MAMBALAM · Speaking to the media, J. Shivakumar ... To thwart thieves targeting pre-Deepavali...

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Advt. SupplementVol. 16, No. 15 OCTOBER 15 - 21, 2017

Page II MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition October 15 - 21, 2017 CM


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Sewage treatment plants in4 neighbourhood parks soon

By Our Staff ReporterUnder the Smart City project, sewage treatment plants (STP) will

be provided in four big parks in the neighbourhood needing around10,000 liters of water a day for maintenance.

Four sewage treatment plants of 40,000 liters, 20,000 liters and10,000 liters have been planned for Natesan Park, Jeeva Park,Kodambakkam Park and CIT Nagar Park respectively.

According to a Corporation official, the estimated project cost is Rs.40 lakhs, Rs. 35 lakhs and Rs. 29 lakhs for the 40 kl., 20 kl. and 10 kl.plants respectively.

He said that the tender has already been floated and the work willstart in a month. The STP plants will tap the underwater sewagesystem for daily water requirements.

He said that the process, which uses ‘Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor’method to convert raw sewage into treated water, will remove floatingmaterial and oil from the water in the sewers and it will undergoanaerobic breakdown.

The treated sewage will be further treated using chlorine.The residue will undergo further processing to be used as manure.According to the official, Anna Nagar Bougainvillea Park and Herbal

Park in Otteri already have such a facility.

Students visit neighbourhoodpolice stations

Students from neighbourhood schools visited 11 police stations in T.Nagar district which includes Mambalam, K. K. Nagar, Ashok Nagar,MGR Nagar, Kodambakkam, Vadapalani and nearby areas as part of‘Joy of Giving Week’.

The police officials greeted the students, briefed them on the role ofpolice, functioning of firearms and operation of communication equip-ment. The students also interacted with officials and enjoyed their visit.

Free class on ‘Shortcuts in Maths’today

G. Manoharan will conduct a class on ‘Shortcuts in Mathematics’ forstudents in the 5 to 15 age group, from 10 a.m to 12.30 p.m, on Sunday,Oct. 15 in Circle Library, 11th Avenue, Ashok Nagar.

More details can be had in 2371 9319 or 98418 82138.

Talk on Thiru Arutpa on TuesdayUnder the auspices of Vallalar Sanmarga

Sangam (V.O.C Street, MGR Nagar, Ph: 9445343706), Kolapakkam Santhanam will give adiscourse on ‘Thiru Arutpa – õœ÷ô£˜õœ÷ô£˜õœ÷ô£˜õœ÷ô£˜õœ÷ô£˜è£†´‹ Ý¡ñ «ïò‹è£†´‹ Ý¡ñ «ïò‹è£†´‹ Ý¡ñ «ïò‹è£†´‹ Ý¡ñ «ïò‹è£†´‹ Ý¡ñ «ïò‹’ Tuesday, Oct. 17, inSakthi Vinayagar Temple (P. T. Rajan Salai,K. K. Nagar).

All are welcome.

Silt removed from storm waterdrain left on road margin

The silt removed from storm water drainshas been put in plastic gunny bags and left onthe road margin in P. T. Rajan Salai, K. K.Nagar.

According to nearby residents, the bags con-taining the silt have not been removed for over10 days. The photo was taken on Oct. 11.

Heaps of earth, construction debris and driedbranches dumped at the junction of PeriyarSalai and Habibullah Road, T. Nagar have notbeen removed for several weeks.

They are not only blocking the pavement butalso 1/4th of the carriageway causing hindranceto pedestrians and motorists. The nearbyresidents have complained that passers-byhave converted the spot into an open urinal.

Periyar Salai-HabibullahRoad junction used as

dumping yard





FREEVol. 16, No. 15 October 15 - 21, 2017

By Our Staff ReporterMambalam Railway Protec-

tion Force is distributing pam-phlets among passengers tocreate awareness about thesecurity arrangements madeon account of Deepavali rush.

L. Karthikeyan (Sub-In-spector, Mambalam RPF) toldMambalam Times that 8CCTV cameras are operatingin the station to monitor thecrowd.

He said that additional RPFpersonnel and an inspector andwomen sub-inspector havealso been deployed.

Routine inspection is alsodone to ensure that passen-gers do not carry crackers andother inflammable items intrains.

Passengers in need of helpcan contact RPF in toll freenos. 182 or 1512.

RPF strengthens security in MambalamRPF strengthens security in MambalamRailway Station

SI Yashini, 1st transgenderin police, joins duty

in ChoolaimeduBy Our Staff Reporter

Of the many new sub-inspectorswho joined duty on Oct. 9, K. PrithikaYashini’s day one was different.

She walked into ChoolaimeduPolice Station at 5 p.m amidst ahorde of media persons waiting totake her pictures and interview her.

Donning the khaki uniform with across-belt, Yashini, the country’sfirst sub-inspector from thetranssexual community, took

charge as Sub-Inspector (Lawand Order) in ChoolaimeduPolice Station.

She was welcomed heartilyand wished well by the staff inthe police station.

Speaking to the media, J.Shivakumar (Crime Inspector)said that she will be treated ona par with other policepersonnel. He said that herpresence will also help inhandling transgenders in theirjurisdiction. “This is my dreamjob. I have crossed severalhurdles to achieve my aim. Iwill not act in a biased mannerand treat all equally but acttough on those who violate the

law,” said Yashini. She is anative of Salem and left herfamily to come to Chennai in2011. She had earlier workedfor a hospital and an NGO.

In 2015, Yashini had movedthe court after her applicationfor the Tamilnadu UniformedServices Recruitment Boardwas rejected as it did not haveany category for the thirdgender. The first bench of theMadras High Court came toYashini’s rescue by pointingout that the recruitment boardhad not provided the thirdgender category despite adirection from the SupremeCourt.

Police install 5 face detectioncameras in T. Nagar

By Our Staff ReporterTo thwart thieves targeting pre-Deepavali shoppers in the

overcrowded streets of T. Nagar, police have installed 400cameras, five of which are equipped with face-detectiontechnology, and connected them to a system with identificationsoftware. The cameras have been placed in strategic locationsin South Usman Road, North Usman Road, RanganathanStreet, near Pothys junction and Pondy Bazaar.

The policemen monitoring the live CCTV feeds will be alertedif the images of any of the 500 habitual offenders and history-sheeters stored in the system is picked up by any of the fivecameras.

According to a senior police official, the system can integrateexisting video surveillance systems and match faces in real-time against a watch list of individuals to trigger an alert.

