the chorus, composed of members of the chapel choir.

The operet ta was set in an old Holland town at the turn of the century and the plot evolved a-round two Americans who a re touring Europe and find them-selves penniless with several bills to be paid.

The drama portion of the oper-e t t a was under the direction of Prof . De Witt . The chorus worked under Dr. Cavanaugh and Miss Holleman, while Mrs. Baughman coached the soloists. Bob Fisher was in charge of choreography and Dr. Hart ley was pianist f o r the operetta. The orchestra was under the baton of Dr. Rider.

Page Two H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

m HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR ^ ^ M e m b e r Assoctate Collegiate Press


Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board.

Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers.


Editor-in-Chief John Fragale, Jr. Managing Editor Nancy Boyd News Editors Norma De Boer, Roger Te Hennepe Feature Editor Betty Fell, Adelbert Farnsworth Society Editors Carl Poit, Mary Jane Adams Sports Editors Jan Owen, Robert Van Wart Rewrite Editors Carol Ham, Carol Rylance Art and Photography Editor John Kraai Make Up Editors Norma Wallace, Howard Plaggemars Copy Editor Lynne Feltham Proofreader Jan Blunt


Business Manager Ronald Lokhorst Advertising Manager Richard Stadt Circulation Managers Karen Nyhuis, J. Gregory Bryson,

Dale Heeres, Russell Yonkers Bookkeeping Manager Robert Bratton Typists Barbara Phillippsen, Donald Gallo

Going Out Into the Cold, Cruel World? "What can the 1958 college graduate do to improve his job

chances? To this question, one of the best answers came from Arthur A. Burr, head of the department of metallurgical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute who has been there for the last twelve years. Burr, noting wryly that "I haven't had to give this kind of advice since 1949" (another recession year), in the April 28 issue of Newsweek offered five tips:

1—"Make a candid assay of your strong points and try to sell yourself on that basis."

2—"Don't sit back and wait for employers to come to you . . . Find out who the personnel people are and contact them."

3—"Don't stand on location or living conditions . . . A man has to be portable to get a good job."

4—"Don't have predetermined ideas as to salary or working con-ditions you will accept. You might lose out on some jobs with good futures."

5—"Remember that happiness in the job should count for 80 per cent of your evaluation of it."

Application For Anchor Staff Position

(Deposit in Anchor Box in Library)



Summer Address

College Address

Position Desired


Why do you want to serve on the Anchor staff?

- , - -v

What plans or suggestions do you have to offer?

•... i .

Spice and Crumbs by Richard Jaarsma

Now that these is only a little time left in which to finish up all those things that have escaped our

o u r a t t e n t i o n throughout t h e year, i.e. exams, payment of f ra t or sorority dues etc. I think I will indulge in a few r e m i n i s-c e n s e s of the things that have set this year a year apart from

Stop me if I get to

Richard Jaarsma

all others. sentimental.

For the Seniors of course this has been a happy year. They go on now to graduate schools all over the country. Graduate schools, I might add, who don't really want them but can do little about it-Others will go on to business (after all, there is nothing like a college education to broaden a man) while still others help the government mess up their accounts still more. Many will be dissillusioned to find that Hope wasn't the best college in the world af ter all, others may come back to sneer at the poor, plodding lambs who also will at one time be thrown into the cold reality of an uncaring world. How-ever, what they will do is not im-portant, what they have done is. And to think all this effort and money to be rewarded by a crum-pled piece of sheppskin! Ah, life does have its rewards!!

The Juniors naturally are bound-less with joy at the prospect of becoming Seniors. No more the infamous title of underclassmen, but rather the lofty position of Seniors. If nothing else is to be gained from this step upward, at least the human ego will be satis-fied. So as not to help them think too highly of themselves and bol-ster an already overflated ego, I will merely warn them of all the pitfalls that they may fall into and say nothing of a congratula-tory nature. It may be, too, that I am just jealous.

