01 Mechatronics Lecture #1 Slides

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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UOIT lecture '16

Transcript of 01 Mechatronics Lecture #1 Slides

  • Mechatronics(MANE 3390)

    Instructor: Dr. Amirhossein Monjazeb, P. Eng.

    Winter 2016

    Lecture # 01

    Some contents of the presented slides are completely adopted or partially revised from:

    Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition, W. Bolton, Pearson

  • Course Objectives and Outcomes

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 2

    Course Objective...

    Introduce fundamental concepts about


    You will learn about:

    Tools required to design, model, and analyze mechatronic systems Smart systems comprising mechanical, fluid, optic, and thermal components Developing tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems Design and control sensing and actuating components

    This course will help you to:

    Work with and design smart systems Model a wide variety of system components in a unified way Establish the performance of components in mechatronic systems Analyze components needed to design and control mechatronic systems

  • Prerequisites

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 3

    ENGR 3270 - KINEMAT. & DYNAM. OF MACHINES [Min Grade: D]


    [Min Grade: D]


    ENGR 3350 - CONTROL SYSTEMS [Min Grade: D]


    [Min Grade: D] )

  • Required Course Text and Other Materials

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 4

    1. Bolton, W., 2015, Mechatronics:Electronic Control Systems inMechanical and Electricalengineering Sixth Edition,Pearson/Prentice Hall, UK

    2. Lecture Notes (provided throughBlackboard)

    3. Laboratory Manuals (providedthrough Blackboard)

  • Reference Books and Information Sources

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 5

    Smaili, A. and Mrad, F., 2007, Applied Mechatronics, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Shetty, D., and Kolk, R. A., 1997, Mechatronics Systems Design, PWS Publishing: Toronto,

    Canada Alciatore, D. G., and Histand, M. B., 2003, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement

    Systems Second Edition, McGraw-Hill: Toronto, Canada. Onwubolu, G. C., 2005, Mechatronics: Principles and Applications, Elsevier: New York, USA. Other relevant textbooks within the context of the engineering design process. Textbooks from relevant completed courses Any kind of design engineering handbook.

    o An extensive collection of handbooks in electronic format is available at:UOIT Library Home PageSearch CollectionsE-Books CRCnetBase

    Relevant archived refereed journal and conference publications.o Electronic versions for various engineering journals are available at:

    UOIT Library Home PageSearch CollectionsSubject GuidesEngineering/TechnologyE-Journals

    Patent literature.o Canada: http://patents1.ic.gc.ca/intro-e.htmlo Europe: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/?locale=en_EPo USA: http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html

  • How to Contact me

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 6

    My OFFICE HOURS: ENG- 1025

    You are always welcome to drop by my office whenever I am there and

    I have time.

    Mondays 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

    Contact: Only Via Blackboard

  • TAs Information

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 7

    Name Bin Wei Shenjin Zhu

    Email bin.wei@uoit.ca Shenjin.Zhu@uoit.ca

    Office ACE 3030C ACE4030C

    Office Hours TBA TBA

    There will be Only Two Tutorials for this course

  • To do List

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 8

    Please form a team of six students for obtaining the Mindstorms Kits (borrowing contract),

    completing the Group Assignments, and the Group Design Projects.

    In order to maximize the time for communication and interaction among the members of a project

    team, it is strongly recommended that those students that are officially registered into an identical

    laboratory group join the same team!

    The submission of student group creation form is due on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 by

    11:00 PM via Blackboard messaging system to the course instructor.

    Your group must have the LEGO kits borrowing agreement printed and signed on the day of kits

    distribution. (January 21st or January 22nd depending on what day your group receives the kit).

    Please submit COMPUTER PRINTED team lists of 6 student names accompanied with their

    respective student numbers.

    Changing team members after this deadline will not be allowed!

    Please send your project team lists to the instructor via Blackboard!

    Students who have not found a team to join by the deadline stated above will be randomly placed in

    a Team created in an administrative and mandatory manner!

    You can select your group members from both sections, 001 and 014

  • Final Grade Breakdown

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 9

    1) Lab Mini projects: 5 projects, each 3% 15%

    2) Group Assignments: must be submitted online and in docx format 10%

    3) Group Design Project: report, presentation, and robot competition 35%

    4) Midterm Exam 20%

    5) Final Exam 20%

    6) Self and Peer Evaluation Sheet 00%

  • Group Assignments 10%

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 10

    The tentative schedule and marking scheme for assignments:

    Assignment # 01 2.0 marks Assignment # 02 1.4 marks Assignment # 03 1.4 marks Assignment # 04 1.4 marks Assignment # 05 1.4 marks Assignment # 06 1.4 marks Assignment # 07 1.0 marks

    Assignments must be submitted online and in docx format

  • Group Design Project 35%+ 5% Possible Bonus

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 11

    Assigned: Tuesday, February 02, 2016

    Title: Design of a Mobile Robot using Mindstorms Kit

    The mobile robot must be functional and able to detect obstacles andavoid any collisions in the competition day.

