... co

Post on 11-Feb-2020

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- -~~~----=..: ~-· ~· , ~~-~~~, -~- .-""""'_S~T~_ ~ :J~OI~IN,.,'S,,NE~\V;,_.FO,Ur,.,N D,.,L !,.,·N D.,;,; .. ·1';="'H6rR=SD~·! Y~, F=E,.,BR,.,U l=RY=2=2; =184~9 ~-, ~-~--,· ~- ... -~~ ·:·~·. -~~.-:-~~-- :.-.- ;·,.-;· .1:.--·. ~ . -~~ OU.t . . . '.N Otftt~. · , 1J..tBitJlattue. . .rrinl' .lcr .Lhc copy ~f t,he bh;~-- ~~u'k lo~ ~~ti,' . r.~;i_ i . ) .' :, ~ ' ·

.. -fl su0i!TLY AIJP.J:AR!-.

=~~===== '!lOII~ft, _lle. ·fotind .. t!te ' foJlo'win~ uniltl(" ( ·. HOU::;t; OF A~ ... - ·:s8~113LY. ""''""-" Bngll•_h · ~none.y otul ;St"•" \'P , .dullor1, . . , . .:·

· T~E ~qE,TI. _ w:RITI~GS 0! M. S:PEACE. ' j .••• ·.~ • , ' ••

• '>I -1 · · . i\,':1' · the request o( • munerous 'friends ,in 1 hi's · ... . pluce, , os woi ll . 1l S ._ in. ·her . nnlive l~d, Mrs.

- Poe£ hnti ~mtcte orrnt)gcm~f1ts for the . iulmed1'~te .". Jllliolic'lioil 1of h"tr l'oEil•, 'whicli she ititeucia idsuii1g·

to s.uhscribJirS oti1y, Tl1,.~y ••Jill be 1•rinted on· ~ovd )1 '11'\!.f, , IYitl! • cl~u:r 'Y.P•• _(;l:oth ·12Jilo.,' price - 5~: cy. Clo1)1 El<tr&1 gilt-edge.; 6d. 6d. · ·

·u:j-subsc;illers nnn~s re.cP.ivad by !\Irs. h .. ci nt ' her re;•l~leuce,_ Uecil'• <JO\•e, or at the ~,uJk-~l',op

· ol .\lr. ·~·uo:~~-"'! Mc<.:o_li"0:<1f· Wutei- Sttetf.

St .. Jolu· ~• • :J.Innary 2~ f. .. . · , . . --.~--···.~-.. · ,~ . -

. .F A:!E OF THE _

. "NlfrWFOUNDLAND AL~UNIV." (Jrom lhe Noles of lht Official Reporter. }

' e .· .f:zlracl oj- a J: ~4(e~ f•·om 'Th~'IT!~S Richardson ~.SOn FaiDH, Fehrunry , ; loP .• 1ocque·; d!zlet~ ·flee. Glfi, 1848. , DEBATE IN CO)DilTTJ:E OF S~YI -..,

. " ~Ve nnw l,>n"vt: !h• ' plensur~ of handing you - 1\fr C,<RTEn said thnl pteviotis lpo~ng IIIVOICC of the Nrwf'!uwllund Almnnuc, wh ith Ions an)' v.otes in H\([l[lly, he would mo\'e t 1111 the ~·ecn con~icn11 • 1· in on~ · bo~, Ofrecribly. · to 'your re• .. follow-ing .resolution !Je a~optcd : - __. . ..._ _, · ques1, to !\losord. 111Jw-riug ,'v, Co., Lil(crpoQl, who ..._ · inform us_1hnt it ..UII.forwuf<f1i(fljy <he "Hnrrie•." ·· n.e.solved,-T~t it is the opinlon"of 1hi11 a .. ;very fine, fasf-•aili11g ve'l''el, which llwy 8111101 • . c~Ul~_iltee; _.lh_tit f01· the aren\e'f conYelti,ence pule will reach S1. J ohn:s •before the -nc.n~mnc1-- UIJd nccurocy in· J<ceping th'c accounts of- ·. tho -via:.llulifnx, lca\oca L i<eqioo l. \\'e' loope 'l lo~ AI. c olo"oy 1 it . iS_ eXpedient that the fin.ans:ia"l yea.-, mnoo11c willj!il'c soti•fact_ion, ucul loe fo·und corrccl; in loo flir ns \&.A-e s po•.cla t! re unnunl· bill• ·of ~up• · ~ren1 P"llls .lonve. hren lnke"n wi(h'· ic, nne! in o l ~r ply, .llnd thll moni~s ther.:in npJi r a j~tiatc<l, sh ull opin~lll it i~ n v·pry .hnllcl~orr•o, U'rcful, ·tt'ud i'.lteJ ~ tormir{n-te ~ on tl:c :3 1st dnv .uf D t cemlicr in~ C~llng work,.. \Vu hove g n1 Ol ~Olltcitlerahle .'.~x-~ · .. · pen•e th e",\loon'• e~1·011 t::• ~ null eclip•o~. Sun'• ""' &lelld.' of the 30t li d ay of Jttoe 1 u~ h~retoforc : clinacio1is nn,l ri • in~t . ·nc iol S ll llin~ •. for St. Johoo'>, .. ,Mr .Joe •ecto nd~d the niotiun, which wus ancl belceve - ~h e v will · fourod <t~lite r.orrecr, '"'d put an_d c'nri-!ed. ·

Iauer 'estniJIIslreu . ~be Oov~rnor'• Proeln- . ' ··, · ' t·noMon.r 01 i 4• . . 'ld ; ,&IC~Iiu:; · . _ A1!d in 1l~e !•lue .~It,'· ;

for , the loBI' &eJI! . Ilown 10 the bpili!!r.lhtf en~ . ; /' · ' >ry us the _vt ry snm.e; t'O tbul ' lboy ·bee: rJitrui~ra · · . • · . :fc(i c!:f of ·, ~ luve u ycur8 uonua.l r'ttwruS uiudC Jo.~ t\.er .-., ·· · · ·.· ·· .)J ujcsty'• l:iccrA: tu ty of :Sin to lor ,r:fm· ~olouitS tbilt . : . • ·, tlu! do.ll.:sr u ~ th, ·4.J .; ,\V

1hilo dunvf! Ueu ~(~rmerpur·t ·' ·

ol h '· , " · lloc~ ~~~~ ll o~ re.scty.ed . •.ulune'•. p_u1U ot · ~- . : 4 o, . . I "' durmg <be Inner J>Urt ._at 4~ . 2<\ .• ster- } .

• •, ·to toe dull~ r. ·'.l,'hut loou!l'i wus llo~<· cunslitiJooo nd guurcl.iiu1 ol · lhll . ii~opt~'• -puue.- ' It wn~ · · ­

roghl ·thot ' (~ r., . l!hut>lt.l he uu ·opeu uu.J stnci ;,i~ vo•dgntiou ·i!l.l'> llo~l j>ulpulol~ _,.bdl!oc.tiou .of 'tlto .' .. , p~~fl l.e'o luoucy, anJ ttiul· 1hu coio6iiu.Hioouil pre ..... · .I •. rogative he, J.~~C ruhJ tb,\t UO• nppropr.illtiun Wluu.- r,~.·~· evt:r bllnuru be cxct\e tl.:tl. ..i ' hu ·"c:r.olmidn befOre·:.. ·I the_ chuir W t; ~ r.· spuplu-' pi-opO.:ntion whicl~ · •; JUid ~ noc he den ied. o Vps nut ' lot olollur vnlut d nc4.:!.4J. ste..lm~o:, i11' -thc t!.c ' ioi01 1 ~ of tho court:~ of law? \V 1.1S. not the wiJole colun~t~l re .wo cuue ' collectct! at the tS umo rutu ? \Verc "'!t . ull tlu: nPprOiJriutious or thut'1aou ~c paid nt the ~m1ilo nHt:? .And ditt uot

-'"[)HE SUBSCRIB£11,: ·'in _rcturn"ing thaul< s . : . \O 'h!s llUJncrous fricf!do a·nd · patron•, or past l•vo •s, !J.,g~ to inform them tha r he. hu~ reiOI!Vt!d from his- late residence 10 t Oe ~h·ip iit ,\\' 'nler. St reel opposite the Pr tuni,;h of ~fe ssrs" , J. B. ilAlli'O£s\. Co . , IYhl'rehe so• lic'its u contin·.;tanco of :their putrunage' ; llll orders recAivea f•>r 'BOO'J.S Oil(} SHOES· ol

·ever{ .dcsc,ripti"n \\: i_ll be e~_ccu t cd with;. tu.<lity, and ii1 the IH~we c! t style of• l.u•~ion.

lruH you Will fin•llhal II yrour "' ' 'rcrct iu.t••j ruve _•Mr · W111SER movod that tho follo>YiD" l_oeen fuith.fJ~Iy· nll e llciP to. The .rot•Y of the ·AI- 1 • · b ·d 1 · 0

Olton e ' ll opte< :-

tloc E~ecullve ri! portlo •.he tiecretury'of Stute ' for reso- lhll t.:olouie~, tit at tbe sterling ~ulu~ or doe 'do'llur

w us 4<." 411.? 'J'be resohiulln as~crtecl uo. 11111tt1

N .. B.-On- hdod, " fcW-' JlUii." G~nllcmen's very ueat loug '&LglGH~;\<; UOGl'fS.

. . · C. S'l'JlCY. Dccemllcr )';!,


Acd for ~nle at the Boul< Storc9 of i\ T. ~l c CoNi'O .\N, :\lc.:Cut:DIIl:\' Bnonn.ns, .

J . J . Ga.\U A ~I, und .;\Jc( VER ~ L.o ,

1fU~ ·\EWli Ul~ HLA~ll JlL~l'lN!t

m~mRc }' ~U @r · ~ wi_ no~ bc3r "at1y couapndsou · \ Wll~l the one we vc uhhslo ed, wlokh we do J:Ol J{osolyet! ,...;That in- nll eum.• of money np. he•Hnl~ tO' pronoUJ •: as l>eing· l.OQ per cc11t. S)l,· propriat_ed lly .ncl~ of the legidlnlurc of this pe11 or In ••~ry res ect. In condoision, we cUIJ only · c olouy, ~IJerc dol-lars ore the mediu,m of pay· ' "l "NS our rcj!rll l th nt we rouhl1iot got the· A mn. mont, <he standard value of such dollnr 11uW IHIC out : P.orlie r; · u!re- werc'.so v•rnl·cnuse o of de- i•, end uhvnys ha• hecn, al the rnto of four l.n~ , such ns the copy yon lwoot vs l.)'in~ nc 1lo~ i•o•t· 1 • 1 ohtc_li lor some liil)e previou_ll 'co our . 'receiv_in;• it. ,; t:l iligs _und (our . pence sterlillg for ~uch \v I · · ~ .clolldr. • ' · ~ lrn stt '"! lh~ d<l•oy wl_>1 r. [1 wo coi1lol nut pre. V~ llt, Will 11 01 lllj>lr'e lite Sllle of the 1\lnmJoU C hut -111 "Upporl Of ll•is rOSOJUI,iOO ' i\11•. \¥in~er tho yoc: will qo. i ~kl) d i•l""'e of .!J.o' wloole ed i to~lo." snid il · wna r.ol ntoec99nry fc>r him to make nny

Tl1e " llnrri•l " snilo·d from Liverpool for St. • · 1 .(, ll T John 's nu che lO th . Deccml.oer liw, unci hos not · ~ rgttfll . ~o ~crvnl _ions. . he reserved sulu-su: ce loecn locurcl of. ti!J8 haYIIJ been !JOid dl 0 d1fi'ae l!l rate With•


Prin li 11~ GOO copie~ N{' w(oundlnnd

P. TOCQUE. out •any e-xp , nittiu'n htiYing !Jeeu ~i en to the hcUB!J t· rende_ d the reoolution' 1 osnry, Me 'merely ·w; shed to '"cord the opi ·on of th e , whole · co.rmnittee on the J11urnnls o 1e

• 0 I I F O JL. " Nmnnaclc, 3 ~ ~~ PPI~ clt-m>· s vo .• tiue r ~.- 11 1 (~ /~ l , 11::, " pnp P.r, l•r1nt ••! in lola•k n, d n·d, t il· U9Uie that · thil v lue of the dollar in ull pny-

· · :.:S:l:=!JJ.J~"'-~O~~.I:iOI~~~~~~~v,-~,{ -,"'I· ~~iW,..?ljtjA~~~I?!tjirr•\! ill!! "uri \\:· o~r~k~i~u~u~4~~~~~~,...._ -~ " '} !I: Momo'•

ul~! l~ •~~td.!l on th nl!.l.Por ' t o: Cld_11JlBded l.oy' tnat llouse, wc s_ 4o . 4cJ, ll § eslnblislwd loy Sir Th'!mas Cochrane 'd proclni:nn.llon in 1!125

1 ) c c t" m hcr 5 .

ftl R. P A G E,

B t~GS 10 3 1'f] 1Hii llt Ins l•' ru·! ntls ra nd ciJC P uhlic . a t l a r~c . II J . d he l tKl'4 euc1•~ t' d the n :oS i rt ' :t l 1:e ol

Jllr. \V . IL Jl E:iT, IJr. s iG~>:II :u .ll An c >II''<CT who e lJrofe::~in n n l . rrputnt H III Is \\e ll k lltH\Ct w rhi com·rnmdty. ,Br th u· a •uJ i,;t-tu•· ltt ,\lr. P: b ~ un lll (h." to t! Xte th.J ll1e .t: ph r: re: o l l11e tJ pc ra ll oJ t ~ , uu d w i11 bt: ltuppy to re ,• t! iv ~ IU~tn.IC·_)qn ~ lur t l•e •·X• l: UtJur. of Dt1y duti es con&:cctcd ~nl1 c nht:r u( t l:c u h u\ l' dt! .. ~;~urtmc m:;. . . -

lro tloe LA~[) .-\GE:XCY nJL\.;\CH, porti cFnp, plicaut \vill hn\re tile hPr-t oppurtuuiti es of dlf.;e fl nl! the 'Sole or t'u oclo n.c of L• cul, rui• ii.>J:- ~ouey " " 1\lo r tgng,~, or ~f iuves linlf ~lo~1 e.y Ul the mo:; t hi· v o uruhl~ rat es of '" " "'"'· .Hel l• ul)>a e, L t n•<• twJl ~HfiiSaJ.!C Dbecht e ! P. t·uted. · .

loo t.loe AHCHITEt:'l'UJL-\L u~: l' ,\llTMENT, l\lr. UI!::::.T will" uot pnJy ~upp l) lle•o~ooo, I' lou,, u.ut! · Spt!cificul iuu s , lJhl, where ·rcqu1r e rf, will ulit, sooiHironl.t!tulem th~ Erecuon ·of all Architectural Work~.

Office··nt the heild of Moetii og loouse l•ne. . • I

•. \y.haf'f:ige nuct Stot~a:,;-e. By P. H . 'CARTER&. C:o

Sep:cml>er 5. . . '.

C"h n'u r e~ :i't• (l ec l•IUS ~s~~un'0'4 tl~clina .. 1i c) u ~, r i:o: i1 1,: und ~P. t 'r. i ug, &C., &n.

llo:t .••••...• . .... .. .. .. ~ . . ... . .. .. .

£SS 18


unci act~tl ,<>n· in . tlvery ih~tnnco 'uutil within

0 5 0 the last fc•v year,;i. ,. ._, · ·

. :\lr . Pnt'NDERGl\ ST nqmilled the imp'orlnnce £ 39 S Q of the 11ubju~t hroug11t. !Jefo>re the cummittce

·!Jy I he · hun. mc:mtll'r lor Fur.yluno. 1• bud llce n dellnt ed onp day ! , and th ey were uccupi~d \Yith 11 1:1 comm ittee thu {treater-pur• of n ·doy without arriving nt .nny ·~edull. Hu

WILL~,UI 111 •• PAitSO NS,

lJ'Jl1'CII .JIJJlKER . • ·HAS removed, from Court House Hill ' •o

h•s 'N e w Brij:k .Building, nelll'ly ~ppo s ite th~ PreiiiiSUR Ill lUodS•8. W . St. H. ~o~us &. Co.

thouclll the ·matter O tl • ht to b ~ s et ul re s t · - ~ . ' ouil hti.~id not see tho P.I'OJit·iely of allaching ,blame,. as .wn_;, awempied: to llc !lone on 11 . for· mer· day, t.~ the C ollec ior of Cuollum•, who no: f)oul>l had authority for whnt he d1d. They c<lttld not in thnt house know the secret• of 1ho 'cou1icil, on~ · if they wonted inl'ormatiou . lhcy ought to ilj•ply · for it. ~ If tbe hou . memhcr wou ld give no• ice of an nddre•s to hll Gover­nor for information on the l!Ubjc ct, he { Mr. Pi-endergadt ) wa'• prcpucd to second him .

Mr. CARTER hud ·no desire le s •nnd in the woy of <he resoluti on of th'e hon menobtJr being fairly debl\ll'd, hut if he did nul adopt the sug• j!8Stion of the ho>n, member for Conception Bay, he would urge upon hun to •lli ithdr'D•~- his ~eoolution, nud llrmg it the c~nt• mince of wnys nnd meoos, wluch was the proper committee. fur its di scrl sdion . · .

tlouu that, und ought 10 oo w.ocmeil to. Ail to whnt lusd been snit! ubout ats f.iit lt,;: ti1C Exocu1ive for inf'JrtHatiou I.Jy nt.hlres:~, there was 110 ra'ccust'Jity for it. 1t wus tl; !' 1mrt dt tile l::.'tcCUil\'e 10 cumt~ tJown uy niC>SO~ C Ulld nsk lor Ull inll"lloiiii)'.-J-Ie \VB~ nul n luolo dU" ut the conduct uf 1lw hdn, me culler fur Coucep1ion Uay . (Mr. l'r~udergust) on the JHCSCIIl OCCOSIOII.