No class has so much scorn and


MAY 6, 1958

President Bob Lesniak called the meeting to order at 8:30 in Van Raalte 101. Fred Brown offered the prayer. Roll call was taken.

sorrow to bear as the Sophomores. Although elevated above the lowly status of Freshmen, they are at that stage of the game where they are not yet looked upon as mature, well-balanced beings. Evidence of this is the massive doses of culture they must be forced to partake of under the guises of English 31 and 32 and Psychology 31. I under-stand, however, that several of the Freshmen have broken this barrier and are now taking one of these required courses so as not to be classed as one of the spoonfed in-dividuals of the Sophomore class. But as all good things must end so evil things are finally finished, al-though at a much slower rate of speed. Soon you will be Juniors, and although the role may be at times nauseating, friends of the despised Freshmen. Cheers!

And finally we come to the Freshmen. This year's class has borne themselves proudly amidst the scorn and degradation, of others. Through the horror and misery of Initiation and the ap-parently endless round of banquets and parties; through the shame of having to wear vary-colored cloth-ing because of the whims of f ra-ternity men; through the helpless-ness of not knowing where this or that Professor has his office; through all these things, as if through a trial by fire, you have come unscatched, except for a few bruises of experience. Hold your head up high. Freshmen, and just wait till next year!

Until the next year then, (unless I am mistaken and this isn't the last issue of the semester) I bid you farewell and thank you for your kind attention and astute (al-though not always complimentary,) comments on my column. Peace be unto you!

Application For Milestone Staff Position

(Deposit in Milestone Box in Library by May 23)


College Address and Phone

Summer Address f

Experience (high school, college, etc.)

Extra-curricular activities this year

In which staff position would you like to serve? Why?

If selected, what extra-curricular activities do you plan to participate

in next year?

What plans or suggestions, if any, do you have to offer for the

1959 Milestone?

(Only members of Class of '60 eligible)

Officers' Reports: President: Business of the old

council would be discussed before turning the meeting over to Dick Brockmeier for the election of new officers. Bob apologized for not having this on the agenda.

Treasurer: Expenses fo r April 22-May 5 were $4.20; the total for the year, $1411.71.

Corresponding secetary: Inform-ation was read concerning a na-tional summer conference and also information regarding senior study in Poland. For fur ther informa-tion or applications contact Isla Van Eenenaam. Committe Reports:

Publications: Next year's editors have been selected. The names will be released Friday.

Retreat: The retreat will be held May 20 at Castle Park. Cars will eave in front of Durfee at 3:15. Contact Greg Bryson if you are un-able to leave then. Invitations are to be returned to Marge Ten Ha-ken or Daryl Siedentop by the 13th.

N.S.A.: Saturday there will be an executive meeting with the ad-ministration concerning Hope's fu t -ure in this organization. Old Business:

Sing Records: There are four records left that can be sold to anyone with cash.

Constitutional Amendment: A motion was carried unanimously that "Class presidents be ex-officio members of the Student Council."

Positive Orientation: A special meeting had been held at the re-quest of the Student Direction Committee. Most of the sororities and fraternities were favorable to the report but felt that some of the fun should be retained. New Business:

This part of the meeting was turned over to the new president, Dick Brockmeier.

Election: New officers to serve the 1958-1959 term are as follows: Jim Evers, treasurer; Edna Hol-lander, recording secretary; and Joan Schroeder, corresponding sec-retary.

I t was suggested that a formal initiation and installation of new members be instituted by the new officers. The time finally decided upon was next fall.

I t was suggested that the stu-dent-at-large be done away with if the amendment passed. Af te r dis-cussion as to the benefits of this type of representation, this sug-gestion was withdrawn.

Being no fur ther business, the meeting was adjourned.

—Betty Fell Secretary





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Sonja Boeve — Mae Kuna Bertha Van Beek — Opal Manthey




Grand Rapids, Michigan

A Word From Your Co-chairmen- C h i l d r e n ' s R e t r e a t Children's Retreat is your denominat ional hospital-

school providing much needed medical and educational

care for mentally retarded children. The Retreat is spon-

sored almost entirely by contributions from people in the

Reformed Denomination's. Al l of your contributions wi l l

be used by the Retreat to provide care that is rich in

love, a care that can best be given in a hospital-school

of Christian character. Every day the need for care and

training grows, that is why we request your whole-

hearted support.