The facility was inaugurated by A. K. Vishwanathan (ChennaiPolice Commissioner). He said that more than 1,000 policemenhave been deployed to control and monitor the crowd andprevent untoward incidents.

“In addition, there are five watch towers and three policebooths in and around T. Nagar,” he added.

Besides the existing emergency numbers, public can contact94981 62626 for assistance.

Automatic lights, water meterspart of Smart City project

in T. NagarBy Our Staff Reporter

17 projects estimated to costRs. 324 crores including smartparking management system,automatic streetlights, watermeters, bicycle sharing facil-ity, tapping solar energy forpower needs and an integratedcontrol centre were clearedunder the Chennai Smart Cityproject on Oct. 11.

As part of the project, 12,708households in the neighbour-hood with Metrowater connec-tion will get automatic meterreading (AMR) technology at acost of Rs. 9.5 crores to stream-line billing of water supply.

Installation of 251 electro-magnetic flow meters has beenproposed for calculating thequantum of water received

from reservoirs, treated andsupplied to consumers.

To reduce power consump-tion and staff dependency, theCorporation proposes to installremotely-monitored streetlights which will automaticallyswitch on in the night andswitch off during day time.

A total of 4,091 such lightswill be introduced in areas of T.Nagar under zone 10.

The lights will be controlledby 134 feeder boxes, with theentire project costing Rs.7.98crores.

The Corporation will also in-stall solar cells in the terracesof 1,378 govt. buildings to gen-erate 5 megawatt peak powerat a capital cost of Rs. 33.83crores.

Corporation intensifies fight againstdengue

By Our Staff ReporterChennai Corporation on Oct. 11 announced its plan to split

city homes into 2,035 blocks and carry out dengue preven-tionmeasures.

It will employ 500 one-man teams for the purpose which willcover 10.17 lakh homes.

The decision was taken at a review meeting chaired byMunicipal Administration Minis-ter S. P. Velumani inMetrowater headquarters.

The Editor and Staff of

Mambalam Times

Wish You A Happy Deepavali!23,000 copies of this edition aredelivered FREE every Sunday!



Page 2 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition



October 15 - 21, 2017

Sai bhajans on SaturdaysSai bhajans are conducted at 6.15 p.m on Saturdays in Sri

Sathya Sai Organization, Ashok Nagar Samithi (143, 101st

Street, 15th Sector, K. K. Nagar). All are welcome.More details can be had from T. S. Mani (Convenor) in phones

2489 7017 and 98843 92244.In Bharathidasan ColonyBharathidasan Colony Bhajan Mandali (18-D,

Bharathidasan Colony, K. K. Nagar) conducts Sri Sathya Saibhajans from 6.30 p.m to 7.30 p.m on Saturdays in its pre-mises. All are welcome.

More details can be had in phone 94448 25183.

Tamil Cinema & Music - 74S. Balachandar made a mark in 1941 with ‘Rishya Shringar’

whichwas one of the big hits of the year and fondly rememberedafter morethan seventy years. Produced by one of the pioneersof South IndianCinema, now sadly forgotten, S. Soundararajanof Tamil Nadu Talkies,this mythological movie was directed bythe noted lawyer-turned-filmmaker T. G. Raghavachari. Asuccessful Madras High Court lawyer,he was active in theearly decades of Tamil Cinema writing anddirecting but claim-ing no credit for the work done! That was a periodwhen cinemawas considered a dirty word in whichsuccessful lawyers werenot expected to be involved.

Raghavacharipreferred to be anonymous in the many mov-ies he worked until 1943 whenthe Indian movie mogul S. S.Vasan insisted that his nameshould appear in the credit titlesin ‘Mangamma Sabatham’. Not fullyconvinced and yet unableto stand the pressure of the boss, theknowledgeable filmmakercalled himself ‘Acharya’.

During his dayRaghavachari was the most knowledgeableman in South Indian Cinema andnot many are aware that hedirected a good part of the Gemini colossalcelluloid extrava-ganza ‘Chandralekha’ (1948). He also directedanother majorsuccess of 1949, ‘Apoorva Sahotharargal’. It was thesuccessfuladaptation of the famous Alexander Dumas novel andHollywoodhit movie of early 1940s, ‘The Corsican Brothers’.

Vasundhara Devi, the glamour girl of her day and mother ofVyjayanthimala, was the female lead in ‘Rishya Shringar’andanother newcomer Ranjan played the title role. Balachanderplayed theyoung Rishya Shringar who is brought up by a sageaway from it all andwith no contact whatsoever with thefemale of the species. Expectedlythe film was a musical andhad nearly twenty songs. PapanasamRajagopala Iyer, brotherof the legendary Papanasam Sivan, wrotethe lyrics. Music wascomposed by Sarma Brothers and Chittoor V. Nagaiah whowas an intimate friend of the producer SoundararajanandRaghavachari.

Sarma Brothers were talented musicians and violin playerswho workedfor some time for All India Radio, Madras. Duringthe earlydecades of Tamil Cinema, they composed the back-ground music score andtook charge of the orchestration forsong composing in many films ofthat period. Sadly, few remem-ber them today.

Balachander sang four songs in the film and all of themproved quitepopular. He was hardly fourteen when this filmwasproduced and yet his singing was of a high order revealingmaturity in melody and voice control. The songs were‘Suprajyothisooryan’ (raga Maund) ‘Ennarumai maaney’’(ragaBilaval, the song was an adaptation of a Hindi film tune),‘Paapapahari Duridhari’ (raga Bhimplas) and ‘Idhuvumenpunyamey’ (raga Tilang).

During the writing of a special article on this film during1990s,this writer heard all the four songs played on thegramophone records, thanks to the kind gesture of his good pal,dance and film criticV. A. K Ranga Rao. While listening to thesongs VAKstrongly feltthat the voice could be that of hisbrother Rajam, for a boy of fourteen could not singwith thatkind of maturity and voice culture and control. This writerknewBalachander well and had worked with him on a project but, asBalachander wasthen not alive, he spoke to Rajam. Rajamconfirmed at oncethat the voice and singing were those of hisdear departed brotherChandru.

Balachandar attracted attention with the success of ‘RishyaShringar’. As he was then at school, his father, theMylaporelawyerV. Sundaram Iyer was not keen that his son shoulddilutehis interest in studies by acting in movies. However, he wasalsointerested in his son making a mark in movies, a medium inwhichthe lawyer was interested as a creative art form.