1l'lmt It Oil. IHtmbcr, ,whu

wus rto ublu an u'hc.h::ato of co.u:itltU\IOIIul nghte, ought uoi to treat the rcsoluuou ol Ius lneud, the Hutt. UHHJJ IJcr lur li'errylund, tiO coolly . 'l'llere wt1s a great cltll~rem·e lJetW t. t:n the e.ort oJ ~uuc .. uuu of th~ principle wnh u •uggc•llou of ouother uoe l lood ot' carryiug it out, uuup111cl IJy t,be hon. nld iO Uer un tllo present ucca~uou, uucJ lhd warm u:.u.J ,_; tHI Croll :t sup pun \\ hich 1ho oc.Jvo,cUlc:~ uf grcut COU>WUIIUIIDI !HinCijlloo ouglll 10 give 10 giY~ 10

cuch o'lu:r. Mr. Pu.Nr:£RGAs·r 11ni•l tl.lnt it wus hecawe be

d ld · no~ tluuk liJt: rt:~o·luuuu sutlicit:lll tllut 116 pro .. pus~d AU mlclreti.::! lo lhu Govt:ruor Jor mf·Jrmauuu .. Hu woult.luot !'loud upou those UICe poin!a ot;~oriu, lbu1 l>ecuuoe tbe l!:•ecul"'" \voutd not scncl tboy '~ou h l .a ~o1 o:;k.' Tou l1un. ~penker st:coudt:d the propo»llull of the Allow~y Geuerul w.hen tile . 111 11 111!; ott" Of tho iiii)ICrllll llU\1~• IVUS 'Jrought IJe• for~ clleA oOJ ulgacnlilou lcg osluture,oncl it wa. wuuglrt UXltt.:cluwt 10 ti cC,urc tho r;ularits. of thu oltict:ra · un <he' rc.~r~ell li•t out. of the colouinl dutiet.. If 1110 Act Winch IYBS then passed bure o different COll ei \I'U Ctl u U lrO,IIl lhuJ.--W..l!ICII d1cj intendt:d it lO

hetu·, they 101igl11 ask tfou -l!:~cuuve for the ot•ioion uf liJo law utli~ l!r~ ol tiJO c rown' ou the subjecr, &s well u; fur thu ncuhorlly unJc r.whico tho crowh oluues .vcr~ "cvllcctcd ul 4 2d. lie would rcn1llbe ' i111 puriuf SIU.IUIU l;! UIIU 9 IC • .Cu(1. !J;L (1llr. ft~U· g ct:t l lt t.•rti r.,tu.l ~ollie tlt:Ctil.JUS Ol lhC •u:t.) !'t1ut act r~uclcreclll impc....:III'U on lhe Culh;J:<Or uf ' l~cr ' l\11!-j t.J~ (y :::~ l.:u:HOIIld lo r~cmvc the llutie:4 111 is t erlmg, ~ or 111 fureic;u C01ll C(lUul to t!lCrl111g. \'-V hy JaoL · uudr.,~$ LlJc l!:.~t: cUIU'~ · Iur u copy o';f Uni iu::~trucuous undt:t · wlucll tile Vullectur oc t<<lm 1i1e cullc'cuon· oftb<oe

I ' . . UU i i ~~ · ', ,

tllr. ::;nEA •n.i ll•n.ttlou ouly obj e~tion lo~ bed oi. fir ct l lu Ulu f C: t~.U l ioll. \VU~t 1\•ll wu;ht~ btJ CUW$Uq_eJ. tu imply U& d l there _ u~ u lluu'bt' ai:; tu thU rutu' ,.,·


. '

wluch 110 1 lur~ ou~;tn tu IJu •ece•vecJ .uuU 'l'unlr at 1he 1•ul111" tlut••rtiu"'l '"· Now on·_ hid ~tlml'li .'Y~ : \ . uo cluuiJI whutovor on · 1!1" suhJ~CI. lie tond h~Dld ' OOIIJIU!C ~ lO tUII•IY 11110 thul a11y t.lifl't,reucu ex.ialed • IJtHWt.:eulh~..r:ue:::~ ut wwcU· tht: puytueuld t:LUtbonotHJ hy thu rt::,ci \'~rl ~o.rurle:t c1, uuU thole autiJOrt)dd: · uy ulloor aced ~r the I< >elaiUra •hunhl -1.1~ m•il• .-'l' lw autuUOJl ol Ito" '" urvud dulariuo Wild .t:tifi5Q

'· W -:- T._ P. ~mlu'nccs I his f!ppp1'lun4j 'of re. turn1ng ·'"" •uoc·ure thanks lo bis many kind fr~ e ntlo lor t ile putronngc bestowed upon : him durwg tho_ pn~l<weivo yen-~s. und trusts by clos e npphca iiOJ n to l.usiness tl'l merit and re• ccive n c:ontinuan~e ol :hose rilvours.

J.\:Ir \ ~-\'tNsr.n thou~ht the committe_e of sur ply wa~ -the prOJler ~:ommillc.e. The hou.o •u•vor wns ~~ powerful ns wben ~:ruming tho

pe:r auuuw; lJUt Ill 8 ~!(: tilts qmCIUUl (lllid \\U•

J •\MI:: · 'DOYLE be~~ , ;, · iuf~•·11o thu pu!olic 'cbpl · lte ha !,. cu~;aa;ed a·sl endy Ma u lo con.• t: y' lt · o~,

.. & c., ov~r lund ' to Cuitoon•at ·during the \\ i111cr · Se11•on. r ··

Lruers , Pnrcels, &c., leh 01 <he shop of M e.~re . .M,cCoulor~y tlr~llbarll', \Yooter Scree1, St_. Juluo'B, or at 1\lr. Ooyle'•• Cnrbonenr. will he pu'neiUully ••· tended 10 noel lnilhfu l!y trousmitted .



ALL those WATERSIDE. PRE~JISES ' adj"oinfng 1he Premises of Mllesre •. Ro.

111~1'1~ ;BriooiCJNG &. Co. , 1\0d recently in tho po eallOQ rof 1\loJlln. Du_NSCOli!B ~ HARVEY.

' I -ALsq- .• · A ·Fie-qe o'f LAND on . the No~th aide • Water Street, ·11nd immodiatelv to the Eut· war.d ·of 1"e Stone Houee oe'cupied by Mr EnwA!lD Sr: JoaN •. Appl.)r 10

January fl. 'I


:"• Personull\!tention given to the ;.epairiug of u ll kinds of Watched.. , .(


Alwny~ on hund.



supplies . · · -Tile :5PF. At.:&R would nrlvi!c his loon . frionll tlie

ho~o. noerullor for Ferryland uut to pny ·nny ' "!!""'to I be ttugg~stioru mode to him IJy tho.:~ e wb~ wi!'jhed . 10 d lvertlrim fron~ hiM purp11~e. Th~ \lnc•lionwh iclt Ire bud brougbL bel ore the commuteo by lu~ rc•o lu­tion ~\ 88 o very pln in one, J 1 wns simply wbln lrer I he voluo Q( tl10 dollar .iu ;:-oymen1s :w ohortsutl b-y tlrql llouoa Wll:l 41. 4ol. or 4o. 2,1. Uuto!"lutolv the dollar wus invariallty paid nt 4$. 4,1, Hte rling: ncid su,ch •no the rate at which it wus Slill >ecelvccl anot l>&hl in mos1 casea, in 1h~ trnn~~ion~ uf chc gove~nm,ent ; .11!ut in the _poynoC\ll oy the rellervecl sululle8, tbe . ExccUiive bu.! for some leur• Jln ~ t, will..aout any t:!(l•llmriti nn to tllnt huus~. U'!III!UIIICd

thai the dollnr w"• 10 loe tok uu nt 4;:. '<!il , by whicb the higl~ officials of ' tlu,.c·olotly bud ud •recl nearly .£300 a 1nr 10 1~cir own in ·omc•. :n;.,

-o- . they bod done ao withOnl outltorily lhe wus p•C·

THE .S_:QilS BER~ hn~e thia day ienler ; 1>ored '!> '~how. Jly. 1bli &6th •ecll&t~fo6 Hoy&! cd Into -~~ ~tnerslup under tho firm ol . lll_strur. tions, the Governor .. •ns ·ius1ru ted "uuuully

ARCHIU \I D &. LOVEYS f 1 ·,to trunanut 10 tho . S~cr~cnr)' of 8~tU.& for tl(uGolu" 1

' ' . ' Or llO )l..U'I',P08e llieo, a ' hook culled tloe ll!ue Jtv~:~k, 'wh iCh COOIO ill of carrying on the busines8 of AUCTIONEERS e'd o diuell ufittlli•ticalllltormauoo re•llecuu.;th"' CoJ\ali~Sit>N MEifCHANTS, · AND "'EifERAL Bllo: 1 " · . "" CO onr j · IIDd ·eo imporlROI ...... it CUilSiderutl 1flut KEnS . . Office on th.e premises ol s. G. A: j tbe requiSite intorhoOiillll shoul r lle r•gu iRrly fn 'r• WaterS.tr_eul . 0~dere .i,n tlleir line]Jre i-eepecl· nistoe!l, that 11ie Govertior wus mKtrucl~d:-" rio full~ aohcued and will meet witli prompt - ~~~· officer in .our •aid-' itlntid· witllin wlroae depurtme111 tenhon. · i! may be. to contribute any retjlrn or recnrn~ fur

S G ARCHlBALD •h.a _ purl'o•e aforedaul, or lu prepure -•J•e snn1e 1<' ' •. ' • ·• Wbeu contributed, elnt'll'be enlltlecl to roceh·e, o• · GF.O. LOVEYS. : · ' ' s ·J ]' • J 1 ,

1849 · .-ije!J recei~e fro1n you ony wonnnt for'• he I'•Y·

,. o Ins, . an. '· ·• . .. , 1· me111 ol hi• oflic~lltl!ary, wljich ,n!OY ~COlli!' dn'11. N .B ......... Wharftl&e, Yarcrroom, and Storaal! 11nd pa] lilrn, ~o lon~t ·n such du•y, ehnll

01,1 'tho premisr.a, 'lll .artear or remalll uot•erformecJ:•• 1 Nuw on re• ;.

·~ -. ... I ; .. .. ..·"'

£~!J25 l'ls. ::!u. uud i•!. IHt! £7:34,0 llh. Jld, W 11y ~ tth uuhl 111Cre hb '!·diti'c:r ucu arum· oru(yt!ur to ilno. th t~ r ( 'J' IIc cuntrncta 01 the Guverulutuu wuh -UJe utlic•uls ,s •ouu Ill ''" ,.,.; • • , ved nmuralu, bu1 there .. .ou;.;h t to t.H:' uu ' tffJCCinl_ 'J.'h~ rea~:rvutJ en~ l.mco .act oug ht uut 10 lJc tu~,n out· ul tho or.lmury

1 •

cn1o0ury. (rl cor, loea r, frvtu the :Speu~ur •n<l.\lr, (:J'llroeu. ) Ao! ll iC IJ"yoncut.i under Jl uuglu \o · ~~~ ut Utd ~ & ll Hltl r.•to l.ld l ae uthttr c ;~vemli t u·r~ of tllu J:OV'[ril.lll! li I. Thu res lUI lOll l.oc tut~ the Choolr wus· 1•ln10 uut! could uul •e lll l S.ul~u~roCuucJ; uucl ~1'-' f

.II r. ::,u l; ~o) thoul;lll II, wllult,! , bnve 11 very a.-tutury U' a · I • ' l

t.! «=,L: 'J " ' ' ,l ,\1 r . PKEIID&RG•ST d id r ~ot )rust ·to any great ef•

feel \\ htch u moru ru:soiUtiOII ul.llu: huusu JUigltt vrofHtc e.' Tiley on;;,ht tu pr"oc<ecl "Y .. UUU(e••· uull U' U ~C t:s.:di ry ltJ lt!gufiUt(!. , : r

Mr. Jfn •l,ili _uot riueutl to OJ>II~ e the -~~~?tlon .. hh . (or& the ,chulr, u!tlwuqla .JJt:! cou ld uut ouacu u~uclt tmpoc 1 ul3~u ' lu · it, U.ccuustt lt \\ uuld s:t:!~ o imVir '


:,~•;•:x~~~~j~: ~:-~ :::~•d•u~{"~,~~-i~ 1c1111~1:n~1:r~.·.t:.~:="t.~t11~· • '

ri:::.~ti":E~~:~~~~.~~:~:~ui~·!~~~~J~r~:~1,::~.~:~~:_ .~~t~ ~: . .- ·.:S_: ollocr· ·mu111ller ... oul<~ niUVII Ill lbe lll utter, be \OUuh'l 1ave ' nOtice of .in u.t'dren to tha Oov11rt) 1 '. ·· u" thu . doloj~ct. 'l'hero 111'1' red JO "be eouJetbtur ·. ~•k.o af\ •uluugtnicu l)_ot \~·~ u,1 H.htau~ c~netiua !oi••l' t.,t' )lrl~l i! ip~• in '·''" 'pruc'iiuc)u!g , h!~t~ rtqtn,reC: · Ui>!a~.. j• uuuou,· 111111 11o••rbly on 1nd~n •1"'ftodLAtl8 legta. ,. · ffct\no. ·it \~u•. true th~t ~~~~·tet~r.!"'i• ln_.,wbiC:b .: \ the tr<i01'8 were 1"' -~• wu:a·cul!lUhtulrJ at •~- !lc1.0 1 • bud · cou•iderin: I hilt mihuir ofticerit here weie l lubje~1 10 tllb ii•come t11x uu<lor tt.e ltJ!~e,rial Jl;it, . \-lruUI nhieh civtl uflicer11 11"id oli1pf eolouiu fuude !' '· I .



. .. . ; . . . . ..

. .. ,.~ . ...

'FRE 1\fOR~ING COU.RIER~·: .. ·. -• '"" I .. 0 I o o .,

were exempt, it mu~t he ac. n te•j.Jhat they \\1..'1'0 1 respect uheretl tlto lt~w .• for it rnerely provided thn.t hy -9ffieials .w~o cfelir~cl, to · m!li!atain 'th ·r: ealaries'

· .,mirl~d to t1ut11c c;oilsldcrn'ti'>n; ut with. tlmt th() om of the next vroct!etl:f e~f rlll t!uli t·s l"vied itl lh~ . at.B hi&;ht~_r rote ·. tlaon ll1ey were tlOtjtled ·to w~le Juc11l le~:i,oln t ure bntl uotl!iug I • tlo. Ju r.-j!nn.l to colony. \\he.ber lJy iuap .. r.ia l or culoniol act~, the the cuuniry w'lltl in a· stntts .of tletHitutioo. · tf •fl civi! . officers uf the Jtovert ne1J( the cmsli wtu reserved ~uluriatt fJluuhl lJtS poicl. H~ ~a~~ · duN• · .Mr. ~MEaso~ t:ac.Hiatened .'to the boo. ,en.ker d1flcrent, ancl tbe reftS~elrct(.to tl 1.tite book tuutlo l hl tho ur~uruent hlJIIHitSti 011 the dectsaone or Jlie with . mucb all~)1tiou, uu_cJ certltinly he uu~sl suy

_ by th~ lrur,. ~pcak~r, which. cjuor tlr~ ,Lollar "' c .uun~ of Justice, mul lao woult.l udmll that there thut his upaJearau~-e ou· the tlQor of tbat ·hou tr .wa11· 4tt. 4ll, a:u:rliug l~l ""year, cuutiru J him io llad h wus custnrucuy to hny, tlae Ytm.lit: ltt of Jurie1 ns- Ull) thiflg but that 'culm n11d·di~ nitietl d~lllt!llllbur OJ)inion dtht , the poytuetat of ' t!u~ut 1.1 Ill ltuy o1l1er set~scd 111 4;. 4J. "tcrl lu!ll to lllu dollar, lbut thnt whi&h was to bu expectec.J' froru the ~~~~akor .... bo rue., wa.s uncQustituuooul. (l.h ·nr, om rAe ::5pmd\- uJ!uln wns a dum~~t tc urrHIIJ!u!u t·.ut; to pay ~tur!iug prcdidet! over their ~oliberntion"S . Aa tu. tht: ~r~ll"' t•r .) fl ll Jwu uJert:d tltut'it IUJd bu 1 ntlu',(..·ccl to g .1 111uncy oi'Grtit Brito.m, he lJclle.vecJ tllnt 'tltoequily m~ut in which they wer~ . euga~e1l,. tbo ttlcrll!!'

' . . • • I


. . . '. • I •

preseot~d t~ his ·Excel.lency ·, 'eq~ eeting ,.~,· .~. t'urns i.n .det~il o~ the111.1peudi(uro o • moneY. relieve· ~he •uff~re~.a by ale oC lll~ t 9lb.....Sep.wmber, .1 a.46; artd to th : re11e.n$' . . l irjte the retura1s. ina'dp·were . ery far .from 'be· .•. - • ing satisful: tory.,· a.iad · ~~·ere o•tly .-fot ·a s · atf· :· por.tion ' bf the ~.xpiind.irure. For"th~ •out,hern' d.i«.rict ~~~e returr)s' :were' not iatisfae!!o·ryJ ex~ cept for .the nqrther n pArt or ilitt J>wn d&~ttrict. T.he rflturn·. w~a ich l1e.held, in Ilia 'nnod .fur th at-• 011 SQ lou~. w i1hou1 thu fintc.rfcr~nc of tiOIIIU 01em· , of u :o .:asa woultl not .ua rnut U)'IJin\·i ug t!ollord at coan of. the reol111 , it wu:H be rarnen1lltre~ w;t~t u

.... - ller of tlru ~A ll"i'! :~u(nntcd L og is tutu , w hn bonot~tl •ls.4•1. llu haJ u cutld or lhat cll'scn~uou i11 court him- su b~ttaut ive umtlur. lt consiSif!d ·of: ~ t!efiui te ·· ( ,.·o ,..~much #of. 'tha~n p::trrotbru·. ' ( enr, (rum the ~.~(r · tor reuC puynu:o lll tHCI hug uaooey ol Great Bri- weight of m etul of u ctrtain d e gree o finl!uc:f!f,

·• S {!.PI•kt-f. ) :ll u. hope.: l111it . l&ou~e won t'"! "l·O•V tt~lie .. i ttt ll, in \\lllcb n s pecial jury lr :1viu~ tlaut point left to IJIHJ bntf hccn csttthliollecl IIJ' u a uuc -e;o L'3 y

1;·a rt of the diitrict c·onl nioe~ ·the aidnu;s · o'fl th., · / pa~tj~s; the Jo'tutes ·s!:lslai~t:d ,· riutl, the 'sum If.