Jini Vanderborg

Jim Evenhuis

provides Hospitalization

Don't Forget!

Mission Project Day

Is Tuesday, May 20th

The NEED is G r e a t . . . Mental Retardation — a problem 10 times greater than

the widely publicized polio — often creates life long

problems for the parents.


The extra medical attention needed —

The special nurses and teachers needed to help

the parents train and educate their child —

The special facilit ies needed to make this train-

ing feasible —

The residential care that is so often of the ut-

most importance not only to the child himself

but also to his fami ly .

provides Education


provides Rehabilitation

H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Page Three

Students to Start "Gold Rush For Summer's Job Bonanzas

Almost before the ink dries on final exam papers next month, col-lege students by the hundreds of thousands will be going to work at full-time vacation jobs.

Travel, adventure, profit and ex-perience are the payoffs for am-bitious students who join "The Great Summer Gold Rush," reports Don Murray in the May Reader's Digest.

For many, the summer jobs will be curtain raisers to full-time ca-reers later. Scores of companies design vacation work programs as basic training for permanent post-graduation jobs. Such programs enable companies and student em-ployes to get to know each other's personalities and potentials.

Money is the magnet which draws many of the tyros, and which makes resort jobs by f a r the most popular. Bell boys, "the aristocrats of student workers," can easily clear $1000 at a good resrt. Waitresses average $600-

Ver Beek Elected of M.A.S.T. Veep

Hope College served as host for the annual spring meeting for the Michigan Association for Student Teaching Saturday, May 10. The theme for the conference was "New Designs in Teacher Educa-tion."

A short business meeting was held in the morning in which offi-cers were elected for the following year. Chester McCormick of Wayne University was elected as presi-dent; J. J. Ver Beek of Hope, vice president; Peggy Ramstad of Western, secretary; and Jack An-son of Central, Vern Hicks of MSU, Robert Fox of U. of M., and Monica Mullaly of Wayne were elected as directors. J. J. Ver Beek, professor of education at Hope College, will serve as president of the Michigan Association for Stu-dent Teaching for 1959-1960.

Following the elections a general session was held in the music building on the topic "Working Toward New Designs in Teacher Education." A discussion period followed in which Morris McClure of WUM served as moderator.

For entertainment a Dutch dance preceded the luncheon held in the Juliana Room in Durfee Hall. Esther Schoeder of WMU served as moderator and J. W. Hollen-bach, vice president of Hope Col-lege, gave the message of welcome.

Professor Florence Stratemeyer of Columbia University presented an address in the afternoon on "New Designs in Teacher Educa-tion." She stated, "Let us keep focus on improvement, but let us not blindly accept p r e s s u r e s around us." The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

PRINS SERVICE 160 E. 8th Street

Phone EX 4-4342

Welcomes Hope Students



$700 a season. Such jobs often amount to "paid vacations."

Foreign travel is a "bonus" col-lected by the few most fortunate students. For example: Alexander H. Ladd of Columbia University worked last summer as a grease monkey in a Mobilgas filling sta-t ion— in Lagos, capital of Nige-ria! Emory Brundy, University of Washington, spent his summer as a missionary in Yucatan, Mexico.

Others find their own back yards equally adventurous — and porfit-able. Mary Sanders of Simmons College, Boston, for instance, made $1000 teaching neighborhood child-ren to swim in her back yard pool.

Summer earnings are being put to excellent use. According to a U.S. Department of Education sur-vey, students today are paying a greater part of their college-edu-cation bill than their parents! Much of the cash that goes for tuition, room, board and "extras" is saved from Summer salaries.

Almost every state boasts agen-cies to help young people find jobs. There are outstanding U.S. Em-ployment Service programs in many states. The 3200 chapters of the Junior Chamber of Com-merce run a "Jobs for Youth" cam-paign from the Chamber's Tulsa, Oklahoma headquarters. State and college employment services are frequently helpful.

Skilled advice for the student in search of a summer job comes from Dr. Frank Endicott, Northwestern University's placement director: "The best jobs go to students who have developed marketable skills — the ones who have learned to do special tasks and do them well."