(To be continued)

Discourse on‘༈î¤ó ð²ðî¤à¼ˆî¤ó ð²ðî¤à¼ˆî¤ó ð²ðî¤à¼ˆî¤ó ð²ðî¤à¼ˆî¤ó ð²ðî¤ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜’tomorrowBy Our Staff Reporter

Panampattu RavichandranGanapathidasan will give adiscourse on ‘༈î¤ó ð²ð༈î¤ó ð²ð༈î¤ó ð²ð༈î¤ó ð²ð༈î¤ó ð²ðî¤ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜ï£òù£˜’ from 6.45 p.m to 8p.m on Monday, Oct. 16, inKasi Viswanathar Temple(Kupp-aiah Street, WestMambalam).

It has been organized by‘Þ¬øðE‚èöè Üø‚èÞ¬øðE‚èöè Üø‚èÞ¬øðE‚èöè Üø‚èÞ¬øðE‚èöè Üø‚èÞ¬øðE‚èöè Üø‚è†ì¬÷’.†ì¬÷’.†ì¬÷’.†ì¬÷’.†ì¬÷’.

All are welcome More detailscan be had in 92836 00628.

Gita discourse inEnglish onTuesdayBy Our Staff Reporter

Swamini SatyavratanandaSaraswati will give a discoursein English on ‘Gita Bashyam’at 6 p.m on Tuesday, Oct. 17 inKesari High School, PondyBazaar, next to GRT GrandDays, T. Nagar.

For more details, callAkshara Vidya Trust in 24328087.

Habitual chainsnatcher held

L. Manikandan (22), whowas wanted in several chainand mobile snatching incidents,was arrested by Saidapetpolice on Oct. 8, based onevidence from a CCTV camerarecording from a recent case.

On Sept. 30, at around 8 p.m,he had snatched a 3-sovereignchain from Sasikala when shewas walking on Anna Salai,near Buhari Hotel on her wayhome from office.

She lodged a complaint withJ-1 Saidapet Police Station.

The police identified the chainsnatcher from the CCTV grabof a camera located in a buildingopposite the location of thecrime.Around 10 sovereigns ofjewellery were recovered fromhim. He has been remanded tojudicial custody.

According to the police,further investigation is on inidentifying his accomplices asthey suspect the involvementof a gang.

By Our Staff ReporterRadhatri Nethralaya

(12, Hindi PracharaSabha Street, T. Nagar,Ph: 2433 2229, 24311550, 94454 38681)conducted its 8th annualDeepavali workshop onfirst aid for crackerinjuries to the eyes onOct. 10.

72 students and 36teachers attended theworkshop.

Dr. Vasumathy Veda-ntham (Medical Direc-tor, Radhatri Nethra-laya) explained the

Workshop on first aid for crackerinjuries held

different types of cracker injuries and demonstrated the first aid methods.The students were given first aid kits and brochures to be distributed in their schools.

By Our Staff ReporterGarbage is not cleared

regularly from the binskept near the EBtransformer in 79th

Street, Ashok Nagar.The street’s residents

told Mambalam Timesthat a large pile of driedleaves and branchesdumped near the bin hasnot been removed formore than a week.

They are worried thatthe heap may catch fireduring Deepavali due tobursting of crackersleading to disastrous

Appeal to remove dried foliage from79th Street, Ashok Nagar

consequences as it is near a transformer. They have appealed to Chennai Corporation toimmediately clear the dried foliage along with the overflowing garbage from the bins.

Sri Saradhadevi Sanga (K. K. Nagar) donated Rs. 25,000 andgifted new clothes to the orphanage in Chitamur on Oct. 10 aspart of Deepavalli celebrations.

Swami Abavarganandha (Editor, Sri RamakrishnarVijayam, Sri Ramakrishna Mutt) also attended the program.

He gave a religious discourse on the occasion.

Saradhadevi Sanga donatesRs. 25,000, new clothes to orphanage

Sai bhajans onFridaysBy Our Staff Reporter

Sai bhajans are conductedon Fridays, from 6.15 p.m to7.15 p.m in Sri KrishnanTemple, Thanikachalam Road,Pondy Bazaar, T. Nagar.

All are welcome.

Study conductedon altruismin medical studentsBy Our Staff Reporter

S. Sanjai, a final year studentin ESIC Medical College andPGIMSR, K. K. Nagar, wasthe lead author of the article‘Altruism in medical students’published recently in IndianJournal of Medical Ethics.

He was part of the teamthat conducted a cross-sectional study in trackingaltruistic behaviour among224 MBBS students in medicalcolleges in Chennai.

He told Mambalam Timesthat the study revealed thatless than half of them engagein simple acts of altruism suchas donating to charity. Onlyaround 30% had donated blood.Around 25% engaged them-selves in humanitarian actslike offering a seat to an elderlyperson or helping a stranger indistress.

He said that the study wasconducted through a question-naire with a set of 20 situationsthat assessed their tendencyto help others.

The study was vetted by apanel of doctors, sociologistsand psychologists.

According to Dr. Vijaya-prasad Gopichandran (Asst.Professor, ESIC College), inthe prevalent educationalsystem, empathy andaltruism get sidelined becauseof the high emphasis on thecurriculum.

The pressure of the curri-culum and competition forsurvival often blind thestudents to poverty, suffering,death, deprivation and penurythat they see in the society.

Proper mentorship inmedical education is the orderof the day, he said.

Sanjai told MambalamTimes that a copy of the studyhas also been submitted to theDirectorate of Medical Edu-cation.

A newwall is beingconstructedalong ther a i l w a ytrack nearMambalamHigh Road(near Dur-a i s a m yS u b w a yS e r v i c eLane ) in

New wall along track nearMambalam High Road

T. Nagar. The old wall had collapsed a couple of months back.

Page 3MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar EditionOctober 15 - 21, 2017

If anything interesting

is happening in your

neighbourhood please


Mambalam Times.

By Our Staff ReporterDharani Ramakrishnan (resident

of West Mambalam and Founder,Saraswathi Natyalaya) wasfelicitated recently by the Trustees ofSri Mahalakshmi Temple (BesantNagar) for her achievements in thefield of Bharatanatyam for more than30 years.

She has given numerous

Bharatanatyam teacherfelicitated

performances in well known sabhas, temples and dancefestivals.

Many of her disciples have become professional performersand teachers. She also organises programs for her students inschools, colleges and other venues.

Her contact number is 98417 39168.

Chain snatchersram scooter, robwoman riderBy Our Staff Reporter

Two men on a motorcyclesnatched a 13-sovereign chainworth Rs. 3 lakhs from a womanriding a scooter on Anna flyoverand fled from the spot at around9.45 p.m on Oct. 9.

She lodged a complaint inTeynampet Police Station.

The incident happened onAnna flyover when M. Latha(44) had picked her daughterfrom tuition class inKodambakkam and was ridingback to her house in GanapathyStreet (Gopalapuram).