. · the "'.1-t 'J•-CS up. nud a~ri~u o :.omu ·ifH)ui •J ruto 1lus them hy the , j uJ~··, dt!c iJ• d that dollars ut1"· '4d. 2?•h ~Jw11td 111. If 11ny b on . u i.C'm ber ·,yunted .~ .ra:c,of"li!!J t du!!:'• · · -' • ~ltt1cht lJo rt'l!&:•Y"·d iu JIU)tttcnr, lJut h~ \\·.oultJ t!:ty ia.Jorrnatinn rcl'pf'ctin~ tht.' t·oiuul!e• Ju~ auigl•t tOIJ.,

~(r·cd, · and appeare"d . to. ~o a·I.J that . ~~~ · n.V. · ·~~a ry. But for the fJOU th~r~ par~ erf t fi e •c-:-

•. T he SPRAJr.t:r. hod li:HPIJAtl w it h mtH'h nU P. utiOti ll111 j :·~~··s In 1 ! "~·n,11): left IOU ruuch IO the j tu) ; ~ul t• · F,wlk!!! ou t:u1us." The opi11100 which he l~thl • to thu·. C\ll~ l'l ll tut innal ' 'iC\\ei ' ~o ,, Illy t.'al,·d liv 1h" u111l t,l,,'ll .a j ·1ry vi rc1.'"1ll::o! h uWtWt: r upri~lr t, \\uultl quot ed frutu Chiuy ci1!1Uly CbtaiJI •t~h~J tb i:s-tl•ot

JJJI II, t. u~r,lf£1 r fl)t·)Tnu~iy. '· lle ,l;a•l ·,b ou~llt.tha~ !•I! apt. to •t~:chh: upuu 1hat. ".'?dc tlf pa~•.n~ut wtr acn aurci~u cu111 wu::~ uuly 10 lu~ recciVctl 1! \' tl ll lly pr o­•li.o tiUI~~ct \\ fti n)IIIU I cxh ·IU:Jitld, Lot lhd """· t o::ll h;.:IILC:H U}l~ll theu.l~chc ::l . h 1111' Il l ,,., entcl , clulllutiun by cowpnrit!OO wilh the coin uf the w~mhu huu throwu lit' '"' l,~tu upuu ir~ ~ Je (the \VII ' uut OJ'pe.~l·. Uut It \\>U~ IWt caY :lor .ta pour rt(llcu.-i\ow u~t tltu utliccr:~ ltoldillg rtt~t:rvcd su­Sp~ukt!l) t\·u~· ,,~t. ll~fv rti :II~V.lre tlrut olli•·c ro o lthu 111•41 to 1:urry un u.p;u:url •.o En~lunt.l ~ r.IIIVOlvtu~I!Jt'• Juries \\eru entitled to, IJe pn itl iu st~rlt~ coin or

dfst~ict, it wus only a ·dt;lr)\Hi..tion of ·,lJa~r~,s· !lud. IJolf-llprce Is ·~UJ~u~1 • 1 ~o'v _'he w·!l" ·. ~aim.:. •


&~rmy ou dnty in ·tllb- t·olull it:s' w~rt! sutoj rlct 'to tkb po:u~s lo tl •c nmuuut ~I .£-100 ~r ~:>~0. In tlr..Ll its equ1vnleut ._ the on ly qut!etlon to de · d was Income ta~. [ ~1r. Oftrtt:r-r\11 iucoru t:s J t:riveJi ru:HJ he:~, ~ltruuch thc IU :tH' V.:IIliOII ut u frt~au.l 111 whether th~ ~uuth Amurirun dollars iu 11c 11011 !rona Gr., a I Umnin Were ' r-UioJI!CI 10' tllo tuA-. rio Eut-:iaucl, oh'lttwud .tl tt!. ' Ol,Htlion ·of 1h11 tlrun Allor· in tht! colot.y were urtri11sacall~w lhn&o r~ t llun Jilhl ic] Tllt! ll " \\huu th •·I'O ~u lhttt rt lll ll w'w u~y G e1u.:rul! · ouw .L or!! . t:u 11 ·P~~ll, wb1ch w~s Ill l .4r~. 2·1., iuu.l Ire o:-s" r~l'd they w l'fiy ... wortb s ·. :-Mut.: l•t t;lory.Ul \h~ t' llllllOn'::\o 111uc t h weru esu lj>·c t ~llt'CI oppu:tlliOII 10 . theju ~lglll eut remh:rt:tl htsru i modi. A s to the ill swuuliou · t!aut Its wns ther to th~ iucotn <: lll:t, 11 was n t: ht tl ltly ~Shoul 1l btl Jl·'" ' tHrtJ tl:c prc~Cill i\ t wnh·y (:icut:ra l ot llu::. ~ulouy, ttpeukiug thtfaenum~nltl of o lheri',Or furu ishc:c w tl :It the J,i.dle; t-rnte ut wh1c 1 dollar.:~ c .Jul i b"u rve. l ht•n t:lifd< ul dt~ ~0 Ji ft:U lt! Cuu.n, wh~ wutt •.u iu'fur cuotiou by ofiirirtls; lte trnd hu,cluoluk:n·ou'r~ kout: I, Lu"- It \\ US d tffcreu t \\dl h ci\'rl1 un!'f _)lail! L(Jrul uu bl1orl l.Y\ "~tcrwur'-k. to ld lnut uu' Ins retur·n, wiih ol!iciul.d .ucyond .tl 1 ~t \\.t&ich \\;'us custuuuuy lru~n !ol~d t fuu rf ... - Ttw I1 ~H1. mcul hcr fur Truuiy tl.ut 11u ~~ud ttr€uuouct:V'Ibc cuse to eotutl mcnl,IJe•:s w!.th 111 11:1 upon ·utlu:r o~:c.asiOUt< . He h11d nellht:r Wt:IH .fn' 4Ut:lltly 10 gnvcrnmeut h~U e .. ami \VUS well ol lho Eug llt.h uar , wt.o cxpr~::::sccl I holr rt.·grt!\ l)el'll 10 govct•IIJ.I It!O t h OIII't! ; nor I 0 I he t:ollcc lOr of .tt!c~i\'l:J tl1ere; but if J1c tOIJ lh t:rh u l ew \\bole..; t tant it t.atl 11 0 1 ltt:cll hJhJcJicll, u~ ll \Hl).arulio~· t(icy Cu:;cou1~. llc r'J'Oke 'his uwu s~rrtr:a1cr& i.:! uud th~so ~01116 .truth::! QS lru . c}fd Oil t ltC pri?SCIIi Ol:C:l~lon', \Vt' I'C ~'01:\'iuce.d , t!tantJ ti\•u l.ll iOUld~' a.Tt;IJIII<llll. J1e \ ... Ouli!Jbolcl Ul~tiJ ~~ ~ JumrU •BU.• IItl h~llor ain,:u-

. ' tllt'Y \\'Quh.l" l1ug h im ~'n '1 is ,I,H:X,t \' it~ II. Pl r. S11t'a:- \\.-t•:ll 1~u ) ou ll~, lo Ld ls ~~. Ju,lnrg llltHilil t lluu tl!o&c of tlru I I.Oil :· ~ tu.:r..kc r to cuuv.ucu 1\lr. E)nmso~ w:i::s l l ij;llly omosed 'Y ilh the corn- !llkJ up Ill t;ll;; lar~d :J ~1 • Ull'rqon~l-l&ey ur~ lliUJtiiiH tre \\ Cio Ill rr;-vr.

I . b . 1• I 1 !JI.l)trblc 111;; tuuucy o l · , ~a t· Hri tou~. L\lr. , 1· 'B II 1 I 1 d ' . ·Jl ttllt!lll~ pu1d y t he ul:t!· ~l't:uker 10 .t ic 111n m ew- Sllcu-Uul it !Ius loecu dcc illl•J u th .- rwisl', l liUllutsy ·~, r RJ£.:-t wo.~ • llo.l Gl 1.1at ISle 10ur e~11 11 h tH loz:- Trluity. It · nliY. it wu:, tro. ' tdrghtlul .IO tile a r u )It uulc Ill d ollars ' ul ·1:!. 411 .1 Plr. l'rt!thiCt ; '""CUI IIIII ... . . \\' uh rt:!urt:IICI) lo tltb rt·sulutu;u

· b on. SJtelik~r to h1t IIJ •OII a I'UI•Jt:C t u11 wl lt!h lie , 0 . .,ll Yll o ull 1 " Jile~tr 11 ,, 1 r 0 ttl t lltloru til cha1r be \\ILd l•r.t>part:d to vole lur 11 ; • • · . ' • . . ~ " - C c IIU uc I " V t!u u U Il l lilt! II Ia J . . · :r ttt:&veJ ~upport h u m both ~rJc:, ol ~~ ~~ house, . 11 1 1 • 1. ·c • t\' . 1 . ..... r t"e 8 . t 9 u 1· 1 u ut hu wexcr w rth u v """' ot ca.:-t11rg 1111)' cc~r .. u rc 011

. I ) k . •• 11 01 Ice! c 1 c• ,,,u . u ur .u ~ c, cup. , I · ~ 1 . • llllu 1e ..seemed to tlun · thut ll tuu:.t h i! so \'tlrr 1 c1s 111 1 u" . 1.1 111 d ·lllu . • J ... ,, f • .1'0 .. 1 tla~ Col ector ol Cu:llOIII::., wt.o wuo u JuOs l ct 1c eu1 .. ll I f' . . . I I " • Ul:! ... Jli.l • • 1:) ol ... . . - · ., ur ~· lt!r Uuln. a· d . . . \'\ I .

n;;ret:u 'c: IO t 1e; !.Xc.tuli\'C to . Lu Llnmt!u Ly t 1u rcli:rr~ . 1 10 111 h t: r loj. 0_,1\ 'd lllodullhltion . LtH tht, o lctl~ ~l! uctuu.: ?" susrruc '.'•n :s . . ucu t ~~ rutu h ou . llh:mbur fot Ti III HY~ tiiUt IH'X I llllo6 rh~ h on. (II .. t~C)Il -:--....., . t I•· ' ()J 'OtiSIIICI' \V "' u' I . I ut wlrJ~h ttle d,ullar \VIIS reCt!I\'IH.l Ill I'HYIIIellt ut

t . . . I 1 t: ., r l Or- 1.1 . ... ;-o,; ' \: .1.,- 1u.:c r Ullu . . I I . · · IS - , 4 n JCilr '.~r went ~~ Go\'crutn~IILUou"l:! t lrey ~\·uu!u t:y uutho HY l tl Cvllcl:IOr rcl't'i\'ta l l r •ht d ut:S lU)pertu c. allt:tl Wild l"huttgeu Ill 1:> lr~lll '"&:i • • J. JHJg huu • . llut al they :- lluuiJ :,lrow s uch lumfuc~s l 1 J i 1 , 1 r · 11 lollur~ :tl -1 0 j r ·c .,; tl d tn 11:4. ~ct. , on tlce pat~::olllf.! of 11lo l.up~::nul t\cl b for tUt: l.Jou mew bcr tor fiu ,ling futl lt witla o1ru uct,



13 .'. ,~a 0c·~ 11

, 111

1 .. c•· lu. \' I. - . '

1' ~ t c avct ·3

111 and U \ ' rc. t:up. 93 ; HOIII~ uf tlu' otticl· rs 011 tilt

I I I · , JIU I lou C r U , U ~ v IIY • le i«! II • It! I! t:r Ill" J · · w rut mu t t wy t u to the J1011 ~p~u l, c r, wlut bud . ntlu 01 11 0 liar is 1 1\ ,

1 ·n 4 . 1 1 :< • 0 re•tSuod 111t uppl1ed 1u huVts th~ tr tittlnra.::~ puad 111

bteu for )'14ur:; t:uguj.:~tl iu dcuouucitl~ oflictuls, ouJ th 0, a e


10 · ~f 1•11 1 • \ ~;J ·r . 1 . ;~ ;

1·• ~1·~cptlru the ttnuie.rnte, ou wlrich tl1o t:ollcc1ur ~uhnritttd

\vlaa t lie CdiJcJ · Jli~l. - haaided l::x l.'cuth·o oc t., ,?- 10°\\. l 1 .... s t 1 1 '. ~.:I .•. ~~Wit u't ··rc ~ore:~. 1' 1"'

11~ the cn~e · to til t G o.n t! ruor, oncJ lil t: Uu\'l!ruor tuuk \\

' • ~ • • l . •1 , V ::1 l v IUl Ut i Uv ' .! \! q I,CI Jd WOIIJu · • fm t would .they Ult \V Hh h 11 11 w ut!ll I I! \\ c. Il l t u t I I I ;tl 0 I II~ i r II \ II 0 I v f •• I h~ ouly co:.htiiiUt au nul cutJree 111J cuuh.l lake - h•:

lO Government House? W oult! they t:11 llritll? Not- I J ~ u, t I :.; II~~ ..... • !I Y, ' .:· .. 0 ' I ~o'.,,uu I r, ' •• u ltJIU,'. I tou k tilt: opioiou ol &ltc luw olli~c;rti or U•O Cro\\ n. · I d ' . . · I . i Wl.!l" I cuu t.: u .. IJUu c u " .. ltl 1c 1 t:o l t c 1 tu \\ uU u b .

Wit IStno 111g the populunty \\ luc h 1 :11~ 11 IJc g:~n t:d r: · ;:1 1 1 11 u . 1 ll 1. 01 1 tl 1 11 Ct 1

Welle l\ UtJ Ill hu·our ol 1he ciiUII:!u Jro111 4~. 4J. to l . I . I I l . l I ' k IU '!:> :u 0 c I I • t: u H IJ! u lJ wIll~ Ill " .. ., () I H .

· IYI:!UPP?rtmc;t i~ Vlt:W::I ae J •Y. t te lun-=>pea ·e~ou 1 ,::. i'rcrv"all\c of the dr"'<u IUS }!)!}:-"I f 4s. · -. 11.1 uw n op uuun was how~vcr, tl1ut l<or that t:UbJ~Ct, Ulll l lro III USt cutll ~:-$ t hut Ul un~ lillie L) I c ' r I I b ' I I I .• · the l utUrP., Uct the ltii JICrlal tluttl!i wero nu\'t 10 Lc } .. 1 . or•.~ Unt: .:1 opr11u1 u curr t:c r, a. :)I!C:II3 tts tl l u .• I .0 · 1\' U:i uot IIIUILit:rc nt 10 [WjHJ :~ ruy, uuJ C\'cll nuw _, 1 ...:. \': 11 t. 1 ''l k t

1 1 " 1cpc1tlcu , 1 Ia! ull lhctr r~cci JIId ucHi puyntCII IS 1 1.1 • • I l .1 t J -..u o\'11 •Y v1 r T.l tu 11 1..1 ac :-. uue , 1 lU I 1 1«! nlll" l b . I •c \'t ou u pnz c 11 11;!1• y 11 tt \\'as olltnlll t:u l.f uwg

0.,, ;· ,. t l ... 1 1

. 1

. ,1. 1 11 1 · •

1 1 .• " ~ aould c a1 4 ;. •U. Hcrllll!: lo tlld I ur. 1 · 1 N · · I Ill "'' 11.... 11.: , u Ul.! o u co. 1 IUIIC \ \'Ill ~rcu cUr• -11 ~ ,outy. 1\ltWIIb:ituuukan~ the popu unty tLIIll t rc:ut iutllt! cuuu try, lly cucup.t11Wic·w .lu '"" «ttuoJ. Mr. C.&ttTER t111iJ he l1 url hcur•l 1ing yet tu mag at uc~ rue tc must I•JO ro tHUelt• lll~. nwra l •Ill • 1 1 1 1 . I • ' I . . '· rtr1l ol uur <J\VO cv1u; otll t:rw ase IIIC l'ou.,c:ut ul COIIVIIoCo 11111 I •Ill I ld r t!:)O U .IUII s .,o u

11e mere CJ•hcm cra l'opularrty tha t ''' "'h l uc ,; tt tll• ' . .,. 1 1 1• 1 · · t' I I . fi . I I e I t Pultmncut \\' Ill be IICC t:::l····y, ' J.ll ,tl Ollp; ht IU bo I I!C il Jrpu~ tl ur\ .. ltrc Ill OO UIIII IIlt:e 0 •

e1 uy sucn ll: lll •• 11 ~ COII\'tCliOIIi' Its t1 ust oo ( tu 'l: 1. ._ ~-.. 1 t 1 b 1 tl 1 t . l e I . ' . . I . uluclclll tu t:OirVIIICu auy, l'tiiiC Ill u l lllll 1l11t t the · rc JCll lll\ • . n.lftll u: r c. •J t:CIIUII ,., . ll• to oe rc:~u u rv 11 ' 111n IJriiiCIJI ~ 111\' 0 v~. l 111 lir e rc:-.ullitton uclo r" I 1u J' : • 1. · 1· 1 1 1 11 . 1 · I dlair · uut.! tholl"h hu \\'Uti wdl uwur~ thot lro rluauu;.: Cul~t:h~yult~e;, -=>uuda Atlldtt t;••ll -=>!:. \\I\SIIiJllll ular.n~,.Ji lhe 1 v.,u"' ~l lid t v


11o ~U~t:

f wuulu' be ;11 a ~ui uorily upuu t h~ 4

l1 Cbliorc. he c.uu!d uot hu\t: u S}Crll~~luu ut ·h. -!d . ( i lie n h\ 11 ) :o , ,.0~11 4 :1. • tll~r 111!!1 \\. 1 1ch t111Jt11cl liu ce:~-

ld . I . • .1 ' :::; ,.,cukur-h l.IUCif 1101 ctJu \' liiCe 1uc.l .\1r. 1:. . 11~.. wuru v n ~· l•;erd "h·•· '"'' II•~ l.ou. ltld th u:r or ;:; • \\J•uul mamtaru H~ op u: IOII~ uu~J he \\llo cui nvluc· :suu-uu at,(l;) \Hil~r 113.:. 11uh.l-" \Vtlcu o .. c J u' U•UII Joht~ 'd hutl ju'"t tuld IIH!m, uclell uu the ltatlll opt· t: t Jal they \\l e f tS wrung C\'~ 11 II 116 ~tuoll n OI IC Ull • I . . r l I o· of .. . F I . &he fl oor of that huul!o: lhll bhholu• ll lu: · n&ll'llt ld ~~ tt:rrU I IJcl~ IO· b!! 1cv c1 ll•u \'cry a lt:- UII.JIIy ~ I lll d ttl ull u It lu uw o IC~rd

1111u Cou

1w u. u

1r1! 1c.,1~ . l ' t'l' • • ( 0 t c d o clrclle CtJI. DC II IS h.JII Ill lll:t l .. t. h .'' t\11. Euu:r· rcu~Oil:l ld lll ii:H OJ'jll\1'6 t • .., IC iO U· IUII, II I loug I

ulua m opnuou rom Iron. lllCIIll•cr(' It wn::~ 1101 t ·r • . 1 •· • .•


1, . ~ull llr-.:rr a cud . a CIJJIY ol u -c~rc ulcar Uc!c-pull:u hom 11 (Jrun~ 11 tOtwuru ut nllu lh t: r tuu~ auu 111 auutuca

st!ll· one ol thu .comm issaonerR fo.r the cli!tflbU-tiun uftil e relic(dc,tnilcd in tht! return ~nd o( tht: fi l'~ c.:n bnrr~h; didlrillut.~·ct iu · Aq~·aror.te, ~ .. · ~hey h~d t~kcn notus ~( ll~d 'for .~birrl•tm, ·to puy 3 s . f~r ljada, ·euhef rn monov. or .iula .. Uou on (1e roads. ( ~ cn'r, lrom~lr:J>arsQns ) , e whole, t~t"\ . sum 'of'£':!03 , in r:nuta-ey1 nn~

.l llurrels of flour was nil fur which ht! had rcce1Hd rot urns ; . ou~ o l £ 6000 voted •. !.'fh"ere • .was ~n2. r~~urr.a · for: the dt:;trict ;bf S t. J olau 's. tllt.~l.o ug~ . It .m iJ: ht. be t!~pe9tccJ to ·lJe 1lt.'u in wlu ch., ! rom .als Ot! mg tutd€: r the immcdialu'.in:. sp~ cl ~on of th~ Ex.ccut'ii·o. the occnun18 W (\UI<J

ht! ' irtO:lt curcfull_v kept. He ~id li'U:H tlan lth~ 'huu11~ wou..ld uut l'crmit him to desibt frum prcssi.n l,! ! r. 1IH'1H.: l't:tu rntt. H e could uot •pul\~ hi~t rl·pot t us choi rauan of nucl it wtthuut them ; uud !roped tlae lwube would susluin hirn ~u tlru cuur~c Jae dt'cmed necessary to purMuc .

The ~l'EAki::Jt said l1e would rt!Comau~uu to the ho11 lll t:lllhu'r to gl\' O notice of ulclny when Ito would urwg the tiul.Jjcct uefurc tho IIUUtiO, and it wn:~ prouaula thnt somo of tht: suvport# ··rs of tho g tJ \'t:rumcnt \\ ould communica1u whh #

the Secrc 'ary, .nnd ho enn:> led to ~ i vc.- U!l:;fac­l ory CX) • Iunuliflllt~ to lhe hnuso .