"The Great Summer Gold Rush" is condensed from "Today's Liv-ing."

(Reader's Digest)

Voorhees Hall . . . Memories for Many

Having just observed Voorhees Day recently, it seems only fitting to turn to the history of this dor-mitory. The construction of this building dates back to the days of street-length dresses and the sing-ing of hits from "Babes in Toy-land," the year 1906. The funds for this construction came from an annuity given by Elizabeth Voor-hees. The plans were drawn up by Dr. Mast, a retired professor of biology at Johns Hopkins Uni-versity.

The first lady principal was Mrs. Gilmore and the first Dean was Mrs. Durfee. She lived on the sec-ond floor as did all the girls. The first floor was devoted entirely to housing the unmarried members of the faculty.

Instead of the basement sorority rooms of today, there were only two on the third floor. One of the sororities was Minerva which was open to both college and high school girls. As the enrollment in-creased, the Sorosis Sorority was formed.

The men students came over from Van Vleck for meals as they do from Kollen Hall today. Lounge restrictions were much stricter in "the good old days."

To many girls, over the years, Voorhees has remained more than just another place to live, but has been one of places that they cher-ish with many fine friendships and memories.

v. ss •>




210 College Phone EX 4-8810

:: :: ::

Coeds to Be Led By Women of Talent

Marge Ten Haken, President of House Board; Artel Newhouse, President of W.A.L. ; Isla Van Eenenaam, Vice President of Student Council; and Jane Klaasen, President of Y.W.C.A.

Spring is here again and with it the results of various campus elec-tions permeate the air. Hope is proud of its women students and the fine leadership abilities which many of them possess. Not every-one can be a winner, and the ones that are are happy to have good people that they can rely on as followers.

House Board for 1958-1959 will be under the able leadership of Marge Ten Haken. Marge comes to Hope from Milwarkee and loves the out-of-doors as is indicated by her four years of waterfront work at Girl Scout camp. Her various activities on campus include chapel and women's choir, ASA president, WAA intramurals, Pan-Hellenic board, Student Council, YW cabi-net, '57-58 publications chairman, program co-chairman for R. E. Week, co-coach for Nykerk Cup freshman oration. House Board, and membership on numerous com-mittees.

Artel Newhouse was selected by fellow students to lead the W.A.L. Board. Her quiet and unassuming mannervikeeps one from realizing just how active she is in campus activities. Artel, recently elected to Alcor, has served on WAL Board, WAA Board, Delta Phi Al-pha, Phi Alpha Theta, Pi Kappa Delta, IRC historian, vice-president of Student National Education As-sociation, Student Direction Com-mittee, Milstone literary co-editor, ADD, and May Day Coronation chairman.

Sandra Dressel was born and raised in Holland, Michigan. She is very interested in music and is now a major in Secondary Instru-mental Music. Sandy, too, has been active on campus as WAL treasur-

Points To Ponder St. John Ervine:

To be everybody's friend is to be nobody's friend. For friendship is the feeling you possess for a par-ticular person as distinct from all other persons. It is a very beauti-ful and intimate and close rela-tionship which is destroyed if it is bestowed casually. To be able to say that you have a friend is to know that there is one person to whom your affairs are as import-ant as his own, on whose aid and counsel and affection you can count in all times of trouble and distress, to whosse aid you will fly the mo-ment you hear he needs your help.

I t is impossible for any man or woman to feel like that fo r more than a few persons.

—The Irish Digest Talmud:

Three things are good in little measure and evil in large: yeast, salt, and hesitation.

—Quoted by Rudolf Flesch in The Book of Unusual Quotations


er, sophomore class treasurer, WAA publicity chairman, also serving as secretary-treasurer; she has been a member of orchestra and symphonette, and a delegate to the '58 IAWS National Conven-tion. Recently she has had the honor of being elected to member-ship in Alcor and the WAA pre-sidency.

Jane Klaasen is another Holland girl. She is interested in swim-ming, sports, music, and teaching. Jane has served as freshman class ecretary. House Council treasurer, a member of chapel and women's choir, junior class secretary, sec-retary of Delta Phi Alpha, YW secretary and district representa-tive, a member of WAA and WAL, among others. A recent member of the queen's court, Jane will serev in the capacity of YW pre-sident next year.