    Group work submissions (equal mark to each legitimate groupmember) is assumed for this Group Design Project!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: To embellish your design: You are allowed touse additional materials other than those provided by the design kitsbut they cannot be more expensive than $50.00 in total. Moreexpensive investments will be penalized.

  • Group Design Project Report

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 12

    Due: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 (NOTE: All groups must submit theirfinal Reports. No delays will be tolerated!)

    Submission: Submit a hard copy and a CD containing completedocumentation including codes, script, and etc.; (should be on thesame CD)

    Report FormatAbstract



    Rational(s)-(Problem Description)


    Results and Discussion



  • Group Design Project Presentation

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 13

    Date: March 29 to April 01, 2016 The first 7-volunteer-groups will present on March 29, 2016 The second 7-volunteer-groups will present on March 30, 2016 The Third 7 volunteer-groups will present on March 31, 2016 The rest will present on April 01, 2016 Details about the presentation and its marking schemes will be

    discussed after the midterm exam, for both sections 001 and 014respectively.

    One of the members in your group must send me the presentationslides only in power point format on the day of presentation not laterthan 9:00am, otherwise, your group will loose the presentationopportunity.

    All 6 members must be present on the presentation day Maximum presentation time: 8 minutes (you will be asked to abruptly

    stop presenting after your 8-minute time is up)

    Maximum 1 min for answering eventual questions from instructorand/or audience

    Your group does not have to bring the robotic design to thepresentation day. It is encouraged to provide videos and photos onthat day.

  • Group Design Project Competition Day

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 14

    Date: April 05 to April 08, 2016

    The first 7-volunteer-groups will compete on April 05, 2016

    The second 7-volunteer-groups will compete on April 06, 2016

    The Third 7 volunteer-groups will compete on April 07, 2016

    The rest will compete on April 08, 2016

    Your group must bring the robotic platform to the class on thecompetition day

    Details about the project objectives and its marking schemes will bediscussed on Thursday February 25, 2016 and Wednesday, February26, 2016, for both sections 001 and 014 respectively.

  • Group Design Project Marking Scheme

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 15

    Portion Mark

    Presentation 7%

    Report 18%

    Demonstration 10%

    Possible Bonus 5%

    Total 40%

  • Self and Peer Review Evaluation 00%

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 16

    Please read the instruction very carefully: It can be downloaded formBlackboard/Content/Self and Peer Review

    Your evaluations will be used to adjust your team members marks related to the course team work. The formula is:

    Overall Average Evaluation Score (per Individual) Non-Adjusted

    Total Mark for Team-related coursework Obtained by the Group =

    Final Mark for team-related coursework (per Individual).

    When ready, or anytime between 8:00 PM on Friday, April 08, 2016and 8:00 PM on Friday, April 15, 2016, you should fill-out the Excelsheet form, save it, attach and then submit the respective fileelectronically through a specially designed Blackboard assignmentdrop box for this purpose (the same way you submit Blackboardassignments).

  • Midterm Exam 20%

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 17

    First Choice:

    Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 17:10 to 18:30

    Library Portables UL11

    Second Choice:

    Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - 17:10 to 18:30

    University Building A1 UA

    The midterm exam includes 4 numerical and 10 Multiple Choice Questions

    Midterm Exam Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

  • Final Exam 20%

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 18

    The final exam is not Comprehensive and you will be given 3 hours to write your exam

    Only after-midterm materials will be covered

    It includes 6-8 numerical and non-numerical Questions

    There will be no MCQs

    Details will be discussed after midterm exam

  • What to do in order to succeed?

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 19

    Spend at least 8 hours of your time per week for this course

    Learn how to work in a group if you do not know how!

    Listen to your instructor carefully

    Be creative

  • James Watts Steam Engine

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 20

  • Electromechanical Systems

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 21

    Developed in 20th century

    More efficient

    Easier to Process

    Computerized Control

    Mixed Systems - Electrical and/or Electronic, and Mechanical

    Requires knowledge from different engineering fields

  • Mechatronics

    MANE3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 22

    Integrated systems

    Mechatronics Specialist

    Power output Modulation

    Energy Transmission

    Energy Conversion

    Computer Control Algorithms

    Intelligent Energy

  • Simple Example of a Mechatronic System

    MANE 3390 Mechatronics Lecture # 01 23

    Input OilOutput Oil