She told the police that asshe neared the end of the flyoveron Saidapet side, she and herdaughter fell down when a 2-wheeler hit her scooter frombehind. “We were stunned bythe fall and the offenders tookadvantage of our confusion andapproached us. Even as wethought they were approachingto apologize and help, theysnatched my chain and spedaway before either of us couldreact or raise an alarm,” shesaid.

Latha and her daughtersustained bruises in the handsand received treatment in ahospital nearby.

The Teynampet police haveobtained security camerafootage from commercialestablishments near the endof the flyover near DMSComplex, where the robberyhappened. They have alsosought CCTV camera footagefrom US Consulate General toidentify the suspects.

Further investigations areon.

By Our StaffReporter

Firemen from T.Nagar Fire &Rescue Stationdemon-stratedtechniques on howto control minorfires caused byburning crackersor otherwise in SriRKM SaradaVidyalaya Matr-iculation School,MuthuranganSalai, T. Nagar onOct. 12.

The team was

Simple fire control methods demonstratedin school

led by G. Selvaraj (Station Fire Officer, T. Nagar).Selvaraj gave a talk on the safe method of bursting crackers and the precautions to be taken.He explained that even a minor fire can lead to a major disaster and should be con-tained

immediately.He also advised against self-medication and said those who sustain injuries when bursting

crackers should see a doctor or visit a hospital.

Krishna Sweets offers specialsweets/savories for Deepavali

Free skill development coursefor women customers of CanaraBank from Oct. 23By Our Staff Reporter

Sugha Public Welfare Association (5th Block, BharathidasanColony, K. K. Nagar) will conduct a free ‘Skill DevelopmentCourse’ exclusively for women customers of Canara Bankfrom 10 a.m to 1 p.m from Oct. 23 to 26 in its premises.

The training is sponsored by Canara Bank.The classes will be conducted by Uma Raj (Founder). She will

teach how to make paper bags, laundry bags, dustbins, clothfolders and other items.

For registration, call Uma Raj in 95001 48840.

Free Sandhyavandanam classeson weekends

Free Sandhyavandanam classes are conducted on Saturdaysand Sundays at 8 a.m in Guha Apartments, 28,Vivekanandapuram First Street, West Mambalam.

The mantras are explained and taught with swaras.For registration email or

contact Venkatraman in 98403 20005, 98403 29995.

Talk on ‘PositiveThoughts’on SundayBy Our Staff Reporter

Jaimaa Friends Club (a wingof Jaimaa Trust, 1st Floor,Vengeesh Apartments, 16,Karuneegar Street, Vada-palani) has organised a talkfollowed by an interactivesession on ‘Positive Thoughts’in Tamil from 4 p.m to 6 p.m onSunday, Oct. 22 in its premises.

There will be discussion onhow to manage stress and otherrelated problems with positivethoughts in the daily walk oflife. It is open to all age groups.

All are welcome. More detailscan be had in 99400 30939.

By Our Staff ReporterSri Krishna Sweets (53,

Venkatanarayana Road, T.Nagar, Ph: 99400 92950,98402 23489) and all its otheroutlets in the city will be openfor 48 hours from 6 a.m onMonday, Oct. 16 to 6 a.m onWednesday, Oct. 18 forDeepavali.

It is offering a speciallydesigned tin box of assortedsweets and savories forDeepavali during this period.

The box contains mysurpa,Bombay halwa, sonpapdi, kaimurukku, athirasam, maalaadu, mixture, thattai, andsweet and sal seedai. HolyGanga water, special Deepa-vali legiyam, scented powder,

herbal oil and prasadam areoffered free with the tin.

It will also serve hot jelabis,gulab jamoon, freshly preparedmurukku/thattai and tiffinitems in its restaurants.

10% discount is offered on allitems for purchases madebetween 11 p.m and 5 a.m.

200 varieties of sweets, 75varieties of savouries and giftboxes and dry fruits packed indecorative and artistic boxeswill be available.

Gift cheques are available indenominations of Rs.100, Rs.200, Rs. 300 and Rs. 500.

For more details, contact thetoll free number 1800 102 2343or visit

Sai bhajanprogramsin T. Nagar andMambalam

Sri Sathya Sai Samiti con-ducts Sai bhajans every weekin the following venues in T.Nagar and Mambalam.

T. Nagar:Sai Keshav Hall, 157, G. N.

Chetty Road (near PanagalPark, Vijaya Bank building):Saturdays, 5 p.m.

Ayurvedasramam, 155, G.N. Chetty Road (near PanagalPark): Mondays, 6 p.m.

50/38, Motilal Street (oppo-site Ranganathan Street):Wednesdays, 6 p.m.

Muthumaari AmmanTemple, South Boag Road:Mondays, 6.30 p.m

Mambalam:12A/27, Thambiah Road,

West Mambalam: Saturdays,5.15 p.m.

Vallabha GanapathyTemple, Arya Gowda Road,West Mambalam: Fridays,6.30 p.m.

Murugashramam, SrinivasaPillai Street, West Mambalam:Second Tuesdays, 6 p.m.

For registration, please call94456 11333 or 94447 73926.

All are welcome. The Samitialso sells books on Sai litera-ture and CDs of Sai bhajans.

Humour Clubmeets todayafternoonBy Our Staff Reporter

Humour Club of T. Nagar (1,Guild Street, T. Nagar, behindSiva Vishnu Temple) will holda humour meeting on Sunday,Oct. 15, at 4 p.m in its premises.

All are welcome to parti-cipate and share their jokes.

For membership and otherdetails, contact S. Sekar(Founder) in 97907 75571.

ISKCON programin Mambalam on SaturdaysBy Our Staff Reporter

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness(ISKCON), Injambakkam, conducts ‘Bakthi Vriksha’programs from 7 p.m to 9 p.m on Saturdays at 28, South K.R. Koil Street, West Mam-balam.

The program includes bhajans, congregational chanting andBhagwad Gita classes. More details can be had in phone 23713606 or from Ranga Krishna Das (2474 4900, 98400 27800).

All are welcome.



Page 4 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition October 15 - 21, 2017

Advertise in the Classified Columns: Mambalam-T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar- K.K.Nagar Editions:Rs. 500 (upto 30 words); Bold letters: Rs. 750 Display: Rs. 270per column centimeter. Advertisements will be received upto 1 p.m on Thursday.



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ruction- (1) Alltypes of new build-ing construction.(2) Renovation. (3)Weathering cour-ase leak & repair.(4) Best quality andlowest price. Ph:99415 23230, 48633230.