Last, but for from least, is Her Majesty Isla Van Eenenaam. Her winning smile and pleasing person-ality as well as her many abilities have made themselves • apparent lately with her election as next year's Student Council vice-presi-dent, election to Alcor, and the choice of the student body and fac-ulty to have her as Hope's May Queen. Isla's various activities in-clude secretary for Pi Kappa Del-ta, a member of Phi Alpha Theta, a member of the YW having serv-ed two years on the cabinet and is at present its vice-president, and has served two years on the Stu-dent Council, this year holding the office of corresponding secretary.

The campus salutes you girls and conveys to you its congratulations and best wishes in your new under-takings next year.

New Courses Added To Curriculum BIBLE

Christian Classics — This two hour course considers the literary classics of the Christian religion from the devotional to the theolo-gical and will include works of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Cal-vin, Pascal, and Kierkegaard. Al-ternate years, 1958-1959.

MATHEMATICS Modern Algebra — This three

hour course is an introductory stu-dy of abstract algebra including the axiomatic approach to number systems and matrix algebra. Al-ternate years, 1958-1959.

PHYSICS Thermodynamics — A two hour

course which deals with the fun-damental concepts of temperature, work, internal energy, heat, revers-ibility, and entropy. These concepts are then used in consideration of physical, chemical, and engineering applications. Alternate years, 1958-1959. Prerequisites: Physics 31, 32; Mathematics 31, 32.

Hope Students Operate Tulip Time Parking Lots

A large number of Hope College students are operating our parking lots in the city during Tulip Time. They donated their time and labor in support of a scholarship project undertaken by the International Relations Club. Objective of the students is to raise the sum of $1200 in order to provide a scholar-ship for a student from Austria, who, it is hoped, will be attending Hope College next year.

Hope College was given per-mission for the use of two of the college parking lots and two prop-erty owners in Holland very gen-erously donated the use of their vacant lots to the college project. City lots operated by students are located on the corners of 12th and 13th Street and River Ave., they belong to Mr. DeVries and Mr. Anderson r e s p e c t i v e l y . Those gentlemen agreed that the proceeds of the operation would be used for the scholarship. Last Saturday, (May 10) morning, a group of Hope co-eds spent several hours putting the lots into operating condition. During this week, a large number of men under the direction of Eugene TeHennepe, past president of the International Relations Club, are taking turns giving one or two hours each as attendants for these various lots.

As in the case of the Hungarian student project, which Hope Col-lege successfully completed last year, the idea for the scholarship was sparked by the International Relations Club, but the project as such has been adopted by the en-tire campus. Since the project was launched in January the in-come from several all-student activities has been contributed to this fund. The first of these was the Smorgasbord supper held in January. The proceeds of the Penny Carnival which was held in March were also donated to this fund. The total proceeds from the Penny Carnival were approximate-ly $325. The next amount to go into the fund was the major por-tion of the $500 first prize which the International Relations Club won in the National Program Con-test held in April in Washington, D. C. A fur ther and very sub-stantial addition to the fund has been promised by the Fraternal Society which pledged $250 of its Frater Frolics profit to this worthy cause. Thus, the students are quite hopeful that with the proceeds of their Tulip Time parking project, the goal will be reached.

The selection of the student from Austria will be made by members of the Hope College Vienna Sum-mer School group. Dr. Schlag, the Austrian Cultural Affairs Officer, who spoke at Hope College several weeks ago, is currently in Austria and has promised to prepare ma-terial on several worthy candidates for review by the Hope College group. It is hoped that once a student is selected, it will be possi-ble to bring him back with the summer school group inly in Sep-tember so he can enroll at Hope College in the fall of this year.

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Page Four H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

Sororities and Fraternities Climax Year with Informals and House Parties Alpha-Phi

Tonight Alpha-phi will enjoy one of the final events of its first year as the girls ga ther fo r a House P a r t y a t a cottage on the lake. P a r t of the evening will be devoted to a business meeting and election of officers.