A uac~sage w a:1 received from her i\Iajesty 's Counc il hy the ucaing master in chnncet·y , in · ftii' IIIJII IY the house that t ilt: Council had uivon ,., • 0 #

pc a·rnis:~io11 t.., tile honouruult::l \\' i llaam Th,•mn~ and J. i\1. Spearman to atlcnd and ~i\'d t!vt · dt:nce uefvre lho selcc\ cummmce on dtflcr .. en t io l tlu ties.

i\h. H o\'I. Es snid that lU s Qme V('a·bn l al· lfli'IIIIOil:t W C I't! llCCCSSa ry in the Ulll to Cou tiuue

I he li;,!ht ho use tt ucl, hll wuuld movu it ll rt! ­cumulltt nl to a comtnitlt.' e u l tl1 c who ll' la uu~e.

i\l r. J un t~ec:.onded the UlotJOn , \'th icl1 \\8S put aud curried, nuJ the I10Ude WtHt t Into cu u .. • milt et!-l\lr. P arsons in th e chair.

1\lr. H ovu ;s the n movcc.i the t:l'8ein!! of a f~: \v \Vor o's 1,nd the lll«tc.:rtion of s ome olhtH'~ iu one' of thu section~ of t lttl l,) ill, which wcru • ca rr~d. ou thul uccoum ISIJO:Ic.:d IO t rCt. t l1e 1t O IJIIIlUII ::. , 1 ' &. l 1 .• • · 1 1 h 1 1 1 Lord Gltlllt:l~ lll~trUcll ut; culou1u l guvc rlJo·:t ,,0 1 ~lrupe ,., llllj!nl 10 1111 ucr.u to us::.t: llt lU 11.

Will ~::S'TI!:I J•ectt · au leC .liUIC J lllrh l:l 0\\U . l I . . I . , . . l\Jr. Pr.E~DEr.G .\ ST snid the diffi!r t>n ce uo· uuanun it wus u'nutlauntl•!e ll Wt!:i 10~1 l>ru fur to a::!SI!n~ to tuca ~o:uHchCJ !Jrlb, uu ~o:l 1 l:!Y hud , ~ . 1\l r. \Vassr.R ex.~latuct!-Ui! tllllll;! l•.! the rosolu tLem t y cb h l . I .I II r. ~ r c U pt: Uclllrg ChlU:ot:; owl o!Juku 41l rO•IIt! IJ'Il&liJ- ( I{) IJ l'lhuulo lrtt utllrluccl l.l•tulc l1rUIIIIII~ uny JIUf (\\' ~t·n 4~. ~d . nud ·h. 4d •. to tlw Jt>l lar in tlJt) . u tren t t:a o: cr \\' II 1 uUd ullu l t:C v ll iiCI" tJ· 1' 1 · · · · ,. ~ · "'ll"CI \V' 'h ' ..,.1· l 11 1 1 ' · "' 1110 uro!lllt; th~l thu vi Jc~ r:~ W 10:1~ sul..orrc.:t 1\ t: t c v 11 t lu: 11•1 11 ut tilts t~Uf•t•"~"S, · 11:1 tltts t.ldabP. rute nptlt tou (Jt cullcL·troc.t u ( li,•h t dues WU:f ~ut bUiull, bot it .,. ,..'" • ll r,. Cl t! IICt! 0 lb r l'S..J U lOll ucaUI C " t:t

c hoir Ire would ot.!~ \~ha t \\' U;) ~lt:r lw" ? ·n ~eru ll':)~I\· ~:J It~:, \\ l" r~ oumh·tl 10 :,t~ rl wc; coall or Jl:. tuo hous" . tftul bll pU)IIJt:utd oughl to be naatlb dl w n s C~lfn·~lnined o~JH:J J;:~tfict i 81'\d in thut cuu ld be no JoulH but t lla t tile hllu~c :.~.J' powc1' to ll!UIV~It:n t 111 111" luru•gn ~11111 cur• .~u t .(u ll.u " ' ' tv- tho r u lu nl 43 • 4d. l!~t!rllug 10 •11' " dollar. uf tla t! hnn · me au~ea•:t lor Burin nnJ l"or.tuua

I . . oy · uu\J cvuc)llcl ~t.l lly ull:)l!fVI II{; tuut us ~~~ la .s ll Th · 1 · · .1 · · J> • ld · · rt:~u ute rho1r owo currcucy lur tll :: u; o ',\11 llorw·~- ' . 1

e q •&ecJuo n •elll:! tht!n pur, 11 '41VISIOR wn~ >0}' at wv u be ti! lll more cotnAlntn ud ol 1: n:t · . • t:ul c rcd tlltJ hu u;,c nncr dltl J.u1•· l::>j•cUkt: r lu~ 8u t 11 .t 1 1 1 ~ k' 1 1 1 J • • r • ~" · t1c urr:t u~;cmeut~, Lut wl:ut wu~ :s t~ rhu0 uwuey·ol . . , 1 . J . ~:n t:u ur •Y 1 1e ~,•en . t: r, \\ ro m~vt:• t &ut t 11:1 they we re I rom public pulley mndu to puy for •

Ureut Urllqln ? I)Jmllri;r~ for llr cl take uf :u~u . ~vwu,. \ \I ut " ' ~~Ll . oulc~ ~u~."~· .'o Od l Oll:)lclt! l ~ll lll111•~.:t on tillS ql\' l:~tou t.h volu Le •t:purtetl IO tl tt.l tho li•rhi:; n hhr> u ••h khe dorl\.-ed littlt:J or no . Jllt!lll lltut l ilt! p rocla tuad••ll of 18:.!5 lrud " i\'1.'11 cur- us u repay II.\ the lruu . :::ipc:t.rl~c .r , \\ h"111 11" ••uU uul hou~d l itu t lh~y m •gltt 1'16 rtH~ortl .,d uu thu J our· ? . • " {[ Y . . ... J t!llt;.)' to l il t: t!CJi kH tor .all pu) lllcllto u.:, c :-.i•l l.'b-.,CU Ill htur.l , IHJ l U:f u .tllUICillr;Ut uf IJI;, uwu t1tslttJt:f&IIU IIUI:s. A '-livi:)iun 111~11 loul( pluct , \\ lit o the u:une:s I ~cnchtd~I'UIO t.h c m . ·•. ( mr~l&l b~ Stlld u.aat th~ &lie r( s"'Ju:lOII u1 ..1 :!.-lJ. :o l cflu,~; d.ur \lll:l l l1c ~1~t~u- v~:'~ u ~t t ile :.u c•Jtcl. , . . " wen~, tor thtt re~olullt-11-M t:~:tte~ . Delu tfl'y, J ,,b, cmon wg oj the d u 1<'8 ll1 "1;!)2~: wo.s:•l!~gal, l;,h }Jillar.cJ llul lur of wb1ct, tl,c :at1 lll'b&c vuluc \\US 1 h u :::::t-•:4~£ ~: 1111tJ b een l11ghly tlliiU ~{~'.I W!tllJthc ~lf! lloy . (J'Hrieu , Hunkru, ~pc-tkljr , untl ~Jteu :- lJut htt \VU:j uot loud o~ cncour~g tng lurgal .wn, ~dl kllO \\'tl Ut lire llllll f.h 111111 1, uuu IU ~h~ full luug IS JI~cch til t t l!! 111>11 : ll~cllll.J~ r lur ·· ~gu, \YIIO A:;uiu~t il,. 1\ , l!:tut:r.)ull, Fullt!, uut.l when thcy ·c~.~,u tu vruytde a r e naody ns effic a.· ';;~u unci tit•CIIt·:o.s uf \~hid:, u:~ it cu111ll lro111 th~ wull r ocur . a tt no•l g<:~turu b ul ti~ tr. tlucutl.) l'rcudt!r~uitt . • CIO U !I uut! Jeffs expe u~i ve. Hti w~uld IUO\' f'

:Sf,otoJ:-It lllllr l, tlu: (Url!l t>l u hr;;ll ·i '''/ldt:J uul llJ11 I•Ut thd . 'J •ct: :slluu-\\ h ,u li 1!-lc:: l llllg ~ h" huu - Mr. r.aEsur.noA~T s 11 ic he regre ll,ed that n di- chnt lhe follo~''n loNn pa rt ol lhe bill-·" AncJ · W d:t plcJ~c,! ,-::.r.ucc tltul l l•uc tlto d ithlrcu t r ~:: pu i.J .. «luott: ·~ ~ .. ,~,:uuue, ln.&.\/ Ut.ack.,tc.hao was. ~~~ lull v it~ t On had b :~u c .. l ltJol h•r u:t it w ou ld ut) uo.: uer bo it onttc:e th at ~monic's lt!\l iu~ under th" 11c:; l! r' tlu~ ~uuth hrul 1)c L'II ~q.;(llll ~~al•d t\ach l! Jd ~ ~ llt:J -=>p~~" c ' e) ~>we , :v ~lu:y lc<1J ~ar ~J.a,ucuu:t tr1 ~tt :11~ rc~ulutiou dlrould huv~ ul•l't:h reu un tho ~uiu act shn he


1 Ill t •rlio~r m · y

0 i l

l:!.i':led a.s ul\tr coiu . Th l·y hati cuu:,lqucn ~ly t: Ocbruu~ ::1 IJrucll•II Utlluu hxu,'g lilt! 't J,t lue ol tUc Juuruuld Otl haVIII~ llet!u l ;rtSStHJ upruu Fbr f~rei n • . I ~ c " . ~ne • r I • I\J e~ ICIJII, l'aruvmt:, Cballull, Ul,tl Huh\ lu ll d ul :ut!, uullat lit. 4 , . 4 J. i ll lh.l th ~ !a.m. Utt:lllll~r ~\OUtlluuL thut reueou , uhhougl~ ti t! 111JproveJ o f lhu l'bttu:u · g ~Oin ~ at lhe ratctt a t wlu~.h they ar~ be.sallc:t evan utsQ of •1111 ureruu~ mltc1l), tl.J:c\ 'l "rc.: J,cu)l

7lh,H thu uuv~::auur :~ f.'' ucaacuurauo ~utt tlct! taou, I!~ hull uot letL h i«t suul. now rece,aved Ill ~,uyment of colorual uu~::s.

spruP•io,.., 11110 cxbteucc out: \ ~ ... r u11J 1u1l 1u •• '''" Kw~ o ptoclauJUllvll. IJe buu quult:~ a d t!ZijuU•;h "I , \\' .1 h t •t . · Mr. }I ALLE eucoudtH.I the /'iiiOTI'on, \Vhlch, l•t:X1.


~ \\ Oulu 11ol bu 111 ~.~ 11;tniu'c: •l tl•a t t'-1~1 1 ol' of L vn.l U tt:ucJc; cs whicu bad uo rclt!rtSuc~ tu ' ttau .' ~' r. l~:t£1\ 1!1e11 luoveu 1 11 ~ 18 eoml~ttle~ uftt!r 0 dlhu·t di!lcus:,ion in wl~~h.~he Spe~ker llu:se wus ln trw~-ically of' enuul vnluu "i:lt t he ::ullj.;ct.. He ll .. hl lc.: lt:a'rt:u tu tho upauwu gtVcu oy rt~t: , thut .tnt! ~luurcuctu r"port pro~rlt:d ' u u "~ and Mot~:JJS J ul. \'~ ,,,· .... r , Pren· d~rtrd..Jt• ••o·: · · · ., L. t• b \ G 1 11 h:uvt: IQ stt tst'Uifl aud rettOft tbo l't!ti\1 UtiOII:f to tut: · "• " .. .., ' ~ "', ~ u • ;spu~uJa ptllar~l t clollur to w lu .:b ulouu lht: JIIOCJu .. vnl vUIII JI c: IJ 't\'llt:ll l llorn~y ouorn • t) \lilt: . , , ' • Hojlea -'look a ' ' od . ed . . I ur~:~llon hut! relt:reu ce. Tlr"y tlillcr~tl 10 vulue" trum ~l·t.:Uilt:4') wuuld ~~c;u~c 'lvr u Jc" tu g o t un op1u1ou hllU ~I!· • • . . P r ' W,-:t flU 0 c~rrl · ' . J t:n'ih otber 1~11tl 't'tcr.s ull lllft raor w ti c~ pllluJt:u u-um u JuW) t!r uu c:l liJcr ~11Ju v f a «Ji.l l:'ut~u, uuu u., 'fhe conunittee rose oriel the chuirmu1i reported On Jn •tiiOII uf !:tlr .j Hoy lett,. thts .COifl • lllll~e ciollur .at' ~pnicr, :wet 1titJ ""cuul'ltcJ ll~IH:-t: \\ Utt tltal ru.r lhd ~ruvclii"l: o p ru1uu ~~ 1h" At,urm·~lit! ut!nd the re:~~•luuuu,., 1h.e_two ti r,.t of wlr~cb wc ru re~Cd tv- ros.u, uud r t>por ,cd{ be .lrtll Wllh nmoudmt~urs, lht y had UtiV~Il ~l UUl pf c i rcultiLIUII. 'l'he ortit:"r:s l•l l Uitl colOu), " \V:l:.l u ut l u bu ~t:t up u.::aiUot ~d. \01\ lhtl rt!::JUIUIIOII thut thtl lllllllt!S b~ r t:portcJ, whtch . report was UCt:IV~d. auo the UIIHtud -

'on the rdt~erv ~::t11 r~t wvuld l1u. lJ ~: 1'tc( pu1d W1t11 1ht: 111u JJt:c t.luus ur tild. l,;uurt!t ot/d~U.\.!.t:~, fur Uld ~\Jr .. Fc&lltS oltjct:tet.l to 11 11 !Jdiu~ ro c.·?rd~J, u:~ h" .wa:s ~neols wort~ read . ud coucur&·~d ' tn lly .tllu ~ ~ ~J1JUI11tlr duJiart~ ut •1:~ .4<.1. than Wllh ll,u d t: Jif <::.e iiii•IU lt:orcr c:fi lllt: ll tO~ r tur l'Ut;u IIIIJdladuu t ltto!ltH..IJU,t..IJo~ Ill fuvour .ol i\J r. \VIIl iiul d lt?~~haU~c~,_IJUl dt ciJ ued hOOSO, . , . , . · . co1n ci t ( ud J 1 tl~re!1t r c:'puul to.::t, 11 0 w 11! cu~uluuou, ct&lt:tl cust::t i\t:Jt~ 11rc: luw ut l lnt''t .. u.a 1111 c-~~ c~tHtl e leuvwg r, Je~ ocuL a:s hu t hought u otva=:aou uun~ct::s• On mution ·of ~.Jr. H oy lea. it wntt ordered ul 4. ~1. But,( It wu:~ uttt:uapted lo fix a :s.uudurtJ tJy upl'cul to u h lt; IJc:r lrtlluu .. t; tua.J ll \~la6 uul . tu oury. th a l the Lilli bu oawro:utsd nnd rcud h tbtr~ joe lt&t:~ it \\()U)tl L6 ucc:ts:~ary 10 1111 \' 0 tllctu u~- In' .luq;ullcn lllt&L tlr ~ Anurut:y Ueuerul'.o O!Jiuaoq The SP£AE!R 5a itl htS ; mi··bt v<5:e :a&Bin:lt its time 00 'fh d D ' ... •

Ji&.)'ed1 which couiJ~t l.J t: \Jouc: Ill tl•ls 1:•>luuy , uud \YOu hi <1t..ld lJ c h\ciW .£;$0 uuu ..t;.;4J .. )'t~ur to lu~ b aing rc:CdiVed . 0

Tl · ur:1 ay · . . to hllv., ,n::t mauy thLJ'..,ron t StU11tlurJ :1 as lll t: l c wcrc u.cuwt'. ( .\ir • .l.!.u1orouu--tJ~ wud uul Auuru~y l\lr CAtt'M!Il. ohjt cted 10 t ho question on Hie 1? nttxt ort.l~r of tho duy wns the comm1!~ ft.'JIUulrcs. I f it wtte 10 lrt: us:.u111c:d ~ha t til ~ rc~~~ v.. l_, c u t:Jut th .,.u.) .·n _,u -=>t~~ ~~~cr- Uut ~~~ \ \u:s au t:X ,.,~01 ~ 1100 bctu:: .... ._,ur, ns ltu sniLI i f:. \Vt&tl cootmry 10 t ee ol thts '~.h~le bou~~ on tuu b~ll to prohaull (d IIUic._trU::. w~r" IU lto pura.J Ill ll.CIII, l l ll rl.::.l _LII! ,,~ f'C.:C. lu ! IU II ul l ilt: olh~t". 1ptsiiUI~ ,III O CI I'/( IJuJ OISIU pud r:uueota ry prt:C~·teut.IO t!tll~r '"~ cJavi:stuUd Ill tho ~xportauon of ,bat(•to the l·~nch.. . f;Wl,!r:; the;, uJl:ccr~ "'~•ell a n ululrc.::- a;:. \\ vu.d rl ~<:Ill ~·u\ Juuc;~s leU 1vu cuucy lv juct .: :~ • . llu ~tht: cotullli · h.~o 011 ll tu Jouuml~ , tltu ~u r~dl cuurd•! Ut)tll j; .,M a·.Ho1.' L£s. mo t!d thul the hou!t~ go tntq t~ t:;,.gllul tJ Co cell !ur l.b~ Ulllllht.. r ()1 llill fl tl..:; ~ l t!r- - l'c "'·~ r) t• tu:1ko: d ti uu tnur. lllcj lind J Urac:s , "' ·' ll to ,,,,.,d_, upuu the ,1uc.it1Uia tllut •h" report o f comuuu~o. Whtch wns put and cnrrte.d, and

.• }to~. 1.\ lnciJ l! oiC l v.fitc t:r \ \l..l) Cl•o ll k tl 10 r~t.etn:: , h .r IV \! (I.; llv \ left l v juugt:• IUUJ U luw. titi\J t! U!»IIIHIII::. COIUIIIIltee lit! rcctlhc:J. ~ the houl)o went iuto commhtc·~-~1r . EmerSOll ~ • lh l!:.t.gla1u.l tlrnl cv111 h ll~ u ll . t!I U •:: • .r .• Lial.tlc cu:n- 11.:1 t lhJeo t.II.Yttlll.\!u L>y til~ IJuu. u.~;cu l o~:r " oulc.l "fl ..,. . . 1 h II ttl qucsiiou ond irf l"e chair.

r uo\111} \'• lta·h w: :) IJOIJ" i•l a :)Ulu tr In •d ·(":) l1ut c 1 1 1 ;I , , 1 .1 • )tr ..,p.,; 4 E Ell. dUiu 0 '~011 1 yu F10 ' )' • tJ l Ct ) • •