COMPUTERS & Laptops.Sales / service, CCTV camerainstallation, printers, UPS,server, monitor, networking,softwares, websites &upgradation. Contact: ShineSystems & Solutions. Ph:98401 53301.


coaching, reputedacademy byqualified faculties.10 students onlyper batch. Ph: 9962084275, 98419 67725.RESULT oriented tuition

for Mathematics, Chemistry,Biology, Accountancy,English, Hindi, Science,Economics, all levels,experienced tutors, hometuition, fees Rs. 800/ hour,monthly fees Rs. 6400 /subject, motivation is the key!,Ph: 94447 71981.

SADHANA CoachingCentre (Estd. 1979), GunturSubbiah School T. Nagar.Classes for std. 9, 10, +1, +2(all boards & subjects), Maths,Physics, Chemistry, Busi-ness Maths, Accountancy,English & French. Ph: 9444059108, 94894 23000, 9791153935, 2434 0873.





useful tips, watch our VaranVenduma program in MakkalTV, every Sunday morning on10th September from 10.30a.m – 11.00 a.m, – (for Brahmins), (for allcaste), differently abeld – allreligions) N. Panchapakesan.Ph: 98403 30531.MUSIC & DANCEMUSIC & DANCEMUSIC & DANCEMUSIC & DANCEMUSIC & DANCE

MRIDANGAM (basic/advanced) classes taken.Interested may contact: N.C.Bharadwaj, Ph: 98403 12084,98403 12893.

SIVAN arts academy offersvocal, veenai, mridangam,violin, keyboard,bharthanatyam, advanceclass personally. Contact:Kalaimamani Dr. RukminiRamani. Ph: 98403 48638.


S B Packers & Movers:local & any where in India,safe & secure, free insurance,0% damage. Ph: 97908 72957,78715 86301.

RAINBOW Packers &Movers, local shifting,minimum cost Rs. 4000,Chennai, Tamil Nadu,Hyderabad, Bangalore,Mumbai, & all over India, cartransport, 100% safe, door todoor. Ph: 96002 96873, 9840365122. Email:

MAMBALAM Ajjay Packers& Moovers for shifting in localwithin Chennai minimum Rs.3800, insurance free. Chennai,Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune,Mumbai, New Delhi, all overIndia. 0% damage. Ph: 7358170399, 98409 47503, 65551142. Email:

MAMBALAM SVL Packers& Movers for shifting, Local.Insurance free, door to door.Chennai, Mumbai, Pune,Delhi, Hyderabad, Kerala,Bangalore and all over India.Just dial and relax. Ph: 9841044422, 93831 44422, 32514422. Email:s v l p a c k e r s & m o v e r Website:svlpackersandmovers.coms.

KVT packers & movers,household items, office thingsshifting, machineries moving,door to door, all over India. Ph:98402 60307.



optees, NRI, HNI, CA, Doctorfor MNC company. Ph: 9543842030, 88258 05207.

MNC requires ladygraduates, aged 30+, salaryupto Rs. 19000, priorexperience not mandatory. Forinterview, call Ph: 9841457437, 86104 76341.


recliner sofas repairing &reconditioning at verymoderate charges. Contact:K.N.S. Rajan, New No. 58,Peters Road, Royapettah. Ph:93818 03956, 76671 33233.


(1) Nov 29 – Dec 2: NavaTirupathi & Kaisiga Ekadasi.(2) Dec 9 – 14: Cholanadu (40)Temples. (3) Nov 26:Shogathur, Avaniapuram,Ingeemedu (6) Temples (4)Jan 5 – 8: Ahobilam NavaNarasimhar. (5) Jan 24 – 29:Malai Nadu (Kerla) Temple.Vaidehi Partha Sarathy, Ph:94447 62968, 94447 54468,99401 47313.

Oil companies should weed out corruption from LPG distribution systemSir, I am a Bharat Gas consumer. Recently,

I received an SMS from the company BharatPetroleum Corporation Ltd, asking me tovisit the website of CVC (Central VigilanceCommission) at www:// andregister for ‘Integrity Pledge’ and be part ofthe corruption-free India movement.

I am sure similar messages must havebeen received by the consumers of other oilcompanies like Indianoil and Hindustan Pe-troleum. While the need of the hour is to rootout corruption, every citizen has a role toplay. Merely sending out messages to theLPG consumers, who are the worst hit be-cause of the prevalence of corruption in oilcompanies and asking them to be vigilant isnot an end in itself.

Aside from inculcating this aspect in their ownemployees, the oil companies must ensure thattheir distributors take the pledge and strictlyabide by the same.

Prior to the introduction of crediting the sub-sidy amount to the accounts of the consumersdirectly, the distributors made a killing by di-verting cylinders of those whose off take wasless than the quantity earmarked under thesubsidized category.

Even today, one cannot rule out suchactivities. Further, the distributors compel thoseconsumers who apply for new connections tobuy various items from them. Seldom do the oilcompanies take action against distributorswhen consumers prefer complaints. K. Harihar,T. Nagar

Milling prevents increase in road levelsSir, I was crestfallen to see videos of the

historical and well maintained Sri MeenakshiSundareswarar Temple (Madurai) gettingdirty due to inundation by rain water over-flowing from the streets surrounding thetemple following the recent heavyrains. According to media reports, rain waterentered the temple as the roads surroundingit are at elevated levels.

While painstaking efforts would have beenundertaken to clean the temple, MaduraiCorporation should learn a hard lesson fromthe incident. Though there are well laid outmethods to re-lay roads to ensure that thelevels do not go up, Corporations do not followthem. Similar is the situation in Mambalamand T. Nagar where there are a number of

decades-old residences. When these were constructed, the road levels

were as per the prescribed norms. Following there-laying of the roads over the years withoutmilling, the road levels have gone up, in somecases by almost 6 to 12 inches. As a result, thelow-lying apartments and houses get inundatedduring rains. In these apartments, the electricalfittings and fixtures installed in the ground flooralso get submerged forcing TNEB to suspendpower supply. The waterlogging is further com-pounded by poorly maintained storm waterdrains.

The officials must ensure that roads are neverrelaid without milling and storm water drains aredesilted well before the monsoon. V. S.Jayaraman, 31, Motilal Street, T. Nagar

Reducing penalty not solution to regularization of unauthorised property

Sir, Following the poor response to theregularization scheme, which seeks to pro-vide relief to those who possess unauthorizedplots by paying a penalty, the TamilnaduGovernment, it was stated, is seriously con-sidering lowering the penalty to 15%from 25%.

It was further stated that there are about14 lakh unapproved plots and only 20,000applications have been filed for regulariza-tion.