Last Friday evening the sorori-ty entertained guests a t its spring informal held a t Castle Park . The theme of "Samoset" continued throughout the afternoon and even-ing of entertainment. Diane Sluyt-er and Karen Nyhuis were general chairmen of the event. An af ter-noon of outdoor activities was fol-lowed by dinner and dancing. The af ter-dinner program fea tured Lor-raine Hellenga as Mistress of Cere-monies, a welcome by Dorene Tornga, and a reading of "The Legend of Samoset" by Ruth Van-Der Meulen. During the band break Jane Tomlinson presented a humor paper, and the trio of Karen Nyhuis, Nancy Long, and Margot Fisher sang several numbers. Spec-ial t r ibute was paid to those mem-bers of the group going steady, pinned, or engaged. Music for dancing was provided by The Mod-ern Men.


Alumnae members met with the Delta Phi Sorority at the final meeting of the year on May 9th. At the business meeting the Delphi house par ty fo r May 16th was dis-cussed. Charlotte Wierda led the devotions, Carol Nieuwsma gave the humor paper and Ethelanne Swets the serious paper.

Dorian The Dorian Officers f o r this

pas t year treated the sorority at an informal tea Thursday night in the Koffee Kletz. A social hour was enjoyed with music in the background.

Plans are being made for the coming house par ty which will be held at Tim Buc Two. Elections fo r the first term of the 1958-59 school year will then be held.

Nina Mih, Vice-President and Scial Chairman, along with her committee chairmen, is making plans fo r Date Night which will be the last par ty of this year.

At last week's meeting, a Dor-ian yellow rose was presented to each of the following girls for re-ceiving honors in various fields: Jane Anker, J a n Blunt, Carol Cook, Sally DeWolf, Shirley Doyle, Rose-marie Kish, Artel Newhouse, Ann Tell, Cynthia VanderMyde, Marjo-rie Wood, and Sheryl Yntema.

B U N T E ' S


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On Friday, May 9th, members of Sibylline held a joint meeting with the Knickerbockers, their brother f ra te rn i ty . Words of wel-come were extended by Presidents Carol McCahan and Bob Vander Lugt.

Anna Geitner led the group in devotions. The serious paper was presented by Paul Fell and the humor paper by Lois Griffes. A quartet te , accompanied by Bob Marshall at the piano and Bob Tu-lenko a t the drum, sang two num-bers. Refreshments were enjoyed by all.

The Sibs are looking forward to their spring house par ty to be held on May 16th adn their infor-mal on May 24th to end a very enjoyable year fo r the sorority.

For the next school year, Joan Schroeder has been chosen Student Council Representative.


Members of Sorosis held their spring house par ty last Friday night at a cottage at Ottawa Beach, a f t e r a meeting with the Alumnae.

Judy Tysse was chosen as Soro-sis' new representative to Student Council for the coming year.

The informal is to be held at Vanden Berg's cottage on May 17th.

Alpha Sigma Alpha

The joint A.S.A. informal "Melo-dies and Memories" was held on Friday, May 9th. Af t e r an a f te r -noon of sun and fun at Prospect Point, the girls and their dates en-joyed a wonderful dinner and danc-ed the evening away to Charlie Birds' music.

President Phyllis Prins gave the welcome and Marlene Gouwens gave the invocation. Af te r dinner, Carolyn Kleiber led the entertain-ment as Mistress of Ceremonies. Joan Clayton sang "Young and Foolish." She was followed by the Charleston group — Evelyn Hol-lander, Marge Kempers, Nancy Mulder, and Beth Wichers. Joyce Essenberg presented a humor pap-er on college social life. Joan Clayton also sang "Wonderful Guy," and Gail Friesma led in the singing of the A.S.A. song.

During the band intermission later in the evening, Evelyn Hol-lander, Ruth Ausema, and Judy Roekers sang "Side by Side" and "Blue Moon." They were accompa-nied by Jim Hannenburg.








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Arcadian At their last l i terary meeting,

members of the Arcadian Fra te r -nity were addressed by Dr. Robert DeHaan, Chairman of the Depart-ment of Psychology, on the topic "Education of Gifted Children." A discussion period followed the lec-ture. Also part icipat ing in the lit-erary meeting was Clark Matthews who presented the special music fo r the evening.