0 u:t 1'1011Hl11011 10 1 lu '""c a · •o Lie reg11 1 1 cu tllo~ whu tl lcsuppruvc:u ol n 1111 •h t v t~ ugurn:.t 11. ~lr. HoY r.Es mo\•ed thul the eccont.l t~ectaon

u l cuL J!~.,s Ctl: retH•U1 ruc..J ,• J ; ll e.!•Ot t1 r.ot1

,,.11 JI ulu'lln. · lJc \\UU id c;11y th ltt i h~ hou. JU\!lliU"b r : ~ • • ' f I , l · 1 ·' d •.• ltu~.tcollt:u l l :n ~ t lte u lilct:rd ~uwl~a! u lu.: lt:ll tlrt: ohlt:iul:t lu t~k~:~ 100 u.uc b •• Hu ou~hl tv o l ~c Ull be r ad. ( t uo porse . u Jl~nalt)'

p :u 111 ett;r!tu;.; cclun~::y ul Gn~at 11a111. !':., v ''" rc: tu t:w uc:r ll&at tim cavtl t'X ul!ud uurtS of abo l,;u l•wy !\Jo~n.n· , F~urunry 1!). vur.r.•n~ .from £10 to £~0 tor. the vaolauon uf \'.< OOILJ .'-:tl• a·c~iu '' I·" \\ .. d :,tcs ~?_ \\'u:. ll 1101 w uti uuHwtd•l.: 10 t ludoc,tl iu;! bldture . Jf tla., hou. 'fho Houtta mot a t one o'.clock. th~ ,flrovasrtlua of the Jir~t section. ) . . :!~ lllt:tbw~ dc!JUile , tauJ.l UI Ic, 1 1 '~ , :, .. t \\u::~ uJurubt:r'e po:.1t 1u 11 \\> Q::j ' 1·urruc 1 the Ex~cullvtt . ~· ne \tect i~f) havitlg been roud, Mr. Hoylbs \\ vll Jwowu ? .\w.l WIH: rtl •us lito. \ I'Y winc h rnl~ l . t I'"Y lite r.·c~cr.vcll rHiurt t:d !l~t unly Ill lfullurc:~ ~r. PAR&ONs pa·oecuted two petitions, one euid , tl,ctt it me~oly carracd uut tRo .... tn.ovi~toud tf1u dollars ot tt.e ~oiJth A r.IIC•tc '' ::S!Urt:::~ t •• .ut ~X:1.11 11 14.,. :! 1. i, !J~· ul .J:. 4J. tJII t ut S:.t. Dll. A'm.l from llridgetUuupby',uud another _fr{Hn Alice of the "fir1u 11ection . 'l'ho fircsl sectaor .. nrolu· )c:!•&lberl? He \\ OUillltOW 1"0111~ (.) 1110 I I.:.CI\ I. l l I I· , J I "\ f II . . f 1-· .~ I d . r "' F l ' t · j . 1 1 uc~c r-u <tr• . · \ :rtl tu h u r:.u IJUI w •Y JJOt the .. ulJ owucy, '~ompsawlUJ:; o · ud~ ,pllnomc bltt-tl lhu u~p;:~ l·touon to uoy 0 luu ' r~nc \ I:J ... ti:t urt:~ s uct \\ ll! l:h \ \Ud l,nnty l,u~•;cl l!l•u •• ' ""' J u.. Culutw..t-47-c 1&1.1r · r 1u uu d al )' uul tbe ~ from buihHng on Pt·ouucJ occu1> .1.~d l,)v tharni • d f' l . • 1· h '- · 1 ,tJac.t'turo Act of 1 "4 ur c the l ' u) nl (;l.l llrtu t wii11; J1 • • \ " ~ l : · . 11 11 ~ •

1 ur- " 5" ·q ~Dn s o lerrlnJd,· cnp tn, ~r ol e r unll,J t)r tlO . ..._ , - • \ !;! \or l.;C CII' rlll'a U'tHJ huh ::Sbtrttf IS rcl!l!fVt:J ~ul·· an con .. eqU .. IlC4 of· ,,, .. lo:trc tl" wet rnn"der·l'ng •. , ,.. ,. . I • . • h I ,. • h '"'tcGul')lun ;ed 11 '11Ho Clluncr l' ro\' td c:- tl Cl"rtUi u ae· 1 ; • IJ ~ l tJ ·

1 "' ,.. .. ~· " "" ~ 0 ""L'" ~ a~ .ang or expQt l)lllou, or t ., ltlU tng or 1 u

I . ' , I I! . "' " " III•Y Cu" Cilt rcut.ou te uruc or t Itt •l'ec .. us.try lh" l butl·la'ng' 8 froR ,·,,,, .,, t ll •• .. trce'·a f I. d f ' • ld ld 11.1 Ufl~d 10 tho J udt•ctt . 1 h e:-.IJ t:!tl .ttlcc' , h UU d lwi iii C' III :J 'l 'r y ll·""t II. r ,· ••• I' le f'or t ' o .. ..... "'. u n. I .. .. wu (l11f(lO:i6 0 uCIOg expurtc, I or 0 ucm·r 10 or

I I o 1


~ , u • n· .u • a 1 ", ,au '' en n 1 11 I · l t · · .1 • • d I ld 1. ., I . . . . " L uuc Ol1er:~ 1hut \\Crt: re~:.c rvc.l \\ u:u u .cuue.11 .. t ilt:)' JI..IIJ( III I;Ol upou uu otlurl'e!f u•ul tllu procluruu· on w 11~ 1 t 1e1r ~rounu 18 lllUttte , at ao u ue ~xportn~1011 , oJ lCrl'll;\gtt 01• cnphu;, and tba ~X' KID \Vtl8 ~ru uted I~ th u CO I' III ) , \'ll:l tl .t(J llu puld II UII-1 II IIo I •lc.spnlclJud UUlllurt~u:t; tlru c huuge (ro;H a CeJ'1uio numb"r Ol feet fc.>m th'e celatro Of .tieC,\Ild tsectioo llhpos"d ~e(\alty UU the 'yjo- . J~ llte rhug tiiOIIU)' ufGrt:u l lJ I I \ hlll j auJ ll \\ IHI I\ t;! • .}_,, .t;,J/ iv •l :i. ;lei . l!e (tho b p l.llku l) ~clieVdU lltt:r" the llfe!Ct, Qtld tbaL \he board of npptuiiers Jcttion 0 ( Ony of ~U80 pr lul.>itiODll• 1t WOUld J~ •ow~ ~luat tile c1~ 1 n4rt~ now 111 G1" :uJ .).11011

t ;u !"'r wa:~ ~wtl1111~ woru th i.n u ·rr~a u ;.s. mtnut., nt1· dechued givan~: tJ.atHD uny compensation. 'l'he be of no UIIU to impo1o a t~• nenal•1 ·th'an tho .:.01~1 ean~. ~ortl11 ·J~. '-'· n c.:rt1 hucci iJ \\ urill • '; ~.L d tOSIII'?cJ 1u rlre Cullcct~r i111mucwa~ hHu to levy 1•otitione wor~ receavcd, rea~, ar.d ordered to ·vlilue·ohhu bait al)at mi rr hL b~porled • olhur• · ., ." m1gut In '( 1o1r tll t: ro domt-ollc nrruHgl! llle ulo lh · 1 . l u IC' .1 tl j · 1 n:. 1 tl 1 '· • ' ,. • cuU tl r , o4 AJ • b j ." • lllptma Ul Ullv IJUY 16 llllJ"rlllr Ou1C61d IU on I.e tab e, \YJ~& a '8UIUI;glor might .run tbe ·t'Utk OJ' d6 zec··

'"~~ 6h:: r ltol:{ lll~· ·~Y Ul >· : • Ul t lilt \V lllf ot G•lo l\JIIId an llollllrd fit 4j. 2 ·1. -'ffJd hoo . INtHII• 1\1 w d . r h . I • nut .sterlang mouey of . <.irt:ut Jiruu111 • u••d tl!coc ht: r lur t<'or;o ougl.u, rf h\: dea&~t:~ 10 t!Orll the cou.. ~' r. JNUR eai that us. chaarman o t e ttuo, ~~~ 1 tht1 hopo 'Uta( ~ auccCJII{ul run to St. ~fficere, .~lao~ tia.turru ~.:re, ox,,rc~l'ty & Cit-rv~t..l . titlc:tac<J ttuJ grutttutlf' of th veo Jlts, h) oc..lupt 8 committee of ~udit, he Jc;\L it incumbent upon Pe.c1r ~would ~nalJiu ham to t•ay thO ·I"'D!ll\y. ~rocu tb61r le.;s~l~uon, Wf:re to lie- puut '"j'". cotu 1 clttie rcnt .courac , ou1l uot' \~ coJJu dOWfl 10 llrnt bim to ff:t1Dplain of the !WtecutlVQ • . Hoj· had A.s1uman; th~L Ot.att .of the veuehs ·cmpl~y.ed Ul 1{£ ~e r~Jm. ~ 11~.J~..cul . \ c t, 6 Ytc., c~p . I , ld nu' houou watu tue oJiiuioptJaut! ca:!Cif furui!lbod tQ .J!i•u Jwo moottia a1o moved ao addreat wbicq was tlao tratlio would clrry 10 bhd~.; worth at St.

, ' ,.. . '· ~ . . . j,

t • -:· .. ... r.·~ .... ~·G..:· ~· .... · i..: li!.~~-..a....J...~--.....~~~--u

-l j.


..., . .. .

·' f • •• . • .. -

THE ·MoitNI~G-~ ·.cotrRtER ~ ·~<::· . ' : . .. ;{ '

• . . ~ \ .

· ttet·'s 40 francs ellc.h, lie had tak tlle -~·ax,- of ;he grent cJjfT,mmce in the prin~ ot whirh the i' um penalty nt 201., an.d the miu' upl at 101. French merc'hant~t can afford to ~ive their. fi11h by

~I W · 'd ~ Dt reason of·the Jnr~e bnuuty ollo~ed tberi1 b.v tlu~ir

'to .giir~·n hi•l•t tus J~ ·,l;i:t ei~JArttr1eut .. ~r~o·ur o- volunle.e. thereto • . The ttrleipt •cial 'ec(in~mj, · WOI~·Itt it o~t be ,•ell 10 ' bdld 0 ' 1 ~~rks, 'u!J tloncJidos to ita& f.~Jiflitul•l/1•, h~e

' · d ' · · · : · ' bly acknO\\Jt:dnet.l. · ••· " · • . . 4 r • · 1f 5En sat that -pre aous t t ques. government- & frftned• lh:r quintnt As rho f.<~rencb

tion o.n the section b~ing v\Jt, .he 'W~ a . movu hnve at· the 81ltll& time impr'o,ed. eonaidtlrably in a hal the cc mmitteo riPe, the ctiairma report their manner of curiug th e fish," hicb' i:s ,:ener·dly progress, ·a~d osk ieave tq ,sit pgain' ba\ d3y very white, our dealers , whc. huve Htill aomts t~tock

·every 111 ucement ur our enl.erprt.:oll·~ · i\tcrchunts t · e'::&. o · · 1

.,~ · · · . · · · ) ~ ' · . · . Ju ndtl 1~ to the pt'diorl ·nn :hqu- n r~pi\ fJre . '~l)ort 1nto . •. •e q~to~ty- nll su<.·~ . rn w ~111tcc ~~~~~~ ••s . . ortlu'rccl .10~ the. U.••utJio;i llo'~m ·lu i, } .:·ar, t , .~ ... nugbt lie easaly mnnufutlJ:IrceJ .hy tile ml~tthat~nts cutNUIIUlu ftu~e or.dcrcd . tht"' ft)lluwi • . ~~~JieTf'1'~ .' . : '

a~iX niomhs7 · · · · · . j·"~ on fannu, l•av'n ftlh lll!lllflllly utmi!lto increase •t (,y fur such purpo!fes oe will hesl tne~& llu~ir r'arm.. ' wlti'l•·h ure r't•guln.r~j rtc~•.vetl .,by . 111~ • ~"ri&h . · \ · · ... :· .

The ,.;reut~r y urt of their cloil\ilu; r'ui~IJt . be . :.J ~\i!-vj_7. : '_. thu llh~r'o"'.ti :!A n~o~. ~ew~r . tlltt .i· : · · ·. nacc hy t!&em::rch•t!s. 'fbe seal t~ki ta cap for iu• . Brat 1:-l.l ·~umer, 1he E.~fl ii)Ulf!'T, thtS ::;cotehnut~t, U~e .. -1 ••

1\lr. HA~RAKA~ seconded •'he motio v n flirlher purc· lutse, hefore lt.~y t•nn jmh:~ how'. filr ~!!:..· c-PAnsoNs sur:.ported(.he •amen.d 1enl.- th~ 1-'n~uch fi ·h will renlly intArfcru wi1h thts Lu ... ~ • f brc\do'r, laccnu je if it e~houltl tae lik~d lly thu COlt-

He cous~t:e~ tho· b•W,,had so m~tny. Q eclion.;· t:tuiler., ;;, .thut cnsP. they would ·bb cxp,(J8t:d to a !lbfe pr4fisions tha.t it ou~h~ ·n.Qt' to , p ss IIJnt !Ieavy .toe:J hy the mllcb low~r pri<.'~:J u t which it houso. ItJ ,>roposed to Jllll .. a tHop' to .. _trntllc woulct'be retaiiPrl. At ull cventzt tho illc.'rt!llt'8 of

. 1

. . , JJ~Im \Y t:f'kt.y Ue~>lll-=r/ 'be · Ltrerpool ~lull • s tnnce, which they not uu frNtcieo tly Luy hl · "'' ·M.ral l.loJ•dcs' Lt~t • . · , · · . . '-.~ . , ·. sl•op:t for a,ome fot,ar or fivl! :;lcill •n~s, rni.,; ht be a'u:ule • Th& t•roperry of 'tire (riiC i~n~lon ;~ )rasvred -in .tfJ& \:·· IJ~!rt: Ly them wi1h the uxpeudllurc of a li ~1.l~ l~r Liyccpoi,l , , fli~t:r isr ~hh tou!w ~~r ·£ 1.~9 Elg • . Siuce .... :· tuuJ n tnOw~ ou tloy of a l)hi llin" or so. At 1rfo · the 1 · cfurua(y 18.18. tlce , l;Jllrtu:nw ' ltalt f:: IVt:Jl ·

. / . whi~h COUIQ not ~~ (}re'vcn'ce'd' 60 long '.a'S the ·! tOUIIty hy tlltsFr~ll'?ll I{OV~FIIIMIII is 1\ th iu~ of the F:rcnch were enabled uy thuir own govcrnu.ent l!rel\t8t!t con:o;equeiJCtl 10 thu Urhit~)l NC\\IIIUJH.llund ~~ .o lft:r suf h il'' · ~t,,r . b.u.ic. • ·.Bnt whilt) it tro ~.'"· ~ou nre prolutllly n w.tirc 1lutt tltH't>rhl curg~ee; would.atot t•ff* t the objt!Cl whtc h tho hon. of! rench fi3h h1~ve guu~ tlll:4 &euson to Oport(!, Cu ..

l k. f . "-' . . . ·• out ln>t•l he librnry 1 8'J9' ' 'olt,nit1'!- wl·•rJ• giver ) sent, t ~~ t ' IU 0 \\ ll rch t}utt Cb r IS flJncJ~, 18 11\kt•n au · 6Vc:r . •cr of 41 \' OIIIIJ ;l'cS ·lO etsth sh~~to.kJI!ter Ofld ·. "-:-bere by our lmnLy uucl intrepitl ::>euler, uutl :,oiJ ul~t·1 ioc~, . wicu ur., 't.\I J'pOst!ll ro JHtv.c ,read . that · 10 t ho 1\lerchunt u t o uo1uiual suu1; thuu :scul uu'mher iroUJ tl:t; Llbrhri.;,..tltc ~\'ertlt;t ltu'tuber·uf hoiUe to lh~ olcl cou••l ry, lh~re clrc~z~l·d nnclll):ll:u .. l10ok::1 out u t one tllue, &J~uul 1:20, . • fnt"lurell, u111t th~n ~:~eu t 0 01 to 1t11s u tUrket iu that · ~uu.t•cr of ~ou:.b~lare~olJiu~ !'ll~ctibeJs to the


·~· .. .. mbcr hnd Ia\ vlew il ·w~uJd bo th~ ·mea ns of d•z, nt)l~ Lo:.: llo,r.u ; ·nnd ulthou~h tlaey .lcuve uot ull

!11e . . ' ~ . ' . · I huen tll~IIOsed or. UJ!CIIUS&S the fi~ ~~ 1:1 not-.. wd I cs1nblrsh111g and avstat~lllg a_ cltu~ pf anf,~na_ known 11 ( t~u·::~e plaee:t, there is llt lll! elo11b1 ti!S'.t iu errs ut):i sp(es ~¥lao \YC?Ih.d_·prey uporr .tho ~tl_nls thp. court:o uf n r~w yunra it will cffcc·tunlly . intc' r" uf the conllnunliY., &nd b~ 1hc _munu:~ <!f ruww::; hud wilb )he Eu;.;lc~h Lallrntlor cure iu pur.1r.ulur,

L \Lrctr)' only . ~S, bciti~ nu hrc r't-l\56 of ~ llur.iug" , . swte, \~tth nil th<l co:-1.:!1 of tho cJ ill'cr.:ut hu ~~~ tht! pu~t} cur. . . · : . ·. • . · .. ·. through which il1m~l<t>d to inhrwce it::1 value. ;.r ' ll li)I.Jcr of non·sic:nchohling s~rilu~rs · to the' .- rnn•:y Q poor· indus trious :JIIBO· who m ig ht ex. boffi on m:cuunt. 'of. it:s Q.!JUIIly JUtd of. the low rutcs

... 1.._;rl nf>oot loud uf Lul t for 1he JHII' j)OlSU of ob- at ''"~t~ tho · lur:.:e ·bouuty Kl ltHvs it to bts solJ .-taioinu fl'ljtO for his fauaily. • A pet tt1on t)hould tl•l!~e~rc be utloresocd to thu

. I:J • • • • • • ~OVC11llllt ' IH 1 urgcug Olllll~le•s SlfOh~ly IQ p roteCt Th.e s.rEtK£_R-d_t~··.not Intend 10 ·gave the bill IJrilieh llll t!n'!Hd Ill · 1\\c\\ f~UIIlliU IICit Ul!tl tu

nny factious · opposatwn. It hnd 1~nssed u~se- effective 111ensures , · ~ ur•!cr to ,·ouuten~ct tl, t il~ .. cond rendtng ; nnd luid alren.dy ueen ·debated · u::rtro~:t efi'ccttt tllu t..\' i.ll hi! J,V'Orl~ced lay tit~ pre .. (1116 ouy in C6ffilnll~ee, and th'e first ~Oetion o( sent llll'rt'nsed houn1y Oil the h oucb fhll., llt: · · lut\·i o•r thnl day been corricu it mi., lit ~a l:\lr .. Jul1] Lu, J u~·m IH:nnl f~om au,othef twu'S th~l;_ Jt to • • -;.... ' . • · . tt • .. 1he ·uuport of l· rei!Ch fish tnlu G~uon to the l Otn

like 1.1my be r~u:u ked wrtb re!.:anl w 1~1 \ qt!{lll · Ut:ut~ll':! · r :.. ,,:} ti .. I.JI.' ill;.: •au IIIC,r t:(I~C ul 7 .. tity of hoQtS uact.l t.hoc~ importt:r! ;., · ~'" p!hcc Nua r ol ~!Jarchoi . Jaug .·t~u.b~cnlJt:rs .to ·both

L1br 1d It ... uJiu~~louu a !.!J, ht:!U<:C u~1 iorrc~J lur lh~ U!le of lU!f pt'Ojll~, who Ia ave 10 p:• n h igh 01 O: JlfiC~ fo r the l:flllllU, Ulut IIUl Ullfrequen ,l)' or 1\ll -.ln .. • IIIUUer of tillurol•ol~Jers in l lae in:!liiUliOh 12{), . lt':riorquuJity ; Wbl!f~ll::l it i:Sitru• · t ica\.jf~ lOr lh ~:n . oc\ug · u11 ill£h!llti~ uftoiX~- I\l tklrc;,: . u totul • ofh~t) . lo mak~ tho:;~ urt iclt& t\Jeu1::clnt\ :tho lc'athcr' of :.horciiOIJcrd uod csuLscnu'ur:r, \J::u1c; un U tcrc~o uf )Vbich could Ud 1 ~1i r•ed t.. n•! ' mo•i ufa.:wroJ ll~re, ~~~ •4.i for thu posl tycor.. · ·• ·"

ldt to th~ . r.o~HII!llC~ ,ro -~~ul "ath 1 ~ • So D ccemher l111cl rencher.J 3;.000 •tuuaull:t. Nuw, . ~nnny c~n,tllu.~tOIIU.l P! IUC,tples were vaulate~ w.uh tiuch fJH'JS bPfore the t.ou~e, ~· l'ecuaue th~n·

-~ 11 · · · b 1 1 · 1 1· 1 'J1he Tr~r, .. urcr's. .Accounts shewed on cJrnrn rli· c turc uf £1.J!) 03. 9.1., l:uu lho rcc ·ip:s ol £·HS lO.$., · ~ we a8 ll 16 I~ 8 Cit ICr C\J UDic:J, \V II~ 1er IHL•C • , .