The regularization scheme is akin to that ofamnesty giving an opportunity to thecitizen to fall in line with the rules by payinga penalty. In fact, bringing in the regulariza-tion scheme is a wrong move as it circum-

vents the rules. And, bringing down the penaltyfurther would amount to whittling down the verypolicy. Already, the government has committeda wrong by coming out with the schemeand bringing further down the penalty just toappease the unapproved plot-owners wouldamount to more wrongdoing. Two wrongs don’tmake a right. It does not augur well for a govern-ment to bend over backwards just to make thecitizen comply with the rules.

There is no guarantee that reducing thepenalty will attract more applicants. Instead ofbring down the penalty amount, what the gov-ernment must do is to act with an iron hand andtake punitive action against offenders. V. S.Jayaraman, 31, Motilal Street, T. Nagar

Exposed EB cables continue to pose danger in 18th Street, Ashok NagarSir, This has reference to the report ‘Joined

and exposed EB cables pose danger in18th Street, K. K. Nagar’ published inMambalam Times (Sept. 17-23 issue).

In this regard I wish to say that after thereport was published and the residents alsosent several reminders to the authoritiesconcerned, no action has been taken by EB.

With the monsoon fast approaching, there

is a grave danger of electrocution to unwarypassersby.

When will the authorities wake up to thedanger? Or is it waiting for an untoward incidentto occur?

I once again appeal to the EB authorities toimmediately replace the cables or at least insu-late the joints and run them underground. P.Saravanan, K. K. Nagar

Rotary Club donates 10 laptops to govt.aided school

By Our StaffReporter

Rotary Clubof ChennaiEast, R. A.Puram, do-nated 10laptops to C. D.N a y a g a mGovernmentBoys’ HighSchool, Ven-katanarayanaRoad, T. Nagarlast week.

They were sponsored by Ford Motors. Rotary District Governor Srinivasan was the ChiefGuest The Club is willing to provide assistance to needy schools in the city.

School heads may contact the Club in 98402 20500.

Couple held for cheatinglocal traderBy Our Staff Reporter

Central Crime Branch police arrested acouple on Oct. 9, for cheating Vencobb chickensupplier Mahesh Kumar Jadhav of T. Nagarby submitting fake bills and receipts worthRs.1.5 crore over a period of 10 years from2005 to 2015.

The arrested were identified as T. Rajendran(43) and R. Nagarajothi (39), residents ofThudiyalur in Coimbatore.

The two, who managed to evade arrest forthe past two years, were finally caught whenthey resurfaced in Coimbatore on Oct. 10.

They were brought to Chennai and remandedto judicial custody.

Keep your neighbourhoodclean and green.


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Page 5MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar EditionOctober 15 - 21, 2017 CM


Classified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required,Old Age Home, Marriage hall, Mini Hall, Real Estate Buying & Selling) andRental will be published on this page. The charges are Rs. 700 (upto 30words); Bold Rs.1000. Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar & Mambalam- T.Nagar

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Mahadevan Street (StateBank Building), 2 Halls –Kamakshi Mini Hall A/c (100guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c(200 guests). Ph: 4351 2233,4351 2556, 99404 54545,94450 AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMESUKHA Shanthi Nilayam,

a senior citizens home,exclusively for Brahmins atKovilambakkam, bed riddenare also looked after withattenders. Ph: 87544 89902,4550 0117.


WANTED land inMadipakkam, Nan-ganallur, Keel-katalai, Kovilam-bakkam, jointventures, outrightpurchase, no brok-ers, Chennai foun-dation. Ph: 9551266535, 98843 60777.REAL ESTATEREAL ESTATEREAL ESTATEREAL ESTATEREAL ESTATE


Road, near Shivaji GaneshanHouse, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 950 sq.ft, UDS 435sq.ft, covered car park, priceRs. 1.15 crores. Ph: 9566250347.

T.NAGAR, Thanika-chalam Road, near PondyBazzar, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, open car park, North-East corner, old flat, nobrokers. Ph: 98842 22920.

WEST MAMBALAM,Brindavan Street, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, wood work, 920sq.ft, 2nd floor, lift, car parking,Ph: 95667 09900, 9840990817.


Avenue, posh, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, Contact: HanuReddy Reality. Ph: 8939960345, 4399 9500.


Aziz Nagar 2nd Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, rent Rs. 15000, visit on15.10.2017 from 10 a.m. Ph:89394 86305.

T. NAGAR,16/7, TanjoreRoad, 900 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 3rd floor, lift, opencar park, 2 big balconies, Eastfacing, rent Rs. 20000. Ph:98417 20053.

WEST MAMBALAM, 6,Sankara Narayana Flat, E-8,Kuppaiah Street, 2 bedrooms,hall, modular kitchen, 740sq.ft, 3rd floor, fully furnished,2-wheeler parking, rent Rs.15000 (negotiable). Ph: 9600046501.

WEST MAMBALAM, 23/42, Postal Colony 3rd Street, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1500sq.ft, lift, car park, 24 hourswater, Brahmins / vegetariansonly. Contact: CaptainRaman. Ph: 98400 95585.

T. NAGAR, 11/1, SubwayRoad, near C.I.T. Nagar, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 600sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheelerparking. Ph: 94449 39270,95662 72798.

WEST MAMBALAM, 108/6, Lake View Road, 3 largerooms, 1 small room, spaciouskitchen, 2 bathrooms, 1st floor,metro / bore water, 2-wheelerparking, visit: 5 p.m to 7 p.m.Ph: 93100 94067, 9500052490.

K. K. NAGAR (West), 57/1049, Munusamy Salai, nearLeading School, 1400 sq.ft,independent 1st floor house,covered car park, 24 hourswater, rent Rs. 25000,vegetarians preferred. Ph:94440 58961.

WEST MAMBALAM, 14/48A, Janakiraman Street, nearDuraisamy Subway, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100sq.ft, 1st floor, bore water, nocar park, rent Rs. 18000,Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 99400 29283, 2253 1550.

WEST MAMBALAM, 1/1,Mahadevan Street, 2bedrooms flat, 975 sq.ft, 1st

floor, semi furnished, rentRs.18000. Brahmins only.Rajan. Ph: 93825 24740.

ASHOK NAGAR, 10/4, 50th

Street, near Postal Colony, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,dining, verandah, 1100 sq.ft,1st floor, covered car parking,rent Rs.18000. advance 5months, Brahmins, no brokers.Ph: 2489 1929.

ASHOK NAGAR, 5, 41st

Street, 6th Avenue, 40 feetRoad, 2000 sq.ft, ground floor,spacious car parking, separateentrance, suitable for office/software. Ph: 94449 14083.