Cosmopolitan This past weekend the members

of the Cosmopolitan Fra terni ty held their annual spring informal a t Castle Park . Master of ceremo-nies was Phil Toppen. Prayer was led by Joe Woods. Those partici-pat ing in the program included Cosmo president John Ver Beek who gave the welcoming address, and Jim Bolthouse and Robert Huf-fine who presented the humor pap-er which was dedicated to the graduat ing Cosmo seniors. Also in the enter tainment were J im Betke, Bob Huffine, Robert Van Wart , and Wallace Van Buren who sang a song dedicated to the seniors.

Music fo r the evening was fur -nished by the Kay Combo.

Emersonian The Butler Hotel was the scene

fo r the annual spring informal of the men of Phi Tau Nu and their dates this past weekend. The theme for the informal, under the direction of co-chairman Sheryl Schlafer and John Jefferies was "Sta te Fai r ." The prayer preceding dinner was given by Wayne Joos-se. Master of Ceremonies fo r the evening was Gordon Mouw. Fol-lowing the words of welcome which were given by Emmie president Dave Kofs the enter ta inment began with the song "Come to the Fair ," sung by Gordon Stegink. Other numbers in the enter ta inment were Calliope Capers; " I t Might As Well eB Spring," a piano solo played by Greg Bryson; "Barker Sere-nade," sung by Gordon Stegink; and "Real Swell Fa i r " which con-cluded the entertainment. During the entertainment, a comedy skit Faculty Fashions was presented by members of the f ra te rn i ty . A1 Grube was na r ra to r fo r the skit.

Music f o r the evening was sup-plied by Lew Allen and his or-chestra. The guests of honor were Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cavan-augh and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Vna Dahm.

Fraternal Last Friday evening the Fra ter -

nal Society held a li terary meeting a t which Matt Pelen and Duane Teusink read their philosophy of life. Also part icipat ing in the lit-erary meeting were Lar ry Grooters who presented the humor paper and Carl VerBeek who presented special music.

The business meeting was con-ducted by Curt Menning in the ab-sence of president Dave Dethmers. Reports were made on the progress of the Fra terna l spring informal, the annual F r a t e r Swan Song which is held in honor of the grad-uat ing Fra ternal men, and on the proposed joint meet ing with the Sorosis Sorority. Final reports on the F ra t e r Frolics were made as well as an analysis of this year ' s frolics. ,

Knicerbocker Karl Hoellrich presided over this

year 's Knickerbocker spring infor-mal as mas te r of ceremonies. Those part icipating in the evening's en-ter ta inment included: Hewitt John-

From a Vermont Development Commission advert isement of a local f a r m for sale: "If purchased before the next heavy windstorm a barn is included."

(The Reader 's Digest)

The Hope College Chapel Choir w i l l conclude its 1957-58 Season wi th a program in the chapel at 3 :00 P.M. on Sunday, May 18, and a pro-gram at Central Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, on Monday, May 19. The Chapel Choir wi l l also part ic ipate in the Honors Convocation and the Baccalaureate Service.

son and Charles Skinner who pre-sented the music paper and Dick Morgan who gave a humorous reading. Special honor was paid to the graduat ing Knickerbocker seniors.

Music fo r the evening was pre-sented by the Knick-Knacks band. The intermission enter tainment in-cluded singing led by the five Knick-Knacks who sang "Book of Love."

Chaperones for the evening were Mr. Ronald Brown, and Dr. and Mrs. William Vander Lugt.

Chapel Choir . . . Cont'd f rom page 1, Col. 1)

During the meeting new officers will be elected. Those whofserved on the executive committee this year were Stan Harrington, presi-dent; Jocelyn Fryling, vice presi-dent; Ruth Wright , secretary; Janice Blunt and Albert Fassler, t reasurers ; and Lynn Van't Hof and John Kleinheksel, business managers.

On May 21 the choir will sing for Honors Convocation. Then on Sunday, June 1 it will take par t in the Baccalaureate service.

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