· m. the Ill II hat ho wou ld much Ta\hcr tha \ It 10 J:olu:te . hcl••ru tlc ev thre w out '-tt 111~·surtl 1 ua.4 ~Jfoold pt·q.cee~· t ! O f:\tlher; especiaUy when temlt!J 10 \\ t~hhold ia o 11 the Freucb th~ u,c_.wl& he wus co nvitlCCd tba~ it woul~ lJe p~rfectly wlaich 1hey drt.w lrom. our &horc.:~ lo c~table. tlw!J' · •(lerali \'o 'for the put·p ose H wos i11tc udcd to catch tl.o h~h wlc• ch r.oluJ•e ted \\llh u11rs 111


cu1u~,J i ~ h . · 1f the huusc u~lcl' llllncd thnt fure;en 1~1arkc ts. 1t c.:t uiuly \\1111 not tle~dod l?Y lO D.C . d I d' d . .. • · the hon :SI't~!il<.:r, uud th ~e \\ ho 'Vo:eJ With luru. th e h tll shoul pnst~ 1~ 111'~ tete tl would _he.'~ u.n 1 th~ lllurv done to o ti:th~ry • lty tho l~cVht~d

quootitit:!i of uw h td~s are t'rc .. q.!1er~tly c"portctl ·g i., l_~".lv 1ug u Lulcu1cc iu huu(l o( £6110:;. OJ. at tltu • I rom tlii:J: \Ve anfgu t in.stnuc:e s'evcrol o .her aourcccs elude uf t hu ycnr: .T hi::~ llnlaoce 1::1 w tlcJ'ruy tlte of Jtr\Jfit , tlaot 111)ght uc dt•nv~ (rum th.e apJ•Iic·n- cxpeuso~ of thu c.urroul ~~<l r, ufter met!tiug 'eill Lhe • t iou of our nvuiluule labor to ·the muuufuclu1c ol luun:;. 011 the 111~t•tut iou up 10 tllut Lhnc. n;,~ IDI\ldl'ini:S illlp th[lse SJ UCt:Ccsnr y 10 Tq, )'fOlt:Cl l hu iu terc8~:l or the institution the

Couunhtcu S •Jg_~o,ted t!w Jlropnety of II '"1111,; tt LOOC\ l11e tluilf wanttt of tho. inhouctuuts. Every iucvrpc.ratt:d hy Act of the L'!g 1slulllre, naul w up ..

' p;dduc\ of .... our lubor is, UlHlUU::~t iunn!Jiy, .n IJrolil ply to that uody for n gruii\ . IU lllln:uu~t: boJkS for fn ilure . It could not · j.lfeyent • he tt·uflic_ 111 uflo rclttl i u~~111g h • lo th~ Frt!uch wos v~ry b ait we re .t e n sle~l~ers . ~t:?l out. by En~lnnd .. gruu1; uocl ytt- tlh~~: ol( ~c1ed 10 o Jll ~ttSU ie . mt.:u\l·

not only to our~e lves bu.t ul::o to tht: cuu o try nt t ho L •orury. ' · The r c p tJrl i1nving llecn ncloptt't!, tbe following

were clta:ttd oili l:~ Ut;Jr~r:J lor tl1o eu.,uillh )'t!nr. lO -: nforcb aL-. prO\' ISI OJ\11. cJ lor our protect lor , carhltl 1hc.:y Llruub ht ll would 1\I . H o \' I.ES said th llt amQnll' lhe constitu- Utl iuoperutiVO. I} hun. III CI IIUer~ llll hl!l _l.\J'r.

• l. r . . . ·, "' J ulY:-} sule ul the ousu tlnlUg ht ·chff\! rclllly, uccd lto twl_ pnncaples. \~lu~h hnd ~rown out of ll~o \~ 1 :-h t·d tlae )t1c:is lat rtt ,.., g•vo it u tri4l lly pu~_siug prnc·:Jctl· of. pal'l~n.ment, '~'u3 . the mnnncr Ill tltot bill.' TIJO~e .twil l w llt:,hout: lillccllly th~ trul­which tho oppost· Jou to. btl I:. was conduc ted. fie in tJnit wr. re prhrcip clly thv. u whu cuu lcl · uot \VIa utcver oppus:tion was g iven to th~ pr·inci· ~lhiU IIl touppltcs fur 1l1t: li~hcry u pon credit, not IJ"~ p lo of a uiJI \\'ItS ulWttyS 1U ild6 tO litO tiCCOtJ(} Ill~ lrtrstWurtlty, Cl lld he hup &.:d thd home \\OUid rendinl!. ( llenr, from t\h. Job. ) ').'hut not lec;nlizc lhtl trnlli c: r~ ll t!ta·li l fo;..v rc~1dcuc:3 nt

d i, t l c nur ·u e uill dae tbo eut r:wc~ t o tl. u cl1fll'rcu1 lh)S ouch.,~ ~~~ hocl !'IU~~~ pnSIIJC I

16 0 ~ .. t' 0

1 O n .I •

1 •1

113111CJ, ntid lly tl,ltt IIICU,Sl:i iUlllCt Q ~criOUd injury 0~131 s n onr wc ro con:s lut!rec , nnu 1 t le.-c on ah u whole 1 laud. were objet!lional~ lt>, nn a11~m1~t w:ts trtudo lo l'lro ~PEAJH. n !''lid tha net imposing a tlury on r•·move .or mothfy the, OUJCctronn blo parts ; tlrt: ex pn•t hutl r.,ih·d , uud \\ lai !e it dul uotluu,.; to but it was unpn1 hamcntnry and ~;~nfuir tu <lis {' h~ c· l( l lw cX;•url of buit to tlw Frt~uciJ, u dllllrc ly

1~ -stts the pri nc rplc of u !Ji ll i11 commattca , 'nnd ciP.!!tn•yl'c.! t1 &roolt! 111ust llent tic: l••l tu th" Jlt!uplo of h; u. rucmllt>r:. oppusite knew rh a• wt:ll. He tho w c.s:eru t •u)~, atu.! \Vt• ~t'l l oc1uully product:1l dO O d liO l un·irip.t u Ull)'lhinj! Jjku (QCltoU:J 0.!)• t!XJIOit Ol 40 ,00U ·hur~~l:t 0~ llCrtl~t;.s Ill Ulld _)CUr to

large. · Our Poor f..uw sy!tem requires considt:rolale im.

provcuttm.J; 110 du du: ucts fur the cucourn~onuwt of ~t.lucutiOii, Agncultun:, tho Ft:.hcrtc~, tl1C JIIO ·

1110tiou uf l.he' h~;u l tu uf tho ln lnll)ituut. , tiJe ~ccu· • I

r11y uf l11C1r property lro111 lire. tiu<;h. iUJj•onuut Juett•ur~s see•u to.~c U\'crlookeJ by t l.u~~ whose Ju•y it i_tt lo S~t! to Lhetr uuprO\'tWLCn l unJ ellki\!lll "ork .. iug. Wbtld 01her lllUilerd uf less iluport oppcur lo claim n coucnti~r&&u .c dbllrt.' of the1r tit• ts utuJ u\~ ttutiou.

1 It Ju1& IJeen often found, uot only ot 10 I

ol;o IU many o(h•o Cvluauea lht\•iug 'rttprcd~n t 1 t:

J•uhtiCttl iustnuL~u:~, .tlut ll1t! prviiX•IY 1.11 tho Sta~ tulc:."'b .. wk dut::t uot by auy w~uus ot•r ve to (or-

~ . . . . • . ch c or h~-r pronuce::~ . l he l•.!)H11!ll wert> uot hthdereJ puS IIICIIli O the IIICDSUre' autJ \\hat~VCr ~lh Cid. fri.J rn g ell t112 lmit. !Jut the t rn,Ju \Vi: h lbd Olh~r c,Ju- Wtsrd the until of U :.Oula J, cl~::ur, 1\Hcl t!UbStUut rul duJ, ho would t>ndunvou r fu cunfiuc )•~msuJJ nit's \\88 clestroyt:d. They cuul(l 1101 pr~veut th~ 8)Stem ol admiu~lcrUitj j us.ic:.-... Utnce, . we cntirP ly tn th~ detudlf uf the hall. It h ~>ll . 1-'c ttlldt • lrucn ; ~~:uwg uun. Tlu:ir b1~ l• hotnctse~ lr.:qucptly hc:ur uf;tluur cuil:~uhJ.s.tiug, rev a~iu.:; 111cmlter:i had any a mc:ndmf'n\s lu p rop11se, h u t'llathlt: o t!tOUI tu t;I \'C ~uch u tt:IOJIIIII~ prsc~ lur 1:. \~l1 ul cl uo ru ost l!nppy to cClosiclc ,· them, !Jut T 11u utdy r~utt:tly ._\' u:'l to cJra~e t1t~ F rt: ltch trout 1l1e nmcudlllt;, 0~ u xpluiuw~: St:reral ~ uf th~i r olututory I.e wou ld enter iulo 110 urgu 111c 111 0 11 the pr111 .. c o.u st ullogull•er. Autl unlll tlltll wu.s doJU~ l lity tuucluu:ut~, lJttt l'i a~~ 0 11 1hc ~uuuf ouhject. Tlt z; is Cl tlu ofthu lJIII. He did not l;CO the p ro(lrit,.y' lll t;duu llow thu Jl~r P""J'lu t'' tlctl \\CStwardto pack 'UXJ•flrlsive, &lOci ut Ui.:st'ull u•·kno\\'l c:d~cd delcct in

I . f d . up th tt cruwus whlcu tell lrom the tulllc; of the 1 . \\' 1 1 ~ or nece~slly o ••lllg so . l"rouch. 11 tltey l!lilf:le tl~ the uttl it would uot <its~· cgll)htt ron. t: tru:: t 1 IUl uur ugislutortl wt ll oce l\lr. \V & ~SJ;n wool• l twal t>, in ans wer t:> the hon. cruy Lhe truffi~: 10 lJual; it wou ltl unly t:huu~o tmucl z~, IO liii:J in due \IDle. Tne ev il ~ cao l>o Ctuuly cor·

•ucucher lur Ft~r tune Ua, , tica l t it ~ l:S •II wus uut m l'lnce uf l11e pru:~ent r~sideJatlf lll \l~d uniruuce o l . rectt'd ju ihi illcepuou. p n utc>d \\ heu it rn ,sed tbe e~er.nnd rcncliftt;. Cou .. L•UY~t cnrrf ll lJ.; it "on, tll ·y '~ou ld ltuve uu:rcuu:il~ lu tho wlaole bi!!tory of our rulon inl poli ty tl1ere ~"CJUt>ntly he, u.11d udwr lior1. IIJ '.! IUiters , hocl llul su:ugg lcllt lrun'l tit. J vhll 'd ts!•Gd~tcl in it who wotth.l · t ' 11 11 d' 1 tll · 1' "" n au Oftpoftuniay uf cous clrru•;.c it . If rne1u .. no t .c:uro ten st raws fur.u law wlucu wouhli.Je wlioJiy ' uev-er \YM

0 "'1•

8 aat cu t .. ·o uu J, lU I 1e 1.1rt.­hacs luul t'Udt ltren lureli:sh t.;•l \Vi lla n prll tl•·d CUJI) lllupt!ra•i, c. ' se.ut , fl)r . SUUIIU uua JJractJc_!ll lt.g r:OhiiUO. Ju UUI

of thti hill ~He\•i JUs to thtl ~t:c:u 111 l rrmlw~ . •h~u i\lr. W1 :oi::t:n cou!d •~II hou. members what ' ibe voliucul ontl . c1vil in:mtu ion.-4 wu urc u~tter thun 'Lh~ro mi; h t be som•l rea•o 1 lur tf1 e lion. ·, ll l! tuli•H res ul(ul the hill w vuld I.Je w,t:r o h l•• 1'1'~:;, und wt'h~ hulf u ceutury he 1~111J our 11ca••h!JOUf:l, qu .. tiiiOIIIIIZ tht·ir ragh t to ci t c·c~r.:; the pri cwipJ., iu the t111Jlply oi bni't J'ro cu ll~ \\'1!6 ern b •YrJ CUL ull' by \VI I h ur l ~ I d' . If t 11e comrrutt~t'. Uut if tht·y lwei au op port u u 1:y nf cu~uu:~ of it, ulthl>u;.: ll h~ dul 110 t b~lh•Vt that JIO:~· 11 ~ l ~ JIU.

1~ 1~1111 ' t:t 111 Y <:xpnn rn.~ Jl~c c •nsidcriui{ the bill. hefor .. lmuu, it Wtt1 t i ~ I ,J)O t llu\' b ~ ~~lo. Tho Frtw~l1 Ga.r~i\4!r:~ .\\uulcJ _ bc ttu 11 pJ 1e~ l Jrolu '.o.tbc lt~httt .uf llll~lh~.cncq. u ruJ uuiJtba~ •g 11:3 v1v1·

lJceu carnc.J so eus1ly on tl~6 tu:concl re:td~,N~· i1111er hJrLou rtl ul tho 1::1luud . \\' h11e IIH!}' prud ~uch lymg una rt!gom:rauug auUuaoc~a, teucluug UICII to T ua SPF.AKt:R S;tiJ it f\111:3 rvllll ~ i'lg_j.CY llear ,,,e I(OtJJ praccs lor -bait it \YOU~~bo ruru~su~ll t l~ctu HI thiuk ISIIU act as tJUOh for tht:CJI elves j ou r rc:prt:­

h~edless· ousqrvutious of lh~ hou. m >: utiJcr tor uhluu~.JJr!Ct: , 01d1cl "61·~' o~t. 1~, ~111tj bau L::t. 10 •bel{ \'tzt· awanutiV~d lahoulcl nf the s:.tuio ticno UtJ a<:tlv t: ~ud Fortun~ Uuv tluH the cours» pu rsut!cl uy h is l•o • de .r. t \\Oul not JO pu~zt l., o to Jlrcv~ut tlta•; the , . . d . f . d 'b . ' b ( . L' I d . I' • ,vlaold rev••uue of tbc colony ~xp~::iu..I~J Ill liiUtll uw e ner&;ellc Ill the ir en ca\·ours tu luy .the lluSIII of u nen t d mem er or~ a' tHr)· uu wao~ 1111p .r 11 - • . . , .. mtHlUlry nntl unfs lf. ti ~ ' ( ibe ~pcoket.} ii'Ud tJldt l !lg 11 prtVt: lliiVe hHCd \\OUltl • be \\holly IJW!It:ru .. COihiii iUII011 1 0 11 W h tCII, Ut 110 dttil3tll duy, II III)' b:; the're w as uu•hiu~ comrary 10 th6 law uocl usug~ liVe . Aud tht:Y. .'\oultJ 1101 expect u~·Y · uSe la.IUlll!C tlrt:ci.e•l the ttuperotcucture oi ull rlnlse uolJld priu• . u f parliament in thtt uw tinu of Ids lcou. •friend.- I rom Euglnutl,, 1.rom , th~ _ugr~~mcnl . lJt::lw e~u lb ' ciplds of 1e![ goctrwntnl, which lLrd IIO\V the vrid~ Jf tt1ere. bad ll' en •• it could no t b~ 11111 , amJ .hi~ two. _nnr~uu,.. J he E ccghsh ca1t:d ~cry f1 ttht lur learaed. friend, tbe . hon. Jnetnller for Fugo, could Newtuuudln,utl ; they lutd ullurhb~t t:v~dt:uc6 .\H uud glory of tb~ Hrtta~h couotitutiou.'\ Priuctplas uot, a:i choirmo'\ of tb~ couuuittee, rece1ve it:~ ~f.ut , tllHI ~hey \~~rd not to run tl1o n :Ok ot tJaulJroaf.. w h lCit have been wou :~tefJ lly step, RoM wbid1 ta:ive

" .Notwatlll·ll~lldlflg th11t tbe hlm ':' m~mb~r might ·rf.- !~g tbe II~UuO'i Ill 11 war lc!r .th'ts lfUkd "V( thut- l,e~U COUsecrutcct IJy tbtt lllc.oJ or Q (·btupdc:n i,n the gnr.d thts Utll as the .. eho eu ch1IJ of has own iutef, 1116 b >UIIll t::l ti 1 •eu b)'' 1 11,e .(4 ~~ncb t;t'v" ~"'~fH 10 field and o Suln"y -on tic~ scufrottl. l'rinc 1pJ~ ·Ject, lie could nSsuru hun t hAt tlaere. wa~ •co•hiu•• lh ts lr ~ut.jecl~ Wt:rtt \lie reul tnt l, ut~d lHJIII ~11.4\ \'\Uti ~

~ tl 4kJ I IJ I k I I II whu:h edaould t.u Ill] uenr 10 us Uts to llc~m. Our unparl,iameutnry iu •he n1ne~cJuu!nr IIIOVell hy thu rt:me 1 1 •ty wou ~0 !11 vu 11 ·~ llA lullv~:;.-boo: ntembi:r fur FerryhufcJ to get rid uf th~ 111eu- Hu rt:c;r.,~tecJ p.nt N~nlol!n~lt\nu nab o lml~ ci\•il oud poli tica l u.tistence tlcpc!od:s ou tbeir pre"' surf:; for he helicvt.1d tbt\ l woulcii.Je 1he IJcst courc~e , lllought 01 ut the cuncltu;~uu ut the lui ~ ~\·ar, 08 .1h at servatiuu. N egluct tlll!ll l, 1111t1 \l•oss rights nod n:t it. would ba itnpossthlo to nmewl 1be Uill tiO Q:j thu uws t valuable part ul her cou~»t•lluu.u u~ t(IV~u l tlJ«;~rtit!s/\ve cull uurs, wall tiOOII uedome a prey 10 r '"Uiore itl4 OhJ'ectio~e l'rOVI&IOIId. Tne hou. uwny to n lort:l~ll pu ,v ct . ~

v t o \IJu~ wbos~ iuc~re:tt Li 'aaot Ollr inturcsl, Lu& memb.,r for tror tu ne '!Y need nut lttcome pel'vtsh, nor paMJ 6uch a tiWeeJJ~•g c6osurts upou thu "ht11c • .::\ lranc is equal to !>j d. atetl ihg. one which id too orten found to ruu cuuntcr to the 1 7'o be cor.llurud. 1 1,. ' f '1• • aw uf JUlr1Jumenr, nnd 1h0118 t.afe~_!uard• tiJJeciulty " t:uero W t: & ar~ o 'lu i:! coiHmunny. · ;trovi.ded for tpe deftmce ol public frett.lom, RO that yul.!' mo~'J ING COURIER./ ·~nil lhe prlllciples of re3p011::111Ji ltty in the va. il an ohu oxaoua aueol!ure 8ft t~ulcJ be heec ll ce~~ ly ul- n a;;, "'' ""' . ---- -'"' ....,....__ _ r ious clc1m rtaneu td of our govorumeut . cuuoot bt.l , ._lowu(l to pucss one .s&u,_;e, 11 mcy ho IHOJlpcd ut nuu~