T.NAGAR, 25/11, GiriRoad,2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 980 sq.ft, 1st floor,lift, CCTV, security, carparking, no water problems,rent Rs. 24000. no brokers.Ph: 91766 60927, 9884406067.

WEST MAMBALAM, 47-D/26, Rajagopal Street,opposite Sathya NarayanaTemple, 3 bedrooms flat, hall,kitchen, 1st floor, 1300 sq.ft, 4toilets, small car park, purevegetarians, rent Rs. 22000,24 hours water, Ph: 8248790680, 99620 93988.

WEST MAMBALAM, 12,Krupashankari Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 600sq.ft, ground floor, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 13000,Brahmin only, no brokers. Ph:99401 34324, 99401 64324.

WEST MAMBALM, 11/6,Rajaji Street, near StationRoad, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen+ one room, ground floor, EBrate, 24 hours water, rent Rs.10000, advance Rs. 30000.Ph: 92931 80834, 2370 0834.

WEST MAMBALAM, 9,Jyothi Ramalingam Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,balcony, 1st floor, no lift, 2-wheeler parking, 24 hourswater metro & bore, rent Rs.15000 + Maintenance. Ph:97911 24411, 98404 70913.

WEST MAMBALA,M, 69/19, Pushpavathi AmmalStreet, 2 bedrooms flat, hall,kitchen, 1066 sq.ft, groundfloor, Ph: 94425 18631, 9841136768.

ASHOK NAGAR, 8, 43rd

Street, 6th Avenue, behindCanara Bank, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 950 sq.ft, 1st

floor, open car park, rent Rs.20000, pure vegetarians. Ph:93810 32667, 75502 28896.

WEST MAMBALAM, 24/60, Thambiah Road, 1st floor,2 small room, attachedWestern toilet, 200 sq.ft, idealfor consultancies, workinglady/men, rent Rs. 6500, 10months advance. Ph: 9444869379, 98402 12230.

WEST MAMBALM, 10/54,B-17, Maitri Apartments,Jubilee Road, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, A/c, 640 sq.ft,2nd floor, lift, car park,vegetarians only, no brokers,visit on 14.10.17 at 11 a.m.Ph: 86105 80188.

R.A.PURAM, 41, 4th MainRoad, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1400 sq.ft, residentialflat, serviced & painted, 3rd

floor, 1 covered car parking,lift, back-up generator, 24hours water. Ph: 94440 18164.

ASHOK NAGAR, 94, 10th

Avenue, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 800 sq.ft, 1st floor,lift, open car parking, 24-hourswater, rent Rs. 13000. family/office/bachelors. Ph: 7305344555.

WEST MAMBALAM, 23,Ramakrishnapuram 3rd Street,1100 sq.ft, duplex house, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, well& corporation water, rent Rs.18000. Ph: 94440 45159,97109 44119.

WEST MAMBALAM, 51,Thambiah Road, oppositeAyodhya Mandapam, singlebedroom, kitchen, 450 sq.ft,2-wheeler parking, rent Rs.9000, Brahmins / vegetariansonly. Ph: 98412 27817.

WEST MAMBALAM, 1,Easwaran Koil Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100sq.ft, ground floor, open carpark. Ph: 86084 51702.

T.NAGAR, 22, Arcot Road,near MGR Momorial house,1000 sq.ft, indepe-ndent,ground floor house, suitablefor office/godown. SekharPh: 98401 18780.

Guard your eyes against damage whenyou burst crackers

Train your dog to enjoy Deepavali

Do’s anddont’s forsafe handlingof crackers

During Deepavalicelebrations childrenget injured due to care-less handling of fire-works. Parents areindirectly responsiblefor these accidents asthey fail to educateand guide the childrenon the correct ways ofhandling fireworks.

The Loss Preven-tion Association ofIndia Ltd. (LPA), forthe past few years,has been guiding chil-dren and elders on theproper ways of han-dling fireworks.

The following aresimple rules of safetyas described in theSafety Bulletin of theLoss Prevention As-sociation:

Don’t light crackersinside the house, orlight candles and oillamps near curtainsor any other combus-tible material.

Hold sparklersaway from the body.

Light rockets point-ing them straight up.

Never light fire-works from balconiesor near buildings: useopen grounds.

Don’t bend over fire-works while lightingthem: light them fromthe side.

Don’t wear long,loose, thin flowingdress while playingwith fireworks.

Never put fire-works in pockets.

Never light fire-works under confine-ment in a metal con-tainer.

Never light a flowerpot by holding it.

Never store fire-works or unpack themnear a flame or a heatsource.

Never return to afirework once lit – itmay explode in yourface.

Pour water overburns and go to a doc-tor. Don’t apply oint-ment, butter or anyoily substance.

Show concern forinfants, the aged andthe sick. Don’t lightloud crackers nearthem.

By Dr. Vasumathy VedanthamThe incidence of fireworks-related injuries

during Deepavali is increasing each year. Thehands (40%), eyes (20%), and the head and face(20%) are the body areas most often involved.

Of these, eye injuries are the most sensitiveand difficult to cure and can often lead tocomplete loss of vision. Lacerations, chemicalinjuries and embedding of foreign bodies are themost common injuries to the eye from fire-works, with approximately one third of theinjuries resulting in permanent blindness. Pre-cautions to be taken:

1. Wear eye protection such as plain glassthat covers the eyes up to the eyebrows whilebursting crackers or watching fireworks.

2. Stock a first aid kit with a rigid eye shieldand antibiotic eye drops. It is available inmedical shops.

3. Ensure that children are allowed to firecrackers only under adult supervision.

4. Check the area before igniting fireworksand remove any flammable and combustiblematerials.

5. Always have a bucket of water at hand toextinguish any incipient fire or for rinsing theaffected area of the body.

6. Follow all safety precautions mentionedon the packet of the firework.

7. Use a thick agarbathi (incense stick),specially made for firing crackers, to ignitefireworks. It burns without an open flame,provides a safe distance between your handsand the fireworks and also makes the wick to

ignite slowly thereby giving you time to moveaway before the firework bursts.

8. Do not treat even minor eye injury asharmless. When in doubt, consult an eye doctorimmediately.

Chemical burns to the eye: Following fall of chemicals into the eyes

especially when rubbing eyes after touchingcrackers or gun powder, symptoms such aspain, sensitivity to light, severe watering ofeyes, reddened eyeballs, and swollen eyelidscan occur. It is advisable to wash hands prop-erly before handling the patient’s eye. Open theaffected eyelids gently with your fingers.