-ther,aud 11uorh:er, in its proe;re~. llclotu itt;S allowed ::h. J OHN's , 'l'uURS.UAY, ~ECltt!AR \' 2~ , 1B4U fu lly autl procucolly motle uvatlnolu u t ouco, suclt t / b&euu'" law. F · Qlf care wilhiu our rench slaout,l ue atl~f•led, und

&lr • .Jl?n ob:1erved tha t &he course pursue< by LJ·:GJSLA'l'IO~. \heir estubh~hmeut tihould form o J~r1iJury Ol•Jt:ct ~ lbe hou. the :Spe.akc:r, \VIlh re~pect to the Utll u w NoTWJTRSTA:"'DlNG the length of time our Le.. of legislation, . iu pc efcrcnce 10 l{latt/r!i of 11, 1110 ,

be'·ore t tl.. colnmttle .. , was ' 1.Wt rec cilublt! ~v 1tl1 " 'tsl ·• tttr'" L. "8 l•ceu ,·,, ~csc~ion aao Jlr -'C l l~c" l 11 o 1 · 1 · y " ' 1:) •• u


0 • , .. u I usure ;11111or,taoce-w u~· 1 cnunot &Servo \'e rr llllllcrmlly

tl•e view:t olllt~rL&Int:d by the bon . rre _ t:muu whcu f 1 ·1 1 .1 JJe su l Ill the Aauulgaana ted L ~ ~ oncJ h~ O genera Uti IIY tn:t Bit )Cl liUUeu lllrough either tO elevuto the pulilicul cbur<LCLCr of thu CIVIl IIUili·

. cJ1d uot tltiu~ that ouy Sl!tie~facto • uplu •iun l1oJ hr.wcu of thot l.totly. tu tioos of the Volocry. ~eQ offerec.l ro accouut for that chang~. ', 'II_, hon, 'fh*' a ttention o( 4onouralale members haa, in m ernher for Fortune Uay Jmd on a tur er occa:tiOtl ae,·era l iustonc~tt eon parucula'rly directed to cleurly ,J>Ointt:tJ outthut earious cht:uuge Willi don., mau«:~rs of-uiv· itn orlnnce, untl thtdr attempts hy tlte French, uot only , to tbe w~stc:rn 6sl1orits. lwt oJ11o · ,o the Northeru Uu)'et. H o p l r. l oll) ut legisla ting 011 suC'b tuve not been uuendetl with nc,w held in i1 i:t houol ~tn extract Jrom r1 leu or frona uny detfi ra lale resu lts. a highly rcsp~ctallle h o u ed iu Vulcnci3, date~ IU We r.,ally think it should be n pornmouot duty D ec1ut ber lusl, w lucb wt:ut to ehO\V thut thu Lu- with thcnlj to take v1garous uud w~ ll anotured o<:tiop )lra l\Jr fi~hea y was hludy to he a flee Jed as w ell na · tl1eir shoru li:shcry. Mr. Joh rt!tlll. the stolerneut io tba oddption of 8Uf!h 1]16usures, as ru41 bc:et whida wu u Coli owe:-.. Fruc1cb filih luuJ been serve tO.fll.':to Lhe Colony 'from the duatreued suue

· bffe•ed -t\ere uy the .Frt~nch Coueul untJ otlltr of its. mone tary rt: lati'oats uudcr which it laboure. U~tsnU ot 9 58(., or UbOUt as (jr. per ' quilltll l ou 'fhis l~ay in some 'l'neosuro be effected Ly the adopw bonrd, frte ol frujgbt. A f', ~1ach vc 11el hOd lalely 4 omv~t.l from Marteillol willl a s ruull cargo, unU lion of 6 w~lt <Hgeetet.l 7'a1iff •or the 1re1ulatlon unotber oue it• announeed 10 lolh>w hor aour~•· l'~i• of our Customs duties, particior .re~ord b~ing had occurrence, audc:d to a further tall in lire l'ri s u to tbo gener~J encouragement of our doaoealio &rade AlareeiUee, bu qUile alarmed dealertt, on 4 · ouut a~d maouftctoricl. 1 .


&T. JOHN'& LIDJURY. AND Jli:ADIN9 - J\091\J. ·~

'J'u£ secoocl unuual meu1iug of •l•*' ~llarotjoldera of tltili vnluable Li ,crnry Ju,.Litut.ftt; was held iu shi~ 'l'own on th-: G1h inst.

1'be Hoo. the Al(<Jh"Y General (t•reS4nt) pr1: .. . . ' . aidine.

1'lle annual report of tlle:r s tntod that Bia Excullency, S•r GasJ,artl Le 1\Jorchaut, wa~ ph:az~ed, ntthe reque<St of thiSharcholdcrt, to beoome Pntton .lo the Justitutioo : That t~10ugh

tbe fund• at theil diea•osa1 to.fu~cbosl) Hootu1, cl1tl not adruiL olen exteoliive ~ddili.oo to~ the Lihmry, . . Jet tbe7 bad beeo eoabled 10 add <1ne buudrt d . . ,,

, . 1~. t-J. ARCUI !lnD, /'resic/tnt. A. MtLil \',1 , .. p d

\V. ""'U, { 1 I CC· Ttll t JI S.

'J'. ~lc(;o.s N"N• 'J'reasurcr. ALLA:-i FnA~t:: e, &crdury .

Commiltte.-n. K Er.'T ' J. It s~JITII, G. Onow:u: t G: 11 . t.;ozt:~s , \V. Un1:a:, ond Jou:-r l•'o.~.

To Cor.Jt£ !,t'ONV£~Ts.-\Vo hnve received ano:hct• lcllcl' fa::.~tn •' Or10 (Jf tho Pcoplo'.~. \ Vhilc tho scnti tnent s he conveys mny servo to mtu istcr to tho vu nity of some, nt the sttme titi)o they can uol lJut prove hu r tful to the a'ocllllg::~ uf othc t s, ~f wl,o:w pretensions aud qunlilicatiou!3 ho t- pcdl>:t ll'ccly in rdcrtlnce to lllcir conncxi"n wnh curtai1' £ducatton~l In ... stitulious in t!ais hlnud; AiJ. such n cumuiuui· cation <;uwproduco no ueneCiciul r esultd ~ itht~r to tho iudiviJuul:~ uamud or to •he puunc, )Ve bog t4f iolor·ut the \HLter that b~ lcu~r i:t tlt Ius <.li:~poJnl.

'' Pt1ilu•• i::1 on file , waiting for space. In reply. to •• Questot·" , .,(I'C rt-nlly

cnunot suy, when t h~~Jsc:miJlf put·poses to 1 usolvo ttself iuto n C omiliiuco on \Vuy:t an~ ~Joun::~. \oVo shoulcl_ t tlutl< i~ uo\v full ti~1·9 -wo ure h:d to LchC \'c , t hul l"ug cro llil:J• they ltuvo hud the puu~c uccount::l und c:>t l• rnut~s IJefor'u lhccn. Te> factlltatu tho invcsti .. gaiion of ~uch martcr::1, wt: J•eul,!t thin·l' a •ro .. vie wl!l~ c•r !iuoucial · commiueo of th~ Houde 111igh' oo uppoiuteu to uct tu tluch- •u a:te r~t iu· h~ rr.r.csa of' t!ae urc , tuad' to a·cporL

to &he Housu c::·t=- tnccting, •at ni1 curly d<ty in any scss · n . l~Jis rnodu woul~ sovo n ~,;re al dcul of tt ) ~ and \{oubl u to. ' tins !iouse'.

. . . Du:u.-Y~stertloy mornin~, Mr. '~:t.JLJ.-ons ..

!ntt! ol J'ictuu, u~:~ S 1 y"urd. H 1:1 fi\p.,rul \Vlll hk., plncts I•> tlay, ol ~ o\:Jock, ~' ·, l\1 . , l<utu. h is hal~ r~!,. tltmce, Gn\\t:r :;ueot, neur t;nner d huac, "beu ht:t l'riemls 'nud 'ucquaic.t&llce:s re lUIS[>l:cfully WVI~Cd' . to aueu.J.


.... n·~ ,·Eo. ' . Fch. 21.-Sir ltc)uen Cuutpl.k:U, llaird, G ibraltar.

32 cJuy:~ , J . &. W. St-::w.u t-~calt . · LOADJ~G.

Foh. 17.-Eiiznhetb ~lnq;urc t, Ponu~al, J. '&. w 8 1tl.wnrt. · . \

2l.-Zcbulun, Ar~z1 l, 1. & W. S te wart.

•• on \;:alt • ~----~~----------~------~~~--~----

UY •

, JOB, DRO'rllERS & UO~ ... 1000 BA~S No 2 and 3 BltEAlJ .

a.>o Barrels Suportinc' l.'LOUR . 100 B~trr(•ls American PO.N.U: BUT'i'EH.· MUDA~~h:S ,... 1

-AL'.lo.- • . • • \

ICE TO\YLIN~S uud \V ARPS Pt>.wdcr an<.l ~ho; , ;)~ALlNG POTS lr~,n Sheathing a~d. Stu&npllllUS CAN VA~. &,t; . &c. .

Fc~ruary 11 .

. . ~,, . · · s :u~G A · ~ . . ~ ...

~0 . BAR~b:LS Brigl_at . Muacovado 8V~ U,(J GJllt-~RJsdmg e,x. ' ' .111at·gqret,'

Jrom Halif1.X, lor' Sale by '

February .17. ~U&;3'aD & ·FO.S • ·


· ~

l 1 J I

. ·I

... .. . .. .. . " , -

~s left n1~. . You ~~n. ~ell : ima&itio I. am thaukJul fur thAt~e resu'-· .., · • · .

ti- · ·Your:· olu~dient St'rvtmt· JUST ll.ECE~v ~D, Q .. · .w_at .. Uoss«J,.~; .Ca

: · '· Er the '' ~c_o~ti1h Lau, '' Jla..m Greenock,_ . RB EU)\lA 'f. ISs • . ..

16 PUNilHEON\l \iTEnT JNDJIJllllJ . This is only one .pf m~ie tba9· ·ro~Uf · tbousa d ·.



. '

Ez • .8me-,-ican Bcn·Quc " ,El . .' · · · Bcrltim~r~:

fi·om Ez 11 B rady Rhino;" froto · B.llL 7'1MORE,

. . , At\U 01-'f' t:n FOR.SAL

• __ o~O Darr ) s; ' u1?erGa1e ·FLOU ( tJ;lu llart~Js· \V bjtc' {&Jl~ Y-_ellb~\

' ·

""February L · · · "f .. ' ~ .. '

J f ' ,. t I • • • ~ '\

SPE·R)I · CAN.D~ES, • . . \'iUO.Ll:~ALE ASD RETAIL. U\'

·.-rtnU3t)') tll. ·J P . .fi, C.A Rl'ER & .Co.

-.·P~J ER -ROGEf.S8~J -& SON. - -

20 ] A IUtEf..S £~Lra Pt·emium fLOUft . 10 P<.c !<uges het~t A rnoric.:1n 13UTT£n

,5o· ll a lf- bug:i ~o. I BREAD · ,


i~;tg BA iUtELS S~ped1ne ·and Sc~atchod v t FLOUlt.

· .36 Pt·ime Rio COFF_EE : 3 Cul\lt5 Smoked J nles ond S1dee 4 Bnt·rt·l~ Picldcd Jolett

· 13 Tierccs Pigs' Lb:GS .fl lso;_in Sto;·c,

J'jto:lf F OR)J EJt . I :'\ll'ORT AT IONS,

5 H O"~hPnds i\i n rtcll 's best .Brnndv ~ ' .

, 4 H o~t;.licnd~ GIN : 30 Bar.rels Americnn ' RUi\f-s•rong proof 20 Ca!:iks Aluany ALE

!100 Bng~ Nps. 1 and 2 BH.EAP 50 Barrel:~ pr_ime .PORK

'· 150,. DiLtb No . ~ lJiJ t'o . 40 Ditto ~iuo BEEF

SO Barr~ls very prime ·BEEF, I ... t 1

_r...-A:'\01 -

·250 Bnrrcls Frf'sh Ground Kiln·cried

COili:~ Il!~lA ~. De<'cmhcr £3'.

·. : CllEESE! !.

JQO Tub~ and Kegs BU'J:TE'R 80 .Durrcls ~VIrile BEAN~ ;

380 Boxe No 1 ~Cl'ican SO.-\P 100 Prime ~\merican HAl\JS 60 Rnis Inclillil 1CORN · ~,... --... .. / Suudt·y nrt iclcs Clf JJOUSEHOIJ)J FUR,

){11' ~·/lE, &c &.c c.

.Jan.uary !).

B.~ P. H ·. OARTER &, 00. .: . . A ft!w very s uperio r


ANNAP.OLiS· CI-IEESES 38 PUNC,H"HONS fl .-i!!ht H ico ... UL.Il.SSES,

Hcr\Vy · Potto Q su~rior ' ar .. .... .




\ .

o• I 1/11>

. ~.


. Docember 1~.

500 _BA:R RRELS .suporfino : Daltimo;·c Flour ·

500 Ditto F:resh Gro.und Corn 1\foal l'50 ·Ditto very prime · Bull imoro Beef 30 Ditto· prime ln~rectcd Pori<

~00 BagsFamily No.1 Bread 400 ])itto No.2 Di .ro 50 Barre ls Pilol ditto

· 30 Pack:.tgcs Cr3cl\ers S50 Kegs uud Tuh-t BqTTER-good

60 Bngs Jndian Corn-~0 Ius. 50 D ino Dntn_..:! uushe ls 50 Boxos .i\lould Candlcs-6's S 20 Ditto Good Chet•sc,

Landing from th e c<L Stales- in Slot·e and : jo1· ~ale • by


Dccemner 9.

.t~. & lt. ]3I_J \_CT( \\-001J, lfa\'O jus t rl'coi\'l:d (runt J.oude •n, 11 Stoc·k tJf

&c. &c.

J U t> T · lt 'E c; E J Y E D ,\ i\"D F Ot: SALE 1:\' •

PETER ROGERSON & SON, ,... 00 F I H K 1:\:::S l'ri11 10 U IJT ' l~ f!:lt / ~ · l OU .Harre l:< \'. hire C"rn)lcnl


150 f~rlt' ~ll p~r riiul!'n u tl !ic• i\t t·l ,e4krtJ p1!1 fino Flour 100 Bu~e; Yellow Cont; •100 c.lo good UltEAD !JO. JJo Hcuvy .0.\Tt',

• - A:-0-' .

2~ :u. l.laD.·d Atnca·ic:u1 'ltRICJiS o~t. 2 1.


~0 QJ·.~Chcst$ SUJtct•aot• Congo 'i'ea \ rVJi tch will bo sold uta very low figure .

r · ---------=-- -'-------~-

.. By P. 11; C&R'J'EC k Co. A ' LARGE ASSORT.MENT OF

~cle f · Rc::tuile~·s.

" , -AU•o-60 llo~ll" · r Corn i'lEAL,

JJ' Otn· Iunny 's ~Jill .• f1 esh groun.d,

1~ A~D 1-'0H :;.\ LE U\' ,

DUGGAN. &. FOX. r .J~nuary !J. : I

DUl>L1N BOl}K SrfOllE! -+-

n E R ~ 'A R U D U F F Y, CATHO!.IC BOOKSELLER AND STATIOFiER L'n;fu the Po:rrmngc of the llomrw Cntlmlic Bi.slu~ps

aud Cl, r~y oj rVctrfouncllqnd,

Al\XIOU.S 10 (uctl.ilate lite cir::u ln •ion ol nookll . 111 every l turisl• (ir~n.f'Cfl'm11y wirh tl ,e ir whshe .. }

hall for l'llle c \ cay CA'l'JIOLtc Uoox puLlioh.:•J iu U_ult li n, &c . , ot the IO\\ t:t-t ch.tqZed.

n. 1>. bf't!pl IO ~ny thot he will hn,·e nil Srhool nncl C lnFsic11l Bool\:! " ' l"CS~n ry (or Jlllbtic CoJI.,I!es :11111 pri ,·nt.: ':j,.ll .. inu r ic. , t:U('h II i~toricul , N tttu,urt ar• rl Pat ri. t~ic \ Vorks · t:s urc fit to ~~e r.-pcl I•] aud dt. triholed Ottt h ll!.! thu~c "ho ore desirous nH•rnl, ~ouud,·a• ~d .,:~ueruluupr(t\'elllen t •

. A ~··I f•(' ( II.."I'UI'tt;.c• nt of , ' l'A'J'IOISI.ftY, I'Al'IOl ,

Accoc.'lT 13uor.~, &.r ., together wtyt all 'JJuokt~·e! 111 Elc u•.ctttur} ..:ctaools.

p ,.,,ulr:u- Pll<!nll tuj!cmc:llt l"f"t.eretl to 1~ ~ligiou . C''"' u111 nit it>,., <.:t!n ri 111 hl tt i 11:-1 i wtions, (.;hnst i1.1tl J), c tn uc Cvrdrutt.- r :tilie. , p,, rnchial Lihrnrietz, and 1\· ru pc roucc ::5ucictac:;, tog~tb~r \\itlt ·u variety of ;,lcdul:<. / ·

Dutfy' r; -.. tock of RELIGIOUS BOo-KS & PD.Im'TS

'wi ll l•e (outid on insj•ecriou not inferior tn ony other to the New \\'.orlt.l, Otl rc{!urds ex1ent nnl.l tlt:lectiou

_:Hso-Au nwteortmcnl Gf R .\ZORS nucl PENkNIVEs

( warrumt:d.) A- liber11l rnclucttOll will lte mncle ro wholesniP

pur ·ha ers . . OntcrH nd elrt'~sed to .n. ·D. 1\t hi:4 Book ::>tor(>, WaIN -titreer, t~hull I.Ja protllptly attendl:!cl to.

Jauu:uy 4.

1\iOLASSE~ t-o-

-2i) Pnau:lleon~ Popto--Jlico, · Just landed from the UNJcun l'( , and tor ~ale by

Dee. 9. PEI'~R ROGERSON&. SpN.

60 puNS. choice .1\Ju~covaJo' Mol·~Pses J 50 Borrels superfi11e Ohio Flour

flO Kegs Pt·imu l~ulter, . f

COOTTING STO' E s Jusl landed and for sale by .1\_ \ 1 PETER ROG KRSON & SON.

. Oc•oht>r 3t. Suiltd fM' Ships' or Bouse ttst. I

Softie of the above . STnVES ore conl'ltruc cd to burn eilher \ Vood or Coal.

.SeptemuP;· 5. -- -......,...-:.:-------~- -"""'d'"'r-

nv P. QO{,;EJI~SO~ & , .. 0~.

The Cm·go ()J I he Cli >pe)· lJrirc;;1line N A:'\CY

. from 11atlimwe,

71Q H?ARRI:;LS ' uped jnc. F~OUfl-cboicc CJ J..:.,; brnwls

l ~:l fJillf'l Presl• COnN MEAL JOO 0 1110 Pri 11:11 P(JU!{


~?~ Kt>~~ gnflrl BUTTE R-20\!ls. euct. 50 Hoxe ~1otiltk <.:nndlcs

l 00 Ditto Soap . JO· n~ tf-t i e tCC8 Cnr(\finn Rice ·sr, !.:rm•el promu! C)if Ctl~o ~00 H(l~8 Yellliw Inc\ 'o Corn 50 Ditto heavy Oats SO Diuo lJrcu . 80 O•tto Nos: I and 2 BU EAD.

September 28. • 5



At the Oflire o t tllis Journnl. th e followtng

~l1L~lli: ~®mm~9 ~EATt.~ P I ! J~'rl.:D 0111 ,GOt.rD rAPER.

C l1~TOI\l I I SE ENTRIE & WARRANTS 1 :'ll H1S1 fl'l CL~"', Clt:uter J)arties

COL( ' t : • tlON S . BlLL. OJ.i' LAlJll\G . l.l ii.LS OF LXt.;H.Ar\GF.-iu boob 6f 6, 12,

81111 2.J tll•lb l'rli'O

PfUJ~lJI..;SOflY t\0 l'ES- in Books of 1, !2, an.d·! flU tP ' S. •

1\l EHCIIANTS' ORDEH llOOJ<S-1,' 2, and ~ . h . ' qua rt•s t'hf'

I" I. ' It H 1!;('1.!:11'1.'8.-io Books ofJ, 2, and 8 quires eacb · • .

APl' lU:.N'fiCES1 11\0ENT(Jl{ES, Ste.\ &c; &e I •

• ~. A II desrriptione oJ tJ,-t>fol Prinlin~ execu• left lit ti re &hOrtt!bl OOlite 1 ULll Olt the: Ut<MJt F8U011• able lenue. ·

tJ f ~. ~r 1l 1 . Ll ~H' ' cnees of "-Rheu·•unti. in tb'ut Dr. 1'owrhr«sud'd 3or6 ... I • .Piiflillu lui~ curecf. . '1'h~ tubst 'st~vt:re ·;aild clarc:rnie

·. -:-.uso, iN BOND-:- · c~see nre w.etk~y ~e&llt~ied by ittt(e~trnord_iuory

OLD PORT W. INE· ...... ·Ytrtues. · ,, . . . '-. . , · · •1

,. .: ~um~s Cum.r,llings, ~q., one of the ·ossri •ont!l. in· • •. I • . , 'the Lua!ntic .t\~sylu.m, . Blu~k wel1'11 It-(auet, i• 'ibe /

In Quarter Casks ond Hugsl1t!ads, tchiclt J}jz be sold· geu~;uuti t-pokcu of in 1he following lc!tter :

low fur C(lsh. . . ' ' . Bla<!kwe.ll's- J~l~nd, Sew .. l4~ ·~7.) .' 4--:

HUNTERS &. CQ._ . ..,.:On • . Tow·N~E",NO-J>«'ttr · Si( : ·· I llave ·butfert>c:! ' JllnUI\ry ~: tf ternl•ly for II lilt: yt;~[f' witb ' tfae Kh.-:tt'rn.B1iflm ; .C~ri- . ·' ------------ -------·- side ruble oluty ti~liHco'ulll 'not eur, ,reep, .or ~olk. 1


I had the u11uosi distredtstiiK J•nlu~, .outJ the hmhs. L~NDING, were ter;ihly B~qlkt\. r lau'e uit:tit~ur J,Joule~ of .

Ex \VJ.nnton, ft·om Boston . . )'Our Snr~OIJllfll(u; l.llltl . th~y. huwe' dQne me UIQre • • .

30 CAS{\ ~ Dunlop's .. Albuny"~L tlrun orie tlaounml . •.lollars w.orth: of_ good ... ·, J ani . ' . I!O . tou~ h l.Je.tter-ttrtlettl, l.rrtn euurely relievet.l.

JOO Rnxcs Mould CAND ·, 's, You t· liltcrry ·to u.<Je tb \s tor thtrucpefil of tl,e R'~t, aatd lO's J\';. '· ic ed.-Your~; rei!p~t(ully., · ,,. ·

~00 Boxes RAISINS, 100 ~ 11·~1ile Salt.·......._. 1~-.- • • J .un::s GoMMJNGS.

• Fon SAL£ nv EAT llLESSING TO MO'f.Ht\RS .A..ND . DUG!iAN &: FO . ~. 'taULD.ttEN : .: . ' · ~ . Jnn. ~Q. ..

•TJ-~ E uuaxpi~d1

ihtPrnst ?f26 y~ar~, . itt n 1nv ELLING fJOU E, s•~

tuntf'd in )\·~to GplQCl' Sh·nt, front ­ing ~lr. l•~E JtGus's ; it is 2 1 ·r ... c t

uy 20 nnd iG fee l t'prtg ht,'nud con!nins two tf'n.emcnls .and is suhjt~tto tht! _gr~unu r f•n,t of £!) 9s. per year. The. principal part of tht! house fronts the elrf>ct, .aud is in n populous lucctlity ,, ond \veil suilco for husi nef:s ; it has n roomy Shop anti nn excellent (.:c!lnr, an<! i ~

·inn cnnntohle slnte-po~settsio n \\ill he ~iv­<.· n immPdiat~ly to·l\ purchusc>r; the second te· n<>me'ut sets for' se\·en prwnd~t n yeorl le nvill;! rhe olber uuJerthc non,inttl rt·nt of£~ !J~. per ycul'. The Hou-.., nnu prumi!>eS c~n he in .. spt·cted ell at,lJ time by npplyinl! to .l\lr . .Jou:"' AnDt_s,\vho now tJccupies it, nnd \\hO will givt.~ at1y information required, or JO ·

ED\VARD MORRIS I J l!nuary !). Notary Public.


A:-iO ~ l!lllli~~ ~[SJ lli.i .u ®o . .' .Fnr sole a\ ihis office.

Dr. Ton·atsend 's !lli:n·saparilla! WO~DER 1\~D BL&~SI~G OF THE AGE.

The- mo-'t 1\l«>dlclne In tfle ,,,. erld.

· Thituxtrnct i~ pu.t up in rtunrt hn'tt lefl: it il' J'li x rimel.i ·clrenper, pl~osanter, nntl wnr rn.utecl I"IIJler iur to ony sold. It CIJres w11hout vnmitiug, purginr:, sickeninJ!. or df..lltilitatiug tbfl Parieur. ·

T tiE l:!ren~ benury enrt surc-rinrity of thi" S"r;;n­purnln ow!r ""other mt,dirinPr< il', rlonr whil~

it ernd tt'IHf'lt 1 he di.~en:oP, lt j,,,. iporat('s 1 h,. t.ody. It is one of t!te <r~r'J llt'tH Sl'nt~G A ~D S u MM t: R

~1ti:nt C I Nr.s ever known ; it nut only purifie:t the ~ ltol., systom, nucl 8trrrt!!t1Hlntt rite J": r~:~o n , l11:J t it crf'ste:c OP\Y, pure, t•n•l rich l.Jiourl ; n pnwer po!4-~e.- sefl Ly uo otltt,r mf'cli r inP. And in rhi.-lie:; rl1e ttrnml e~erret of itlf Wflndel ful ~ure.:c:-s. It hrt'lol p•·r · orwr-U"\\itl in the ln! t fivP \' Pntt~,a~on~ thun. IOO.OOU

t'JJrelf of st.>Vere roses c>l ;li:'eall~; nt len:-t 15,000 were consielt•r~>d itwuru!IIP.. It bn~ t1avecl rh u lrve u('n or~ tlton &.OC.O chilc:rl'D ~uring the two IJilill

flen~w n!l. or GC'ftf'rnl D~bllitJ ood \Yna.r of Sf'rYoua Encray.

. Dr. Townsend'~ S r~ut pnrilln ii•vi~orntes ' the '"hole syetem JtCrtllnllently. To those "hu hn\'ts l011t Ll1f'ir mu!lrulur enerl(y hy rho offt•ere of mc•li t' ine nr itHti'~~retipn entlltfiittetJ in }'Ourh, or the ,,x­ceseive indul .. t!rfco of tlta ltoH•ion~ . lltH.I brou~tltt on u ger.P.rn l ph)':ucnl prostrntion of,he r. .. rvoua ~ys .. reo\, ln~:~sitttcl.,, .wont ot ambition, famciug sutiSH· rion~ , pret11nture dec·oy nn1l decl iue, hastening tO• . wards tile futol tl isernw, Consu.niption, cn11 he etf tirely .restored hy thil! pleat~ottt re111elly. This S~~r· t<ttpnrillu is far t-Uperior 10 oily hiiVICJAtftATJON C:ol\ .. DIAL, t\8 it r~newe Bnd invlgor.nt.ero t\(e S)Stern, gives (ICtivuy to the ltmhfl, and etr,..ngrlt 10 the c~uSc~.Jior tty~en•, in a most. e.\:traordinnry degree.

I '

CONSU~t PTION .CURED. ClennPII) ft11Cl S~ronethcn 1 Consumption cnn be cur­

eel, Bronchiiit~, · Coaunlmptiou, Li\·er Complairus, Cf)ffl,., Catarrh, Couph~, .1\.sthm Spiuing ul J:llood, Soren,.es in tho Cliest, ectic I<' lush, Nl~ht Swt'at!f, Difticoh or ProfutJefl!:.x11,J~ioroti1.1ri .Puio iu the ~uJ~,&c., bave bee aod cou be cured ..

SPl'fTING BtOOD. . ,

New York~ Auril28, 1847. Dll. 'l'ow~tsr.No-1 verily helm"c that your Saraa'

porill" hot heen ahe means, thro.ugla ,Providence, o( eoving my lile. I hoYe for sevPral years b~td a had Cou11t. It became worse ftnd won"' Ar last J reieed large quan:ie ies of hll)otJ, bad nitrht -ttwea r~, · nnd was greatly <Jeuiliated and reduced, aod d1d not t-xpeca to liie. J have oulv uatd ,YOUr Saraa• p11rillu n •hor& titue, God tbele t1ae been a wonder­ful :boug~ Wrongbl in mt'. &•am nCIW abl_, lO walk all one lbe city. I taiee !IO blood,1aod mJ coyah • t

It is-ttH; Fnft:st ntH.I nto~t effectunl qledic.ine.for purifying(the syl!oteru, aud _r~~itviug the suft~iu'-e ?llf' tlllnnr upcJh cltild .. l,Jr_l h ever . di~coveret.l. , Jt' t! trrng.r h l' tl :o~ l•oJb . th~ muther ~tn.J <"hi lei , prevent~ poiu IHil'l cJj~eu~c:, ir . cr~.a~cs oml tl1e lood, .

· ,hll t>. w het , lmvc u~ed it think it itt indi~penr-nble. Il i:t ~tield Jt·efu l IIOIIJ btfore tirtd nfu:r coutiu t! .. merll, u.:t it J>rtn·e n_ta c!iteuc<es nttcuduut upou ct11ltf .. binh-10 t:o:-tivenes~, Pilct~, <.:rnntp!i, S.welli:l~, of

,.rhe Fct:t, DcllJI(lllilt'ncy, .Hc:arthtun, Vouutiug, l'nin ul tJ ,e Hark und Luins, }tal:~e Pums, lltmorrt•'

·aJlt:, ""t.l in rt't!lllutlng tit*' ~ecretiona anti .. quHIIZ­in&! tt.e c.-irculatiou, 11 htt:~ nu equul. ~ 'ft•e grt:ait be:tuty of th itf rucdiciue ifl, it is ul way:s tmfu, ttntl th~ tunst dtdtcuta u:~e it m ost suct't~tkilully ; very fe.w en"es "11uire uuy othur mecl •cine, iu some u little Cns ror Od, nr 1\lugnel:lia, i:s U:lt;IU I. .t:xerctse iu lite opert vir, nnd light foot.l ~irh tbi:t weqrcwe, \\ill olwn)8 t! I•Sure" ae fe uud ettt<~y cotttinenu~nt.


Ur:AU'J;Y AND HEALTJI. C'ol'lmet i ~Jt , Chalk, and a v :u iety of pr~p•Hntions

~,· etwrully i n use, \'"hell DJ•Vluul 10 th~ fuce , VCJ r y t~oun spoil it o f it~J bt'&tuy. Th('y cl! ~e th~ pored of tl•t' .. kin, unci rheck tlte cuculutwn, w btch, when uRturu i 1101 tlt wnrtt<l by tlreatte or po""<.Je r, nr tlte t-kin iuflnmed lty tilt' alkult~~ uset.l IU ~CJnp~, l1~nut rfit:rt it!S 0)\'11 prod•;c 111111 111 the " huwaw fuce 01\ ine," as "t!ll te:t i:-a the gnrden of ri ·h anc.J c!t:li .• racely riur.-J 11nd vttric·~"rttl flower~ . A fret", 11•:1ivu null llt-ulthy cin·ulu iuu ol th~ tluicls, or the •:uorsir.g ol rlte Jture nch hlootl to the ~xtaeu1111es, t:~ tltnt. wluch ~·uiute the couutemwce iu thtt nw:ot e:<qusue beau t~. Jt i::! rluu \\ trich uuvarrs the . .,,_ tl t~Jc r i l~~tltltj :~hucle~ a nd fl ,, l1e&~ of luw t: lrnee:s tlual 111l ntlwir•·, l tU t u•m t: l'un clel.'ct ilu~. 'l'l•llf heuuay tl" tbc ,otf,.p ri r•~ ol t1ature--raul '>I pou:dtr or 31Jop. lft~lt(e tl'l rllll lt fr~t~ Ultd he11l11ty Cll\: ululloll lber~; l:f Ill) lt~ nu t y. If lht: lntly is lair liS rJrive:u 111111" J it eot'" Jlllillt , 111111 U~>P. CVI'tll t'I1Ct'1 lHic.l tl e lJiuud ll'l tiJ .rk, cu ld n111l iiiiLrUtt·, sbc i!.-1 IIOl l •~tiUtiful. J1 rl • ~ I u hru~ n or \ 'Allow, nutl ttt~re 1:1 t•u re 81111 ac. 1vts hluvd . tl ~iv~~<. u n ch t.luo ut 111 tilt! clu:.,kc~, uut.l u to th., t!) t!~ 111111 i:t lat~cu•ur t•>t;· •

Th il'l '" \\ lty th~beru, and CtlJ'eciully tltc Spuuil'lt luet ie•tt, 11re eo Jttudl adnur '=cl. L •Jdt• s 111 tho 11or1h wl.o tnl.t~ _J , u~t llt tlt: t· ~crcite, or art; t:orflillttl 111 clu~e 1 00111~, or IIII Vtl 1-JIIIrled tht ir comf•lexwu-t ·, IJy lhu aiJVIil'tiiiOtl ol Clt·lt' t ~ rili U l! lllt~ I Utel', It thty wt:-h I(J . regniu t:l14~tL~• I) of 8lt-p, l1UU.)Hftt SlJifll~~ •

Fflllrkltrtg t!,'VI::< 1 tlllcl },euuttful cutuiJI,f.XIOfl:t1 tf1ey 11h ou ttl n:~e Hr. Towu~~::ml':~ ~reH p~trillo. .'.Fhvu .. ""!"1!1 who hn•1a lrt t-d it, ure wore tlmu eatiali~;cl, ure delighted. Lutliea of ev~::ry statiou crowtJ our offic·e d.Hiy. ~

This rerti ntt1 t·or ~lusiYely' vroves Jltnt lf,ia S11r· 1!'8 purillo ·hn~t erl t>ct c~11 ul u Vt:r the urci:H o!>slit•ate cltscaSt"tS ol t t~ l ·lol)tl. 'llueto lJt:tltut.:. cured tu .uut: ltuuoe 111 UO\trftt!tJentc:lJ. ~~

TH ll!!:t; CHILl)~ --) . . DR. TowNdF.ND...:.. He~tr ~ir: rhuve the 'rteesure

ro ire lor ua yuu tlmt tltree of uiy c l1 tlclren h~eve lJeen curt!cl otA~te '.)crulula y the u e of your rucelteut med•ciue: 'J l1ey ~er offl tcted nrysevert:ly "'llh b3d Sort!S ; ha\'e tnk 1 ouly lour hotil~::.; 1t took chem UWII}, for wlu 1 l 'fe"l wy:~t:lf uutJ~r gat4t obllgut iou. · ' •

Yuurs, respe~l u Jh·, • l sA,AC w. CJ~AJN, lOG, . \Vooster-Etreer.


Dr. Towusoncl is uhuost dttily rtceivlut! orders ' rom Ph)SICi·Hf~ 111 cl tflercnt JIDti::J of the Uuion.

J Ius 1 10 ct~rtaly thut we,tltc uut.l«Jrdigne•! J'hyo;. ciuns of the city of :AI}tnny,huvc muun~crous cu~tes preecr iucd J>r. ~)·owuseua-tt ::>nrs~tpnnllo,uucJ be1tevo tt 1o 'ba one of tbe htosl vuluulll~ prepnrati~rra 10 the Ulllrbet. . 11. J'. l'OLJNG, 1\J.D.

J~ \VH.SON 1 ~1.U" • ~ I R. !II. BRI008, ~I.D.

# ,}~ • • B. J:;L~Et\,DOJit', t\1, D. Alunny, April 1, 1847! .

. ~'1. STEW AR.'f & Co., . Ageota (or Newfoundland •

.The ohove Preparationtfor •nle ~t,he »rug•store . .of rl\tr. \V , L. ,\PKAY, Sr. Johns,u'*' b . llr, U. H. \VE.LSH,Cnrt.onear, · .. \ , : RU'l'll Eltl<'OttO UR01I'HEKS, Harbour Graee. 1\lr. \\'11. HOLDEN, Brigue. '

~ .

'filE ~lllllNING. UUURffill, rrintecJ .and Puhlished hy~ JIPU WoO'Da, at h.

01lic-e in 1\Jr. R. O'Dw Ell'S. flrict hmjdingt1 · lieck'a. Cove·, Wut~r 8t eet, every 'ro&ao.n,

'JlU URSDA.T, O•nd 13.&TlJR.D 1' mo ttiJ• 1 • . ...,. T.ertns-TWEI'fTY Ss'ILLJNO~. Curnncy per annum ·

' . -BOOK ~ND· JOB Pl\IIJ'TIJiG Ne~tly Executed~; the Office, of the· ~loul.ttO

·CouRI&R, ot the aluwttat flotice the nat,., ' ~of lhe tDork trill culmil of;·

I ~

I • ! I