Check if the eyeballs are intact or if there isa perforating injury with collapse of eyeballs. Ifthe eyeball is intact, flush the eye gently withrunning cool water to help clean and cool theeye and prevent further chemical reaction.

The best way to do it is to hold the eye undera shower, or pour water into the eye using aclean container. Keep the eye open and as widefor as long as possible while flushing with wa-ter. Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes.Do not bandage the eye but apply a shield to it.Take the patient to an eye doctor immediatelyafter the first aid treatment.

As a general rule, in cases of severe pain,reduced vision, or discoloration (black eye),following a cracker injury, seek emergencymedical care. Any of these symptoms couldmean internal eye damage and might needemergency intervention for preservation ofvision loss.

By Dr. K. A. VijayaraghavanKids start bursting crackers and sparklers a

week before Deepavali and this continues uptoKarthigai Deepam.

During this cracker season, your pets getfrightened of the sounds, and tend to takeshelter under cots in dark rooms.

Some dogs are so scared of these sounds thatthey do not even come out for answeringnature’s calls. Is it not a pity that, when youand your family are enjoying the lights andsounds, your pets should spend their time inisolation and in darkness?

It is possible for you to train your dog also toenjoy the lights and sounds, and also the goodfood during this festival season.

The best approach will be to hold the dog andmake it watch while the sparklers and crack-

ers go on, so that it will slowly cast off the fearof them. Do not at all allow it to go under the cot.Your holding it will help the dog give up its feargradually. This is very much like training yourpet dog to walk on the road. If your pet had beenmostly an indoor dog and if you take it out on theroad all of a sudden it will get scared of thevehicles and the crowd on the road.

If you take it out for short distances regu-larly, it will cast off the fear and start walkingboldly on the road. So, what is needed is agradual exposure of your pet dog to the lightsand sounds associated with Deepavali.

Do not feed your dog with too many sweetsduring the season. After giving a sweet or two,give it a raw carrot so that its teeth will getcleaned. If the dog allows it, clean its teeth withvinegar after it has consumed some sweets.

Veena competition on Oct. 29Sri Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha will conduct a veena competition for students and upcoming

artistes below 20 years at 10 a.m, on Sunday, Oct. 29 in Vani Mahal (G. N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar). The prize money will be given out of the endowment created by S. Natarajan andSavithri Gopalan in memory of their parents Kamala Subramanian and V. V. Subramanian.

The competition is aimed at encouraging young artistes. For registration call 2815 2166.

Bhuvaneswari CharitableTrust gifts clothes to VedaPatashala students

Sri Bhuvaneswari Charitable Trust, K. K.Nagar celebrated Deepavalli by gifting newclothes to more than 160 students from fiveVeda Patashalas on Oct.10.

The clothes were distributed by Vedic Ravi(Founder).

More details can be had from Vedic Ravi in98407 87957.

By Our StaffReporter

Metrowater work-ers have dug a pit infront of an apart-ment complex in 9th

Sector, K. K. Nagar.The residents

complain that therehas been noprogress in the workin the last sevendays.

“We are finding itdifficult to take ourvehicles in and outof the complex”,they said.

The pit also poses

Open pit affects apartment complexresidents

a danger to pedestrians due to poor visibility in the dark.



Page 6 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition October 15 - 21, 2017

Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29.

The students of Anna-macharya Temple of FineArts (14/12, Anu-sayaStreet, Koda-mbakkam)won several prizes inThirukkural, Thiruppavai,Thevaram, Thiruve-mpavai andThiruvachagam recitationcontests conducted jointlyby ‘Chennai 2000 Plus’ andSekkizhar Trust recentlyin Egmore Museum. S.Meera (resident of West

Win prizes in Tamil hymns recitationcontest

Mambalam) and S. Abirami, both disciples of T. V. Meenalochani (12th descendant ofAnnamacharya), won 4 prizes each. The institution also won the rolling shield for winning themaximum prizes in the contests. For more details, call Savitha (Secretary) in 93847 31651.

By Our StaffReporter

V. V. Chari-table Trust(Ashok Nagar)and Sri SathyaSai Seva Org-a n i s a t i o n s( C h e n n a iMetro West)d i s t r i b u t e d‘ N i l a v e m b ukudineer’ amo-ng studentsand staff ofGovern-mentGirls Higher

‘Nilavembu kudineer’ given to schoolstudents

Secondary School, AshokNagar on Oct. 13.

According to A. S. Kumar(Co-ordinator), ‘Nilavembukudineer’ was given to 3750students.

He said that the concoctionis effective in developingimmunity against viral infec-tions, especially dengue. He

added that adults should take30 ml. to 50 ml. of ‘kudineer’while children up to 12 yearsshould consume 10 ml. a dayon five consecutive days.

He said that the ‘kudineer’ isprepared hygienically usingmineral water, neem leaves,sandal powder, dry ginger andblack pepper.

With the advent of monsoon,he has advised all to drink‘Nilavembu kudineer’ todevelop immunity against viralinfections.

He said that the concoctionwill be distributed in moreschools in the coming weeks.

His contact number is 9884048960.

Lakshmi Kuberahomam in SankaraMutt on ThursdayBy Our Staff Reporter

Sarvajana Raksha Samithi(9-A Madley Road, T. Nagar)has organised Sri LakshmiKubera homam from 7 a.m onThursday, Oct. 19 in SankaraMutt, West Mambalam.

It will start with Ganapathihomam.

According to the organizers,the homam is performed a dayafter Deepavali to bring pros-perity to those who participatein the homam. It will be per-formed by Vedic scholars. Theregistration fee is Rs. 501.

The participants will be givenDhana Vasiya Yantra to keepin their home or workplace tobring prosperity.

For registration, call 9176076065.

InternationalRotary Clubgrants 1 lakh USDto modernise PHCBy Our Staff Reporter

Rotary Chennai (K. K.Nagar) and Rotary Club ofCupertino USA Dist No. 5170will join hands to supply medicalequipment and modernisePublic Health Center (PHC),West Mambalam.

The other internationalprojects include sponsoring aschool building in Asaba anddrinking water facility in twoother towns in Nigeria.

The Clubs together sanc-tioned 1 lakh USD under theirglobal grant project on Oct. 11at a meeting in PHC.

Harikathadiscourse today

Under the auspices ofSarvani Sangeetha SabhaTrust, Puranam Vijayala-kshmi will give a Harikathadiscourse in Telugu on‘Bhishma Pratigya’ from 10a.m to noon on Sunday, Oct. 15in PRCC Hall (Lodi KhanStreet, behind Holy AngelsConvent, T. Nagar).

All are welcome.Her contact number is

94404 18424, 2815 1417.